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t PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE ASIAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION THE PATH TO ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS THROUGH THE ASIAN COMMUNITY Editors on behalf of the Organizing Committee Alparslan Açıkgenç, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Choi Woo-Won, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea Orhan Adıgüzel, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Organizing Committee Orolma Munkhbat, Vice Rector, Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Ishii Yasuhito, Chikushi Jogakuen University, Dazaifu, Japan Gulnara Yeleukulova, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan Şengul Çelik, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey Jointly Published by Asian Philosophical Association And Süleyman Demirel University Isparta-Istanbul-Seuol 2015 Süleyman Demirel University Library Catologuing-in-Publication Data Açıkgenç, Alparslan Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of the Asian Philosophical Association Türkiye, Isparta: Süleyman Demirel University, 2015 ISBN: 978-9944-452-87-8 I. Asian Philosophical Association II. Asian Philosophy III. Asian Studies Co-Presidents of the Association: Prof. Dr. Alparslan AÇIKGENÇ, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Prof. Dr. Woo Won CHOI, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea Prof. Dr. Munkhbat Orolma, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar Vice Presidents: Prof. Dr. Yasuhito ISHII, Chikushi Jogakuen University, Dazaifu, Japan Secretary: Asst.Prof. Dr. Gulnara Yeleukulova, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazkhstan Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Orhan ADIGÜZEL Co-Chair: Dr. İbrahim ÇETİNTÜRK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şengül ÇELİK Scientific Committees: Prof. Dr. Alparslan AÇIKGENÇ, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Prof. Dr. Woo Won CHOI, Pusan National University, Busan, Kore Prof. Dr. Yasuhito ISHII, Chikushi Jogakuen Unversity, Dazaifu, Japan T.C. SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL ÜNİVERSİTY ICAPA CONFERENCE ON ASSIGNMENT LIST CONGRESS PRESIDENT: Orhan ADIGÜZEL EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Habil ŞENTÜRK Mevlüt ALBAYRAK A PREPARED BY PUBLICATION H. Zeynep GÜNDÜZ Merve Nur MERT ŞENCAN Adeviye ERDOĞAN Ahmet KALKAR SCIENTIFIC-coordinate their Adem EFE Belma KEKLİK Bahadır ESER Aydın AYDIN Seher DERYA KULA Ozan ÖZDEMİR Şefika ÖZDEMİR Session General Coordinator Orhan ER Session Coordinator Yusuf PARAN Transportation and Transfers Ömer KULA Muhammed Ali SARIŞAHİN (Yaşam Boyu Eğitim Merkezi) Admissions Yekta HALICI İlker ÖZÇELİK The preparation of Invitations Thank-Participation Certificate -Soon Card Döndü Sümeyye ÖZKAN Tülay SOLMAZ Publication Distribution Poster, Brochure, Brenda, hotel referrals, promotion, distribution Yekta HALICI Adeviye ERDOĞAN Serkan GÜNDOĞDU Hakan NEGİŞ Mesut ARSLAN (Liderlik Araştırma Merkezi) Social Program TOUR Mesut ALKAN Gülay BULGAN Çetin MEYDAN Accommodation and Catering Hasan ŞENOL Mustafa KAVUT Ümit YAVUZ Public Relations İlker ÖZÇELİK Ferdi AKBIYIK S.D.Ü. Social Programme and Gala Dinner Isparta Melih GÜNAYDIN Ahmet ANDAÇ Ahmet KARKAR Neşe OKUR Hande GÜNAYDIN Gifts and Promotional Organization Süleyman SOLMAZ Tülay SOLMAZ Typographic Ramazan DAĞ TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcoming Message .................................................................................................................. i Prof. Dr. Hasan İBİCİOĞLU, Rector, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta Introduction ............................................................................................................................. iii Part I Global Discourses across Exclusive Approaches to Social Thought (This part is organized by the World Social Sciences and Humanities Network: WorldSSH Net) 1. Mysticism and Metaphysics in the Dimension of Essential Integration: The Philosophy of World Community ................................................................................... 3 Choi Woo-WON, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 2. Why the Global Spatial Opposition against “Western” Social Sciences is not an Opposition, but a Variation of What it Believes to Oppose ................................................ 11 Michael KUHN, World S.S.H. Net, Germany 3. Rereading of Metaphysical Foundations of Humanities in the Light of the Qur’an’s Teachings ............................................................................................................................. 23 Qodratullah QORBANI, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran 4. Towards World Social Sciences: Why Criticizing ‘Western Hegemony’ Does not Help .. 37 Doris WEIDEMANN, University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau, Zwickau, Germany Part II Civilizational Perspectives of the Asian Community 1. The Concept of «Western civilization» as Ideological and Geopolitical Factor ................. 45 Salahaddin KHALILOV, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan 2. On the Positive and Negative Effects of Modernization: The Way Japan Has Come and Seems to Be Going ............................................................ 51 Yasuhito ISHII, Chikushi Jogakuen University, Dazaifu, Japan 3. The Conflicting Ideals and the Reality of the 19th Century Renaissance in the East” ....... 55 Konul BUNYADZADE, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan 4. Confucian’s Methodology for Comprehending a Human Nature and Its Value in a Globalizing Era .................................................................................................. 61 Muliang ZHANG, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 5. A Crucial Skill to Create Global Citizens ........................................................................... 67 Lukashova Svetlana PETROVNA, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan Part III Education and Asian Civilizations in World Context 1. Actual Problems of Innovation Process in University Education of Mongolia .................. 77 Sarantuya DAGVADORJ, Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2. Education for World Unity: Research and Education Center for Japanese Law ................ 83 Baldandorj URANGOO, Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 3. The Examination of Knowledge from the Philosophical Perspective ................................. 87 Orhan ADIGÜZEL, Adeviye ERDOĞAN, H. Zeynep GÜNDÜZ, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey 4. Regional Engagement of Universities in a Knowledge-Based Society: Case of the City of Busan .................................................................................................... 93 Dae shik LEE, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 5. Education and World Unity ............................................................................................... 103 Meer MONJOUR Mahmood, Bangladesh Part IV Philosophical Perspectives in Asian Civilizations in World Context 1. Mongolian Traditional Culture and its Fate under Onslaught of Global Hegemony ........ 111 D. DASHPUREV, The Institute of Philosophy, Sociology, Political Science, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2. Duality of the Tsarist Religious Policy in Kazakhstan in the XVIII-XIX Centuries ........ 117 Gulnara YELEUKULOVA, Alima YELEUKULOVA, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 3. Actualization of Indonesian State Philosophy in the Context of Modern Democratic State................................................................................................................ 123 Masykuri ABDILLAH, Syarif HIDAYATULLAH State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia 4. Understanding Religious Pluralism in Malaysia: A Christian and Muslim Debate .......... 135 Ahmad F. YOUSIF, Marina MUNIA Abdul MUTALIB, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5. Attitudes of Female Prisoners towards Gender Based Discrimination and Family Honour ................................................................................... 149 Mehmet Kayhan MUTLU, Gaye BARIŞ, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Part V Asian Civilizations in World Economy and Development 1. Russian Invasion and Economic Crisis in Ukrainian ........................................................ 157 Shahrokh Waleck DALPOUR, University of Main, Farmington, USA 2. Process Consultancy Role In Organızatıonal Communıcatıon: A Theoretıcal Framework .................................................................................................. 167 Orhan ADIGÜZEL, H. Zeynep GÜNDÜZ, Adeviye ERDOĞAN, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey 3. The Advance of Information Society and wage Inequality ............................................... 173 Young Deak YOON, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 4. Role of Livestock on Employment of Somaliland ............................................................ 183 Ali Cüneyt ÇETIN, Abdulkader Sa’ed MAHMOUD, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey 5. Examining the Relations between Work Satisfaction and Organizational Culture within the Consept of the Cultural Differences: Turkey – Azerbaijan Case ........ 195 Münire KARABEKIR, Mervenur Mert ŞENCAN, Emine TOZLU, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Part VI Historical and Philosophical Aspects of Asian Civilizations in World Context 1. Time and Possible Worlds in the Incoherence of the Philosophers .................................. 205 Edward MOAD, Qatar University, Qatar 2. The Concept of Development in the Platform of the Principles of Islamic Worldview ... 211 Malki Ahmad NASIR, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Malaysia 3. Concept of Consciousness in the Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and Plato .................... 219 Baldoo DAGZMAA, Baatar MUNKHJAVKHLAN, Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 4. Reconsideration of ‘Kujibong’ as the Birthplace of the Ancient Korean Kingdom Kaya ...................................................................................................... 225 Myoung-Mi PARK, Saga University & Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan Part VII Religious Perspectives in Asian Civilizations 1. Hucurât Sûresi’nden Evrensel Mesajlar (Universal Messages out of Sura Hucurât) ........ 233 Davut AYDÜZ, Sakarya University, Adapazarı, Turkey 2. An Interpretation of Transference as Rituals and World Unity......................................... 245 Jean Sou MOUN, Kyungpook National University, Kyoto, Daegu, Korea 3. Islam in Secular Kazakhstan and its Place in Culture of the Country ............................... 255 Aktolkyn KULSARIYEVA, National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan 4. A Model For Interfaith Dialogue in Malaysia: From Islamic Perspective ........................ 261 Muhammad Yusuf KHALID, Panji Hidayat MAZHISHAM, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Nilai, Malaysia 5. İslâm Tarihini Yeniden Okumak: Nursi'de Tarih ve Medeniyet Tasavvuru (A New Reading of Islamic History) ................................................................................. 271 İbrahim BOR, Mardin Artuklu Universty, Mardin, Turkey Part VIII Socio-Philosophical and Ethical Context in the World Asian Community 1. Yozlaşan Dünyada İş Ahlakı: Çalışanların Perspektifinden Felsefi Bir Bakış (Work Ethics in a Corrupted World: A Philosophical Evaluation from the Perspective of Workers) .................................................................................................... 279 Orhan ADIGÜZEL, Döndü Sönmez ÖZKAN , Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey 2. Dünyada Islamfobia’yı Besleyen Unsur Olarak Neo-Selefi Öğreti (Neo-Salafi Doctrine Feeding the Growth of Islamaphobia) ............................................ 287 Mevlüt UYANIK, Hitit University, Çorum, Turkey 3. The Movement of Religious Radicalism in a Review of Social Philosophy of the Frankfurt School ...................................................................................................... 305 Sitti Aaisyah SUNGKILANG, Indonesia, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey 4. Conception of Unity (Solidarity) as Values of Existence of Humankind ......................... 315 Selenge KHAYANKHYARVAA, Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 5. Indonesian Philosophy: Its Meaning and Relevance in the Context of Asian Countries Development ...................................................................................... 321 Mukhtasar SYAMSUDDIN, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia WELCOMING MESSAGE Prof. Dr. Hasan İBİCİOĞLU Rector, Süleyman Demirel University Isparta, TURKEY To the Distinguished Representatives of the 8. ICAPA, It is my great pleasure to witness this gathering of scholars and philosophers at the “8th International Conference of the Asian Philosophical Association: The Path to Alliance of Civilizations through the Asian Community” today. On behalf of Universitas Turkey, I wish to extend warmest and cordial welcome to all of you to this event in Isparta, Turkey. Your presence and participation in this conference signifies the spirit of new humanism in the region. Scholars from Philosophy as well as other disciplines gather here to discuss and exchange views about the current state of forging Asian community. This is an important conference as Asia is increasingly gaining its status as the 21st century key player in the world. The topics cover a wide range of issues from the path of alliance of civilizations to different perspectives of contemporary challenges Asian face. I am sure we will gain insights and challenges to our pre-conceptions of being Asian in this conference. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage further collaboration between our university scholars and all distinguished scholars here. I imagine the creation of new knowledge and innovation in understanding Asia and its positions in the world in all its complexities. The knowledge of which could be crucial in building the new future of our humanities. As the axes of our civilization are changing, we must question and critically build and implement new understanding of the change with the hope that we can wisely play our parts. I would also like to extend my appreciation to the organizing committee, steering committee, Faculty of Humanities, Administration Faculty and our International Office as well as all other sponsors and parties that have made this conference a successful one. Last but not least, I wish you an intellectually-stimulating and inspiring conference and hope you enjoy your stay in Isparta. Thank you very much for your attention. i

Adeviye ERDOĞAN. Serkan GÜNDOĞDU. Hakan NEGİŞ. Mesut ARSLAN (Liderlik Araştırma Merkezi). Social Program TOUR. Mesut ALKAN.
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