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TheP endulu m SiLgo negren A FIRESBIODOEK PuBLISHBEDYS IMO&N SCHUSTIENRC . FIRESIDE Simon& SchustBeuri lding RockefeClelnetre r 1230A venuoef t heA mericas NewY orkN,e wY orIk0 020 Copyri©g hEtd disoSna ddE ditioI9n 9s0 Texcto pyri©g hSti gL onegr1e9n9 0 Alrli ghrtess erved includtihnerg i gohftr eproduction inw holoer p aritn a nyf orm. FIRESIaDnEd c olophaorner egistterreadd emaorfkS si mon& SchustIenrc . DesignbeydN igePla rtridge I 57 1I9 20 18 16 ISBN-13:978-0-671-69140-0 ISBN-10:0 -761 -69140-6 AN EDDISON• S ADDE DITION Editedde,s ignaendd p roducbeyd EddisoSand dE ditioLnism ited StC had'Hso use1,4 8Ki ng'Csr osRso ad, LondoWnC IX9 DH PhototypbeysB eoto kworTymp esettiMnagn,c heesrtE,n gland OriginabtyiC oonl umbOifaf seSti,n gapore Printaenddb oundi nT hailand CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 6 ChaptIe r 8 WHAT ISD OWSING? Chapt2e r GETTINSGT ARTEDW ITHY OURP ENDULUM 20 Chapt3e r DOWSINGC HARTSF ORF UN 36 Chapt4e r 74 DOWSINGA PPLICATIONS Chapt5e r OTHERD OWSINGT OOLS 96 Chapter6 108 CONCLUSION BOOKST OR EAD 120 DOWSINRGE LATEODR GANIZATIAONNDSP UBLICATIO1N2S2 INDEX 124 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 127 ABOUTTHEAUTHOR 128 INTRODUCTION owsinigsa scientairftIi.tic s a tootlh acta nb eu sedt ob ridgteh e gapb etweetnh ea nalytiacndat lh ei ntuitsiivdeeo sf o urb eing. Manyp eoplteo daayr el ookifnogwr a yst or edretshseb alancteo; uset heiirn tuitmioorne D.o wsinwgi tah p enduluimsa ne asayn d natursaoll utiLoentm. e explawihna tI m eanb yd owsingI.n terpretthien g movementosfa swingipnegn dulutmo f inadn swertsoq uestioinscs a lled dowsinTgh.i mse ansi ntuitisveealryc hionrdg i,v iniansgs .o mep eoplsea y, for' rae sponfsreo'tm h ep endulum. Ifi rsbte gatn od owseo vetrw enty-yfeiavreas g ow henm y Mothetra ught me howt ofi ndu ndergrowuantde pri peisn o urf ronlta wnw itsho meb ent coat-hang(eLrr osd sa.l soc alleadn glreo ds( pag1e 03)S)i.n cteh enI 've workemdo stliynt hea reoaf d owsincga lltehde E artMhy sterioebst,a inai ng MasteDresg reienS acreSdp aceb,e cominagT rustoefet heA mericSaonc iety ofD owser(sA SDa)n dh eadintgh eiDro wsinSgc hoowlr.i tian bgo okc alled Spiritual aDonwdws oirnkg,iw nigt Oha kDragoanno. r ganizaitniB orni tatihna t runnsi ne-dwahyo lisotuitcd oeodru catiocnaamlp si nv arioaussp ecotfst he EartMhy steries. Int hel asfitf teeyne artsh erhea sb eena ne xplosioofpn o ssibulsee sf or dowsinWge.' vceo mea lonwga yf romo urr ecernoto twsh erder inking water wast heo nltyh intgo d owsef orN.o wt heraer ea goodn umbeorf d owsing bookosn them arkeSto.m ea ret ooa dvancfeodr t hosjeu sbte ginnitnog dowseO.t herasr ep oorlwyr ittoernf ,o cusso leolnyw atewre ldlo wsinTgh.i s booki sw rittfeonpr e oplweh oa rej uswta kinugp t ot hep ossibiloiftt hiiess INTRODUCTION ancieanrtt a.n dw how antt os amplteh ev ariokuisn dosf d owsintgh aatr e availatboldea y. Thibso oka ssumetsh ayto u'nveev edro wsebde foraen.di sf ulolfe xercises designteodh elypo ub ecomae p roficdioewnste Trh.i ksi cto mesw itiht osw n pendulu(mo neo ft heb asidco wsintgo olsI)fy. o ua ret hes econodr t hird readeorft hibso oka,n dt hep enduluhma sb eenk epbty t hefi rsrte adeyro.u (30 cane asimlayk ea pendulufmo yro urseYlofuc. a nu sea foot em)o ft hread tietdo t hew eighyto uh avec hosens-omethienvge nlbya lancleidka e h eavy rinogr a h exagonnaultI .fy oud on oth aveap endulunmo w.p leasmea keo ne beforyeo ub egitnh ef ircshta pteTrh.e raer es ectioonns h owt ou set he enclospeedn duluhmo;w d owsinmgi ghwto rkl;o tosfc harttosp ractoivceer . includsionmge n eww ayso fu sindgo wsintgo gethweirt ahs troltoogfi yn d outm orea bouty oursehlofw; t om ak�a ndu seo thedro wsintgo olas ; discussaiboonu dto wsinagn ds cienacned.a goodr eferesneccet itohna cta n guidyeo ut oo thebro okasn dd owsinrge latoerdg anizations. Pleaster yt od oa lolf t heseex erciassey so ur eadt heb ookD.o n'sta yt o yourseTliflr. e adt heb ookf irsatn.dd ot hee xercilsaetse Irfy. o'u d ot hat. you'mlils st hew holpeo inBty.t hee ndo ft hibso oki.fy ouh aved onet he exerciysoeusw .i lhla vaen eww ayt oc onscioubsrliyny go uirn tuitiotnh ei nto practidceacli sion-mparkoicnegs s. Wetloca wo omned erfnuelw /owlodr ld. SIGL ONEGREN 20A pri1l9 89 FulMlo on WHAT ISD OWSING? tw aso neo ft hospei ctubroeo kV ermonstu nndya ysw hent he lawni sg reentehra gnr eeann da fewb eautiwfhuilt cel oudlsi,k e bigb allosfc ottofnr,a meSdt annaMrodu ntaitnot hee astW.e wersei ttoiuntgo no urf ronlta wjnu setn joyitnhged ayw itsho me friendFso.rs omer easomny wifeK.a thyh,a d beenp layiwnig thh er engagemernitn gt,h ath adb eenm y grandmothearn'dss ,u ddenslhye realitzheadst h eh adl ositt W.h eret ol ookW?e dividuepdt hel awni nto smalslq uaraensd b egatno f ranticpaalwtl hyr outghhe g rastsr yitnogf eel ther inwgi tohu rfi ngers. SuddenIlr ye,m embertehda Ith adm yp enduluimnm yp ockeItu .s ew hat's call(erda thuenrf ortunaat beullyl)pe etn dulu-mi t'as s teewle ighatb,o ut (3 thet hicknoefsa s w ritipnegn a,b oultlf 4i nchelso ng em)a,n dp ointaetd ( 15 onee ndA.t tachteodt heo theern di sa bou6t i nches em)o fo neo ft hose chaitnhsa yto ufi ndc onnectteopd l ugisno lds inks. AsI h eltdh ec haiinnm y handw itthh ew eighdta nglibnegl omwy fingers, alkli ndosf t houghwtesr er ushitnhgr oumgyh mind',T hirsi nwga sN ana's, andn owi t'ism portatnoKt a th.y. T.h er ocakl oniesw ortah g oodp iecoef chang.e. M.a ybei t'lso sfto rev.e.Wr.a iat m inutTeh!i issr ealilmyp orttaon t me.F ocuisn I.n w hatd irectiisKo ant hye'nsg agemernitn g?' Thep endulusmt artsewdi ngibnagc akn df ortpho,i ntiinnlg i nsel ighttol y my lef'tI.is ti nf ronotfm e?'M yp endulusmw unign tao c lockwdiisree ction, whicfho mre meansy esT.h eh aiorn t heb acokf m y necbke gatno t ingTlhei.s ism yb odyw'asy o ft ellmien tgh aIt' mo nt her igthrta ck. Im adea mentanlo toef t hed irectoifto hna lti naen.d m oveda bouat y ard tot hel efatn ds lighftolrwya rdA.g aiIna sked'.Iw nh atd irectiisoK na thy's engagemernitn gT?h'i tsi met.h ep endulusmt artteodo scillbaatceka nd fortpho.i ntianlgm osrti ghitnf ronotfm e.I nm y mindI.c oul'ds eteh'e fi rst linmey penduluhma ds howemde .T henI n otetdh ed irectiitow na sn ow indicatTihnerg i.n sgh oulbde w herteh et wol inecsr osseIrd e.a choeudt m y handt ot hat pooint nhte l awn. garnads paetdt heb ladeosfg rasIsf .e ltth e rinbge tweemny fingeHrosw.h adI d onet hisH?o w coulad s wingisntge el penduluimn dicattome e thep ositioofan valuemdi slaoibdj ecWth?a ti s thipsh enomencoanl led doawnsdih nogwd oesi tw ork? Letm e begibny s ayitnhga itn a ddititoobn e inag f inteo oflo firn dinlgo st objecdtosw.s inigsa wayo fb alanctinhger atioansaple cotfo urb einwgi th ouri ntuitIitvi esa. tooflo re xplortihnegu nconscioau wsa.y o ff inding answertso q uestiotnhsa tc annobte answerebdy ther ationtahlo ught proceosrst hrougthh eu seo fs cientific methAonddoy leotgt.yh .er ational thougphrto ceissas n i ntegpraarlot f t hed owsing process! Sol etg'esti nttoh ibsu sineosfds o wsinogrd, ivinianssg o,m ep eoplcea ll itF.i rosfta llt.h eriesn od ifferbeentcwee etnh ew ord' dowsianngd'' divining'. Theym eant hes amet hinBgo.t ht heB ritiasnhdt heA mericaSno cieotfy Dowserasr ed edicatteoed x plortihneeg n tisrpee ctrumd oowfs ing/divining possibilIintt iheibsso. o kI.h aveu sed' dowsiansgi ·ti st hew ordm osto ften employetodd escritbheem ethoodf u sinagp endulu(mo ort hedre vicYeo)u. canj usats e asiilnys etrhtew ord' divining'. We'lslt ardto wsinigm mediatbeyll ye arnitnwgo p endulusmi gnaolrs . answer(sy aensd n ot)h.a yto uirn tuitciaonun s et oc ommunicawtiet yho uI.n tryitnoge xplowrhea tt hipsh enomenoofnd owsinigsa lalb outw.e 'llolo akt thei ssueosf l efbtr aivne rsruigsh btr aiann.d w ayso f' knowinwgi't ha discussaiboonu ta n earlCyh risthiearne tigcraolu pc alletdh eG nostics. whosep hilosocpahnyh elpu st ob ettuenrd erstatnhded owsinpgr ocess. Ib elietvhea itn tuitainoddn o wsinagr eo nea ndt hes amea.n dd owsinwgi ll certaicnaluys yeo ut oe xerciysoeu ri ntuitfiavceu ltWiee'sll.lo oka ts everal possibwlaey so fe xplaindionwgs inign,c ludainn agn alogwyi thr adaarn d compariwsiotnh htohleo gram. THEE XERCISES Throughtohuitbs o okw ew ilbled oindgo wsinegx ercises. Theesxee rwciiblseple r si nitnie tdal liitkchessi e,sn tteorn ecmeiy.no tduh yaotnu e etdod o morteh ajnu stt hrpaeatas ds age. Tor ealgleyta nythionugto ft hibso okr equiryeosua rc tipvaer ticipYaotuio n. can'lte arhno wt od owsbey j usrte adianbgo uitt y.o ua ctuahlalvyte o d owse. Thipsa ckacgoem esw itah d owsintgo ocla llae pde nduluam c,o nicbarla ss weighotnt hee ndo fa f lexicbolred . Let'gse tr ighitn ttoh ef irdsotw sinegx erciasnedu. s et hiasm azinlgi ttle toolW.e wantt ob egibny fi ndinogu tt hredei fferreenstp onstehsac ta nb e madeT.h ef irisstt h es eaprocshi Tthiiisost n h.eT .m readtyog op'o sition. Holdy ourh andw ityho urt humba ndf orefipnogienrt idnogw na,n dt he cordo ft hep endulubme tweetnh emA.l loawb ou2t i nche(s5e m)o fc ord betweeyno uhra nda ndt heb raswse ighYto.uc anr esyto uerl boown a table ify ouf eetlh iissm orec omfortable. Holydo upre ndulliutkmhe i s.-- / / �/ /-- -/ -- --- ' --'.--'--:_� \ ,\ \,-\ \ ,'\\ \ \ \ �" ' \ \ " ' "" / �\'\- '\\1 \I I I \ \ / / Il l) I' I II / I jl I I / / Ill1.'j /// I; I,II 1 I I I '1// I / ';I!;I I I I " I III\ ' I I I; I III I I I 'I I' I ' I I I I I I I I II I I I I \ \ I 'I I I I I \ I I III \ I' 1I I I I "" ' I I I I \1 1; ·1I,I I\ I 'I I

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