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INDEX TO VOLUME 37 THE POPE SPEAKS (Numbers 1-6, 1992) \\ This index can be removed \ . . \ and bound with the issues of Volume 37 32B THE POPE SPEAKS Declaration on Euthanasia, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Documents, Addresses, Faith: 243 Decree on Justification, Council of Trent: 279 Theological Works Decree on Sacraments, Council of Trent: 279 Dei Verbum, dogmatic constitution, Vatican II: 280, 334 A Discourse at the end of the Synod, John Paul II: 262-263, 264, 270, Ab Origine Mundi, papal bull, Boniface XI: 37 286 Acta Apostolicae Sedis: 263-264, 266, 277, 278, 280-281, 282, 284, Donum Veritatis, instruction, Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith: 285, 293, 338, 339, 349, 354 338, 339 Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis, Charles Borromeo: 352 Donum Vitae: 119 Ad Gentes Divinitus, decree, Vatican II: 41-42, 139 Dominum et Vivificantem, encyclical, John Paul II: 149, 239 Ad Pascendum, apostolic letter, Paul VI: 203 Address to the Bishops of England and Wales, John Paul II: 328 E Address at European Center for Nuclear Research, John Paul II: 71 The Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian, Congregation for the Address to participants in the 21st Italian Biblical Week: 338 Doctrine of the Faith: 348 Address to participants of the World Food Conference, Paul VI: 114 Ecclesiam Suam, encyclical, Paul VI: 325, 353 Address to priests connected with the “Communion and Liberation” Eglise et Cultures, newsletter, Pontifical Council for Culture: 167 movement, John Paul II: 348-249 Evangelica Testificatio, apostolic exhortation, Paul VI: 129-130 Address of September 23, 1989, John Paul II: 195 Evangelii Nuntiandi, apostolic exhortation, Paul VI: 46, 157, 218, Address to the students and former students of the Almo Collegio 220, 231, 278, 280, 345 Capranica, John Paul II: 343 Ex Corde Ecclesiae, apostolic constitution, John Paul II: 321, 322, 323 Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus: 106, 170 Explanatio Apocalypsis, Bede: 341 Angelus, December 3, 1989, John Paul II: 287-288 Angelus, January 14, 1990, John Paul II: 265 F Angelus, February 25, 1990, John Paul II: 274 Familiaris Consortio, apostolic exhortation, John Paul II: 47, 65, 67, Angelus, March 4, 1990, John Paul II: 334 116, 198, 208, 282, 331 Angelus, July 1, 1990, John Paul II: 335 Final Act of Helsinki: 84 Apostolicam Actuositatem, decree, Vatican II: 96, 140, 287, 368 Final Message of the Synod Fathers to the People of God, Synod of Bishops: 265, 269, 275 _ Final Report: 325 Catechesi Tradendae, apostolic exhortation, John Paul II: 298, 378 Final Statement of the 1985 Synod of Bishops: 327 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catechism Commission: 377, 378 Formation of Priests in the Circumstances of the Present Day, The, Centesimus Annus, encyclical, John Paul II: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 73, Synod of Bishops: 269. 78, 80-82, 86, 87, 99, 115, 116, 118, 119, 178, 208, 214, 221, Fundamental Norms for Priestly Formation, Congregation for 327, 339 Catholic Education: 264 Christifideles Laici, apostolic exhortation, John Paul II: 45, 46, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 140, 150, 155, 157, 158, 221, 270, 342, 347, 368, G 370 Gaudium et Spes, pastoral constitution, Vatican II: 14, 25, 26, 50, 54, Christus Dominus, decree, Vatican II: 292, 358 55, 65, 73, 98, 116, 153, 214, 218, 269, 289, 308, 309, 332, 352, Codex luris Canonici, Code of Canon Law: 67, 158, 220, 283, 291, 369 295n, 374, 375, 376 Gravissimum Educationis, declaration, Vatican II: 137, 297, 322 Collect of the Mass for Vocations to Holy Orders, Roman Missal: 290 Great Rules, Basil the Great: 13 Collect, Memorial of Our Lady of Ransom: 299 Guide to the Training of Future Priests Concerning the Instruments of Communio et Progressio, pastoral instruction, Paul VI: 214, 215, 217, Social Communication, Congregation for Catholic Education 218, 219, 220, 224 223 Communion Antiphon from the Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Roman Missal: 277 H Confessions, Augustine: 332 Humanae Vitae, encyclical, Paul VI: 65, 67 Conversations, Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer: 369 Homily at Eucharistic Adoration, Seoul, John Paul II: 277 Council of Trent: 306 Homily at the 9th Session of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Coun- Criteria for Ecumenical and Inter-religious Cooperation in Com cil, Paul VI: 266 munications, Pontifical Council for Social Communications Homily in Manaus, John Paul II: 94 216, 227 Homily to 5,000 priests from throughout the world, John Paul II: 285- 286 D De Civitate Dei, Augustine: 302 I De Dominica Oratione, Cyprian: 287 In Ethic, Thomas Aquinas, prologue: 53 De Necessitate Philosophiae Studia in Seminariis Impensius In I Sentent., Aquinas: 338 Promovendi, letter to bishops, Sacred Congregation for Catholic In lohannem Evangelistam Expositio, Aquinas: 345 Education: 337 In Johannis Evangelium Tractatus, Augustine: 277, 279, 335, 350 De Trinitate, Augustine: 338 In Lib. Boethii de Trinitate, Aquinas: 338 Declaration on Christian Education, Vatican Council II: 297 Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II: 277, 278, 285-286, 287-288, 322, ¥ UMI INCORRECT VOLUME NUMBER, SHOULD READ VOLUME 37. INDEX TO VOLUME 35 32C Response, Pontifical Council for Social Communications: 207, 218 Postquam Apostoli, directives, Sacred Congregation for the Clergy 354 Presbyterorum Ordinis, decree, Vatican II: 263, 270, 271, 274, 276, 278, 279, 279-280, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 289, 292, 301, 302 330, 335, 342, 346, 353, 354, 355, 358 To priests taking part in an assembly organized by the Italian Epis copal Conference: 277-278 Propositio: 262, 263, 266, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 281, 282-283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 330 336, 337, 338, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347 350, 354, 355, 357, 358, 360 Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, First General Ordi nary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops: 263-264, 270, 330, 340, 336, 346 Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, apostolic exhortation, John Paul I: 280, 280-281 Redemptor Hominis, encyclical, John Paul Il: 14, 153, 298, 331 Redemptoris Mater, encyclical, John Paul I: 241 Redemptoris Missio, encyclical, John Paul I: 91, 92, 94, 139, 141, 169, 214, 220-221, 224, 240, 285, 285, 340, 370 Relatio Finalis, Extraordinary Synodo f Bishops: 377 Report on Homelessness, Department for Citizenship and Social Responsibility: 327 Rerum Novarum, encyclical, Leo XIII: 3-8, 16, 80, 86, 327 SN John Paul Il Sacerclotalis Coelibatus, encyclical, Vatican Il: 337 Sacrae Disciplinae Leges, apostolic constitution, John Paul Il: 376 Sacrosanctum Concilium, constitution, Vatican Il: 202, 290, 335 Second Extraordinary General Assembly, Synod of Bishops: 270 Second Ordinary General Assembly, Synod of Bishops: 270 Sermo, 340, Augustine: 276 Sermod e Nat. Sanct. Apost. Petri et Paulie x Evangelioi n quo ait 990, John Pau Augustine: 280 Sermo Morin Guelferbytanus, Augustine: 276 Sermon 179, Augustine: 334 SollicitudRoe i Socialis, encyclical, John Paul I: 8, 47,8 8, 218, 339 Speech to the Bishops of the Province of Westminster, John Paul II 29 Statutes, International Thomas Aquinas Society: 52 Summa Theologiae, Thomas Aquinas: 53, 260, 300, 302, 304, 305 306, 340 Super loannem, Augustine: 306 N Unitatis Redintegratio, decree, Vatican Il: 75, 147, 183, 241 Universal Catechism: 298 O Official R Opera Omr Optatam Topics, Persons, Places A Pastor Bonus, apostolic const n, J Aachen, Germany Pastoral Letter on the Moral Sense, Montini: 359 Abortion — 96; 243 Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Isaac Newton: 49 Abraham 193; 210; and obedience: 210 Pornography and Violence in the ¢ cations Media: A Pastoral Action — and ethics: 55 32D THE POPE SPEAKS Activism — 156 Assisi — the spirit of: 162-163 Adalbert, St. — Bishop of Prague: 35 Assisi, St. Francis — 163 Adam — 21; 305 Assisi, Italy — the influence of St. Birgitta in: 38 Addiction — 195 Atheism — and Hungary: 34-35; 50; in modern times: 54; 266 Adolescents — and the minor seminary: 345 Atheistic ideologies — 106 Advent — 146; 148; 153 Atlantic — 183; 234 Affectus Collegialis — 324 Atlantic Ocean — 101 Africa — 10; 153; 169; war in: 174; 177; South: 178; 178-179; 210; Augustine, St. — 276; 279; 302; 306; 338 230; West: 234-236; and the slave trade: 236; 373 Austerity — value of: 335 Agata, Giuditta Adelaide (Giuseppina Vannini) — 238 Austria — 36; Salzburg: 143 Aggressive Therapeutic Care — 243 Authority — public: 5, 6, 7; 140; 342 Al-Khalil — 210 Autonomy — from the Church: 23 Alagoas, Brazil — 101 Auw, Switzerland — 160 Albacete, Spain — 44 Ave Verum — Mozart's: 144 Albania — 175 Aversa, Italy — the influence ofS t. Birgitta in: 38 Albert the Great — and ethics: 54 Aviat, Leonia (Francoise de Sales) — 159 Alcohol — 193-197; difference between drugs and: 195 Alcoholics — 193-197 B Alexei II, His Holiness — 89 Baker, James, Secretary of State — 112 Alfaro, Spain — 237 Baltic Republics — 175 Algabid, H.E. Dr. M. Hamid — 213 Baltic Sea — 9 Alvastra — Shrine of: 38 Banjul — 234; 235 Amalfi, Italy — the influence of St. Birgitta in: 38 Baptism — and its role in the the Catholic Church: 42; and Catholic Amazon — aborigines and deforestation: 72 and Lutheran relations: 75; 96; 257-261; Holy Spirit and: 258; America — evangelization of: 169; and the slave trade: 236 St. Paul on: 258, 259, 260; and sin: 259; and Satan: 259; and Amichia, Joseph, Ambassador — 172; 173 worship: 260 Amoris Officium — 279 Barbastro, Spain — 237 Ananias — 183 Bari, Italy — the influence of St. Birgitta in: 38 Anchieta, Blessed José de — 94, 102 Basil the Great, St. — 13 Andrew, St. — and Christ's call: 19; 142; 286; 288; and vocations: Beatitudes — of poverty, mercy, justice and peace: 231 289; 333 Beaupré, Canada — | Angelic Doctor — 300 Bede, Venerable — 341 Angelico da None (Matteo Pittavino) — 237 Being — vs. having: 267 Angelini, Fiorenzo, Cardinal — 193 Belleydoux, France — 2 Anglican Communion dialogue between the Catholic Church and Benedict, St and ethics: 54; 151 the: 328 Benedictines — 94 Angola — 153: 178 Benevento, Italy the influence of St. Birgitta in: 38 Anointing of the Sick — 364-367 Berlin Wall — 151 Anthony, St 99 Bernard, St. — and ethics: 54 Anthropology — and evangelization: 153 Bernarda, Maria (Verena Butler) — 160 Aparecida, Brazil — 100 Bernardin, Joseph, Cardinal — 207 Apartheid — 178 Bethlehem 120 Apostles — and the power to forgive sins: 305; and formation: 329- Bialystok, Poland — 1,9,10 330 Biella, Italy 159 Apostles’ Creed — 75 Birgitta, St., of Sweden — 37-39; and the papacy: 38; and Apostolic Penitentiary 245 Catholic/Lutheran relations: 74-76; and unity: 74 Apostolic Vicariate of Siberia — 90 Birmingham — 296; 324 Apostolic See — and the conflict in Yugoslavia: 84; 172; and the Bishops — and their role in social communications: 223-224; and the Charismatic Renewal: 240; 324 promoting of priestly vocations: 292; obedience of: 326-327; Aquinas, St. Thomas on the Eucharist: 43, 300, 302; on ethics: 53, and pristly formation: 346; and ongoing formation: 358 54: 55; 304; 306; 338; 345 Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales — 296; 324 Arabs — and Israelis: 176 Blessed Virgin Mary 310 Arancio, Italy 160 Blood — 13; transfusions: 13 Areopagus 214; 224 Body — human: 13 Argentina — celebration of World Youth Day in Buenos Aires: 30; Body of Christ — 184; 203; 239 Buenos Aires: 237 Bonaventure, St 339 Ark 305 Boniface IX, Pope — and the canonization of St. Birgitta: 37 Army Polish: 11 Borgo Duberco, Italy — 159 Arpad Dynasty 35 Borromeo, St. Charles — 352 Art — and reality: 71 Bosnia — 83 Artijo Sales, Eugénio de, Cardinal — 167 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros — 174 Ash Wednesday — 236 Bra — 237 Asia — progress in: 177-178 Brasilia, Brazil — 101, 102 INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Brazil 92-94; Cuiaba: 92; Manaus: 92,93,94; love of God and Celibacy — priestly: 205; 282-283; charism of: 331; 336-337 Church for: 92; 95-99; ¢ Grande: 95,99,102; evangeliza Center for Bioethics — 242 tion ir 100-103; Fortaleza: 100; Natal: 100, 102; Aparecida Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences — 49 100; Vitoria: | Espirito Santo: 101; Maceié: 101; Alagoas Cephas 333 101; Cuiaba: 101, 102; Indians of: 101; Santa Catarina: 101 Chad 179 Floriandépolis: 101, 102; Sao Luis do Maranhdo: 101; Brasilia Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe — 310-311 101, 102; Goiania: 101; Mato Gr »: 101; Sao Salvador da Character 259 Bahia: 102; 18¢ Charismatic Renewal, Catholic — 150; 239-241; and secularism and Bridgettines materialism: 240 Budapest, Hungary 3; 35; 3 Charismatics — 239-241 Buenos Aires, Argentina — celebration of World Youth Day in: 30: Charity in Yugoslavia: 84; and the human family: 88; and con- figuration to Christ: 276-278; ministry of pastoral: 280; priest as man of: 336; of Jesus Christ: 340-343; pastoral: 350-351; pas- toral: 353 jent 2 Charles Borromeo, St. — 352 Butler, Verena (Maria Berna Chastity conjugal: 198; vs. pornography: 208; 281; 282; virtue of Byelorussia 0 336 - Cheli, Giovanni, Archbishop 77 te Childlike — popular piety and the: 231 Caffara, Monsigno Children — as gift: 97; pornography’s damaging effects on: 208 Call 287: Master’s: 288: young people and God’s: 292 Chile Vifia del Mar: 159 Calvinism in Hungary: 3 China — Catholic community in: 177 Cambodia Chofu, Japan 159 Campo Gran razi 95.99 Choroni, Venezuela — 238 Cana wedding st 307-308: 3 Chrism Mass 358 Canada é ine: 2: Lévis: 1: Terrebonne: 2 Christianity — and Europe: 104-108 Candidates f 3? 9 Christianity and Culture in Europe: Memory, Conscience, Project Canon Law 3 3 168 Canon Law Society of Great tain and Irela 374 Christians — and peace: 166; place and role: 175; in dialogue with Canonical equity 5 Muslims: 210-213; 234; 235; dialogue between divided: 328 Canossian Religious Christmas mystery: 181 Cantieri, Anita 160 Christus Patiens — 367 Capitalism 5 Church — serving the: 273-275; membership: 284-285; and recon- Capuchins — 94 ciliation: 305; as priestly community: 307; and priestly forma- Cardijn, Cardinal 156 tion: 346 Cardozo, Laura Evangelista Alvarado (Maria de san José) — 2 Church, Roman Catholic and the Creed: 20; as inseperable from Carey, Archbishop _ 308 Christ: 20-23; and history: 22,40-43; the rejection of the: 22; Carmagnola. Italy and individual conscience: 22; and salvation: 22; and its role in Carmelites — 94 salvation: 41; mission of the: 42; and baptism: 42; and Cartagena. Colombia Eucharist: 42-43; and unity: 43; and its influence in Spain: 44 Casablanca 210, 212 48; as mystery, communion and mission: 270-271; as bride of Cassidy, Edward Idris, Cardinal Christ: 278; and the gift of vocation: 286-287; as vocation: 287 Castilla la Vieja, Spain — 44 Chylinski, Rafal — 10 Castro Matias Neto. Celsod e. Dr Cimatti, Vincenzo 159 Catastrophes — ecological: 72 Civilization — of love: 101, 107, 209; of egoism: 101 Catechesis 5 4-328 Claretians — 237 Catechism of the Catholic Church 377-378 Clericalism — and the ecclesiastical hierarchy: 98 Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Campo Grande 99 Code of Canon Law — 374 Catholic the name: 32 Coimbra, Fra Henrique de — 92 Catholic Charismatic Renewa 50: 239-241: and secularism and College of Bishops — and the Charismatic Renewal: 240 materialism: 240 Cologne, Germany — 109,111 Catholic Church — and the Lutheran Church: 74-76; and St. Birgitta Colombia — Cartagena: 160; 180; Pasto: 237 74, 75; in Africa: 179; and its media: 222-223; in England: 299 Columbiere, Claude de la, Blessed — 159 dialogue between the Anglican Communion and the: 328 Columbus, Christopher — 179 Catholic Episcopate 328 Commercialization — of sexuality: 208 Catholic Enquiry Center 396 Commission of the Episcopates of the European Community — 86 Catholic Fraternity of Covenant Communities 149, 150 Common priesthood — 306; 308 Catholic School System — 299 Communications — social: 214-229; and culture: 214; pastoral im- Catholic Union 326 plications of social: 214-229; in a cultural and social context Catholic University of the Sacred Heart 198: 242: 321 216-217; in a political and economic context: 217; and com- Catholics — place and role: 175 munion: 217; and truth: 217; interpersonal: 218; and dialogue Ceccano, Italy — 2 218,219; and unity: 219; and truth: 220; right to information CELAM — 169 and: 221-222; pastoral plan for social: 224; episcopal con- 32F THE POPE SPEAKS ferences and social: 224-225; process for designing a pastoral Cordes, Paul, Bishop — 240 plan for social: 225-228; education and social: 226; public rela- Corinth — 278; 355 tions and social: 227 Corres, Braulio Maria — decree for: | Communicators — formation of Christian: 223 Cortesini, Raffaello, Professor — 12 Communio et Missio — 353 Céte d'Ivoire — 10 Communion — and communications: 217; Church as: 270-271; and Cotija, Mexico — 160 the priestly ministry: 274; Eucharistic: 302; 331; with God: 332- Council Fathers — 215 337; 342; between Churches: 354 Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland — 328 Communion of Saints — 284 Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod — 154 Community — 108; dimension of priestly obedience: 282; and God's Council of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office — call: 289 239 Compostela — Shrine of: 38 Council of Trent — 259; 365 Computer age — 215 Council of Europe — 167 Conakry — 234; 235 Covenant Communities — 149-150 Conception — 96; avoiding: 199 Creator — 72 Concupiscence — 199 Creed — 20; 284 Conference of International Catholic Organizations — 155 Cristobal Magallanes — and 24 companions: 237 Conference of Major Religious Superiors — 326 Croatia — 36; 83, 84; war in: 173 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe — 84 Crown — of St. Stephen: 34 Configuration — of Christ: 276-278 Cruchaga, Alberto Hurtado — 159 Congregation oft he Aug’ Recollect Sisters of the Heart of Cuba — 180 Jesus —- 238 Cuellar, Javier Pérez de, Dr. — 80-81; 174 Congregation of Augustinian Sisters of the Assumption — 159 Cuiaba, Brazil — 92; 101, 102 Congregation of the Daughters of St. Camillus — 238 Culture — 24-29; and faith: 25; and freedom: 25; and reason: 25; and Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of the education: 27-29; of death: 54; influence of religion and science Blessed Virgin — 160 on: 69-73; 104-108; 157; of hope: 170; of love: 171; and com- Congregation of the Hand ds of the Blessed Trinity and of the munications: 214 Poor — 160 Cyril and Methodius, Ss. — in Hungary: 35; and ethics: 54; 104; 151 Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Immaculate Concepiion — CYTUN — 328 101 Czestochowa, Poland — celebration of World Youth Day in: 30; 138 Congreg: of the Mi y Franciscan Sisters of Mary Help of 139; 140; 176 Christians — 160 Congregation of Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family — | D Congregation of the Missionary Ursuline Sisters of the Sacred Heart d’Alzon, Manuel — 159 — 160 Dakar — 234; 235; 236 Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer — | dal Verme, Drusilla Zileri (Maria Lucrezia) — 160 Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales — 159 Danube — 35 Congregation of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ — 2; 160 Darfur — 371 Congregation of the Sisters of Charity and Christian Instruction of Daughters of Charity of Canossa — 372 Nevers — | Daughters of Wisdom — 237 Congregation of Sisters of the Incarnate word and Blessed Sacrament David — 146 — 237 De-Christianization — 45-46 Congregation of the Sisters of St. Anna — 2 Deacon — 203 Congregation of the Sons of Mary Immaculate — | Death — 17; civilization of: 66; and faith: 242-244 Congregation for Catholic Education — 133; 264; 345 Debrecen, Hungary — 35; 36 Congregation for the Causes of Saints — 159; 237 Deforestation — and the Amazon aborigines: 72 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — 243 Democracy — and the European economy: 87; 172 Conscience — and the Church: 22; 55; respect for religious: 165; of Destruction — and science and technology: 70 the human person: 177; 245-248 Development — of persons: 216 Consecration — religious: 129, 130; of the priest: 275, 276 Diaconate — 203 Constantinople — 19 Diakonia — 203 Consumer society — 267 Dialogue — Consumerism — 120 religion: 72; between the Catholic and Lutheran Churches: 75; Context — of social communications: 216-217; cultural and social: between the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches: 216-217; political and economic: 217 89; with the Gospel: 105; in schools: 134; between faith and cul- Continence — and self-mastery: 199; 282-283 ture: 136; international: 161; ecumenical: 163; between culture Contraceptive — mentality: 199 and faith: 169; 170; importance of: 173; in Africa: 174; ecumeni- Contraceptives — 96 cal: 176; between Arabs and Israelis: 176; religious: 177; be- Contrition — 306 tween Jews, Christians and Muslims: 177; in East Timor: 178; Conversion — and Jesus Christ: 41; 145; 182,183; and the Sacrament 180; 184; 203; between Muslims and Christians: 210-213; and of Penance: 303 communications: 218, 219; right of: 220; 223; interreligious: Cor Unum — 176 235; 274; vocational: 287-289; 321; 322; between the Gospel Coram Ecclesia — 350 and modern society: 322; between the Catholic Church and the INDEX TO VOLUME 35 Anglican Communion: 328; between divided Christians: 328 Eternal life 306 between Jesus and the Father: 334; 351; with the Father: 352 Ethics — 52-55; and action: 55; and scientific progress: 71 fraternal: 354 Ethiopia 174; 179 Dignity 47; of married love: 4 fr 53; human: 27, 66, 80. Eucharist - and its role in the Catholic Church: 42-43; 150; 232; 116, 120; and the migrant workers: 77-78; of African peoples and the Charismatic Renewal: 240; 245; and pastoral charity 179; from God: 195; of the persor 278-279; 280; 281; St. Thomas Aquinas on the: 300; and Jesus Dijon, France Christ: 300-301; and the Hely Spirit: 301; apex of Christian life Dimitrios I 18 300-302; as a sign of: 302; 334-335 Diplomacy in Africa: 174 Eucharistic Congress — 100 Diplomatic Corps — of the Holy See 2 Eucharistic Liturgy in Africa: 235 Discrimination of Hungariar iristians: 24 Eucharistic Sacrifice — 201 Doctrir social: 206; Christi and Catholic education: 298 Europe — poverty in central and eastern: 5; a united: 7; 9; 10; the 299 opening of: 10; central and eastern: 19; central: 30-32; and St Doctrine of the Faith Birgitta: 37; and Christian unity: 76; and Christianity: 104-108; Dogmatic theology 145-148; new: 168; in the future: 175-176; and Christian values Dole, France — 2 183; central and eastern: 266 Domestic church European Economic Community — 86; 87 Dominatior Euthanasia — 243 Dominic, S Evangelical counsels 281; 282; 358 Dominicans Evangelization in Spain: 46; in Brazil: 95; 102; European: 151- Donation — of organs 154; 167; 168; in Europe: 107; new: 136, 155, 263, 269, 274, Dortmund, Germany 322, 337, 339, 370; and youth: 138-142; and anthropology: 153 Dourdan, Franc 160 anniversary of first: 179, 180; of priests: 205; media at the ser- Drohiczyn, Poland vice of a new: 220 Drug addic Experimental method — and reality: 71 Drugs I 180 lif nce between alcohol and: 195 Exploitation — of the earth's resources: 72 Extraordinary Consistory of the Cardinals — and the right to life: 15; E 66; 119 Easter 107; 343 Extraordinary Session of the Synod of Bishops — 325 Easter Triduum Extraordinary Synod of Bishops — 377 Ecclesia 286 Extreme Unction 366 Ecclesial communion ia at the service of: 219-220 Ezekiel — 277 Ecclesiality 158 Ezequiel Moreno y Diaz — 237 Ecclesiastical hierarct and clericalism: 98 Ecclesiology a genuine Catholic F Ecolog human: 118, 12¢ Faith — and culture: 25; and truth: 25; relationship between reason Ecuador 180; Nobol 2 and: 25-27; and science: 26; 139; and death: 242-244; and the Ecumenical Patriarchate Catholic school: 297-298 Ecumenisr and the Hungarian Church: 35-36; and St. Birgittao f Famiglietti, Tekla, Mother — Abbess General of the Order of the Swede i the Catholic and Lutheran Churches: 75; 147 Holy Savior of St. Birgitta: 37 183: 327-328: 339 Family the rights of the: 6; in Hungary: 28; in Spain: 47-48; 65- ducation i culture: 27 eed for: 170; and social com 68; problems of: 65; as the primary vital cell: 96; deterioration munications: 226; and the Gospel: 298; genuine: 299; English of: 96; 97; 102; and hunger: 116; 120; 157; threat of drugs and and Welsh religious: 326; sexual: 331; in the seminary: 344 alcohol to: 193-194; pornography’s attack on the: 208; break-up Educators — in the faith: 296-26 of the: 266; Christian: 292, 309; and priestly formation: 348; Efficacious sign 306 and ongoing formation: 358 Egidio, Brother (Giovanni Battist decree for: 2 Fatherhood — 120; 308-309 El Salvador 180 Felipe de Jess Munarriz and 50 companions: 237 Elizabeth, St 35 Feminism 120 Emeric, St Fertility — female: 198; knowledge about female: 200 Emigratior reasons for: 77-78 Fey, Klara — decree for: 2 England — the influence of St. Birgitta in: 38; 296; 324; 326 Fidelity 309 Environment — natural; 5; human: 5; and hunger: 115 Fides 345 Episcopal Commission of the EIC for Catholic Education, Schools Fides Quaerens Intellectum — 338 Culture and Episcopal Conferences 9; 100; 169; and social First General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod — 263 communications: 224-225 First International Congress of the Society for Organ Sharing — 12 Episcopal College 54 Florence, Italy — 2 Equality in dignity and mission: 220 Florianépolis, Brazil —- 101, 102 Eritrea 179 Foggia — 238 Eritreans 174 Fontanella, Oreste — 159 Espirito Santo — 101 Food — production of: 115, 116 Esztergom, Hungary 35 Forgiveness — directly from God: 304 Etchegaray, Roger, Cardinal Formation — of priests: 205-206; ongoing priestly: 264; of the 32H THE POPE SPEAKS apostles: 329-330; of candidates for the priesthood: 329-349; ture: 105; demands of: 146-147; 167-171; humanize through human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral: 330; initial and ongo- the: 170; and the media: 219, 227-228; today: 265-267; discern- ing: 330; priestly: 330-343; human: 330-332; spiritual: 332-337; ment: 269; radicalism of the: 281-284; as center of Catholic intellectual: 337; pastoral: 340-343; human, spiritual, and intel- education: 298; dialogue between moder society and: 322; lectual: 341; ongoing: 349-360; theological reasons for: 349; dif- radicalism of the: 352 ferent dimensions of: 351-353; and the mayur seminary: 351; Grace — and baptism: 257-261; and freedom: 288; gifts of love and permanent: 355; agent's of ongoing: 357-358; bishops and: 358; 309; 359 families and: 358; times, forms and means for: 358-359 Grassroots — and traditional media: 222 Fortaleza, Brazil — 100 Gratis data — 287 Fourth World — 88 Great Britain — 297; 328; Canon Law Society of Ireland and: 374 France — Belleydoux: 2; Dijon: 2; Déle: 2; Nevers: 1; Saint-Saulge Great Moravia 35 1; the influence of St. Birgitta in: 38; Vigan: 159; Nimes: 159; Greek — tradition: 152 Parey-le-Monial: 159; Saint Symphorien d’Ozon: 159; Sézanne Greek-Catholic Church — 90 159; Dourdan: 160; Sainville: 160; 201; Poitiers: 237; Roanne: Grimoaldo of the Purification (Ferdinando Santamaria) — decree for 238 > Francis, St. — and ethics: 54 Guadalajara 160 Franciscans — 94 Guadalupe — shrine of: 310 Frassinetti, Paolo Giuseppe Maria — decree for: | Guasti, Cesare — decree for: 2 Fraternity — priestly: 358 Guatemala — 180 Free Market — 86 Guinea — 234; 235 Freedom — and God: 23; and culture: 25; economic and human: 87: Gulf War — 173 personal: 98; 107; 152; religious: 165; 168; 170; in Africa: 178; and pornography: 208; vs. license: 208; religious: 222; 263; dis- H torted sense of: 267; and grace: 288; and vocation: 288; total: Hague — peace conference of: 84 304; responsible: 332: the Holy Spirit and: 350 Haiti — 180 Future — looking to the world’s: 174-175 Hamer, Jéréme, Cardinal — 52 Having vs. being: 267 G Healing — and the anointing of the sick: 365 Gagnon, Edouard, Cardinal — 65 Health — bodily and spiritual: 365 Galilee, Sea of — 19 Hercegovina — 83 Galileo — 50 Hesselblad, Mary Elisabeth, Mother — 39; 76 Gambia — 234 History — and the Catholic Church: 40-43; 214 Gemelli, Agostino, Father — founder of the Catholic University of Hitler — and the invasion of Poland: 9; 10 the Sacred Heart: 321 Holiness — personal: 99; thirst for: 239; vocation to: 275-276 General Assembly of the Latin American Bishops — 179 Holocaust — in Poland: 10 General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops — 105 Holy Communion — 301 Genetics — and scientific progress: 71 Holy Family Church Society of the United Nations — 80 Geneva, Switzerland — 157 Holy Orders — Sacrament of: 301; 307; 350; 354 Genoa, Italy — 1; 371 Holy See — 154; 157; 171; 172; 173; 176; 177; 180; 213 Genovefa de Troia — 238 Holy Spirit —— and Church unity: 19; and the Church: 22; and the es- Gerard, St. — 35 tablishment of the Catholic Church: 40-41; 139; guidance of the Germany — Aachen: 2; Rollensbroch: 2; Simpelveld: 2; Cologne: 147; 239; 240; and baptism: 258; outpouring of the: 285; special 109, 111; Buer: 159; Dortmund: 159 consecration of the: 297; 299; and the Eucharist: 301; and the Gift — vocation as: 287, 291 forgiveness of sins: 305; and priestly formation: 349; and the Gift of God — 349 anointing of the sick: 365 Giraldi, Emilio Paris (Brother Giuseppe) — decree for: | Holy Thursday 358 Giulini, Maestro Carlo Maria — 143 Holy Week — 303 Giuseppe (Emilio Paris Giraldi), Brother — decree for: | Homelessness — 327 Giuseppina Vannini (Giuditta Adelaide Agata) — 238 Homo Viator — 232 Glogowiec, Poland — 238 Hong Kong — tragedy in: 178 God — proper understanding of: 23; and science: 49-51; of love: Hope — for the world: 172-181; signs of: 176; continent of: 180: 212; love of: 288 183; 184; 193; in and for life: 194; in death: 244 Goethe — 106 Horn of Africa 174 Goiania, Brazil — 101 Hospital Brothers of St. John of God — martyrs of: | Good Friday — 107 House of Formation — 329 Good News — 156; of salvation: 231 Human formation — of priests: 330-332; 341; 344 Good Samaritan — 194; parable of the: 365 Human nature — 71 Good Shepherd — 277 Human qualities — 330-331 Good, common — 81 Human rights — 268 Goods — the universal purpose of: 4, 5; a just distribution of: 4 Human sciences — 338 Gorbachev, Mikhail -— telegram to: 33; 112 Humanity divine: 232 Gorée Island — 236 Hungary — and its culture: 24-29; discrimination of Christians in: 24; Gospel — social consequences of the: 7; anti-: 66; and European cul- Budapest: 24, 33, 35, 36; secularism in: 28; and its families: 28;

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