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The PH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight PDF

388 Pages·2006·11.719 MB·English
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THE MIRACLE for WEIGHT LOSS Balance your Body Chemistry to Achieve your Ideal Weight Dr Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young Bestselling authors of The pH Miracle iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., is a nationally reowned micro¬ biologist and nutritionist who speaks to audiences around the world on health and wellness. He holds a degree in microbiology and nutri¬ tion and has devoted his hfe to researching the cause of disease and helping people reclaim their health and well-being. Dr. Young is head of the pH Miracle Living Foundation and has gained national recognition for his research into diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and AIDS. He is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the American Naturopathic Association and conducts classes in live blood analysis and the “New Biology.” Shelley Redford Young, L.M.T., is a hcensed massage thera¬ pist with a passionate interest in optimum nutrition. With Dr. Young she speaks to audiences around the world on the basic requirements of a healthful diet, sharing her delicious, alkalizing, vegetarian recipes (many examples giving in this book). Together, Robert and Shelley Young provide a dynamic dose of helath and nutrition expertise, guaranteed to inform and Qnlighte.n. They are the authors of The pH Miracle and The pH Miracle for Diabetes. Also by these authors The pH Miracle The pH Miracle Loss FOR Weighi Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight Robert O. Young, PhD, and Shelley Redford Young TIME WARNER BOOKS First published in Great Britain in 2006 by Time Warner Books Copyright © by Hikari Holdings, LLC 2006 Photos on page 19 taken by Kathryn A. Godden and Scott A. Johnson Photos on page 43 by James Ward After’ photo on page 199 © The Picture People The moral right of the authors has been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this pubhcation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the pubhsher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is pubhshed and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Publishers Note: The programme herein is not intended to replace the services of trained health professionals, or be a substitute for medical advice. You are advised to consult with your healthcare professional with regard to matters relating to your health, and in particular regarding matters that may require diagnosis or medical attention. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN-13:978-0-7515-3710-9 ISBN-10:0-7515-3710-1 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives pic Time Warner Books An imprint of Little, Brown Book Group Brettenham House Lancaster Place London WC2E 7EN A member of the Hachette Livre Group of Companies www.lirdebrown.co.uk Time Warner Books is a trademark ofTime Warner Inc. or an affiliated company. Used under hcence by Litde, Brown Book Group which is not affihated with Time Warner Inc. Dedication “At the center of the universe is a loving heart that continues to beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything we can do to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our fellow human beings, that is our job. Those of us who have this particular vision must continue against all odds. Life is for service.” These are the profound and loving words of the late Fred Rogers who taught many of us growing up to serve and love others. As we reflect on the words of Mr. Rogers we must express that our greatest happiness and joy has come when we are in the service of our God, our family, our friends, and our brothers and sisters around the world. We, too, beUeve that life is for service—hfe is about changing flves for the better and saving lives from physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage. This is our mission statement and our hope for a better, more righteous and loving world to live in. This is what Jesus taught when he walked the earth—to love and serve God with aU our hearts, might, minds, and strength and to love and serve one another. With love and service as the keystone of our life, it is our honor, privilege, and blessing to dedicate this book first to our God, who has given us life and the reasons to serve; second to our children, Adam, Ashley, Andrew, and Alex, our son-in-law Matthew, and our grandchild CharLee, who teach us through their kindness, love, and example; third to our friend Mr. Rogers and his great example of service to children of all ages; and finally to those children and adults who have felt the pain, despair, and hopelessness of obe¬ sity. May this book be an olive branch of hope and healing. May our service begin first with selfless acts of love for others and then, and only then, our physical, emotional, and spiritual healing begin to take place in us, followed by heaflng in our families, next in our communities, then in our nations, and finally in our world. Acknowledgments I believe Shelley and I have outlined specific spiritual truths in The pH Miracle for Weight Loss that can and w^ill determine the quality and the quantity of your life and set you truly free to live with faith, hope, joy, happiness, love, energy, and passion—free from excess weight, sickness, and disease. We have not completed this work alone or in isolation but with the help of many others who have con¬ tributed time and talents in making The pH Miracle for Weight Loss a reahty. First and foremost we give thanks and gratitude to a loving Heavenly Father who has blessed Shelley and me with further fight and knowledge of spiritual principles or truths to share with our family, friends, and other brothers and sisters of the world to im¬ prove the quality and quantity of each individual fife on this planet, including all animals and plant fife. To our incredible children, Adam, Ashley, Andrew, and Alex, we give thanks, gratitude, and love for always being supportive in our endeavors of service to others while sacrificing time away from home and from them. Once again, we must give thanks and gratitude for the fife and work of the greatest scientist of the nineteenth century, Antoine Bechamp, and the truths he shared with the world in his final book. The Blood: The Third Anatomical Element. His fife and work have been a refreshing confirmation that Shelley and I are on the path of truth and fight, which leads to the tree of fife that has been shown to improve the quality and quantity of fife for thousands of folks worldwide. Acknowledgments Vll Our thanks and gratitude to our great, great grandfather, Brigham Young, who taught us the nature of matter from his own words more than one hundred years ago when he said, “Matter can¬ not be created nor can it be destroyed, it can only be organized or disorganized.” With this foundational understanding of matter I was able to view and then document the biological transformation of matter from one form to another form, such as a red blood cell bi¬ ologically transforming into a bacterial or yeast cell or vice versa. To our publisher, Warner Books, and especially our editor there, Diana Baroni: our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for having the faith and courage in Shelley and me to publish not just another book on weight loss but the foundational, temporal, and spiritual truths of healthy and long-lasting weight loss free of all sickness and disease. Our thanks also to our editor CoUeen Kapldein, who continues to carefully and thoughtfully weave our words into a beautiful man¬ uscript so that anyone can understand and implement these prin¬ ciples in their daily lives. To our agents, Richard Hill and Greg Link, we express our thanks for their confidence in and commitment to getting our mes¬ sage out there in the world so that all our brothers and sisters may enjoy the benefits of pH Miracle Living. To our good and faithful friend and fellow servant Glen Ezekiel, who has always been there to help in all ways—^we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We express our gratitude and thanks to Jason Moore and Corrine Brandi, who have assisted us in compiling some of the most com¬ pelling blood research contained in this book, helping us document the reahty of biological transformation and the way life and death begins and ends in the blood with the primary cell, the erythrocyte. In the words of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, “Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy obser¬ vation in hfe.” We are eternally grateful for your selfless service and commitment to Shelley and me and your fellow inhabitants around the world seeking a better way of living, eating, and thinking. To the thousands of overweight, underweight, sick, and tired folks worldwide and especially those individuals who demonstrated Acknowledgments Vlll the faith, hope, courage, and commitment to apply the pH Miracle Living plan of health, energy, and fitness and to make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes as presented in this book in order to bring about renewed health and energy, a return to a healthy ideal weight, and a renewed passion for life free of aU sickness and dis¬ ease—^we are trvdy thankful. You are an inspiration and a motivation to all who will read your stories of patience, persistence, faith, hope, and commitment. Through your stories, and with the knowledge that no one needs to choose to be fat, sick, or tired, lives will be changed for the better and lives will be saved. You have taught us all that being sick, tired, and fat is a conscious choice, not a disease, just as incredible outstanding health, energy, and vitality is something you do, not something you get. Thank you for being shining examples of pH Miracle Living. Much appreciation goes to the many talented chefs who entered our second pH Miracle recipe contest. Many of your creative and tasty dishes are now at our fingertips because of your generous car¬ ing hearts. Thank you for sharing your culinary masterpieces so that all can enjoy and benefit! We’d also like to thank our staff at The pH Miracle Living Center, namely Brock, Matthew, Richard, Edna, Donna, Ashley, and Katie, for preparing, testing, and deciding the winners for the contest. Special thanks to Ashley Young Lisonbee and Donna Downing for their efforts in creating new recipes and preparing all the recipes for publication. In gratitude, thanks, love, and light. Dr. Robert and Shelley Young

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