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The Portable Jung PDF

703 Pages·1976·7.674 MB·English
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PENGUINB OOKS THE PORTALBEJ UNO Borni nN ewY orikn1 90J4o,s eCpahm pble l earnehdi Bs. A. Ma.nAdd.e graetCe osl um­ biian 1 92a5n d1 92H7e.w enotn sttou dy medieFvraeln acnhdS anskartti htue n iver­ sitoifPe asr ainsdM unicahn,id tw asi nt he latctietrty h ahteb ecaamceq uaiwnittehd thweo rokf J ungR.e turtnoit nhgUe n ited Staatetts ht ei moeft hger eDaetp ression, he visiCtaeldi fo(rnwihaeh reme e tJ ohSnt ein­ becankd thbei oloEgdiR sitc tkse)tta,u ght atth e CanterSbcuhrooyl a,n di,n I 9 34, jointehdel iterdaetpuarret amteS natr ah LawrenCcoel leag peo,s hte r etaifnoerd many yearst.h e1D 9u4ra0insnd' g s ohse, helpSewda mNii khilatnota rnadnasth lea te UpanisahnaddT hse G ospeolf S riR ama­ krishnPa.r ofesCsaomrp belnlu'mse rous bookisn clTuhdee He row itha Thousand FacesM:y thst oL iveB y:T heF ligohftt he WildG andera: four-vosltuumdTeyh ,e Maskso fG od:a ndT heM ythiIcm ageI.n addittoiTh oe nP onablleu ngh,e e ditThee d PonabAlrea bian NiHgehd tisei.d n1 987. TheP ortable !tJUNG� Editweidta,hn I ntrodbuyc tion, JOSEPH CAMPBELL TranslbaytR e.Fd . C .H ull PENGU IN BOOKS PENGBOOUKSI N Publisbyh tedhP ee nguGirno up U.S.A. VikiPenngg uiInn c4.0,W es2t3 rdS treNeetw,Y orkN,e wY or1k00 10, PenguBioonk s Lt2d7W, r ighLtasn e, LoWn8d soTnZ ,E ngland PenguBiono kAsu straLltidRa,i ngwoodV,i ctoAruisa,t ralia PenguBioonk sC anadLat d2,8 0J1o hSnt reet, MarkhaOmn,ta riCoa,n adLa3 R1 B4 PenguBioonk s( N.ZL.t)d 1,82 -19W0a irau Road, Auckla1n0d,N e wZ ealand PenguiBnoo ksL tdR,e gistOeffirecde s: HarrnondswortMhi,d dlesex, England Firpsutb lisihnte hdUe n itSetda toefAs m erica byV ikiPnegn guIinnc1 .9 71 Reprin1t9e7d(2 t wic1e9)7,(3 t wic1e9)7,(4 t wic1e9)7,5 , 1976 PublisihnPe edn guBiono k1s9 76 IS 17 19 20 18 16 TheC o/lecteWdo rkso fC . lGu.n tgr,ans altedb yR . FH.u lClp.,u b­ lishebdy P rincetUonni versPirtesys a sB ollingSeenr ieXsX , isc ov­ eredb yt hef ollowicnogp yrighVtOsL:U ME6 copyrig©h tP rinceton UniveriPsrteys sI,9 7IV,O LUME7 copyrigIh9t5 3b yB ollingFeonu n­ datioInn,c V.O LUME7 ,s econedd itiocno,p yri©g htB ollingFeonu n­ datioInn,c .1,9 66V.O LUME8 copyrighBto©l lingFeonu ndatiIonnc,. , 1960V.O LUME8 ,s econedd itiocno,p yrig©h tP rincetUonni versity PressI,9 69V.O LUME9 ,P artI ,c opyrig©h tB ollingFeonu ndation, Inc.1,9 59V·O LUME9 , PartI ,se conde ditiocno,p yri©g htB ollingen FoundatioInn,c .1,9 69V.O LUME9 ,P artI Ic,op yrig©h tB ollingen FoundatioInn,c .1,9 59V.O LUME1 0c opyrig©h tB ollingFeonu nda­ tionI,n c.I,9 64V.O LUME1 0,s econedd itiocno,p yrig©h tP rinceton UniversiPtrye ss1,9 70V.O LUME1 1 copyrig©h tB ollingFeonu nda­ tionIn,c ., I9S8V.O LUMEI I ,s econedd itiocno,p yrig©h tP rinceton UniversiPtrye s1s9 69V.O LUMEn copyrig©h tB ollingFeonu nda· lionIn,c .,I 9531.9 68V.O LUME1 5c opyrighBto©l lingFeonu ndation, Inc.I,9 66V.O LUME1 7c opyrigIh9t5 4b yB ollingFeonu ndatioInn,c . CopyrighVti©k inPge nguIinnc 1.9,7 1 Allr ighrtess erved LIBRAROYFC ONGRESCSA TALOGIINNGP UBLICATIODNA TA JungC,a rlG ustavI,8 75-19T6h1e.p ortabJluen g. Reprionftt he1 971e d.p ublishbeydT heV ikinPgr esNs,e w York, whichw asi ssueadsn o.7 0o ft heV ikinpgo rtabllieb rary. Bibliograpp.h6 y5,1 . 1.P sychoanalIysC.ias m.p bellJ,o sephI,9 04-ll. Title. [BFI73.J6169l7)6 ] 1501'9 '5408 76-440ll ISBN0 140 15.067 0 Printiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica Seti nL inotyTpei mesR oman Page6 6c0o nstitaunte exst ensiooftn h icso pyrigphatg e. Contents Edirt'Iosn troduction vii Chronology xxxiii PA RT I 1.T hSet aogfLe sie f 3 2.T hSe trucoft uPrtsehye c he 23 3·I nstainntdch Uten conscious 47 4·T he Coonftc heCepo tl leUcnctoinvsec iou59s 5·T heRe altiBoentsw teheEeng aon d the Unconscious 70 6.A ioPnh:e nomeonfto hlSeoe glyf (hTeE got,hS eh adtohwSe,y z:y gy AnmiaA/nim)u s 139 1·M arraisaa Pg sey choRleolgaitciaoln s1h6i3p 8.P sycohgoiTlcyaple s 178 PA R TI I 9·T hTer anscFeunndcetnito n 273 10.O n tRheel aotfAi noanl yPtsiyccahlto ol ogy Poetry 301 11 .I nvdiidlDu raeam SyimnRb eollaittsoim o n Alchemy 323 12T. hSep irPirtoubaollfMe omd eMrann 456 13T. heD ifferBeentcweEe aesnt aenrnWd e stern Thinking 480 P A RT I I I 14O. nS ynocnhiyrc it 15A. nswteoJr o b Appendix EditoIrn'trso duction Thefi rtsat sokna, p proascuhcaihm no gb imloedo eflt he livpisnygca hsCe a rGl.J nug'msu,sb tet ob ecofmaem iliar asq uicakspl oys swiibtlihetv sa riaTbolt ehsei.ns dI havoep entehdai nst howliotpghay p eirnst rodtuhcei ng elemetnetararmnystd h emeJsu nopgfs' ysc hoOlnocgey . acquaiwnitttehhd e stehr,ee adweirlb lep repatroe d ranagetw iltlh roTuhgehC ollecWtoerdk sa;n dm y secoanidm , consheabqseu eetnnop t rloyv,ai udsea ble guitdote h tarte aosflu erayr FnoiJrnnu gg.w anso otn ly a medicabl uatms acnh oilnta hrge r asntdy wlheo,s e researpcahretsi,ci unlc aormlpyar mayttiohvgoeyl al,­ chemayn,td h pes ychoolfro eglyi hgaivoiennp ,si raendd augmetnhtfieend d ionfga sna stonniusmhbioenftrg h e leadcirnegas tcihvoeol foa urtrsi mEev.i deonftc hewi isl l bef ouinndt hfeo rtyv-ooldudam lerse paudibysl hoefd thceo nutigin Enrnaosa-hJrbuscehr iwehse,sr1et atnhde 1E ranos-Jahrb(iicZhiuecrr:h Rheni-Verl1a9g--3,3 ). Sixv o­l umeosf s elecptaepdeh rasvb ee epnu bliisnhE endg luinsdhem,ry editortsrhainps,bl yaR taeldpM ha nehimP,a perfsr omt heE ranos YearbookBso,l liSnegreiXneX sX (NewY orkP:a nthBeooonk s, 19.5 149.5 1597.5 1690, 196146,99 ). vii vii:Ei d tiorI'ntsr oduction contriobfsu otmiteow hnous n dmrajeodsr c horleanrdse,r ­ ing moaftt theesripsre cfiiealld s liingo hftt-h aaens d rleevtao-ntth ceu let-uhrissttourdoiifCce aasrlG l .J ung. Myfi naali ma,c cordhianbsge letynop, r ovidae such primaenhrda ndbtooJo uk'n swg rittihnaigftsr eaa der wiplrlo cfeaeidt hffruotlmhl fieyr psatg teo ltahshete , wielmle rngoeot n ly aws iutbhs tuanndteiraslot fa nding AnalyPtsiyccahlob luoatgl ysw,oi tah n ewr ealization oft hree levoafn cmteyh tehl iocor fea lple optlohe iss owpns ychoolpoumgsai gcnauolmfI ndividuation. I.C hildhaonodSd t udeYneta r(s1 875-1900) CarGlu stJauvnw ga bso rJnu 2l6y,1 875,i nK esswil, SwitzeornLl aakCneod n,s tHainpsca et.eg rrnaanld father, aftwehro hme w ansa mehda,md o vefdr oGme rmainny 1282w, heAnl exavnodHneu rm boolbdttaa inan pepdo int­ menftoh ri amsp rofeosfss ruogrea rtty h Uen iveorfs ity BaseHlif.s a thJeorh,aP nanu Alc hiJlulne(gs814 2- 1896)w,a asc· l ergaynmhdai mnso, t hEemri,Pl rieei swerk Jun(1g 8 4189-23w)a,t sh dea ugohftal eorn g-lheiessdt ab Basfealm iWlhyet.nh beo wya fso uhrip,sa remnotvse d to Klein-nHeiiaBnrai sanenglide,wt n a ,ts h ehrieesd uca­ tiboeng Hainfs.a tthaeurhg ihmt Lathiimnso, t haenrd, ash e tienavl ollsu omfe olrde-macigeneni cMseemso,r ies, Dreasm,R ee{fct.iornesat,doh iomf e xorteilci fgrioomn s ani lslturacthdeirdle bno'ostk ow, h ihceh conrset­antly turtnoev di ewwi tfha sciintpasit citoounfHr iensgd oud s. Durienagry loyu tJhu,n g tohfoa urgchhta eaosl ogy ac areTehreo.l toogioytn,,e rehsitme,d tnhoiotnhu igsh fathseern'fssoet r;h c eo ncoefCp htr ilseita f'ss s tohlee decifseiavtieun r et heo fGd ordaa nmda mraeng ahred ed asb elyCihnrgio swtnt' esa cthhianttghH eo lGyh ost woutladk hei psl aacmeo ng amfethnei rds e atHhe . regaJredseaudsas m anh;e neciet,fh aelrlo irab m leer e mouthopfit ehHceoe lG yh owshto,i, n twuar"sna m· a,n i­ festoaftt hiioenn c oncGeoidv.a"b le EdtiorI'nst rodu:c tiixo n Oned ya,i n ltbihreao rfy c aoe lglcel assfmaatthee'rs, thqeu eisnytgo ucthha nocnae s dm allo nsb poiorki tualistic phenomtehnaiatm maetdeiclayu gahntda b sorhbiemd; fotrh peh enomdeensac rwiebrlekeide t hoosfse t ories heh abde ehne aritnhge iScnwo iusntssr niycsceih diel d­ hooFdu.r thehremk onreetw,h asti mrit laalweesrr ee ­ porftreodam lp la rotfts h weo rTlhde.cy o unlodbt et he prodoufcr tesl isguipoieutrsiss otinnr,cei elg itoeuanscg hsi dieffr athnedas cec owuenrtaesle i.Tk hemyu sbtec on­ nectheetd h, ouwgihhtt t,h oeb jecbteihvaeov fit ohre psycIhnet.e irgetnseithde ,r ea�da venobuuastml oyn;g hifsr iehneed nsc toeurnoendlr ye sisttoa sntuchbeej a e ct, curihoaurrsde, s istthaaanmtzca eehd i m. "Ih ad fteihenelg h,e" dec"ltahIrah etasp d,u shteod thber ionftk h weo lrdw;h awta osfb urniiennrtget somt e wansu alnlvd o ifdoo rt hearnesdv, e anc ause of dread. Dreaodfw haIt c?o ufilnddn oe xplanfaottrhi iosn. Aftaeltrlh ,e ren owtahpsir negpro ousst ewaonrdl kdi-nsgh a int hied etaht ahte re bmeei vgehwntht isoc vhe rstepped thleii mtceadt egoofsr piaetcmsiee a,,n cda usAanliimtayl.s werken owtnos enbseef orsethoaranmndesd a rthquakes. Thewreer der eawmhsi ch ftohrdeee saoatfwhc ertain perscolnoswc,hk issc tho paptte hdme o meonftd eath, glaswsheissc hha rtetadet t hcer ialtm iocmeAnlttl.h ese thihnagds beefno grtr aaknetnte hdwe o irnol fdm y childAhnodo d.nIo w wa sa ppartehnoetn llpyye rson whoh ad eveorft hh.eeI manar ldl earIan seksetdn ess mysfew lhakti nodfw odr lhIa sdt umbitlnoeP.dl ainly thuer bwaonr klnde nwo thaibnogtu hte cowuonrtldr,y three waolr olfmd o untwaoiondassn,,d e rrosifa,v n imals an'dG odt'hso ug(hpatlnsta'sn cdr ystIaf losut)nh.di s exapnlatcioomnf orAttai lnelgv .e nittbs o,l stmeyr ed self-esteem." What decyioduesndcg h toohlfpia hsroi slophbiecnatl toe ntmeerd ihcainsno eat s,f aarsI k nobwe,e tno lIdt. wapso sstihbielm yp omsoidnoegfhl ivse rdsyint giuished grandfoafHt uhmebro ltditmB'eus.ht e h ahsi msdeel­f scritbhesedt range etvuernnhteisdm ,tt hhlieana t s t

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