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THE PLEIADIAN MISSION A Time of Awareness by - VieleWelten.at PDF

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THE PLEIADIAN MISSION A Time of Awareness by Randolph Winters Smashwords Edition Randolph Winters is the author, publisher and owns all right to this book. The Pleiades Project Copyright @1994 ISBN 1-885757-07-7 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. A Prophet Comes to Earth Pleiadians watch over Earth—And old spirit comes to Earth The Pleiadian Mission to Earth A Mission to Earth from the Pleiades—The Pleiadians come to Earth n 1685—The importance of the New Age—The meaning of our lives, religion, science, social development, history, and spiritual understanding— Interfering with history to cause certain inventions and inspirations—A woman is chosen as the first physical contactee. Contact from the Pleiades Eduard Meier is born—His first contacts with the Pleiades—A ride in a pear-shaped ship—Meeting Semjase, a lady cosmonaut History of Man Our Ancestors from Lyra—22 million years of human history—The founding of the Pleiades—Earth, Mars, and Milona are colonized—The Great Plan to colonize Earth—Pelegon, the first God of Earth—The founding of Atlantis—The origin of life on Earth—The beginning of our current civilization—The Codex, 144,207 Lyran spirits come to Earth Life in the Pleiades The planets of the Pleiades—The founding father of the Pleiades—Born in the Pleiades—How they raise children—Economics— Their government— The High Council—Love and Marriage—Landing on the White House lawn The Beamships The Pleiadians travel in spacecraft called Beamships—The science behind the propulsion—A trip to the Pleiades in a Beamship, a fantasy ride—The metal of the Beamship—Gravity is explained—Life on the Mothership— Time travel—Touching eternity How The Universe Was Created Pleiadian science — The Absolutum, the beginning of our universe — The energy spiral of life — Creating matter — Time begins — Moving in time — The planets form — The logic of how the universe is evolving. The Evolution of Human Life The logic of Creation — Man’s development is dictate by the Creation — The seven steps of evolution of human life — Evolving into being one with the Creation — The Laws of Creation — The equality of man. Spiritual Growth The process of spiritual growth — How the mind works — How we can gain control of our evolution — Understanding how we add information to our spirit — How our minds form thoughts — How our five senses gather information and process it — What is wrong with the thinking of Earthman — Psychic illness — Our connection to Creation — The akashic records — Heaven, the other side — Telepathy, how the Pleiadians contact people on Earth — Channeling — Reincarnation — How spiritual wisdom is carried to the next life Learning Meditation What is meditation and why we should use it—Negative and positive thinking—The spiritual powers—Concentration—A simple meditation observation — Pausing — Flashing — Using colors — Clarity of vision—How health is controlled by thinking— Peace on Earth The Story of Jmmanuel Jesus lived in India—The life story of Jmmanuel (Jesus Christ)—The Antichrist—The Talmud Jmmanuel, the original writings— The Crucifixion —The confusion of Saul—The original Lord's Prayer The Mysteries of Earth The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle?—Who was Quetzalcoatl?— The ancient city of Agharta—Mount Shasta—What is an Ice Age?—The ozone problem—Easter Island—The Greek gods — The Great Pyramids—The Bafath — Adolph Hitler—Ashtar Sheran—The blue-skinned race—The Destroyer Comet—The origin of the moon—Earth people in contact with the Pleiadians—The closest planet with human life—When will Earth have open contact with ETs?—The story of St. Germain—ETs in our government—Earth-mare Beamships—Life forms in our universe Future Visions and Pleiadian Prophecy Future movies—The last Pope— Floods—War with aliens—Ancient cities—The end of New York—The Federal system falls—Antichrist Natural disasters The Death of Semjase Semjase has an accident—Billy is told she is dead— The men of Sona return her to life — The contacts end A New Vision for Earth A vision for the future of our planet—The Light worker's role—Who speaks for Earth?—The Constitution of the People of Earth Glossary Introduction Our civilization has gone through many important changes such as the discovery of fire, the development of the wheel, languages, religion, the industrial revolution, and technology, now we are moving into a New Age of mind and spirit. The next major event in history will be open contact with life forms from other worlds and taking our position in the family of man in the universe. This event has already started, but as in many historic changes, it is first known only to a few before it becomes known to the masses. The timing of this event is particularly important since our current civilization is in the beginnings of a transformation into a state of higher consciousness that will forever change the way we live on Earth. We have been contacted by humans from a small cluster of stars called the Pleiades. The inhabitants, the Pleiadians, are a race of people, not unlike ourselves, who have advanced thousands of years beyond us in technology and spiritual understanding. They are stimulating our consciousness through the dissemination of information so that we can make the necessary changes to create a new world based on Saalome, a Pleiadian word meaning "peace in wisdom," for the coming New Age on Earth. We are fortunate that these visitors from the Pleiades have chosen to gently awaken us to the knowledge of their existence. If they suddenly filled the skies with their spacecraft or landed on the White House lawn, the majority of the people of Earth would probably fall into panic and confusion. Others would worship them or expect them to bring us the long-awaited peace. Governments might fall or lose control as people began to think of themselves as citizens of Earth rather than of any particular country. Reactions would vary, but one thing is for sure—the Earth would never be the same because the knowledge that they bring about science, life, and philosophy could have a devastating effect on our social, economic, religious, and political structures. Too much information too fast could overwhelm a world that is used to making changes slowly. As our neighbors from another world come to visit, it can also be a wonderful time of discovery. There is the possibility to learn from them, change the way we live on Earth, and create real peace among men. Their knowledge can be used to enlighten our world so that we can resolve t e differences that separate us here on Earth and prepare us to fit in with the universal family of man on other worlds. Up to now, the many different races on Earth have been unsuccessfully trying to learn to live together and come to terms with their many different ideologies and social customs. Through contact with the Pleiadians, we are forced to examine ourselves through the revelations of a higher intelligence and, hopefully, move to a new level of awareness that can facilitate the peaceful coming together of the many nations on Earth. As we move out into the cosmos, we will come in contact with other races that live differently than we live; they may have mannerisms and customs we will not even understand. How exciting it would be to peer into the future fifty years from now and see all of the wonderful changes Earth will go through as we come into contact with beings from other worlds! The biggest event in our history is unfolding before us right now. When I became aware of our extraterrestrial visitors from the Pleiades, I traveled to Switzerland to the home of a Swiss farmer named Billy Meier, who was in contact with these off-world visitors. Over a three- year period I made several trips to Switzerland to learn all I could about these contacts with extraterrestrial life. After I had become friends with Billy, he appointed me as his representative to speak at lecture halls in America and Europe on what I had learned. This gave me the opportunity to share the important messages of heightened spiritual awareness, our connection to the Universal Family of Man, the science of space travel, and the true origin of man on Earth through our connection to the Pleiades. After several years and hundreds of lectures, I am no longer his representative, but I would like to share with you what I have learned through studying the notes that Billy made of his contacts with the Pleiadians, as well as my own insights gained from private conversations with both Billy and other members of his group. Also included are my own ideas on how we can create a new future for our planet by using the knowledge of higher consciousness. This is not a book of UFO stories or fantasy, but a book of information based on the true life experiences of Billy Meier and the information passed on to him by the Pleiadians for the planet Earth. My intention is to educate, provide stimulating ideas, and raise awareness in order to help us adapt to the changes that are being instigated by our contacts with other forms of life. Each day it is necessary that we feed our bodies with food to nourish ourselves. It is also important that we feed the mind and spirit as well. Her I offer you food for your mind and spirit in the hope that we can all come together and create peace on Earth in the New Age. It is time for us to come together through education, not through the force of legislation. UFOs It is no longer a question Of whether or not they are real, But a question of whether or Not you know about them. A Prophet Comes to Earth Earth: 9500 B. C Earth was suffering from the most difficult of times. The great societies of Atlantis and Mu had lived in peace for over 20,000 years, and now treachery and deceit pitted brother against brother. Everywhere were the cries of war and hatred. Soon the oceans would boil with blood as the great scientists readied their weapons of destruction and violence. The peace at had long been their friend was fading to a memory as history was about to erase all traces of these two great civilizations. Far away on the home planets of the Pleiades, the great spiritual leaders watched and listened as their younger brothers on Earth quarreled. The highly developed sense of Pleiadian consciousness moved across time and space and felt the coming tides of death and destruction. Earth would be falling into a dark time which would last for many thousands of year -a time of despair, destruction, and degeneration-as those who would survive would be living on a planet with no spiritual guidance. It would be thousands of years before another civilization would again grow out of this hard and difficult period. A decision was made to help the people of Earth by sending them a special being of higher consciousness to serve as a prophet. This being would be much older and wiser than the people of Earth, having already lived through the difficult times of material evolution, which provide it with the great insights of life that would be needed to nourish the souls of men. The spirit, or soul, of this prophet had to possess the integrity and strength of character to teach the truth in the face of all opposition hate, anger, and doubt that would be directed at it, since the truth can sometimes be hard for people to accept. This was not an easy task for a normal person, so the Pleiadian spiritual leaders had to choose a very special spirit who could see beyond the cries of anger and ignorance of the uneducated Earthman, and still be able to offer love and guidance. In order to find this special spirit, the wise High Council of the Pleiades knew it would be necessary to search for a spirit who had evolved beyond the bounds of material life and existed in pure spiritual, nonmaterial form. It was known to the Pleiadians that the spirit, or soul, of all human beings eventually evolves beyond the material and becomes a purely spiritual form, which no longer requires a material body to survive. Having accumulated vast knowledge of the material life, the human spirit is then well-suited to helping younger and less-educated spirits who are still in material form. Even at this point evolution will continue, and the spiritual form will continue to learn and evolve until it becomes part of a larger, more highly evolved form of spirit called a collective consciousness. To the Pleiadians the word spirit, or spirit-form, means the same as our use of the word soul, and refers to the eternal life force energy that lives forever. The home planets of the Pleiades were not inhabited by such highly evolved beings, so the search began on other worlds. Human life is a spirit-form that has emerged from the Eternal Creational Spirit and has developed its own consciousness. It is still connected to the Creational Source and progresses through a series of material lives in order to evolve. A ship was sent to a remote area of the galaxy to a small planet called Lahson. Here on this quiet world lived a race of beings that through millions of years of evolution had evolved into a spiritual race, no longer having any need for the material bodies they once knew. Their knowledge of the material existence was complete and had freed them from the boundaries of the life-and-death cycle, for they now existed in the state of development common to higher life forms called a collective consciousness. Each one of these collective groups was comprised of seven different spirit- forms. Each of these spirit-forms still retained some measure of memory of their individual personalities, but they could think and exist as a single unit while sharing their collective wisdom. Here on this peaceful and tranquil world, the Pleiadians made contact with one of these collective consciousnesses that was sympathetic to the problems of man. As the wise, old spiritual collective consciousness listened, one of its seven spirit-forms volunteered to degenerate back into material life and help the people of Earth. This was a very serious decision, for once the spirit returned to material life, it would lose contact with its memories and the accumulated wisdom that it had earned over billions of years of evolution. Once back in the material realm, it would be up to the Pleiadians to educate and help the old spirit reconnect with its vast knowledge in order to perform its important role in this special Mission. In order to get the old spirit to Earth, it was necessary to move it into a material body for the trip. The Pleiadians had brought with them a small child, who had been born especially for this Mission, to serve as host for the old spirit's journey. Since material bodies can be inhabited by more than one spirit at a time, it was easy for the highly advanced, old spirit to move itself into the Pleiadian child and once again feel the sensation of interacting with the world through physical means. Now separated from the highly evolved collective consciousness, the old spirit was ready to begin a mission on Earth that would last for 12,000 years; then, through the aid of the Pleiadians, it would return to Lahson and to the life it once knew. Once the mission was over, it would have to relive many lifetimes in order to evolve back to the level of evolution it was leaving behind. Many of the lessons of life that had been painstakingly learned would have to be learned all over again. With the small child carrying the ancient and highly developed spirit the Pleiadian ship quickly left for Earth. Having more than one spirit in a body at a time normally causes confusion, but the child was very young and would only have to support the visiting spirit for a short trip. Once on Earth the old spirit removed itself from the child and prepared itself for its first incarnation into a material life. The small Pleiadian child passed over to the other side or heaven as we call it, so its spirit-form could then incarnate into life on Earth. The wise, old spirit was also on the other side and prepared for its mission on Earth. The Pleiadians' spiritual knowledge makes it possible for them to contact the other side, the place where sleeping spirit-forms cogitate the experiences of the past material life and prepare for a new material existence. Once they are ready to reenter the material world and continue their path of growth and learning, Creation, the Eternal Spiritual Energy,

The Story of Jmmanuel Jesus lived in India—The life story of Jmmanuel. (Jesus Christ)—The Antichrist—The Talmud Jmmanuel, the original writings— The
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