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Preview The Phylogenetic Relationships of Lembocarpus and Goyazia (Gesneriaceae) Based on ndhF Sequences

THE PHYLOGENETIC James Smith 2 F. OF RELATIONSHIPS AND LEMBOCARPUS GOYAZIA BASED ON (GESNERIACEAE) SEQUENCES ndhF 1 Abstract Goy known. Based on sequences. Both genera are currently classified in the tribe Gloxinieae, but both are poorly its floral may Lembocarpus be placed Gloxinieae, Goyazia Gloxinieae not controversial. in morphology, the classification of in is number Kpiscieae, or Sinningieae. The acaulescent, tuberous nature of lembocarpus limits the of characters available Phylo- morphological analysis and has made classification and phylogenetic relationships difficult to resolve. for a its genetic analyses of ndhF sequences place both genera in Gloxinieae. Although the affinities within the tribe are The Lembocarpus, and an additional ambiguous for Goyazia, Lembocarpus is sister to Capanea. addition of Goyazia, species of Capanea provide better resolution of relationships within Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae than had been obtained previously from parsimony analysis. A maximum likelihood analysis is largely congruent with the parsimony tree. Lembocarpus, ndhF. Key words: cladistics, Gesneriaceae, Gloxinieae, (royazia, Goy> and phylogenetic analyses within Classification Gesneriaceae, particularly the neotropical subfam- inieae on the basis of its scaly rhizome, annular much and shape. Gesnerioideae, have received attention, nectary, corolla ily placement Le numerous relationships within genera Goyazia, the of revealing & drawn (Smith Sytsma, 1994a, b, c; Smith, 1994; Kvist within Gloxinieae (Wiehler, 1983) has criti- & known, monotypic Skog, 1988, 1989, 1993, 1996; Kvist, 1990), cism. Lembocarpus is a poorly & & Amer- within tribes (Smith Carroll, 1997; Smith At- genus that was once in cultivation in North The an kinson, 1998; Smith, 2000a, b), and among tribes ica, and apparently is no longer. plant is & produces Wiehler, 1995; Smith, 1996, 2000c; Smith acaulescent tuberous perennial that a sin- (Burtt and and inflorescence each season (Wiehler, 1997a, However, the classification gle leaf et b). al., phylogenetic relationships of numerous genera have 1983). The ovary is superior and the nectary is an- (W Among 1983). In his remained unexamined. these genera are U treatment of the Gesneriaceae of the Guianas, Lembocarpus be Leeuwenberg considered to Goyaz (1958) Guianan endemic Rhoogeton Goyazia similar both the to Le or well known and the plant is not in cultivation in American European gardens, the place- Gloxinieae). North or Lembocar- ment genus Gloxinieae (Wiehler, 1983) Wiehler (1983) was the first to place of this in annular nec- pus Gloxinieae on the basis of the Goyazia in Wiehler Goias and Mato Grosso prov- tary and tuberous habit. Additionally, Planalto of Brazil in Le The plant a creeping saxicolous perennial inces. is with slender stems, scaly rhizomes, and small or- ningia Nees (Gloxinieae sensu Wiehler, 1983) as Lembocarpus Gloxinieae. bicular-ovate leaves. Flowers are borne singly in additional support for in and the leaf axils and are structurally the same as those Several Sinningia species have tubers nearly members which added further support for Achimenes and other of Gloxi- superior ovaries, of Pers. was provided by NSF grant DEB-9317775, a grant from the American Gloxinia and •Support project for this Research Associates Program. thank the following Gesneriad Society, and a grant from Boise State University Faculty 1 L Skog and Boggan of the Smithsonian Institution, K. Dunn. I). Turley, R. Stewart, providing leaf material: E. for J. and M. Peixoto. also thank M. Peixoto and A. Chautems for assistance in Brazil, and two anonymous reviewers for I comments. helpful Idaho 83725, U.S.A. 1910 University Drive, Boise, 2 Department of Biology, Boise State University, [email protected] Gard. 135-143. 2001. Ann. Missouri Bot. 88: 136 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Table Species sequenced GenBank 1. in this study with submission numbers and voucher specimens. Letters i parentheses indicate herbaria where vouchers are deposited. GenBank Species Collection and voucher number Achimenes skinneri Lindl. Cultivated (US) U62177 Anodiscus xanthophyllus (Poepp.) Mansf. Dunn Peru. (SRP) AF040143 s.n. onia Bell sp. Dominican Republic. Evans (SRP) AF040144 s.n. Capanea Fritsd Colombia. affinis Risaralda: Mpio. Santuario, Apr. AF206201 1 & Amaya 1998, M. Smith 393 (COL) C. grandiflora (Kunth) Decne. ex Planch Venezuela. Merida: Sierra Nevada, Mucuy AF040145 re- 26 gion, Jan. 1989, Smith 1199 (WIS) Diastema racemiferum Benth. Cultivated. Skog 7574 (US) U621S6 Eucodonia andrieiixii (DC.) Wiehler Dunn Cultivated. (SRP) AF040146 n. s. Gloxinia sylvatica (HBK) Kunth Cultivated. Dunn 9012051 (SRP) U62157 Goyazia rupicola Taubert Brazil. Goi^s: 17 Jan. 1998, Smith 3722 AF257485 et al. (SRP) Heppiella ulmifolia (Kunth) Hans! Kcuador. Napo: near Baeza, 4 Apr. 1996. Smith AF040147 3427 (SRP) Koellikeria erinoides (DC.) Mansf. Dunn Brazil. (SRP) A FO 13709 s.n. Kohleria spicata (Kunth) Oerst. Cultivated. Skog 7701 (US) U6218I Ijembocarpus amoemis Leeuw. French Guiana. Haut Oyapock, AF257486 Mt. Marcel, St. 4478 21 Mar. 1976, Sastre (US) Monopyle maerocarpa Benth. Cultivated (US) U62197 Moussonia strigosa (C. V. Morton) Cultivated. Dunn (SRP) AF040148 s.n. Niphaea oblonga Lindl. Mexico. Skog 7564 (US) U62160 Pea cea sp r< Kcuador. Napo: near Baeza, 4 Apr. 1996, Smith AF040149 3425 (SRP) P. hypocyrtiflora Regel South America. 3943 Cultivated. Smith (SRP) AF040150 Phinaea Kusby albiflora Cultivated (US) AF040151 & Sanango racemosum (Ruiz Pav.) Barringer Kcuador. Wiehler (GRF) U62144 Smithiantha cinnabarina (Linden) Kuntze Cultivated (US) AF040152 & Solenophora Denham obliqua D. L. D. N. Gib- Mexico. 71542 Breedlove (CAS) U 62202 sou Gesnerieae Gesneria pedicellaris Alain Skog 7722 Cultivated. (US) U62192 Gesneria Urban christii Cultivated (US) U62191 Rytidophyilum tomentosum (L.) Mart Cultivated. Skog 5364 (US) U62200 Rytidophyllum auriculatum Hook. Cultivated (US) U62199 Episcieae Alloplectus pan a mens Morton is C. V. Panama. 28 Oct. 1993, Skog 7641 (US) A F0 3685 et al. 1 Allopleetus sp. Kcuador. Napo: San Rafael Falls, 4 Apr. 1996, A F0 13686 3418 Smith (SRP) & Alsobia Moore dianthiflora (H. K. G. Wil- Cultivated. Skog 7969 \\. (US) A FO 13687 son) Wiehler A. punctata (Lindl.) Wiehler Mexico. Chiapas: Ocozocautla, winter 1991- A FO 3688 1 3600 1992, Smith (SRP) Alsobia sp. Cultivated (US) A FO 13689 Alsobia sp. 3599 Cultivated. Smith (SRP) A FO 13690 Ghrysothemis friedrichsthaliana (Hanst.) H. K. Cultivated. Skog 7992 (US) A FO 13691 M oore Cobananthus calochlamys D. Sm.) Wiehl (J. er Cultivated (US) A FO 13692 Codonanthe elegans Wiehler Belize. San Jose: Skog 5699 (US) U62178 Codonanthopsis peruviana Wiehler Cultivated. Turley (SRP) A FO 13693 s.n. Columnea ambigua (Urban) Morley Puerto Rico. Smith 3701 (SRP) A FO 13694 mira Morley C. Panama. Smith 2450 (WIS) A FO 13695 Rushy C. oblongifolia Peru. Cuzco: Urubamba, Machu A Prov. Picchu, 3 FO 13696 Apr. 1989, Smith 1721 (WIS) 137 Volume Number Smith 88, 1 Lembocarpus and Goyazia 2001 Relationships of Table Continued. 1 . Gen Bank number and voucher Collection Speeies A Smith 3369 (SKP) FO 13697 sanguined Hanst. Cultivated. (Pers.) C. U62164 from Xalapa Mis- Mexico. Vera Cruz: road to schiedeana Sehlecht. C. Smith 288 (WIS) santla, A Near Limon, 15 May 1994 no voucher FO 13698 Wiehler Ecuador. Corytoplectus speciosus (Poepp.) AF013699 Wiehler Ecuador. Napo: San Rafael Falls, 4 Apr. 1996, D. urceolata Smith 3416 (SKP) AFO 13700 3947 Smith (SEP) Cultivated. Episc ia fimbria a Fritsch t AF013701 French Guiana. Mte. des Nouragues, 16 June I^euw. sphalera E. 94-079 al (US) 1994, Feuillet et AF013702 NautUocalyx adenosiphon (Leeuw.) Wiehler Cultivated. Skog 7847 (US) AF206197 Smith al 3726 (SRP) Nematanthus allms Chautems, ined. Brazil. 17 Jan. 1998, et AF206198 Mpo. 17 1998, Hoehne Sao Paulo: Espiritu, Jan. Brazil. N. fritschii 3720 Smith (SRP) et al. AF013703 num Wiehler Cultivated. Smith 3944 (SRP) Neomortonia miliaria (Hanst.) AFO 13704 Wiehler Cultivated (US) N. rosea AF206199 Macho, 20 Panama. Bocas Cerro Pate Wiehler del Toro: Oerstedina cerricola Hammel 5754 Nov. 1978, (US) AFO 13705 Skog 7979 (US) Paradrymonia aurea Wiehler Cultivated. AF013706 R (SRP) densa H. Wright) Wiehler Cultivated. Stewart s.n. (C. AF013707 fuquaiana Wiehler Ecuador. 6 Jan. 1990, Skog 7889 (US) P. AF2O620O Kaieteur Guyana. Potaro-Siparuni region, Falls, Rhoogeton Lwbg. viviparus 370 18 Oct. 1987, Kvist et al, (US) AFO 708 Skog 7761 (US) 13 major Wiehler Cultivated. Rufodorsia Outgroups: Sinningieae U62174 5399 Skog (US) Paliavana prasinata (Ker-Gawl.) Fritsch Brazil. & U62 75 Dunn 9104014 (SBP) Wieh- Sinningia brasiliensis (Regel Schmidt) Brazil. 1 er 1 U62201 7808 Skog (US) Wiehler Cultivated. Sinningia cooperi (Paxt.) U62186 Cultivated (US) Sinningia Clayb. richii U62203 Skog 7690 (US) Cultivated. Vanhouttea lanata Fritsch many based on charac- the placement of Lembocarpus in Gloxinieae. Re- in Episcieae is largely the hybrids were apparently premature; no hy- ters shares with Rhoogeton: superior ovary, tuber, ports of it acaulescent between these genera have been documented calyx venation, inflorescence structure, brids and ovules only on outer placental surfaces habit, (Boggan, 1991). Lemb (Leeuwenberg, 1958). The superior ovary and tu- unknown Gloxinieae, but are based on seed berous habit are in Gloxinieae sensu Fritsch (1894) common annular nec- characteristics, noting that the seed shape was sim- in Episcieae. In contrast, the Gesneneae some species of Episcia Mart, (tribe Epis- tary is known outside of Gloxinieae and ilar to cieae) but not like any species of Gloxinia. Thus only in Beslerieae, a tribe with several other defin- would exclude the placement of seed shape implies an affinity to Episcieae. Beau- ing characters that among more widespread noted the shape of the Lembocarpus. Tubers are fort-Murphy (1983) also that was Smithiantha members of Sinningieae (sensu Smith et al., 1997b) cells of the seed coat similar to member Beaufort-Murphy than elsewhere in Gesnerioideae, implying that Kuntze, a of Gloxinieae. among Lembocarpus Lembocarpus may best be placed these gen- due Tubers also are known from members of Ep- isolated position within Gesnerioideae to its era. (Wiehler, 1983) but not other Gloxinieae anomalous combination of seed characteristics. iscieae Smith 1997b). summary, morphological data support the (sensu et al., In The Gloxinieae has received recent atten- Lemb tramus either in Gloxinieae or tribe phylogenetic relationships The Gloxinieae based on tion with regard to the Episcieae. similarity to is & However, and genera (Smith Atkinson, 1998). campanulate of th e annular nectary, corolla, its Lemb placement Goyazia nor shape of the cells of the seed coat. Its 138 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Monopyle 2(17) Solenophora 15 Gl Diastema _ Sanango 1(13) Ge 1(12) 34 Phinea Pearcea 55 Pearcea (6) Gloxinia 8(26) Niphaea um Eucodonia Gl Achimenes Kohleria 1(10) Lemboca rpus 11(27) 2J13) 33 2 Capanea affinis Heppiella Moussonia Anodiscus ,fil L _ 2J9) 2 (15) I Koellikeria I 1 I Goyazia 3(8) Gesneria 20 christii (26) 8 5(15) — Gesneria pedicellaris Ge 29 — Rytidophyllum auriculatum — Rytidophyllum tomentosum — 3 — (12) Bellonia Gl 39 — Smithiantha ^__ ™ Alsobia 1(12) sp. Alsobia sp. 2(10 Alsobia dianthiflora Cobananthus calochlamys (9) Alsobia punctata Episcia sphalera '2(15) 51 Episcia fimbria ta Columnea ambigua (8) Columnea sanguinea Columnea mira Alloplectus sp. 1(4) panamens Alloplectus is 17 Drymonia 1(11) L(M - Neomortonia rosea Columnea schiedeana (8) f Columnea oblongifolia L(?}„ r Neomortonia nummularia i Ep Corytoplectus 1(11) Rhoogeton Nematanthus albus Nematanthus fritschii 9(24) Oerstedina 99 Rufodorsia Paradrymonia 1 1 (24) fuquiana 100 (15) 1 Paradrymonia aurea i L Capanea grandiflora Gl Chrysothemis 2(12) Nautilocalyx Paradrymonia Ep densa Codonanthopsis 1 1 (30) Codonanthe elegans 73 _^__ 1(23) Paliavana 39 Vanhouttea Si 1(24) Sinningia richii Sinningia brasiliensis Sinningia cooperi 139 Volume Number Smith 88, 1 Lembocarpus and Goyazia 2001 Relationships of may previous cladistic analyses of molecular data due carpus have affinities (Gloxinieae, Episcieae, and Taxonomic choice derived from the lack of leaf material. This study presents Sinningieae). to results regarding the phylogenetic position of these previous tribal analyses with Episcieae sister to genera within the neotropical Gesneriaceae. Gloxinieae/Gesnerieae but Sinningieae sister to The these three tribes (Smith et al., 1997b). data 1.54% Mkthods missing Materials and matrix taxa contains cells for all based on sequence alignments. total and Genbank numbers Voucher information for sequences used analysis are presented in this all PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS DNA was from Table Goyazia isolated in for sil- 1. and Phylogenetic divergence was reconstructed using ica gel dried material (Smith et al., 1992), the PAUP maximum ndhF gene was amplified in two overlapping sec- version 4.0d64 to implement par- DNA dons (positions 1-1350, and 972-2044). for simony (MP) (Farris, 1970; Farris et al., 1970; & maximum Lembocarpus was obtained from herbarium speci- Swofford Maddison, 1987) and likeli- mens (Savolainen 1995) using the DNEasy hood (MLE). In this study, trees were generated us- et al., miniprep (Qiagen) following the manu- ing the general heuristic option. To search for is- Plant kits The ndhF gene Lembo- lands of equally parsimonious trees (Maddison, facturer's instructions. for Olmstead and Palmer carpus was amplified two overlapping fragments 1991), the search strategy of in using primers 172-1350R and 972-2044R. The (1994) was implemented searching for 1000 trees each subsequent analyses with the nearest fragment smaller than those reported pre- in five first is viously (Smith et 1997b) since amplifying the neighbor interchange (NNI) search option in effect al., DNA from herbarium specimens required succes- and mulpars "off." Each of the results from the five NNI sive amplifications using internal primers. Initial searches was used as the starting tree(s) for a DNA (TBR) and reconnection followed procedures described search with tree bisection amplifications was used elsewhere (Smith 1997b) using primers and mulpars "on." This search strategy for all et al., 1 MP 2044R 1350R and 803 and the analyses. the part for for first MLE second Subsequent amplifications required Because of the greater time involved in part. the use of 172 and 972 as forward primers, al- analysis, a smaller sampling was utilized. In this though the same reverse primers resulted in sue- analysis, a full sampling of Gloxinieae was used and and one species each of Gesneria L. Rytido- cessful amplifications. Ep- The was on Gloxinieae phyllum Mart. (Gesnerieae). Representatives of focus of this analysis since both Goyazia and Lembocarpus are currently iscieae were used as the outgroup with taxa select- & Lembocarpus classified in this tribe (Burtt Wiehler, 1995). ed to include possible relatives of MLE However, since there considerable question re- (most notably Rhoogeton). trees were gener- is TBR Lembocarpus, ated using the heuristic search option with garding the tribal position of initial MLE Under Has- analyses were conducted using representatives of and mulpars "on." the option, the egawa model was used, which allows tribes of the neotropical subfamily Gesnerioi- et al. (1985) all and Members Old World Epithematae unequal nucleotide frequencies differential deae. of the tribe for The assumed were used as the outgroup because some prelimi- rates for transitions and transversions. nucleotide frequencies were estimated from the nary results implied a potential relationship to this = = G = A C 0.27809, 0.15598, 0.17529, tribe. Results from this preliminary analysis (not data: MP = MLE T compared more taxon sam- and 0.39063. trees were to included) allowed for a restricted & Kishino-Hasegawa (Kishino pling that would permit greater analytical flexibility trees using the test MP as well as minimizing homoplasy in the data set. Hasegawa, 1989). Additional trees were gen- Subsequent analyses used only Gloxinieae, Ges- erated using the same search criteria described MLE same nerieae, and Episcieae as well as Sinningieae as above with the taxa utilized in the anal- The reduced outgroup. choice of taxa for the anal- ysis. where Lembo- Branch support analysis was performed to ex- considered possible tribes ysis all = = Figure One of 48 maximum parsimony trees of 3998 steps each, CI 0.38, RI 0.33. These trees were rooted 1. using Sinningieae. Numbers above clades are deeay values; numbers in parentheses are branch lengths using the aeetran option of PAUP. Numbers below clades indicate bootstrap values. Terminal branch lengths are not shown. 48 Abbre- Branches shown with dashed lines indicate nodes that are not supported in a strict consensus of all trees. = = = = Ep Episcieae, Ge Gesnerieae, Gl Gloxinieae, Si Sinningieae. viations for tribes are: 140 Annals the of Missouri Botanical Garden amine trees that were one or two steps longer than Capanea to as indicated by parsimony. Further, the most-parsimonious trees (Bremer, 1988, 1994; Goyazia is sister to a clade containing Moussonia Donoghue Clades et al., 1992). that persisted in Kegel, Anodiscus Benth., and Koellikeria Regel MP consensus two beyond An strict trees steps the most- same (Fig. 2). analysis of the taxa used in MLE parsimonious were examined trees using the con- the analysis resulted in two islands for a total straints option search the 2076 to for shortest tree that of four trees of steps each (trees not shown). did not contain that clade. Bootstrap analysis The Kishino-Hasegawa & (Fel- (Kishino Hasegawa, test senstein, 1985) was performed using 100 replicates 1989) did not indicate a significant difference be- TBR with and mulpars "off and "on." Because tween MP and MLE the trees. there substantial morphological and biogeograph- is ic data that imply a relationship between Lembo- DISCUSSION carpus and Rhoogeton, the constraints option was GOYAZIA to ass the most-parsimonious tree with 1 these genera as a monophyletic group. The trees The results of this study support the placement generated from the constraints anal.ys«is.we.re,com- „r r\ ' /r^^ o\^ wz-'W" r» °* Goyazi;a i• n Gloxi• ni• eae (Figs. i Wiehler 1, 2). . pared, to t,he unconstrained trees using& the Kishino- nQQQ\ ^«« *l^ £™» r u n\ ' (19*5.5) was the hrst to pll ace Goyazi•a i• n hi• s Gloxi•- & Hasegawa . (Kishino Hasegawa, test 1989). nieae, where has remained mod in a revised it & version of the classification system (Burtt Wieh- Results ler, 1995). Although Goyazia is always in a clade with Moussonia, Anodiscus, and Koellikeria, ex- s it Ihe members initial analysis utilized all of the .l * ^ ... ^ act reli a4t-ionship to these ot*iher genera • unresoli vedi ™r is Gesnenoideae wi.th, t,he O/-lm d, Worli_di tr.i,be EpFith, e- n n w n (n?r-ig. One ofr ftUhe t. rees ffrom 4t.he MP anal.ysi.s iJ?. 1). (Fig. . . MP matae as the outgroup (not sh, own). The analysi.s Grr> V ed 5128 in 14 trees of steps each (trees not *„ u *u o\ j h-i n to #these th ree genera (/ir?i-g. and Koellikeri• a • 2), is s,hown)x. tIn all ofr tihese trees bi otih Lr embiocarnus and ., . , . Goy Goy and azia Koellikeria are both found in Brazil, reduced data resulted 48 3998 M set in trees of steps n r ' whi ereas Moussoni•a • end,emi.c Cent.rmal, AAmerica, is to r ,. rr . . each, from t,hree different i. slands most-parsimo- aa of r r „ an nd Anodiscus is native *to t*uhe Aandjes of Peru. cS-ince = nious trees, with consistency index (CI) 0.38, the majority of Gloxinieae are found west of the = and One retention index (RI) 0.33. of these trees Andes, the most-parsimonious explanation for this is presented in figure with dashed lines 1 to in- u j; - dist, ributf ion wouli di ibe t. wo separat.e migrati. ons to . , u j. 11 • dicate clades that collapse the consensus in strict Goyazia more ot all trees. his tree is ,roesoilvoed*t,ha.n prior _ I *• „ reli ationsihi• ps among tA ihese genera are accurate as , ., , & results from ndhY analyses (Smith Atkinson, u F • - igure 2. However, weaki iboot*st* rap andi dje- ooq\ tu u 1i 998) l i_ Gr*oyazia and\ Lie cay index support herein for these relationships im- bocarpus within Gloxini although the position of i- .1 * more j l r ° / plies that dat* a are necessary before concliu- . Goyazia Lemb . not resolved; is sions regarding the biogeography of these taxa can Capanea Decne. ex Planch. As demonstrated in l i & simulation (DeBry studies Olmstead, 2000), the bootstrap values with mulpars "on" "off" or differed LEMBOCARPUS only by a few points (data not shown). The val on Figure are from the analysis with mulpars Goy 1 of analysis con- s this "off." Lembocarpus An additional 14 steps beyond the most-parsi- (Figs. This placement more 1, 2). is controversial Lemb since early descriptions of Lembocarpus noted its and Rhoogeton into a monophyletic group (not disparate calyx venation, inflorescence, acaulescent Is habit, outer ovule placentation, superior ovary, and Rhoogeton together are Nematanthus sister to tubers (Leeuwenberg, 1958) as shared with Rhoog- Schrader The (Episcieae). Kishino-Hasegawa test eton (Episcieae). & (Kishino Hasegawa, 1989) did not indicate a sig- Placement of Rhoogeton Episcieae in is in itself nificant difference between the constrained and un- controversial. Although morphological data and constrained trees. 2000b) MLE analysis resulted in a -In likelihood of for its placement there, ITS sequences imply its 118.64716 Goyazia and Lembocarpus (Fig. 2). position outside of Episcieae and possibly within both in Gloxinieae, and Lembocarpus Gloxinieae is sister (Smith, 2000b). Unfortunately, ITS se- 5 Volume Number Smith 141 88, 1 Lembocarpus and Goyazia 2001 Relationships of Monopyle Solenophora Gl Diastema _ Sanango Ge Phinea Gloxinia Niphaea Eucodonia Achimenes Kohleria Gl Lembocarpus . Capanea afhnis Heppiella Pearcea Pearcea Moussonia Anodiscus Koellikeria Goyazia Gesneria christii Ge Rytidophyllum auriculatum Bellonia Gl Smithiantha Nematanthus fritschii Codonanthe elegans Rhoogeton Episcia fimbriata Alsobia dianthiflora Rufodorsia Paradrymonia fuquiana Columnea schiedeana = Maximum 16118.M716. To minimize computer lime this estimate likelihood Figure likelihood tree, -In 2. = = Ge Ep used only representative taxa of Episcieae as outgroups. Abbreviations for tribes are: Episcieae, analysis = Gesnerieae, Gl Gloxinieae. 142 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical DNA quences could not be obtained using from the unite these genera with the exception that they are herbarium material used Lembocarpus among for in this the few genera within Gloxinieae that lack study. Despite the several morphological character scaly rhizomes. The placement Capanea of Glox- in states shared between lembocarpus and Rhoogeton, inieae contradicts earlier cladistic analyses of ndhF 14 additional steps beyond the most-parsimonious sequences of Gloxinieae where was placed Ep- in it & trees are necessary to place Lembocarpus and iscieae (Smith Atkinson, The 1998). earlier anal- Rhoogeton in a monophyletic group using ndhF se- ysis based on ndhF sequences only used Capanea quence Thus, data. regardless of the tribal affinity grandiflora (Kunth) Decne. ex Planch., and Capa- of Rhoogeton, it does not appear to be closely re- nea ajfinis is added to the present analysis. The lem b source of discrepancy as yet unknown, but based is Lem on results of ITS and ndhF sequences (Smith, bocarpus Gloxinieae comes from and in the corolla 2000b), Capanea clear that belongs it is ajfinis in seed. Although Beaufort-Murphy hypothe- (1983) Gloxinieae. may sized that Lembocarpus have an isolated po- sition within the Gesnerioideae due to a unique SUMMARY combination of characters, combination seed this of The ndhF surface characters and superior ovary data presented here confirm the place- best is ment viewed as autapomorphic. The shape of both Goyazia and Lembocarpus within Glox- of the cells of Lembocarpus the seed coat and campanulate corolla may be syn- inieae. is strongly supported by decay Le index, moderate (relatively) bootstrap values, and ae . MLE Lem boc nnus analysis as sister to Capanea. Goyazia is and Gloxinieae nectary- shape. Whereas the an- placed in a clade with Moussonia, Anodiscus, and is MP MLE nular nectary widespread Koellikeria in both and analyses, although Gloxinieae, is in also it ^ is known from tribes Gesnerieae and Beslerieae. In e relationships among these four genera are not MP resolved Because ndhF seems cladistic analyses of Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae falty in trees. to ^ based on ndhF sequences, 3e at e limits of resolving power within Glox- the position of Gesner- its ' & ieae always creates a paraphyletic Gloxinieae inieae (also observed in tribe Episcieae; Smith (Figs. & 1, 2; Smith Atkinson, 1998). This implies that Carroll, 1997; Smith, 2000b), it will be essential in if not derived from within Gloxinieae, the Gesnerieae future investigations to add additional sequence are closely related, and the annular nectary data to resolve more fully the intergeneric rclation- like- is ly a synapomorphy for both tribes Gloxinieae and ships of this tribe. The Gesnerieae. Beslerieae are more distantly re- lated to Gloxinieae based on previous phylogenetic Literature Cited analyses of morphology and ndhF sequences. Bes- Beaufort -Murphy, H. 1983. The seed surface mor- T. are best considered one more leri of the earliler phology of the Gesneriaceae utilizing the scanning elec- 1996 microscope and new tron a system for diagnosing seed et al., 1997b; Smith, 2000a). Therefore the annular morphology. Selhyana 220-422. 6: nectary of Beslerieae is unlikely homologous to the Boggan, J. K. 1991. A morphological study and cladistic annular nectary of Gloxinieae/Gesnerieae. Al- analysis oi Sinningia and associated genera with par- ticular reference Ismbocarpius, Paliavami and to Lielzia, though may nectary structure he a homoplastic Vanhoultea (Gesneriaceae: Gloxinieae). M.S. Thesis, character, it still serves as a synapomorphy to unite New Cornell University, Ithaca, York. Gloxinieae and Gesnerieae, as well as to place Bremer, K. 1988. The limits of amino acid sequence data angiosperm lembocarpus exoun. in phylogenetic reconstruction. Evolution in this 795-803. 42: 1994. Branch support and tree Gladis- stability. . AND (AP.WEA LEMBOCARinS 295-304. tics 10: & Burtt, B. L. H. Wiehler. 1995. Classification of le tl The data presented here not only provide new family Gesneriaceae. Gesneriana 1-4. 1: & evidence DeBry, H. W. R. G. Olmstead. 2000. A on for the tribal placement of lembocarpus, ulati ™ J««« r study reduced o\ oi tree-search effort in bootstrap resam- DLiU,1» rplace ;i*t as <s,i;s„t*e„r„ *to Capranea i(xr?i- gs. 1i , 2). tT«ii n•s r c u An ,-, ,_ M l pling anal,ysi.s. Svst,. Bi.ol,. 49: 171-1 /9. one more . , is of the strongly supported clades in the & Donoghue, M. R. G. Olmstead, K Smith J., J. J. 1). tree based on decay index values. This relationship Palmer. 1992. Phylogenetic relationships of Dipsaeales of Lembocarpus to Capanea is unusual in that Ca- based on rbc\, sequences. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 79: 333-345. panea the only epiphytic genus is of Gloxinieae, Karris, 1970. Methods computing Wagner S. J. for trees. w hereas Lembocarpus a is terrestrial, tuberous, 83-92. Syst. 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