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The Politics of Interweaving Performance Cultures: Beyond Postcolonialism PDF

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“Collectively, the essays in The Politics of Interweaving Performance Cultures offer a provocative argument for rethinking the paradigms that structure the scholarly assessment of how diverse performative cultures interact, how they are interwoven, and how they draw—indeed how they are dependant—upon each other. Reading this book, one cannot help but feel that its essays are opening the fi rst round of what will become a very signifi cant debate.” —James Harding, University of Warwick, UK This page intentionally left blank The Politics of Interweaving Performance Cultures This book provides a timely intervention in the fi elds of performance studies and theatre history, and to larger issues of global cultural exchange. The authors offer a provocative argument for rethinking the scholarly assessment of how diverse per- formative cultures interact, how they are interwoven, and how they are dependent upon each other. While the term ‘intercultural theatre’ as a concept points back to postcolonial- ism and its contradictions, The Politics of Interweaving Performance Cultures explores global developments in the performing arts that cannot adequately be explained and understood using postcolonial theory alone. The authors challenge the dichotomy between ‘the West and the rest’—where Western cultures are ‘uni- versal’ and non-Western cultures are ‘particular’—as well as ideas of national cul- ture and cultural ownership. This volume uses international case studies to explore the politics of global- ization, looking at new paternalistic forms of exchange and the new inequalities emerging from it. These case studies are guided by the principle that processes of interweaving performance cultures are, in fact, political processes. The authors explore the inextricability of the aesthetic and the political, whereby aesthetics can- not be perceived as opposite to the political; rather, the aesthetic is the political. Erika Fischer-Lichte is Professor of Theatre Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. From 1995 to 1999 she was President of the International Federation for Theatre Research. She is a member of the Academia Europaea, the Academy of Sciences at Göttingen, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina at Halle. She is also director of the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures” (since 2008) and spokesperson of the International Doctoral School “InterArt” (since 2006). Among her many publica- tions are Global Ibsen. Performing Multiple Modernities (2010), The Transforma- tive Power of Performance: A New Aesthetics (2008, German 2004), and Theatre, Sacrifi ce, Ritual. Exploring Forms of Political Theatre (2005). Torsten Jost studied theatre as well as journalism and communication studies in Berlin. He is a research associate at the International Research Center “Inter- weaving Performance Cultures,” Freie Universität Berlin, where he is working on his PhD thesis on the plays of Gertrude Stein, about which he has published numerous essays in German. Saskya Iris Jain studied at Berlin’s Freie Universität and Columbia University, and holds an MFA in Fiction from Boston University, where she was the recipient of the 2010 Florence Engel Randall Award for Fiction and the Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship for travel to Iran the same year. As well as writing fi ction and non- fi ction, she has translated and edited numerous essays and books for publishers in Europe and the US. Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies 1 Theatre and Postcolonial Desires 10 Movement Training for the Awam Amkpa Modern Actor Mark Evans 2 Brecht and Critical Theory Dialectics and Contemporary 11 The Politics of American Actor Aesthetics Training Sean Carney Edited by Ellen Margolis and Lissa Tyler Renaud 3 Science and the Stanislavsky Tradition of Acting 12 Performing Embodiment in Jonathan Pitches Samuel Beckett’s Drama Anna McMullan 4 Performance and Cognition Theatre Studies and the 13 The Provocation of the Senses in Cognitive Turn Contemporary Theatre Edited by Bruce McConachie Stephen Di Benedetto and F. Elizabeth Hart 14 Ecology and Environment in 5 Theatre and Performance in European Drama Digital Culture Downing Cless From Simulation to Embeddedness Matthew Causey 15 Global Ibsen Performing Multiple Modernities 6 The Politics of New Media Edited by Erika Fischer-Lichte, Theatre Barbara Gronau, and Life®™ Christel Weiler Gabriella Giannachi 16 The Theatre of the Bauhaus 7 Ritual and Event The Modern and Postmodern Interdisciplinary Perspectives Stage of Oskar Schlemmer Edited by Mark Franko Melissa Trimingham 8 Memory, Allegory, and 17 Feminist Visions and Queer Testimony in South American Futures in Postcolonial Drama Theater Community, Kinship, and Upstaging Dictatorship Citizenship Ana Elena Puga Kanika Batra 9 Crossing Cultural Borders 18 Nineteenth-Century Theatre and Through the Actor’s Work the Imperial Encounter Foreign Bodies of Knowledge Marty Gould Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento 19 The Theatre of Richard Maxwell 29 Theatre Translation in and the New York City Players Performance Sarah Gorman Edited by Silvia Bigliazzi, Peter Kofl er, and Paola Ambrosi 20 Shakespeare, Theatre and Time Matthew D. Wagner 30 Translation and Adaptation in Theatre and Film 21 Political and Protest Theatre Edited by Katja Krebs after 9/11 Patriotic Dissent 31 Grotowski, Women, and Edited by Jenny Spencer Contemporary Performance Meetings with Remarkable Women 22 Religion, Theatre, and Virginie Magnat Performance Acts of Faith 32 Art, Vision, and Nineteenth- Edited by Lance Gharavi Century Realist Drama Acts of Seeing 23 Adapting Chekhov Amy Holzapfel The Text and its Mutations Edited by J. Douglas Clayton & 33 The Politics of Interweaving Yana Meerzon Performance Cultures Beyond Postcolonialism 24 Performance and the Politics Edited by Erika Fischer-Lichte, of Space Torsten Jost and Saskya Iris Jain Theatre and Topology Edited by Erika Fischer-Lichte and Benjamin Wihstutz 25 Music and Gender in English Renaissance Drama Katrine K. Wong 26 The Unwritten Grotowski Theory and Practice of the Encounter Kris Salata 27 Dramas of the Past on the Twentieth-Century Stage In History’s Wings Alex Feldman 28 Performance, Identity and the Neo-Political Subject Edited by Matthew Causey and Fintan Walsh This page intentionally left blank The Politics of Interweaving Performance Cultures Beyond Postcolonialism Edited by Erika Fischer-Lichte, Torsten Jost and Saskya Iris Jain І і Routledge Cl Taylor Si Francis Group NNEEWW YYOORRKK LLOONNDDOONN First published 2014 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2014 Taylor & Francis The right of Erika Fischer-Lichte, Torsten Jost and Saskya Iris Jain to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The politics of interweaving performance cultures beyond postcolonialism / edited by Erika Fischer-Lichte, Torsten Jost and Saskya Iris Jain. pages cm. — (Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies ; 33) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Performing arts—Political aspects. 2. Performing arts—History— 21st century. 3. Theater and society. 4. Intercultural communication. I. Fischer-Lichte, Erika editor of compilation. II. Jost, Torsten, 1981– editor of compilation. III. Jain, Saskya Iris, 1982– editor of compilation. PN1590.P64P65 2013 306.4'84—dc23 2013031013 ISBN13: 978-0-415-72268-1 (hbk) ISBN13: 978-1-315-85814-2 (ebk) Typeset in Sabon by IBT Global. Contents List of Figures xiii Acknowledgements xv Introduction: Interweaving Performance Cultures— Rethinking ‘Intercultural Theatre’: Toward an Experience and Theory of Performance beyond Postcolonialism 1 ERIKA FISCHER-LICHTE PART I Strategies and Dynamics 1 Postcolonial Modernity: Theatre in Morocco and the Interweaving Loop 25 KHALID AMINE 2 Cultural Interweaving in Mexican Political Cabaret 42 GASTÓN A. ALZATE 3 Farewell and Welcome Back, My Concubine: Female Impersonation on the Chinese Stage 60 SHEN LIN 4 Performing Orientalist, Intercultural, and Globalized Modernities: The Case of Les Naufragés du Fol Espoir by the Théâtre Du Soleil 77 BRIAN SINGLETON

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