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The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds: mm and Sub-mm Observations in Astrophysics: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Zermatt, Switzerland, 22–25 September 1988 to Commemorate the 600th Anniversary of the University of Cologne and the PDF

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Preview The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds: mm and Sub-mm Observations in Astrophysics: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Zermatt, Switzerland, 22–25 September 1988 to Commemorate the 600th Anniversary of the University of Cologne and the

Lecture Notes in Physics Edited by H. Araki, Kyoto, J. Ehlers, Miinchen, K. Hepp,Zurich R. Kippenhahn, Munchen, D. Ruelle, Bures-sur-Yvette H.A. Weidenmuller, Heidelberg, J. Wess, Karlsruhe and J. Zittartz, K61n Managing Editor: W. Beiglb6ck 331 G. Winnewisser J.T Armstrong (Eds.) --UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE---- The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds mm and Sub-mm Observations in Astrophysics Proceedings ofaSymposium Held atZermatt, Switzerland, 22-25 September 1988to Commemoratethe GOOth Anniversary ofthe Universityof Cologneand the 20th Anniversary ofthe GornergratObservatory Springer-Verlag Editors G. Winnewisser J.T. Armstrong I. Physikalischeslnstitut, Universitatzu KCiln ZulpicherStraBe 77, 0-5000Keln 41, FRG ISBN 3-540-51297-7Springer-Verlag Berlin HeidelbergNewYork ISBN 0-387-51297·7Springer-Verlag NewYorkBerlin Heidelberg ThisworkisS\lbjecttocopyright.AUrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerial isconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinotherways,andstorageindatabanks.Duplication ofthispublicationorpartsthereofisonlypermittedundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyright LawofSeptember9, 1965,initsversionofJune24, 1985,andacopyrightfeemustalwaysbe paid.ViolationsfallundertheprosecutionactoftheGermanCopyrightLaw. ©Springer-VerlagBertinHeidelberg 1989 PrintedinGermany Printing:DruckhausBeltz,HemsbachlBergstr. Binding:J.SchafferGmbH&Co.KG..Grunstadt GERHARD HERZBERG to whom this volume is dedicated. III * ~~ ~. *@~ n " " 600 JAHRE KOlNER · ig~~ UNIVERSITAT FOUNDING AND FIRST BLOOMING OF THE UNIVERSITY OnMay21, 1388,inPerugia,PopeUrbanVI issuedthefoundingdeedofthe Universityof Cologne: "After careful considerationand review, we have, for the benefit andadvantage not only of the city of Cologne, but also of the residents of the surrounding regions, in fatherly love,graciouslygranted the humblerequest ofthe councillors, assessors, citizens, and communityofthe city ofCologne, who for this indevotion haveaskedourfavor, and decided, for the glory of God and the propagation of the Faith, and directed, through apostolic authority, that henceforth there shall be a University in the city of Cologne after the model ofthe University of Paris, which shall ever remain there." .. .. GRUNDUNG UND ERSTE BLUTE .. DER UNIVERSITAT Am 21. Mai 1388 stellte Papst Urban VI. in Perugia die Stiftungsurkunde fUr die Uni versitiit zu Kaln aus: "Nach sorgfaJ.tiger Uberlegung und Priifung haben wir nieht nur zum Nutzen und Vorteil der Stadt Kaln, sondern auch der Einwohner der umlicgenden Gebiete in vaterlicher Liebe den demiitigen Bitten der Rate, Schoffen, BiiIger, und der Gemeinde der Stadt Kaln, die in Ergebenheit um diese unsere Gunst gebeten haben, huldvoll entsprochen und zur Ehre Gattes und zur Farderung des rechten Glaubens beschlossen und kraft apostolischer Autoritiit angeordnet, daB in cler Stadt Kaln fortan eine Universitiit sein solI, nach dem Muster der Universitiit Paris, und fiir immer dort bleiben soIL" IV DEI IEKTOI DEI UNIVEISIT7<T lU KOLN GruBwort Es ist mir eine angenehme Pflicht, Sie hier in Zermatt an l~Blich der internationalen Konferenz "The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds" im Namen der Universit~t zu Koln herzlich willkommen zu heiBen. Es ist ein besonderer An laB, das 600j~hrige Bestehen der Universit~t in diesem schonen Rahmen eines Koln-Zermatt Symposiums begehen zu konnen. Diese Konferenz ist eine von vielen Veranstaltungen, mit der die Uni versitat ihren Geburtstag feiert. Die Universit~t ist stolz, dieses schone Observatorium auf dem Gornergrat zu betreiben. Zeigt es doch, daB der Blick der Uni versit~t wie vor 600 Jahren auch heute noch den Sternen und dem Weltraum zugewandt ist: Den Stern sehen Sie als hochsten Punkt im Wappen der Universit~t. Prof. Dr. Peter Hanau '~z..:.~ v DER OBERBURGERMEISTER DER STADT KOLN GruBwort Verehrte Darnen, meine Herren, sehr gerne folge ich dem Wunsch von Herrn Professor Dr. Winnewisser, Sie mit einigen GruBworten herzlich zum internationalen Symposium "The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds" in Zermatt willkommen zu heiBen. Ich gestehe, noch viel lieber wareich vom 25.-27. September 1988 unter Ihnen; denn werfiihrt nicht gern nach Zermatt? So wiinsche ich Ihnen aus dem 2000-jiihrigen Kaln in Narnen von Rat und Verwal tung, aber auch persanlich, einen erfolgreichen Verlauf Ihrer zukunftsweisenden Kon ferenz. Wenn Sie das Observatorium aufdem Gornergrat besichtigen, werden Sie sich in der hachstgelegenen stiindigen Forschungsstelle der Universitiit zu Kaln befinden. Nur die "wissenschaftliche Konkurrenz" der Deutschen Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fiir Luft- und Raumfahrt aus Kaln-Porz iibertrifft anliiBlichihrerWeltraummissionendiesen Hahenrekord, aber eben nur kurzfristig. Wenn Sie aus meinen Zeilen so etwas wie "Besitzerstolz" herauslesen, dann belegt diese Tatsache die freundschaftliche Verbundenheit der KaIner mit ihrer Universitiit, die vor600 Jahrenals Biirgeruniversitiitgegriindetwurde. DaB dieUniversitiit zu Kalnnicht in ihrer 600-jiihrigenTradition erstarrt ist, beweist das Symposium des I. Physikalischen Instituts vom 22.-25. September 1988 in Zermatt. Mit freundlichen GriiBen VI GruBe des Burgerpdisidentenvon Zermatt Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you here in Zermatt personally and on behalf of the Burgergemeinde. Although the history of Zermatt reaches back to the Middle Ages, the village and its surroundingsbecameknownlong beforethe turn ofthe century for their beautiful location, scenery and climatic conditions. With the inauguration of the Gornergratbahn in 1898 and the construction of Hotel Belvedere on the summit, one ofthe most scenic spots in the Alps was opened to everyone, not only the devoted Alpinist, something which Mark Twain probably would have enjoyed on his journey to the Riffelberg. Now the Kulmhotel Gornergrat just below the summit houses the two observatorieswhichareourwindowstospace. We, thepeopleofZermatt, takegreat pride that the Gornergrat has been discovered by astronomers and that astrophysicists from all overthe worldare participating at the Conferenceon "The Physics and Chemistryof Interstellar Molecular Clouds". I wish all of you an enjoyable, informative, interesting and beautiful time here in Zermatt on the base ofthe Matterhorn. Herzlich willkommen in Zermatt E. Aufdenplatten Burgerprasident, Zermatt VII Opening Remarks Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalfofthe InternationalFoundation "High-altitudeResearch'Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat" I welcome you to Zermatt, the famous tourist place, and I wish you a successfulsymposiumon "The Physics and ChemistryofInterstellar Molecular Clouds". Our foundation recognized the climatically preferred location of Zermatt and its sur roundings for astronomical observations more then 20 years ago. In collaboration with the Observatoire de Meudon, the Geneva Observatory and the Astronomical Institute of theUniversityofOxfordinGreat Britain, wethereforeerectedastronomicalobservatories on the two towers of the Kulmhotel of the Burgergemeinde Zermatt at Gornergrat. In 1984 the Gornergrat South observatorywas taken over by the University ofKCiln. In the following years Professor Gisbert Winnewisser refurbished the observatory, enlarged the dome, and installed the new KOSMA 3m millimeter and submillimetertelescope. I have nothing to add to the beautiful results on interstellar molecular lines from Gornergrat. We are proud that the 1. Physikalisches Institut of the Universitat zu KCiln is running its 3m radio telescope here in Switzerland. I thank Professor Winnewisser for his great scientific support ofour foundation. I also thank him for having organized this confer ence at Zermatt. To you, ladies and gentlemen, I wish a successful symposium, more and deeper friendships among scientists from allover the world, and a pleasant stay at Zermatt. H. Debrunner Prasident Internationale Stiftung Hochalpine Forschungsstationen Jungfraujoch und Gornergrat VIII Preface This volume contains the lectures and posters presented at the Cologne-Zermatt Symposiumon "ThePhysics andChemistryofInterstellarMolecular Clouds" heldin the Triftbachhalle in Zermatt from 22 to 26 September 1988. The objective ofthe meeting was twofold: to take stock ofthe recent scientific and technological developments in the field of millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared astrophysics, and to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the University of Cologne and the 20th year of astronomical observationsfrom the Gornergrat, a nearby peak (alt. 3130m) where the University has recently installed the KOSMA 3m millimeter and submillimeter telescope. This year also marks the 20th year of the detection ofinterstellar NH and Hz0 by C. H. Townes 3 and his collaborators. The three and a halfday meeting was attended by more than 150 participantsfrom 13 countries, considerablymorethan originally anticipated. This large turnout made it necessary to move the lectures from the Grand Hotel Zermatterhof to the Triftbachhalle, which fortunately was made available by the town of Zermatt. The conference covered topics from the early discoveries of interstellar molecular lines to the most recent contributions from large telescopes. The extended maps from the KOSMA 3m Gornergrat telescope were presented, highlighting one focus of the conference: the utility of small telescopes for quick mapping of large regions - both galactic and extragalactic - andfor selecting targets for more detailed study with larger telescopes, e.g. star-formation and outflow regions. Halfa day each was devoted to the chemistry ofinterstellar molecular clouds and to status reports on new instrumentation and future projects. Interstellarmolecularspectroscopywouldnot havematuredsoquicklywereit notfor the tremendous pool ofpreciselaboratory datafor astronomers to fall back on. We were very fortunate to have with us "the father ofmodern spectroscopy", Gerhard Herzberg, as our Guest of Honour, to whom we dedicate this volume. We were thankful that C. H. Townes participated in the meeting and reminded us in his after-dinner speech how research so often leads to new and unexpected discoveries. All who were present at the Cologne-Zermatt Symposium 1988 can testify to its success, owing to the enthusiasmfor the subject matter by all participants, the excellent presentations from talks to posters, and the beautiful setting for the meeting at the foot ofthe Matterhorn. Our two secretaries, Frl. M. Alscher and Frau1. Klee, took care ofall the organizational details with grace and efficiency. The Zermatt people were warm and generous hosts, especially the staffofthe Grand Hotel Zermatterhofunder the direction of Jean-Pierre Lanz. It is a pleasure to express our thanks to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, whose financial support made this conference possible. In addition, we have received generous contributions from the following institutions and companies: Office of Naval Research, U. S. Navy; InternationaleStiftungHochalpineForschungsstationenJungfrau joch und Gornergratj Burgergemeinde Zermatt; Gornergrat-Bahnj Brig-Visp-Zermatt Bahnj Firma Dornier, Friedrichshafen. The Observatoire de Geneve supplied the poster walls. G. Winnewisser and J. T. Armstrong, editors IX Contents G.HERZBERG Some Historical Remarks 1 PART I: The Physics ofInterstellar Molecular Clouds Overview Invited Talks W. J. WELCH Molecular Lines: Past, Present and Future 5 P. THADDEUS Galactic Molecular Surveys: The Role ofSmall Telescopes 14 J. B. G. M. BLOEMEN Mass Calibration ofCO Surveys: New Insight from IRAS 22 F. BOULANGER IRAS View at Nearby Molecular Clouds 30 P. C. MYERS Physical Conditions in Dark Clouds 38 U. MEBOLD High Latitude Clouds and the IR Cirrus 45 J. STUTZKI Physical Conditions in Molecular Clouds: Sub-mm and Far-IR CO Observations 53 G. J. WHITE The Physical Structure ofStar-Forming Regions _ 60 H. HABING Circumstellar Envelopes 69 A. HJALMARSON Molecular Line Surveys 73 XI

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