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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Masters Theses Graduate School 8-1990 TThhee SSuupprreemmee CCoouurrtt JJuussttiiccee ffrroomm KKnnooxxvviillllee:: TThhee PPoolliittiiccss ooff tthhee AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt ooff JJuussttiiccee EEddwwaarrdd TTeerrrryy SSaannffoorrdd John H. A. Maguire University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes Part of the History Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Maguire, John H. A., "The Supreme Court Justice from Knoxville: The Politics of the Appointment of Justice Edward Terry Sanford. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1990. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2069 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by John H. A. Maguire entitled "The Supreme Court Justice from Knoxville: The Politics of the Appointment of Justice Edward Terry Sanford." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, with a major in History. W. Bruce Wheeler, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: Milton M. Klein, Otis H. Stephens Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) To theG raduaCtoeu ncil: I am submitthienrge wiat thh eswirsi ttbeynJ ohnH .A .M aguireen tit"lTehde S upreme CourtJ ustifrcoem KnoxvilThlee :P olitoifct sh eA ppointmenotfJ ustiEcdew ardT erry SanfordI.r "e commentdh aittbe acceptienpd art ial fulfillomfte hnetr equiremfeonrtt hse degreoef M asteorf Arts , witha majoirn H istory. W. BruceW heeleMra,j orP rofessor We haver eadt hitsh esainsd recommenidt asc ceptance: 1�"/ ��� ht .. �·�� Acceptfeodr t heC ouncil: .... ViceP rovost andDe an ofT heG raduaStceh ool THE SUPREMEC OURTJ USTICFER OM KNOXVILLE: THE POLITICOSF THE APPOINTMENOTF JUSTICEED WARDT ERRYS ANFORD A Thesis Presenftoerdt he Masteorf A rts Degree TheU niversoiftT ye nnessKeneo,x ville JohnH .A .M aguire Augus1t99 0 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Whilteh ea uthoarss umetsh er esponsifboirla intydy e ficientchiametas y e xist int hiwso rka, p roducotf t hiksi nids o nlmya dep ossitbhlreo utghhe c ontributioofn s otheirn dividuDarl.Ws i:l liaBmr uce Wheetlheedr i,r ectoofrt het hesifso,rh is immeasuraabdlvei caen da ssistaDnrc.Me i;l toMn. Klefionrh, i sg uidanDcre.;O tis H. Stephefnosrh isw illingtnoei smsp arth ise normouksn owledogfet hew orkinogf theS upremCeo uratn dt hes electpiroocne sosf S upremCeo urjtu sticLeiss;aL . Williafmosr,h erg uidantcher outghhe A rchivoefst heU niversoiftT ye nnessaened painstakpirnogo rfe adionfg s everdraaflts ; andA nn Lacavaf,o rh ers ignificant encourageamnednh te lp. 111 ABSTRACT Thearti clesw rittoennJ ustiEcdew ardT erry Sanfoarrde l imitiensd cope and contain sienvaecrcaulr aWchiielsh.ei se arly life choavse rbetedhe,en rh ea sn otb een a greadte aolf attepnatiitdoo nt hep olitiocfsh isa ppointmteotn hte S upremCeo urt. Ith asb eent hep urpoosfet hisst udtyop reseannta nalyosfit sh ec ircumstances surrounditnhgea ppointmoefnE td warTde rrSya nfotrodt heU niteSdt atSeusp reme Courwti tahn e xaminatoifto hne r olpel ayebdy S anforfdo'rsm elra wp artnJearm,e s A.F owleirn,i nfluentchiein ngd ividcuhaalrsg weidt mha kintgh ea ppointment. Accorditnocg r itesrpieal loeudtb yB laustaenidnM erskyS,a nfowrads t ypical oft hej ustiwcheosh aveb eena ppointtoet dh eS upremCeo urtT.h em ajoritoyft he justicwehso h aveg aineadd mittatnotc hei esx altpeods itifoinat p articulmaorl dT.h ey havef,o rt hem ostp artc,o mefr om familoifeas bo vea verafignea ncimaela nsw,h o haveb eeni nvolviendp olitoircp su blisce rvicaen dw hosee conomciicr cumstances havep rovidceudl tuarnadle ducatiaodnvaaln taagveasi latbolm ei ddlaen du ppecrl ass individuals. Court Mosto ft hem emberosf t he havec omef romre ligiownist "hh ighs"o cial statPurse-s-byteErpiiasnc,o pCaoln,gre gationaaln,dU nitariWahni.l teh eC onstitution does notp rescrainbyep articeudluacra ticorniatle ar nioam inemeu stm eett og ain appointmteont th eC ourta,l la ppointheaevse b y custobme enl awyersA.l most seventy-pfievrcee notf thea ppointweeesr ee ducatiend b etteirn stitutions--with lV HarvardY,a lea ndC olumbbieai ntgh osmeo stf requenretplrye sentehda-v-reoe rc eived theilre gatrla initnhgr ourgeh adinlagw u ndefirr st-rlaatwey earnsd ju dges. Sanfortdh,ep roducto fa ne conomicaadlvlayn taegnevdi ronmeednutc,a taetd Harvarda,n E piscopalainadn ,e xtremealcyti vien c ommuniatfyf aifirtst ,h em olodf thes uccessful scuopurertam pep ointTheee .p ointto b ec onsideirendt hisst udiys whyS anfowrads s elecotveedor t heerq ualclayp abclaen didates. v TABLE OCFO NTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTERI 7 KNOXVILLET IES 7 KnoxvilEllei te 8 A NewG eneration 11 CHAPTERI I 16 THE EARLYY EARS 16 FamilHyi story 16 Education 19 CHAPTERI II 24 LEGAL CAREER 24 AdmittteoBd ar 24 AttorneaytL aw 26 PolitAicctailv ities 31 CommuniSteyr vice 32 CHAPTERI V 36 PUBLICC AREERT O 1923 36 SpeciParlo secutor 36 AssistAatntto rneGye neral 38 U.S .D istriJcutd ge 40 Politoifct sh eA ppointment 41 Procesosf A ppointment 42 Recorda Daiss triCcotu rJtu dge 46 Summaroyf D istriCcotu rPte rformance 48 CHAPTERV 53 SANFORD'SA PPOINTMENTT O THE SUPREMEC OURT 53 Tafatn dH arding 54 TheA ppointmPernocte ss 60 TheK noxviClolnen ection 63 Summaroyf S upremeC ourPte rformance 68 CONCLUSION 72 BffiLIOGRAPHY 75 VITA 81 1 INTRODUCTION Amidc hargoefsp artispaonl itiRcosb,e rtH .B orkw asd eniecdo nfirmabtiyo n theS enatfeo ra ppointmetnott h eS upremCeo uritn 1 897T.h ef ailuoreft hinso minee tob ec onfirmebdyt heS enatweh,i lietc ausead c onsidersatbiilrnet hen atiopnr'ess s, wasn otu niqueA.tt het imoef B ork'fsai luret ob en ominatteotd h eS upremCeo urt, twenty-eiogrha tp,p roximaotneeol uyt o fe veryfi ven omineehsa,db eenr ejecotre d otherwifsaei lteodt akteh eisre atosn theC ourtP.a rtispaonl ithiacvser esulitne d severcallo se caSlelnsa tvieon t efso rc onfmnatioInn .1 88f1o,re xamplSet,a nley Matthewwsa sc onfmnedb y a 24-2v3ot eN;a thaCnl iffowrodn c onfmnatiboyn a margionf 2 6-2in31 85a8n;dL uciuQs. C.L amarw asc onfmnedb ya clos3e2 -28 votien 1 888.1 Thiss tudeyx amintehse p olitoifct sh ea ppointmoefno tn eS upremCeo urt justicEed,w arTd. S anforadn,dh owh ew asa ppointtoet dh eS upremCeo urtP.o litics, accordtionA gl pheuTs.M asonh,a sa lwaypsl ayeadni ntegpraarlit n S upremCeo urt appointmenRtesg.a rdiWnigl liaHmo ward Tafta nd hisi nfluencoen these appointmenMtass,o nh ass aid:" AsC hieJfu stichee m erelcyo nfmnedt heS upreme Courtf orw hati tw asa nda lwayhsa db een-p-oal itiicanls tit"u2ti on. 1TheS upremeC ourta ndI tsW ork( WashingDt.oCn.,,C ongressiQounaratle rly Inc., 1891,)p .1 15. 2AlpheTu.sM asonW,i lliaHmo wardT aftC:h ieJfu sti(cNee,w Y orkS:i mona nd Schust1e9r,6 5p).7 ,6 . 2 Witht hea pproaocfht hef al1l29 2t ermo ft heS upremeC ourti,ta ppeared possibtlheast e vervaalc ancies ocwcouurl.Od l iveWre ndelHlo lmewsa se ighty-one andre coverifrnogm surgerJyo,s epMhc Kennaw as showinsgi gnosf mental deteriorMaathiloonPn,i tnehya ds ufferae sdtr okaen di tw asn otl ikehleyw oulbde ablteo r esume his duties.3 JuDsatyiw caes n eWgioltliiaaftmoi ranR gp. o sitiionn govemmenatn4d J ustiJcoeh nH . Clarke, antabgyoJ nuiszteiMdcc eR eynolrdest,i red unexpect.se dly Thiss ituatidoins turCbheide Jfu stiTcaef wth ow asw orrieadb oustt artitnhge newt erm oft heC ourwti thoau tf ulclo mplemeonfta bljeu sticTeasf.nt o tetdh at Pitnweya sa bseanntd w as" nolti ketloyr eturnp ermanentHloyl,m"e hsa d" combea ck ina weakenecdo nditaifotnes ru rgerayn"dT afdti dnk'nto wh owl ongh e[ Holmes] woul"df eesltr onegn ougtho c ontien".u Tafwta sh avinag d iffitciumlietn ducitnhge 3f'reLd. I srae"Mla,h loPni tney,T"hieJn u sticoefst heU niteSdt atSeusp remCeo urt, 187919-69I,II p,.2 009T;a ftto R illeSse,p temb9e,1r 92T2a;f tto D augherAtuyg,u st 211,29 2;T afPta perMsi.c rofilimnt heU niversoiftT ye nnessLeieb rar(yh,e reafter citeadsT afPta pers). 4JustDiacye hadb eeni lmlo sto ft hep revioutse rm.H e retirefrdo m theC ourt Novembe1r3 1,9 22an,d a cceptaend a ppointmetnots ervoen theM ixedC laims Commissiwohni chw ass etu p tos ettcllea imrse mainifrnogm WorldW arI . The SupremCeo uratn dI tWso rkp,p .1 65-57. 5ln retpoPl rye sidWeinlts oni'nsq uicroyn cernitnhger easofnosr rheitsi remCelnatr,k e saiidn p art":M cReynoldassy, o uk nowi,s t hem ostr eactiojnuadryg oen t heC ourt. Therwee rem anyo thetrh isn wghichha dbe ttenro tbe setd owni nb lacakn dw hite whichm adet hes ituatitoo nm e deploraabnldeh arassitnogs ucha degreteh aIt thougmhyts elnfo tc alloendt os acrificweh ato fh ealanthd strengtIh m ayh avel eft ina futisltreu ggalgea inisntc reasodidnsg. SometimeIs s houlldi kteo t elylo uo fi t allI.t w asi ns omer espeacstd si sillusiao cnhianpgta esrW ashingtcoonu ladf ford­ -Iam sureI needn ots aym oret hatnh itso o new hoh ass uffereidnt hep asats y ou haveL.e"t tfreorm Clartko W oodrow WilsoSne,p temb9e,1r 292c,i teidnM asonp,p . 1561-76.

Sanford. John H. A. Maguire. University of Tennessee - Knoxville Maguire, John H. A., "The Supreme Court Justice from Knoxville: The Politics of the Appointment of Justice Edward Terry Sanford. " 'lOf'owler Memoirs, III, 172.
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