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CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Volume 46 February HEARING LOSS IN CHILDREN, pages 1-166 April PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY, pages 167-488 June ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY, PART I: COMMON DISORDERS, pages 489-648 August ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY, PART II: THE SEXUALLY ACTIVE ADOLESCENT, pages 649-829 October ATTENTION-DEFICIT/ HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER, pages 831-1060 December EMERGENCY MEDICINE, pages 1061-1372 Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type Abortion, care after, 666-667 clinical presentation of, 575 for minors, 663-664 diagnosis of, 575-578 septic, 660-661 spontaneous, 658 laboratory tests in, 57 Abscess, appendiceal, 580 tumor markers for, 577-578 breast, 617 differential diagnosis of, 573-574 treatment of, pain management in, 1236- epidemiology of, 573 1239 management of, 586-588 tubo-ovarian, 580 laparoscopic, 587 in pelvic inflammatory disease, 775- laparotomy, 588 776, 778-779 surgical, 587-588 Abuse, child, head injury in, 1193 non-neoplastic, 578-582 sexual. See Sexual assault. ectopic pregnancy, 580 Accessory breast tissue, 609-610 endometriomas, 582 Acetazolamide, in hypertension, 248 functional and hemorrhagic ovarian Acne, from long-acting contraceptives, 727 cysts, 578-579 isotretinoin in, teratogenic effects of, 662 hydrosalpinx, 582 oral contraceptives in, 700 infectious, 580 with polycystic ovary syndrome, man- miuillerian anomalies, 581-582 agement of, 536 torsion, 579 Acrochordon, vulvar, 595 ovarian neoplasms, 582-586 Activated charcoal, in poisoning, 1182 epithelial, 585 Active compression-decompression germ cell, 584-585 cardiopulmonary resuscitation, sex cord stromal, 585-586 1290-1291 versus polycystic ovary syndrome, 528 - Acyclovir, in genital herpes, 75 > Adolescents, attention-deficit Adderall. See Dextroamphetamine. hyperactivity disorder in, 1027-1038 ADHD. See Attention-deficit/hyperactivity comorbidities with, 1036-1037 disorder. counseling on, 1033-1035 Adhesives, tissue, in wound management, education about, 1030-1031 1206-1209, 1232 outcome of, 1027-1028 Adnexal masses, 573-592 prognosis for, 1027-1028 1342 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Adolescents (Continued) examination, 511-512 school problems in, 1035-1036 history, 511 treatment of, 957, 959-960, 1029-1033 laboratory tests, 512-515 gynecologic issues in. See Gynecology. from oral contraceptives, 707-708 Adrenal tumors, versus polycystic ovary management of, 515-517 syndrome, 528 with delayed puberty, 507-509 Adrenaline. See Epinephrine. with genital tract anomalies, 510-511 Adrenergic antagonists, in hypertension, with otherwise normal puberty, 509-510 248 Amine test, for vaginitis, 735-736 Aggression, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity Amiodarone, in hypertrophic disorder with, 916-918, 1041 cardiomyopathy, 306 stimulant effects on, 932-933 Amitriptyline, in attention-deficit Airway, intubation of. See Intubation. hyperactivity disorder, 965, 970 management of, education for, 1314, efficacy of, 966-967 1316 Amoxicillin, in bacteremia, 1136 in resuscitation, 1287-1289 in otitis media, 1132 research on, 1317-1318 in pharyngitis, 1133 Albers-Schonberg disease, 70 in pneumonia, 1135 Albuterol, in asthma, 1155, 1157, 1160-1161 in sinusitis, 1132 Allergic reactions, vulvar, 603-604 in urinary tract infections, 1119 Allergy, food, attention-deficit / Amoxicillin, in endocarditis, 284 hyperactivity disorder and, 980 Amoxicillin-clavulanate, in occult Alpha-adrenergic antagonists, in attention- bacteremia, 1092-1093 deficit /h yperactivity disorder, 970-972 in urinary tract infections, 1136 in hypertension, 248 Amphetamine, in attention-deficit Alpha-agonists, in syncope, 217 hyperactivity disorder, 947-948 Alport syndrome, 39, 43, 70 in school program, 1004-1007 Alstrém syndrome, 70 pharmacology and pharmacokinetics Alternative treatment, in attention-deficit of, 930-931 hyperactivity disorder, 977-992 response to, 949, 951 antifungal agents in, 982-983 Ampicillin, in endocarditis, 280, 284 antioxidants in, 986-987 Amplification, in sensorineural hearing aspartame and, 982 loss, 125-132 auditory stimulation in, 988 Amplitude, in auditory brain stem biofeedback hypnotherapy in, 988-989 response, 109 dietary, 978-983 Amrinone, in congestive heart failure, 270 elimination diets in, 981 Androgens, excess of, in polycystic ovary essential fatty acids in, 985 syndrome. See Polycystic ovary Feingold diet in, 979-980 syndrome. food allergy management in, 980 insensitivity to, amenorrhea and, 510 herbal, 986-987 Anemia, sickle cell, oral contraceptives in, homeopathic, 987-988 699 iron in, 984 pregnancy in, 661-662 magnesium in, 984 Anesthesia, general, in emergency megavitamin therapy in, 983-984 treatment, 1222 micronutrient supplementation in, in emergency treatment, 1219-1220, 1222 985-986 in rapid-sequence intubation, 1252, nootropics in, 986 1265-1267, 1271 nutritional supplements in, 983-986 inhalation, in asthma, 1159 pyridoxine in, 984-985 local, in xvound management, 1203-1204, sugar elimination in, 981-982 1232-1233 vision therapy in, 987 Aneurysms, in Kawasaki syndrome, zinc in, 985 320-321, 324 Amastia, 610 Angioplasty, 446-449 Ambulatory blood pressure moniioring, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 239 in congestive heart failure, 270-271 Amenorrhea, 505-518 in hypertension, 248 definition of, 506-507 Animal bites, treatment of, 1209-1210 differential diagnosis of, 508 Antianxiety agents, in attention-deficit evaluation of, 511-515 hyperactivity disorder, 922 1999-1343 Antibiotics. See also specific antibiotics Anxiety, management of, in emergency in endocarditis, 279-281 treatment. See Pain prophylactic, 282-285 in febrile infants, 1069 ntal, hearing loss screening and in occult bacteremia, 1092-1094 2] oral contraceptive interactions w ith, Anxiety disorders, attention-deficit 704-705 hyperactivity disorder with, 920-922 prophylactic, after sexual assault, 820 1043 821 Aorta, coarctation of, 369-371 in endocarditis, 282-285 dilation of, 447-448 resistance to, 1125-1143 stents in, 450 historical perspective of, 1125-1127 Aortic area, auscultation and, 181 mechanisms of, 1128-1129 Aortic stenosis, dilation of, 444-445 selection of, 1127-1128 sudden death and, 225 treatment considerations in, 113 valvar, 376-378 bacteremia, 1135-1136 Aortic systolic murmur, 185-186 meningitis, 1133-1134 Aortic valve, dilation of, 444445 pneumonia, 1134-1135 Aorticopulmonary communications, sexuaily transmitted diseases 367-368 1137 Aortopulmonary collaterals, closure of skin and soft-tissue infections, 452-453 1138 Apnea, in rapid-sequence intubation, upper respiratory infections 1270-1271 1133 Apparent life-threatening event, urinary tract infections, 1136 emergency care in, 1318-1319 Antibodies, to human papillomavi Appetite suppression, in stimulant 787-788, 791 therapy, 952 Anticoagulation, in pulmonary irtery \protinin, in cavopulmonary anastomosis hypertension, 339-340 and Fontan procedure, 475 Anticonvulsants, oral cont raceptive Arachidonic acid metabolism, in interactions with, 704 dysmenorrhea, 557 Antidepressants, in attention-deficit Arrhythmias, 197, 347-354 hyperactivity disorder. See also atrioventricular block, 353 specific drugs. diagnostic evaluation of cardiovascular effects of, 969 dilated cardiomyopathy a dosage forms for, 970 echocardiography in, 428 efficacy of, 966 Fontan procedure and, 477 in adolescents, 1033 from succinylcholine, 1268 in combinations, 972-973 hypertrophic cardiomyop in preschoolers, 1022 IH indications for, 966-968 in syncope, 213, 217 mechanism of action of, 967-968 premature beats, 35 + psychosocial treatment with, 967 stimulant-induced, 954 types of, 965 sudden death and, 222 with anxiety, 921-922 supraventricular tachycardia, with comorbid conditions, 941 treatment of,f 347-348, 350 with conduct disorder, 918 ventricular tachycardia 3 with depression, 921-922 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular with developmental disorders, 9 220 9 dysplasia, sudden death and, 227-228 Antioxidants, in attention-deficit Arterial blood gas measurement, in hyperactivity disorder, 986-987 asthma, 1150-1151 Antipsychotic drugs, in attention-deficit Arterial duct, patent. See Patent d hyperactivity disorder, with rt 10SUS developmental disorders, 923 Arterial examination, 17 2 Antipyretic drugs, in occult bacteremia Arterial switch operation, 412 1082 Arteriovenous malformations, closure of Antisocial personality disorder, attention- 453-454 deficit /h yperactivity disorder with, Arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid, Kawasaki 7 917 syndrome versus, 31 Anus, human papillomavirus infections of, Aspartame, attention-deficit /h y peractivity 793-794 disorder and, 982 1344 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Aspiration, foreign-body, versus asthma, behavioral, 876-877, 1018 1151, 1154 billing for, 872-873 in sedation, 1223-1224 case studies of, 1000-1003 prevention of, rapid-sequence intubation cognitive, 877-879, 892-893, 1018-1019 in, 1253 continuous performance tests in, 836 Aspirin, in Kawasaki syndrome, 322-323 coordination, 879-880 Assistive devices, in hearing loss, 131 developmental history in, 849-850 Asthma, 1145-1165 dysmorphology examination in, 851- adolescent gynecology and, 636 853 epidemiology of, 1145 electroencephalography in, 836-837, evaluation of, algorithms for, 1151-1153 840, 854 differential diagnosis in, 1152, 1154 family history in, 849, 875-876 history in, 1146 frontal lobe tests in, 836 oxygenation-ventilation monitoring in, genetic, 855 1150-1151 history in, 846-851, 875-876, 1017- physical examination in, 1147 1018 severity assessment in, 1147-1149 in preschoolers, 1017-1019 hospital admission rate in, 1146 in school, 993-1009 patient education on, 1161 initial, 863, 865 treatment of, 1154-1160 magnetic resonance imaging in, 839- algorithms for, 1160-1161 840 bronchodilators in, 1155, 1157 mechanics of, 875 glucocorticoids in, 1154-1155 medical, 845-856 in critical state, 1157-1160 metabolic, 855 intubation in, 1159 neurodevelopmental, 853-854 mechanical ventilation in, 1160 neuroimaging in, 839-840 oxygen in, 1154 parent-teacher discrepancies in, 994— Atenolol, in hypertension, 248 998, 1000-1003 in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 306 parent-teacher rating combination in, Athelia, 610 998, 1000 Athletic participation, hypertension and, physical examination in, 851, 1019 246-247, 249 preparation for, 874-875 Atlanto-occipital joint extension, previous test review in, 874-875 evaluation of, for rapid-sequence problems in, 857-859 intubation, 1259-1260 psychosocial evaluation in, 1018 Atrial communications, opening of, radiology in, 854 451-452 rating scales in, 857-870, 883-884, 916, Atrial septal defect, clinical presentation 994-1000 of, 357 scorecard for, 874 closure of, 455 sleep history in, 850-851 evaluation of, 357-358 specialist consultation in, 960 incidence, types, and embryology of, synthesis of findings in, 880 356-357 time for, 872 natural history of, 359 with comorbid conditions, 915-916 treatment of, 359 with learning disorders, 894 Atrial septostomy, 342 clinical features of, as outcome predictor, balloon, 411, 420, 451 1040-1041 Atrioventricular block, 353-354 in adolescents, 1028-1029 Atrioventricular canal defects, 365 clinical perspective of, 831-832 Atropine, in rapid-sequence intubation, comorbid conditions with, 915-927 1265 aggression, 916-918, 932-933, 1041 Attention, neuropsychology of, 834-835 antisocial personality disorder, 917 Attention-/dh eypferiacctiivitt y disorder, anxiety disorders, 920-922, 1043 831-843 as outcome predictors, 1041-1043 aggression with, 916-918, 1041 autism, 923-924, 958 stimulant effects on, 932-933 conduct disorder, 916-918, 1042-1043 antisocial personality disorder with, 917 depression, 918-922, 1043 assessment of, 871-884 developmental disorders, 923-924 approach to, 845-846 dysphoric conduct, 918 assumptions about, 873-874 identification of, 915-916 CUMULATIVE in adolescents, 1036-1037 prognosis for. See also Attention-« learning disorders, 885-897, 922-923, peractivity disorder, outcome 1041 in adolescents, 1027-1028 mental retardation, 923-924, 958 with learning disorders, 893 mood disorders, 918-922, 941, 953, research on, 840 1043 school problems in, 1035-1036 motor disorders, 899-913 subcategories of, 832 oppositional defiant disorder, 916-918, tics with, 924 1001, 1041-1042 treatment of, 945-963 treatment of, 941, 972-973 alternative, 977-992 conduct disorder with, 916-918, 1042 antioxidants in, 986-987 1043 auditory stimulation in, 988 counseling on, 1033-1035 behavioral, 940-941, 1046-1047 criteria for, 832-834, 857-858, 887-888 biofeedback hypnotherapy in, 988-989 definition of, 831-832, 887-888 dietary, 978-983 depression with, 918-922, 1043 family interventions in, 1020 herbal, 986-987 developmental disorders with, 923-924 homeopathic, 987-988 diagnosis of. See Attention-deficit/hyperac in adolescents, 1029-1033 tivity disorder, assessment of in school, 993-1009 differential diagnosis of, in adolescents, multimodal, 1048 1029-1030 nonstimulant drugs in, 965-975, 1033 in preschoolers, 1016 nootropics in, 986 dysphoric conduct with, 918 nutritional supplements in, 983-986 education about, 1030-1031 outcome prediction and, 1045-1048 environmental factors in, 841 parent training in, 1020-1021 executive functions and, 835-837 problems in, 859 genetics of, 840-841 stimulants in. See Stimu history of, 832-83 drug. in adolescents. See Adolescents, attention- strategies for, 960-961 deficit/hyperactivity disorder in. teacher training in, 1020-1021 in preschoolers. See Preschoolers, atten tutoring with, 1046 tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in vision therapy in, 987 information resources for, 882-884 with anxiety, 921-922 learning disorders with. See with conduct disorders, 918 orders. with depression 921-922 ~ mental retardation with, 923-924, 958 with developmental disorders, 923 mood disorders with, 918-922, 941, 1043 924 motor disorders with, 899-913, 934 with learning disorders, 894-895 myths about, 1031 working _ memory and, 836-838 neurobiology of, 838-840, 967 Audiologic management, in hereditary neuropsychology of, 834-835 hearing loss, 45 ~ oppnoeswi titohneaolr iedse fiofa,n t 83d7i-s8o3r8d er with, 916 Audioa7 slsoegsiscm enrtet;ne ts tinHgel,ap ra r4i nNe]g Audiometry, conditioned play, 918, 1001, 1041-1042 in sensorineural hearing loss and middle outcome of, in adolescents, 1027 1028 ear disease, 122-124 predictors of, 1039-1052 visual reinforcement, 115-117 aggression, 1041 Auditory brain stem response, 98-99 comorbidity, 1041-1043 108-110 conduct disorder, 1042-1043 applications of, 112 family parameters, 1043-1045 predictive value of, 103 IQ, 1040 sensitivity and specificity of, 10 2 learning disability, 1041 stimulus variables of, 110-111 mood disorders, 1043 subject variables of, 111-112 oppositional defiant disorder, 1041 Auditory capability, of neonates, 2- -5 1042 Auditory evoked potentials, 108 substance abuse, 1043 Auditory nerve, electric stimulation of, 10 symptoms, 1040-1041 Auditory neuropathy, 98 treatment of, 1045-1048 Auditory stimulation treatment, in with learning disorders, 893 attention-deficit /h yperactivity prenatal signs of, 849 disorder, 988 1346 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Auditory system, human central, of valvular lesions, 442-446 development of, 5-6 Band count, in occult bacteremia, 1085 sensory deprivation effects on, 6-10 Bartholin’s duct cysts, 599-600 Auscultation, 176-177, 181-183 Behavioral approach, to hearing Autism, attention-deficit /h yperactivity assessment, 115-117 disorder with, 923-924, 958 Behavioral problems, attention-deficit/ Autoimmune inner ear disease, hearing hyperactivity disorder with, 916-918 loss from, 71 assessment of, 876-877, 1018-1019 Autosomal dominant syndromes of food allergy and, 980 hearing loss, nonsyndromic, 40-41 in chronic disease, 848 syndromic, 39-40 in stimulant therapy, 934, 954 Autosomal recessive syndromes of hearing Behavioral therapy, in attention-deficit / loss, nonsyndromic, 39 hyperactivity disorder, 1046-1047 syndromic, 37-39 with stimulants, 940-941 Azithromycin, in chlamydial infections, Behcet's syndrome, vulvar, 600-601 752, 1137 Benzodiazepines, in attention-deficit / in endocarditis, 284 hyperactivity disorder, with mood disorders, 922 Benzyl alcohol, in venipuncture pain management, 1231 Bacteremia, after procedures, 276 Beta-blockers, in asthma, 1155, 1157 occult, 1073-1109 in congestive heart failure, 271 adverse consequences of, 1074-1075 in hypertension, 248 blood culture in, 1090-1092 in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 305- epidemiology of, 1075-1078 306 evaluation of, clinical algorithms for, in syncope, 217 1096-1097 Bezold-Jarisch reflex, 211-212 fever sources and, 1082, 1084 Bichloroacetic acid, in human laboratory tests for, 1084-1090 papillomavirus infections, 798, 800 natural history of, 1078-1081 Bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis, organisms causing, 1075 470-476 physical examination in, 1081-1085 Bimanual examination, pelvic, 497 significance of, 1074 Biofeedback hypnotherapy, for attention- treatment of, cost-benefit analysis of, def/ih ypceraictitvit y disorder, 988-989 1095 Bioprosthetic valves, dilation of, 446 cost-effectiveness analysis of, 1095- Biopsy, of breast disease, 623 1096 , of dilated cardiomyopathy, 294-295 decision analysis of, 1095-1096 Bipolar disorder, attention-deficit / empiric antibiotics in, 1092-1094 hyperactivity disorder with, 918 with positive blood culture, 1098- Birth control. See Contraceptives and 1099 contraception. vaccines for, 1099 Bites, treatment of, 1209-1210 treatment of, antibiotic resistance consid- Blade septostomy, 451-452 erations in, 1135-1136 Blalock-Taussig shunt, 38, 469 Bacterial endocarditis, 275-287 Bleeding, breakthrough, from oral diagnosis of, 277-279 contraceptives, 707 epidemiology of, 275-276 dysfunctional uterine. See Dysfunctional microbiology of, 277 uterine bleeding. monitoring of, 282 in pregnancy, 657-662 pathogenesis of, 276-277 Blood culture, in occult bacteremia, prophylaxis of, 282-285 1090-1092, 1098-1099 treatment of, 279-281 Blood pressure, ambulatory monitoring of, Bacterial meningitis, hearing loss from, 239 53-55 measurement of, 235-239 Bacterial vaginosis, 739-741, 752, 769 normal, 174-175 Bag-valve-ventilation technique, 1314 tables, 236-238 Balloon angioplasty, 446-449 Bogalusa Heart Study, 242-243 Balloon atrial septostomy, 411, 420, 451 Boys Town study, 86 Balloon dilation, of pulmonary stenosis, Brachiocephalic systolic murmur, 185 399 Brachio-otorenal syndrome, 38-39, 70 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Bradycardia, 210, 353-354 Calcium channel blockers, in Brain, cardiac arrest effects on, 1295-1296 dysmenorrhea, 560 injury of. See Head injury. in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, tumors of, amenorrhea and, 508 306 Brain stem auditory pathway, ‘ancer, breast, oral contraceptives development of, 5-6 contraindicated in, 697 BRCAI1 gene, in breast cancer, 619 in human papillomavirus infections, ado- BRCA2 gene, in breast cancer, 619 lescent vulnerability to, 788-789 Breast disease, 607-629 epidemiology and, 789-792 absence of tissue, 610 pathogenesis of, 785-786 accessory tissue, 609-610 risks for, 792-793 asymmetric development, 609 screening for, 801-803 atrophy, 610 pregnancy in, 662 cancer, oral contraceptives contraindi- risk of, oral contraceptives effects on, cated in, 697 700 evaluation of, 498-499, 618-623 survivors of, gynecology and, 639 core biopsy, 623 andidiasis, attention-deficit /h y peractivity examination, 620-621 disorder and, 982—983 fine-needle aspiration, 622-625 vulvovaginal, 741-743 history, 618-619 aptopril, in hypertension 247-248 mammography, 621 Carbon dioxide measurement, in ultrasonography, 621-622 1150 macromastia, 610-611 in rapid sequence intubation, 1274 management of, 623-625 in resuscitation, 1297 tuberous deformity, 610 Cardiac arrhythmias. See Airrrrlhansytthnmmiiaa s tumors, 611-618 ardiac catheterization. See Catheterization benign, 611-618 cardiac. fibroadenomas, 614-615 ‘ardiac murmurs, atrial septal defect and, infections and inflammations, 617 357-358 618 characteristics of, 178 mastalgia, 612-613 classification of, 178-180 nipple discharge, 616-617 discrete subaortic stenosis and, 379 phyllodes, 615-616 evaluation of, 167-188 proliferative changes, 613-614 cardiovascular assessment, arterial ex- swelling and tenderness, 611-612 amination, 1 73 malignant, 618 auscultation, 1 76-177, 181-183 prevalence of, 611 first heart sound, 177 versus normal development and anat- precordial examination, 175-176 omy, 607-609 second heart sound, 177 Breath holding, 211 venous examination, 173 British study, 86 history in, 168, 171 Bronchitis, treatment of, antibiotic innocent murmurs of childhood, resistance considerations in, 1130-1131 186 Bronchodilators, in asthma, 1155, 1157 overall appearance, 172 Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor patient age at referral, 167-168 Performance Scale, 909 physical examination, 172 Budesonide, in croup, 1168-1174 respiratory assessment, 173 Bumetanide, in hypertension, 248 vital signs, 172-173 Bupivacaine, in wound management, patent ductus arteriosus and, 363-364 1203-1204 truncus arteriosus and, 415 Bupropion, in attention-deficit valvar aortic stenosis and, 377 hyperactivity disorder, 965, 970 ventricular septal defect and, 361 efficacy of, 966 Cardiac pacing, 350 with mood disorders, 921-9 oe) Cardiac syncope, 209, 213 Burns, débridement of, pain management Cardiomegaly, 196-197 in, 1236-1239 Cardiomyopathy,y 289. See also Dilated cardiomyopa i$ hy; Hypertrophic cardiomyopa It hy Cardiopulmonary bypass, in resuscitation, Calcium, hypertension and, 242 1292-1293 1348 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. See epidemiology of, 189-190 Resuscitation. etiology of, cardiac, 195-197 Cardiovascular risks, of polycystic ovary gastrointestinal, 198 syndrome, 525 miscellaneous, 199 Catecholamines, abnormalities of, in musculoskeletal, 198 attention-deficit /h yperactivity organ systems causing pain, 189 disorder, 838-839 psychiatric, 198 Cathartics, in poisoning, 1182 pulmonary, 197 Catheterization, cardiac, 441-464 thoracic structures causing pain, 191 in atrial communication opening, 451- evaluation of, differential diagnosis, 452 192-195 in atrial septal defect, 358 history, 190 in closure of extracardiac and intracar- laboratory tests, 199 diac communications, 452-456 physical examination, 192 in congestive heart failure, 272 Chest radiographs, in atrial septal defect, in dilated cardiomyopathy, 294 358 in endocardial cushion defects, 366-367 in endocardial cushion defects, 366 in endovascular stents, 450-451 in febrile infants, 1067 in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 303- in patent ductus arteriosus, 364 304 in ventricular septal defect, 362 in patent ductus arteriosus, 364 Chlamydial infections, 751-752, 754-756 in pulmonary stenosis, 398-400 evaluation of, 499 in truncus arteriosus, 415-416 pelvic inflammatory disease in. See Pel- in valvular lesion dilation, 442-446 vic inflammatory disease. in vascular angioplasties, 446-449 treatment of, antibiotic resistance consid- in ventricular septal defect, 362 erations in, 1136-1137 Cavopulmonary anastomosis, 395, 397 Chloral hydrate, in emergency treatment, bidirectional, 470-476 1225 Cefadroxil. in endocarditis, 284 Chlorothiazide, in hypertension, 248 Cefazolin, in endocarditis, 284 Chlorthalidone, in hypertension, 248 Cefixime, in gonorrhea, 1137 Cholesterol, in preventive cardiology, in urinary tract infections, 1136 256-259 Cefotaxime, in bacteremia, 1135 Cholestyramine, 258 in meningitis, 1134 Christmas disease, gynecology and, 637 Ceftriaxone, in bacteremia, 1135-1136 Ciprofloxacin, in pelvic inflammatory in endocarditis, 280 disease, 776 in gonorrhea, 1137 Circulation, fetal, transitional, and in meningitis, 1134 neonatal, 168-169 in occult bacteremia, 1092 support of, in resuscitation, 1290-1293 Cefuroxime, in pneumonia, 1135 Clarion implant, 137 Cellulitis, treatment of, antibiotic resistance Clarithromycin, in endocarditis, 284 considerations in, 1137-1138 Clindamycin, in bacteria vaginosis, Cephalexin, in endocarditis, 284 739-740, 752 Cephalosporins, in gonorrhea, 1137 in endocarditis, 284 in meningitis, 1134 in pelvic inflammatory disease, 776-779 in pelvic inflammatory disease, 776-778 Clomipramine, in attention-deficit / in sexually transmitted diseases, 752-753 hyperactivity disorder, with in urinary tract infections, 1136 developmental disorders, 923-924 Cervical cap, 673, 682-685 Clonidine, in attention-deficit / Cervicitis, 751-752, 754-756 hyperactivity disorder, 965, 970-971 treatment of, 1137 efficacy of, 966 Cervicography, in human papillomavirus in preschoolers, 1021-1022 infections, 796-797 with comorbid conditions, 941 Cervix, human papillomavirus infections with tics, 924 of. See Human papillomavirus infections. in hypertension, 248 Charcoal, activated, in poisoning, 1182 in sleep disorders, stimulant-related, 953 CHARGE syndrome, 70 Clumsiness. See Motor disorders. Chemotherapy, gynecology and, 637-638 Coagulopathies, gynecology and, 637-638 pregnancy in, 662 Coarctation, aortic, 369-371 Chest pain, 189-203 dilation of, 447-448 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 1349 stents in, 450 in humans, 9-10 Cocaine, in anesthetic mixture, 1204, 1219, minimal, 66—67 1232 Condyloma acuminatum, in human Cochlea, destruction of, effects on auditory papillomavirus infections, 789, nervous system, 7-8 798-803 tuning at level of, in newborns, 3 vulvar, 596 Cochlear implants, 134-135 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, versus clinical results of, 136-138 polycystic ovary syndrome, 528 systems for, 135-136 Congenital hearing impairment, 36 Cockayne’s syndrome, 70 Congenital heart disease, chest pain in, Cognitive dysfunction, in attention-deficit 195-196 hyperactivity disorder, 922-923 congestive heart failure from, 265-266 assessment of, 877-879, 892-893, cyanotic. See Cyanotic congenital heart dis- 1018-1019 ease. stimulant effects on, 932 echocardiography in, 427-429 in learning disorders, assessment of, pregnancy in, 662 891-892 respiratory distress in, versus asthma, in motor disorders, 904 1154 in stimulant therapy, 954 syndromes associated with, 170 Coitus interruptus, 672, 689 ongestive cardiomyopathy. See Dilated Cold, common, treatment of, antibiotic cardiomyopathy resistance considerations in, 1130-1131 ‘ongestive heart failure, 171, 263-273 Colorado program for hearing screening, causes of, 265-266 91-92, 99-100 clinical presentation of, 266-268 Colorado study, 82-85 mechanisms of, 263-265 Colposcopy, in human papillomavirus referral in, 269 infections, 790 signs and symptoms of, 264 in sexual assault, 819 3-minute examination for, 268-269 Comfort measures, in emergency treatment of, interventional cardiac cathe- treatment, 1218 terization, 272 Common cold, treatment of, antibiotic medical, 269-27 resistance considerations in, 1130-1131 surgical, 271 Commotio cordis, sudden death and, 231 Conners’ rating scales, for attention- Communication, with children with deficit /hyperactivity disorder, 862-866 hearing loss, 154 Contact vulvitis, 603-604 Complete blood count, in occult Continuous murmurs, 180 bacteremia, 1084-1087 normal, 186 Comprehensive Omnibus Budget and Continuous performance tests, in Reconciliation Act, emergency attention-deficit /h yperactivity treatment authorization and disorder, 836 1332-133 Contraceptives and contraception, choice Computed tomography, in adnexal masses, of, 499-501 IS/ counseling on, nonhormonal, 691 in head injury, 1191, 1194-1196 opportunities for, 664-665 in hearing loss assessment, 44 ectopic pregnancy in, 659-660 pain management for, 1229 emergency, 710-713, 718 Conditioned play audiometry, 117 after sexual assault, 821 Condoms, counseling on, 763 in cystic fibrosis, 634 female, 673, 680-682 in disabled persons, 641 in sexually transmitted disease preven- long-acting, 719-732 tion, 759-763 advantages of, 72 male, 672, 676—680 contraindications for, 72 pelvic inflammatory disease risk and, disadvantages of, 721-722 77 future, 728 Conduct disorder, attention-deficit indications for, 72 hyperactivity disorder with, 916-918, mechanism of action of, 720-721 1042-1043 pharmacologic actions of, 719-720 Conductive hearing loss, effects on results of, 722-724 auditory system, in experimental side effects of, 726-728 animals, 8-9 starting, 724-726 1350 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1999 Contraceptives and contraception (Continued) Crohn's disease, gynecology and, 636-637 nonhormonal, 671-694 vulvar, 601 abstinence, 672 Croup, 1167-1178 advantages of, 674 organisms causing, 1168 cervical cap, 673, 682-685 treatment of, epinephrine in, 1171 comparison of, 672-673 glucocorticoids in, 1168-1175 condoms. See Condoms. mist therapy in, 1171 counseling on, 691 Cryotherapy, for human papillomavirus diaphragm, 673, 682-685 infections, 798, 800-801 efficacy of, 675-676 Culture, blood, in occult bacteremia, future, 690 1090-1092, 1098-1099 importance of, 674 in bacterial endocarditis, 278-279 in sexually transmitted disease preven- tion, 760-762 of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 755-756 intrauterine device, 673, 687-689, 771 urine, 1114-1116 rhythm method, 672, 689-690 Culture-negative endocarditis, 277, 281 spermicides, 673, 685-687 Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, in wound sponge, 682-685 management, 1206-1209, 1232 sterilization, 690 Cyanosis, 171 usage trends for, 674-675 Cyanotic congenital heart disease, with missed oral contraceptive pill, classification of, 405-406 706 with decreased pulmonary blood flow, withdrawal method, 672, 689 385-403 oral. See Oral contraceptives. tetralogy of Fallot, 386-391 pelvic inflammatory disease risk and, tricuspid valve abnormalities, 391-402 770-771 with increased pulmonary blood flow, postabortion, 666-667 405-425 postpartum, 666-667 miscellaneous defects, 421 Contralateral routing, of signal aid, 132 pulmonary vascular obstructive dis- Coordination, disorders of. See Motor ease, 421-422 disorders. total anomalous pulmonary venous re- in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disor- turn, 416-421 der, assessment of, 879-880 transposition of great arteries, 406-412 Copper T intrauterine device, 687-689 truncus arteriosus, 412-416 Core biopsy, of breast disease, 623 Cyclooxygenase pathway, in Coronary arteries, congenital abnormalities dysmenorrhea, 557 of, sudden death and, 227 Cylert. See Pemoline. fistulas of, 454 Cyst(s), corpus luteum, 578, 658 Corpus luteum cysts, clinical presentation pelvic, versus adnexal masses, 576-577 of, 578 vulvar, 599-600 in pregnancy, 658 Cystic fibrosis, gynecology and, 634 Cough, treatment of, antibiotic resistance Cystic teratomas, ovarian, 584 considerations in, 1130-1131 Cystosarcoma phyllodes, 615-616 Cytokines, in occult bacteremia, 1089-1090 Counseling, on attention-deficit / Cytomegalovirus infections, asymptomatic, hyperactivity disorder, 1033-1035 21 on contraception options, 664-665, 691 hearing loss from, 55, 69 on pelvic inflammatory disease, 779 on pregnancy options, 662-664 on sexuality, 750-751 on sexually transmitted disease preven- Dalkon Shield, 687-689 tion, 761 Damus-Kaye-Stansel procedure, 468-469 Counterpulsation (interposed abdominal Danazol, in dysmenorrhea, 563 compression) cardiopulmonary Deafferentation, effects on auditory resuscitation, 1292 nervous system, 7-8 CPR. See Resuscitation. Deafness. See Hearing loss. C-reactive protein, in occult bacteremia, Deanol, in attention-/dh eypferiacctiivitt y 1087-1089 disorder, 986 Crib death, 231 Death, pronouncement of, 1319-1320 Cricoid pressure, in rapid-sequence Débridement, of burns, pain management intubation, 1272-1273 in, 1236-1239

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