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1991 Subject Nd TC Accreditation Explosives Incidents System: A Computer Approach to Explosives From the Director: Crisis Management Training (William S. Legislative Alert: Federal Reimbursement for the Accreditation Incidents (Stephen B. Scheid) Oct: 58 Sessions) Nov: 13 Process (Cheryl Anthony Epps) Aug; 14 Futuristic System Helps Long Beach Corner Career Criminals From the Director: Emergency Response—Identifying Fatalities Negotiating the Accreditation Process in the Small Department (Lawrence L. Binkley) April: 142 (William S. Sessions) Sept: 8 (John Kelley) June: 26 IACP NET Facilitates Information Exchange, Dec: 23 Hazardous Materials: Incident Response Training for Law Pre-Assessments—Luxury or Necessity? (Dave Nicholson) Information Systems: A Help or Hindrance in the Evolution of Enforcement (Daryl F. Gates and Bryan J. Pearson) Sept: 15 June: 32 Policing? (Malcolm K. Sparrow) April: 26 Law Enforcement Management Reaches New Heights (John J. Firearms McDougall) May: 47 Asset Forfeiture New Orleans’ Use of Optical Disk Storage Systems (Paul S. Titus, AIDS Concerns: How Gloves Affect Shooting Speed and Accuracy Equitable Sharing of Federal Forfeiture Proceeds (George J. Sr.) April: 46 (Linda J. Novak) July: 31 Terwilliger, III) April: 14 Retrieving Information from Seized Computers (Michael R. The Evolution of Firearms Training (James P. Morgan, Jr.) Anderson) April: 150 July: 28 Technology Making IDs Quicker, Easier, More Accurate (Scott C. Firearms Training: Setting Instructor-Student Ratios (Valerie Bomb Threat Managemeni Hill) April: 52 Atkins, Jack Loomis and Bob Schaller) July: 24 Bomb Threat Management (Scott P. Curley) Oct: 28 Handgun Selection: Rethinking the Issue—and the Options (James CCointnye cUtnidceurt' sS ieEgxep l(oLsiinvedsa- DSe.t eCchtianpgm aCann)i neOsc t:( A2d4a m F. Berluti) Crime Prevention IntAe.r poRli dCdeolmlp)u tJeurlsy : K3e0e p Track of Firearms, Explosives (Joey V. Oct: 59 Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention Training Thurman) Oct: 53 Drug Trafficking and Explosives: A Means to an End (Donald R. (Patricia L. Sill) Nov: 56 Legislative Alert: Brady Bill, ADEA Survey, OTA Soft Body Armor Kincaid) Oct: 68 Crime-Fighting Social Workers (Michael Shanahan) Aug; 67 Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) May: 51 Explosives Incidents System: A Computer Approach to Explosives Kids at School/Kids at Risk (George ]. Okaty) May: 39 Legislative Alert: House Passes Brady Bill 239 to 186 (Cheryl Incidents (Stephen B. Scheid) Oct: 58 Not Just Old Wine in New Bottles (Peter Horne) May: 24 Anthony Epps) June: 8 IME Offers Explosives Assistance, Oct: 41 President's Message: Making the Problems of Youth a National President's Message: Law Enforcement Needs the Brady Bill (Lee Interpol Computers Keep Track of Firearms, Explosives (Joey V. Priority (Lee P. Brown) June: 6 P. Brown) April: 6 Thurman) Oct: 53 President's Message: A National Commission on Crime and Stemming Strike-Related Violence (William A. Curley) Oct: 20 Violence—Redoubling Our Efforts (Lee P. Brown) March: 6 From the Director Targeting Bombers (Joseph J. Chisholm and David J. Icove) Crisis Management Training (William S. Sessions) Nov: 13 Oct: 42 Criminal Investigation Emergency Response—Identifying Fatalit:es (William S. Sessions) UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber (James C. Ronay and Arlington Police Department and the U.S. Treasury: Effective Sept: 8 Richard A. Strobel) Oct: 34 Partners (Michael J. Heidingsfield) March: 41 A Perspective on Training (Charles F. Rinkevich) Nov: 10 Chief's Counsel: The Use of the Mini-Cassette Tape Recorder (Paul The Protection of Federal Witnesses (K. Michael Moore) Aug: 10 Chief's Counsel H. Klusmeier) Aug: 19 Terrorism—The Chemical/Biological Threat (William S. Sessions) The Americans with Disabilities Act (Jody M. Litchford) Jan: 11 City Under Siege (Linda S. Chapman) Oct: 24 March: 8 Conducting Strip Searches (William C. Summers) May: 54 Cognitive Interviewing and the Victim/Witness in Crisis (Laura ImpLlaewm eEnntfionrgc etmheen Atm eArgiecnacnise s w(iJtohd yD isMa.b ilLiittiecsh fAorcdt)— GDueicd:a n1c1e for CooOplesreatni oann dK eRyo tboe rStuc cWeeslsl so)f CFheibl:d 2P8r otection Center (Gary -Grant Acquisition/Management The Law Enforcement Plaintiff—An Update (James P. Manak) Hinzman and Dennis Blome) Feb: 24 In Search of Funding: The Care and Feeding of Federal Dollars March: 15 Cost-Effective Pursuit of the Career Criminal (John S. Farrell and (Marilyn B. Peterson) Jan: 55 Lega! Advice—Demand the Best (Robert W. Wennerholm) Joseph J. Vince, Jr.) March: 39 In Search of Funding: Writing Successful Grants (Jamie S. June: 11 Instant Photography in Law Enforcement: A Changing Picture Fields) Jan: 53 Medical and Physical Fitness Standards (Wayne W. Schmidt) (Jim Schmidt) Dec: 45 Feb: 11 Interviewing Sex Offenders (Michael A. Hertica) Feb: 39 Health Issues Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm: The CID’s Law Enforcement Negligent Hiring and Retention—A Cause for Concern (R. Monte Role (Peter T. Berry) Oct: 86 AIDS Concerns: How Gloves Affect Shooting Speed and Accuracy MacConnell) July: 12 Probable Cause and the Search Warrant Requirement (Michael F. (Linda J. Novak) July: 31 Re-Employment Rights of Returning Veterans (Judith Ronzio) Brown) March: 48 Anabolic Steroid Abuse Among Law Enforcement Officers (Ronald April: 8 Specialist a Definite Advantage in Child Sexual Abuse Cases C. Dart, Ill, and Dale A. Ferranto) July: 18 Use of Force—Tennessee v. Garner Reviewed (Michael R. (James M. Peters) Feb: 21 Chief's Counsel: Medical and Physical Fitness Standards (Wayne Santos) Oct: 13 Targeting Bombers (Joseph J. Chisholm and David J. Icove) W. Schmidt) Feb: 11 The Use of the Mini-Cassette Tape Recorder (Paul H. Klusmeier) Oct: 42 Does Radar Pose a Health Hazard? huly: 44 Aug; 19 UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber (James C. Ronay and Enhancing AIDS Awareness in Los Angeles (Daryl F. Gates and Richard A. Strobel) Oct: 34 Kenneth E. Lady) March: 44 Community Policing Updated Solutions for Armored Car Robberies (Daryl F. Gates Healthy Hearts for New York City Cops (Rebecca M. Arliss) Bicycle Patrol: A Community Policing Alternative (Carl Ent and and Norman N. Roberge) Oct: 141 July: 16 James E. Hendricks) Nov: 58 Citizen Response Questionnaire: A Valuable Educational Tool Driving Under the Influence Highway Safety (Elizabeth Bondurant) Nov: 74 Police Evidence and Court Outcomes for Drunk-Driving Cases Does Radar Pose a Health Hazard? July: 44 Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention Training (Dale E. Berger) Feb: 51 How the Golden State Got “Belted” (Maury Hannigan) July: 36 (Patricia L. Sill) Nov: 56 WRAP Covers Holiday Drinking and Driving (John E. Operation ROADSIDE (Justin Dintino) Oct: 106 Cowboys, Cops & Kids, Nov: 72 Granfield) July: 47 The Police Role in Work Zone Traffic Control (Terry W. Conner Crime-Fighting Social Workers (Michael Shanahan) Aug: 67 and T.H. Milldebrandt) July: 40 The Customer isA lways Right (David C. Couper and Sabine Police Support Key to Success of Major Safety Belt Use Campaign Lobitz) May: 16 Drug Issues (Jerry Ralph Curry) May: 45 Kids at School/Kids at Risk (George J. Okaty) May: 39 Building Integrity and Reducing Drug Corruption, Jan: 27 WRAP Covers Holiday Drinking and Driving (John E. Not Just Old Wine in New Bottles (Peter Horne) May: 24 Community Narcotics Enforcement Teams (Thomas A. Granfield) July: 47 President's Message: The Civilian Review Board—Friend or Foe? Constantine) Oct: 103 (Lee P. Brown) July: 6 Drug Traffickinagn d Explosives: A Means to an End (Donald R. President's Message: Community Policing: Its Time Has Come Kincaid) Oct: 68 IACP Initiatives (Lee P. Brown) Sept: 6 Equitable Sharing of Federal Forfeiture Proceeds (George J 8th European Conference Brings Together 130 Police Executives, Putting Our Best Foot Forward (Warren R. Nichols) May: 31 Terwilliger, II) April: 14 Oct: 91 Racial Unrest: A Proactive Approach (Robert C. Wadman) Forming a Clandestine Drug Laboratory Unit (Stephen L. IACP Announces New Initiative: Saved by the Belt/Air Bag Awards March: 23 Hermann) Oct: 112 Program Established for Law Enforcement Officers, Jan: 21 Turning Lives Around (Dave Austin and Jane Braaten) Indoor Cannabis Cultiation: Marijuana in the ‘90s (john T. IACP NET Facilitates Information Exchange, Dec: 23 May: 36 Peoples and Larry M. Hahn) Oct: 119 IACP’s Advisory Committee for International Policy, Oct: 101 Volunteer Police (Martin Alan Greenberg) May: 42 Operation ROADSIDE (Justin Dintino) Oct: 106 1991 Treasurer's Report: Association on Solid Financial Ground, Successful Drug Demand Reduction Strategies for Police Chiefs Dec: 28 Computer Applications (John Rosiak) Oct: 122 PPorleiscied enBtr'ust alMietsys aagned: IIAACCPP’ s LPeraodjeercsth iRpe sMpoenestei,n g MaNye:w 1C0h allenges in Computer Trends in Law Enforcement (Richard Rubin) April: 20 International Policing (Lee P. Brown) Aug: 8 Developing an Automated Evidence Tracking System (Thomas S. Emergency Response President's Message: IACP’s Response to the Americans with Hamilton) April: 146 Creating the Right Command Post (Jurg W. Mattman) Sept: 20 Disabilities Act (C. Roland Vaughn, Ill) Dec: 6 60 THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991 1991 Subject Nd TC Accreditation Explosives Incidents System: A Computer Approach to Explosives From the Director: Crisis Management Training (William S. Legislative Alert: Federal Reimbursement for the Accreditation Incidents (Stephen B. Scheid) Oct: 58 Sessions) Nov: 13 Process (Cheryl Anthony Epps) Aug; 14 Futuristic System Helps Long Beach Corner Career Criminals From the Director: Emergency Response—Identifying Fatalities Negotiating the Accreditation Process in the Small Department (Lawrence L. Binkley) April: 142 (William S. Sessions) Sept: 8 (John Kelley) June: 26 IACP NET Facilitates Information Exchange, Dec: 23 Hazardous Materials: Incident Response Training for Law Pre-Assessments—Luxury or Necessity? (Dave Nicholson) Information Systems: A Help or Hindrance in the Evolution of Enforcement (Daryl F. Gates and Bryan J. Pearson) Sept: 15 June: 32 Policing? (Malcolm K. Sparrow) April: 26 Law Enforcement Management Reaches New Heights (John J. Firearms McDougall) May: 47 Asset Forfeiture New Orleans’ Use of Optical Disk Storage Systems (Paul S. Titus, AIDS Concerns: How Gloves Affect Shooting Speed and Accuracy Equitable Sharing of Federal Forfeiture Proceeds (George J. Sr.) April: 46 (Linda J. Novak) July: 31 Terwilliger, III) April: 14 Retrieving Information from Seized Computers (Michael R. The Evolution of Firearms Training (James P. Morgan, Jr.) Anderson) April: 150 July: 28 Technology Making IDs Quicker, Easier, More Accurate (Scott C. Firearms Training: Setting Instructor-Student Ratios (Valerie Bomb Threat Managemeni Hill) April: 52 Atkins, Jack Loomis and Bob Schaller) July: 24 Bomb Threat Management (Scott P. Curley) Oct: 28 Handgun Selection: Rethinking the Issue—and the Options (James CCointnye cUtnidceurt' sS ieEgxep l(oLsiinvedsa- DSe.t eCchtianpgm aCann)i neOsc t:( A2d4a m F. Berluti) Crime Prevention IntAe.r poRli dCdeolmlp)u tJeurlsy : K3e0e p Track of Firearms, Explosives (Joey V. Oct: 59 Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention Training Thurman) Oct: 53 Drug Trafficking and Explosives: A Means to an End (Donald R. (Patricia L. Sill) Nov: 56 Legislative Alert: Brady Bill, ADEA Survey, OTA Soft Body Armor Kincaid) Oct: 68 Crime-Fighting Social Workers (Michael Shanahan) Aug; 67 Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) May: 51 Explosives Incidents System: A Computer Approach to Explosives Kids at School/Kids at Risk (George ]. Okaty) May: 39 Legislative Alert: House Passes Brady Bill 239 to 186 (Cheryl Incidents (Stephen B. Scheid) Oct: 58 Not Just Old Wine in New Bottles (Peter Horne) May: 24 Anthony Epps) June: 8 IME Offers Explosives Assistance, Oct: 41 President's Message: Making the Problems of Youth a National President's Message: Law Enforcement Needs the Brady Bill (Lee Interpol Computers Keep Track of Firearms, Explosives (Joey V. Priority (Lee P. Brown) June: 6 P. Brown) April: 6 Thurman) Oct: 53 President's Message: A National Commission on Crime and Stemming Strike-Related Violence (William A. Curley) Oct: 20 Violence—Redoubling Our Efforts (Lee P. Brown) March: 6 From the Director Targeting Bombers (Joseph J. Chisholm and David J. Icove) Crisis Management Training (William S. Sessions) Nov: 13 Oct: 42 Criminal Investigation Emergency Response—Identifying Fatalit:es (William S. Sessions) UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber (James C. Ronay and Arlington Police Department and the U.S. Treasury: Effective Sept: 8 Richard A. Strobel) Oct: 34 Partners (Michael J. Heidingsfield) March: 41 A Perspective on Training (Charles F. Rinkevich) Nov: 10 Chief's Counsel: The Use of the Mini-Cassette Tape Recorder (Paul The Protection of Federal Witnesses (K. Michael Moore) Aug: 10 Chief's Counsel H. Klusmeier) Aug: 19 Terrorism—The Chemical/Biological Threat (William S. Sessions) The Americans with Disabilities Act (Jody M. Litchford) Jan: 11 City Under Siege (Linda S. Chapman) Oct: 24 March: 8 Conducting Strip Searches (William C. Summers) May: 54 Cognitive Interviewing and the Victim/Witness in Crisis (Laura ImpLlaewm eEnntfionrgc etmheen Atm eArgiecnacnise s w(iJtohd yD isMa.b ilLiittiecsh fAorcdt)— GDueicd:a n1c1e for CooOplesreatni oann dK eRyo tboe rStuc cWeeslsl so)f CFheibl:d 2P8r otection Center (Gary -Grant Acquisition/Management The Law Enforcement Plaintiff—An Update (James P. Manak) Hinzman and Dennis Blome) Feb: 24 In Search of Funding: The Care and Feeding of Federal Dollars March: 15 Cost-Effective Pursuit of the Career Criminal (John S. Farrell and (Marilyn B. Peterson) Jan: 55 Lega! Advice—Demand the Best (Robert W. Wennerholm) Joseph J. Vince, Jr.) March: 39 In Search of Funding: Writing Successful Grants (Jamie S. June: 11 Instant Photography in Law Enforcement: A Changing Picture Fields) Jan: 53 Medical and Physical Fitness Standards (Wayne W. Schmidt) (Jim Schmidt) Dec: 45 Feb: 11 Interviewing Sex Offenders (Michael A. Hertica) Feb: 39 Health Issues Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm: The CID’s Law Enforcement Negligent Hiring and Retention—A Cause for Concern (R. Monte Role (Peter T. Berry) Oct: 86 AIDS Concerns: How Gloves Affect Shooting Speed and Accuracy MacConnell) July: 12 Probable Cause and the Search Warrant Requirement (Michael F. (Linda J. Novak) July: 31 Re-Employment Rights of Returning Veterans (Judith Ronzio) Brown) March: 48 Anabolic Steroid Abuse Among Law Enforcement Officers (Ronald April: 8 Specialist a Definite Advantage in Child Sexual Abuse Cases C. Dart, Ill, and Dale A. Ferranto) July: 18 Use of Force—Tennessee v. Garner Reviewed (Michael R. (James M. Peters) Feb: 21 Chief's Counsel: Medical and Physical Fitness Standards (Wayne Santos) Oct: 13 Targeting Bombers (Joseph J. Chisholm and David J. Icove) W. Schmidt) Feb: 11 The Use of the Mini-Cassette Tape Recorder (Paul H. Klusmeier) Oct: 42 Does Radar Pose a Health Hazard? huly: 44 Aug; 19 UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber (James C. Ronay and Enhancing AIDS Awareness in Los Angeles (Daryl F. Gates and Richard A. Strobel) Oct: 34 Kenneth E. Lady) March: 44 Community Policing Updated Solutions for Armored Car Robberies (Daryl F. Gates Healthy Hearts for New York City Cops (Rebecca M. Arliss) Bicycle Patrol: A Community Policing Alternative (Carl Ent and and Norman N. Roberge) Oct: 141 July: 16 James E. Hendricks) Nov: 58 Citizen Response Questionnaire: A Valuable Educational Tool Driving Under the Influence Highway Safety (Elizabeth Bondurant) Nov: 74 Police Evidence and Court Outcomes for Drunk-Driving Cases Does Radar Pose a Health Hazard? July: 44 Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention Training (Dale E. Berger) Feb: 51 How the Golden State Got “Belted” (Maury Hannigan) July: 36 (Patricia L. Sill) Nov: 56 WRAP Covers Holiday Drinking and Driving (John E. Operation ROADSIDE (Justin Dintino) Oct: 106 Cowboys, Cops & Kids, Nov: 72 Granfield) July: 47 The Police Role in Work Zone Traffic Control (Terry W. Conner Crime-Fighting Social Workers (Michael Shanahan) Aug: 67 and T.H. Milldebrandt) July: 40 The Customer isA lways Right (David C. Couper and Sabine Police Support Key to Success of Major Safety Belt Use Campaign Lobitz) May: 16 Drug Issues (Jerry Ralph Curry) May: 45 Kids at School/Kids at Risk (George J. Okaty) May: 39 Building Integrity and Reducing Drug Corruption, Jan: 27 WRAP Covers Holiday Drinking and Driving (John E. Not Just Old Wine in New Bottles (Peter Horne) May: 24 Community Narcotics Enforcement Teams (Thomas A. Granfield) July: 47 President's Message: The Civilian Review Board—Friend or Foe? Constantine) Oct: 103 (Lee P. Brown) July: 6 Drug Traffickinagn d Explosives: A Means to an End (Donald R. President's Message: Community Policing: Its Time Has Come Kincaid) Oct: 68 IACP Initiatives (Lee P. Brown) Sept: 6 Equitable Sharing of Federal Forfeiture Proceeds (George J 8th European Conference Brings Together 130 Police Executives, Putting Our Best Foot Forward (Warren R. Nichols) May: 31 Terwilliger, II) April: 14 Oct: 91 Racial Unrest: A Proactive Approach (Robert C. Wadman) Forming a Clandestine Drug Laboratory Unit (Stephen L. IACP Announces New Initiative: Saved by the Belt/Air Bag Awards March: 23 Hermann) Oct: 112 Program Established for Law Enforcement Officers, Jan: 21 Turning Lives Around (Dave Austin and Jane Braaten) Indoor Cannabis Cultiation: Marijuana in the ‘90s (john T. IACP NET Facilitates Information Exchange, Dec: 23 May: 36 Peoples and Larry M. Hahn) Oct: 119 IACP’s Advisory Committee for International Policy, Oct: 101 Volunteer Police (Martin Alan Greenberg) May: 42 Operation ROADSIDE (Justin Dintino) Oct: 106 1991 Treasurer's Report: Association on Solid Financial Ground, Successful Drug Demand Reduction Strategies for Police Chiefs Dec: 28 Computer Applications (John Rosiak) Oct: 122 PPorleiscied enBtr'ust alMietsys aagned: IIAACCPP’ s LPeraodjeercsth iRpe sMpoenestei,n g MaNye:w 1C0h allenges in Computer Trends in Law Enforcement (Richard Rubin) April: 20 International Policing (Lee P. Brown) Aug: 8 Developing an Automated Evidence Tracking System (Thomas S. Emergency Response President's Message: IACP’s Response to the Americans with Hamilton) April: 146 Creating the Right Command Post (Jurg W. Mattman) Sept: 20 Disabilities Act (C. Roland Vaughn, Ill) Dec: 6 60 THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991 President's Message: The Police Leadership Institute (Lee P. The Relationship Between Pornography and Extrafamilial Child Program (Cheryl Anthony Epps) Jan: 14 Brown) Feb: 6 Sexual Abuse (Ralph W. Bennett and Daryl F. Gates) Legislative Alert: Focus on Transportation Bills (Cheryl Anthony President's Message: Setting the Agenda (C. Roland Vaughn, III) Feb: 14 Epps) Nov: 14 Nov: 6 Specialist a Definite Advantage in Child Sexual Abuse Cases Legislative Alert: House Passes Brady Bill 239 to 186 (Cheryl President's Message: The Year in Review (Lee P. Brown) Oct: 6 (James M. Peters) Feb: 21 Anthony Epps) June: 8 Turning Lives Around (Dave Austin and Jane Braaten) Legislative Survey: Setting the Agenda, April: 13 May: 36 President Bush Speaks Candidly on Law Enforcement Issues, Interagency Cooperation June: 18 Arlington Police Department and the U.S. Treasury: Effective President's Message: IACP’s Response to the Americans with Partners (Michael J. Heidingsfield) March: 41 Law Enforcement Exploring Disabilities Act (C. Roland Vaughn, III) Dec: 6 Community Narcotics Enforcement Teams (Thomas A. Davie Police Explorers Head for England (Robert Labelle) President's Message: Law Enforcement Needs the Brady Bill (Lee Constantine) Oct: 103 July: 52 P. Brown) April: 6 Cooperation Key to Success of Child Protection Center (Gary Law Enforcement Exploring: A Recruiting Alternative (Stephen E. Hinzman and Dennis Blome) Feb: 24 Higgins) July: 52 Cooperation Leads to Early Disposition (Richard L. Foreman) Liability Issues March: 43 Legislative Concerns Avoiding Police Liability for Negligent Failure to Prevent Suicide Cost-Effective Pursuit of the Career Criminal (John S. Farrell and (Victor E. Kappeler and Rolando V. del Carmen) Aug: 53 Joseph J. Vince, Jr.) March: 39 The Americans with Disabilities Act and Police Psychology Chief's Counsel: Conducting Strip Searches (William C. (Catherine L. Flanagan) Dec: 14 Summers) May: 54 Chief's Counsel: The Americans with Disabilities Act (Jody M. Chief's Counsel: The Law Enforcement Plaintiff—An Update International Policing Litchford) Jan: 11 (James P. Manak) March: 15 Caring in Action: Newcastle Police Assist Romanian Children, Chief's Counsel: Conducting Strip Searches (William C. Chief's Counsel: Negligent Hiring and Retention—A Cause for Oct: 97 Summers) May: 54 Concern (R. Monte MacConnell) July: 12 8th European Conference Brings Together 130 Police Executives, Chief's Counsel: Implementing the Americans with Disabilities Chief's Counsel: Use of Force—Tennessee v. Garner Reviewed Oct; 91 Act—Guidance for Law Enforcement Agencies (Jody M. (Michael R. Santos) Oct: 13 IACP’s Advisory Committee for International Policy, Oct: 101 Litchford) Dec: 11 Liability for Failure to Adequately Train (Diane M. Daane and International Policing: Women in the Danish Police Service Legislative Alert: TheAg e Discrimination in Employment Act—The James E. Hendricks) Nov: 26 (Birgitte Stampe) June: 15 Penn State Universi:y Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) Dec: 18 PRISM: Police Response and Interaction with Suspect Model Interpol Computers Keep Track of Firearms, Explosives (Joey V. Legislative Alert: ADEA Revisited for Law Enforcement, (Cheryl (Scott J. Grossberg) July: 34 Thurman) Oct: 53 Anthony Epps) Feb: 9 Protect Your Community from Lawsuits (Thomas H. Baynard Policing the North Sea (lan Oliver) Aug: 65 Legislative Alert: Brady Bill, ADEA Survey, OTA Soft Body Armor and Bernard J. Giangiulio, Jr.) Nov: 19 President's Message: [ACP Leadership Meeting New Challenges in Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) May: 51 International Policing (Lee P. Brown) Aug: 8 Legislative Alert: Crime Subcommittee Chairmanship Up for Grabs Turnabout is Fair Play, Oct: 95 (Cheryl Anthony Epps) March: 10 Military Policing Legislative Alert: The Federal Bill of Rights for Police Officers Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm: The CID’s Law Enforcement (Cheryl Anthony Epps) July: 10 Role (Peter T. Berry) Oct: 86 Juvenile Issues Legislative Alert: Federal Reimbursement for the Accreditation Cooperation Key to Success of Child Protection Center (Gary Process (Cheryl Anthony Epps) Aug: 14 Hinzman and Dennis Blome) Feb: 24 Legislative Alert: The Federal Response to Police Brutality (Cheryl 98th Annual Conference Cowboys, Cops & Kids, Nov: 72 Anthony Epps) Sept: 10 Conference Preview: Committee and Section Meetings, Sept: 40 Kids at School/Kids at Risk (George J. Okaty) May: 39 Legislative Alert: Final ADA Regulations Published (Cheryl Conference Preview: Exhibitor List, Aug: 48; Oct: 76 President's Message: Making the Problems of Youth a National Anthony Epps) Oct: 10 Conference Preview: The Host City, Aug: 40 Priority (Lee P. Brown) June: 6 Legislative Alert: Focus 0 tie Police Recruitment and Education Conference Preview: On the Agenda, Aug: 42 Surplus Israeli Gas Masks These are the EXACT same masks the Israeli govt. issued to the population during the Mid East crisis. Rated NBC (nuc, FIBERGLASS bio, chem), these masks are being used by hundreds of de- partments. We have a limited REAR SEAT number of masks, extra filters and bags. They are BRAND FOR NEW, never issued. Call today! CALL FOR S&H CHARGES TRANSPORTING Extra filters................$9.95 each Only $17.9 Shoulder bag.............$7.50 each PRISONERS 1 — 7 It’s PUNCH II™ now!! STRONG If you want the same superior pepper DURABLE formula tested and approved by the FBI......PUNCH IU is it! From the Fully Guaranteed original manufacturer comes the 5% formula recently adopted for use by PREVENTS HIDING over 5000 U.S. Customs agents. SAFE OF CONTRABAND PUNCH II is the trademark of Aerko International. M2......... 63 0z. w/pocket clip $7.95 ea. MB.....+000+201.6082 . canister $9.95 ea. M4........3.67 0z Duty Size $12.95 ea. ROOMY .-choow Include 5% shipping ($5.00 minimum shippiag) Advanced Electronic Technologies Ste 173, 5800-A N. Sharon Amity Rd, Charlotte, NC 28215 CLEAN cicaneo Info (704)545-2681 Fax (704)545-9061 EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTED BY 1444 So. San Gabriel Bivd. Orders 1-800-543-5207 BBS (704)545-7076 F.MORTON PITT CO. San Gabriel, ca 91776 Circle no. 1 on Reader Service Card Phone: 213/283-5176 Toll Free: 800/533-2838 Fax: 818/280-1113 Circle no. 25 on Reader Service Card Conference Preview: 6th VP Candidates’ Statements, Aug: 46 Performance Evaluation Chief's Counsel: Re-Employment Rights of Returning Veterans Conference Preview: Special Events, Sept: 42 Citizen Response Questionnaire: A Valuable Educational Tool (Judith Ronzio) April: 8 Conference Preview: Workshops, Aug: 44; Sept: 38 (Elizabeth Bondurant) Nov: 74 Enhancing Organizational Efficiency Through Alternative Conference Update: Committee Acknowledgements, Oct Evaluating Detectives’ Performance (Paul N. Conner and Scheduling (Raymond J. Rose) Aug: 60 Conference Update: Overview, Oct: 75 Clinton H. Richards) Sept: 51 Evaluating Detectives’ Performance (Paul N. Conner and Conference Wrap-up: Business Proceedings, Nov: 38 Productivity Measurements That Make Sense in the Small Clinton H. Richards) Sept: 51 Conference Wrap-up: General Assemblies, Nov: 37 Department (David S. Pingel) June: 22 Filling the Gap Between Written Tests and Assessment Centers Conference Wrap-up: Law Enforcement Exhibition, Nov: 44 (Dennis R. Baltzley) Sept: 47 Conference Wrap-up: Workshop Reviews, Nov: 41 Harassment in the Workplace: A Proactive Approach, Dec: 29 Legislative Alert: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act— Occupant Protection Personnel Issues The Penn State University Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) The Americans with Disabitities Act and Police Psychology Dec: 18 A Crash Course in Air Bags, July: 48 (Catherine L. Flanagan) Dec: 14 Legislative Alert: ADEA Revisited for Law Enforcement, (Cheryl First Law Enforcement Agencies Named to 70%+ Safety Belt The Assessment Center Approach to Police Officer Selection (Bryce Anthony Epps) Feb: 9 Honor Roll, Jan: 19 D. Kolpack) Sept: 28 Legislative Alert: Brady Bill, ADEA Survey, OTA Soft Body Armor HIPoAolC(PwiJPcr ee o rtgArhSrnyeua n pmGoRp ouaolnErldsctpete hnasK b elCSiytuNs arehttrewoed y S G)uIof ncoticMtr eia “saLyBtsaie: vwl oet :4ef E5d MnS” af aojv(reoMcdra e umSbreaynyf tet t hyHeO afBBfneeinllcttie /rgAUsia,sr ne J) aBC naa:Jmg upl2 Ay1aw: i ag3rn6d s CChhiiALLeeciiff''tttsscc— hhGCCffuooooiuurrnndddssa))ee nllcJ::Dae en cI::Tmf hpo1er1l11A e L mmaeewrn itciEannngfso rtchweeim tAehmn etDr iisAcagbaeinnlsci itiewesis t(hAJ cotDdi sy(a JboMild.iy t ieMs. PPrreeSDsviitesdunaedbtnyiitl 'nisg(t CiehMBseeu srrAsnycaoltgu et(A: C n.itIn AhRCPooPolnl’aisycn ed R EeOpsrVpgpasaounn)gis zheMa nat,tiyo o :ntI hslel5 )1 A( DmDeeecra:in c a6n Ss. Cwailtdhw ell and Ernest W. Dorling) April: 156 Quality Circles in Law Enforcement (Jon K. Mills) Oct: 134 Recruitment, Selection and Retention: A Matter of Commitment (Michael Hyams) Sept: 24 The Table Top—A New Dimension in Promotion Assessment (Thomas T. Gillespie) Sept: 49 Police Dogs Connecticut's Explosives-Detecting Canines (Adam F. Berluti) Ne RMN NS Oct: 59 Law Enforcement's Best Friends (R.L. Suthard) Jan: 50 Executive Leadership Police Ethics Building Integrity and Reducing Drug Corruption, Jan: 27 Communicating the Ethical Standard (Michael T. Hyams) Oct: 127 Leadership and Ethics Training for Police Administrators (Hillary M. Robinette) Jan: 42 President's Message:Va lues and Ethical Standards Must Flow from the Chief (Lee P. Brown) Jan: 8 Police Management Case Management: A System of Supervisory Control (Wayne T. Seay) Oct: 138 Communicating the Ethical Standard (Michael T. Hyams) Oct: 127 Cooperation Leads to Early Disposition (Richard L. Foreman) March: 43 The Customer is Always Right (David C. Couper and Sabine February 3-4 How to Compete for a Police Lobitz) May: 16 Enhancing Organizational Efficiency Through Alternative Chief Position Scheduling (Raymond J. Rose) Aug: 60 Miami, Florida Environmental Scanning Pays Off (Donald C. Witham) March: 26 Arrest Warrant Letter Service (David G. Born, Michael O. Hall, February 3-7 Executive Development Jon W. McBride, Ronald Dalquest and W. Ronald Olin) Gainesville, Georgia Dec: 49 50 Points to Professionalism: Rate Your Own Department (Phyllis P. McDonald) Aug: 34 February 5-7 Managing for Excellence: Harassment in the Workplace: A Proactive Approach, Dec: 29 Leadership and the Quality How Deep is Your Bench? (Richard M. Hough) Nov: 30 Law Enforcement Management Reaches New Heights (John J. Improvement Method McDougall) May: 47 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Leadership and Ethics Training for Police Administrators (Hillary M. Robinette) Jan: 42 Negotiating the Accreditation Process in the Small Department February 19-21 Effective Media Practices for the (John Kelley) June: 26 Law Enforcement Executive The Organizational Grapevine: Friend or Foe? (Richard M. Hough) May: 49 Plainsboro, New Jersey Pre-Assessments—Luxury or Necessity? (Dave Nicholson) June: 32 These programs provide participants with the President's Message: The Police Leadership Institute (Lee P. Brown) Feb: 6 necessary leadership skills and knowledge to lead Productivity Measurements That Make Sense in the Small their agencies into the future. Department (David S. Pingel) June: 22 Quality Circles in Law Enforcement (Jon K. Mills) Oct: 134 Racial Unrest: A Proactive Approach (Robert C. Wadman) To register or for more information, call IACP training at March: 23 Responding to 2 Changing Environment (Lee P. Brown) 1-800-THE IACP. March: 20 Special Events Management (Jim Fraser) June: 54 Strategic Planning a Valuable Tool for Oregon State Police (Richard L. Verbeck, James Marshall and Daniel E. O'Toole) March: 31 The Value of Active Participation in Professional Associations (Donald W. Story) July: 8 62 THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991 Police Memorials Chief's Counsel: Implementing the Americans with Disabilities How Deep is Your Bench? (Richard M. Hough) Nov: 30 A Tribute to Law Enforcement, May: 12 Act—Guidance for Law Enforcement Agencies (Jody M. The Key Factors in Law Enforcement Training (Harry L. Marsh) President Bush Dedicates National Law Enforcement Officers’ Litchford) Dec: 11 Nov: 64 Memorial, Dec: 20 Chief's Counsel: Medical and Physical Fitness Standards (Wayne Liability for Failure to Adequately Train (Diane M. Daane and W. Schmidt) Feb: 11 James E. Hendricks) Nov: 26 Chief's Counsel: Negligent Hiring and Retention—A Cause for President's Message: The Police Leadership Institute (Lee P. Police Technology Concern (R. Monte MacConnell) July: 12 Brown) Feb: 6 Creating the Right Command Post (Jurg W. Mattman) Sept: 20 Filling the Gap Between Written Tests and Assessment Centers Protect Your Community from Lawsuits (Thomas H. Baynard Developing an Automated Evidence Tracking System (Thomas S. (Dennis R. Baltzley) Sept: 47 and Bernard J. Giangiulio, Jr.) Nov: 19 Hamilton) April: 146 Law Enforcement Exploring: A Recruiting Alternative (Stephen E. Trainers’ Technique Syndrome (Franklin R. Graves) Nov: 62 Futuristic System Helps Long Beach Corner Career Criminals Higgins) July: 52 A Training Strategy for Policing in a Multicultural Society (Frum (Lawrence L. Binkley) April: 142 Legislative Alert: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act— Himelfarb) Nov: 53 Information Systems: A Help or Hindrance in the Evoiution of The Penn State University Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) Validating Training Programs at FLETC (Ronaid E. Dempsey) Policing? (Malcolm K. Sparrow) April: 26 Dec: 18 Nov: 67 Instant Photography in Law Enforcement: A Changing Picture Legislative Alert: Focus on the Police Recruitment and Education (Jim Schmidt) Dec: 45 Program, Jan: 14 Trends in Policing New Orleans’ Use of Optical Disk Storage Systems (Paul S. Titus, President's Message: [ACP’s Response to the Americans with Sr.) April: 46 Disabilities Act (C. Roland Vaughn, III) Dec: 6 Arlington Police Department and the U.S. Treasury: Effective Retrieving Information from Seized Computers (Michael R. Recruitment, Selection and Retention: A Matter of Commitment Partners (Michael J. Heidingsfield) March: 41 Anderson) April: 150 (Michael Hyams) Sept: 24 Computer Trends in Law Enforcement (Richard Rubin) April: 20 Technology Making IDs Quicker, Easier, More Accurate (Scott C. The Table Top —-A New Dimension in Promotion Assessment Cooperation Leads to Early Disposition (Richard L. Foreman) Hill) April: 52 (Thomas T. Gillespie) Sept: 49 March: 43 Cost-Effective Pursuit of the Career Criminal (John S. Farrell and Joseph J. Vince, Jr.) March: 39 President’s Message Sexual Abuse Developing an Automated Evidence Tracking System (Thomas S. The Civilian Review Board—Friend or Foe? (Lee P. Brown) Cooperation Key to Success of Child Protection Center (Gary Hamilton) April: 146 July: 6 Hinzman and Dennis Blome) Feb: 24 Environmental Scanning Pays Off (Donald C. Witham) Community Policing: Its Time Has Come (Lee P. Brown) Sept: 6 Interviewing Sex Offenders (Michael A. Hertica) Feb: 39 March: 26 IACP Leadership Meeting New Challenges in International The Relationship Between Pornography and Extrafamilial Child Futuristic System Helps Long Beach Corner Career Criminals Policing (Lee P. Brown) Aug: 8 Sexual Abuse (Ralph W. Bennett and Daryl F. Gates) (Lawrence L. Binkley) April: 142 IACP’s Response to the Americans with Disabilities Act (C. Feb: 14 Information Systems: A Help or Hindrance in the Evolution of Roland Vaughn, Ill) Dec: 6 Specialist a Definite Advantage in Child Sexual Abuse Cases Policing? (Malcolm K. Sparrow) April: 26 Law Enforcement and Police Brutality (Lee P. Brown) May: 6 (James M. Peters) Feb: 21 New Orleans’ Use of Optical Disk Storage Systems (Paul S. Titus, Law Enforcement Needs the Brady Bill (Lee P. Brown) April: 6 Sr.) April: 46 Making the Problems of Youth a National Priority (Lee P. Racial Unrest: A Proactive Approach (Robert C. Wadman) Brown) June: 6 Soft Body Armor March: 23 A National Commission on Crime and Violence—Redoubling Our Legislative Alert: Brady Bill, ADEA Survey, OTA Soft Body Armor Responding to a Changing Environment (Lee P. Brown) Efforts (Lee P. Brown) March: 6 Study (Cheryl Anthony Epps) May: 51 March: 20 The Police Leadership Institute (Lee P. Brown) Feb: 6 Strategic Planning a Valuable Tool for Oregon State Police Setting the Agenda (C. Roland Vaughn, III) Nov: 6 Terrorism (Richard L. Verbeck, James Marshall and Daniel E. Values and Ethical Standards Musi Flow from the Chief (Lee P. O'Toole) March: 31 Brown) Jan: 8 Bomb Threat Management (Scott P. Curley) Oct: 28 Technology Making IDs Quicker, Easter, More Accurate (Scott C. The Year in Review (Lee P. Brown) Oct: 6 City Under Siege (Linda S. Chapman) Oct: 24 Hill) April: 52 Civil Aviation Security Measures (Orlo K. Steele) June: 43 Enhancing Anti-Terrorism Skills (Rufus D. Putney) June: 40 Problem-Oriented Policing From the Director: Terrorism—The Chemical/Biological Threat Use of Force The Customer is Always Right (David C. Couper and Sabine (William S. Sessions) March: 8 Chief's Counsel: Use of Force—Tennessee v. Garner Reviewed Lobitz) May: 16 Implications of the Gulf War (Oliver B. Revell) June: 47 (Michael R. Santos) Oct: 13 Information Systems: A Help or Hindrance in the Evolution of The Potential for Violence in the United States (Donald R. Legislative Alert: The Federal Response to Police Brutality (Cheryl Policing? (Malcolm K. Sparrow) April: 26 Schwartz) June: 38 Anthony Epps) Sept: 10 Racial Unrest: A Proactive Approach (Robert C. Wadman) Rewards for Terrorism Information Publicized (Clark M. Dittmer) Police Brutality and IACP's Project Response, May: 10 March: 23 June: 44 President's Message: Law Enforcement and Police Brutality (Lee P. Responding to a Changing Environment (Lee P. Brown) Special Events Management (Jim Fraser) June: 54 Brown) May: 6 March: 20 Stemming Strike-Related Violence (William A. Curley) Oct: 20 PRISM: Police Respor:se and Interaction with Suspect Model UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber (James C. Ronay and (Scott J. Grossberg) July: 34 Richard A. Strobel) Oct: 34 Trainers’ Technique Syndrome {Franklin R. Graves) Nov: 62 Public/Private Sector The Alarm Industry: Friend or Foe to Police Officers? (Lee A. Training Victims’ Issues Jones) Aug: 24 Philadelphia Implements Security Watch (Richard A. Zappile) Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention Training Cognitive Interviewing and the Victim/Witness in Crisis (Laura Aug: 22 (Patricia L. Sill) Nov: 56 Olsen and Robert Wells) Feb: 28 Private Sector Development: A Winning Strategy for New Police The Evolution of Firearms Training (James P. Morgan, Jr.) Cooperation Key to Success of Child Protection Center (Gary Stations, Sheriff's Stations and Jails (Wantland J. Smith) July: 28 Hinzman and Dennis Blome) Feb: 24 Aug: 28 Firearms Training: Setting Instructor-Student Ratios (Valerie Domestic Violence: Breaking the Cycle (Susan R. Paisner) Atkins, Jack Loomis and Bob Schaller) July: 24 Feb: 35 From the Director: Crisis Management Training (William S. Putting Our Best Foot Forward (Warren R. Nichols) May: 31 Screening/Selection Sessions) Nov: 13 The Relationship Between Pornography and Extrafamilial Child The Americans with Disabilities Act and Police Psychology From the Director: A Perspective on Training (Charles F. Sexual Abuse (Ralph W. Bennett and Daryl F. Gates) (Catherine L. Flanagan) Dec: 14 Rinkevich) Nov: 10 Feb: 14 The Assessment Center Approach to Police Officer Selection (Bryce Hazardous Materials: Incident Response Training for Law Victim Impact: How Much Consideration Is It Really Given? D. Kolpack) Sept: 28 Enforcement (Daryl F. Gates and Bryan J. Pearson) Sept: 15 (Robert C. Wells) Feb: 44 ime mmmmmmmnnsoe: o me [OY] Author Index Berluti, Adam F., Connecticut's Explosives-Detecting Canines, A B Oct: 59 Anderson, Michael R., Retrieving Information from Seized Baltzley, Dennis R,, Filling the Gap Between Written Tests and Berry, Peter T., Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm: The CID's Assessment Centers, Sept: 47 Law Enforcement Role, Oct: 86 Computers, April: 150 Baynard, Thomas H., Protecting Your Community from Binkley, Lawrence L,, Futuristic System Helps Long Beach Arliss, Rebecca M., Healthy Hearts for New York City Cops, Lawsuits, Nov: 19 Corner Career Criminals, April: 142 July: 16 Bennett, Ralph W., The Relationship Between Pornography and Blome, Dennis, Cooperation Key to Success of Child Protection Atkins, Valerie, Firearms Training: Setting Instructor-Student Extrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse, Feb: 14 Center, Feb: 24 Ratios, July: 24 Berger, Dale E., Police Evidence ard Court Outcomes for Drunk- Bondurant, Elizabeth, Citizen Response Questionnaire: Austin, Dave, Turning Lives Around, May: 36 Driving Cases, Feb: 51 A Valuable Educational Tool, Nov: 74 THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991 63 Born, David G., Arrest Warrant Letter Service, Dec:4 9 Braaten, Jane, Turning Lives Around, May: 36 D F Brown, Lee P., President's Message: The Civilian Review Board— Daane, Diane M., Liability for Failure to Adequately Train, Farrell, John S., Cost-Effective Pursuit of the Career Criminal, Friend or Foe? July: 6 Nov: 26 March: 39 ——— 's Message: Community Policing: Its Time Has Come, Dalquest, Ronald, Arrest Warrant Letter Service, Dec: 49 Ferranto, Dale A., Anabolic Steroid Abuse Among Law Dart, Roland C., Ill, Anabolic Steroid Abuse Among Law Enforcement Officers, July: 18 Pita 5 Message: [ACP Leadership Meeting of New Enforcement Officers, July: 18 Fields, Jamie S., In Search of Funding: Writing Successful Challenges in International Policing, Aug: 8 del Carmen, Rolando V., Avoiding Police Liability for Negligent Grants, Jan: 53 —President’s Message: Law Enforcement a Police Brutality, Failure to Prevent Suicide, Aug: 53 Flanagan, Catherine L., The Americans with Disabilities Act and May: 6 Dempsey, Ronald E., Validating Training Programs at FLETC, Police Psychology, Dec: 14 —President's Message: Law Enforcement Needs the Brady Bill, Nov: 67 Foreman, Richard L., Cooperation Leads to Early Disposition, April: 6 Dintino, Justin, Operation ROADSIDE, Oct: 106 March: 43 - Point's Message: Making the Problems of Youth a National Dittmer, Clark M., Rewards for Terrorism Information Publicized, Fraser, Jim, Special Events Management, June: 54 Priority, June: 6 June: 44 —President’s Message: A National Commission on Crime and Dorling, Ernest W., Preventing Burnout in Police Organizations, Violence—Redoubling Our Efforts, March: 6 April: 156 —President’s Message: The Police Leadership Institute, Feb: 6 G —President’s Message: Values and Ethical Standards Must Flow Gates, Daryl F., Enhancing AIDS Awareness in Los Angeles, from the Chief, Jan: 8 March: 44 —President's Message: The Year in Review, Oct: 6 —Hazardous Materials: Incident Response Training for Law —Responding to a Changing Environment, March: 20 Enforcement, Sept: 15 Brown, Michael F., Probable Cause and the Search Warrant E —The Relationship Between Pornography and Extrafamilial Child Requirement, March: 48 Ent, Carl, Bicycle Patrol: A Community Policing Alternative, Sexual Abuse, Feb: 14 Nov: 58 —Updated Solutions for Armored Car Robberies, Oct: 141 Epps, Cheryl Anthony, Legislative Alert: ADEA Revisited for Giangiulio, Bernard J., Jr, Protecting Your Community from Law Enforcement, Feb: 9 Lawsuits, Nov: 19 —Legislative Alert: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act— Gillespie, Thomas T., The Table Top—A New Dimension in The Penn State University Study, Dec: 18 Promotion Assessment, Sept: 49 C —Legislative Alert: Brady Bill, ADEA Survey, OTA Soft Body Granfield, John E., WRAP Covers Holdiay Drinking and Caldwell, Dean S., Preventing Burnout in Police Organizations, Armor Study, May: 51 Driving, July: 47 April: 156 —Legislative Alert: Crime Subcommittee Chairmanship Up for Graves, Franklin R., Trainers’ Technique Syndrome, Nov: 62 Chapman, Linda S., City Under Siege, Oct: 24 Grabs, March: 10 Greenberg, Martin Alan, Volunteer Police, May: 42 Chisholm, Joseph J., Targeting Bombers, Oct: 42 —Legislative Alert: The Federal Bill of Rights for Police Officers, Grossberg, Scott J., PRISM: Police Response and Interaction with Conner, Paul N., Evaluating Detectives’ Performance, Sept: 51 July: 10 Suspect Model, July: 34 Conner, Terry W., The Police Role in Work Zone Traffic Control, —Legislative Alert: Federal Reimbursement for the Accreditation July: 40 Process, Aug: 14 Constantine, Thomas A,, Community Narcotics Enforcement —Legislative Alert: The Federal Response to Police Brutality, Teams, Oct: 103 Sept: 10 H Couper, David C, The Custoims Aelwray s - a 16 —Legislative Alert: Final ADA Regulations Published, Oct: 10 Hahn, Larry M., Indoor Cannabis Cultivation: Marijuana in the Curley, Scott P., Bomb Threat — Legislative Alert: Focus on the Police Recruitment and Education ‘90s, Oct: 119 Curley, William A., Stemming Strike-Related Vober Oct: 20 Program, Jan: 14 Hall, Michael O., Arrest Warrant Letter Service, Dec: 49 Curry, Jerry Ralph, Police Support Key to Success of Major —Legislative Alert: Focus on Transportation Bilis, Nov: 14 Hamilton, Thomas S., Developing an Automated Evidence Safety Belt Use Campaign, May: 45 —Legislative Alert: House Passes Brady Bill 239 to 186, June: 8 Tracking System, April: 146 The City of Bell Gardens is seeking qualified candidates for Chapel Hill, North Carolina POLICE CHIEF POLICE Population 38,872. Police chief directs a department of 77 sworn and 19 civilian employees (force includes 38 public safety officer positions performing law enforcement and fire CHIEF services—department is in transition to a less consolidated The city of Bell Gardens is looking for a dynamic, community- public safety system, possibly to separated departments). oriented team player who has a hands-on management style Position requires any demonstrated equivalent to bachelor and a strong rapport with subordinates. Because Bell Gardens of arts/science degree in criminal justice or public has an 85 percent Hispanic population, the ability to speak administration, and 10 years’ sworn law enforcement Spanish is very desirable. experience with five years in municipal police administra- Bell Gardens is a densely populated urban community, seven tion or top command. Strong management and commu- miles southeast of Los Angeles. Home to California’s largest card casino, it is a city with a strong financial base. nication skills, high ethical values, sensitivity and creativity This vacancy is being created by the retirement of our current required. Candidate must pass all terms and conditions for chief, who has been chief of police for the past eight years. sworn status in North Carolina, including drug test and We require that candidates have at least 15 years of law physical agility test. Starting salary $43,338 to $52,300; enforcement experience and have attained the rank of excellent benefits including additional five percent to 401K. lieutenant or above. Receiving applications/resumes through !anuary 2, 1992, to Present salary range is $5,941 to $7,221/monthly plus a comprehensive benefit package and city-provided car. Personnel-P To obtain an application, please contact City of Bell Gardens, Chapel Hill Town Hall Personnel Dept., 7100 Garfield Ave., Bell Gardens, CA 90201; 306 N. Columbia St. 213/806-4500. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 AA/EOE Women and minorities are encouraged to apply for this position. EOE 64 THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991 Hannigan, Maury, How the Gouden State Got “Belted”, July: 36 Nicholson, Dave, Pre-Assessments—Luxury or Necessity? Peoples, John T., Indoor Cannabis Cultivation: Marijuana in the Heidingsfield, Michael J., Arlington Police Department and the June: 32 90s, Oct: 119 U.S. Treasury: Effective Partners, March: 41 Novak, Linda J., AIDS Concerns: How Gloves Affect Shooting Peters, James M., Specialists a Definite Advantage in Child Hendricks, James E., Bicycie Patrol: A Community Policing Speed and Accuracy, July: 31 Sexual Abuse Cases, Feb: 21 Alternative, Nov: 58 Peterson, Marilyn B., In Search of Funding: The Care and H—Leirambailnint,y fSotre Fpahileunr e Lt.o, AFdoerqmuiantge lya CTlraainnd,e stNionve: D2r6u g Laboratory O PinFgeeeld,i nDg aovfi dFe dSe.r,a lP rDoodlulcatrisv,i tJya nM:e a5s5u rements That Make Sense in Unit, Oct: 112 Okaty, George J., Kids at School/Kids at Risk, May: 39 the Small Department, June: 22 Hertica, Michael A., Interviewing Sex Offenders, Feb: 39 Olin, W. Ronald, Arrest Warrant Letter Service, Dec: 49 Putney, Rufus D., Enhancing Anti-Terrorism Skills, June: 40 Higgins, Stephen E., Law Enforcement Exploring: A Recruiting Oliver, Ian, Policing the North Sea, Aug: 65 Olsen, Laura, Cognitive Interviewing and the Victim/Witness in HilAll,t eSrcnoattitv eC,, ,J uTleyc:h n5o2l ogy Making IDs Quicker, Easier, More Crisis, Feb: 28 R O'Toole, Daniel E., Strategic Planning a Valuable Tool for Revell, Oliver B., Implications of the Gulf War, June: 47 Accurate, April: 52 Oregon State Police, March: 31 Richards, Clinton H., Evaluating Detectives’ Performance, Himelfarb, Frum, A Training Strategy for Policing in a Sept: 51 Multicultural Society, Nov: 53 Riddell, James A., Handgun Selection: Rethinking the Issue— Hinzman, Gary, Cooperation Key to Success of Child Protection P And the Options, July: 30 Center, Feb: 24 Paisner, Susan R., Domestic Violence: Breaking the Cycle, Rinkevich, Charles F., From the Director: A Perspective on Horne, Peter, Not Just Old Wine in New Botties, May: 24 Feb: 35 Training, Nov: 10 Hough, Richard M., How Deep is Your Bench? Nov: 30 Pearson, Bryan J., Hazardous Materials: Incident Response Roberge, Norman N., Updated Solutions for Armored Car —The Organizational Grapevine: Friend or Foe? May: 49 Training for Law Enforcement, Sept: 15 Robberies, Oct: 141 Hyams, Michael T., Communicating the Ethica! Standard, Oct: 127 —Recruitment, Selection and Retention: A Matter of Commitment, Sept:2 4 I Icove, David J., Targeting Bombers, Oct: 42 J Jones, Lee A., The Alarm Industry: Friend or Foe to Police Officers? Aug: 24 K Kappeler, Victor E., Avoiding Police Liability for Negligent Fail- ure to Prevent Suicide, Aug: 53 Kelley, John, Negotiating the Accreditation Process in the Small Department, June: 26 Kincaid, Donald R., Drug Trafficking and Explosives: A Means to an End, Oct: 68 Kleinknecht, G.H.,, 1991 Treasurer's Report: Association on Solid Financial Ground, Dec: 28 Klusmeier, Paul H., Chief's Counsel: The Use of the Mini- Cassette Tape Recorder, Aug: 19 Kolpack, Bryce D., The Assessment Center Approach to Police Officer Selection, Sept: 28 Support and Staff Services L January 29-31 Crime Analysis: Systems and Software Labelle, Robert, Davie Police Explorers Head for England, July: 52 Port Orange, Florida Lady, Kenneth E., Enhancing AIDS Awareness in Los Angeles, March: 44 February 4-6 Criminal Investigation Concepts Litchford, Jody M., Chief's Counsel: The Americans with Beaverton, Oregon Disabilities Act, Jan: 11 —Chief’s Counsel: Implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act—Guidance for Law Enforcement Agencies, Dec: 11 Field Operations and Investigations Lobitz, Sabine, The Customer is Always Right, May: 16 Loomis, Jack, Firearms Training: Setting Instructor-Student January 22-24 Canine Officers’ Survival and Tactics Ratios, July: 24 Homestead, Florida M January 27-31 Forensic Photography MacConnell, R. Monte, Chief's Counsel: Negligent Hiring and Miami, Florida Retention—A Cause for Concern, July: 12 Manak, James P., Chief's Counsel: The Law Enforcement Plain- February 3-7 Enhanced Surveillance Techniques tiff—An Update, March: 15 Minneapolis, Minnesota Marsh, Harry L., The Key Factors in Law Enforcement Training, Nov: 64 February 19-21 Police Actions to Solve Gang Problems Marshall, James, Strategic Planning a Valuable Tool for Oregon State Police, March: 31 Tempe, Arizona Mattman, Jurg W., Creating the Right Command Post, Sept: 20 McBride, Jon W., Arrest Warrant Letter Service, Dec: 49 These programs provide participants with advanced technical McDonald, Phyllis P,, 50 Points to Professionalism: Rate Your skills and knowledge to assist them in addressing contempo- Own Department, Aug: 34 McDougall, Jolin J., Law Enforcement Management Reaches New rary police concerns. Heights, May: 47 Milldebrandt, T.H., The Police Role in Work Zone Traffic To register or for more information, call |ACP training at Control, July: 40 Mills, Jon K., Quality Circles in Law Enforcement, Oct: 134 1-800-THE IACP. Moore, K. Michael, From the Director: The Protection of Federal Witnesses, Aug: 10 Morgan, James P,, Jr, The Evolution of Firearms Training, July: 28 N Nichols, Warren R., Putting Our Best Foot Forward, May: 31 THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991 65 Robinette, Hillary M., Leadership and Ethics Training for Police Administrators, Jan: 42 Ronay, James C., UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber, Oct: 34 Ronzio, Judith, Chief's Counsel: Re-Employment Rights of Returning Veterans, April: 8 Rose, Raymond J, Enhancing Organizational Efficiency Management and Supervision Through Alternative Scheduling, Aug: 60 Rosiak, John, Successful Drug Demand Reduction Strategies for Police Chiefs, Oct: 122 Rubin, Richard, Computer Trends in Law Enforcement, April: 20 S Santos, Michael R., Chief's Counsel: Use of Force—Tennessee v. Garner Reviewed, Oct: 13 Schaller, Bob, Firearms Training: Setting Instructor-Student Ratios, July: 24 Scheid, Stephen B., Explosives Incidents System: A Computer Approach to Explosives Incidents, Oct: 58 Schmidt, Jim, Instant Photography in Law Enforcement: A Changing Picture, Dec: 45 Schmidt, Wayne W., Chief's Counsel: Medical and Physical Fitness Standards, Feb: 11 Schwartz, Donald R., The Potential for Violence in the United States, June: 38 Seay, Wayne T., Case Management: A System of Supervisory January 15-17 _—_I nternal Affairs: Issues and Operations Control, Oct: 138 Sessions, William S., From the Director: Crisis Management Braintree, Massachusetts Training, Nov: 13 —From the Director: Emergency Response—Identifying Fatalities, January 27-31 | Becoming a High Performance Supervisor Sept: 8 North Augusta, South Carolina —From the Director: Terrorism—The Chemical/Biological Threat, March: 8 Shanahan, Michael, Crime-Fighting Social Workers, Aug: 67 February 10-14 Progressive Patrol Administration Sill, Patricia L., Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Winston-Salem, North Carolina Prevention Training, Nov: 56 Smith, Wantland J, Private Sector Development: A Winning February 18-20 Causes of Excessive Force and Bad Strategy for New Police Stations, Sheriff's Stations and Jails, Aug: 28 Shootings: How to Respond and Correct Sparrow, Malcolm K., Information Systems: A Help or West Orange, New Jersey Hindrance in the Evolution of Policing? April: 26 Stampe, Birgitte, International Policing: Women in the Danish February 24-28 Productivity and Performance Appraisal Police Service, June: 15 Steele, Orlo K., Civil Aviation Security Measures, June: 43 Workshop Story, Donald W., The Value of Active Participation in Manassas, Virginia Professional Associations, July: 8 Strobel, Richard A., UNABOM: The University/Airline Bomber, February 26-28 Advanced Supervision Skills Oct: 34 Summers, William C., Chief's Counsel: Conducting Strip Albuquerque, New Mexico Searches, April: 54 Suthard, R.L., Law Enforcement’s Best Friends, Jan: 50 These programs provide participants with the advanced super- vision and management skills necessary for success in today’s T law enforcement environment. Terwilliger, George J., III, Equitable Sharing of Federal Forfeiture Proceeds, April: 14 To register or for more information, call |ACP training at Thurman, Joey V., Interpol Computers Keep Track of Firearms Explosives, Oct: 53 1-800-THE IACP. Titus, Paul S., Sr, New Orleans’ Use of Optical Disk Storage Systems, April: 46 V Vaughn, C. Roland, III, President's Message: IACP’s Response to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Dec: 6 —President’s Message: Setting the Agenda, Nov: 6 Verbeck, Richard L., Strategic Planning a Valuable Tool for Oregon State Police, March: 31 Vince, Joseph J. Jr., Cost-Effective Pursuit of the Career Criminal, March: 39 IACP Management Studies WwW Wadman, Robert C., Racial Unrest: A Proactive Approach, ©@ Comprehensive Management @ Law Enforcement Information March: 23 Studies Systems Wells, Robert C., Cognitive Interviewing and the Victim/Witness in Crisis, Feb: 28 —Victim Impact: How Much Consideration Is It Really Given? ®@ Manpower Allocation and @ Liability Audits Feb: 44 Deeppll oyment @ Problem-Specific Technical WenDenmearnhdo lmth,e BResotb,e rJtun eW:. ,1 1C hief's Counsel: Legal Advice— ® Scheduling Assistance Witham, Donald C., Environmental Scanning Pays Off, March: 26 For information, call Jerry Needle, Director, Z Police Organizational Services Division, at 1-800-THE IACP. Zappile, Richard A., Philadelphia Implements Security Watch, Aug: 22 66 | THE POLICE CHIEF/DECEMBER 1991

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