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The perception of social media as a promotional mix element in star-graded accommodation establishments in the Western Cape province of South Africa by Claudette van Niekerk submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce in the subject of Business Management at the University of South Africa Supervisor: Prof. M.C. Cant Co-supervisor: Mr R. Machado December 2014 Student Number: 5085-324-4 DECLARATION I declare that “The perception of social media as a promotional mix element in star-graded accommodation establishments in the Western Cape province of South Africa” was submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Commerce in the subject of Business Management with specialisation in Marketing and Retail Management, at the University of South Africa (Unisa), is my own work and that all sources utilised within this research study have been acknowledged by means of complete references. ............................................................. Claudette van Niekerk December 2014 ii DEDICATION This master’s dissertation is dedicated to my loving parents, Chris and Fransie van Niekerk, who have instilled in me the notion that through determination and positivity anything is possible. To my wonderful sister, Melissa van Niekerk, for the support and guidance throughout my studies. And to my fiancé, Ruan Rabie, thank you for your unconditional love and support through it all. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and gra- titude to the following individuals who have been instrumental in the completion of this study:  To my family, for the encouragement you have given me to do the best I can.  My supervisors, Prof. M.C. Cant and Mr R. Machado, for all their support, patience, encouragement and excellent guidance. Thank you for continually encouraging and motivating me throughout my studies. I could not have asked for better supervisors.  The University of South Africa (Unisa) for the financial assistance.  Andries Masenge from the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) for his guid- ance and expertise in the statistical field.  Dina Venter for conducting my statistical analysis.  Glenda Buncombe for editing this dissertation.  Jenny Seagreen for the layout, technical editing and formatting of this dis- sertation.  All the star-graded accommodation establishments in the Western Cape that participated in the study.  My work colleagues and friends for all your support and motivation. “We cannot achieve more in life than what we believe in our heart of hearts we deserve to have.” – James R. Ball – iv ABSTRACT Since the advent of the Internet, the number of individuals and organisations using tools such as the World Wide Web and cell phones has increased, and is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. Social media has provoked fundamentally different ways of doing business, and organisations rapidly had to get on this social media bandwagon to stay up to date with the latest market trends and ahead of the competition. Although social media is already broadly used among South African businesses, the perception regarding the use of social media as a promotional mix element has not been investigated sufficiently in South Africa. The primary purpose of this study was therefore to determine the perception of star-graded accommodation establishments, operating in the Western Cape province of South Africa, regarding the use of social media as a promotional mix element. A broad and in-depth literature review was conducted on the use of social media and social media as a probable promotional mix element. An empirical study was conducted, in which data was collected from star-graded accommodation establishments operating in the Western Cape by means of a web-based (computer-assisted) self-administered questionnaire. A quantitative approach was followed in order to satisfy the research objectives of this study. The results of this research study indicate that social media is perceived to be an instrumental marketing element in star-graded accommodation establishments and can indeed be considered an element of the promotional mix. Key terms Accommodation establishments; consumer behaviour; marketing; perception; promotional mix elements; social media; South Africa; star-graded; TGCSA; tra- ditional marketing methods; Western Cape. v CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ xiv DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS ........................................................................ xvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................. xix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ..................................................................... 2 1.3 BACKGROUND SKETCH OF THE STUDY ............................................. 2 1.3.1 The social media landscape ........................................................ 3 1.3.2 The accommodation sector within South Africa ........................... 4 1.4 PROBLEM STATEMENT AND RESEARCH QUESTION ........................ 6 1.4.1 Primary research objective .......................................................... 7 1.4.2 Secondary research objectives .................................................... 7 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ............................................................. 7 1.6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 8 1.6.1 Research design .......................................................................... 8 1.6.2 Sampling techniques .................................................................... 9 Population of the study ................................................ 9 Sampling method ........................................................ 9 Sample size .............................................................. 10 1.6.3 Data collection ........................................................................... 10 1.6.4 Data analysis ............................................................................. 11 1.7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .............................................................. 11 1.8 CHAPTER OUTLINE .............................................................................. 12 1.9 SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 13 CHAPTER 2: SOCIAL MEDIA AS A PROMOTIONAL MIX ELEMENT .......... 14 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 14 2.2 THE COMMUNICATION MODEL ........................................................... 15 2.3 THE PROMOTIONAL MIX ...................................................................... 19 2.4 ELEMENTS OF THE PROMOTIONAL MIX ........................................... 20 2.4.1 Advertising ................................................................................. 21 Print media ................................................................ 21 Broadcast media ....................................................... 22 Outdoor media .......................................................... 22 2.4.2 Direct marketing ......................................................................... 23 2.4.3 Public relations ........................................................................... 24 2.4.4 Personal selling .......................................................................... 24 2.4.5 Sales promotion ......................................................................... 25 vi 2.4.6 Sponsorship ............................................................................... 26 2.4.7 New media ................................................................................. 27 2.5 CONTEXTUALISING SOCIAL MEDIA ................................................... 28 2.5.1 Defining social media ................................................................. 29 2.5.2 Defining social networks ............................................................ 30 2.6 SOCIAL MARKETING ............................................................................ 31 2.6.1 Social media applications .......................................................... 31 Blogs ......................................................................... 31 Discussion forums ..................................................... 32 Micro-blogging .......................................................... 32 Wikis ......................................................................... 32 Virtual worlds ............................................................ 33 Photo, audio and video sharing ................................. 33 Social bookmarking services ..................................... 33 Social networking sites .............................................. 33 2.6.2 Social networking sites .............................................................. 34 Facebook .................................................................. 34 Twitter ....................................................................... 34 LinkedIn .................................................................... 35 MySpace ................................................................... 35 TripAdvisor ................................................................ 35 2.7 SOCIAL MEDIA AS A PROMOTIONAL MIX ELEMENT ........................ 36 2.8 USAGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY CONSUMERS ..................................... 38 2.9 THE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY ORGANISATIONS ........................... 40 2.10 BENEFITS AND DISADVANTAGES OF USING SOCIAL MEDIA AS A PROMOTIONAL MIX ELEMENT ................................................... 43 2.10.1 Benefits of using social media as a promotional mix element ...... 43 2.10.2 Disadvantages of using social media as a promotional mix element ...................................................................................... 44 2.11 SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 45 CHAPTER 3: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR AND PERCEPTIONS .................... 47 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 47 3.2 DEFINING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR................................................... 48 3.3 MARKETING STIMULI ........................................................................... 51 3.3.1 Product ...................................................................................... 52 3.3.2 Price ........................................................................................... 52 3.3.3 Distribution (place) ..................................................................... 52 3.3.4 Promotion (communication) ....................................................... 52 3.3.5 People ........................................................................................ 53 3.3.6 Physical evidence ...................................................................... 54 3.3.7 Processes .................................................................................. 54 vii 3.4 FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ......................... 54 3.4.1 Group factors ............................................................................. 55 The family ................................................................. 55 Culture ...................................................................... 56 Social class ............................................................... 57 Reference groups...................................................... 57 Opinion leaders ......................................................... 58 3.4.2 Individual factors ........................................................................ 59 Motivation .................................................................. 59 Perception ................................................................. 60 Learning ability .......................................................... 60 Attitude ...................................................................... 61 Personality ................................................................ 62 Lifestyle ..................................................................... 62 3.5 PERCEPTION AND THE PERCEPTUAL PROCESS ............................ 63 3.5.1 Perception .................................................................................. 63 3.5.2 The perceptual process ............................................................. 66 3.6 THE CONSUMER DECISION-MAKING PROCESS .............................. 71 3.6.1 Stage 1: Problem or need recognition ........................................ 72 3.6.2 Stage 2: Search for information ................................................. 74 3.6.3 Stage 3: Evaluation of alternatives ............................................. 76 3.6.4 Stage 4: Buying decision or response ........................................ 80 3.6.5 Stage 5: Post-buying evaluation ................................................ 80 3.7 THE DYNAMIC CUSTOMER DECISION JOURNEY ............................. 82 3.7.1 Consideration ............................................................................. 84 3.7.2 Evaluation .................................................................................. 85 3.7.3 Experience ................................................................................. 85 3.7.4 Loyalty/bond............................................................................... 86 3.8 RELEVANCE TO STUDY: PERCEPTIONS AND THE DYNAMIC CUSTOMER DECISION JOURNEY ....................................................... 87 3.9 SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 88 CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................. 89 4.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 89 4.2 THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS ........................................... 89 4.2.1 Step 1: Define the research problem ......................................... 92 4.2.2 Step 2: Identify the research objectives ..................................... 93 4.2.3 Step 3: Determine the research design ...................................... 94 Exploratory research design ..................................... 95 Conclusive research design ...................................... 95 4.2.4 Step 4: Identify information types and sources ......................... 98 Secondary data ......................................................... 98 Primary data ............................................................ 100 viii 4.2.5 Step 5: Design the sampling plan ........................................... 105 Define the population .............................................. 105 Specify the sampling frame ..................................... 106 Select the sampling method .................................... 106 Determine the sample size ...................................... 113 Select the sample ................................................... 115 4.2.6 Step 6: Design the research instrument .................................. 115 Determine objectives and type of information ......... 116 Determine the data collection method ..................... 117 Determine the response format ............................... 120 Decide on questionnaire wording ............................ 122 Establish questionnaire flow and layout .................. 123 Evaluate the questionnaire ...................................... 123 Obtain approval from all relevant parties ................. 123 Pre-test and revise .................................................. 124 Prepare the final copy ............................................. 124 Implement the survey .............................................. 124 4.2.7 Step 7: Conduct a pilot study (pre-testing) ............................... 125 4.2.8 Step 8: Collect the data ............................................................ 126 4.2.9 Step 9: Process and analyse the data ..................................... 127 4.2.10 Step 10: Interpret the results and compile a research report ..... 127 4.3 SUMMARY ........................................................................................... 128 CHAPTER 5: RESEARCH FINDINGS .......................................................... 129 5.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 129 5.2 OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH QUESTION AND OBJECTIVES ..... 129 5.2.1 Research question ................................................................... 129 5.2.2 Research objectives ................................................................. 130 5.3 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ANALYSIS. ............................................. 131 5.3.1 Qualifying (screening) questions .............................................. 131 5.3.2 Profile of respondents .............................................................. 133 5.3.3 Respondents’ familiarity with the term ‘social media’ (question 5) .............................................................................. 137 5.3.4 Current use of social media as a promotional mix element (question 6) .............................................................................. 137 5.3.5 Reasons for not implementing social media (questions 7 and 8) ....................................................................................... 138 5.3.6 Use of social media for business and marketing purposes (question 9) .............................................................................. 140 5.3.7 Respondents’ current use of social media (questions 12 and 13) ..................................................................................... 141 5.3.8 Marketing methods used in the past year by respondents (question 14) ............................................................................ 142 ix 5.3.9 Social media applications/websites used in the past year by respondents (questions 15 and 16) ..................................... 144 5.3.10 Perceived effectiveness of the use of social media (question 17) ............................................................................ 147 5.3.11 Perception of the use of social media as a promotional mix element (question 18) .............................................................. 148 5.3.12 Respondents’ social media marketing efforts (question 19) ...... 149 5.3.13 Respondents’ perception of social media as a promotional mix element (question 20) ........................................................ 150 5.3.14 Benefits of using social media as a promotional mix element (question 21) ............................................................................ 152 5.4 INFERENTIAL STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ............................................ 153 5.4.1 Respondents’ familiarity with the term ‘social media’ (question 5) .............................................................................. 154 Familiarity with the term ‘social media’ (question 5) vs. current use of social media as a promotional mix element (question 6) ............. 154 Familiarity with the term 'social media' (question 5) vs. perceived effectiveness of the use of social media (question 17) ........................... 157 5.4.2 Current use of social media as a promotional mix element (question 6) vs. perceived effectiveness of the use of social media (question 17) ................................................................. 160 5.4.3 Perceived effectiveness of the use of social media (question 17) vs. social media marketing efforts (question 19) ............................................................................ 162 5.4.4 Type of accommodation establishment (question 3) ................ 168 Various types of accommodation establishments (question 3) vs. social media marketing efforts (question 19) ........................................................... 168 Various types of accommodation establishments (question 3) vs. perception of social media as a promotional mix element (question 20) ................... 170 5.5 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY ............................................................... 171 5.5.1 Perception of the use of social media as a promotional mix element (question 18) .............................................................. 173 5.5.2 Social media marketing efforts (question 19) ........................... 176 5.5.3 Perception of social media as a promotional mix element (question 20) ............................................................................ 177 5.5.4 Benefits of using social media as a promotional mix element (question 21) ............................................................................ 179 5.6 CLUSTER ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 180 5.6.1 Cluster variables ...................................................................... 181 5.6.2 Four-cluster solution ................................................................ 182 5.7 SUMMARY ........................................................................................... 186 x

The University of South Africa (Unisa) for the financial assistance. approach was followed in order to satisfy the research objectives of this study. As the promotional mix elements have evolved and changed to adapt to the Cape Town can market a competition on Facebook, where an individual
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