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The Phylogeny of the Genera in the Tribes Deltocephalini, Paralimnini , and Their Allies (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) PDF

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Preview The Phylogeny of the Genera in the Tribes Deltocephalini, Paralimnini , and Their Allies (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae)

九州大学学術情報リポジトリ Kyushu University Institutional Repository The Phylogeny of the Genera in the Tribes Deltocephalini, Paralimnini , and Their Allies (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) Kamitani, Satoshi http://hdl.handle.net/2324/2636 出版情報:ESAKIA. 39, pp.65-108, 1999-03-31. published by the Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka バージョン: 権利関係: ,AIKASE :)93( -56 108. March 3 1,1999 The Phylogeny of the Genera in the Tribes Deltocephalini, Paralimnini , and Their Allies (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) * Satoshi KAMITANI lacigolomotnE ,yrotarobaL ytlucaF fo ,erutlucirgA uhsuyK ,ytisrevinU Fukuoka, 8 12-858 I napaJ Abstract. ehT citenegolyhp pihsnoitaler gnoma the areneg of the ylimafbus eanilahpecotleD dna sti seilla gnirrucco ni napaJ si ,deiduts dna the sebirt inilahpecotleD dna ininmilaraP are .denifeder ehT citenegolyhp sesylana were desab nopu the ynomisrap-mumixam dohtem yb the launam dna dedia-retupmoc noitcurtsnocer htiw the hctiF characters dna rengaW characters dethgiew-non( or .)dethgiew ruof-ytxiS characters were desu for the citenegolyhp .sesylana inilahpecotleD s. str. was dedulcnoc ot eb citelyhparap dna sedulcni 2 .segaenil ehT DeEtocephaZus edalc stsisnoc of Alobaldia, Deltocephalus, Endria, Recilia, dna Paramesodes. ,yrartnoC Futasujinus, Hengchunia, Takagiella, dna Yanocephalus gnoleb ot the Paralimnus egaenil htiw Paralimnus, Paralaevicephalus, Psnrmlotrttis, Metalimnus, Diplocolenus, Jassus, Sorhoanus, Doratura, dna Aco~~~~wlla. ehT Deltocephalus edalc was referred ot the ebirt inilahpecotleD dna the Paralimnus edalc ot the ebirt .ininmilaraP yeK :sdrow ,ynegolyhp ,ygolohprom ,inilahpecotleD .ininmilaraP -aciC eadilled . Introduction htoB sebirt of inilahpecotleD dna ininmilaraP esirpmoc llams sreppohfael gnivah -nairt ylralug decudorp .xetrev esehT sebirt edulcni 137 69 ,areneg ,ylevitcepser dna are ylediw detubirtsid ni the dlrow morf the laciport ot the ralop-imes snoiger rednu suoirav latnemnorivne .snoitidnoc tsoM of rieht stsoh are suonodelytoconom stnalp gnidulcni ecir dna other larutlucirga crops. emoS seiceps of these sebirt are nwonk-llew suoires larutlucirga pests, hcus as the gaz-giz ,reppohfael Recilia dorsalis ,)yksluhcstoM( hcihw si the rotcev of ,orgnut ecir dwarf, ecir llag dwarf suriv ,sesaesid dna the elos rotcev of the egnaro fael ML0 .esaesid erehT are ynam stnemugra gnitiawa noitulos as ot rieht .scitametsys ehT 2 sebirt are dedulcni ni ,eanilahpecotleD hcihw si the tsegral dilledacic ylimafbus gnidulcni erom naht 700 areneg dna 10,000 seiceps ni 23 .sebirt ,revewoH the sebirt are ton yldigir denifed dna rieht segnar are elbairav gnidrocca ot .srohtua * noitubirtnoC morf the lacigolomotnE ,yrotarobaL ytlucaF of .erutlucirgA uhsuyK ,ytisrevinU akoukuF (Ser. 5, No. 22). 66 .S INATIMAK nI the ylrae emit of reppohfael ,ymonoxat Deltocephalus, the epyt suneg of ,ilahpecotleD was treated ni Jassidae, hcihw was ton dedividbus otni ylimafbus or ebirt ,litS( 1869). rebeiF (1869) dehsilbatse a cimonoxat ,puorg ,ilahpecotleD gnidulcni Deltocephalus dna Platymetopius. sihT si a etanidrobus noxat of the ylimaf Jassidae. inilahpecotleD si tnelaviuqe ot a ylimafbus yrogetac ni the tneserp ,esnes dna si the tsedlo elbaliava eman for eanilahpecotleD dna inilahpecotleD htiw the elpicnirp of .noitanidrooc tneuqesbuS srohtua ni the 19th yrutnec nageb ot esu the eman for rehgih taxa gnidulcni Deltocephalus. ylraE ni the 20th ,yrutnec there were 2 cimonoxat smetsys detaler ot the noitacifissalc of .inilahpecotleD enO si that lla sreppohfael ralimis ot Jassus were treated ni Jassidae or eanissaJ tuohtiw noisividbus otni .spuorg nI the other ,metsys eanissaJ was dedividbus otni hcus spuorg as airasulahpecotleD dna ,airaludaciC yb tnatsiD (1908). nI the elddim of the 20th ,yrutnec the evitarapmoc ygolohprom was decudortni ot the noitacifissalc of .sreppohfael namO (1949) tsrif dezingocer inilahpecotleD ni eanilahpecotleD htiw noissucsid of cimonoxat characters, dna denifed the ebirt yb the head serutcurts dna gniw smrof suoretporcam( or .)suoretporcam-imes sihT ebirt desirpmoc ynam areneg of tnecer eanilahpecotleD dna .eanilahpeconeleS irouvanniL (1960a, )b dna vonajlemE (1962) diap laiceps noitnetta ot the elam -ineg ,ailat dna deifidom s’namO noitinifed (1949) of .inilahpecotleD vonajlemE ( 1962) -batse dehsil wen :sebirt inigrassaJ =( ,)ininmilaraP ,inirutaroD dna iniispO ni ,eaniiahpecotleD dna detseggus that inilahpecotleD si erom ylesolc detaler ot ininasyhtA naht ot inigrassaJ .yllacitenegolyhp ,yltneceR tsom workers wollof the rehgih noitacifissalc yb irouvanniL dna .vonajlemE ,revewoH notlimaH (1975) detseggus the esolc noitaler of inilahpecotleD ot .ininmilaraP nA tnemugra tuoba citsongaid characters of inilahpecotleD dna ininmilaraP are as .swollof owT sorts of noitinifed ni rediw esnes dna tcirts esnes evah neeb deilppa ot .inilahpecotleD inilahpecotleD ni rediw esnes si desab no the 9 cimonoxat :sretcarahc the ytiugitnoc of evitcennoc sehcnarb at rieht ,secipa the shape dna sgnikram of .xetrev the denettalf ,xetrev the ediw ,eaneg the m2-cual cross ,niev dna the lacipabus llec of fore ,sgniw the noitazitorelcs of elam 10th ,tnemges dna the shape of evitcennoc ,flacteM( ;76-7291 Le ,enseuQ ;9691 Lee dna ,nowK ;9791 ,gnehC 1980). sihT noitinifed sedulcni the gniwollof .smelborp tsoM cimonoxat characters are ton -xe denima no rieht ,ytiralop gniredro of each state, dna noitubirtsid ni dna .spuorg-tuo emoS characters are tneserp ylno ni a few seiceps of ,inilahpecotleD dna other characters are shared htiw emos other sebirt naht .inilahpecotleD ehT ssentalf of xetrev si appeared ni the sebirt other naht eanilahpecotleD hcus as inilaceH dna .inirutaroD ehT sgnikram of xetrev are elbairav htiw .areneg ,eroferehT ti si tluciffid ot ezingocer these characters as the seihpromopanys of .inilahpecotleD inilahpecotleD ni tcirts esnes si desab no the gniwollof 4 :sretcarahc the shape of -noc ,evitcen the lellarap dedis ,sullepylc the yleritne depoleved eanirac of ,mutonorp dna the lagaedea shaft desuf ot elcos ,irouvanniL( 1960a, ;b ,vonajlemE ;2691 Nast, ;2791 veirfunA dna ,vonajlemE ;8791 ,etsabliV ;2891 ,nosslinnaissO ;3891 ,anitsuiG ;9891 namO te al., 1990). enO of citenegolyhp stnemugra si hcihw ebirt or sebirt are the retsis puorg of .inilahpecotleD notlimaH (1975) decalp areneg of inilahpecotleD dna ininmilaraP usnes( namO et al.) ni sih ebirtbus anilahpecotleD of the ylimafbus .eanidorhpA He detseggus YNEGOLYHP FO ARENEG NI INILAHPECOTLED DNA SEILLA 6 7 that the 2 sebirt are ylesolc detaler ot eno .rehtona sihT pihsnoitaler si osla detroppus yb the tluser of thginK dna bbeW (1993). ,yrartnoC vonajlemE (1962) detseggus that inilahpecotleD si detaler ot .ininasyhtA ehT citenegolyhp pihsnoitaler neewteb inilahpecotleD dna ininmilaraP has ton tey neeb .dessucsid sebirT are netfo denifed no the characters elbisivid yb the egral lacigolohprom gaps ni the lanoitidart .ymonoxat ,revewoH lla taxa tsum eb detcelfer the citenegolyhp -er spihsnoital dna denifed yb yhpromopanys ni the citenegolyhp .scitametsys ehT tneserp yduts si demia ot yfiralc the spihsnoitaler gnoma the areneg of the -mafbus yli eanilahpecotleD gnirrucco ni ,napaJ dna ot enifeder the sebirt inilahpecotleD dna ininmilaraP .yllacitenegolyhp ehT cisab cimonoxat metsys adopted ni the tneserp yduts si deiler ylniam nopu namO et al. (1990) dna yltrap nopu flacteM .)76-7291( ehT remrof metsys si the tsetal dna derevoc lla areneg of .eanilahpecotleD I hsiw ot express ym erecnis edutitarg ot Prof. J. awakuY .tnE( ,.baL .taF ,.rgA uhsuyK ,.vinU )akoukuF for sih .snoitcerid yM laidroc sknaht are eud ot Prof. sutiremE .K otomiroM uhsuyK( ,.vinU )akoukuF dna .cossA Prof. 0. ihcuadaT .tnE( ,.baL .taF ,.rgA uhsuyK ,.vinU )akoukuF for rieht lufpleh stnemmoc for the tneserp .yduts I ma detbedni ot Prof. M. ihsayaH .loiB( ,,baL .taF ,.cudE amatiaS ,).vinU who evag em dnik snoitseggus dna denaol elbaulav .snemiceps I knaht Dr. .S otomayiM akoukuF( )ytiC dna .cossA Prof. .T aganusaY .loiB( ,.baL odiakkoH .cudE ).vinU for rieht -gus .snoitseg Specimens examined and methods for observation deirD snemiceps were desu ni .lareneg ehT nemodba or eritne ydob was steeped ni 5% HOK ,noitulos dna deliob for 3 ot 5 setunim litnu the snagro emaceb soft. retfA siht ,tnemtaert the snemiceps were derrefsnart ot 25% lonahte ,noitulos dna detcessid dna -bo devres rednu a raluconib .epocsorcim ehT laretal eanirac of mutonorp was devresbo hguorht na cirtcele gninnacs epocsorcim for 16 :seiceps Alobaldia tobae, Recilia oqzae, Exitianus fusconervosus, Laburrus irnpictifrons, Aconurella orientalis, Hecalus concen- tralis, Macrosteles quadrimaculatus, Hishimonus sellatus, Yanocephalus yanonis, Psammotettix striatus, Phlogotettix cyclops, Scaphoideus festivus, Doratulina producta, Amimenus mojiensis, Xestocephalus nikkoensis, dna Pagaronia okadai. ehT snemiceps denimaxe ni siht yduts were denaol morf or detanod yb the gniwollof :snoitutitsni lacigolomotnE ,yrotarobaL ytlucaF of ,erutlucirgA uhsuyK ,ytisrevinU ,akoukuF J. ;awakuY tnemtrapeD of ,ygoloiB ytlucaF of ,noitacudE amatiaS ,ytisrevinU ,awarU ,amatiaS M. .ihsayaH neveS areneg of inilahpecotleD usnes( ,namO thginK dna )nosleiN morf napaJ were :denimaxe Deltocephalus, Alobaldia, Recilia, Futasujinus, Hengchunia, Yanocephalus dna Takagiella. ruof-ytrihT areneg gnidulcni the ylesolc detaler seilimafbus were -maxe deni for the puorgtuo .nosirapmoc ehT gniwollof 3 seiceps hcihw do ton rucco ni napaJ were osla :desu Deltocephalus pulicaris si the epyt seiceps of the suneg Deltocephulus dna the ebirt ;inilahpecotleD Doratura gravis si a seiceps of the epyt suneg of the ebirt ;inirutaroD Endria inimica si a seiceps htiw lareves euqinu serutaef of .inilahpecotleD A tsiL of seiceps denimaxe 86 .S INATIMAK ,eanilahpecotleD :inilahpecotleD Alobaldia tobae )arumustaM( .sgiF( -9 16), Hengchunia koshuensis )arumustaM( .sgiF( ,)45-74 Deltocephalus pulicaris )nellaF( .sgiF( 2-71 ,)l ReciEia coronifer )llahsraM( .sgiF( 7-46 ,)l Deltocephalus sp., R. dnrsalis ,)yksluhcstoM( Endria inimica )yaS( .sgiF( ,)73-03 R. oryzae ,)arumustaM( Futasujinus candidus )arumustaM( .sgiF( 3%46), .F towadensis ,)arumustaM( Takagiella tezuyae )arumustaM( .sgiF( 5563), Yanocephalus yanonis )arumustaM( .sgiF( .)97-27 :ininasyhtA Albicostella kiushuensis ,etsabliV Nephotettix cincticeps ,)relhU( Exitinrzrls~~f2lsconervn- sus ,)yksluhcstoM( Orientus ishidue ,)arumustaM( Handianus limhifer ,)arumustaM( Paramesodes albinervosus ,)arumustaM( Laburrus impictifrons ,)namehoB( Limotettix striola ,)nellaF( Matsumurella kogotensis ,)arumustaM( Scleroracus jakowleffi .)yrreihteL( :inihtulclaB Balclutha incisa .)arumustaM( :iniludaciC Elymana sralphurella .)tdetsretteZ( :inirutaroD Aconurella orientalis ,)arumustaM( Doratura gravis .vonajlemE :inilaceH HecaEus concentralis .)arumustaM( :iniletsorcaM Macrosteles stritjrorzs ,veirfunA Yamatotettixflavovittatus .arumustaM :iniispO Hishimonus selIatr4.s .)relhU( :ininmilaraP Diplocolenus evansii )daemhsA( .sgiF( ,)78-08 Paralimnus tanzagawanus arumustaM .sgiF( ,)121-311 Jussargus repEetus )rebeiF( .sgiF( S&95), Psammotettix striutus )sueanniL( .sgiF( ,)031-221 Metalimnus marmoratus )rolF( .sgiF( ,)301-69 Sorhoanus tritici )arumustaM( .sgiF( 13 -l 138), Paralaevicephalus nigr$emoratus )arumustaM( .sgiF( l-401 12). :iniipotemytalP PhEogotetix cyclops tnasluM( et .)yeR :iniediohpacS Scaphoideus albovittatus ,arumustaM .S festivus .arumustaM :iniipotyhpacS Japananus hyalinus .)nrobsO( :iniipotemonetS Doratulina producta ,)arumustaM( Paivanana indra .)tnatsiD( eatrecnI :sides Amimenus mojiensis .)arumustaM( :eanilahpecotseX Xestocephalus iguchii .)arumustaM( :eanissaI Batracomorphus mundus .)arumustaM( :eanidorhpA Planaphrodes sahlbergi .)terongiS( :eanilahpeconeleS Drabescus nigrifemoratus .)arumustaM( :eaninopolobaraP Parabolopona guttatus .)relhU( :eanimihtneP Penthimia nitida .yrreihteL Characters examined ehT lanretxe erutcurts of eanilahpecotleD as llew as other dilledacic seilimafbus has neeb ylriaf llew ,deiduts dna the smret deyolpme are tsomla .tnerehoc ehT lareneg -imret ygolon ni siht paper si ylniam dewollof after rekcolB et al. (1985) dna the noitanev si after Pope (1994). ehT citsidalc sisylana was desab no 64 coded lacigolohprom characters, 14 morf head, 12 morf ,cicaroht 2 morf ,lanimodba 6 morf ,lanretni dna 30 morf latineg serutcurts elbaT( 1). Head 1. Shape of Vertex: (0) ,dednuor ssel naht 1 ;O. (1) ylralugnairt ,decudorp 1. O ot ;4.1 (2) ylgnorts ,decudorp erom naht 1.4. ehT shape of xetrev was detneserper yb the evitaler YNEGOLYHP FO ARENEG NI INILAHPECOTLED DNA SEILLA 6 9 1asem htgnel ot the htgnel at edis yb .eye thginK dna bbeW ( 1993, rieht character 3) -cer dezingo 2 character :setats ,decudorp dna ralimis ni htgnel .tuohguorht 2. Head width: (0) ;reworran (1) ;lauqe (2) .rediw ehT evitaler htdiw of the head ot mutonorp si eno of rojam citsongaid characters ni the noitacifissalc of .eanilahpecotleD thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 0) dedivid otni 2 :setats lauqe or .rediw dna .reworran nI siht ,yduts the lauqe“ or ”rediw state was .dedividbus 3. Dorsal surface of vertex: (0) ton ;denettalf (1) ylkaew ;denettalf (2) ylgnorts -talf .denet notlimaH (1975) treated the ssentalf no the retnec of xetrev as a citsongaid -carahc ter of the ebirtbus anirutaroD ,eanidorhpA( .)inidorhpA ehT xetrev was ylgnorts denettalf ni ,inirutaroD ,inilaceH ,eanidorhpA ,eaninopolobaraP dna ,eanimihtneP tub ylkaew so ni emos seiceps of .eanilahpecotleD 4. Markings of vertex: (0) etalucammi or ton dradnatsbus ;sgnikram ( 1) elgnis -snart esrev dnab gnola roiretna ;nigram (2) elgnis or lareves lanidutignol ;sepirts (3) a row of hsikcalb stops gnola roiretna ,nigram erehT were elbaredisnoc snoitairav ni the gnikram of .xetrev emoS lacipyt sgnikram hcus as a kcalb esrevsnart dnab gnola sti roiretna nigram of Nephotettix, appeared yllacisalpomoh ni .eanilahpecotleD thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 4) dezingocer 3 sdnik of :sgnikram gnisirpmoc a elgnis riap of spots, other sgnikram dna .etalucammi nI siht ,yduts 3 states of lacipyt sgnikram were :dezingocer elgnis esrevsnart dnab gnola the roiretna nigram of the ,xetrev elgnis or lareves lanidutignol sepirts as nees ni Futasujinus or Yamatotettix, dna a row of hsikcalb stops gnola the roiretna nigram as ni Deltocephalus or Recilia. 5. Location of ocellus: (0) detacol no or roiretsop ot the xetrev ;eairts (1) detacol no the yradnuob neewteb face dna roiretna nigram of ;xetrev (2) detacol no face. ehT noitacol of sulleco si tnatropmi ot eziretcarahc emos dilledacic .seilimafbus nosslinnaissO ( 1983) desu siht character for a yek of .eanissaI enO of yek characters ni eanimihtneP si whether or ton the illeco are detautis roiretsop ot the eairts of the roiretna nigram of .xetrev ehT illeco of ,eanidorhpA ,eanilahpeconeleS dna eaninopolobaraP were detautis no the .eairts sihT character was desu as a citenegolyhp character, for the tsrif ,emit ni the tneserp .yduts 6. Size of ocellus: (0) ;llams (1) .egral ehT ezis of illeco ylegral seirav htiw .areneg ehT illeco of Deltocephalus were regral naht the head. nI ,tsartnoc those of Orierztus were .rellams ,eroferehT the 2 states were .dezingocer sihT character was deilppa for the -yhp citenegol ,sesylana for the tsrif ,emit ni the tneserp .yduts 7. Distance between ocellus and eye: (0) ;tnatsid (1) .esolc ehT ecnatsid neewteb the sulleco dna the tnecajda eye was yltcnitsid shorter ni Deltocephalus dna sti deilla -neg era, whereas ti was regnol naht the retemaid of sulleco ni tsom seiceps of .eanilahpecotleD ,nehT siht character was desu for the sesylana as a citenegolyhp erutaef of Deltoceplznlrrs .puorg .8 Lateral frontal suture: (0) gnitcerid ot edistuo or elddim of ;sulleco (1) gnitcerid ot edisni of ;sulleco (2) gnitcerid ;yllaidem (3) short. ehT laretal latnorf serutus dednetxe ot sulleco ni tsom ,eanilahpecotleD tub those of the puorgtuo seilimafbus were short or -xe dednet .yllaidem thginK dna bbeW desu 2 characters ni rieht .yduts ehT noitaler of the serutus ot the illeco rieht( character 11) was dedivid otni 2 :setats gnitcerid towards -leco ,sul or gnitcerid .yllaidem ehT htgnel rieht( character 12) was osla dedivid otni 2 :setats gnol or short. esehT characters dluohs eb ylesolc detaler ot eno ,rehtona dna denibmoc otni a elgnis character. 70 S. KAMITANI 9. Transclypeal suture: (0) thgiarts or ylkaew ;dehcra (1) ylgnorts arched. ehT shape of sullepylc was detneserper yb the laepylcsnart dna lallepylc .serutus ehT shape of the remrof erutus was dezingocer ot evah 3 states yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character :)8 ylkaew arched, ylgnorts arched, or .tnesba ehT state ”tnesba“ was euqinu ot nzrilolaB ni rieht ,yduts dna ton dnuof ni the seiceps denimaxe ni the tneserp .yduts 10. Clypellal suture: (0) ;thgiarts (1) arched raen the lacipa .3/l thginK dna bbeW desu the shape of the laretal nigram of sullepylc for gnipuorg of inihtulclaB rieht( -carahc ter 9). 11. Incision of gena: (0) ton ;desicni (1) ;desicni (2) ylgnorts .desicni ehT laneg -icni nois woleb eye has neeb desu as a yek character for gnipuorg the sebirt of .eanilahpecotleD ehT ecnesba or noitcuder of noisicni was devresbo ni ,iniipotyhpacS dna a egral noisicni was tneserp ni .inilaceH 12. Width of gena: (0) ;ediw (1) .worran arahihsI (1953) desu the laneg htdiw as a cimonoxat character of .eanilahpecotleD ehT eaneg were deworran woleb the arol ni iniletsorcaM dna .inihtulclaB 13. Shape of genal sensory pit: (0) ;dednuor (1) .lacitpille alkiwC dna gatyerF (1983) decudortni a wen character, the laneg yrosnes .nagro sihT stsisnoc of the yrosnes seta dna .tip ehT remrof was yrev short dna tluciffid ot evresbo rednu a raluconib -orcim scope. ehT rettal was ylisae devresbo rednu a epocsorcim htiw HOK .tnemtaert hguohtlA the noitacol was yllanoisacco desu for the citenegolyhp ,sesylana the shape was desu here for the tsrif .emit 14. Location of genal sensory pit: (0) esolc ot ;murol (1) ylthgils tnatsid morf -ol ;mur (2) tnatsid morf .murol ehT laneg yrosnes tip setacol no the ,aneg tub the ecnatsid ot the murol or the retuo nigram of aneg si .elbairav thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 13) desu the noitacol of laneg yrosnes ,tip dna dedivid otni 2 :setats detacol no yllartnev or .yllasrod riehT cihpromopa state ”lasrod“ si dnuof ylno ni Argntermn, Snnctnlzeltwi~~, dna Cochlorhinus. sihT character was desab no the ecnatsid ot the .murol xarohT 15. laretaL anirac of :mutonorp (0) yleritne ;depoleved (1) yltrap .erucsbo ehT -tal lare anirac of mutonorp has neeb desu as a cimonoxat character of ininmilaraP =( )inigrassaJ yb vonajlemE (1962). sihT anirac si tluciffid ot evresbo ni yrd ,lairetam tub semoceb raelc ni detaert-HOK snemiceps rednu a epocsorcim hguorht the tnerapsnart .thgil thginK dna bbeW dedivid otni 2 :setats etanirac or htooms rieht( character 19), dna inatimaK (1997) dessucsid siht character. 16. Longitudinal stripes of pronotum: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT mutonorp of sreppohfael si yllausu .etalucammi ehT lanidutignol sepirts are a lacipyt ,gnikram dna thginK dna bbeW desu siht erutaef rieht( character 20). 17. htgneL of fore wing: (0) ;suoretporcam (1) ;suoretporcam-imes (2) -retpyhcarb .suo ehT smrof of fore sgniw were dedivid otni 3 :sepyt the .suoretporcam -retpyhcarb ,suo dna .suoretporcam-imes tsoM slaudividni of Aconurella were ,suoretpyhcarb tub emos were .suoretporcam 18. c-scr cross vein of fore wing: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp semitemoS the fore sgniw evah eno or erom c-scr cross .sniev ehT cross sniev of Scuphoideus u1hovittutu.s were elbairav htiw .snemiceps PHYLOGENY OF GENERA IN DELTOCEPHALINI AND ALLIES 7 1 19. m2-cual cross vein of fore wing: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT lauc-221r cross niev sedivid the renni naidem llec of fore sgniw otni 2 .sllec ehT lacipa llec si yllausu dellac as the renni lacipabus llec yb rekcolB dna mohelpirT (1985). 20. Outer subapical cell of fore wing: (0) ;tneserp (1) .tnesba ehT ecnesba of retuo lacipabus llec no the fore sgniw si the tsom tnatropmi character of iniletsorcaM dna .inihtulclaB thginK dna bbeW regarded siht state as a yhpromopanys of the 2 sebirt rieht( character 25). 21. Outer subapical cell of fore wing: (0) ;nepo (1) .desolc fI the retuo lacipabus llec si ,tneserp emos are desolc .yllacipa sihT character was desu as a cimonoxat character yb arahihsI (1953). 22. Fore wing: width of appendix: (0) ;ediw (1) ;tcnitsid (2) tnesba or yrev .worran ehT xidneppa of fore sgniw was tcnitsid ni .eanilahpecotleD tI was ediw ni Macrosteles dna Balclutha, dna worran ni Yanocephalus. sihT character was desu as a citenegolyhp character for the tsrif .emit 23. Fore wing: termination of appendix: (0) raen ;2AuC (1) neewteb M2 dna ;lAuC (2) neewteb lM dna M2. ehT ezis of xidneppa sdneped no sti htdiw dna .htgnel ehT htgnel was detaulave yb the noitisop of .noitanimret 24. Fore wing: 1st apical cell: (0) ton or ylno yletuca ;dettuba (1) yldaorb .dettuba sihT character was desu yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 24), dna dedivid otni 2 states. ehT tnemtuba neewteb the ts1 lacipa dna retuo lacipabus llec was dnuof ni emos areneg of .iniletsorcaM 25. Hind wing: apical cells: (0) ;ruof (1) three. ehT 2R dna lM of dnih sgniw esuf ni suoretpyhcarb AconureEZa, dna neht the lacipa sllec emoceb ot eb 3 ni .rebmun sihT state was detniop tuo ot eb na tnatropmi character of inirutaroD yb vonajlemE (1962). thginK dna bbeW desu siht character as a citenegolyhp erutaef of ,inihtulclaB dna osla dedivid otni 2 states rieht( character 26). 26. dniH :gniw lanigram :niev (0) yleritne ;depoleved (1) yltrap .deraeppasid ehT lanigram niev of dnih sgniw was yltrap .deraeppasid sihT state si na tnatropmi character of eanilahpecotseX inatimaK( 1996). nemodbA 27, elameF 7th :munrets (0) devruc ;dairetna (1) tsomla ;thgiarts (2) devruc dairetsop or .etaludnu ehT laduac nigram of the 7th munrets ni elamef deirav htiw .seiceps 28. elaM 10th :tnemges (0) ylluf dezitorelcs dna ;gnol (1) yltrap suonarbmem dna ;trohs (2) ylluf .suonarbmem ehT latinegtsop stnemges tsisnoc of the 10th dna 11 ht -ges .stnem noitazinarbmeM of the 10th tnemges si elbairav inatimaK( 1998). thginK dna bbeW desu siht character rieht( character 54) dna dedivid otni 2 :setats dezitorelcs at tsael ni part, or .suonarbmem ehT remrof state was dedivid otni 2 :setatsbus ylluf dezitorelcs dna ,gnol dna yltrap suonarbmem dna short. lanretnI erutcurts 29, roiretnA lairotnet mra :htgnel (0) ;regnol (1) ylraen ;lauqe (2) ;retrohs (3) -ba .tnes ehT evitaler htgnel of the roiretsop ot roiretna part of roiretna mra was elbairav dna dedivid otni the 4 states. ehT ytiralop of siht character was the noitcuder of .smra 30. lasroD lairotnet mra :htgnel (0) ;retrohs (1) tsomla ;lauqe (2) .regnol ehT -aler evit htgnel of the lasab part of lasrod mra was dedivid otni the 3 states. 27 .S INATIMAK 31. Angles between anterior and dorsal arm: (0) ssel naht the thgir ;elgna (1) the thgir elgna or revo the thgir .elgna ehT elgna neewteb roiretna dna lasrod mra was ssel naht the thgir elgna ni tsom enilahpecotled .seiceps 32. Male apodeme of 1st sternum: (0) ;llams (1) .egral ehT elam semedopa of the ts1 dna dn2 anrets etutitsnoc parts of the labmyt .nagro riehT shapes were suoirav dna desu as a cinrondxat character of .eanilahpecotleD 33. Male lateral apodeme of 1st sternum: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT laretal emedopa of the ts1 munrets was depoleved ni Yamatotettix dna Macrosteles. 34. Male apodeme of 2nd sternum: (0) ssel ;detagnole (1) ;detagnole (2) llew -nole ;detag (3) llew detagnole dna gnidnetxe .yllaidem ehT elam emedopa of the dn2 munrets was erom suoirav ni the htgnel naht that of the 1st. emoS of meht exceeded the roiretsop nigram of the 3rd .munrets latineG erutcurts 35. Male pygofer: postero-ventral lobe: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT -nev-oretsop lart ebol of the elam refogyp si na tnatropmi yek character of .iniletsorcaM thginK dna bbeW dedivid otni the 2 states rieht( character 49). 36. Male pygofer: apical process: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp emoS areneg of eanilahpecotleD had na lacipa process of the elam .refogyp thginK dna bbeW desu ti as a citenegolyhp character of ParaEimnus dna Jassargus, dna dedivid otni the 2 states rieht( character 51). 37. Male pygofer: macrosetae: (0) erom naht 10 ;eatesorcam (1) ssel naht 10 ;eatesorcam (2) .tnesba owT states of siht character were dezingocer yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 52). ehT etaidemretni state, dedivorp htiw ssel naht 10 ,eatesorcam was desu ni the tneserp .yduts 38. Male pygofer: length of lateral lobe: (0) ;trohs (1) ylraen ;lauqe (2) ;gnol (3) hcum .regnol ehT htgnel of the elam refogyp ebol was detaulave as a evitaler htgnel ot the lasem dezitorelcs .noitrop ruoF raenil states were .dezingocer 39. Male pygofer: ventral incision: (0) ;egral (1) llams or .tnesba ehT elam refogyp has a riap of a lartnev snoisicni raen noitcennoc htiw the .evlav sihT was tcnitsid ni tsom ,seiceps tub was llams or tnesba ni emos .seiceps 40. Male pygofer: short stout setae along posterior margin: (0) :tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT short tuots setae were tnesba no the laduac nigram of elam refogyp ebol ni tsom areneg of .eanilahpecotleD 41. elaM :refogyp renni :htoot (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT renni htoot no elam -yp gofer ebol was desu as na tnatropmi cimonoxat character of Xestocephallrs inatimaK( 1996). 42. Subgenital valve: relative length to subgenital plate: (0) ;retrohs (1) lauqe or greater. ehT evitaler htgnel of latinegbus evlav ot the latinegbus etalp was desu as a erutaef of ininmilaraP ni the tneserp ,yduts dna 2 states were .dezingocer 43. latinegbuS :etalp :epahs (0) ;gnol (1) ;trohs (2) yrev short, diozepart or -ogatnep .lan owT states of siht character were dezingocer yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character :)75 ralugnairt or .diozepart riehT state ”ralugnairt“ was dedividbus here otni :2 gnol or short. PHYLOGENY OF GENERA IN DELTOCEPHALINI AND ALLIES 7 3 44. Subgenital plate: relative length to pygofer: (0) :regnol (1) :lauqe (2) shorter. ehT evitaler htgnel of latinegbus etalp ot the laduac nigram of refogyp was coded. 45. Subgenital plate: lateral incision: (0) ton ;desicni (1) .desicni ehT laretal -icni nois of latinegbus etalp srucco ni Hengchunia, Takagiella, Diplocolenus, dna Jc~s.w~-g~~s. 46. Subgenital plate: finger-like apical lobe: (0) ;tnesba (1) .tneserp ehT -regnif ekil lacipa ebol of latinegbus etalp si na tnatropmi citsongaid character of iniletsorcaM dna .inihtulclaB thginK dna bbeW coded 2 states rieht( character 58). 47. Subgenital plate: macrosetae seriation: (0) ;detaires-inu (1) detaires-itlum or ;ralugerri (2) .tnesba ehT retuo laretal nigram of latinegbus etalp evah eatesorcam dna ekil-riah setae ni tsom ,eadilledaciC tub emos seiceps evah detaires-itlum eatesorcam no the latinegbus etalp or evah on .eatesorcam thginK dna bbeW dedivid otni ylno 2 states rieht( character :)06 detaires-inu dna .detaires-itlum nI siht ,yduts the state ”tnesba“ was added. 48. Subgenital plate: lateral setae: (0) short or ;tnesba (1) .gnol ehT latinegbus etalp has ekil-riah setae gnola the retuo laretal .nigram esehT setae were ylisae -nitsid dehsiug morf the eatesorcam yb rieht .retemaid yehT were semitemos regnol naht .eatesorcam 49. Subgenital plate: apical setae: (0) tnesba or ;trohs (1) .tneserp ehT latinegbus etalp semitemos has a few ekil-riah setae no sti apex. esehT setae yllausu ,tneserp neve nehw the laretal setae are .tnesba 50. Style: apophysis: (0) ;etuca (1) ;ekil-regnif (2) .tsubor thginK dna bbeW desu the sisyhpopa shape of selyts ni rieht citenegolyhp yduts (character 6 1, 62 dna 65). ylnO the character 61 was desu ni the tneserp .yduts 51. Style: preapical lobe: (0) ylgnorts ;decudorp (1) ;tneserp (2) .tnesba ehT shape of lacipaerp ebol was desu yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 66), dna coded otni 4 :setats ,ralugnatcer ,ralugnairt ,dednuor dna .etatigid esehT states were yldrah .elbahsiugnitsid ,eroferehT siht character was dedivid otni the 3 states. 52. Style: length of basal articulating process: (0) ;trohs (1) .gnol ehT htgnel of lasab gnitalucitra process of the elyts was desu as a citsongaid character yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 68). 53. :elytS noitcerid of lasab gnitalucitra :ssecorp (0) ;ylroiretna )I( ;yllaidem (2) .ylroiretsop ehT noitcerid of lasab gnitalucitra process of the elyts was desu yb thginK dna bbeW rieht( character 69). 54. :evitcennoC :epahs (0) depahs-Y or ;depahs-U (1) ;depahs-tekcar (2) depahs-V or deifidom ;depahs-V (3) .raenil nI ,eanilahpecotleD the citenegolyhp ecnacifingis as ot the cisab shape of evitcennoc has neeb deugra yb ynam .srohtua ehT lacipyt shapes are -Y shaped, raenil dna .depahs-tekcar thginK dna bbeW added a wen state, ”depahs-V“ rieht( character 69). 55. :evitcennoC htgnel of :mets (0) tnesba or hcum ;retrohs (1) ;retrohs (2) tsomla ;lauqe (3) .regnol thginK dna bbeW dezingocer the htgnel of evitcennoc mets as a -olyhp citeneg character rieht( character 70). ehT htgnel was erom elbairav htiw the seiceps of .ininmilaraP 56. Connective: branch: (0) apart morf each ;rehto (1) esolc ot each other, tub -emos semit ;trapa (2) desuf ot each other. sihT character was ylesolc detaler ot the character 54,

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