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THE POPE SPEAKS INDEX TO VOLUME 45 (Numbers 1-6, 2000) This index can be removed and bound with issues of Volume 45 i y a ire SB a 4. A~- Se7a 7 ere ‘ 2. fe me & v3 em | ~ -” eg ~ | teal ee I ' 32B THE POPE SPE/ Documents, Addresses, Patient” — 321-322 International Symposium of study on the Theological Works Inquisition — 224, 236 A Interreligious meeting — Jewish, Christ- Ad Gentes Divinitus, Decree on the Church’s ian, Muslim — in Jerusalem — 286- Missionary Activity, Vatican II — 81, 91, 288 108, 170 Jan Hus Symposium — 205-206 Ad Limina Addresses to Bishops of the Ger Marriage and the Family, Participants in many 165-169 a study week on — 44-48 Addresses Media professionals 336-339 College of Cardinals, 1973, Paul VI Representatives of non-Christian Reli- Newlyweds, 1942, Pius XII 266 gions, Madras (1986) — 85 Roman Rota, 1942, Pius XII 266 Roman Rota — 263-267 Second Vatican Council, opening speech Sixth Plenary Assembly of the Federation on second session, 1964, Paul VI of Asian Bishops’ Conferences — 66, 229 63 Addresses of Pope John Paul II Sixth Symposium of European Bishops Balzan Prize award i80 - Centre de l’Organisation europeenne Synod of Bishops of the Syro- Malabar pour la recherche nucleaire, Geneva Church (1996) — 95 (1982) — 236 UN Secretary General — 300-302 Communications Specialists, Los Angel ics, Ad Romanos, Prooem, St. Ignatius of Antioch Sept. 15, 1987 349 223 Confederation of Family Advisory Adversus Haereses, St. Irenaeus of Lyons — Bureaus of Christian Inspiration 194, 236 112 Aetatis Novae, pastoral instruction, Pontifical Congress on the Family and the Integra Council for Social Communications — tion of Disabled Children and Ado 114, 340, 341, 349 lescents — 170-172 All Under Christ (1980) — 155 Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy Annus Internationalis Familiae, Congregation See — 257-262 for the Doctrine of the Faith — 356 Doctrinal Congregation regarding Apologeticum, Tertullian — 323-324 Christ’s universal mediation — 268 Apostolic letter for the third centenary of the 270 union of the Greek-Catholic Church of Egyptian churches — 277-279 Romania with the Church of Rome — 328- Fifth anniversary of Evangelium Vitae 335 271-273 Arcanum, encyclical, Leo XIII (1880) — 266 Fiftieth General Assembly of the UN Ascent of Mount Carmel, The, St. John of the (1995) — 178, 179 Cross 370 Fourth General Conference of CELAM 5 B Holocaust survivors at Yad Vashem Behold Your Mother, Woman of Faith, Nation- Holocaust Museum, Israel — 284-285 al Conference of Catholic Bishops — 210, Hungary, Baneasa Airport, Bucharest 211 (May 7, 1999) 332 Benedict XIV, Pope — 371 In his native town of Wadowice — 27-31 Book of Concord — 147, 152 International Congress on the “Fetus as Building Bridges: Gay and Lesbian Reality and INDEX TO VOLUME 45 the Catholic Church — 369 many and the LWF Germar Committee — 155f P c Confession texts of the Bible —215, 216, 217 Canticle of the Creatures, St. Francis of Assisi Credo of the People of God 1968), Paul V1 —— 203 220 Carmen, St. Paulinus of Nola — 222 Criteria for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Casti Connubii, encyclical, Pius XI (1930 Cooperation in Communications, Pontifi- 266 cal Council for Social Communications Catecheses of John Paul II 353 Church Asks Forgiveness for It’s Children’s Cu noi este Dumnezeu, Rom Sins — 216, 227, 231 331 God the Father, 17th in series (the reality of heaven) — 32-34 God the Father, 18th in series (the reality of De Civitate Dei, St. Augustine hell and the danger of damnation) 35-36 De Doctrina Christiana, St. Augustine God the Father, 19th (purgatory and our need De Ecclesiae Catholicae unitate, St. Cyprian for purification) — 37-39 99 God the Father, 23rd (the Church asks pardon De Oratio Dominus, St. Cypri for Her children’s sins) — 49-50 De Trinitate, St. Augustine God the Father, 25th (the renewal of penance De virginitate, St. Ambrose 222 and the maturity of ecclesial life) — 52-54 Declaration on Communion for divorced and God the Father, 26th (the community dimen- remarried, Pontifical Council for Legislative sion of sacramental reconciliation) — 55- Texts 356-358 J/ Decree on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Catechism of the Catholic Church — 4, 6, 9, 11 Council of Trent 357 17, 18, 20, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 92, 220, 221, Decretum de lustificatione, Ecumenical Coun 356 cil of Trent — 38 Centesimus Annus, encyclical, John Paul II — Decretum pro Graecis, Ecumeni 177, 195, 342, 345, 349 Florence 3 Christ, the Door of Our Salvation, last Christ- Decretum de Purgatorio, 38 mas greeting of the millennium (Urbi et Dei Verbum, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Orbi) — 182-184 Revelation, Vatican II — 6, 168, 267, 371 Christifideles Laici, apostolic exhortation, John Deutsche Reichstagsakten (1893 211 Paul II — 92, 101 Diary, John XXIII, Aug. 17 , 1959, Fatima secret Church and Justification (1994) — 146 - 364 Code of Canon Law — 351, 356, 357 Didache 283 Commentary on the Letter to the Romans, St. Dies Domini, Easter Vigil, apostolic letter, John John Chrysostom — 196 Paul II — 80, 81, 166 Common Christological Declaration, Paul VI Dignitatis Humanae, Declaration on Religious and Coptic Pope Shenouda III (1973) — Liberty, Vatican II — 42, 85, 91, 231 278, 279 Dignity of Older People and Their Mission in Communio et Progressio, Pontifical Council the Church and in the World (1998) — 194 for Social Communications — 341, 342 Dives in Misericordia, encyclical letter, John Condemnations of the Reformation Era — Do Paul II 13, 15, 16, 7 They Still Divide? (1986) — 146, 154, 155f Dominum et Vivificantem, encyclical letter, — Position paper of the Joint Committee John Paul II — 77, 80, 81 of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ger- Donum Vitae — 46, 321 32D THE POPE SPEAKS E 342 Ecclesia in America, apostolic exhortation, Gift and Mystery, John Paul IIT — 324 John Paul II — 260, 345 Gospel and the Church, Joint Lutheran-Roman Ecclesia in Asia, apostolic exhortation, John Catholic Study Commission Report (1972) Paul II — 65-121, 260 — 146 Ecclesiae de Mysterio, instruction, Congrega Growth in Agreement, Report of the Joint tion for the Clergy — 9, 20 Lutheran-Roman Catholic Study Commis- Ecclesia Mater chez les Peres des trois premiers sion (1984 146, 149, 155 siecles (1964), Karl Delahaye — 222 Ecclesiam Christi (1853), Pius IX — 330 H Ecclesiam Suam, encyclical, Paul VI — 97 Homilia in Ezechielem, St. Gregory the Great Enchiridion Symbolorum, Denzinger-Huner 371 mann — 155 Homilies of Pope John Paul II Enchiridion Symbolorum, Denzinger-Schon at beatification of Francisco and Jacinto metzer — 150, 151, 152, 153, 155 Marto — 307-310 Epist. Ad Romanos, St. Ignatius of Antioch at canonization of Sister Mary Faustina 21 Kowalska — 303-306 Ethics in Advertising, Pontifical Council for at church of Holy Sepulchre — 296-299 Social Communications 343 “Day of Pardon” Mass — 242-244 Ethics in the Media of Social Communication, at Ecumenical Commemoration of Wit- Pontifical Council for Social Communica nesses in the 20th Century — 323- tions 338, 340-355 326 , Eucharistic Prayer I for Masses of Reconcilia feast of the Chair of St. Peter — 274-276 tion, Roman Missal — 77 at Mount Sinai — 280-283 Evangelii Nuntiandi, apostolic exhortation, at St. Joseph Cathedral, Bucharest (May Paul VI — 5, 84, 85, 87, 94, 110, 341 1999 - 328 Evangelium Vitae, encyclical letter, John Paul Il at West Bengal, Calcutta (1986) — 88 101, 171, 199, 271, 321 on the Gospel of Matthew — 107 Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, St. John Humanae Vitae, encyclical, Paul VI — 45, 271 Damascene 193 Humani Generis, encyclical letter, Pius XII Extravagantes communes 211 29, 31, 33, 53, 62-63 F I Familiaris Consortio, apostolic exhortation, In Johannis Evangelium Tractatus, St. Augus- John Paul II — 46, 350. 356 tine 16 Fatima secret (1941) - 364-366 Incarnationis Mysterium, bull of indiction, Fides et Ratio, encyclical letter, John Paul II John Paul II — 114, 208, 209, 3, 10, 46, 86, 270, 342, 353 Inter Mirifica, Vatican Council II — 341 Fonti Francescane, St. Francis of Assisi 291 Instructions Fraternal Life in Community, Congregations Study of the Fathers of the Church in for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Soci Priestly Formation, Congregation for ties of Apostolic Life 344, 350 Catholic Education — 9 Interpretation of the Bible in the Church, G Pontifical Biblical Commission — Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution on the 214 Church in the Modern World, Vatican II 8, 11, 47, 78, 81, 82, 87, 100, 202, 211, 232, INDEX TO VOLUME 45 J 334, 352 Jean-Marie Vianney, cure d’Ars: sa pensee, son Luther’s Works (Weimar Edition) — 146, coeur, prosente par Bernard Nodet, Le Puy — 16 M Justification by Faith (1983), Lutheran-Roman Mater Ecclesia: Lobpreis der Kirche aus dem Catholic dialogue in the U.S. — 146, 147, ersten Jahrtausend christlicher Literatur 155 (1944), Hugo Rahner, S.J. 222 Meditations from the Policliico Gemelli to the L Italian Bishops, May 13, 1994 — 367 Ladder of Divine Ascent, The, St. John Clima- Messages of Pope John Paul II cus — 282 Middle East peace negotiations — 378 Lateran Council, Fourth — 36 Urbi et Orbi, Christmas (last greeting of Laudis Canticum, apostolic constitution, Paul the millennium 182-184 VI—7 World Communications Day 1998 Lehrverurteilungen — Kirchentrennend?, eval- 347 uation of the Pontifical Council for Pro- World Communications Day 1999 moting Christian Unity of the Study (1992) 342, 344 — 155 World Day of Peace 1998 — 106 Letters of Pope John Paul II World Day of Peace 1999 — 174 Concerning Pilgrimage to the Places World Day of Peace 2000 173-18] Linked to the History of Salvation — Messages 69, 97 (radio) to the National Catechetical Con- Holy Thursday Letter to Priests (2000) — gress of the U.S. (1946), Pius XII — 289-295 13 Holy Thursday Letter to Priests (March Method in Theology, Bernard Lonergan, S.J. — 16, 1997) — 12, 17 295 proclaiming St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Catherine of Siena and St. Theresa N Benedicta of the Cross co-patronesses Nostra Aetate, Declaration on the Relation of of Europe — 129-136 the Church to Non-Christian Religions, Tertio Millennio Adveniente — | Vatican II — 99, 136, 211, 212, 231, 270 to the bishop of Valence (religious free- Nonvid, C. K. — 199 dom) — 41-43 to the elderly — 193-204 O Official Common Statement by the Catholic Liber asceticus, Maximus the Confessor — 219 Church and the Lutheran World Federa- Libertatis Conscientia, instruction, Congrega tion — 161, — Annex to the Official Com- tion for the Doctrine of the Faith — 101, mon Statement — 161-163 102 Optatam Totius, Decree on the [raining of Libreria Editrice Vaticana, diary, Sister Mary Priests, Vatican II — 21 Faustina Kowalska — 303, 304 Orationes, St. Gregory Nazianzus — 21 Life of Moses, St. Gregory of Nyssa — 280, 281 Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Decree on the East- Liturgy of the Easter Vigil — 194 ern Churches, Vatican II] — 330, 333 Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on Ordo Paenitentiae — 53, 56 the Church, Vatican II — 5, 11, 18, 39, 49, 57, 81, 82, 83, 91, 92, 111, 112, 166, 192, P 210,212, 219, 220, 221, 222, 270, 291, 329, Pange Lingua, St. Thomas Aquinas — 292 32F THE POPE SPEAKS Pastores Dabo Vobis, apostolic exhortation, S John Paul II — 2, 3, 5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Constitution on the 21 Sacred Liturgy, Vatican II — 11, 12, 20, 88 Paterna cum benevolentia, exhortation, Paul VI Salutis nostrae, apostolic letter, Clement XIV — 212 (1771— )21 1 Pornography and Violence in the Communica Salvifici Doloris, apostolic letter, John Paul II - tions Media: A Pastoral Response, Pontifi 104 cal Council for Social Communications Secret of Fatima: A message for our time, Con- 346 gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — Populorum Progressio, encyclical, Paul VI 360-378 100 Sermo, St. Augustine — 221, 222, 235 Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary 1999), John Sertorius, Corneille — 197 Paul Il — 19 Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, encyclical letter, John Prayer for Europe and the World — 145 Paul Il — 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 348, 353 Prayer for Pardon — 245-248 Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas — 17, Prayer to Mary, Star of Evangelization (1999), 81, 221 John Paul Il — 115-116 Sunday Times, The (London), Sept. 12, 1999 Prayers of the Faithful during the “Day of Pai — 137 don” Mass — 245-248 Symbolum Fidei — 269 Preface of Christian Death I., Roman Missal Synod of Bishops, special assembly for Asia — 203 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 81, 82, Presbyterorum Ordinis, Decree on the Ministry 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, and Life of Priests, Vatican II — 3, 5, 6, 9, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21 LTO, P21, 212, 123, 134, 15 Problem of Empathy, The, Edith Stein — 134 Synod of Bishops, second assembly for Europe of the; final text of message — 139-145 Q T Quod hoc ineunte, apostolic letter (1824), Leo XII — 211 lertio Millennio Adveniente, apostolic letter, John Paul II — 1, 49, 50, 52, 66, 67, 74, 99, R 106, 209, 212, 219, 222, 223, 226, 229, 230, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, apostolic exhorta 236, 294, 324, 332, 333 tion, John Paul II — 5, 13, 14, 53, 212, 213, lomos Agapes: Vatican-Phanar (1958-1970) , Redemptor Hominis, encyclical letter, John dialogue between Holy See and the Ecu- Paul II — 77, 78, 80, 107, 342 menical Patriarch of Constantinople — 230 Redemptoris Custos 48 Tota Ecclesia, Directory for the Ministry and Redemptoris Missio, encyclical letter, John Paul Life of Priests, Congregation for the Clergy II — 1, 3, 80, 81, 82, 85, 87, 88, 90, 94, 99, — 2,7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 100, 108, 113, 269, 270, 341, 350 Toward a Pastoral Approach to Culture, Pon- Regula Pastoralis, St. Gregory the Great — 5 tifical Council for Culture — 340 Rerum Novarum, encyclical letter, Leo XIII True Devotion to the Virgin Mary, no. 155, St. 100 Louis de Montford — 310 Righteousness in the New Testament 1982) 147 U Risposta circa il can, Pontifical Council for the Unitatis Redintegratio, Decree on Ecumenism, Interpretation of Legal Texts — 14 Vatican II — 6, 179, 211, 220, 229, 230, 233, 270 INDEX TO VOLUME 45 Ut Unum Sint, encyclical letter, John Paul II — Anthony,S t. — 277 212, 270, 278, 334 Antioch — 73 Anti-Semitism — 211, 231 V Archives of the Holy Office Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Armenia — 732 Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life, Arms race 195, 258 Pontifical Council for the Family — 15 Aron, Bishop Petru Pavel Verbis Exprimere, pontifical letter, Pius IX — Artists — 353 266 Asia — harvest of Faith: 65-121; “being Asian”: Veritatis Splendor, encyclical letter, John Paul 70; in new world order: 260 I] — 45 Assisi — 132 Victimae paschaii, Latin Easter Sequence — Atanasie Anghel, Bishop — 330 296 Athanasios, Orthodox Metropolitan Vita Consecrata, apostolic exhortation, John Athanasius, St. and St. Cyril Paul II — 100, 109, 110 Athenagoras, Patriarch — 22 Ww Atheism oe Augsburg — 141 Wahrheit und Methode (Truth and Method), Auschwitz-Birkenau Hans-Georg Gadamer — 224 Avignon, France — We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah (1998), John Paul II — 231 B Woman. Her Role According to Nature and Babel — 341 Grace, Edith Stein — 134 Balan, Bishop loan — 331 Balkans - conflict: 195, 260 Bari — 132 Topics, Persons, Places Barragn, Archbishop Javier Lazano A Battistelli, Father Giovanni 296 Aborigines — 102-103 Beatitudes — Abortion — 104, 272 Benedict, St. - co-patron of Europe: 13 Act of Entrustment, consecrating the world to Benevento 132 the Immaculate Heart of Mary, June 7, Benjamin, Orthodox Metropolitan 1981 — 361 Berlin — 165, 166 Adrian VI — 211 Bethlehem — 179 Africa — 66, 260, 300 Bible — need for translations: 89 Aftenie, Bishop Vasile — 331 Bishop - of Rome: 274-275, 2 AIDS — 104 Bohemian — 205 » Alba Iulia synods — 330 Boniface VIII, Pope — first jubilee: 210-211 Alexandria, church of — 277 “Both Lungs,” the Churches of the West and Alpha and Omega — 194 East 142 Amalekites — 215 BrandenburGagt e — 165 Amalfi — 132 Briancon, France — 41 Americas — 66; in new world order: 260 Bridget, St., of Sweden 13] Andrew, St., Dung Lac and companions — 114 Brotherhood — 258 Andrew, St. Kim Taegon and companions — Buchenwald — 325 114 Buddhism — 66, 69 Anna — 197 Byzantine Romanian Rite, Church - Annan, Kofi — 301 THE POPE SPEAKS Lonfucianism — 69, Caffarra, Archbishop Carlo — 44 ‘ongregation for the Clergy — document of: Cannanites — 215 1-25 Canon law — 265, 266 songregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — Capua, Bl. Raymond of, “Life of St. Catherine 93, 356 of Siena” — 134 ongregation for Divine Worship and the Dis- varey, Anglican Archbishop George — 121 cipline of the Sacraments — 89, 356 carmel of St. Teresa, Coimbra, Portugal — 367 Songregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life carver, George Washington, Memorial Insti and Societies of Apostolic Life — 344 tute award —128 ongregation of Propaganda Fide — 73 cassian, John — 329 sonscience, principal of — 228 -atechists, lay — 74 ‘onsecrated life — in Asia: 109-111 catherine, St., Monastery of — 282, 283 “onsumerism — in Asia: 106; attitudes: 143, 354 catherine of Siena, St. — 133-134; letters to the ontemplatives — in Asia: 109-110 king of France (#235): 133; letters to the ‘ontraception, artificial — 321, 322 king of Hungary (#357): 133; “interior ‘optic Orthodox Church — 277 cell”: 133 RDAADASRAoDDr AnDAwDMe ll, John, and his book “Hitler’s Pope: catholic Eastern Churches — 95 The Secret History of Pius XII” — a com- -atholic-Lutheran Joint Declaration on Justifi- mentary in L’Osservatore Romano — 137- cation — 146 138 Catholic schools — 105 sorruption — in Asia: 7s2y, 106-107, Caucasus — 260 Sosmi, Professor — 321 Cedar of Lebanon — 198 Souncil of Constantinople, First — 361 Chair of St. Peter — 274, 275 ‘ouncil of Ephesus — 361 Charles V of France — 133 Souncil of Trent — 146, 154, 159, 357 Charles of Durazzo — 133 vovenant — 280, 281 China — 72, 73, 96 ‘ross — sign of Christian commitment: 169 Chinese Catholics — 72, 96 crusades — 214 Chinezu, Bishop Tit Liviu — 331 Sulture — Evangelization of in Asia: 86, 87; dia- Christians — divisions of Christians: 229-230; logue with: 235; of life: 272 and Jews — 231 syprian, St. —290 Christian Unity, Week of Prayer for — 98, 279 yril, St. and St. Methodius — co-patrons of Church — in Catholic-Lutheran Joint Declara- Europe:130 tion on Justification — 147, 154; in Ger- Czech Republic — 205 many: 166; holiness of: 220-221; mother hood of: 222-223; mystery of: 220 D Cicero — 196, 200 Dachau — 324 Claudel, Paul — 41 Damnation — 35, 36 Cold War — 195 Da Vinci, Leonardo — 295 College of Prelate Auditors — 263 Death — Christian understanding of: 202-203; Colombia — 260 Death camps — 195 Communication, social — 340-355; corrupting Decalogue — 199 influence of, on culture: 346 Democracy — values of: 196 Communion — and dialogue: 91-100 Development — models of: 178-179 Communism — 325, 367 Dialogue — mission of: 97; ecumenical: 98; Conception — 321, 322 interreligious: 99; between cultures: 259 Confession of sin — 214-215 Didache — 295 INDEX TO VOLUME 45 Diet of Nuremberg — 211 of reconciliation, of freedom and new Dignity — of the person and human rights: 101, hope: 143, 357 199, 200, 321, 322 Europe — 65, 129-136, 139-145, 260, 261 Diodoros, Patriarch, of the Greek Orthodox Euthanasia — 199, 272 Church — 296 Evangelization — in Asia: 84-100 Dionysius Exiguus — 329 Exodus — 281 Diplomatic Service of Holy See — 93 Disabled — Children and adolescents: 170-172 F Discrimination — 103 Fagaras and Alba Iulia, Metropolitan See Divine Mercy Sunday — 304 330 Divorce — mentality: 263-264; and remarried Faith — and reason: 321 and Communion: 356-358 Family —pressure on: 45, 70, 71; procreation of Dominic, St. — 133 new life: 45, 46, 47: in Asia: 111-112 ; with Dragon, red — 308 disabled children: 170-172 Fatima, Secret of — 360-378 E Faults of the Past, the Church and the: Memory Eastern Catholic Church — 234 and Reconciliation — 208-240 Eastern Europe 144, 196 Faustina, St. Mary, Kowalska — 303 Economic development — 176-179; North and Fertilization, in vitro — 321, 322 South: 177 Fetal therapy — 321, 322 Economy, The — purpose of: 178; fully human Fetus — 321, 322 science: 178 Finsta, Sweden — 131 Ecumenism — 235 Florence — 133 Edessa — 73 Foley, Archbishop John P., president of the Education — and inculturation of the Gospel: Pontifical Council for Social Communica- 104; and role of evangelizing culture: 104; tion — 336 of European youth in moral and spiritual Forgiveness — 212, 215, 216, 217; ethical crite- values: 145 ria of request for: 227-229 Education, Catholic — and Truth: 104-105 Foreign debt — 106 Ee-Chooi, Theresa, president of the Interna- Francis of Assisi, St. — 100 tional Catholic Union of the Press — 336 Francis Xavier, St. — 73 Egoism — in Europe: 143 Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Egypt — 197, 277 Land — 296 Elderly — and the family: 200-201; gift of: 103; Franciszek, Cardinal — 27 in the Bible: 197-198; “living encyclope- Free market 196 dias”: 200; respect for: 198-199; Year of the: Freedom -— civilization of love founded upon: 193-194 100 Elizabeth — 197 Freintiu, Bishop Valeriu Traian — 331 Elizabeth of Hungary — 133 Embryo experimentation — 322 G Enlightenment — 228 Galassi, Giovanni, Ambassador ~ 257 Entertainment industry — 103 Germany — reunification: 167 Environment — 107 Giovanna of Naples — 133 Ephrem, the Syrian, St. — 196 Globalization — positives and negatives in Asia: Etchegaray, Cardinal Roger — 41 106; Europe open to: 145; opportunities for Ethiopia — 73 peace: 175; solidarity and: 258-262 Eucharist, Sacrament of — source of salvation, God the Father —- plan for salvation: 77; attrib- 32J THE POPE SPEAKS utes: 280 Word: 81,82 Golgotha — 292 Inculturation — and evangelization: 87 Good Samaritans — of our time: 171 India — 73 Gospel of life — 272 Indulgence —element of Great Jubilee: 211 Grace — as fellowship of the justified with God: Inquisition — 214 163 International Criminal Court — 175 Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 — bull of indic International debt — 145, 178-179 tion for: 208 International Eucharistic Congress, Rome — Greek Catholic Church of Romania — 328-335 294 Gregory XI — 134 International Theological Commission — 208, Gregory XV, Pope — 73 243 Gregory of Nazianzus, St. — 200 Iraq — 105 Gregory of Nyssa, St. — 280 Israel — 284 Gregory the Great, St. — 371 J H Jerome, St. — 196 Handicapped -—g ift of: 103, Jerusalem — the heart of Christianity: 74, 96, Health care— in Asia: 104 198; City of Peace: 286; international Hell — 35, 36 statute needed: 378 Hinduism — 66, 69 Jesus — lived authentically human life: 76 Historical hermeneutics — 226 Jews — “elder brothers”: 142; and Christ’s pas- Historicism — 226 sion: 212; and Christians: 284, 285 History — interpretation of: 224-225 John XXIII, Pope — 180, 333, 361 Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, John Climacus, St. — 282 by John Cornwell — commentary in John Damascene, St. — 296 L’Osservatore Romano — 137-138 John of the Cross, St. — 370 Holy Door — Basilica of St. Paul-Outside-the John Paul Il — 261; wounding (1981): 309 Walls in Rome: 279 Joint International Commission for the Theo- Holy Family of Nazareth — 48 logical Dialogue — 278 Holy Spirit — Giver of Life: 80, 81; and the Journalism — 336-338 Incarnation of the Word: 81, 82; and the Jubilee — Biblical: 218-219; Year 2000: 97, 100, Body of Christ: 82, 83; and the Church 173, 179, 212, 257, 262, 276, 325; of Jour- mission in Asia: 83, 84 nalists: 336 Holy Year — 212 Judaism. — 69, 287 Hope — for mankind: 139-145; sign of hope: Judas — 290 14] Judgment — historical and theological: 223- Hossu, Cardinal Iuliu — 33 224 Human dignity — 354 “Just gentiles” — 284 Human rights — in Asia: 101; in Europe: 144; Justice — civilization of love founded upon: 100 disabled children and adolescents: 170-172; Justification, doctrine of — toward a Catholic- crimes against humanity: 175 Lutheran consensus: 146-163 Humanism — European tradition of: 145 Humanitarian aid — 176-177 K Kazakhstan Ignatius of Antioch, St. — 203 L Incarnation — of Jesus Christ: 78, 79; of the Laity — and evangelization: ; and evangelization

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