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The Poetryof Pablo Neruda [To view this image, refer to the print version of this title.] PabloNeruda BlockprintbyCarlosHermosillaAlvarez The Poetry of Pablo Neruda Rene de Costa HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England Copyright © 1979by the Presidentand Fellowsof Harvard College All rights reserved Third printing, 1982 Printed in the United States ofAmerica Publicationofthisbookhasbeenaidedbya grantfrom theAndrewW. MellonFoundation LibraryofCongressCatalogingin PublicationData Costa, Renede. ThepoetryofPablo Neruda. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Neruda, Pablo, 1904-1973-Criticismand interpretation. 1. Title. PQ8097.N4Z615 861 78-18008 ISBN 0-674-67980-6 (cloth) ISBN 0-674-67981-4 (pape~) Selections from the Spanish CREPUSCULARIO by Pablo Neruda, Santiago de Chile, 1923. From VEINTE POEMAS DE AMOR by Pablo Neruda, Santiago de Chile, 1924. From TENTATIVA DEL HOMBRE INFINITO by Pablo Neruda, Santiago de Chile, 1926. From CANTO GENERAL by Pablo Neruda, © Editorial Losada; S.A., Buenos Aires, 1955. From ODAS ELEMENTALES by Pablo Neruda, © Editorial Losada, 1958. From ESTRAVAGARIO by Pablo Neruda, © Editorial Losada, 1958. Translated by Renede'Costa. Englishlanguage translation Copyright © 1978 by Farrar, Straus &Giroux, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Farrar, Straus& Giroux, Inc.,andSouvenir Press, Ltd., London. Selections from Pablo Neruda, RESIDENCE ON EARTH. Copyright © 1958, 1961, 1962 by Editorial Losada, S.A., Buenos Aires. Reprinted by permission of Agenda Literaria Carmen Balcells (Barcelona) and New Directions. PermissiongrantedbyGrovePressfor theuseof"Porfin sefueron"; "LosPoetas celestes"; and"La United FruitCo." Lines from "AmorAmerica," "ada a una castana en el suelo,', and "El Miedo," excerpted from the book PABLO NERUDA: Selected Poems~edited by Nathaniel Tarn. Copyright © 1972 by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. Reprinted by permission of DelacortePress/ SeymourLawrence. for Serpil Preface JustafewmonthsbeforeNeruda'suntimelydeathinSeptember 1973, Losada, South America's largest publishing house, had thoroughly updated its standard edition of the poet's complete works. In three weighty tomes, on thin bible paper, this, the fourth edition of the Obras completas de Pablo Neruda) com prising more than 3,500 pages and some thirty-four books of poetry, drama, andessays, willnot be thelast, for at this writing anadditionalninevolumesofverseandabookofmemoirshave appeared posthumously. A veritable river of print, which pre sents, and represents, an entire life in literature-fifty years, to beexact,sinceitwasin 1923that theyoungNeruda, a nineteen year-olddropoutinFrenchliteratureatthe UniversityofChile, published his first book) Crepusculario. Since then his output has been truly phenomenal-not merely because of its almost torrential quantity, but mostly because of its regularly out standing quality. Today, in retrospect, certain volumes stand out above the rest and seem to mark off more than a few high points in the overall evolution of twentieth-century poetry in Spanish: Veinte poemas de amor y una canci6n desesperada) Residencia en la tierra) Canto general) and Odas elementales) to name only vii Preface the most prominent, those most clearly identifiable as modern day classics. Each of these volumes once signaled something radically new and different in the development of Hispanic poetry, and inevitably, inexorably, represented for the poet a breakwithhispast, with theveryliterarytradition he hadcome to personify. Such a process has not been without difficulties, probably for the poet and certainly for his critics and trans lators. The attainment of a particular style and its subsequent appreciationand acceptancebyhis readers andemulatorsseems only to have served Neruda as a renewed impetus for change, a command to go beyond his own achievement, to surpass him self once again. He even referred to himself once as the "fore most adversary of Nerudism."* This dynamic need to change, central to Neruda's develop ment as a writer, has resulted in.a work so vast and varied that it seems to thwart any attempt to synthesize it, to discipline it into a single unifying scheme. One problem for the critic has been that Neruda's writing does not evolve in the traditional way, accordingto a smooth trajectoryofgrowth andrefinement. Instead, aftereach triumph there is a series of spurts, of experi mental compositions, followed by a volcanic outflow of verses that result in a totally new book and, to be sure, a new and somewhat different poetic. Another, related, problem is that while Neruda's first poems were intensely lyrical and personal, much of his later work was fiercely political and public. What ismore,midwaythroughhis career as apoet-diplomathe joined the Communist Party and became a poet-politician, being elected to the Chilean Senate in 1946 and, more recently, serv inghis party as the pre-candidate for the Presidency in the 1970 elections that brought Salvador Allende to power. Neruda'sextraordinarypropensityfor changeandhisdeepen ing political involvement have over the years had a peculiar effecton the criticismofhiswork, which is now quite extensive: more than thirty books and thousands upon thousands of arti- ... Unpublished speech delivered at the University of Chile in January 1954; quoted in Margarita Aguirre, Las vidas de Pablo Neruda (Santiago, Zig-Zag,1967),p.277. VlZZ Preface cles, studies, andreviews. Neruda'swritinghas stimulatedmany to write about it and him, and for diverse and often partisan reasons. Thus, there are many critics who, esteeming the lyrical and metaphysical qualities of the earlier work, find fault with the later poetryofsocial commitment; others, sympatheticwith the author's political concerns, exalt only the more militant aspects of his writing; and yet others prefer to eschew politics almost entirely in their criticism, by studying the treatment accorded certain grand themes, like love and death. Such a divergence of critical viewpoints is perhaps to be expected, given the richness and variety of Neruda's work over the past half-century. Butwhatisneedednow, I believe, is an integrative view, a nonpartisan reassessment ofeach work considered to be major, the political and the nonpolitical, so as to determine its uniqueness in the larger context ofmodern poetry as well as its proper place in the more personal context of Neruda's total oeuvre. This is what I have attempted to do in this book. Forthisreason, I have notargued a thesis, nor have I tried to explain all the works of Pablo Neruda, which would be a monumental task. My intention is more modest: to lay the groundwork for agreement on the literary significance of the major works by examining them in detail in an effort to point outjustwhytheyare,orwere,major.Todo thismosteffectively, toassesswithsomedegreeofaccuracythecontextualsignificance of the books which are truly epochal, I have found it useful to return to the original editions-Neruda was an inveterate re viser-and to cull the periodical literature of the past in order to situate each item in its proper context, the socioaesthetic context of its own time. In this way the specific quality ofeach of the major poetic styles once championed by the author be comesmost apparent, and each of Neruda's many voices can be seen to be synthesized in a single literary masterwork and a singular authorial posture: the neoromantic of Veinte poemas de amor y una cancidn desesperada (1924), the vanguardist of Tentativa del hombre infinito (1926), the anguished existential ist of Residencia en la tierra (1933), the socially committed in tellectualof Tercera residencia (1947), theepicvoiceofAmerica lX

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