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• e 10SO o SC OO ..... editebdy William O'Donohue and RichaFr.d I(itchener THE PHILOOSPHY OF PSYCHOLOGY CopyrihgteMda terial CopyrhigteMda terial THE PHILOSOPHY OF PSYCHOLOGY EDITEDB Y WILLIAMO 'DONOHUEA ND RICHARDF .K ITCHENER SAGEP ublications London• ThousaOnadk s• New Delhi CopyrhigteMda terial PraecfeI,n trtoidoaunncEd d itorial© selectiCohanp t1e5©r K arHl.P ribr1a99m6 WillOia'Dmo nohauneRd i chFa.rKd i tch1e99n6e r Chapt1e6©r A aroBne n-'Zee1v 99 6 ChaptI eHr©a rvSeiye g1e99l6 Chapt1e7©r U llTi.Pn l aNciec,Ck h atMeirek, Chap2t© e Hra ro1lB.dr ow1n9 96 Oakfsor dB,a rCr.yS mith, GRriachhaa,Emr li dzsabeth Chap3t© e Srt eFvuel l1e99r6 R.V alen1t9i9n6e Chap4t© e Mri chEa.eG lo rma1n9 96 Chapt1e8©r A doGlrfi inb1a9u9m6 Chapt5ea rns8d © RichFa.rK di tch1e9n9er6 Chapt1e9©r E dwaErrdw i1n9 96 Chap6t© e Mra xH ocu1t99t6 Chap2t0e© r W illOi'Daomn ohauneJd a sSo.Vn a s1s9 96 Chap7t© e Rro geFr.G ibs1o99n6 Chap2te1©r H ugLha ceayn Bda rSrcyh wa1r99t6z Chap9t© e Url lTi.Pn l ace 1996 Chap2t2e© r J oseApgha s1s9i9 6 Chapt1e0©r R ichGaarrdr 1e9t9t6 Chap2t3e©r J oRni ng1e9n9 6 ChaptIe©IrJ oseFp.Rh y chl1a9k9 6 Chap2t4e© r K areSnto rhmK itch1e9n96e r Chapt1e2©r H erbAe.rS ti mo1n9 96 Chap2t5e© r W ill0i' aDmo noahnuRdei chMaarndg old Chapt1e3©r M arHk. B ickh1a99r6d 1996 Chapt1e4©r C .A. Hooker 1996 First pu1b99l6i shed Alrli grhetsse rNvoep da.ro tft hpiUsb licmaatybi eo n reopdrucsetdo,ri enadr etrievatlr asnyssmtoierutm tt,ie ldi zed ina nfyor mo rb ya nmye anesl,eo cntirmce,c hanpihcoatlo,­ copyirnegc,o rodroi tnhge rwwiitshep,oe urtm isisnwi roint ing fromt hPeu blishers. SAGEP ublicLtda tions 6 BonShtirlele t LondEoCn2 A4P U SAGEP ublicIantci ons 245T5e lRloeard ThousOaankdCs a,l oirnfi9a1 230 SAGEP ublicIantdiioanL stP dv t 32M,- BloMcakr ket GreaKtaeirl -aIs h NewD elIh0iI0 4 8 British LCiabtraalroyg iuniP nugb licadtaitoan A catalroegcuoferor d tbhoiosik s availfarmbo tlhee BrLiibtriasrhy ISB0N7 6195 3034 ISB0N7 61593 0I5( pbk) LibraorfCy o ngrecsast alcoagrn du mbe9r6- 070152 TypebsyeT tK MP rodtuicoBnoss,t MoAn 0 1690U SA PrinitnGe rde at BbryHi atratlinlnLos t dB,o dmiCno,rn wall CopyrhigteMda terial CONTENTS Preface viii TheC ontributors x Introduction xiii 1 EPISTEMOLOGY,P SYCHOLOGY OF SCIENCE, 1 AND THE FOUNDATIONSO F PSYCHOLOGY 1 Naturalainsdmt he HarveSyi egel 4 AbandonmeonfNto rmativity 2 PsycholoNgayt,u ralized HarolId.B rown 19 EpistemolaongdRy a,t ionality 3 SociEapli stemolaongdy StevFeu ller 33 Psychology 4 PsycholoogfSy c ience MichaeEl.G orman 50 5 GenetEipci stemolaongdy RichaFr.dK itchener 66 CognitPisvyec hology ofS cience 2 BEHAVIORISMP,S YCHOLOGY,A ND PHILOSOPHY 79 6 BehavioraissO mp position MaxH ocutt 81 toC artesianism 7 QuineB'esh aviorism RogeFr. G ibson 96 8 SkinneTrh'eso royfT heoriesR ichaFr.dK itchener 108 9 LinguisBteihca vioraissa m UlliTn.P lace 126 PhilosoopfhE ym piriSccaile nce CopyrhigteMda terial vi CONTENTS 10 SkinneCra'ssef or RichaGradr rett 141 Radical Behaviorism 11 MustB ehaviBoerM echanistJiocs?e pFh.R ychlak 149 ModeliNnogn machines 3 COGNITIVES CIENCEA ND PSYCHOLOGY 157 12 ComputatiTohneaolr ies HerbeAr.tS imon 160 ofC ognition 13 Troublweist h MarkH .B ickhard 173 Computationalism 14 TowaradN aturaliCzoegdn itiCv.eA .H ooker 184 SciencAe F:r amewofrokr Cooperant BieotweePnh ilosophy andt heN aturSacli encoefs IntelliSgyesntte ms 15 NeurobehavSicoireanlc e, Karl H.P ribram 207 Neuropsychoalnodtg hye PhilosoopfhM yi nd 16 TypicEamlo tions AaroBne n-Zeev' 227 17 "FolPks ycholoagnyd"I ts ImplicatfioorPn ssy chologSicciaeln ce Introduction UlliTn.P lace 243 TheF alsiotfFy o lkT heorieNsi:c kC hater 244 ImplicatfioorPns sy chologMyi keO aksford andP hilosophy DoesS cienUcned erwrite BarrCy. S mith 256 OurF olPks ychology? FolPks ycholforgoym t he UlliTn.P lace 264 StandpooifnC otn ceptual Analysis On theN ecessaSruyr vivalG rahaRmi chards 270 ofF olPks ychology FolPks ycholaongdyI ts ElizabRe.tV ha lentine 275 ImplicatfioorCn osg nitive Science: Discussion 4 CLINICALP SYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY 279 18 IsP sychoanalVyisaibsl e? AdolGfr iinbaum 281 CopyrhigteMda terial CONTENTS vii 19 TheV aluoef P sychoanalytEidcw arEdr win 291 TherapAy Q:u estion ofS tandards 20 WhatI sa nI rratiBoenlaile f? WilliOa'mD onohue 304 Rational-EmTohteirvaepa yn d JasoSn.V ass AccounotfsR ationality 5 ETHICSA ND PSYCHOLOGY 317 21 TheF ormatiaonnd HughL acey 319 TransformaotfVi aolnu es BarrSyc hwartz 22 Prescripftoiro ns JosepAhg assi 339 ResponsiPbslyec hiatry 23 TheB ehaviTohre rapists' JonR ingen 352 DilemmaR:e flectoino ns AutonomIyn,f ormCeodn sent, andS cientPisfyicch ology 24 ProfessiCoondaelos f E thics KareSnt rohKmi tchener 361 andO ngoinMgo raPlr oblems inP sychology 25 A CritEixcaamli natoifot nh e WilliOa'mD onohue 371 EthicParli nciopfle s RichaMradn gold PsychologainsdCt osd e ofC onduct Index 381 CopyrhigteMda terial PREAFCE Asb otphs ycholaonpgdhi issltoosp hkenrosw , thWei tthh rei osfen ataulriesptiisct emiontl hoeg y fielodfsp s ychoalnopdg hyis loophhayr delvye r' 60tshq,eu esotfitohne rbeeltawteieonn sp sychol­ stasntdi( alllt hboeucgahou,fst eh eniart uarneds ogy and ephiasvtbeee memonul codhgi ys cussed sujbecmta ttperhsis,lo ophtye ntdosb es lhitglyt ypiciantl hcleoy n toef"x nta tluirseatpiics temol­ morfiex etdh apns ychoHliotsgoiyrc)a.tl hlreye ,l a­ogyI.nt" h airse tahi,en tsecriidnpialrreyl ation has tiboent wteheents wefio e lhdasrs a rbeeleoynn oef usuarlulfnory m p sychotloeo pgiys tem(oalnodg y peauclec foexisOtreingcieun.na dleilrfyef ntiantoettdh o et hwearya rou.nP da)rIct o ntsaeivnesr al ina ntiqpusiytcygh,yow laosab ranocfph h ilosdoi­scusstihoernsesel aotbfie otnwpses eync hology phyu nitlre cent Otnichema evsi.n g sietcsu arnedp dh ilpohsyio,np artictuhaleua tro,n omy of indepenhdoewnecvieebt,er c,a me jraealtoohufes r e pistemtohrleeo vlgaeyn,oc fpe s ychoalnotdgh ye itnse -wfouanudt onaonmidyn s stitehda t its ceonmgiptisircv­iee fnocerep si stemaonlpdo hgiyl oso­ icsatla steupsa riafrtto emad r m-cphhaiilro sopphhoyyf .s cieanncde p,ts hyeco hgooylf s ciePnacret. Asw ep oionutti no urI notdructtihoiansl, l It hurse prewsheahntta tssr atdiionbaeleclnay l led chanwgietdthh C eo gniRteivvoel uNtoiwbo,on t.h "fouinodnatails"si unep ss ycohgoyal nd philoso­ feilsdese wmi lltiocn ogn ctehdoeet hhearss o me­phyP.a r2it dse vottose udc fhou ndatiisonsaule s thitnoog ff re( although preciishsa esl iynt hwceho antto eftwx hhtaa htta s beeonft homeno es t alwabyeses nuj betcodt i spute). impor"traenste parroacgmhrm eis"np sychology Beitnrga iinnbe odt h psychology anapdnh di slopophihintyl ho2es0 otc­he ntubreyh-aviorism. phyb,o tahu thhoarvsae l watyhso uognhceto uldH erteh,le i noefis n flubeentcwepe esny chology noste patrhaet efit ewlo(d esx cfeopartd minisatnrpdah ­oislopghoby o th Awlatyhso.mu agnhiy n di­ tipvuepr oseasn)d, thasth otubhleedcy oe mvee n vidubaellsit ehveaerr ene ol ongaeniryn teresting moroep eann rde cepttoti hcveoe n triobftu htei oonru nsreolviesds useusr roupnhdiiolnpgoh sical othOefrc .o urwsehe a,v neoa tl waaygrse eodnt he behaviaonrdpi ssymc hologicalw eb ehaviorism, precrieslena tbieotpwseyecnh oalnopdgh yi losdoi­gsraee.c oTnhter ibcuotnitoaininstn hesides c ­ phyb uwte h avaeg reedt htichsonan etc tiiso nt iiolnt lruasctoen,t troat rhwyii sds epreaasds ump­ broatdheatrne xtbaonoadkn sto hgoilientsh fiee ldt iotnhm,ea nwya yisnw hipchhi losoipshsiuceasl indicate. surroubnedhianvgi coornitsitmnob u eoe fp eren­ Althotuhgehr e are sevaenrotalhlo ­nvieiarslys ugeo.o d gieisnt hfei eolf"d P hsiolpoahnyPd sychologTyh,es" t aotfuc so gniptsiyvceh oalnodcg oyg ni­ mosotft hem, weixtche pftceiewno otnnesi r,s suetsi vsec ientchete h iesmo efP ar3t.A lthotuhgeh relattoeC do gniPtsiyvceh oalnodCg oyg nititvhee omfe' phiplhoisicosasliu nte hsce o gnistciiv­e ScienAclet.h osuegchu rai cnegn tprlaalfc ore encecso'n titnobu eed si scuisnas p eeldt hoorfa theisnet eridniasrrceyil paltwieoa nlssb,oe lievnee wj uornaalnsbd ooktshc,eo ntiroibnousfot ur theayr e somberwohaaadnteid rn corpsoervaetreaa lu thaorrneso wt i thooruitg iannamdle irtOiynt c.e othaerre aCso.n sequweenh talvyte,r iteobd e agawienh ,a veen coudr aaguethorvsa rfrioemt ya morsew eepiinon ugsr eclteioofnc ontiroinbsuot fp oinotfvs i eawn da pparcohetso address antd os trtehsresa tuhnelri mwiatyeisdnw hichs electedo fca osnpteecmtpsco organriypt siyv­e psychoalnodpg hyoi slopahryre e lattoee adc h choloTghryee. a dweinrlo lt ient heesseys saab i- other. CopyrhigteMda terial PREFACE ix direcitnifolnuabelen tcwepe seync hoalnopdgh yi ­varioefct oyn bturtiitooqn use stsiuornrso unding losophy. thqeu esotfiv oanl uinep ss ychotlhonega yt,uo rfe Int hpea stth,eh raevb ee eanlt lo foe wd iscurse­sponsainabdui tlointaoynm idys ,s oufeopsefr s­ sioonfts h ceo nnecbteitownpesse ync hoalnodg syi oentahlic coanldi untc htce o ntoefpx sty clhoog ­ philosiontp h"hesy o fter"i npa atrriecauscl,la irn,i­ cparlta icce. ical psayncrdhe ollafiotegelyhdd a sv e ubnedeenr ­Alolft hceo ntiroinbtusott hviosl umeor airgei­ repsreentienmd o stte xtbaonodk sa nthionl ongailne;os nh ea vbee epnr eviopuusbllyi Osuhre d. thpeh ilosoppshyyc hoo(flH oegryie.ps, h iilto stoh­antkots ha eu thfoorrt sh epiart ience and under­ phwyh iscehe tmohs a vhea add ominraonlPtea .r)t s tandaisn gpw reo ceededt htleho rnaognu dg h 4,t hereifsdo erveo,t pehd iltoos oipshsiiucnea stl e diporuosco efss oscl iitmianngu sscr,re ivpitew­ clinpiscyaclh oelsopgeyc,pi saylcnlhayol ayasnids i nagn d evatlhueasmtee,ilc ntgai nnsdgu ggesting ratieomnoatlti hveer. Wa eph yahdo pedi ntcol udcehn ageest,c O.u rt hanaklsst oot woo utside morceo ntriibunt stiehocintssbi uoatnl w,ae sw ere reviewersH-oGweaorrdg e (UnoifNv oterres ity nota blteos ecuprhleio sopdhiisccauls sioDnasm ea)on fAdr thHuoru (tMse mphSitsaU tnei ver­ othaesrp eocftt hsse o ftaerre Paasry.tt hliirsse m­sitwyh)oc, a ruelfrleya tdhe en tmiarneu scarnidp t ediiendP ar5t,w hicihsc oncewrnietdeh t hicgarlia ocusolffeyr eedx tenssuigvsgete iofnosr issiunep ssy chologyt.h oeWt hhseeerrce taiso inmsp,re omvenTth.a naklss tooZ iyaMda raarn d by alnadrw geer,ce o ncewrnietedhp istemolSohgaircCoaanlw oaotSd a ge. anmde taphiysssuiecspa sliy nc hohleormgeoy r,a l Biwlolu llidtk oae c knowhleifdsmag ielJ ya,n e phiolpohsayn edt h1i0c0slm a r.Og uere xperieanncKdea taineDd,i cwko ullidtk oae c knloewdhgies habse en tthheiasstes huaevnseo b te ewni dedliys ­fmailKya,r eann dB riafnotr,h euinrd erstanding cussbeypd h iolpohsearnpsds ychologtihsitsas n.sd u Bpupatos r tbw oets hp emnotrt ei maew afyor m isper cisoenley ceanrteraa lwp hheirleo sopohuifrcma aillt iheawsne h aadn ryi ghBtu attsa o l.w ays isssueeseu mn avoiPdaarb5tl t eh.uc sno tainst haew ye ruen derstaannsddu ipntpgio rve. CopyrhigteMda terial

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