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The Philosophy of Autism The Philosophy of Autism Edited by Jami L. Anderson & Simon Cushing ROWMAN&LITTLEFIELDPUBLISHERS,INC. Lanham•Boulder •NewYork•Toronto•Plymouth,UK PublishedbyRowman&LittlefieldPublishers,Inc. AwhollyownedsubsidiaryofTheRowman&LittlefieldPublishingGroup,Inc. 4501ForbesBoulevard,Suite200,Lanham,Maryland20706 www.rowman.com 10ThornburyRoad,PlymouthPL67PP,UnitedKingdom Copyright©2013byRowman&LittlefieldPublishers Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinanyformorbyany electronicormechanicalmeans,includinginformationstorageandretrievalsystems, withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher,exceptbyareviewerwhomayquote passagesinareview. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationInformationAvailable LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Anderson,JamiL. Thephilosophyofautism/JamiL.Anderson&SimonCushing. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-4422-1707-2(cloth:alk.paper)--ISBN978-1-4422-1709-6(electronic) 1.Autism--Philosophy.I.Cushing,Simon,1968-II.Title. RC553.A88A532012 616.85'882--dc23 2012036099 ThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsofAmericanNational StandardforInformationSciencesPermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibraryMaterials, ANSI/NISOZ39.48-1992. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Contents Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1 JamiL.AndersonandSimonCushing 1 Autism:TheVeryIdea 17 SimonCushing 2 EmbodyingAutisticCognition:TowardsReconceivingCertain “Autism-Related”BehavioralAtypicalitiesasFunctional 47 MichaelDoanandAndrewFenton 3 AutismandtheExtremeMaleBrain 73 RuthSample 4 IThink,ThereforeIAm.IAmVerbal,ThereforeILive. 103 NickPentzell 5 ADashofAutism 109 JamiL.Anderson 6 KnowingOtherMinds:EthicsandAutism 143 AnnaStubblefield 7 Autism,Empathy,andAffectiveFraming 167 MichelleMaiese 8 Advocacy,AutismandAutonomy 187 DavidDeVidi Index 201 Contributors 207 v Acknowledgments WebothwanttothankMarissaParks,AssociateEditoratRowman&Little- field; she was immediately excited about this project and has been fantasti- callysupportivethroughthewholeprocess. The initialideaforwritingthisbookwas not mine,but oncetheideawas in my head, I was able to do my part because of the encouragement and assis- tance I have received from people I would like to thank. I took my first philosophy course, a freshman seminar, when I was barely seventeen years old andhadnoideawhatI was doing with my life,fromJeffrie G. Murphy. He is a brilliant teacher, truly gifted at showing how important and relevant philosophy is. Although always supportive of my philosophical efforts, he recently suggested that I write a philosophical reflection on my experiences of parenting an autistic son; his kind and encouraging words inspired me to write my chapter. Mike Brownell, Jennifer Sopka, Carol Fast, and Katie Kramer have each been terrific sources of information about autism, but more importantly, each was tremendously helpful to us and was (or, with Mike, continuesto be) afabulousteacherandfriendforour son. EmilyVan Brocklin, our Mary Poppins, has made the last six years possible and our son’s life wonderful. There simply is no way we could have gotten through them without her. Zea (a.k.a. Zena, Zeke, Zach) Miller’s gifted assistance and(almost)constantgoodcheermadeworkingonthisbooksheerjoy.Let’s worktogetheronanotherbook!And,ofcourse,Iwanttothankmyboys,all threeofthem. (JA) My life would have been very different if it had not been for Anthony Grayling,whowasnotonlymyfirstphilosophyteacher,butthepersonwho vii viii Acknowledgments suggested to me that I should try the Graduate School Thing. I only applied to one graduate school (the one he suggested) where I met my future co- editor and life partner on the first day. So he’s got a lot to answer for. On matters pertaining to the subject matter of this book, I would like to thank Elizabeth Anderson for some great advice, and join Jami in thanking Emily Van Brocklin, who has been perhaps the most important figure in our son’s lifesincehewasababy.Ifthisbookwerededicatedtoanyone,itwouldbeto her. Finally, the book almost certainly would not have happened if not for Zea Miller, by-now graduate student at Purdue, who put in many hours of invaluableeditingworkandreallyshouldbelistedasco-editorifweweren’t suchglory-huntingcredit-hogs. (SC)

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