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THE w Peking Who's Who 1922. m a *f * m n m COMPILED AND PUbLIsHED bY ALEX. RAMSAY.. m is jr m x o x 2 o PEKING PRINTED BY THE TIENTSIN PRESS. LIMITED. 1922. 3 1 6 1 2 3 8 2 0 5 1 0 9 3e p.gl do mo 2027/d-us-g et/#p ne dle._us dl.hanaccess p://horg/ MT / httathitrust. Gh 6 w. 1w 3:w 1 1p:// 4-0htt 14-0d / 0e gan) on 2gle-digitiz y of Michiates, Goo niversitnited St UU d for atsay (main in the eo neratblic D eu GP 3 1 6 1 2 3 8 2 0 5 1 0 9 3e p.gl do mo 2027/d-us-g et/#p ne dle._us dl.hanaccess p://horg/ MT / httathitrust. Gh 6 w. 1w 3:w 1 1p:// 4-0htt 14-0d / 0e gan) on 2gle-digitiz y of Michiates, Goo niversitnited St UU d for atsay (main in the eo neratblic D eu GP FOREWORD. The success of the first number of the Peking Who's Who and Directory undoubtedly warrants the continuation of the publication. Like its predecessor, the present issue is not free from defects, but chan- ges have been made which it is believed will be regarded as improvements, ta time it is hoped to make the book further respond to the needs of the city. To this end suggestions will be welcomed. In conclusion the Publisher wishes to express his gratitude to the many who co-operated in producing up-to-date information. 3 1 6 1 2 3 8 2 0 5 1 0 9 3e p.gl do mo 2027/d-us-g et/#p ne dle._us dl.hanaccess p://horg/ MT / httathitrust. Gh 6 w. 1w 3:w 1 1p:// 4-0htt 14-0d / 0e gan) on 2gle-digitiz y of Michiates, Goo niversitnited St UU d for atsay (main in the eo neratblic D eu GP 3 1 6 1 2 3 8 2 0 5 1 0 9 3e p.gl do mo 2027/d-us-g et/#p ne dle._us dl.hanaccess p://horg/ MT / httathitrust. Gh 6 w. 1w 3:w 1 1p:// 4-0htt 14-0d / 0e gan) on 2gle-digitiz y of Michiates, Goo niversitnited St UU d for atsay (main in the eo neratblic D eu GP Iitsw-^* The Peking Who's Who 1932. CONTENTS. Page Who's Who Section 1 Chinese Government Services ... 41 Legations and Diplomatic Representations ... 47 Diplomatic Quarter Institutions ... 50 Churches, Missions and Religious Institutions ... ... 51 Hospitals and Charities ... 57 Educational Institutions ... 60 Clubs and Societies ... 73 List of Residents ... 78 Ladies List"' ... 91 3 Hong L1ist 6 ... 1001 2 3 8 2 0 5 1 0 9 3e p.gl do mo 2027/d-us-g et/#p ne dle._us dl.hanaccess p://horg/ MT / httathitrust. Gh 6 w. 1w 3:w 1 1p:// 4-0htt 14-0d / 0e gan) on 2gle-digitiz y of Michiates, Goo niversitnited St UU d for atsay (main in the eo neratblic D eu GP 3 1 6 1 2 3 8 2 0 5 1 0 9 3e p.gl do mo 2027/d-us-g et/#p ne dle._us dl.hanaccess p://horg/ MT / httathitrust. Gh 6 w. 1w 3:w 1 1p:// 4-0htt 14-0d / 0e gan) on 2gle-digitiz y of Michiates, Goo niversitnited St UU d for atsay (main in the eo neratblic D eu GP * WHO'S WHO. * AGLEN, Sir Francis Arthur, K.B.E. Inspector-General Maritime Customs, China, since 1911. Born 1870 England. Nationality British. Joined the Customs 1888, Deputy Commissioner, 1896; Com: missioner, Tientsin, 1897; Nanking 1899- 1900 & 1901-03; Shanghai 190O01; Chief Secretary Inspectorate General, Peking 190*04;'Commissioner; Hankow, 1906; Deputy Inspector General, 1910; Officiat- ing Inspector General, 1910-11. De- corations: Civil Rank of the Third Class China, April, 1904; Double Dragon, Third Division, First Class, China, 1904; Civil Bank of Second Class, China, Aug- ust 1910; Double Dragon, Second Divi- sion, Second Class. China, August 1910; Order of the Chia Ho, Second Class, China, January 1914;. Order of the Chia Ho .First Class. China October 1915; First Class of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, Japan, December 1915; K.B.E. January 1918; Commander of the First Class df the Order of St. Olaf, Norway, 3 April, 19119; Ta Shou Pao Kuang Chia Ho, 6 Second C1lass, China, September, 1919. 2 Comma3nder of the Order of Sawts Maurice 8 and Iaz02arus, Italy, January, 1921. AL8E15RTSEN, Kristian Peter, Super- 0 intendent9 of Chinese Telegraph Ad- 3e ministratip.on Peking Officegl. Address: Chin- do ese Telegmraph Administratioon, Peking. BNoartino nMaa2027/liyt y1,1 D, a1n8i9sh4. aTte Ml. aNrstd-us-gaol., 1D8e7n8m Eark.. Entereret/1 the Great Northe#prn Telegraph Cdono amnpda Pndle.neyt rino g1r9a1d2 u, nhteill dtr apnofse_useitriroends Hino Lon- tNhe aEgasaasdl.hankt 19i 1a7n;d C hehledf opoo suiaccesstniotinl se ninte Srheadn Cghahii,n- ewDPAesehekceL onTre iahnlLteagigov.GMT / http://hrneEa :b p5ehtNe hSn eC sr, vtRailctaeiso. s n1C esCtd J,P hBeihathitrust.org/aku lHayno,in k.1 gC9 O1 8Alu, fbsfgii:cneecn.et'. Address: —Hongk6 ong and Shanghaw.i Banking Cor- 1w poration. 3:Nationality, Britwish. Decora- tion: 2nd 1 1Class Chiao Ho. p://Club: Peking. ALST4-0ON, Sir Beilby httFrancis, K.CM.G., Cente.Bred. ,t h14-0Be Britisriht isMhi nFisteorr etoig d / Cn Ohinffaic sem inc e1 819902.0; 0e AhTpGPorsnieesiaarno itcmtcorti-geaorCi sescnoss h fVio eohACy of Michigan) on 2fnde t n.htt l oohieetn ih xEPn K1era9i nraa1neicntn1gpe gdt,lr ah Teeaonessrnf d ae doCSi ns f1it tah9Toamuoe0 tPrinc9ates, Google-digitizv or1 k eionan9 fanoc1 Ctedf 1ia o t.atth no Snhte ehodiP nEcefr ari KneC oc-mnei-onrg- thCaargyoe iunnn, tsPheaeUniversitlrl oiDsr,i paBlto Pmreuakstisce inSlsge, r,B vDiceeupUnited St euantityo CsH Aigohp iCreens-,om- miATpsoiisntNsegino TtnDiseauErrd for atsay (n yag atR- tpV uT oSHlkOaudtiuvyNnoogs..t, o NRckaotmain in the yi,o MSncianoliittstyt, e,Ar Pldednr-ess;— Americaen. o ABNureaDuE neratof RMinSinSgO, MNinis,t Jry oblic D.f GA„g rAiculdtvuirseer to the eu and ComGmerce. NationaliPty, Swedish. ANDREWS, Roy Chapman, Associate Curator American Museum Natural His- tory, New York City. Address: Kung Hsien Hutung. Born 1884, U.S.A. Nationality, American. Tel. No. 2246 E. Member of following scientific societies: Fellow New York Academy of Sciences. Corresponding Member of Zool. Soc. of London, Linnean Society, New York; etc. Author of following works: "Whale Hunltling with Gun and Camera" (Ap- pleton), "Camp Trails in China" . (Ap- pleton), "Across Mongolian Plains" (Ap- pleton), together with many scientific books and papers. Expeditions of scienti- fic exploration—Alaska, 1908. Canada, 1909, Special ruwralist U. S. S. Alba^-oss on cruise to Borneo, Dutch East Indies, Philippines and Formosa 190-10. explored north-eastern Korea 1911-12, Alaska and Behring Sea 1913, Yunnan, China and THE PEKING WHO'S WHO. Tibefca* Sorder 1916-17, Outer Mongolia 1918-191 At present leader of Third Asiatic Expedition of American Museum, of Na- tural History for scientific exploration in Centra! *<aa. The expedition is to extend over a period of fi+e ygars. Educ: Beloit College, •*>.A.; Columbia University M. A. Clubs: Century New York City; Explor- ers Club, New York City; .Peking. A N N ER, Conrad W., Architect. Ad- dress :—China Medical Board. Born Dec. 20, 1889, at .Berlin, Germany. National- ity, American. Tel. No. 3401 E. ABtaTNGTON, Lewis Charles, Postal Commissioner. Address :—9, A Pamien- tsao. Born 1860 at San Francisco. Nationality, American. Tel. No. (Business) 10 W. Served in the Chinese Navy lur^ig Franco-China war 1884-5, and for which service was decorated with war medal and civil rank of 5th class by Manchu Govt. Is now Chinese eeonetary Co- Directorate General of Posts. Decora- tion': Excellent Crop 2nd class and Ordei 3 of Merit. C1lub: Peking. 6 ARN1OLD, Julean, U. S. Commercial 2 Attache3. Address: San Kwan Miao. 8 Born 180276 at Sacramento, Oal. Nati'nnl ity„ A15merican. Tel. No. 376 E. Club. 0 Peking.9 3e ASPLp.AND, William Hglarold Graham, do Lt.-Coml. R.A.M.C., Mo.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.E. A190d3d, rSeusrs2027/g :e—on Hins iC Tanhgie Tf zSee aHd-us-gmuteunnag H. 1o8sp9i6ta-l, Labradoet/r, 1905-1912, Profe#pssor of Ob- sMteedtriiccasl aCndle.nd oGllyengeec, o1l9o1g0y,, PAeks_usesiisntga nUtn Dioirnector Ptalaryg uoef tWhedl.han oIrknt,e Hrnaarbtiionn, aaln Pdlaaccess Mgeudei cCal Soencgrree-ss, MHtPPieroouirnssksop,i nai1t,e3ad rTl1es uo4n GMT / http://hdrf-,k 2uW10r9i n1Weag0yr ,-,C 1 aa11rn9 ,Sdh 2Se i1nSur aevrSg riucWbeerioga nie,an hathitrust.org/ o1r tF on9o 1fRt o5Rr -aN1en6dcee voC,osleu,r-oss Throat an6 d Ear Departmentw. of .Central 1w Hospital, 3:Peking. 1921 Genweral Secretary Interna1 1tional Anti-Oniup://m Association. De- corations:4-0 British 1914-15: httStar, General SCervoimcep aMn14-0eiodna l,o Vf Oicrtdoeryr oMfe Jdad / l3. tS.e Srabbiaan. ,Red 0e CSDB2Cittnyr a,dV rAhgB oBioesnlhsaCr td3iOBt.iry of Michigan) on 2 imAsdKh reoO.d rrdE,eHn.dr OT4O.r aetdRhssuUs sccC, Stu .:.W —E sW2sla0iaes1t,i nhsnn9S.,, c, i H rCSh1S ates, Google-digitizute8Eb. s7 i4Ghht3tei deh.nFr om N eC(rsSugeucnea. hld MatMDo isoTaloesanr ud.Trea)baal;lall-e,wney, MWPeekratos nipn rCge.Universit sPeornolltef eignse ss,o iOer gPeex kof fLionrgde United St UUgn aoitvmio. an1es9 t0ae3trj.. HK2B7e,a0iodn0d g0ole' fCi asd for atsay (cnsh hLCoinoel iosbfolerlrea bgrCyoe.o, kThLhinaesno skanend main in the Sdoet nMud,d ;1bie9ys1 s 3Sap.Ste P.c rtieaosl 'tehneter decree ofe convocation of Oxoford Univ. 1ti9o1n3s:. (SWucneratcitehe dMerd. Bto tliatlned i)n " 19blic D1C8. hPiunbal iUcan-der eu the EmGpress Dowager," 1P910; "The Court of Peking," 1914; An Anglo-Chinese Dic- tionary by Hillier, Ijartori and Backhouse. Recreations: Chinese history and Chinese caligraphy. Club: Carlton. BAKER, George Edwin, Directorate General of Posts. Address :—Pei Chili Fang. Bom 1875 in England. Nationality, British. BAKER, John Earl, Adviser Ministry of Communications. Address :—Mei Cha Hutung. Born 1881. Nationality, American, Director American Red Cross China Famine Relief 1921. Decoration: 3rd Olass Chiao Ho. BARBOUR, George B., Professor of Ap- plied Geology, Pekmg University. Ad- dress :—20 Ton Fu Hsiang. Nationality British". Decorofion: Moos Star, etc. Educ. Merchdston, Marburg Univ.., Edinburgh Univ. (Mr A. Hons.), St. John's College, Camb- (B.A., M.A.). Active service Oct. 1914—Jan. 1919. Columbia Univ., N. Y. Peiyang Univ., 1922. BARKER, Augustine, Merchant. Ad- dress :—Arnold Bros,. & Co. Born 1888. Nationality,vBritish. Decorations- D.SO M.C. , BARNARD, John Mordaunt, Assistant English Secretary Chinese Govt. Sal* Adm. Address :—Wu Liang Ta Jen Hu- tung. Nationality, British. Club: Peking" BARSON, Thomas Albert, Director of Public Companies. Address :—PeKn Syn- dicate. Born 1874. Nationality British Tel. No. 1120 E. Chairman Pekin Syndic^ ate, Ltd., Chairman Tientsin Wharf and' Godown Company, Director Fu Chung Corporation, Director Chinese National Wireless Company, Director Chinese Min- ing Corporation, Director Chinese Central Railways. Club: Peking. BARTON, Sidney, Chinese Secretary to- H.B.M. Legation since 1911. Born Nov. 26, 1878. Educated St. Paul's College. Bamster-at-law, Middle Temple 1910. THE PEKING WHO'S WHO, 3 Entered H .'V*- "Consular Rerrl^) China 1895. fin ial Service W-.narwei 1899- 1901. Vice-Consul Peking 1901-02, Tien- tan 1905-6* Shanghai 1906-10. Served as ntcrple.or a/id assistant political officer *t Brittsb'CfeWnngent North China Field Force* 'Jtln&August 1900. Despatches medal with clasp. C.MG. 1913. Club: Peking. BAUER, Johannes, M.D., Assistant in Bacteriology at P.U.M.C. Address: 183 Hatamen Street. Born January 26, 1890 at XJpsala, Sweden. Nationality, Swed- ish. Served with American Red Cross 1915-20. Arrived China, 1920. BENNETT, Edward Stanley, H.B.M. Consular Service. Address: British Le- gation. Born 1888 at Belfast, Ireland. Nationality, British. Arrived China, 1912. BERGSTROM, David K., Swedish Min- ister to China and Japan. Add re as :— Swedish Legation, Peking. Born 1839 in Sweden. Member of the Swedish 3 Governme1nt: 1905—1906 as Minister 6 without P1ortfolio, 1911-1914 as Minister 2 of War. 3Member of the Swedish 8 Parliamen02t 1894-1907 in the Lower House, 191^191516 in the Senate. Swedish Consul 0 General: 19907-1911 in Finland: 1916-1918 3e in Britisp.h North Americagl. Swedish Min- do ister to Cmhina and Japan osince July 1918. DSweceodriashti oO2027/ns:r dGerar nNd Oorthffeicrenr Sod-us-gtfa trh: eGrand Cordon et/of the Chinese O#prder Chia Ho: Gnerabnrodg C, Gdle.nroarnddo nC ofo trhdeo nD aonf itshh_usee O .Nrdoerrw Deagmian- OJradpearn Sedl.hants.e O Olarvd,e Gr roaf nRd- Cisinaccessogr Sduonn: oGf rtahned OS-BoMfo onIoEu. rnCdntoV tRnelu GMT / http://hronbAofas yt:th iaNPoelen, kPaM,el oLrLnsinitargoaen,uw a TOils,,o PCkRerdkhathitrust.org/eaihorny, i aLsnY dgOa iU.oonknxi va.noledhya, mPrao,fessor Address6 :—Nun Chi Tsw.z. Bom 1873 at 1w London3:.' Nationality, Bwritish. Tel. No. 2212 E-1 1 Club: Peking.p:// BIGE4-0L, Jules, Achttcountant of Journal dAe Pdedkresis14-0n:—g an2d, NIimu-pCrimhei-rCid / e Nhiaao--CWhaen-.P Bao.orn 0e 1BABakBd8i8aLdoiL2nnmd.g. r N. DeAAasets y of Michigan) on 2gaT CC:rto—eiroeonKKsnaP:t leoBit k,,D y JO,a .FAvini.ndg Fts r..U,eo NMnnnrci,a.o Bhpdnaates, Google-digitiz.r, to MiBo.f eenCsdas.ilSaoiltclury . Cb,,a :nAC Paoetlosa-lemongc-ye.-..^.I.C.E. cWYivilhu eiatnntag FHinUniversit-eauen rdH, Cmutaunnoag^g Ne,r Lfaotri otCdnUnited St.a Altiituy.,di .B dorfe rJuit: is3.h2., Ta T9Bme2ils1.Os NEionWeo. rsCd for atsay ( .oR (fH lCuoAbm:h eP,i) neC 3ek2se1e i3cnMi glEa .Arit.i mmain in the r(tBeh uCru Vsiunseetsorsnm)esr:, Com- Barristeer-at-law.. Addressoes . Inspectorate GHoeunseera, lI oneratf gChthuasmto,m Ks, PeenEt, Eublic Digtru Tdhajnd. LBBomower eu 1869. NGationality, BritiafcP. .Triined Chinese Maritime Customs Service in October 1886. Several successively .^.Pe- king, Tientsin, Chefoo, Canton, Amoy, Kiukiamg, Newchwang, Seoul (Korea), Soochow, Amoy, Mukden, aijpf Peking. Appointed Commissioner of Customs, Newchwang, 17th March, 1903, and Chief Secretary, Inspectorate General of Cus. toms, Peking, June 1910. Officiating In- spector General of Customs, Peking July- September, K13: September-December 1918: May-December 1920. Appointed to Seoul, Korea, 1905, as Chief Commissioner of Korean Customs but did not take up the appointment. Commandant of the Newchwang Volunteer Force during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. Barrister-at-law of the Inner Temple, 1904. Decorations: Civil rank of the Third Class, China, April 1904, Double Dragon Third Division first class April 1904. Oflicier de l'Order Royal du Carabodge, 1907. Civil Rank of the Second Class, January 1910. Order of the Chia Ho. Third Class, July 1914. Or- der of the Cbia Ho, Second Class, Jnly 1917. Third Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun, Japan November 1915. Knight of the First Class of the Order of Si Olaf, Norway: April 1919. China Expedition Medal, 1900, Great Britain, 1904. Order of the Pao Kuang Chia Ho, Second Class, 1920. Clubs: Royal So- cieties, London: Peking BOYE, Adolf, German Minister to China. Address :—German Legation. Born June 8, 1869 af Alsenz Rheinplalz. Doctor of Law. Entered Foreign Office 1897. Vice-Consul Yokohama 1899. Vice-Consul Shanghai 1901. Recalled to Foreign Of- fice 1904. Left service and entered Ger- man Bank. Economic Advjjer to Ger- man Embassy in Vienna 1917. Returned 1919 to Foreign Office as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Appointed Min- ister China 1921. THE PEKING WHO'S WHO. BRAN, J, J. j:, Professor at the in- stitute of Rusian Language and of Judicial Low under Waichiaopu. Address: Pei Tsungpu Hutung. Born 1869 at Saratoff, Russia. Nationality, Russian. Tel."*No. 3329- E. Graduate of St. Peters- bourg Univ. (1892). Came to China in 1902. Decorations: Chia Ho 3rd class, Ohai Ho, 2nd class. Club: Peking. BREDON, Lady,- Address: Chuan Pan .Hutung, Peking. BREECE, Thomas Efza, Educational missionarv. Address: Yenching Uni- versity. Nationality, American. BRENAN, Eric Hugh, H.B.M. Consu- lar Service. Address: British Legation. Born 1892 at Canton. Served Essex Regt. 11th Battn., 1914-16; Eastern Per- sian Cordon Field Force 1916-18. CluVs: Thatched House (London), Peking. BUCKINGHAM, A. O., Electrical eng- ineer. Address :—Chienmen Nei Hsi Cheng Ken. Nationality, British. Tel. No. 2938 S. Engineer-in-Chief Peking Chinese 3 Electric1 Light and Power Company since 6 1914. C1lub: Peking. 2 'BUS3H, Herbert Fulford, Solicitor. 8 Address02.—Mount Morrison, Pao Ma Ch'a15ng, Bom Oct. 23, 1873, at Newchwang. 0 North C9hina. Nationality, British. Tel. 3e No. 356p.5 E. Took part igln China Japan do War, Bmoxer Trouble, Rousso-Japanese WMaracrh; 19 2027/1in9 .F Dercaonrcaeti ofrno:m D .SSe.d-us-gOptem. Cberl u1b9s1:4 to Thatchedet/ House Club, Pek#ping, New- cBhwUaSnSgI.dle.nERE, J. A_use., M.D;, Med. Officer FShurie Cnchh dl.haniLna.e Bgatoiornn. JAudlyd r9eaccess,s 1s:8 1762, aTta C Tiehnard OTtHBheoels. rU pPNeSiruteTassAloe.id.,GMT / http://h eiFaRn5c3yrD a,E n,C cTeh. .hoC Nimefa oMsan t.Ssi ou0tonl.t cahathitrust.org/Sinkltig.t y Mp,e ihFscy,h sCeircleianhncah rtt.oered Accoun6 tant!. Address :w.—1, Huang Tu Ta 1w Yuan, P3:aio Pei Hutung. Bowrn 1897 at York,1 1 England. Nationp://ality, Britisihl. Tel. Nos, (Ho4-0me) 3243 E. (Bhttusiness) 2205 E. S.Rervoeyda wl Ai14-0tfci rS oFmeorrsceet 1L91i5g-h1d / t9 I. Cnfluabnstr:y S aenrvdices, 0e LCa1CCJn8d9oAAud 1Dnsn StrdgouMMco.mgonEPgy of Michigan) on 2t,sBl ia.Ps nNRte.dEk A. aONtLinidogdNan.rLtaeiolsi,tn sy,Ja ,:Al —iBtoif.h,P ates, Google-digitizrSnB.iUt.,, i Ms.IMrh.i. t. PCiCsn.h sS.p..l ,ueB Cbct:o oPrhreane-tme iosft CiTsst'eAr aanN dH uUniversitMtDuisLnsgio.I nBarNyo. rAn, 1Rd8d5er3ev-United Stsa. stG W:e-—oregle'li nTgh&tootnn),a Cs, Mhiina-ng SSimnay astlonhtpe eom. fMN aUetnd for atsay (tichait oteTidodhin esMato lelAiottygh,yo cB dainids tePr mieMtkiisysn,s main in the .Pii onPengrko. Uf.e.nAisnisvgo.. tr a-C nofd,hair- tended Paerliament of Religioons at World's FMetahior,d Cistnerat Nhicaegwo ,C in o1n8n9e3x. Prblic Dieosnid Centh autrch (now eu United MeGthodist) in 1901-2. WPas pre- sent at coronation of King Edward VII. at Westminister 1902. Was chairman of Federation Conference heJd in Peking in 1905. CAREY, P. T., Telephone engineer China Electric Co. Address.—15, Shih Fang Yuan. Tel. Nos. (Residence) 3600 E. (Business). 700 E. Nationality, Ameri- can. Joined Western Electri'. Co. 1900. Served in United States, England, Be- lgium, Argentine, Ecuador, and China. Also 'Telephone Engineering Instructor Chiaotung Univ., Hon. Technical Adviser to the Electrical Testing Bureau, Ministry of Communications. Decorations: Chiao- tung Order of Merit, Ohiao Ho. Club: Peking. CARL, Francis A., Commissioner or Chinese Customs (Retired). Address.: — 16, San.Tiao Hutung. Born: 1861 at Osyka, Mississippi, U.S.A. Nationality, American. Joined the Customs Service in 1881. Appointed Commissioner in 188'J, and retired in July, 1.92L Appointed by the Wai Wu-pu assistant Commissioner from Chins, to the St. Louis Exposition, U.S.A. 1904;. Associate Delegate to the International i Opium Commission at Shanghai, 1909, and Delegate to the In- ternational Opium Conference at The Hague, 1911. Decorations: Civil Rank of the Third Class, Ju?y 1893; Double Dragon, Third Division, First Class, July 1893; Civil Rank of the second class, January, 1903: Double Dragon, second Division, Third Class, January, 1912 Order of the Chia Ho, Third Class, Julv 1914. Order of the Chia Ho, Second Class, December, 1918. Clubs: Peking Shanghai and India House, New York City. CARL, Katherino Augusta, artist Ad- dress: Cattaneo Flats, Morrison Street" Decorations: Double Dragon, Flaming Pearl. Club: Lyoeum, Paris. Publication • With the Dowager Empress of China

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