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The PDMA ToolBook 3 for New Product Development The PDMA ToolBook 3 for New Product Development, Edited by Abbie Griffin and Stephen Somermeyer Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The PDMA ToolBook 3 for New Product Development Edited by Abbie Griffin UniversityofUtah Stephen Somermeyer Somermeyer &Associates John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. Copyright2007byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. AnniversaryLogoDesign:RichardPacifico. 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Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsin print,however,maynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks.FormoreinformationaboutWiley products,visitourWebsiteatwww.wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: ThePDMAtoolbook3fornewproductdevelopment/editedbyAbbieGriffin, StephenM.Somermeyer. p.cm. Includesindex. ISBN-13:978-0-470-08923-1(cloth) 1.Newproducts—Management2.ProductmanagementI.Griffin,Abbie.II. Somermeyer,StephenM. HF5415.153.P35492007 658.5(cid:1)75–dc22 2007010261 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 10987654321 This book is dedicated to Paul Belliveau: friend, colleague and former ToolBook co-editor. We hope you will come back on board in the future. Contents Contributors xi Introduction xxi Part 1 Tools for Engineering and Design 1 1 TRIZ: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving 3 GunterR.Ladewig 2 Quality Function Deployment and the House of Quality 41 GerryKatz Part 2 Tools To Improve Customer And Market Inputs To NPD 71 3 Applying Trade-off Analysis to Get the Most from Customer Needs 75 NelsonWhipple,ThomasAdler,andStephanMcCurdy 4 The Slingshot: A Group Process for Generating Breakthrough Ideas 107 AnneOrbanandChristopherW.Miller vii viii Contents 5 Integrating User Observations with Business Objectives to Drive Product Design 141 LarryMarineandChadA.McAllister 6 Market and Technology Attack Teams: Tools and Techniques for Developing the Next Breakthrough Platform Product 173 PeterA.Koen,ThomasC.Holcombe,andChristineA.Gehres 7 Segmenting Your Market so You Can Successfully Position Your New Product 205 BrianD.Ottum 8 Giving Your Product the Right Name 229 LelandD.ShaefferandJamesS.Twerdahl 9 Using Assumptions-Based Models to Forecast New Product Introduction 257 KennethB.Kahn Part 3 Strategic Tools For Improving NPD Performance Across the Firm 273 10 Intellectual Property and NPD 275 SharadRastogi,AritomoShinozaki,andMatthewKaness Contents ix 11 Mad Scientists or Brilliant Inventors? How to Keep Your Staff Running Like a Well-Oiled Invention Machine 315 DouglasNeffandKimberlyHouchens Part 4 Strategic Tools For Improving NPD Project Performance 337 12 Formulating A Strategy for Codevelopment 341 KevinSchwartzandJenniferAbell 13 Team Launch System (TLS): How to Consistently Build High-Performance Product Development Teams 361 DouglasA.Peters 14 Using a Rolling Wave for Fast and Flexible Development 397 GregoryD.Githens 15 Gaining Competitive Advantage by Leveraging Lessons Learned 417 KenBruss 16 Metrics that Matter to New Product Development 435 WayneMackey x Contents Appendices I The PDMA´s Body of Knowledge 455 GerryKatz II The PDMA Glossary for New Product Development 465 Index 509 Contributors EDITORS: AbbieGriffin Abbie Griffin holds the Royal L. Garff Presidential Chair in Marketing at the DavidEcclesSchoolofBusinessattheUniversityofUtah.Sheisamemberof theBoardofDirectorsofNavistarInternational,aFortune500manufacturer of diesel engines and trucks, and was the editor of the Journal of Product InnovationManagement,theleadingacademicjournalintheareasofproduct andtechnologydevelopment,from1998–2003. Stephen Somermeyer Stephen Somermeyer is Principal of Somermeyer & Associates, Assistant Wine-Maker at Chateau Thomas Winery in Indiana, and Head of Safety for the garages and pits at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. He recently helped start-up YourEncore, a temporary resource agency utilitizing retired, technical talent. He spent over 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry at Eli Lilly and Company where he focused on large-scale change projects in R&D. He co-founded an industry R&D benchmarking group and spent significant time identifying best-practices at leading companies and then implementing them at Lilly. He led or was a member of teams that implemented structures and processes such as portfolio management, heavyweight teams and TQM. He consults in the pharma industry and frequently delivers presentations on best practices in benchmarking, metrics, organizational structures and NPD strategy. Steve is active in the Product Development & Management Association (PDMA)havingservedasBoardmemberandonnumerouscommittees.Heis Co-editor of The PDMA ToolBooks 1 and 2 for New Product Development (Wiley)andTechnicalEditorforProductDevelopmentforDummies(Wiley). He has a degree in chemical engineering and a MBA and can be reached at [email protected]. CHAPTER AUTHORS GunterR. Ladewig(Chapter1) Gunter R. Ladewig is president of PRIMA Performance Ltd., a consulting company that specializes in product and process renaissance using TRIZ, Six Sigma, and Lean manufacturing techniques. PRIMA provides fast-track xi

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