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TheISMEJournal(2012)6,259–272 &2012InternationalSocietyforMicrobialEcology Allrightsreserved1751-7362/12 www.nature.com/ismej ORIGINAL ARTICLE The phylogenetic composition and structure of soil microbial communities shifts in response to elevated carbon dioxide Zhili He1, Yvette Piceno2, Ye Deng1, Meiying Xu1,3, Zhenmei Lu1,4, Todd DeSantis2, Gary Andersen2, Sarah E Hobbie5, Peter B Reich6 and Jizhong Zhou1,2 1Institute for Environmental Genomics, Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA; 2Ecology Department, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,CA, USA; 3Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou, China; 4College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; 5Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, St Paul, MN, USA and 6Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN, USA One of the major factors associated with global change is the ever-increasing concentration of atmospheric CO . Although the stimulating effects of elevated CO (eCO ) on plant growth and 2 2 2 primary productivity have been established, its impacts on the diversity and function of soil microbialcommunitiesarepoorlyunderstood.Inthisstudy,phylogeneticmicroarrays(PhyloChip) were used to comprehensively survey the richness, composition and structure of soil microbial communities in a grassland experiment subjected to two CO conditions (ambient, 368 p.p.m., 2 versuselevated,560p.p.m.)for10years.Therichnessbasedonthedetectednumberofoperational taxonomicunits(OTUs)significantlydecreasedundereCO .PhyloChipdetected2269OTUsderived 2 from45phyla(includingtwofromArchaea),55classes,99orders,164familiesand190subfamilies. Also, the signal intensity of five phyla (Crenarchaeota, Chloroflexi, OP10, OP9/JS1, Verrucomicro- bia)significantlydecreasedateCO ,andsuchsignificanteffectsofeCO onmicrobialcomposition 2 2 were also observed at the class or lower taxonomic levels for most abundant phyla, such as Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Acidobacteria, suggesting a shift in microbialcommunitycompositionateCO .Additionally,statisticalanalysesshowedthattheoverall 2 taxonomicstructureofsoilmicrobialcommunitieswasalteredateCO .Manteltestsindicatedthat 2 such changes in species richness, composition and structure of soil microbial communities were closely correlated with soil and plant properties. This study provides insights into our under- standing of shifts in the richness, composition and structure of soil microbial communities under eCO and environmental factorsshapingthe microbial community structure. 2 TheISME Journal(2012)6, 259–272;doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.99; published online28July 2011 SubjectCategory: microbial population and community ecology Keywords: soil microbial community; PhyloChip; elevated CO ; microbial composition; microbial 2 community structure Introduction plant growth and primary productivity are well- established(Reichetal.,2001;AinsworthandLong, The concentration of atmospheric CO has risen by 2 2005; Luo et al., 2006). For example, eCO has been approximately 36% since the mid-19th century, 2 found to increase plant growth (Curtis and Wang, largely because of human activities, such as fossil 1998), enhance fine root production (Hungate et al., fuel combustionand land use. With the current rate 1997)andaugmentsoilcarbonallocation(Zaketal., ofincreaseof1.9p.p.m./year,itisprojectedtoreach 1993; Hu et al., 2001). However, the influence of 700 p.p.m. by the end of this century, which may eCO onsoil microbialcommunitiesremainspoorly havemajorconsequencesoncarboncyclingandthe 2 understood and controversial (Walther et al., 2002; functioning of terrestrial ecosystems (IPCC, 2007). ParmesanandYohe,2003;Heathetal.,2005;Carney The stimulating effects of elevated CO (eCO ) on 2 2 et al., 2007; Drigo et al., 2007, 2009, 2010; Gruber andGalloway,2008;HeimannandReichstein,2008; Correspondence: J Zhou, Institute for Environmental Genomics Lesaulnier etal., 2008; Austin etal., 2009; Ge et al., (IEG), Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of 2010; He et al., 2010b). Also, the plant growth Oklahoma,Norman,OK73019,USA. stimulation observed under eCO may be transient E-mail:[email protected] 2 (Drake et al., 1997; DeLucia et al., 1999) possibly Received4January2011;revised18June2011;accepted20June 2011;publishedonline28July2011 because of the depletion of available nitrogen (N) EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 260 (Luo et al., 2004; Reich et al., 2006). In addition, 2009; Rastogi et al., 2010), suggesting that Phylo- multipleglobalchangefactors,suchaseCO ,elevated Chip provides more comprehensive surveys of 2 O , warming and/or precipitation, may interact to microbial diversity, composition and structure. 3 alter soil microbial community diversity, composi- Theobjectivesofthisstudywereto:(i)surveythe tion,structureandfunction(Chungetal.,2006;Castro richness and composition of soil microbial commu- et al., 2010). Therefore, understanding the diversity, nities; (ii) examine the effects of eCO on the 2 composition and structure of soil microbial commu- richness, composition and structure of soil micro- nitiesisnecessaryforustoassesshoweCO modifies bial communities and (iii) link soil geochemistry 2 ecosystem properties and functional processes. and plant properties with the microbial community Soil may be the most complex of all microbial composition and structure using PhyloChip (Brodie communities with extremely high diversity. For et al., 2006, 2007). For these purposes, this study example, 1g of soil contains thousands to millions wasconductedinaconstructedgrasslandecosystem of different bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic spe- subjectedtoCO manipulationfor10yearsbyusing 2 cies (Torsvik et al., 2002; Gans et al., 2005) thefree-air CO enrichment (FACE) technology.The 2 interwoven in extremely complex food webs. results showed that eCO significantly altered the 2 Furthermore, most (499%) of those microbes are richness, composition and structure of soil micro- as-yet uncultured (Whitman et al., 1998). Thus, bialcommunities,especiallyforparticularmicrobial characterizing the phylogenetic diversity of soil populations, at the operational taxonomic unit (OTU) microbialcommunitiesandtheirresponsestoglobal level.Suchmicrobialpopulationchangeswereclosely change (for example, eCO ) will make a significant correlated with soil and plant properties. 2 contribution to understanding soil ecosystems. Conventional molecular biology approaches Materials and methods have demonstrated that soil microbial diversity generally increased (Mitchell et al., 2003; Janus The following is a summary of the methods used in et al., 2005; Sonnemann and Wolters, 2005; Jossi thisstudy.Moredetailedinformationisprovidedin etal.,2006;Lesaulnieretal.,2008),decreased(Horz Supplementary Data-A. et al., 2004) or remained unchanged (Barnard et al., 2004; Ebersberger et al., 2004; Loy et al., 2004; Chung et al., 2006; Gruter et al., 2006; Lipson et al., Site and sampling This study was conducted within the BioCON 2006; Drigo et al., 2007, 2009; Austin et al., 2009; Ge et al., 2010) in response to eCO2. The apparent (Biodiversity, CO2 and Nitrogen) experiment site (http://www.biocon.umn.edu/) located at the Cedar discrepancy of microbial responses to eCO could 2 Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in Minnesota, be partially due to real differences among various ecosystems, but could also be due to differences in USA. The main BioCON field experiment has a total of 296 plots with three treatments: CO the methodologies used, such as terminal restric- 2 (ambient (aCO ), 368 p.p.m. versus elevated, 560 tion-fragment length polymorphism, denaturing 2 gradient gel electrophoresis, 16S rRNA-based se- p.p.m.),N(ambientversus4gNperm2peryear)and quencing, enzyme activities and phospholipid fatty plant diversity (1, 4, 9 or 16 species) (Reich et al., 2001). In this study, soil samples from 24 plots (12 acids.Forexample,itispossiblethatsomemethods replicates from aCO , 12 replicates from eCO and may not be sensitive enough to resolve the differ- 2 2 ences caused by eCO at the community level. all with 16 species and ambient N supply) were 2 collected in July 2007 when they had been exposed Recently, 16S rRNA gene-based microarray tech- to aCO or eCO for 10 years, and each sample was nologieshavebeenusedtoobtainmorecomprehen- 2 2 sive information on microbial community diversity, composited from five soil cores at a depth of 0–15cm for analysis of soil properties or DNA composition, structure and dynamics. PhyloChip extraction. Additional information about the Bio- (G2) consists of 506944 probe features, and of these features, 297851 are oligonucleotide perfect match CON experimental site, and plant groups and species, is provided in Supplementary Data-A. (PM)ormismatchmatch(MM)probesfor16SrRNA genes (Brodie et al., 2006, 2007). PhyloChip has been used to detect microorganisms in a variety of Plant and soil analyses environments, such as contaminated sites (Brodie The aboveground and belowground biomass, plant et al., 2006; Rastogi et al., 2010), air (Brodie et al., C and N concentrations, soil pH, volumetric soil 2007), water (Hery et al., 2010), soil (Cruz-Martinez moisture, total soil C and N concentrations, and et al., 2009; DeAngelis et al., 2009; Yergeau et al., in situ net N mineralization and net nitrification 2009; Teixeira et al., 2010), microbial fuel cell weremeasuredasdescribedpreviously(Reichetal., (Wrighton et al., 2008) and Huanglongbing patho- 2001, 2006; He et al., 2010b). gen-infected citrus (Sagaram et al., 2009). In addi- tion, several studies demonstrated that PhyloChip could detect many more bacterial taxa as compared DNA extraction, purification and quantitation with the 16S rRNA gene-based clone library Soil DNAwas extracted by freeze-grinding mechan- approach (DeSantis et al., 2007; La Duc et al., icallysisasdescribedpreviously(Zhouetal.,1996). TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 261 DNAqualitywasassessedbytheratiosof260/280and Results 260/230nm and final DNA concentrations were Effects of eCO on plant and soil properties quantifiedbythePicoGreenmethod(Ahnetal.,1996). 2 The plant productivity measured by biomass of aboveground, roots and fine roots was significantly (Po0.05) stimulated by eCO (Supplementary Table PhyloChip analysis 2 S1), which is consistent with previous studies in ThesecondgenerationofthePhyloChip(PhyloTech, thissite(Reichetal.,2001;Adairetal.,2009).Also, SanFrancisco,CA,USA),whichhas8741OTUsand the whole-plot total N (gm(cid:2)2) and legume biomass 842 subfamilies with 297851 probes, was used for significantly (Po0.05) increased at eCO , but the this study (Brodie et al., 2006). PhyloChip analysis 2 percentages of nitrogen (N) in the whole-plot plant included three major steps: (i) Amplification of 24 biomass, aboveground biomass and belowground soil genomic DNAs using universal 16S rRNA biomass significantly (Po0.05) decreased (Supple- primers (27F/1492R for bacteria and 4Fa/1492R for mentary Table S1). In addition, the aboveground archaea);(ii)500ngofbacterialand30ngofarchaeal carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio significantly (Po0.05) PCR products were hybridized to each PhyloChip increased (Supplementary Table S1), probably be- (Brodie et al., 2006, 2007) and (iii) hybridization causeofanincreaseinplantbiomassandadecrease data were preprocessed prior to statistical analysis intheabovegroundNconcentration.Similarly,eCO asdetailedinSupplementaryData-A.Foreightof12 2 significantly (Po0.05) increased soil pH and soil eCO samples with less than 30ng of archaeal PCR 2 moisture (at depths of 0–17, 42–59 and 83–100cm). products, 10mL of concentrated archaeal amplicons However, no significant (P40.05) changes in soil were used. A mixture of amplicons at known carbon, nitrogen, C/N ratio, or rates of ammonifica- concentrations was added to each sample prior to tion, nitrification or net N mineralization, were fragmentation, which allows for standardization/ observed (Supplementary Table S2). The significant normalization of PhyloChip data. Data obtained differences in plant characteristics and soil proper- from the CEL files (produced from GeneChip ties suggest that the diversity, composition and Microarray Analysis Suite, version 5.1) were scaled structure of soil bacterial communities may be by setting the mixture of internal standards (spike shifted in response to eCO . mix)meanintensityto2500tocompensateforslight 2 differences in probe responses on different chips. OTU reports were generated as described in Sup- Richness of soil microbial communities in response plementary Data-A. Because setting a positive frac- to eCO2 tion (pf) cut-off can vary the number of passing The richness of soil microbial communities was OTUs (and hence affect the reported number of examinedbyPhyloChip.Atotalof2269 OTUswere OTUs for each sample), several pf cut-off values detected at least in three samples, accounting for (0.86,0.88,0.90,0.92,0.94)wereevaluatedbyusing 26% OTUs on the PhyloChip. An average of 1916 the PhyloChip data analysis pipeline PhyloTrac OTUs were detected at aCO2, which was signifi- (http://www.phylotrac.org/Home.html)andstatistical cantly (P¼0.0281) higher than an average of 1864 methods as described under Materials and methods OTUsdetectedateCO2(Table1).AlldetectedOTUs and Supplementary Data-A. A pf cut-off of 0.9 was were taxonomically derived from two archaeal determined to be a reasonable choice and used to phyla and 43 bacterial phyla, 55 classes, 99 orders, generate the final OTU report used in this study. 164 families and 190 subfamilies; most phylotypes were detected at both aCO and eCO , with few 2 2 detected only at aCO or eCO (Table 2). At the 2 2 Statistical analysis phylumlevel,amongatotalof2269OTUsdetected, Pre-processedPhyloChipdatawerefurtheranalyzed 1002 OTUs were derived from Proteobacteria, a by different statistical methods: (i) Response ratio phylum with the highest number of detectable (Luo et al., 2006); (ii) detrended correspondence OTUs, followed by Firmicutes with 384, Actinobac- analysis of the microbial community structure; (iii) teria with 289, Bacteroidetes with 162 and Acid- analysis of similarities (Clarke, 1993), non-para- obacteriawith76OTUs(Table1).Also,basedonthe metric multivariate analysis of variance (ADONIS) number of OTUs detected in each phylum, two (Anderson, 2001) and multi-response permutation phyla had significantly (Po0.05) lower numbers of procedure (Mielke and Berry, 2001; McCune and OTUs detected at eCO2 than at aCO2, including Grace, 2002) were used to analyze differences of Chloroflexi (P¼0.003) and OP10 (P¼0.007) microbialcommunitiesbyusingtheBinomialindex (Table 1). The results indicate that the richness of (Anderson and Millar, 2004); (iv) Mantel test and soil microbial communities was decreased at eCO2. canonical correspondence analysis for linking the functional structure of microbial communities to Overall taxonomic composition and structure of soil plant or soil variables; and (v) partial Mantel test microbial communities in response to eCO 2 and partial canonical correspondence analysis for To examine if eCO affects the taxonomic composi- 2 co-variation analysis of soil and plant variables tion and structure of soil microbial communities, (Zhou et al., 2008; He et al., 2010b). detrended correspondence analysis was performed TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 262 Table1 NumbersofOTUsdetectedbyPhyloChipinmajorphylaunderaCO andeCO conditions 2 2 Phylum OTUsonPhyloChip No.ofOTUsdetectedbyPhyloChip Total(%) aCO eCO P(t-test) 2 2 Crenarchaeota 79 12(15.1) 12.00±0.00 12.00±0.00 1.000 Euryarchaeota 224 2(0.9) 1.00±0.00 1.00±0.00 1.000 Acidobacteria 98 76(77.6) 67.67±6.56 64.25±5.96 0.195 Actinobacteria 810 289(35.6) 233.17±20.32 225.92±17.24 0.356 Bacteroidetes 880 162(18.4) 123.42±14.39 119.67±20.00 0.603 Chlorobi 21 11(52.4) 9.42±1.78 8.83±1.59 0.406 Chloroflexi 117 44(37.6) 37.58±4.58 31.33±4.75 0.003 Cyanobacteria 202 51(25.2) 45.42±3.37 43.00±3.19 0.085 Firmicutes 2012 384(19.1) 312.25±30.54 300.75±25.39 0.327 Gemmatimonadetes 15 9(60.0) 8.67±0.49 8.58±0.51 0.689 Natronoanaerobium 7 5(71.4) 4.00±0.74 3.42±0.79 0.076 Nitrospira 29 8(27.6) 7.3±0.98 6.5±1.73 0.161 OP10 12 7(58.3) 5.67±1.07 4.58±0.67 0.007 OP9/JS1 12 5(41.6) 4.25±1.14 3.5±1.17 0.125 Planctomycetes 182 26(14.3) 20.00±4.09 17.25±2.22 0.053 Proteobacteria 3170 1002(31.6) 849.75±70.62 837.58±85.72 0.708 Spirochaetes 150 36(24.0) 33.75±2.93 32.67±2.99 0.380 Synergistes 19 5(26.3) 5.00±0.00 5.00±0.00 1.000 TM7 45 9(20.0) 8.83±0.58 8.25±1.29 0.166 Verrucomicrobia 78 36(46.1) 28.33±3.92 25.75±3.05 0.085 Others(o5OTUs) 250 53(21.2) 46.35±9.37 37.67±6.35 0.173 Unclassified 329 37(11.2) 32.92±1.83 31.25±3.14 0.126 Total 8741 2269(26.0) 1916.6±52.03 1864.1±57.25 0.028 Abbreviations:aCO,ambientCO;eCO,elevatedCO;OTU,operationaltaxonomicunit. 2 2 2 2 BoldfaceindicatessignificantlychangedphylotypesoralldetectedOTUs. Table2 PhylotypesdetectedbyPhyloChipatdifferenttaxonomiclevels Domain Phylum Class Order Family Subfamily Totalno.detectedphylotypes 2 45 55 99 164 190 SharedataCO andeCO 2 44 52 97 163 188 2 2 OnlydetectedataCO 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 OnlydetectedateCO 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 for PhyloChip signal intensity data. Overall, the majority of the samples from eCO and aCO were 2 2 distributed in different parts of the data space, although there was some overlap. Eight of 12 aCO 2 sampleswereseparatedwellfromtheeCO samples, 2 but four other aCO samples seemed to be clustered 2 closertotheeCO thantheaCO samples(Figure1). 2 2 Based on the Binomial index (Anderson and Millar, 2004), three non-parametric, multivariate statistical tests, analysis of similarities, ADONIS and multi- response permutation procedure, showed signifi- cant (P¼0.007, 0.046 and 0.018, respectively) differences between microbial communities at aCO and eCO . The results indicated that the 2 2 overall taxonomic composition and structure of soil microbial communities was altered at eCO . 2 Relationshipsbetweenmicrobialcommunitiesandsoil Figure1 DetrendedcorrespondenceanalysisofPhyloChipdata and plant properties for both aCO and eCO samples. Only OTUs (a total of 2269) To link the taxonomic structure of microbial com- 2 2 detectedinthreeormoresamplesoutof12ataCO oreCO were 2 2 munitieswithsoilandplantproperties,Manteltests analyzed. TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 263 Table3 Relationshipsofmicrobialphylotypes(OTUs)detectedattheclasslevelbyPhyloChiptosoilandplantvariablesrevealedby partialManteltest Inassociationwith:Controlling Soila Plantb Plantb Soila Phylum Class OTUno. M P M P r r Alldetected 2269 0.166 0.091 0.082 0.227 Acidobacteria Acidobacteria-4 10 0.075 0.272 0.283 0.046 Bacteroidetes KSA1 1 0.083 0.262 0.230 0.071 Unclassified 8 0.039 0.306 0.144 0.053 Caldithrix Unclassified 2 0.122 0.187 0.271 0.040 Chlamydiae Chlamydiae 2 0.069 0.058 (cid:2)0.003 0.478 Chlorobi Chlorobia 11 0.143 0.088 0.096 0.195 Chloroflexi Chloroflexi-3 2 0.168 0.106 0.192 0.069 Chloroflexi-4 2 0.138 0.127 0.213 0.063 Dehalococcoidetes 7 0.062 0.289 0.243 0.065 Unclassified 6 (cid:2)0.022 0.495 0.309 0.059 Coprothermobacteria Unclassified 1 0.112 0.196 0.194 0.07 Crenarchaeota C1 12 0.077 0.258 0.455 0.012 Thermoprotei 2 0.085 0.261 0.455 0.009 Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria 48 0.147 0.145 0.315 0.027 Deferribacteres Deferribacer 1 0.053 0.098 (cid:2)0.057 0.919 Dictyoglomi Dictyoglomi 1 0.158 0.174 0.423 0.029 DSS1 Unclassified 1 0.174 0.095 0.213 0.067 Firmicutes Catabacter 7 0.131 0.162 0.249 0.060 Symbiobacteria 2 0.154 0.144 0.354 0.023 Unclassified 17 0.124 0.220 0.245 0.063 Lentisphaerae Unclassified 3 0.178 0.084 0.212 0.065 Marinegroup-A mgA-1 2 0.299 0.054 0.555 0.014 OD1 OP11-5 1 0.172 0.038 0.111 0.152 OP10 Unclassified 4 0.316 0.015 0.049 0.298 OP3 Unclassified 3 0.132 0.076 0.040 0.282 OP8 Unclassified 1 (cid:2)0.177 0.920 0.329 0.039 OP9JS1 OP9 2 0.121 0.138 0.195 0.064 Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria 330 0.326 0.002 0.031 0.357 Unclassified 9 0.027 0.392 0.181 0.060 Spirochaetes Spirochaetes 36 0.092 0.212 0.257 0.045 SR1 Unclassified 1 0.072 0.265 0.452 0.020 Synergistes Unclassified 5 0.085 0.218 0.260 0.030 Thermodesulfobacteria Thermodesulfobacteria 1 0.049 0.349 0.249 0.056 Thermotogae Thermotogae 1 0.182 0.078 0.103 0.184 TM6 Unclassified 1 0.090 0.264 0.416 0.035 TM7 Unclassified 4 0.161 0.101 0.227 0.068 Unclassified Unclassified 37 0.160 0.150 0.218 0.068 WS3 Unclassified 2 0.055 0.303 0.166 0.089 Abbreviation:OTU,operationaltaxonomicunit. aSelectedsoilvariablesincludesoil%Natadepthof10–20cm(N10–20),soil%CandNatadepthof10–20cm(SCN10–20),soilpH,nitrification (mgkg(cid:2)1day(cid:2)1)andnetNmineralization(mgkg(cid:2)1day(cid:2)1). bSelectedplantvariablesincludetotalrootbiomass(TRB),speciescountfrom%cover(SCFPC),abovegroundpercentagecarbon(APC),fineroots atadepthof0–20cm(FR0–20)andtotalbiomass(TB). OnlyclasseswithP-valueso0.10tosoilorplantvariableshavebeenlisted. BoldfaceindicatessignificantlychangedphylotypesoralldetectedOTUs. and canonical correspondence analysis were per- (mgkg(cid:2)1day(cid:2)1) were selected from 20 soil para- formed.ByusingtheBioENVprocedure(Clarkeand meters (Supplementary Table S2). Ainsworth, 1993), five plant variables, including Based on the above selected sets of plant and soil total root biomass (TRB), species count from % variables, partial Mantel tests were initially cover (SCFPC), aboveground percentage carbon performed to correlate the microbial community (APC), fine roots at a depth of 0–20cm (FR0–20) measuredbythesignalintensityofalldetected2269 and total biomass (TB), were selected from 24 plant OTUswiththoseenvironmentalfactors,andsuchan parameters (Supplementary Table S1). Similarly, analysis showed that the microbial community on five soil variables, including soil %N at a depth of the whole was not correlated significantly with the 10–20cm (N10–20), soil C/N ratio at a depth of soil variables (P¼0.091) or plant variables 10–20cm (SCN10–20), soil pH, nitrification rate (P¼0.227) (Table 3). Then, we examined the (mgkg(cid:2)1day(cid:2)1) and net N mineralization rate correlations of the plant or soil properties with TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 264 specific microbial populations at different taxo- nomic levels (phylum, class, order, family and subfamily). At the phylum level, 14 phylotypes significantly (Po0.05) correlated with the soil or/and plant properties. For example, there was a significant (P¼0.011) correlation between Cre- narchaeota and the selected plant variables, and a significant (P¼0.037) correlation between Proteo- bacteriaandtheselectedsoilvariables(Supplemen- tary Table S3). At the class level, 16 classes were significantly (Po0.05) correlated with the soil or/ and plant characteristics. For example, g-Proteobac- teria and OP10 were significantly (P¼0.002 and 0.015,respectively)correlatedwiththeselectedsoil variables, whereas Cyanobacteria and Spirochaetes Figure 2 Variation partition analysis of the effects of CO, soil 2 were significantly (P¼0.027 and 0.045, respec- andplantvariablesonthephylogeneticstructureofsoilmicrobial tively) correlated with the selected plant variables communities. The BioENV procedure was used to identify common sets of soil and plant variables important to the (Table3).Also,thereweresignificant(P¼0.012and microbial community. The same sets of soil or plant variables 0.009) correlations between the microbial commu- wereusedforvariationpartitionanalysisandpartialManteltests nity and the selected plant properties for both (Table3;SupplementaryTableS3andSupplementaryTableS4). archaeal classes, C1 and Thermoprotei, respectively The concentrations of CO are 368 p.p.m. for ambient and 560 2 (Table 3). Similarly, 48 families were detected to be p.p.m.forelevatedenvironments;soilvariablesincludedsoil%N atadepthof10–20cm(N10–20),soilCandNratioatadepthof correlated with the plant or soil properties (Supple- 10–20cm (SCN10–20), soil pH, nitrification rate (mgkg(cid:2)1day(cid:2)1) mentary Table S4). For example, the signal inten- and net N mineralization rate (mgkg(cid:2)1day(cid:2)1); plant variables sitiesofAnaplasmataceaefroma-Proteobacteriaand included total root biomass (TRB), species count from % cover Spirochaetaceae from Spirochaetes had significant (SCFPC), aboveground percentage carbon (APC), fine roots at a depthof0–20cm(FR0–20)andtotalbiomass(TB). (P¼0.019and 0.046,respectively) correlationswith the selected plant variables, and those of Entero- bacteriaceaeandVibrionaceaefromg-Proteobacteria tionsbetweenCO andsoilvariables,CO andplant 2 2 had significant (P¼0.001 and 0.004, respectively) variables, and soil and plant variables, and among correlations with the selected soil variables, CO , soil and plant variables, were 0.1%, 2.4%, 2 whereas Erysipelotrichaceae from Mollicutes was 0.0%and2.8%,respectively(Figure2).Inaddition, significantly correlated with both soil (P¼0.038) 45.3% of the variation remained unexplained and plant (P¼0.025) properties (Supplementary (Figure 2). The above statistical analyses suggest Table S4). In addition, five unclassified classes and that CO has a direct effect on the microbial 2 29unclassifiedfamiliesweresignificantly(Po0.05) community, and that both soil and plant properties correlated with the selected soil or plant variables, are almost equally important for shaping microbial respectively, suggesting that soil and plant factors communities through indirect CO effects in this 2 may also largely shape taxonomically uncharacter- grassland ecosystem. ized microorganisms (Table 3 and Supplementary Table S4). Variation partition analysis (Ramette and Tiedje, Significantly changed and unique OTUs 2007) was then used to assess the contribution of ToexamineeffectsofeCO onmicrobialcommunity 2 CO , soil and plant properties to the taxonomic composition,bothsignificantlychangedandunique 2 structure of microbial communities with the same OTUs were identified. Among 2269 OTUs detected, selected variables (Figure 2). When the plant and 2075 were shared by aCO and eCO samples, and 2 2 soil variables were held constant, there was a 194 unique OTUs were only detected at aCO (123) 2 significant (P¼0.037) correlation between commu- oreCO (71),respectively.For those shared OTUs,a 2 nity structure and CO ; when plant variables and responseratiowascalculatedforeachOTUbasedon 2 CO were held constant, there was a significant its signal intensity. A total of 194 OTUs were 2 (P¼0.048) correlation between community struc- significantly (Po0.05) decreased and only 13 were ture and soil variables; and when soil variables and significantly (Po0.05) increased at eCO (Table 4). 2 CO were held constant, the plant variables did not Most phyla, including relatively abundant ones (for 2 show a significant (P¼0.082) correlation with example,Crenarchaeota,Acidobacteria,Chloroflexi, microbial community. The single variable CO was Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia), did not have 2 able to independently explain 5.8% of the variation OTUs detected with increased signal intensities at observed, which was the second largest contributor eCO , and only a few phyla (for example, Actino- 2 based on all 11 individual variables. Five soil bacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria) variables could independently explain 22.1% of hadOTUswithbothincreasedanddecreasedsignal the variation, and five plant variables could explain intensities at eCO (Table 4), which is consistent 2 21.5% of the variation (Figure 2). Also, the interac- withthegeneraltrendthattherichnessdecreasedat TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 265 Table 4 Numbers of shared OTUs detected at both aCO and five phyla, including one archaeal phylum 2 eCO2 based on the hybridization signal intensity and unique (Crenarchaeota) and four bacterial phyla (Chloroflexi, OTUsdetectedonlyataCO2oreCO2 OP10, OP9/JS1, Verrucomicrobia), showed signifi- cantly (Po0.05) decreased signal intensities, but Phylum SharedOTUs UniqueOTUs most abundant phyla (for example, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Acido- Decrese–eCO Increase–eCO aCO eCO 2 2 2 2 bacteria) remained unchanged at eCO (Figure 4). 2 A further examination of those significantly chan- Crenarchaeota 12 0 0 0 Euryarchaeota 1 1 1 1 ged phyla showed that those changes occurred in Acidobacteria 15 0 3 2 some specific microbial groups at the class or lower Actinobacteria 10 1 26 17 levels. In the phylum of Chloroflexi, a significant Bacteroidetes 4 2 8 9 decrease of signal intensities at eCO was observed Chlorobi 1 0 0 0 2 Chloroflexi 11 0 5 0 in three orders (Chloroflexi-1a, 1b, 1f) of the class Cyanobacteria 4 1 4 0 Anaerolineae, and the class of Dehalococcoidetes, Firmicutes 29 2 25 11 whereas the signal intensities of other classes (for Gemmatimonadetes 2 0 0 0 example, Chloroflexi-3, Chloroflexi-4, Thermomi- Natronoanaerobium 0 0 1 0 crobia)didnotchangesignificantly(Supplementary Nitrospira 4 0 0 0 OP10 2 0 2 0 Figure S2A). In the phylum of Verrucomicrobia, all OP9/JS1 3 0 0 0 significantchangesappearedtooccurintheorderof Planctomycetes 9 0 6 1 Verrucomicrobiales from the class of Verrucomicro- Proteobacteria 55 6 33 29 biae, in which three families (Verrucomicrobiaceae, Spirochaetes 2 0 0 0 Synergistes 1 0 0 0 Verrucomicrobia subdivision-3, Verrucomicrobia TM7 0 0 0 0 subdivision-7) and an unclassified phylotype had Verrucomicrobia 16 0 4 1 significantly (Po0.01) decreased signal intensities, Others(o5OTUs) 6 0 3 0 although the other two families (Verrucomicrobia Unclassified 7 0 2 0 subdivision-5 and Xiphinematobacteraceae) de- Total 194 13 123 71 tected did not show significant changes in signal Abbreviations: aCO, ambient CO; eCO, elevated CO; OTU, intensity at eCO (Supplementary Figure S2B). 2 2 2 2 2 operationaltaxonomicunit. Crenarchaeota is an archaeal phylum showing Increase–CO or Decrease–eCO indicates the signal intensity of an 2 2 significantly (Po0.01) decreased signal intensities OTUwassignificantlyhigherorlowerateCO,respectively. 2 at eCO , and such decreases were observed in three 2 orders (C1a, C1b, Cenarchaeales) from two classes eCO . The signal intensities of 6 and 56 OTUs were (C1 and Thermoprotei) (Supplementary Figure 2 significantly (Po0.05) increased and decreased, S3A). In addition, significant decreases of signal respectively, in Proteobacteria. Specifically, two intensity were seen in two less characterized phyla OTUs were increased and 12 decreased in (OP10 and OP9/JS1), with one from an unclassified a-Proteobacteria, 2 and 2 in b-Proteobacteria, 1 and class in OP10 (Supplementary Figure S3B) and the 2ine-Proteobacteria,and1and7ing-Proteobacteria, other from an unclassifiedorderof JS1classinOP9/ respectively, but all 31 OTUs derived from JS1 (Supplementary Figure S3C). d-Proteobacteria were decreased at eCO (Figure 3). Althoughsignificantchangeswerenotobservedat 2 Similarly, 29 and 2 (OTU3497 and OTU3254) OTUs eCO for the most abundant phyla at the phylum 2 were significantly (Po0.05) decreased and in- level based on summed intensities, such signifi- creased, respectively, in Firmicutes, which were cancesweredetectedattheclassorlowertaxonomic mostly derived from two classes, Clostridia and levelsforsomephyla.InthephylumProteobacteria, Bacilli (Supplementary Figure S1). Among 194 the signal intensity of the AMD clone order of unique OTUs, 123 and 71 were from aCO and d-Proteobacteria was significantly (Po0.05) de- 2 eCO , respectively, and those OTUs were largely creased although no significant changes were de- 2 derived from the most abundant phyla, such as tected at the class level (Supplementary Figure S4). Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria In the phylum Firmicutes, the signal intensities of (Table4andSupplementaryTableS5).Theanalysis the family Syntrophomonadaceae in the order of of significantly changed and unique OTUs further Clostridiales and an unclassified order in the class confirms that the phylogenetic composition of soil of Clostridia significantly (Po0.05) decreased at microbial communities changed in response to eCO . eCO , as did an unclassified phylotype (Po0.01), 2 2 although no significant changes were observed in Significantly changed microbial populations at eCO other phytolypes (for example, Bacilli, Mollicutes) 2 To understand what specific microbial populations (Supplementary Figure S5). Also, three groups of maybeaffectedbyeCO ,wemappedOTUsdetected Actinobacteria showed significantly decreased 2 to microbial populations at the phylum or lower signal intensities at eCO , which included the 2 levels, and significantly changed populations were order Acidimicrobiaceae and an unclassified identified by response ratio based on PhyloChip phylotype in the class Acidimicrobiales; the order hybridization signal intensity. At the phylum level, BifidobacteriaceaeintheclassBifidobacterialesand TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 266 Figure3 SignificantlychangedOTUsinthephylumofProteobacteriaateCO byusingtheresponseratiomethod(Luoetal.,2006)at 2 95%confidenceinterval. an unclassified phylotype at the phylum level, and Discussion interestingly, no significant changes in signal in- tensity were observed in the largest class Actino- The long-term sustainability of ecosystem produc- mycetales (Supplementary Figure S6). In addition, tivityrequiresdetailedknowledgeofitsbiodiversity nosignificantchangeswereobservedinthephylum coupled to profound understanding of its function- of Bacteroidetes (Supplementary Figure S7) or ing. To better understand the implications of eCO 2 Acidobacteria even at the class, order or family on microbial communities, we used PhyloChip to level (Supplementary Figure S8). Those results comprehensively survey the richness, composition indicate that eCO significantly affected some and structure of soil microbial communities in the 2 specific microbial populations at different taxo- BioCON grassland. Our results showed that eCO 2 nomic levels, such as phylum, class, order and significantly altered the microbial community family, and those phylotypes generally appeared to diversity, composition and structure, especially for have decreased signal intensities at eCO . particular microbial populations at the OTU level. 2 TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 267 Figure4 AveragePhyloChiphybridizationsignalintensitiesforaCO andeCO samplesatthephylumlevel.Significancewastestedby 2 2 responseratios(Luoetal.,2006).***Po0.01;**Po0.05. Such microbial population changes were signifi- altered the Actinobacterial community structure cantly correlated with soil and plant properties. butnotitsdiversity(Piaoetal.,2008).Bacteroidetes This study provides a comprehensive survey of are the fourth most prevalent group of bacteria themicrobialrichnessandcompositionofgrassland detected in this study, with three major classes soil microbial communities. Previous studies with (Bacteroidetes, Flavobacteria, Sphingobacteria). 16S rRNA-based analyses using clone libraries Acidobacteria are among the most dominant phyla (Janssen, 2006; Lesaulnier et al., 2008), microarrays in soil-borne microbial communities, and generally (for example, PhyloChip) (Cruz-Martinez et al., areclassifiedintoeightclasses(Handelsman,2004). 2009; DeAngelis et al., 2009; Yergeau et al., 2009), The diversity of Acidobacteria in soil was recently pyrosequencing (Roesch et al., 2007; Fulthorpe examined using different approaches, and a higher et al., 2008; Campbell et al., 2010; Eilers et al., proportion of Acidobacteria was observed in bulk 2010;Urozetal.,2010)andotherapproaches(Drigo soil than in rhizosphere soil (Kielak et al., 2008). et al., 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010; Feng et al., 2009) Therefore, this study provides a comprehensive show that soil microbial communities are highly survey of the richness and composition of soil diverse and complex. In this study, 2269 OTUs microbial communities at this grassland ecosystem. affiliated 45 phyla, 55 classes, 99 orders, 164 Elevated atmospheric CO may affect soil micro- 2 families and 190 subfamilies were detected. Proteo- bial communities in both direct and indirect ways. bacteria was the most well-represented phylum, In a previous study, soil CO flux increased 2 with a-, b-, d-, g- and e-Proteobacteria, as well as 0.57mmolm(cid:2)2s(cid:2)1 or 16% on average at eCO 2 unclassifiedclasses,detected.Thisgroupofbacteria conditions as compared with aCO conditions in 2 has considerable morphological, physiological and the BioCON site (Craine et al., 2001). Also, a recent metabolicdiversity,whichareofgreatimportanceto studyinthesamesiteshowedthattheabundanceof global carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling (Kersters key genes involved in microbial C and N fixation, etal.,2006).Firmicutesweredetectedasthesecond and labile C degradation, was significantly in- most prevalent phylum in terms of the number of creased at eCO (He et al., 2010b). Those results 2 OTUs, and Bacilli, Clostridia and Mollicutes were suggestthateCO maydirectlyimpactsoilmicrobial 2 found to be major classes in this grassland ecosys- communitystructureandfunction.However,asCO 2 tem. Some previous cloning analyses may under- concentrationsintheporespaceofsoilgenerallyare estimate this group as cells or spores are known to between 2000 and 38000 p.p.m., much higher than be difficult to lyse during DNA extraction (Janssen, thoseintheatmosphereevenunderaCO condition, 2 2006). The members of the Actinobacteria phylum the direct effects of eCO on soil microbial commu- 2 are a group of Gram-positive bacteria that have an nities may be negligible compared with potential important role in organic matter turnover and indirect effects, such as increased plant carbon carbon cycling, such as decomposition of cellulose inputs to soil and changes in soil properties (Drigo and chitin, and Actinomycetales and Acidimicro- et al., 2008). The data presented here reflect this bialeswerefoundtobemajorclassesintheBioCON idea:CO aloneexplained5.8%ofthetotalvariation 2 site. A previous study showed that long-term of microbial community structure, compared with organic and inorganic amendments significantly soilvariablesat22.1%andplantvariablesat21.5%. TheISMEJournal EffectofeCO andenvironmentalfactorsonsoilmicrobes 2 ZHeetal 268 Also, eCO significantly increased plant productiv- populations, such as Chloroflexis and Cyanobacteria. 2 ity, whole-plot total N, soil pH and soil moisture, Indeed, a decrease in the signal intensity of those anddecreasedwhole-plotplantN,abovegroundand phyla was observed in this study. pH has been belowground N concentrations. The results suggest considered an important factor affecting the diver- eCO may directly and indirectly affect soil micro- sity and structure of soil microbial communities 2 bial communities, and the indirect effects appear to (Fierer and Jackson, 2006), and our Mantel analysis make more of a contribution to shaping the soil showed a significant correlation between soil prop- microbial communities. erties, including pH and g-Proteobacteria or OP10. Effects of eCO on plant and soil properties are In this study, soil pH was B6.2 in aCO plots and it 2 2 expectedtomodifytaxonomicmicrobialcommunity significantly increased to B6.5 in eCO plots, 2 composition and structure, and regulate ecosystem suggesting a possible shift of microbial community functioning. First, it is indicated by differential composition and structure. Therefore, our results responses of soil microbial populations to eCO . indicate that both soil and plant properties, such as 2 Increases in soil carbon, coupled to an increase in soil pH, moisture and plant biomass, significantly cellulolyticandchitinolyticactivities,werenotedto affect the microbial richness, composition and alter the availability of soil substrates for microbial structure, which may determine or modify ecosys- metabolism (Larson et al., 2002; Phillips et al., tem functioning. 2002). Previous studies showed increases in the The central hypothesis of this study was that, at abundance of Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes at eCO , an increase in plant biomass (Reich et al., 2 eCO (Sait et al., 2006; Lesaulnier et al., 2008). 2006)andsoilcarboninputs(Adairetal.,2009),and 2 However, we did not see significant changes in the associated microenvironmental changes (Reich, total signal intensities for Actinobacteria, Bacteroi- 2009; He et al., 2010b), would stimulate microbial, detes or other most abundant phyla at the phylum especially bacterial growth, which would lead to level in response to eCO . In a-Proteobacteria, a significant changes in the richness, composition, 2 significant increase in the abundance of OTUs structure and function of soil microbial commu- related to Rhodobium and a significant decrease in nities. Previous studies of effects of eCO on soil 2 the abundance of OTUs related to Bradyrhizobium microbial communities showed variable responses. were detected in the trembling aspen FACE study Forexample,astudyconductedatatremblingaspen (Lesaulnier et al., 2008), and a recent study showed FACE experiment site in Wisconsin, USA, showed a stimulation of purple phototrophic a- and b- an increase in heterotrophic decomposers and a Proteobacteria in a flooded paddy soil by eCO decrease in nitrate reducers of the domain bacteria 2 (Feng et al., 2009), which are generally consistent and archaea, although the total bacterial abundance withthisstudy.Also,thepreferenceofAcidobacter- didnotchange(Lesaulnieretal.,2008).Bycontrast, iainbulksoilhasbeensuggestedtobearesultofthe no detectable effects on microbial community oligotrophic lifestyle for many members of this structure, microbial activity, potential soil N miner- phylum (Fierer et al., 2007). A higher input of alization or nitrification rates were observed at a organicmatterintosoilateCO maybefavorablefor sweetgum FACE experiment in Tennessee, USA 2 carbon polymer-degrading or fast-growing microor- (Austinetal.,2009).Fortestingourcorehypothesis, ganisms, which presumably outcompete Acidobac- thisstudyhadseveralstrengths:(i)Itwasconducted teria. If true, the signal intensity of Acidobacteria at a well-designed BioCON experimental site, with may remain unchanged or decrease at eCO , which 12 replicates for each CO condition, so that the 2 2 wasobservedinthisstudy.Inaddition,adecreasein effectsofeCO onsoilmicrobialcommunitiescould 2 the abundance of Crenarchaea and Verrucomicrobia berobustlyexamined;(ii)PhyloChipisconsidereda at eCO was observed previously (Lesaulnier et al., powerful tool for a comprehensive survey of micro- 2 2008), which is consistent with our observation in bial richness and composition (DeAngelis et al., thisstudy.MembersofVerrucomicrobiaarereported 2009;Rastogietal.,2010),whichmayovercomethe to be negatively impacted by soil moisture (Buckley limitations of cloning-based approaches and (iii) and Schmidt, 2001), which has been shown to this study was conducted in a grassland ecosystem increase at eCO in the BioCON site (Reich et al., with defined plant species, which minimizes the 2 2001; He et al., 2010b) and other sites (Zavaleta effects of plant diversity and composition on soil et al., 2003), which is largely due to reduced microbial communities. Indeed, consistently with stomatal conductance of plants (Kandeler et al., some previous studies in grasslands (Schortemeyer 2008). Second, significant correlations are observed et al., 1996; Drissner et al., 2007), our results between environmental factors and microbial indicated that eCO had significant effects on the 2 communities. A negative impact of increased con- richness, composition and structure of soil micro- centrations of organic matter on the growth of bial communities. First, such changes are reflected Acidobacteria was observed previously (Stevenson in a decrease in richness, which generally agrees et al., 2004), and consistently, Acidobacteria-4 with previous studies (Begon et al., 1996; Hughes populations were found to be correlated signifi- et al., 2001). Similarly, a significant decrease in cantlywithplantvariablesinthisstudy.Also,more richness was observed in some phyla (for example, carbon input into soil may affect autotrophic Chloroflexi,OP10).Second,more OTUswere found TheISMEJournal

Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Acidobacteria, suggesting a shift in microbial . bial communities and (iii) link soil geochemistry and plant properties Nucleic Acids Res 24: 2623–2625. Ainsworth EA
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