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The Perfect 10 Diet: 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast! PDF

434 Pages·2010·5.67 MB·English
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Preview The Perfect 10 Diet: 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast!

Success Stories The Perfect 10 Diet has been around for years. Before the publication of this book, thousands of people lost weight and succeeded on the diet. Many blogged on the Perfect 10 Diet’s website (www.ThePerfect10Diet.com) and shared their stories. Here is what many had to say: “I am half my size after two years. I am down to 120 pounds from 220 pounds. I gained my health and figure back on the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Jen C. “I am diabetic, and the Perfect 10 Diet helped me to get off my medications.” —John O. “A diet that works better than cholesterol drugs is not a diet; it is magic.” —Kelly C. “I lost 40 pounds, and I’m still losing.” —Jimmy L. “It is not low-fat; it is not lowcarb; it is unlike any other diet on the market. I love the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Meghan B. “I am a man who wants to look his absolute best. The Perfect 10 Diet is getting me there.” —Arthur M. “At age 44, I have the hormones of a 20-year-old woman thanks to the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Tanya F. “As a senior citizen, I need to know everything new in the anti-aging arena. The Perfect 10 Diet is my bible.” —Barry A. “I love the Perfect 10 Diet. I lost 44 pounds on this amazing, one-of-a-kind diet.” —Sharon K. “Clear skin, more energy, feeling great; I can’t ask for anything more.” —Michael P. “As a woman in menopause, I am finally able to shed the pounds after learning about hormones.” —Kelly A. “As a body builder, I love the Perfect 10 Diet. It helped me build chiseled muscles with the right supplements and more efficient workouts.” —Michael I. “As a woman with a sluggish thyroid, the Perfect 10 Diet has helped me learn which foods I should eat to support my thyroid gland while shedding the pounds. Amazing.” —Magda A. “I lost 45 pounds on the Perfect 10 Diet without missing any of the food I love. Now I know rich choices don’t mean unhealthy.” —Scott L. “I need a diet that is heart healthy, safe, and that keeps me in shape as I get older. The Perfect 10 Diet delivers.” —Linda M. “A diet that tells a guy like me how to preserve his youth as he gets older is not a diet—it is the fountain of youth.” —Ron R. “Delicious, easy, rich, and it delivers on all its promises. I love the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Dominique S. “The Perfect 10 Diet is more than a hot-air diet with a sexy title; it is a diet with brains.” —Peter C. “Forget plastic surgery. The Perfect 10 Diet is the closest thing to it without going under the knife.” —Sabena F. “A diet that allows me to eat what I want and lose weight is not a diet; it is a miracle.” —Jimmy V. “As a woman who tried to conceive for years with no success, I turned to the Perfect 10 Diet, and it helped me get pregnant.” —Catherine P. “I am the kind of guy who can’t live without carbs. Now, I eat carbs and lose weight.” —Jason F. “Forget low-fat; forget lowcarb. The Perfect 10 Diet is the diet that can change America.” —Heather N. “Forget everything you think is healthy. The Perfect 10 Diet is an eye-opening book that will change your views on what is healthy.” —Christopher M. “I went from a size 24 to a size 6, and I love it!” —Nancy A. “Understanding nutrition is a snap on the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Oliver S. “Plain, simple, and easy: that’s the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Holly S. “Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Jenny Craig—now I know why these diets didn’t work. They didn’t balance my hormones. The Perfect 10 Diet did it for me.” —David P. “My body fat is at 15 percent, down from 35 percent. I am a true believer.” —Karen P. “American, Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese cuisine on a diet…who can ask for anything more?” —Jonathan E. “Who needs Botox when the Perfect 10 Diet is a total face-lift?” —Melanie B. “The Perfect 10 Diet may not be popular at present, but it is absolutely the best in its class.” —Ryan E. “As a senior citizen, I need to look after myself. The Perfect 10 Diet is my kind of a diet. I am back to eating the food I ate when I grew up.” —Carol E. “Bread, rice, duck, fruit, and chocolate…what do I have to lose but the pounds? Sign me up for life.” —Fernando J. “You can’t go wrong with this diet.” —Heather S. “As a woman who had breast cancer, I need to know which foods I should eat or avoid. The Perfect 10 Diet delivers.” —Susan P. “All these fad diets out there don’t stand a chance next to the Perfect 10 Diet. It will only be a matter of time before they are all history.” —Paul N. “A diet that balances my hormones and speeds up my metabolism—I love it.” —Maria B. “I am off my antidepressants just by following the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Joseph A. “Weight loss, better health, delicious food. I’m a believer.” —Lisa K. “I am a man living with HIV. I need a diet that boosts my immunity. The Perfect 10 Diet helps me stay healthy.” —Sebastian A. “At age 50, I never thought I’d wear a bikini again, but I am living proof that the Perfect 10 Diet works.” —Helen G. “No diet can top the Perfect 10 Diet. I guarantee it.” —Jess O. “I look 10 years younger on the Perfect 10 Diet. I have the body I had in my teens and with no food deprivations. I feel I was given a new life on this amazing diet.” —Julie L. “I am an actor and I have to look my absolute best. The Perfect 10 Diet is my diet.” —John A. “I worked with a personal trainer for years, but I was never able to achieve results. The Perfect 10 Diet did it for me.” —Karen L. “Who has time to prepare two sets of food? The Perfect 10 Diet is a plan for the whole family.” —Georgette A. “At age 50, I feel like I’m 20 again on this amazing diet.” —Ted S. “A diet that lets me eat anywhere is my kind of a diet.” —Harold L. “Move over low-fat and lowcarb diets: the Perfect 10 Diet has arrived.” —Pearl L. “I used human growth hormone in the past to stay young, but I don’t need it anymore on the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Steven S. “At age 45, I am eating right for the first time in my life.” —Linda D. “Ten fingers up—not two thumbs up—for the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Keith A. “Who has time to read numerous books about insulin, thyroid, cortisol, leptin, growth hormone, and so on? All the juice is here, on the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Rita V. “Call me superficial, but I want to be a 10. The Perfect 10 Diet got me there.” —Craig B. “I lost more than pounds; I lost my baggy eyes and double chin.” —Brittany A. “I have lots of energy. I found it on the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Jamie B. “A complete makeover for my health and body.” —Michelle A. “Forget fad diets; the Perfect 10 Diet is the ultimate answer.” —Ethan P. “Eat anywhere, eat healthy meals, and enjoy the food I love? How easy is that?” —Carol Z. “The meal plan on the Perfect 10 Diet is nourishing, delicious, and healthy.” —Barry H. “The Perfect 10 Diet is misnamed; it is a 100.” —Tamara K. “An international diet with no counting calories is not a regular diet; it is a 10: the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Brian M. “The Perfect 10 Diet addresses many diseases from A to Z.” —Hope E. “All other diets I tried disturbed my hormones, but not the Perfect 10 Diet. I am finally able to achieve weightloss results.” —David H. “The Perfect 10 Diet is a century ahead of its time.” —Keisha K. “A landmark in nutrition. A standing ovation for the Perfect 10 Diet.” —Dean A. Thousands have been following the Perfect 10 Diet. Will you be the next to succeed on the Perfect 10 Diet? The Perfect 10 Diet 10 KEY HORMONES THAT HOLD THE SECRET TO LOSING WEIGHT & FEELING GREAT—fast! Michael Aziz, MD Copyright © 2010 by Michael Aziz Cover and internal design © 2010 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Photos courtesy of Shutterstock, Fotosearch, and Mary Kate Wright, MS, CMI Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.—From a Declaration of Principles Jointly Adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations The advice offered in this book is based on Dr. Michael Aziz’s experience successfully treating thousands of patients over many years. The information in this book should not be used as a substitute for your physician’s advice on hormone replacement, cholesterol, and diabetic drugs. Readers are advised to consult with their own doctors regarding the treatment of their medical problems. Neither the publisher nor the author takes any responsibility for any consequences from any advice, treatment, supplements, hormones, or medications to any person reading the information in this book. The initial stages of the Perfect 10 Diet are not appropriate for pregnant women or nursing mothers. All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. Sourcebooks, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor in this book. Published by Cumberland House, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567-4410 (630) 961-3900 Fax: (630) 961-2168 www.sourcebooks.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Aziz, Michael The perfect 10 diet : 10 key hormones that hold the secret to losing weight & feeling great— fast! / by Michael Aziz. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Weight loss--Endocrine aspects. 2. Energy metabolism. 3. Reducing diets--Recipes. I. Title. II. Title: Perfect ten diet. RM222.2.A975 2010 613.2’5--dc22 2009030763 Printed and bound in the United States of America. LB 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To my family: Betty, Scott, and Jimmy “To know truly is to know by causes.” —Francis Bacon (1561–1626) Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Part 1 Chapter 1: How Our Modern Diet Is Failing Chapter 2: The Evolution of the Human Diet: How We Got Here Chapter 3: The Ten Hormones That Control Health and Weight Part 2 Chapter 4: The Nutrients Your Body Needs Chapter 5: The Key Principles of the Perfect 10 Diet Chapter 6: Getting Started on the Perfect 10 Diet Chapter 7: Putting the Perfect 10 Diet into Action Chapter 8: Being a Savvy Consumer Chapter 9: The Perfect 10 Diet in Your Daily Life Chapter 10: Eating Out the Perfect 10 Diet Way Chapter 11: The Right Strategy to Becoming a 10 Perfect Part 3 Chapter 12: Exercise and the Perfect 10 Diet Chapter 13: Becoming a Perfect 10 with a Little Help Chapter 14: Staying the Course Chapter 15: Overcoming Sluggish Weight Loss Chapter 16: The Tests That Can Change Your Life Chapter 17: Does This Sound Like You? Chapter 18: Frequently Asked Questions Part 4: The Perfect 10 Diet Recipes Chapter 19: Recipes for Stage One Chapter 20: Recipes for Stages Two and Three

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