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Preview The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 2001: Vol 125 Index

INDEX 2001 Abbey, Edwin Austin, 290, 291 Allen, William, cited, 397 Abbey of Metten (Germany), 431 Alton railroad, 145-46 Abbott, Kate, 386 Ambrose, Douglas, book review by, 283-86 Abele, Julian F., 338-39, 346, 348, 349 American Architect and Building News, 396 Abercromby, James, 128 American Civil Liberties Union, 108 Abolition bill, Pennsylvania (1780), 65 American Colonization Society, 68 Abolitionists and anti-slavery violence, 280 American Communist Party: 92, 95, 99, Academy of the Protestant Episcopal 106, 107-8, 116-17, 119, 121, 122, 123-24. Church, 352, 353, 356-57, 362 “Third Party” ideology and, 92-124 Acculturation between whites and Indian American Federation of Labor, 238 captors, 171-72, 174, 178, 188-89 American Heritage, 377 Adams, Abigail, 274 American Institute of Architects, 346 Adams, John, 127, 134, 274 American Labor Party, 433 African American Civil War soldiers, images American Museum, or Repository of of, 144-45 Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, African American elite, Philadelphia, book &c., Prose and Poetical, 68-69 on, 278-79 American Philosophical Society, book on, African American miners, 93, 97, 108-9, 112 129-31 African American service in yellow fever American public holidays, book on, 288-89 epidemic (1793), 61-90 American Revolution: books on, 131-34, African Americans in Methodism, 139 412-15, 274-75 African Methodist Episcopal Church, 66 American Philosophical Society, 129-30 Agnew, Spiro, 252, 256, 259, 261 American suburbs, 354-55 Aladdin Co. home designs, 385-96 Americanization and ethnic based religion, Albany Congress (1754), book on, 127-29 35-60 Albert, Peter J., Frederick E. Hoxie, and A mericanization, German Reformed Ronald Hoffman, eds., Native Amer- Church in, 35-60 icans and the Early Republic, rev., 135-37 Ames, Fisher, 275 Albright, Jacob, 202, 216 Ames, Kenneth, cited, 367-68, 369 Algonquian Indians, 163 Amherst, Jeffery, 125, 180-81, 183, 184 Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), 194, 196 Anderson, Benedict, 428 Allard et Fils, architectural decorators, 326 Anderson, John B., 263 Allegheny Observatory, 427 Anderson, Fred, Crucible of War: The Allen, Richard, and Absalom Jones, A Seven Years’ War and the Fate of Narrative of the Proceedings of the Empire in British North America, Black People, During the Late Awful 1754-1766, rev., 125-27 Calamity in Philadelphia, in the Year Andrews, Dee E., The Methodists and 1793: And a Refutation of Some Revolutionary America, 1760-1800: Censures Thrown Upon Them in Some The Shaping of an Evangelical Culture, Late Publications, 62-90 rev., 139-40 442 Anthracite coal mining, National Miners Calamity in Philadelphia,” 61-90 Union in, 91-124 Baker, Bobby, 151 Anthracite Miners Union of Baker, Howard H., Jr., 239, 243, 250, Pennsylvania, 106 Balt, Louis, cited, 142 Anti-ballistic missile, executive-legislative Baltzell, E. Digby, 404-5 conflict over, 241, 253 Bancan, Ignatz, 116 Anti-Federalism, book on 275-78 Bannister, Edward Mitchell, 423 Anti-slavery violence, book on, 279-81 Barger, (Captain), 204, 216, 217 Antiquarian interests, writing on, 356-57 Barkley, Alben W., 234-35 Appel, Joseph, cited, 147 Barnard, George Grey, 290 Appel, Theodore, cited, 59-60 Barnett, Isom, 181-82 Architectural books, book on, 395-97 Barnett, Jesse, 181-82 Architectural design, books on, 393-94, 403- Barnett, Sarah, 181-82 405 Bartky, lan R., Selling the True Time: Architectural League of New York, 334 Nineteenth-Century Timekeeping in Architecture: 315-49; as material culture, America, rev., 427-28 304; historic, book on, 297-98; of Bartlett, Bo, 302 University of Pennsylvania, book on Barton, William, 296 299-300; writing on, 356-57; books on Bartram, William, book on, 270-72 393-400 Baryn, Hagyp, 303-4 Ardrossan residence: 338-39; (photo.) 339 Beaux, Cecilia, 402 Arendt, Hannah, cited, 245 Beiler, Rosalind J., cited, 269 Arlington National Cemetery, 430 Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., Patriot-Improvers Armstrong, John, 175 Biographical Sketches of Members of Art: Civil War, book on, 143-45; material the American Philosophical Society culture and the history of, 303; tupper- Volume 2: 1768, rev., 129-31 ware as, 305; books on, 290-91, 300-2 Belyea, Stephen, cited, 423 Articles of Confederation, 414 Benedictine monasticism, 431-33 Ashton, William, 200, 219 Benjamin, Asher, 396 Astronomy in timekeeping, 427-28 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Audubon, John James, 138 Berceau, Le (corvette), 134 Augustine Society, 85-86 Bergenmeyer, Ferdinand, 47 Aurora (newspaper), 196, 212 Berkowitz, Julie S., “Adorn the Hails” Avella, Steven M., book review by, 431-33 History of the Art Collection at Thomas Axtell, James, cited, 171 Jefterson University, rev., 300-2 Berwind, Edward J.: 332;). }h ome of (photo.), 332 3abits, Lawrence E., book review by, 132-34 Bethany Sunday School, 147-48 3acon, Jacqueline, “Rhetoric and Identity in Bethel Church, 66 Absalom Jones and Richard Allen’s Bethel, Elizabeth Rauh, cited, 62 Narrative of the Proceedings of the Bierstadt, Albert, 399 Black People, During the Late Awful Bigelow, John, 424 Bilingualism in German Reformed churches, Boyd, David, 174 41, 44-54, 57, 59 Boylan, John, 107, 119, 120, 121, 122 Bill of Rights, applicability within Boyne, Battle of the, commemoration of, 19th-century state law, 218-19 191, 193, 198, 202, 205, 213-14, 215, Billings, John, cited, 424 Bingham, George Caleb, 401 “Boyne Water,” song, 202, 215 Binns, John, 196 Braddock, Edward, 162 Black, Brian, Petrolia: The Landscape of Bradford, James G., cited, book on, 413-14 America’s First Oil Boom, rev., 428-29 Bradley, Mark, cited, 153 Black, Fred, 151 Bradstreet, John, 126, 184-85 Black history, books on, 278-79, 433-35 Bragg, Braxton, 287 Black Hoof, 136 Brandao, José Antonio, book review by, 272-73 Blacks in Civil War, 426 Brennan, James, 109-10 Blackstone, William, 276 Brennan, William, 101 Blair, William A., and William Pencak, eds., Bridges, Styles, (photo.) 239 Making and Remaking Pennsylvania’s Brigham, Robert, cited, 153 Civil War, rev., 425-26 Brocklebank, Sophie McLane, 387 Blaney, William, 216 Brokenstraw (Warren County, Pa.), 34 Blaney, Willis, 202 Brooks, Bradley C., “The Would-Be Biatt, Martin H., Thomas J. Brown, and Philadelphian: Harold Donaldson D. vid Yacovone, eds., Hope and Glory Eberlein, Author and Antiquarian,” Essays on the Legacy of the 54th 351-73 Massachusetts Regiment, rev., 422-23 Brophy, John, 101, 102 Blenheim Hotel (Atlantic City) 403 Brown, David Paul, 212, 219, 220, 223, 224 Blight, David, cited, 422 Brown, George, 172 Bodle, Wayne, book review by, 412-15 Brown, John, 281 Bodnar, John, cited, 289 Brown, Thomas J., Martin H. Blatt, and Bokum, Herman, 204, 216, 226 David Yacovone, eds., Hope and Glory: Bonaparte, Charles-Lucien, book on, 137-38 Essays on the Legacy of the 54th Bonaparte, Joseph, 137, 138 Massachusetts Regiment, rev., 422-23 Bonaparte, Lucien, 137, 138 Brown, William H., Ill, 244 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 137, 138 Brownlee, David B., and George E Bond, William Cranch, 427 Thomas, Building America’s First Bonnat, Léon, 402 University: An Historical and Bonomi, Patricia U., book review by, 127-29 Architectural Guide to the University of Boone, Daniel, 16 Pennsylvania, rev., 299-300 Borritt, Gabor S., 143 Bruce, Robert V., cited., 427 Boston (frigate), 134-35 Brumidi, Constantino, 399 Bouquet, Henry, 15-16, 177-78, 179, 182, Buchanan, Patrick J., 236 185-88 Buckley, James L., 256 Bouton, Terry, book review by, 409-12 Buggeln, Gretchen, book review by, 305-7 444 Bulfinch, Charles, 397, 398 Captive life among Indians, 161-88 Bunting, Bainbridge, cited, 299 Carey, Mathew: 196-97; Letters on the Burgoyne, John, 413-14, 416, 417 Colonization Society, 68; A Short Burke, Edmund, 222, 242-43 Account of the Malignant Fever, Latel) Burnham, Daniel H., 331 Prevalent in Philadelphia: With a Burns, Deborah Stephens, Richard J Statement of the Proceedings that Took Webster, and Candace Reed Stern, Place on the Subject in Different Parts Pennsylvania Architecture: The Historic of the United States, 67-69, 70, 71, 72 American Buildings Survey, with 75, 77-81, 88 Catalogue Entries, 1933-1990, rev., Carlisle, Pa., 18th-century male leadership in, 5-34 Burr, Aaron, 274, 275 Carlton, Francis, 21 7 Bush, George, 260, 262, 266 Carpenters’ Hall, 393 Bushong, William, 398 Carpenters’ Company, 394 Butler, Jon, cited, 269 Carpets as material culture, Butler, Pierce, 420-21 Carrick, 204 Byrd, William, 24 Carswell, G. Harrold, 247, Carter, Jimmy, 238 Cadwalader, Caroline, 364 Carter, Alice A., The Red Rose Girls: An Calhoun Clemson, Anna Maria, 284 Uncommon Story of Art and Love, rev., Calhoun, John C.: 287; Papers of, vols. 290-91 24-25, Cook and Wilson, eds., with Cartography, book on, 294-97 Alexander Moore, rev., 283-86 Sasey, John J., 107 Callender, Ann, 14, 16-17, 18, 19, 20, 21, -ashin, EdwardJ. , William Bartram and the American Revolution on the Southern Callender, Isabella, 20 Frontier, rev., 270-72 Callender, Robert, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, ‘assat, Mary, 402 23 Castle, Timothy N., cited, Calley, William L., Jr., 255 ‘atalogs, architectural, book on, 395-97 Calloway, Colin, cited, 136 ‘atholic-Protestant conflict in Ireland, 192- Cambodia, wartime policy toward, 249, 255, 94; Irish Riot (1831), Philadelphia, 191- 256 232 Cambridge Observatory, 427 Cellini, Benvenuto, 370 Campbell, Eric A., ed., “A Grand Terrible Ceramic art as material culture, 304 Dramma” from Gettysburg to Chandling trade, 406-7 Petersburg: The Civil War Letters of Chase, Philander D.: ed., with Mastro- Charles Wellington Reed, rev., 423-25 marino and Warren, The Papers of Cape, Thomas, 174 George Washington. Presidential Capitalism: early American, 411; and Series. Volume 9: September 1791- literature, book on, 140-42; railroads February 1792, rev., 416-18; ed., with and, book on, 145-47 Grizzard, The Papers of George Washington: Revolutionary War Series. Cold Harbor, battle of, book on, 142-43 Volume 10: June-August, 1777, rev ” Colden, Cadwallader, 128 416-18 Colonial-Indian diplomacy, captive colonials Chase, William Merrit, 302 and, 161-89 Chaucer, 295 Colored Reading Society of Philadelphia, Chelten House, 329 86, 87 Chennault, Anna, 154 Common law, free speech and, 218-19 Cherokee Indians, 136, 271 Communist International, 94, 95, 102, 103- Cherub (ship), 134-35 4, 106, 123-24 Chicago Tribune, 261-62 Communist movement, National Miners Child labor, in mining, 113 Union in, 91-124 “Chosen people,” view of African Americans Communist Party of the United States, 433 as, 83-85, 89 Confederate States of America, 286-88 Chotiner, Murray, 155 Congress of Industrial Organizations, 238 Christ Church (Philadelphia), 393 Connally, John, 253 Christ Church (New Jersey), 393 Constitutionalism, 276 Church-state separation, German Reformed Consumerism, tupperware in, 305-6 churches and, 37, 46, 57 Cook, James H., cited, 280 Cincinnati, Pennsylvania Society of the, 18 Cook, Shirley B., and Clyde N. Wilson, Civil Rights Act (1964), 151, 249 eds., with Alexander Moore, The Papers Civil rights, executive-legislative conflict of John C. Calhoun. Volume 24: over, 234, 235, 236, 237, 245, 246, 248, 1846-1847. Volume 25: 1847-1848, 249, 250, 261 rev., 283-86 Civil War, books on, 142-45, 422-23, 423- Cooling, Benjamin Franklin, Olympia: 26 Herald of Empire, rev., 430-31 Claghorn, James, 401 Coon, Elizabeth, 180 Clark, Clifford Edward, Jr., cited, 395 Cooper, William (#1. 1831), 200 Clark, Edward, 398 Cooper, William J., Jr., Jefferson Davis, Clark, Thomas, 407 American, rev., 286-88 Clarke, AlisonJ. , Tupperware: The Promise Cooper-Church Amendment, 255 of Plastic in 1950s America, rev., 305-7 Cope and Stewardson, architects, 299, 300 Clarkson, Matthew, 68, 70, 78, 81 Cornell, Saul, The Other Founders: Anti- Claus, Daniel, 273 Federalism and the Dissenting Tradition Cleary, Patricia, book review by, 267-68 in America, 1788-1828, rev., 275-78 Clemson, Anna Maria Calhoun, 284 Cornplanter (Seneca Indian), 408, 409 Clinton, Catherine, ed., Fanny Kemble’s Cotton, Norris, 264 Journals, rev., 420-21 Courts as entertainment, 207 Clinton, George, 417 Covenant Chain, 127-28 Cobbett, William, 194-95 Cowen, Eugene, 243, 246, 253 Cohen, Jeffrey, cited, 398 Cox, John, 168 Cohen, Mickey, 154-55 Cozzens, Henrietta, 290-91 446 Craig, John, 166 Direct sales network, tupperware in, 306 Cram, Ralph Adams, 299 Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 235, 238-39, Creek Indians, 271 241, 243 Cret, Paul, 300, 342-43 Dixon, Jeremiah, 296 Cripps, Thomas, cited, 423 Dodd, Jessie, 290 Croghan, George, 15, 178, 180, 181, 183 Dole, Bob, 250, 252 Crook, Hester Ann Eberlein, 352, 359 Dominick, Peter J., 264 Cropper, Anne McLane, 386 Donaldson, John, 362 Culture, popular, Indian image in, 136 Dorsey, Sarah, 288 Dorwart, Jeffery M., book review by, 430-31 Daily Worker, 97, 103, 107, 108, 111-12, “Double-consciousness,” African American, 113, 116, 120, 121, 122 83, 88-89 Dallas, Alexander James, 213 Dougher, Joe, 93, 106 Dallas, George Mifflin, 213, 220, 225, 226 Douglass, Frederick, 280, 281 Daniels, Christine, cited, 415 Downing, Andrew Jackson, 395, 396 Darley, Henry, 209-11, 221, 229 Drake, Edwin L., 428 Davis, Edward L., 117-18 Drexel Institute, 290 Davis, Jefferson, book on, 286-88 Drexel, Alice T., 334 Davis, Michael W. R., 395-96 Drexel, John R., 334 Davis, Varina, 287-89 Drinker, Elizabeth Sandwith (Mrs. Henry Day, Frank Miles, 299 Drinker, 1734-1807), 130-31, 268 Dean, John, 154 Drinker, Henry,J r. (1734-1809), 130-31, Dean, John W., Jr., 259, 260 268 Decatur, Stephen, 134-35 Drinker, John, 130 DeLancey, James, 128 Druim Moir mansion, de Lapparent, Valerie, 2° 5 Dryden, John, 295 Delaware history, book on, 150-51 Duane, William, 194, 196, 213 . Delaware Indians, 165, 167-68, 173-76, 177, Duane, William, Jr., 211-12, 220 178, 181, 182, 183, 184-87 Du Bois, W. E. B.: cited, 70, 83; book on, Delaware Poultry Improvement Association, 433-35 150 Duché, Jacob, 130 Democratic National Committee, 257 Duiker, William, cited, 153 Democratic-Republicans, 2) 76, 217777 Duke, James B., 344 Denny, William (deputy governor), 177 Duke University: 236; architecture of, 345- Department stores: John Wanamaker, book 46, 349; (photo.) 345 on, 147-50 Dunne, William, 113 Desegregation, school, 245, 249-50 Diirer, Albrecht, 302 De Vecchi, Achille, 424 Dutch Reformed Church, 35, 40-60 Dickinson, John, 126 Dutch Reformed seminary (New Brunswick, Dimmick, S. D., 120 N.J .), 40, 43 Dippel, Horst, cited, 414 Dyeing trade, 406-7 Dziengielewski, George, 93, 103, 106 Engraving, 400-1 Episcopal Academy see Academy of the Eakins, Thomas, 300, 301, 402, 403 Protestant Episcopal Church Eastland, James O., 261 Equitable Life Assurance Society, 146 Eberlein, Harold Donaldson: 351-73 Ershkowitz, Herbert, John Wanamaker: bibliography of, 371-73, (photo.), 365 Philadelphia Merchant, rev., 147-50 Eberlein, Hester Ann Crook, 352, 359 Essex (frigate), 134-35 Eberlein, Jefferson, 352, 360, 362 Estes, Billy Sol, 151 Eberlein, Johannes, 356 Ethnic history, Native American, book on, Eberlein, Samuel F., 352 135-37 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, architecture study at, Ethnicity: German Reformed Church and 321 Americanization, 35-60 Edison, Thomas, 327 Ethnics, American, and holidays, 288-89 Edmunds, R. David, cited, 136 Evans, Britton, 197, 198-200, 202, 203, 204, Edson, Edith McLane, “A James Peale 209, 219, 221-2 226, 229 Puzzle: Captain Allen McLane’s En- Executive-legislative conflict, U.S., 233-66 counter with British Dragoons,” 375-92 Expansionism, Indian response to, 136 Education: female, 282-83; lack of, among Eylert, Theodor, 55-56, 59-60 Gilded Age men, 321, and racial lib Eyre, Wilson, 299-300 eration, 86-89; theological training in Reformed churches, 42-60 Fable Trumbauer, Mary Malvina, 318 Edwards, Robert, cited, 404 Fair Deal, 150 Egerton, Douglas, cited, 280 Falkowski, Ed, 93 Ehrlichman, John D., 154, 2 Family Assistance Plan, 253, 256-57 Eicholtz, Jace »b, 391 Famine migration, book on, 419-20 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 234- Fatherhood, in 18th century, 5-34 Elder Havemeyer, Louisine, 402 Federalism, book on 275-78 Elizabeth Charlotte of Bavaria (1652-1722), Fellman, Michael, book review by, 143-45 365-66, 373 Feminine popular culture, tupperware in, Elkins Park, Pa., architecture in, 329-31 305-6 Elkins Tyler, Stella, 329-30 Field, Marshall, 148 Elkins, William L., 329 Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Ellicott, Andrew, 296 Infantry (Civil War), book on, 422-23 Elliott, Huger, 291 Fish, Stuyvesant, 146 Elliott, Robert, 202, 204-5, 209, 226 Fisher, Sidney George, 419 Ellis, Joseph J., Founding Brothers: The Flanagan, Hugh, 204, 215-16, 219, 226 Revolutionary Generation, rev., 274-275 Floyd, Margaret Henderson, cited, 299 Elms, The, (house): 332; (photo.) 332 Foner, Philip, cited, 62 Elstowe (house), 329 Forbes, John, 162, 178 Emmaus Iron Company, 362 Ford, Gerald R.: 155, 241, 243, 244; Engelbourg, Saul, book review by, 145-47 (photos.) 239, 244 448 Foreign relations of the United States, Fugitive Slave Law: of 1793, 64-65; of 1850, Vietnam War source material in, 152-53 88-89 Forslund, Catherine, cited, 154 Furgurson, Ernest B., Not War But Murder: Fort Duquesne, 162, 163, 169, 175, 177 Cold Harbor, 1864, rev., 142-43 Fort Granville, 163-64, 175 Furness, Frank, 299, 404-5 Fort Pitt, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 188 Furniture, writing on, 356-57 Fort Stanwix, New York, treaties of (1768, 1784), 409 Gage, Thomas, 184 Forten, James, 278 Gallagher, Gary W., cited, 287 Foster, Anne L., book review by, 152-53 Gallman, Matthew, Receiving Erin’s Chil- Foster, William, 94, 100, 102-3, 107 dren: Philadelphia, Liverpool, and the Fothergill, John, 270-71 Irish Famine Migration, 1845-1855, Foucault, Michel, 428 rev., 419-20 Fowler, David, 105, 107 Galphin, George, 271-72 France, Quasi-War with (1798-1800), book Games, Alison, book review by, 268-70 on, 134-35 Gannon, Barbara A., cited, 426 Frank, Edward W., 349 Gardos, Emil, 103, 107, 108, 118 ‘rank, Stephen, cited, 22, 26 Garment, Leonard, 154 “rank, William O., 343, 349 Garrison, William Lloyd, 87, 278-79 “rankfeld, Phil, 110-11, 118 Garvin, James L., book review by, 395-97 *ranklin, Anne Child, 406 Gastonia, N.C., communist strategy in labor “ranklin, Benjamin, 127, 128, 129, 274, action in, 114-15, 120 405-6 Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., cited, 77-78 ‘ranklin College (Lancaster, Pa.), 43 Gates, Horatio, 416, 417 ‘ranklin, Josiah, book on, 405-8 Geddes, Robert, 300 *ranklin Mint, 302 Gender ideals, 18th-century manhood and, ‘ranklin’s Academy and Charitable School, 299 5-34 “redrickson, George M., cited, 288 Gender in literature, 142-43 Free African Society, 66 George IV (king of England), and Irish riots Free Library of Philadelphia, 342 of 1831, 202, 216, 222-23 Free speech: common law and, 218-19; George, Henry, 404 public order and, 227-28 German immigration: 410; in Europe and “Free Synod” schism, 35-60 America, book on, 268-70 Freeman, Clarence L., 343 German Reformed Church, 35-60 Frémont, John C., 295 Géréme, Jean-Léon, 402 French, Leigh Hill, Jr., 359, 372 Gestrich, Andreas, cited, 269-7 French Revolution, influence on Irish Gettysburg, Battle of, 424-25 conflict, 193 Gibbons, Herber A., cited, 147 Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, 194, 212 Gibson, Hugh, 172, 174 Froehlich, Kristen, book review by, 300-2 Fryd, Vivien Green, cited, 136-37y o Gilbert, Eugene, 345 Grey Towers, William Welsh Harrison Gilded Age, architecture of, 315-49 residence: 324-25; (photo.) 325, 343-44 Gist, Christopher, 170 Gribbel, W. Griffin, 362 Gitlow, Benjamin, 104-5 Griffin, Robert, 246, 247, 250, 252 Giurgola, Romaldo, 300 Griffith, Sally, cited, 73 Glassie, Henry: Material Culture, rev., 302- Grizzard, Frank, Jr., ed., with Chase, The 5; The Potter’s Art, rev., 302-5 Papers of eas sti Rev- Gleick, James, cited, 296 olutionary War Series. Volume 10: Glen Alden Company, strike against, 93, June-August 1777, rev., 416-18 119-23 Gropius, Walter, 327 Glory, (film, 1989) 423 Gross, Samuel D., 300-1 Gock, Carl, 51-57 Grossberg, Michael, cited, 29 Goldwater, Barry M., 236, 238, 263-64, 265 Grosvenor, Ebenezer, 282, 283 Goode, James, cited, 397-98 Group identity of African Americans in 18th Goodell, Charles: 256,i al 239 century, 63, 65-67, 73-75, 85 Gordon, William, 417 Gulf Oil Company, 236 Gorman, Dave, 109-10 Hiaberlein, Mark, cited, 269 Gossler, Johann . 56-58, 59-60 Habermas, Jiirgen, 276, 277 Gould, Jay, 292 Hackney, Sheldon, 300: Gould, George, 145-46 Hahnemann Hospital, architecture of, 348 Gowans, Alan, cited, 395 Haig, Alexander M., Jr., 154, 260 Grand jury procedure, in 19th we 208 Haitian revolt, impact on slavery of, 28( Grant, Ulysses S.: 144; book on, 142-43 Haldeman, H. R., 241, 243, 246, 24 Grant, William, 144 258-59 Gray, MichaelP. , book review by, 279-81 Halifax, Earl of, 12 Gray, William, 66, 67, 72, 73-74 Haly, William W., 209, 213-16 Graymont, Barbara, cited, 409 Hamberger, Martin G., 240, 246, 259, 261 Great Society, 237-38 Hamilton, Alexander, 131, 274, 275, 277, Green, Elizabeth Shippen, book on, 290-91 416 Greene, Jack P., and J. R. Pole, eds., A Hamilton, James, 177, 179, 182-83 Companion to the American Hancock, John, 416-17 Revolution, rev., 412-15 Handsome Lake, 409 Greene, Spare Gen., 132, 296 Hapgood, Powers, 102-3 Greenhall, Kathryn, cited, 423 Harkan, Neal, 209 peat Anders, book review by, 288-89 Harlow, Bryce N., 241-42, 245, 252, 254 Greiff, Constance M., Charles E. Peterson, Harnwell, Gaylord, 300 and Maria M. Thompson, Robert Harper’s Ferry raid, 281 Smith: Architect, Builder, Patriot, Harriman, Edward H., book on, 145-47 722-1777, rev., 393-94 Harrison, Benjamin, 147 Grenville, George, 126 Harrison, Charles Curtis, 299 Grey, Charles “No flint,” 1 Harrison, Joseph, 401 450 Harrison, William Welsh: 324, 325; Grey 98, 370 Towers residence (photo.), 325 Historiography, material culture in, 304 Harrold, Stanley, and John R. McKivigan, Hoagland, Alison K., book review by, 297-98 eds., Antislavery Violence: Sectional, Hoeber, Francis W., “Drama in the Court- Racial, and Cultural Conflict in room, Theater in the Streets: Phila- Antebellum America, rev., 279-81 delphia’s Irish Riot of 1831,” 191-232 Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library: Hoffecker, Carol E., Honest John Williams: 340-41; (photo.) 340 U.S. Senator from Delaware, rev., 150- Hart, Phillip A., 246-47, 248 51 Havemeyer, Louisine Elder, 402 Hoffman McLane, Katharine Milligan, 387 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 399 Hoffman, Ronald, Frederick E. Hoxie, and Haynes, John Earl, cited, 94 Peter J. Albert, eds. Native Americans Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr., 151, 245, 246, and the Early Republic, rev., 135-37 251, 261 Hoffner, (Mr.), 219 Hazard, Ebenezer, 393 Holloway, Edward Stratton, 354-55,371-72 Heath, William, 417 Holly, Henry Hudson, 396 Heckewelder, John, 167, 170 Holmes, Theophilus, 287 Helfenstein, Samuel A., 45, 56-57 Holocaust4,3 5 Hendel, William, Jr., 49, 56-57 Holzer, Harold, and Mark E. Neely, Jr., The Hendrick (Mohawk chief), 128, 129 Union Image: Popular Prints of the Henry II (king of England), 193 Civil War North, rev., 143-45 Herman, Carl, 54-55, 58-59 Hooten, (Squire), 219 Herman, Lebrecht Frederick, 42, 58 Hoover, J. Edgar, 153 Hermann, Janet Sharp, cited, 288 Hopkins, Anthony, 155 Herring, George, cited, 153 Horsman, Reginald, cited, 136 Hersh, Seymour, cited, 154 Horton, James O., cited, 278, 422 Heston, Isaac, 67 Houston, Henry H., 322 Hewitt, G. W., 321 Howard, Walter T., “The National Miners Hewitt, W. D., 321 Union: Communists and Miners in the Heyrman, Christine, cited, 140 Pennsylvania Anthracite, 1928-1931,” Hibernian Society for the Relief of Immi- 91-124 grants from Ireland, see Friendly Sons of Howard-Pitney, David, cited, 83, 89 Saint Patrick Howe, George, 342-43 Hiester, Joseph, 197 Howe, Richard, 416, 417 Higginbotham, Don, cited, 413-14 Howe, William, 413-14, 416, 417 Hill, James J., 145, 146 Hoxie, Frederick E., Ronald Hoffman, and Hilty, James W., book review by, 150-51 PeterJ . Albert, eds., Native Americans Hinderaker, Eric, cited, 171 and the Early Republic, rev., 135-37 Hindle, Brooke, 130 Hruska, Roman L., 238-39, 250 Hinton, Frederick A., 278-79 Huang, Nian-Sheng, Franklin’s Father Historic American Buildings Survey, 297- Josiah: Life of a Colonial Boston Tallow

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