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The Pocket Doctor: A Passport to Healthy Travel PDF

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THE POCKET DOCTOR A PASSPORTTO HEALTHTYR AVEL 3REDD lTlON StephBeenz rucMh.kDa.,M, P H THE MOUNTAINEERS Publisbhye d TheM ountaineers 100S1W K lickWiat,ySa uti 2t0e1 SeatWtAl 9e8,1 34 © 198189,9129,9b9y S tephBeenz ruchka Alrli ghrtess erved Firesdti t1i9o8nS8 e.c oenddi t1i9o9nT2 h.i redd itfiiorns:t print1i9n9rg9e ,v i2s0e0dr0 e,v i2s0e0ds5 e,c opnrdi nt2i0n0g7 Nop arotft hibso omka yb er eprodiunca endyf oromr,b ya ny electrmoencihca,n oirco atlh,e r mweiatnhsop,ue tr misisni on writfirnogtm h peu blisher. Publisshiemdu ltanienGo ruesBalrtyi tbayiC no rdee, 3aD eMontSftorretLe eti,c eEsntgelra,Ln EdI7, H D ManufactiunCr aenda da EditbeyKd r iFsu lsaas Covedre sibgyKn r isLt.Wy e lch Boodke siagnndl ayobuyPt e ggEyg erdahl LiborCfao rnyg Craetsas/ ogingD-aitna- PubJication BezrucShtkeap,h en. Thep ockdeotc t:o praa ssptoor th ealthIyS tterpahveenl Bezruc-h3kraed.d . p. cm. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceanlc es. ISB0N- 89886-614-6 1T. ravel-Health aspects-HandbooektscJ,.T. i mtalneu.a ls, RA783.9S19.9B94 613.6'8-dc21 98-52801 CIP o Prinotner de cycplaepde r CONTENTS Pre/a06c e Acknowledg0m6e nts ItlrllolJct0i7o ll AC auti0o7n Howt oU sTeh iBso ok0 8 internet In0f9o rmation / Be/YooruGe o 10 SourocfIe nsf ormoantC iaorAneb roaandAd r ranging Evacuat1i2o ns Immuniza1t4i ons DentCaalr e1 6 Drug1s6 PersoMneadli Rceaclo r1d8 MediKciatl1 9 PrevenMteidviecf ionMrea sl aarniDdai arrh2e0 a StyolfTe r avaenlHd e alotfHh o sPto pula2t3i on CheckolfTi assttk oDs o a tH ome2 4 2 FillMJeJinigcH aep!L AiJr4o0a J 5 GenePrrae!v eHneatLiAt"Jhel" ce4 3 Food4 3 Wate44r Hygie4n9e Bite4s9 Traum5a3 FlyianngJd e Lta g5 4 SexuCaoln taancSdte xuaTlrlayn smDiitsteeads es (STDs5)6 SubstAabnucse5e 7 StraensPdss ycholPorgoibclAaeslms so ciwaittehd Trav5e8l SpecEinavli ronm6e0n ts PeopWlheoN eeSdp ecCiaarle6 3 EmergIinnfge catnidOo tnhse r F6e8a rs TreatLioncPgae lo polnYe o uTrr ave6l9s 4 CommloLn&L .lJneJ70 Cold7s0 Constip72a tion Diarrh72e a MotiSoinc kn7e5s s 5 W.IC omlllLlLIonJnaeu n. Pdr oblem7.71 AbdomiPnaailn7 9 AbsceasnsdWe osu nIdn fect7i9o ns AcheSsp,r aainndSs t,r ai8n0 s AlDS/H8I1V Allergic R8e2 actions Altitluldlen8e 3s s BitaensdS t in8g5s BrokBeonn e8s8 Burn8s9 ChePsati n9s0 ColIdn juHryyp,o thie,aar nmdF rost9b0i te Cough9s2 CutSsc,r aapnedBs l,i st9e3r s DentParlo ble9m5s Disloca9t6i ons EaPrr oble9m7s EyPer oblaenmCdso ntLaecnts 9e8s Feve9r9 FooPdo isoanniTdno gx Iincg est1i0o0n s ForeBiogdni e1s01 GynecolPorgoibclae1lm0 s1 Headac1h0e3 HeaIdn jur1i0e3s Healtl ln1e0s4s Hemorrho1i40 ds Hepati1t0i5s Noseble1e0d5s Rashe1s0 6 SexuaTlrlayn smDiitsteeads1 e07s Sunbuarnn Sdn owblin1d0n7e ss TicaknsdL eech1e0s7 TropDiicsaela s1e08s UrinParroyb le1m0s8 Vomitin1g0 9 6 Li/eT-hreatening1 1E0m ergencle.1 CardiopulRmeosnuasrcyi t1a1t0i on Bleedi11n1g MajTorra um1a1 1 Shoc1k1 2 Comoar U nconscio1u1s3n ess AnimCaoln front1a1t3i on Near-drow1n1i4n g Fire1s1 4 Choki1n1g6 Deat1h1 7 7 ThReet urnTiranvge le1r1 9 PO.Jt.11J9c ript RecommReeanddien1dg2 0 Inde1.21.:3 AbotuhAteu tho1r28 PREFACE Whethyeorua rgeo ionng 3a- dhaoyl itdoaH ya waai i, three-twoeuoerfEk u rooprea t, h ree-tmroetnkht rho Iung­h neArs iuan,d ersttahnheda iznagor ftd hste r ainpdt hlei mits ofo neb'osd wyi hlel ltpr avealdearapsnt de njtohyje o urney morTeh.Pe o cDkoectta totre mtpopt rso vyioduwe i tthh ien ­ formattosi toahney a latnhtdyo d eailn itwiiathlhel aypl rtohb ­ lemFse.ef lr eteos ensdu ggesftoiirom npsr oveomfte hnits booaks waespl rla ctiidcetaahlswa otr kfeodyr o tu ot haeu ­ thoirnc, a roeft hpeu bliEsnhdeorr.s eomfae nnpytr oducts othtehrat nh bioso akn odt heIh rasvw er ititdsee nv ooifad n y finanicnitaeolrn me sypt a rt. Acknowledgments ThantkoHs o warBda ckPeert,Be arn yRsa,c hBeils hop, ElaineJ aJKyoe nygs,t Aolnfer,Le edw, My arAyn nMee rcer, KarNle umanGne,oN fefw man-iMnaJ,ro thSni n,sa knydZ u HorowSimtizft ohyr o ur comamnedsn utgsg esftoiirom n­s provemKerniFtsu. l saahse lhpiaemsdp roveed itthwiiiostn h hefri need itIic nogn.t itnolu eea mrunc fhr oums eorfts h is book. 6 lNTRODUCT10N Thibso oakt temtpopt rso vtihdteer avweilttehhre e s sen­ tiianlf ormtaopt rieopnfa oraret ritpos, t ahye alatlhoytn hge journ,ae nytdoi nitciaarotefhe e alptrho bltehmamsti gahrti se enr ouOtteh.be oro dkes awli tthh sisu bjbeucttth ,ea yr e all larvgoel umwehso ssei zmea keislt e lsisk eltyh etwyhi albtle takaelno tnorg e froensemh'e sm orwhye nne edMeadn.vy o l­ umehsa vwee ll-meaadnviincge aptpoacl liicnasibecltaetl i ng ora m odehmo tbeulot,f l itutslieen s ,a, yH umlNae,p aolr, IquiPteorsIuh, .a vter iteodd e awli tmho sste ttIid nognsa'.lt ­ waytse yloluw hyt od ot hinjgusws,ht a ttod oP.r evenitsi on emphaswihzeersdep ecpirfaiccts iucgagle sctaibnoe gn isv en. Thseu ggesitnti hiobsno soa krd ei retcotweadcr odm mopnr ob­ lemesn counbtyet rreadv ealnedsr ows a,r rsaenrti coounss id­ eratIitfoh npe.r obyloemuh a viens o rte vieiwnte hdbi oso ikt, ibs ecaeuisteIh c eargn i vneop ractrieccaolm menodria itts i on rairnet raveFloemrro sri.en formcaotnisotunhlw,eto rlkiss ted inR ecommeRnedaeddai tnt ghb ea cokft hbioso k. Matedreiaallwi intsght riccltalsyss uircvatilov pasiluc csh asb eiandgr oinft tho ec ealno,is ntt hdee seorrtt h,le o nseu r­ vivoofar m ountainaececriidinesngn o ctto verTehdei. n ter­ estreeda dsehro uclodn ssupletc iawloirzkoesntd h seu bjects, especiipfal lalnynt iobn eig n volivnse udca hc tivities. Compliwaintschue g gersetgeidm teopn rse vaenntdtr eat travel-driesloartidesqed ur ispt oeo arm ontgh feo llowing groutphse: younogn,l otnhgo setexr pieprsi,te rnacveedl ers, indivitdruaavlea lneder ssp,e ctihaolvslieys iftriinegan ndds relatIinvcersev.ai sgeidli asan pcper opiryfio auft aeil nlo ne oft hocsaet egories. A CAUTION Thibsoo ikns o ats ubtsut it eex pfaeodrrvt i ocbet aifnreodm youorw n doocrst oomre one ivnte hrnees wes dp eciaolftrt ayv el medicIusei nteh.te e r"dm octoirna"g enesenser.i cIn thUen ited Stattehcsio,su bleda p hysincuirapsnre,a ctipthiyosniecri,a n's assisotra nsotot,mh ee r proaftc htheie tailaoirnnteOgsrv . e rseas, 7 8 + Introduction besidtehsef amildioacrt or,m ayyoe un countyeerto thetry pes ofh ealth-pcraarcet itio(nTehrees q.u ivaloefnt th eC hinese barefodootc tor eixnmi asntyso theprl aces.)c aTnhp eryo vide appropricaatraeen dr efeyro ui fn eedb e.S eec hapt2e,rF i nd­ ingM edicaHle lpA broad. Don'ttr eyaotu rseorlo ft heurnsl etshse riesn oa lternative ort hep robleimss implFea.m ilmye mberasr et hel easqtu ali­ fietdo t reaotn ea notheErm.o tiofnrse quenctolnyf utshee i s­ sues amnids takaerse m orec ommon.Th e same fgooers health-wcoarrkee rTsh:ed octowrh ot reahtism -orh ersehlafs af ooflo arp atieSnots .e eoku ta ppropriaadtvei cter,e atment, andc arues intgh eg uidelignievse hne reI.fy ourt raverlesg u­ larltya kyeo ut op lacwehse rhee alftah ciliatriene osn existent orh ardt or eacthh,e ny ous houlcdo nsutlhtem ored etailed sourciensR ecommendeRde adinatgt heb acokf t hibso oka,n d carrtyh em orec omplemteed ickailt mse ntionientd h osbeo oks. Oneq uestiaosnk ebdy p otenttiraalv elaebrrso aeds,p e­ cialtlhyo swei thc hroniilcl nesasnedds i sabiliitswi heest,h er iti sa pproprifaotrte h emt oj ournetoyt hep articurleagri on thehya vei nm indT.h iiss a c omplecxo nsideraFtaicotno.ir ns thed ecisisohno ulidn clutdheep ersonw'isl lingtnoea ssss ume risktsh,et ypoef t ravtehle,a vailaboiflm ietdyi craels ouracte s thed estinationp,e rahnadpm,so st importthaedn ett,e rmina­ tioonft het raveTlheerp .s ychologbiecnaelf oiftp su rsuiynogu r dreaomf a l ifetmiamyef aoru tweitghher isokfh avinagh ealth probleemn r outoer u pona rrivtahlay to uc an'dte awli thb y diali9n1g1S .e ecko unsferlo my ourd octofrr,o mo theerx perts, whom oreo ftetnh anno tm aya dvisaeg ainistat,n de specially fromo thewrist hy ourp roblewmh oh avet ravelteotd h ea rea youw isht og ot oa ndh aveu ndertakseinm ilaacrt ivities. HowT OU SET HIBSO OK Beforyeo ub egiyno urt rispt,u dtyh eo rganizaotfit ohni s books ot hawth eny oun eedi nformatyiooucn a nf inidtq u ick.l y Thef irtshtr eceh aptefrosc uosn p reparatifoinn,d iansgs istance, andp reventBieos nu.r teo r eatdh eseb efoyroeu trr ibpe ginTsh.e nextth receh aptecrosv esrp ecific phreoablltehm s--common, lescso mmona,n dl ife-threatentirnagv-etlhmeaartys h avet o

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