Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists SectionEditor:MichaelJ.Murray REVIEW ARTICLE The Physiologic Implications of Isolated Alpha 1 Adrenergic Stimulation Robert H. Thiele, MD, Edward C. Nemergut, MD, and Carl Lynch III, MD, PhD Phenylephrine and methoxamine are direct-acting, predominantly (cid:1) adrenergic receptor (AR) 1 agonists.Tobetterunderstandtheirphysiologiceffects,wescreened463articlesonthebasisof PubMedsearchesof“methoxamine”and“phenylephrine”(limitedtohuman,randomizedstudies published in English), as well as citations found therein. Relevant articles, as well as those discoveredinthepeer-reviewprocess,wereincorporatedintothisreview.Bothmethoxamineand phenylephrine increase cardiac afterload via several mechanisms, including increased vascular resistance, decreased vascular compliance, and disadvantageous alterations in the pressure waveforms produced by the pulsatile heart. Although pure (cid:1) agonists increase arterial blood pressure, neither animal nor human studies have ever shown1 pure (cid:1)-agonism to produce a 1 favorable change in myocardial energetics because of the resultant increase in myocardial workload. Furthermore, the cost of increased blood pressure after pure (cid:1)-agonism is almost 1 invariably decreased cardiac output, likely due to increases in venous resistance. The venous system contains (cid:1) ARs, and though stimulation of (cid:1) ARs decreases capacitance and may 1 1 transiently increase venous return, this gain may be offset by changes in afterload, venous compliance, and venous resistance. Data on the effects of (cid:1) stimulation in the central nervous 1 systemshowconflictingchanges,whileexperimentalanimaldatasuggestthatrenalbloodflowis reducedby(cid:1)-agonists,andbothanimalandhumandatasuggestthatgastrointestinalperfusion maybereduc1edby(cid:1) tone. (AnesthAnalg2011;113:284–96) 1 Phenylephrine is a direct-acting, predominantly (cid:1)- useinmodernclinicalpractice.9Becausetheirmechanismsof 1 adrenergic receptor ((cid:1)-AR) agonist synthetically de- action are similar (predominantly (cid:1) agonism) and because 1 1 rived from epinephrine, structurally different only in some physiologic studies of methoxamine were never re- itslackofanhydroxylgroupatposition4onitsbenzenering.1 peatedwithphenylephrine,thisreviewofthephysiologyand Itexertsmildpositiveionotropiceffectswhenadministeredat experimental data of (cid:1)-AR agonism will include data on 1 highconcentrations.2–4 Methoxamineisalong-acting(cid:1)-AR both. 1 agonist,syntheticallyderivedfromepinephrinebutdifferent But why, some 60 years after phenylephrine was intro- inthenumberandlocationofsidegroups(includingO-CH ducedintoclinicalpractice,10didwechoosetoreviewthe 3 groupsatboththeC andC locationsofthebenzylring,as physiologiceffectsofthesedrugs? 2 5 wellasaCH groupattachedtothe(cid:1)carbon)1(Fig.1). First, practicing physicians are now squarely in the 3 Phenylephrineandmethoxaminehavesimilareffectson midst of a movement towards “goal-directed therapy.”11 vascularresistance,althoughphenylephrineis5to10times Thethoughtprocessunderpinninggoal-directedtherapyis more potent5,6 with a 3-fold higher maximum attainable that, rather than using an intervention to treat an “abnor- response.5 Phenylephrine is also shorter acting; a single mal” number, one should think critically about (a) which dose of phenylephrine generally lasts (cid:1)20 minutes,7 physiologicvariablesaremostimportant(ifthisisknown); whereas a single dose of IV methoxamine can exert its (b) how a particular intervention affects these variables, effectsforaslongas60minutes.7,8 even if they cannot be directly measured; and (c) whether Many early studies of (cid:1)-AR agonism were conducted manipulatingthesevariablescanchangeoutcomes. 1 with methoxamine. Methoxamine’s relatively long duration Favoringlessimportantbutimmediatelymeasurablevari- ofactionandconsequentlackoftitratability,combinedwith ables,suchasmeanarterialbloodpressure(MAP),overmore theabilitytovariablyinfusephenylephrine,haveobviatedits important but less measurable variables, such as tissue oxy- gen delivery (DO ), is the result of “tangible bias,” our 2 From the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Virginia Health tendencytofavorwhatwecanseeandunderstandoverwhat System,Charlottesville,Virginia. wecannot.Despitethepracticalitiesthatprecludetheroutine AcceptedforpublicationJanuary14,2011. measurement of regional blood flow, changes in global and Funding:Departmental. regionalbloodflowshouldbeanticipatedanytimehemody- Theauthorsdeclarenoconflictofinterest. namics are manipulated, with the goal being adequate DO 2 Reprintswillnotbeavailablefromtheauthors. andnutrientstoorgansofinterest. AddresscorrespondencetoRobertH.Thiele,MD,DepartmentofAnesthe- Second,andequallyimportant,istheideathatmuchof siology,UniversityofVirginiaHealthSystem,P.O.Box800710,Charlottes- medical lore is based on tightly controlled animal experi- ville,[email protected]. ments that may or may not be applicable to the intact Copyright©2011InternationalAnesthesiaResearchSociety DOI:10.1213/ANE.0b013e3182124c0e organism.Althoughitmayneverbepossibletoreproduce 284 August2011•Volume113•Number2 ExperimentalAlpha-AgonismData 1 Figure1.Chemicalstructureofepinephrine,norepinephrine,phenylephrine,andmethoxamine. thesestudiesinhumansinvivo,advancesinmathematical The 6-Compartment Model modeling and computational biology (as exhibited by This review assumes that Magder et al.’s model of the Magderetal.12)havemadeitpossibletocriticallyassessthe cardiovascular system closely approximates reality.12 validityoftheselong-heldphysiologictruths. Specifically, Magder et al. considered the cardiovascular Thus, we critically examined the use of both methox- system to be a “6-compartment” system (right heart, pul- amineandphenylephrine.Ourinitialsearchwasconducted monary arteries, pulmonary veins, left heart, systemic in PubMed, using the word methoxamine and limiting our- arteries,systemicveins)thatformsanin-seriesclosedloop. selvestorandomized,controlled,humantrialspublishedin At any point in time, all 6 compartments have a given English.Thisresultedin28articles,theabstractsofwhich pressureandvolume.Additionally,the4vascularcompart- werereviewedforrelevance.Articlesdescribingthehemo- ments can be further described by their compliance dynamic effects of methoxamine were examined in detail. (dV/dP), whereas the 2 cardiac compartments can be Wethenrepeatedoursearchusingphenylephrineasourkey further described by the rate at which they move volume word (same limits), resulting in 435 articles that were (dV/dt). In accordance with the law of conservation of similarly reviewed, acquired, and if applicable, read. Ar- mass, volume that is added to (or removed from) one ticles brought to our attention during the review process compartment must be removed from (or added to) an wereincludedaswell. adjacentcompartment. Before proceeding, 3 prerequisite axioms, on which the The implications of the 6-compartment model are that utility of this review are based, must be established. First, bloodflowthroughthecardiovascularsystemisnotmerely thisreviewassumesthatDO iscriticalforthesurvivalof a function of just how much pressure the left heart gener- 2 cells, organs, and whole organisms. Second, that for all ates and how much resistance the systemic arterioles organsandorganisms,thereisanoptimalDO ,whichcan provide, but the result of a much greater number of 2 be organ specific. Third, and perhaps most relevant, that interacting, codependent variables. The details of these despite a lack of data regarding the optimal DO in most interactions will be discussed in the appropriate sections 2 pathophysiologic states, anesthesiologists and intensivists below. will develop their own upper and lower limits of accept- Regional Versus Global Blood Flow ability and, in general, will attempt to manipulate hemo- Whentheeffectsofanyinterventiononallcomponentsof dynamicstomaintainDO inthisrange. 2 thecardiovascularsystemareconsidered,itisimportantto distinguish global from regional changes. For example, manydrugstudiesfocusoncardiacoutput(CO),presum- A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO BLOOD FLOW ablybecauseCOiseasytomeasureandchangesinglobal Rationale flow are thought to result in similar changes in regional When studying the effects of any vasoactive drug on the bloodflow;however,drugsmayaffectglobalandregional cardiovascularsystem,itisnotsufficienttofocus(asmany blood flow inversely (e.g., increasing CO while decre- textbooksandarticlesdo)onanarbitrarilychosensubsetof asing blood flow to the kidneys). Thus, simply measur- the system (e.g., systemic arteries), and in the process ing CO changes may not give adequate insight into the ignoreothercomponents(e.g.,centralveins,rightventricle utilityofaparticulardrug,andinsomeinstancesmaybe [RV]) that also affect the system as a whole as well as the misleading. region of interest. On the other hand, isolating the indi- vidual components of the cardiovascular system, all of THE MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS OF FLOW whichinteractwitheachotherinvivo,isusefulfromboth Ohm’s Law and Mathematical Notation experimental(suchexperimentsareeasiertoconduct)and Textbookscommonlycomparebloodflowinthecardiovas- educational (simplified concepts are easier to understand) cular system with the flow of electrical charge (dQ/dt) standpoints. across a voltage differential (E) in a single resistor (R) Thus, although many of the experiments cited in this circuit(Ohm’slaw): review were either conducted in isolated experimental modelsorfocusedonasubsetofthecardiovascularsystem, I(cid:2)E/r(cid:2)dQ/dt (1) theirrelevancedependsheavilyonone’sabilitytointegrate these findings into a more global model of the cardiovas- Often, when this relationship is applied to blood flow, it is cularsystem. rearrangedasfollows(commonrearrangementofOhm’slaw): August2011•Volume113•Number2 285 REVIEWARTICLE MAP(cid:2)CO(cid:3)systemicvascularresistance(SVR) (2) and are of great importance. But Ohm’s law, which de- scribesthemovementofelectricalcurrentthroughacircuit Although “mathematically correct,” this equation can be when a constant voltage is applied, and is often used to misleading. Convention dictates that the dependent vari- model the human cardiovascular system, is not perfect. It ables of an equation are always written on the left-hand does not adequately describe the movement of electrical side of an equals sign and that the independent variables currentincasesinwhichthevoltagedifferentialvarieswith areontheright.Justastheplacementofasingledigithas time(e.g.,alternatingcurrent).Whentheelectricalpotential meaning when describing a multidigit number (123 does changes, the resulting current changes as well; how much not equal 213), the location of variables in a mathematical sodependsonboththeresistanceandthe“capacitance”of equationisdesignedtoconveyimportantinformation.One thecircuit. is led to infer from Equation 2 that changes in CO affect An Introduction to Capacitance MAP. Blood flow can most easily (and correctly) be de- (and Compliance) scribedasfollows: Capacitance is the ability to store potential energy. In CO(cid:2)(1/SVR)(cid:3)MAP(cid:2)(1/RVR (cid:4)1/RVR (cid:4)1/RVR electrical engineering, electrical capacitance (CAP,elec) is 1 2 3 defined as the amount of charge (Q) stored given an (cid:4)…(cid:4)1/RVR )(cid:3)MAP (3) appliedvoltagepotential(E): n C (cid:2)Q/E (4) (analogy of Ohm’s law for global blood flow). Equation 3 AP,elec introduces2importantpoints–first,becausetheindividual An electrical circuit with a high capacitance will be more organs that resist blood flow exist in parallel, SVR can be resistanttorapidchangesinvoltage.Whenappliedvoltage related to the inverse of all individual regional vascular is increasing, some of the current that would normally resistances(RVR)inaccordancewithKirchoff’scircuitlaws travel through the resistive elements of the circuit instead (1/R (cid:2)1/R (cid:3)1/R (cid:3)…(cid:3)1/R ).Second,becausethe total 1 2 n accumulates in the capacitive elements of the circuit, body regulates blood pressure (and not CO) primarily “smoothingout”fluctuationsincurrent.Thisphenomenon throughalterationsinvascularresistancebroughtaboutby isoftenreferredtoasdampening. changesinsympathetictone,MAPcanremainstableover If one considers electrical capacitance, movement of a wide variety of hemodynamic states in which CO is current through an electrical circuit can no longer be inversely related to vascular resistance. Thus, CO is a describedinsimplelinearterms.Adifferentialequationis complexfunctionofglobaleffortstoregulateMAPdespite required: multiple regional systems that alter RVR in an attempt to autoregulate. I(cid:2)dQ/dt(cid:2)[E(t)(cid:5)Q/C ]/R (5) AP,elec Still, the common rearrangement of Ohm’s law (Equa- tion 2) does have practical utility in physiologic states in which is flow of current through an RC series circuit,15 whichCOisfixed,suchasduringcardiopulmonarybypass whereE(t)isvoltageasafunctionoftime. or in an autoregulated, healthy cardiovascular system. In Similarly,thedrivingforceofthehumancardiovascular both instances, pressure can be considered dependent on system is pressure generated by a pulsatile heart, and the bloodflowif,andonlyif,thepressuregeneratoriscapable vesselsthemselvesactascapacitors.Inthearterialsystems, of increasing pressure (with attendant increases in energy compliant vessels store mass (blood) and potential energy consumption)inresponsetoincreasedvascularresistance. (pressure (cid:4) volume) during systole and deliver mass Indeed, human studies have shown that with massive (blood) and energy (pressure (cid:4) volume) to the human blood loss, the healthy, intact cardiovascular system will “circuit”duringdiastole.Theendresultisthatthecapillary regulateMAPbymanipulatingafterloadattheexpenseof beds receive a more constant stream of blood, despite the CO.13Morerecentstudiesofthehemodynamicresponseto pulsatile nature of the heart. This is referred to as the trachealintubationhaveconfirmedthatfromawhole-body windkesseleffect,16anditsconceptualdevelopmentisattrib- perspective, preservation of MAP takes precedence over utedtoOttoFrank.17 CO.14 That said, if pressure generation is fixed or limited, The major systemic arterial capacitance vessels include blood flow will further diminish as resistance to flow is theaortaandlargearteries,whichexistinparallelwiththe increased.Itmustbekeptinmindthatevenintheseidealized resistive elements of the vasculature, and because the situations,ifpressuregenerationweretocease,sotoowould upper and lower body contain capacitance vessels of theflowofbloodthroughthecardiovascularsystem. different lengths, the systemic vascular system is most When thinking about the cardiovascular system as a appropriately modeled as a 2-capacitor circuit.18 A major whole,particularlyinnonidealizedsituations(e.g.,cardio- differencebetweenthecardiovascularsystemandananalo- vascularfailure,lossofautoregulatoryreflexes)orregional gous electrical circuit is that the cardiovascular system bloodflow,onemustappreciatethatresistancetoflowand storesmass(volume),notcharge. pressure generated by ventricular contraction make equal Volume exists in 2 states: hemodynamically inactive contributions to the determination of both regional and “unstressed” volume (defined as the amount of blood globalbloodflow(andthus,DO ). present in the venous system where venous transmural 2 Thusmathematicalequations—whichdescribephysical pressure is 0 [approximately 70% of total venous blood reality in terms that can be quantified, understood, and volume]), and hemodynamically active “stressed” volume applied—profoundly influence our conception of reality, (defined as the difference between total venous blood 286 ANESTHESIA&ANALGESIA ExperimentalAlpha-AgonismData 1 volumeandunstressedvolume).19Fromthestandpointof compliancechangesonventricularefficiencyinadultdogs, measuring flow as a function of changes in pressure, by altering the compliance of the abdominal aorta with a volume, compliance, and resistance, it is only the stressed rigid plastic graft. The plastic conduit reduced arterial volume that matters. Importantly, hemodynamic changes complianceby60%–80%,resultinginan11.9%increasein (e.g.,vasoconstriction)canconvert“unstressed”volumeto MAP despite a 10.5% decrease in CO (calculated SVR “stressed” volume as a compensatory means,20 without increasedby20%).Despitetheroughlyequaloppositional necessarily changing vascular compliance.19 There is no changesinpressureandvolume,implantationoftherigid electricalequivalentfor“unstressedvolume.” graft resulted in a 32% increase in mVO and a 32% 2 Thus,itisusefultothinkofthevasculaturenotonlyin decrease in ventricular efficiency, reflecting the relatively terms of the amount of volume stored at a given pressure substantial contribution of pressure work (energy inten- (defined as vascular capacitance, Equation 6), but also in sive, in comparison with volume work) in the determina- termsofvascularcompliance,definedasachangeinvolume tionofmyocardialoxygenneeds.Interestingly,theincrease that results from a change in pressure (Equation 7).19 in myocardial consumption was directly proportional to Vascularcomplianceisinverselyrelatedtovesselstiffness the increase in pressure volume area (PVA; see PUMP ((cid:6)).Vascularcapacitanceisdefinedas WORK AND VENTRICULAR EFFICIENCY section, be- low);however,becausetheauthorsdidnotincreasevascu- C (cid:2)V/P (6) larresistanceindependentlyofcompliance,itisimpossible AP,vasc to know for certain whether an isolated decrease in com- andvascularcomplianceas pliancealsoworsensventricularefficiency. The venous systems, by contrast, are much more com- COM,vasc(cid:2)(cid:1)V/(cid:1)P(cid:2)1/(cid:6). (7) pliant than are the arterial systems, and, by comparison, storemorevolume(70%oftotalblood25)andlesspotential Notethatwhileconventiondictatesthattheabilitytostore energy. Thus, although arterial compliance primarily af- electrical energy in the form of charge is referred to as fects the arterial waveform and afterload, venous compli- electricalcapacitance,theabilitytostoreenergyintheformof ance impacts the cardiovascular system through several pressureismoreappropriatelydescribedbyvascularcom- differentmechanisms,allofwhicharebasedonanunder- pliance(becauseitappropriatelyneglectsthe“unstressed” standing of the venous function curve and the concept of volumethatisenergeticallyinactive),andforthepurposes meancirculatoryfillingpressure(MCFP). of this analogy, electrical capacitance (Q/E) and vascular compliance ((cid:5)V/(cid:5)P) can be considered interchangeable, Venous Function Curve althoughtheywillbeabbreviatedasC andC (or1/(cid:6)),respectively. AP,elec OM,vasc The venous function curve, as originally described by Guyton,26 describes the effect of changes in right atrial As with the electrical circuit driven by an oscillating pressure (RAP) on venous return: as RAP is increased, voltagepotential,bloodflowthroughacompliantvesselis venousreturn(andCO)decreases,andultimatelybecomes not simply a function of “resistance,” but must also con- zero as RAP approaches MCFP. Similarly, as RAP is sider arterial compliance and the volume of blood con- decreased,venousreturnincreases,reachingamaximumat tainedinthevesselatthatmoment: thepointatwhichveinscollapse(atmosphericpressure,or Q(cid:2)dV/dt(cid:2)P/R(cid:4)dP/dt(cid:3)(C )(cid:2)P/R(cid:4)dP/dt higherinthesettingofpositiveend-expiratorypressure). OM,vasc Guyton’svenousfunctioncurvescanalsobeunderstood (cid:3)(cid:6)1/(cid:6)(cid:7) working backwards, i.e., starting from the position of no CO.19 When CO is zero, blood pressure in the pulmonary Equation 8 describes blood flow through a compliant andsystemicarterialandvenoussystemswillbeequal;this vessel,orwhatisknownasthe“TwoElementWindkessel isreferredtoastheMCFP,andisafunctionoftotalblood Model.”Modelsincorporatingupto4elementshavebeen volume as well as arterial and venous compliance in both developed, and increasingly approximate experimental the pulmonary and systemic vasculatures. As the left observations.21,22 ventricle (LV) and right ventrical (RV) begin to pump Therefore, although hemodynamic data can be used to blood,arterialpressureswillincreaseaboveMCFP.Venous calculate systemic vascular “resistance,” this value is a pressureswilldecreasebelowMCFP,therebyestablishinga combination of resistance to blood flow when a constant pressure gradient (required for blood flow) across the driving force is applied, the instantaneous directional pulmonaryandsystemicvasculatures,andshiftingvolume changeinpressure(dP(t)/dt),andcompliance,allofwhich from the venous compartments to the arterial compart- affect blood flow—their relative contribution changes de- ments. As CO increases further, arterial pressures will pendingonthehemodynamicstate.Totrulyappreciatethe necessarily continue to increase, venous pressures will oscillatory component of afterload, one must decompose continuetodecrease,andincreasingvolumewillbeshifted boththepressureandflowwaveformsintotheirharmonic towardsthearterialcompartments. components,theendresultofwhichisthebipartiteconcept Foragivenbloodvolumeandvascularcompliance,the of vascular impedance (abbreviated Z, comprising modu- cardiovascularsystemcanexistatanystatethatliesonits lusandphase),thedetailsofwhicharebeyondthescopeof venous function curve. Traditional teaching espouses that thisreviewbutarethoroughlydetailedelsewhere.23 this state depends on where the venous function curve Arterial compliance may also affect myocardial oxygen intersects the CO curve (because, at steady state, total consumption (mVO ). Kelly et al.24 studied the effects of venousbloodreturnmustequalCO).TheCOandvenous 2 August2011•Volume113•Number2 287 REVIEWARTICLE function curves are often plotted together to make this venous return and P .29 Thus, Guyton’s initial experi- RA calculation, which can be misleading because although ments, which established that decreased resistance to ve- RAP is closely related to right ventricular preload, the nousreturn(andtheresultantincreaseinvenouspressure ability of RAP to reflect LV preload is dependent on the gradients)leadtoincreasedvenousreturninanexperimen- physiologicstateofthepulmonaryvasculartreeaswellas talsystem,wereunabletoattributethesechangesinvenous onthatoftheleftventricle. returntochangesinRAP. ThisaddedcomplexitycomplicatesGuyton’sclassicteach- To better understand the impact of changes in venous ingandsuggeststhatGuyton’svenousfunctioncurves,which resistance on venous return and CO, Guyton compared were derived in experimental animal models, may not be selectiveincreasesineitherarterialorvenousresistancein directly applicable in vivo.27–29 Regardless, Guyton’s major anesthetized dogs (right-heart bypass preparation).36 Vas- premise, that venous return is just as important as cardiac cular reflexes were abolished using spinal anesthesia. Ar- outflow in determining steady-state blood flow, still holds terialresistancewasthenincreasedbyinjectingglassbeads true,andhasmajorimplications,asnotedbelow. into the aorta, and venous resistance was increased by Despite the controversy surrounding the shape of the tighteninginflatablecuffsimplantedaroundthevenacava. venous function curve in vivo, it is generally thought that Interestingly, doubling SVR via the injection of glass venous compliance impacts CO through 3 mechanisms. beads led to a 15% decrease in CO and a 75% increase in First, because venous pressures decrease with increasing blood pressure, whereas doubling SVR via constriction of CObutcannotdecreasebelowthepointofvenouscollapse, thevenacavareducedCOby65%,presumablybyseques- the maximum attainable CO is impacted by both blood teringbloodinthevenoussystem,andthusdeprivingthe volumeandvenouscompliance(or,aswasmoreprecisely ventricles of the preload needed to maintain CO (postu- described by Levy in 1979, the ratio of venous to arterial lated, but not proven, by Guyton in this article36). Indeed, compliance30).Second,steady-stateCOisatleastpartially no amount of isolated arterial resistance (even a 500% dependent on the configuration of the venous function increaseinSVR)coulddecreaseCOtotheextentachieved curve,whichisafunctionofvenouscompliance.Third,by by a relatively modest increase in venous resistance (50% redistributing blood volume towards (or away from) the increaseinSVRviaconstrictionofvenacava). central vessels, atria, and ventricles,31 changes in venous Clearly, the canine left ventricles in this experiment resistance and compliance can profoundly affect ventricu- were better able to maintain stable CO despite increased larenddiastolicvolume,andthusCO.32 arterial resistance, in comparison with increased venous resistance. This was likely due to differences in vascular Relative Importance of Arterial and Venous distensibility.Arteries,whicharerelativelynondistensible, Vascular Resistance areunabletoremovesignificantvolumefromthecirculation BecausethemajorityofSVRisprovidedbythearterioles,it despite increased resistance to flow. Increased arterial resis- may seem counterintuitive that venous resistance and tance does not markedly decrease cardiac filling unless the compliancecouldsignificantlyimpactCO.Indeed,51years heart cannot maintain constant CO despite increased after- afterGuytonpublishedhisvenousfunctiondata,theutility load.Bycontrast,veins,whicharehighlydistensible(compli- ofhismodelswasstillbeingdebatedintheliterature.33,34 ant)andstoreapproximately70%oftotalbloodvolume,can The debate about whether Guyton’s models are appli- almost immediately sequester relatively large amounts of cableinvivoisamisunderstandingofhisexperimentsand blooddespiteincreasedresistancetoflow,essentiallyrobbing his conclusions. Guyton’s venous function curves were boththeleftandrightventriclesofpreload. developed by cannulating the right atrium and aorta,26 Thus, in 1958, Guyton’s experimental data began to bypassing both ventricles and the lungs. A mechanical provide proof that the all-encompassing concept of “sys- pump (connected in series with a piece of collapsible temicvascularresistance”andtacitassumptionthatSVRis tubing, connected proximally [i.e., a “Starling resistor”]) due to arterial tone may not be physiologically relevant, was placed in between.33,35 As the height of the Starling becausethelocationofvascularresistanceiscriticalandis “resistor” was changed, inflow to the pump was variably notaccountedforbysimplydividingpressuregradientsby throttled, resulting in changes in both RAP and venous CO. This idea was further refined by separating the regu- return. Technically, the independent variable in this ar- lation of venous flow into changes in compliance and rangementwasflow33,35(determinedbytheStarlingresis- resistance,whichcanoccurindependentlyofoneanother.19 tor), not RAP (although if one accepts that blood moves down a pressure gradient, the origin of the pressure Pressure Wave Reflections gradient is not relevant). Maximal output was limited by Further complicating hemodynamic predictions is the the point at which the tubing collapsed (0 mmHg). This 3-dimensionalshapeofthecardiovascularsystem.Whereas arrangement is not necessarily what happens in live ani- electricalcircuitsaremadeofwirethatrarelyvaryinsize, mals with a closed chest and interacting pulmonary and shape, or composition, the “wires” of the human cardio- systemiccirculations,pumpsthatdependonpreload,vary- vascularsystemvarygreatly,bothintermsoftheirstiffness ing thoracic pressures, and central venous systems that andshapeaswellastheirbranchpoints. may, in some instances, remain patent even at subatmo- As a pressure wave travels down the vascular tree, it spheric pressures. Studies of closed-chest humans after meets additional resistance at places where the vascular cardiac surgery have produced mixed results. Some au- treebranchesorwherevascularimpedance(acombination thors have suggested that Guyton’s relationship holds,27 of resistance and compliance) changes quickly.37 At these and others have failed to elucidate a relationship between branchpointsandchangesinimpedance,partofthepressure 288 ANESTHESIA&ANALGESIA ExperimentalAlpha-AgonismData 1 waveisreflectedbacktowardstheheart(muchasultrasound mVO by 77%. The arterial–coronary O saturation differ- 2 2 waves emitted by an echocardiography probe are partially ence was unaffected (64% in both instances), however. reflectedbytissueinterfaces),thusreducingthedrivingforce Fifteen percent of patients receiving methoxamine dis- forforwardbloodflow.Normally,thesepressurewavesreach playedSTsegmentchanges. the left ventricle during diastole, where they can either Antonopoulos et al. administered phenylephrine (80 contribute to coronary perfusion38 or be absorbed by the (cid:7)g/min)to41hemodynamicallystablepatientswithdocu- closedaorticvalve.Incasesinwhichvascularcomplianceis mented coronary artery disease, increasing MAP by 30% significantly reduced (e.g., with atherosclerosis or aging), abovebaseline.Sixtysecondsafterachievinganincreasein these reflected pressure waves travel more quickly, and can blood pressure, 2 mCurie (mCi) of thallium (Tl) were arrive back at the left ventricle before aortic valve closure, injected and Tl scintigraphy was performed 2 and 240 decreasingthespeedofmyocyteshortening.39 minutesafterTlinjection.Scintigraphyafterphenylephrine Therelativecontributionsofresistance,compliance,and infusion revealed 152 defects (average 14% of evaluated pressurewavestoventricularafterloadaredifficulttotease segments),andthesizeofthedefectwasdirectlyrelatedto apart, because most interventions (e.g., vasoconstrictors) thenumberofdiseasedvessels.Theauthorsconcludedthat affect all 3 variables simultaneously.37 In addition to in- bloodpressureincreaseaccompanyingphenylephrinepro- creasing arteriolar resistance, vasoconstrictors (including ducedasignificantimpairmentofmyocardialperfusion.47 phenylephrine6) appear to augment these arterial tree Unfortunately, the authors did not include data on myo- reflectionsbydecreasingcomplianceandacceleratingpres- cardialperfusionbeforeadministrationofphenylephrine. surewaveconduction.40 Taken together, these studies suggest that although increasedpressurecanmaintainglobalperfusion,depend- SUPPLY AND DEMAND—THE ECONOMICS OF ingonhowachieved,itmaystillleadtoamaldistribution CARDIAC PERFORMANCE ofregionalmyocardialbloodflow. Oxygen delivery (DO ) is preeminently important in the 2 contextofoxygenconsumption(VO ).Thus,whenconsid- Demand (Afterload) 2 ering the hemodynamic effects of drugs on the heart, one Afterload ((cid:8)) is a measure of the forces against which the musthaveanappreciationforbothcoronaryarteryperfu- heartmustworktogenerateagivenCO.Initspurestform, sion(supply)andmVO (demand). it is defined as the forces opposed to LV fiber shortening 2 (i.e.,LVwallstress).48SVRisconsideredbymostpractitio- Supply (Coronary Artery Perfusion) nersasequivalenttoafterload.48However,asnotedabove, Heyndrickx et al. studied the effects of methoxamine on SVRisanoversimplifiedquantificationofhemodynamics. coronarybloodflowinhealthy,consciousdogs,withboth Unfortunately, true afterload cannot be readily mea- pacedandspontaneouslybeatinghearts.Inthepacedhearts, sured except in the experimental setting. It can be best methoxamineincreasedcoronarybloodflow,whereasinthe approximatedbycalculatingcircumferentialwallstress(S), spontaneouslybeatinghearts,coronarybloodflowdecreased inavariationofLaplace’slawknownasLame’sequation.37 8% (despite increasing MAP by 55%, and decreasing heart AlthoughmoredifficulttocalculatethanisSVR,itgivesa rateby13beatsperminute[bpm]).41WoodmanandVatner42 more accurate indication of cardiac energy expenditure, gavephenylephrine(0.5and1(cid:7)g/kg/min)tounanesthetized andismorespecificallyproportionaltomVO .49 2 dogs autonomically blocked with hexamethonium, propranolol, and atropine and found that phenylephrine S(cid:2)Pr/h (8) increased MAP but had no effect on coronary blood flow. Crystaletal.43administeredphenylephrine(2.8(cid:7)g/kg/min) where S (cid:2) wall stress, P (cid:2) pressure, r (cid:2) radius, and h (cid:2) to anesthetized dogs and found that although myocardial thickness.AnimportantimplicationofLame’sequationisthat blood flow increased by 60%, mVO increased by 61%. afterload is not simply a function of resistance, compliance, 2 Neither arterial–coronary sinus oxygen difference, coronary andwavereflections,butisalsodependentonthegeometry sinusPo ,orcoronarysinussaturationchangedsignificantly. oftheleftventricleitself.Duringsystoletheventricularwall 2 Milleretal.studiedtheeffectsofphenylephrineoncoro- thickensasitsradiuscontracts,whichreducesLVwallstress. narybloodflowinhumans,byadministeringnitroglycerinto In the latter half of systole, afterload is reduced simply 17pacedpatientsundergoingcardiacdiagnosticcatheteriza- becauseLVradiusissmallerandwallthicknessisgreater.All tion(MAPdecreasedbyanaverageof10.5mmHg),andthen otherthingsbeingequal,aheartoperatingwithmoreshort- randomizingthemtophenylephrine(50to90(cid:7)g/min)versus enedmyocytes(e.g.,asmayoccurafter (cid:9)adrenergicstimu- no intervention. At 10 minutes postnitroglycerin, coronary lation)willworkagainstless“afterload,”becauseitwillspend sinus blood flow was significantly higher in the phenyleph- proportionately more time in a favorable (smaller radius) rinegroup.44Indeed,studiesof(cid:1) receptordensityinhumans geometricalconfiguration. 1 have confirmed that the coronary arteries contain (cid:1) recep- Lang et al. studied the effects of methoxamine, nitro- 1 tors, although the amount (2.1 fmol/mg protein) is signifi- prusside, norepinephrine, and dobutamine on 8 anesthe- cantly less than that found in the other, similarly sized tized,intubated,andcatheterized(leftandrightheart)but arteries,suchasthemammaries(6.0fmol/mgprotein).45 otherwise healthy dogs.48 Using Grossman’s previously Loeb et al.46 studied the effects of methoxamine (2 validatedmethod49tocalculateafterload,Langetal.found mg/min)in20patientswithstable,ischemicheartdisease thatSVRisanalmost2-foldunderestimateofLVwallstress (meanMAP90mmHgbeforeintervention),findingthatit after administration of methoxamine (SVR increased 48%, increased coronary sinus flow by 82% but also increased whereasLVwallstressincreased86%).Norepinephrineled August2011•Volume113•Number2 289 REVIEWARTICLE Figure2.Effectofpharmacologicagentsonbloodpressure,cardiac output, and SVR. Effect of nitroprusside, methoxamine (pure (cid:1)-agonist), dobutamine, and norepinephrine on aortic pressure, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance in healthy dogs Figure4.Effectofpharmacologicagentsonleftventricularfunction. (redrawn from Lang et al.,48 with written permission from Wolters Effectsofnitroprusside,methoxamine(pure(cid:1)-agonist),dobutamine, KluwerHealth).MCFP(cid:2)meancirculatoryfillingpressure;LVEDV(cid:2) andnorepinephrineonleft-ventricularperformance(asmeasuredby left-ventricularend-diastolicvolume. velocity of left-ventricular fiber shortening, Vcf) in healthy dogs c (redrawn from Lang et al.,48 with written permission from Wolters KluwerHealth).SVR(cid:2)systemicvascularresistance. produce both pressure work (increasing pressure) and volumework(movementofvolume),bothofwhichrequire the expenditure of energy. Mathematically, the amount of mechanical work done by a pump is represented by the areainsidethecurveofapressure–volume(PV)loop: (cid:1) V2 W(cid:2) (cid:5) Pdv (9) V1 Figure 3. Effect of pharmacologic agents on SVR and end-systolic Notethatalthoughpressureworkandvolumeworkcanbe wall stress. Comparative effects of nitroprusside, methoxamine thought of separately, neither can occur in the absence of (pure(cid:1)-agonist),dobutamine,andnorepinephrineonsystemicvas- theother.Increasedpressurewithoutmovingvolumedoes cular resistance (SVR) and afterload (defined as end-systolic wall stress, (cid:8) ) in healthy dogs. Note that for norepinephrine, SVR is notresultinwork,nordoesmovingvolumeifpressureis es positive, whereas (cid:8) is negative, thus invalidating SVR as an notaccordinglyincreased. es indicator of afterload (redrawn from Lang et al.,48 with written In situations in which CO (volume pumped) is desired, permissionfromWoltersKluwerHealth).CO(cid:2)cardiacoutput. pressure work is inefficient because increased ventricular pressuresnecessitatetheformationandreleaseofadditional myosin–actin cross-bridges (which consumes adenosine toa21%increaseincalculatedSVR,butmeasuredLVwall triphosphate),butdoesnotincreaseflow.TheshapeofthePV stress actually decreased by 9% because of increased con- loopcanprovideavisualestimateofvolume-basedventric- tractility and a subsequent decrease in ventricular size. ularefficiency.Multiplestudiesinhumanshaveshownthat Thus, in some instances, SVR is not simply off by a phenylephrinereducesCOandincreasesmeasuredvascular percentage, it changes in the opposite direction of wall resistance,50–52 which heightens the resultant PV loop, and stress48(Figs.2to4). usuallydecreasesstrokevolume(Fig.5).53,54 Guyton et al.’s experiments on selective vascular resis- tance further support this view, because changes in SVR Internal Work bore almost no relationship to changes in either CO or Unlikeaninanimate,mechanicalpump(e.g.,internalcom- afterload. Indeed, isolated increases in arterial resistance bustionengine)thatrequiresnoenergywhennotfunction- led to significant increases in aortic blood pressures, ing, the heart requires energy to maintain its cellular whereas equivalent increases in venous resistance led to integrityevenwhennotcontracting. almostnochangeinaorticbloodpressure.36 In addition, the heart requires energy expenditure to generatepressureevenwhennovolumeismoved.Thisis PUMP WORK AND VENTRICULAR EFFICIENCY referredtoasinternalwork(alsotermedpotentialenergy)and Pump (Mechanical) Work can be attributed to electrical activation and excitation– Afterload, which measures force, is related to but distinct contractioncoupling(calciumcycling).55 from work, the application of force over distance. Pumps Sugaetal.notedthatdifferingcombinationsofpressure work by applying pressure to a displaced volume, and and volume work (which produce an identical amount of 290 ANESTHESIA&ANALGESIA ExperimentalAlpha-AgonismData 1 ofbloodflowismoreimportantthanthepressurerequired todeliverit.Fromthisvolume-basedventricularefficiency standpoint,increasedpressureworkandinternalworkare wastefulandshouldbeminimized. Phenylephrinedecreasesvolume-basedventriculareffi- ciencybyshiftingmyocardialmechanicalworkfromvolume to pressure work, and presumably by increasing internal work (although PVA has not been specifically studied in humans,thiscanbesurmisedbyanalyzingtheresultingPV loops, Fig. 5). A study comparing phenylephrine with epi- nephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, dobutamine, and iso- proterenolinpigletsundergeneralanesthesiasuggestedthat ofthese6vasoactivedrugs,phenylephrinewastheonlyone thatdidnotincreasetheCO/PVAratio.62 In instances in which perfusion pressure is deemed more important than global blood flow (e.g., optimizing cerebral perfusion pressure), volume work is wasteful, because it does not necessarily lead to increased blood Figure5.Effectofphenylephrineonthepressure–volumeloopinthe pressurebutstillrequiresadditionalmechanicalwork(and setting of human heart failure (adapted from Asanoi et al.,53 with expenditure of energy). Thus, from a practical standpoint, writtenpermissionfromWoltersKluwerHealth). the “efficiency” of the heart depends not only on work doneperenergyconsumed,butalsoonwhattypeofwork mechanical work) require different amounts of oxygen isneededmost(volumeorpressure). consumption,55,56andthatthesedifferencescouldbeattrib- uted to increases in internal work required to function at EFFECT OF ALPHA-ADRENERGIC AGONISTS ON different physiologic states (Fig. 6A). Unlike the PV loop INDIVIDUAL ORGAN SYSTEMS area,totalpressure–volumearea(PVA,Fig.6,B–C)reliably estimates myocardial VO in an isolated canine heart Cardiovascular System 2 model, as was shown by Suga,57–59 Khalafbeigui,60 and Left heart and CO. Smith et al.63 randomized 60 carotid Burkhoff61 in a series of experiments conducted over a endarterectomypatientstoanesthesia(MAC1.04)withno periodof10years. ionotropicdrugsversusdeeperanesthesia(MAC1.43)with administrationofphenylephrinetomaintainsystolicblood Ventricular Efficiency pressure within 20% of baseline. Intergroup differences in Thetermventricularefficiencyhasseveraldefinitions,butis bloodpressurewereinsignificant;however,thephenyleph- usually thought of as CO per milliliter of oxygen con- rine group was burdened with a 40% increase in LV sumed.Notethatthisdefinitionassumesthatthequantity end-systolic wall stress as estimated by transesophageal Figure 6. A,Relationshipbetweenmyocar- dialoxygenconsumptionandpressure–vol- umearea[PVA,definedasinternalwork(cid:3) externalwork]ataconstantlevelofexternal work. B, Myocardial energetics at state 2 [high-pressure work, low-volume work]. C, Myocardial energetics at state 3 [high- volumework,low-pressurework].Allfigures derivedfromexperimentsusingtheisolated canineheartmodel. August2011•Volume113•Number2 291 REVIEWARTICLE echocardiography, a 160% increase in the incidence of segmental wall motion or wall thickening abnormalities, and a 32% reduction in the rate-corrected velocity of circumferentialfibershortening. Goertz et al.64,65 compared phenylephrine to norepi- nephrine in both volunteers and cardiac surgery patients, bothundergeneralanesthesia.In16volunteers(2(cid:7)g/kgof phenylephrine vs. 0.1 (cid:7)g/kg of norepinephrine) and 38 cardiacsurgerypatients(2(cid:7)g/kgofphenylephrinevs.0.05 (cid:7)g/kg of norepinephrine), both drugs produced identical changesinMAP,butphenylephrineproducedsignificantly higher wall stress (estimated from transesophageal echo- cardiographicmeasurements)andsignificantlylowerfrac- tional area change (and presumably, CO) in comparison Figure 7. Effect of escalating doses of methoxamine on cardiac withnorepinephrine. output and peripheral resistance. Escalating dose response of methoxamine(long-actingpure(cid:1)agonist)onthehemodynamicstate Sharrock et al.50 compared phenylephrine (2 to 20 of dogs after administration of spinal anesthesia (dose started at (cid:7)g/min) with epinephrine (1 to 5 (cid:7)g/min) in 30 patients 0.3mg/kg/h,increasedby0.3mg/kg/hevery15minutes;redrawn undergoingepiduralanesthesiaandfoundthatdespiteno fromZandbergetal.,73withwrittenpermissionfromWoltersKluwer differenceinMAP,phenylephrineledtoslowerheartrate Health). and CO.52 Brooker et al. conducted a similar study in 13 patientsundergoingspinalanesthesiaandfoundthatphen- stationary bikes, increasing workloads from rest (VO 2 ylephrine significantly reduced CO, in comparison with averaged 5.8 mL/kg/min) to VO (average 39 2max epinephrine.51Langsesaeteretal.alsostudiedtheeffectsof mL/kg/min). CO increased by 170% at maximal values, phenylephrine (0.25 (cid:7)g/kg/min) in patients undergoing but organ-specific blood volumes (measured with techne- spinalanesthesia,comparingitwithplaceboin80women tium 99-m scanning) decreased by 46%, 24%, and 18% in undergoingcesareandelivery.Whilephenylephrineclearly the spleen, kidneys, and liver, respectively. By contrast, increased systolic blood pressure, it also led to significant organ-specific blood volumes increased by 50% and 24%, reductions in CO in comparison with that in controls. A respectively,inthelungsandheart.32 morerecentcomparisonofphenylephrineinfusionratesin Particularlyappealingaboutthesplanchnicvenousres- the setting of spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean deliv- ervoir concept is the fact that the splanchnic vasculature ery found that the maximal decrease in CO was linearly exists in parallel (1/R (cid:2) 1/R (cid:3) 1/R (cid:3) … (cid:3) 1/R ) Total 1 2 n relatedtothedose.66 withtheremainderofthesystemiccirculation,thusattenu- Systemic venous return. Multiple animal studies have ating the increase in venous resistance that would other- shown that (cid:1)-agonists are venoconstrictors, and thus wise accompany venoconstriction, while at the same time 1 capable of increasing MCFP.2,67–69 Appleton et al., for allowing the body to mobilize a significant amount of instance, found that 8 to 20 (cid:7)g/kg/min of phenylephrine volume.19 increasedMCFPby49%inlightlysedateddogs.2 Thus, it appears that (cid:1)-agonists’ effects on the venous 1 Although an isolated increase in venous tone may circulation have the ability to both increase (by reducing transiently increase CO, whether or not a pharmacologi- venous compliance, thus converting unstressed volume to cally mediated increase in venous tone leads to increased stressed volume and increasing preload) and decrease venous return in the intact organism has been debated.70 (primarilythroughincreasesinvenousresistance)CO.The Unliketheincreasedskeletalmuscletonethataccompanies end result is likely related to dose of the drug and the exercise,ortheincreaseinstressedvolumethatoccursafter sensitivityoftheindividualorganismandtissues.Thisidea fluid administration, all of the known drugs that increase is supported by Zandberg et al.’s dose-response study of venous tone have the potential to cause accompanying methoxamineindogswhohadundergonespinalanesthe- increases in arterial and venous resistance, potentially sia. Initially, methoxamine increased both CO (maximally negatinganyimprovementsinvenousreturn.71 at 0.6 mg/kg/h of methoxamine) and blood pressure, Inanilluminatingreview,GelmanandMushlinpointed althoughatincreasingdoses,CObegantodecrease73(Fig. out that 25% of total body blood volume is present in the 7).Interestingly,calculatedSVRwasincreasedevenatlow splanchnic organs, making them an important hemody- doses (0.3 to 0.6 mg/kg/h), suggesting that the increased namic reservoir. Furthermore, they suggested that (cid:1)- COwasduetoincreasesinstressedvolumeandpreload. 1 agonists have a dose-dependent effect on venous return; A limited number of human studies also support the the initial response being an increase in venous return as ideathat(cid:1)-agonistsreducevenouscomplianceandpoten- 1 the splanchnic vasculature is “unloaded,” followed by a tially increase venous return. In 1975, Marino et al. decrease in venous return at higher doses as the effects of compared the effects of phenylephrine, isoproteronol, do- vasoconstriction and venoconstriction (decreased organ pamine, and phentolamine on perfusion pressures and outflow)predominate.72 reservoirvolumesin73patientsundergoingcardiopulmo- Theideathatthesplanchniccirculationisanimportant nary bypass. Marino et al.’s experiments showed signifi- reservoirforvenousbloodisstronglysupportedbyFlamm cant increases in cardiopulmonary bypass reservoir et al.’s study of blood volume distribution in exercising volumes after administration of both phenylephrine (0.3 humans.Flamm’sgroupexercised14healthyvolunteerson mg)andlow-(0.2mg)andhigh-(4mg)dosedopamine(by 292 ANESTHESIA&ANALGESIA ExperimentalAlpha-AgonismData 1 the intracranial vessels of animals with experimental neu- rologic injuries (and presumably a disrupted cerebral au- toregulatory curve).82 However, increased velocity does notnecessarilyimplyincreasedflow,especiallyifachieved throughtheactionsofavasoconstrictivedrug. Studiesofphenylephrineoncerebralbloodflow(CBF), asopposedtovelocity,arerare.Kitaguchietal.studiedthe effects of methoxamine on 10 patients with ischemic cere- brovascular disease undergoing extraintracranial artery bypass and, using the Kety–Schmidt inert gas saturation technique, found no relationship between CBF and methoxamine-induced increases in MAP.83 Joseph et al. studied the effects of phenylephrine on 5 vasospastic Figure 8. Effects of phenylephrine and dopamine on vascular subarachnoid hemorrhage patients and found that mean resistance and preload as measured by changes in perfusion CBF in the right frontal cortex increased by 75% in the pressure and venous reservoir volume on the basis of measure- mentsinpatientsoncardiopulmonarybypass(adaptedfromMarino vasospastic cortical regions, but did not report CBF in the etal.,74withwrittenpermissionfromWoltersKluwerHealth). nonvasospasticcorticalregions.84 247, 444, and 687 mL, respectively), suggesting that both Kidneys and Other Organs drugs decrease venous compliance through enhanced tone. Studiesof(cid:1)1receptordensityinhumanshaveshownthat Perfusion pressures changed by 23, 0.13, and 15 mmHg, the renal arteries contain a relatively high density of (cid:1)1 respectively, suggesting that phenylephrine and high-dose receptors(24fmol/mgprotein),incomparisonwithother, dopamineincreasedvascularresistance(andthus,afterload), similarly sized vessels, such as the mesenteric arteries (13 whereaslow-dosedopaminehadnoeffectonvascularresis- fmol/mgprotein).45Humanphysiologicstudiesarelargely tance,despiteitsabilitytoincreasevenousreturn74(Fig.8). absent; however, Grangsjo and Persson85 studied the ad- Rightheartandpulmonarycirculation. Becausesystemic ministration of vasoactive drugs on canine renal blood complianceisapproximately7timesthatofthepulmonary flow. Three normotensive dogs under general anesthesia circulation,67,69 the pulmonary vascular system cannot received methoxamine (doses ranged from 0.17 to 0.6 store as much latent “preload” as does its systemic coun- mg/kg), which immediately resulted in significant reduc- terpart.Thatsaid,becausetheleftheartreliesontheright tions in urine output (in 1 animal, measured renal blood heart for preload, and the right heart traditionally faces flowdecreasedfrom110to10mL/min)andtotalcessation significantly less afterload than does the left, changes in of urine output within minutes. Three hypotensive dogs pulmonary vascular resistance can profoundly impact the (bled through a femoral artery catheter to blood pressure cardiovascularsystemasawhole. [systolic or diastolic not distinguished] (cid:1)50 mmHg) also Studies of (cid:1) receptor density in humans have shown received methoxamine (0.3 to 1 mg/kg), which similarly 1 that the pulmonary arteries contain a higher density of (cid:1) reducedrenalbloodflowby70%–80%,despitesignificant 1 receptors than does any nonsplanchnic organ.45 Tuman et increases in blood pressure and renal perfusion pressure al.examinedtheeffectsofphenylephrineonrightventric- (Fig. 9). Norepinephrine, by contrast, increased medullary ular function in patients undergoing coronary artery sur- blood flow and resulted in an increase in urine output gery,andfoundthatpostinductionphenylephrine(titrated when administered as a continuous infusion (0.03 to 0.6 to increase systolic blood pressure to 20% above baseline) (cid:7)g/kg/min)inGrangsjoandPersson’sexperiments.85 At significantly increased right ventricular end-diastolic vol- least1caseofovertrenalfailureinducedbyphenyleph- ume index (RVEDVi) (from 86.3 to 97.5 mL/m2, P (cid:2) rine administration in humans has been reported.86 0.0001)75 without significantly impacting cardiac index. Hoffbrand et al. administered vasopressors to unanes- Pulmonary vascular resistance, however, increased from thetizedrhesusmonkeys,andfoundthatalthoughnorepi- 62.0to157.2dyne(cid:1)s(cid:1)cm(cid:8)5,suggestingthattheincreasein nephrine (0.5 to 3 (cid:7)g/kg/min) redistributed CO towards RVEDVi was due to an increase in pulmonary vascular the heart and skeletal muscles, methoxamine increased resistance,andnotvenousreturn. vascularresistanceuniformlyandreducedCOatbothlow (20 to 100 (cid:7)g/kg/min) and high (150 to 500 (cid:7)g/kg/min) Brain doses (by 20% and 43%, respectively). Both doses of me- It is generally thought that the cerebral vasculature lacks thoxaminesignificantlyreducedbloodflowtothekidneys, significant (cid:1) receptors, mostly on the basis of animal spleen, pancreas, and lungs, and high-dose methoxamine 1 experiments (such as Harik et al.’s data from rat and pig significantly reduced blood flow to the brain (regional models76), although this assertion is refuted by other data resistance increased by 54%), heart (regional resistance from bovine,77 rat,78 and gerbil79 models, as well as some increased79%),gastrointestinaltract,andskeletalmuscles, humandata.80 andofalltheorgansmeasured,sparedonlytheadrenals87 Nevertheless, phenylephrine has been used to increase (Fig.10). cerebral perfusion pressure. Although Doppler studies Heyndrickx et al. found that when escalating methox- have been used to suggest that cerebral autoregulation is aminedosesfrom5to50(cid:7)g/kg/mininhealthy,conscious intactduringgeneralanesthesia,81theyhavealsobeenused dogs, MAP values increased to 25, 35, and 55% above toshowthatphenylephrineincreasesbloodflowvelocityin baseline,butCOdecreasedby9%atlowerdosesandbyas August2011•Volume113•Number2 293