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r The completet exts t-fT husS pokeZ arathusrra,T iuilight I I of thel dol.s.T heA ntic'lrri.s/a,n dN ietz.schceo ntra Wagner I o Aclrlitionals o.hctionsf rorn Human, lltTo,t-Humttn;' rhe Duv,n:B eyondG ood und Evil;Tbward a Gene*lo,q.rr$' Morals; EcceH omo; ando therw orkso tr-etterasn d not,ls Covtr desigrth t Neil Strurr (-rtv'crJ tlu;togruph b-rJ- oseph Mttrt'ullrI lnsrt pluilrt bt'l ht IJettmattnA t t-hive 057- '' t] o 2''^aI b"ei fv,,6 P^'' ^r'"{n"i',t<( nn )n'T4, ,rt M1 ll;rfir+ H'; ot 'nmlns'th it +'' [ues)n11 (^r Jn/ J(ie4f( 4qt rAft o11G ) o:, ,lnnL,+d: 4so \,,iI | 2-l*,+; Vrta 6 rtl a'4(-' ];ryr;r 4 , o-i,ft|"ot,I, l^ u :' ttJ-T ? ^I;' h rrnj-t rs p/ien jhn n.,l,, Y-l Iwlta-,,-h: f e Il,t " aJ 1 lzls/*S q71 Wh: wYwv vt4ttutrtfi#lQ{Aa orl 1"'t .Y4:, 5[t Co*g,'n.,1,r6r"] -ryf{y :T#-r fr,h SbL iaE ' - * L PENGUIN BOOKS THE PORTABLEN IETZSCHE Eacvho luinm eTh e VikiPnogrt abLlieb rary eitheprr esean trse presenstealteicvtei on from thew orkosfa s ingloeu tstanwdriintge r oro ffersc omprehenasnitvheo lono gay specsiuaab lj Aevcetr.a g7i0np0ga geisnl ength andd esigfnoecrdo mpactnaneds rse adabU­ ityth,e sbeo oksfil l neendo mtet byo ther compilaAtllia oranee sd .i tbeydd i stinguished authoriwtihesoh, a vwriett en introductory essaaynsdi nclumduecdho thehre lpmfula ­ terial. "'The VikinPgo rtablheasvd eo nmeore for goorde adainndgg oowdr ittehrasan n ything thath acs omael onsgi nIcc ea nr emember." -Arthur Mizener THEV IKSIoNmPGeVO oRlTuAmBeLsLE I iBnR ARY MARK TWAIN EditebdyB ernarDde Voto. x RABELAIS o1s.oao Selectanedd translatbyeS da muePlu tnam. 8 EMERSON 015.02.1 EditebdyM arkV anD oren. BLAKE 015.oo as EditebdyA lfreKda zin. THOREAU o1s.o9 a6 EditebdyC arBlo de. CHEKHOV 015.0S3 1 Selectaedn dtra nslatbedy A vrahYma rmolinsky. 8 PLATO 015.S0 3 Editebdy S cottB uchanan. VOLTAIRE 015.40 40 EditebdyB enR ayR edman. a MILTON 015.041 Editedb yD ouglBauss h. ROMAN READE0R 15.074 4 EditebdyB asil Davenport. CERVANTES 015.o0 56 Editebdy S amuePlu tnam. GIBBON 015.095 7 Editebdy D ero A.S aunders. AGE OF REASONR EAD0E1R5 .o96 o Editebdy C ranBer inton. THE GREEKH ISTO0RI1A5N.S03 6 3 Editedb yM . Finley. I. x VICTORIANR EAD0E1R5 .065 Editebdy G ordoSn. H aight. a JUNG 015.069 Editedb yJ osepCha mpbell. ARTHUR MILLERo 1s.6o 7o EditebdyH aroldC lurman. NABOKOV 015.40 71 EditebdyP ageS tegner. THOMAS JEFFER0S1O5N .0o7 3 Editedb yM errilDl.P eterson. CHAUCER 015.30 80 Editeadn dt ranslbaytT ehdeo dorMeo rrison. Reviseeddi tion. 1 BERNARDS 0HA1W5 .o81 Editebdy S tanlWeeyi ntraub. 015.0o9 0 PENGUINB OOKS Publisbhyte hdPe e nguGirno up VikiPnegn guIinnc 4.0,W e s2t3 rSdt reNeetw,Y orNke,w Y or1k0 010, PenguBiono kLst d2,7W r ighLtasn eL,o ndoWn8 sTZE,n glaUn.dS .A. PenguiBno okAsu strLatldiR,ai ngwoVoidc,t oAruisat,ral ia PenguBioonk sC anadLat d2,8 J0oh1n Street, MarkhaOmn,t arCiaon,a dLa3 R1 B4 PenguBiono k(sN .ZL.t)d1 ,8 2-W1ai9r0Ra oua d, Auckland1 0N,ew Z ealand PenguBiono kLstd ,R egistOeffirceeds : Harmondsthw,Mo irddleEsnegxl,a nd First pubilnti hsehU endi teSdt atoefAs m erica by TheV ikinPgr es1s9 54 Paperbouenddi tipounb lis1h9e5d9 Reprin1t9e5d9 ( twic1e)9,6 0( twic1e9)6,1 ( thrtimeees ), 1962( twic1e9)6,3 ( twic1e9)6,4 ( twic1e9)6,5 ( twice), 1966( twic1e9)6,7 ( twic1e9)6,8 ( thrtiemee s)1,9 69( thrteiem es), 1970( thrteiem es1)9,7 1( thrteiem es1)9,7 2( thrteiem es), 19731,9 74( twice),11997756, PublisihneP de nguBiono k1s9 76 Reprint1e9d 7179,71 89,7x 9g,81 og,,81 1g8(t2w ic1e9)8, 3, 1984,1985,1986,1987,1988 Copyrig1h9tb5y T4 h eV ikiPnregs sIn,c . Copyrigth© TheV ikiPnregs sI,n c1.9, 68 Copyright© renewe1d9 b8y2V i kiPnegn guIincn. Alriglh reserved. ts LIBRARY OF CONGRESCSA TALOGINGP 'OliLICATION 1N DATA NietzscFhrei,e drWiiclhh el1m8,4 4-1900. Thep ortabNliee tzsche. Reprionftt h e1 954e d.p ublisbhyeT dh eV ikiPnrge sNse,w whicwha si ssuase dn o.6 2o fV ikipnogrt abllieb raYryo.r k, Bibliography: p. 688. Philosophy-Cowlolrekcst.Te idt le. 1. (B3312.E5129K736 ) 193 I7.6 -47577 ISBNo 140 15.062 5 Printientd h eU niteSdt atoefAs m erica KinsgporPtr esIsn,c K.i,n gspoTretn,n besys ee Seti nL inotyCpael edonia Except inth e UniteSdt atoefAs m erica, thibso oki ss olsdu bjetcott h ec ondition thaitts h anlolt b,y w ayo ft radoero therwise, bel enrte,· sohlidr,eo du to,ro therwciisrec ulated withotuhtep ublishperri'ocsro n seinnat n yf ormo f bindionrcg o ver otthhaetnrh aitnw hicihti s publisahnedwd i thoaus ti micloanrd ition includtihnicgso nditbieoinni gm posed ont hseu bsequpeunrtc haser ToE DITKHA UFMANN Wenne'taw agsi bgte,w agelrta 'ldsa sS chicksal, Soist 'dae Mru td,e ru'nae rschtUrtatgetr.t EIBEL -G Acknowleedngtms All ttrhaen slaitni otvnhosil su maer e neexwc,e fpotsr ome passatgheasht a vep revioaupspleya rienmd y Nietzsche: PhilosPospyhcehro,lA ongtiiscthPr,ri inscteU.tno inv ersity Preshsa sg enerougsilvyep ne rmissfoirot nh eiurs eh ere. Bute vetnh espea ssahgaevsbe e erne visaendd,w, h erever feasiIb hlaev,me a dea vailaobtlheea rp horiasnmdls e tters i�?-Steaodf r eprodumcaitnegr ailarle aadvya ilaibntl hea t book. Int heI ntroducatnidoen d itomraitatlte oro P,r inceton UniversPirteysh sa sk indlpye rmitrteeldi aonnc em y NietzBsucthw hee.r etahsa bto oks ougthtoe xplotdhee legenwdosv eanr ounNdi etzscahnedt oa nalytzheeb reak witWha gnetrh,er elattioLo onu S alomaen dt oh issi ster, thfien amla dneasnsd,a, b ovael hli,ps h ilosoppshyyc,h ology, andc ritioqfCu her istitahneei dtiyt,o mraittaelir n t hper es­ envto lumhea sb eewnh olsluyb ordinatthetedr atnos lations. Nietzschhiem seilstf os peaakn,dn ol engtehdyi torreiflaelc ­ tiosnese mewdo rtahc orresponcduiitnn tg h sep acael lotted toh im. Ia mg reaitnldye bttoeP dr inceUtnoinv erfsoiart y ye ar's leavoefa bsenwchei,c ehn ablmeed,a monogt hetrh ings, toc omplettheiv so lumteoJ; e aYno ltofno,rg enerohueslp witphr oofasn;dt oH azealn dF eliKxa ufmannm,y wife andm y brothfeormr,a nyh elpfcurlit icpiasrmtsi,c uolfar ly translaotfiZ oanr athustra. my W.K.

The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have fascinated readers around the world ever since the publication of his first book more than a hundred years ago. As Walter Kaufmann, one of the world’s leading authorities on Nietzsche, notes in his introduction, “Few writers in any age were so full of ideas,
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