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The Path of Sunnah of the Prophet PDF

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THE PATH OF SUNNAH OF THE PROPHET ( ) ﷺ BY SHEIKHUL ISLAM AHMAD BIN TAYMIYYAH ABRIDGED BY SHEIKH ABDULLAH AL-GHUNAIMAN TRANSLATED FROM ARABIC AND ANNOTATED BY NASIRU GARBA 1 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Allah says: “And they will say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we would not have been among the dwellers of the blazing Fire!" (67:10) 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………………..3 Introduction by Sheikh Ghunaiman……………………………………………………………...14 Forward by the English translator……………………………………………………………….16 Introduction by the author (Ibn Taymiyyah)…………………………………………………….25 Scholars shall elucidate and broadcast the truth…………………………………………………29 The similitude of Rafidah, Jews and Christian in many aspects…………………………………31 The beginning of calling Shia Rafidah and Zaidiyyah…………………………………………..34 Some irrationalities of Shia Rafidah……………………………………………………………..35 Verdict of Muslims scholars on Shia Rafidah…………………………………………………...40 Chapter One: On Shia Rafidah‟s claim that Imamah is the most important principle of religion…………………………………………………………………………………………...43 Acts of polytheism by some ascetics even in Allah‟s Lordship…………………………………53 Elias and Khidr do not exist……………………………………………………………………...54 Principles of religion according to Shia Imamiyyah Rafidah……………………………………56 Shia Rafidah‟s contradictions in words and applications………………………………………56 Just knowing an Imam will not provide any benefit to anyone if he did not work righteousness……………………………………………………………………………………..59 Imamah is not one of the religious obligations…………………………………………………..60 Shia Rafidah on Imamah (leadership and authority after the Messenger of Allah – successorship)……………………………………………………………………………………65 Groups among Ahlus Sunnah and other sects on Imamah and Caliphate……………………….65 Method of establishing Imamah………………………………………………………………….73 Chapter Two: On the school of thought that must be followed………………………………….79 On infallibility of Prophets and Imams…………………………………………………………109 Leaders (Imams) are not confined to any number……………………………………………...114 3 Correct vow of allegiance………………………………………………………………………114 On Qiyas (deductive analogy)………………………………………………………………….116 On Shia Imamiyyah claim that following their creed is obligatory…………………………….122 On the explanation that Shia Imamiyyah certitude of success for themselves and their Imams is a mirage…………………………………………………………………………………………..131 On Shia Rafidah claim that they took their creed from the infallibles…………………………137 Discussions on Ali Zainul Abideen, Baqir and As-Sadiq………………………………………148 Statement on Musa Bin Ja‟afar Al-Khazim…………………………………………………….150 Statement on Ali Bin Musa Rida……………………………………………….. ……………..150 Statement concerning Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Jawwad………………………………………..152 Statement concerning Ali Bin Musa Al-Hadi…………………………………………………..153 Statement concerning Muhammad Bin Hassan the awaited……………………………………155 Negating the attestation of the Rafidi with hadith of Mahdi…………………………………...157 Statement on the position of Imams in obedience and disobedience…………………………...158 The Rafidi accused Ahlus Sunnah of being Rawafid in secret…………………………………166 The Rafidi claimed that Ahlus Sunnah scholars are Shia adherents in their hearts…………….167 The Rafidi accused Ahlus Sunnah of partisanship without right……………………………….168 On mentioning the right Guided Caliphs during sermon……………………………………….172 Statement On wiping legs in ritual ablution……………………………………………………173 Statement on the two Mut‟ahs………………………………………………………………….175 Statement on the accusation that Abubakar refused to give Fatima her inheritance…………178 Statement on Fatima‟s Request for Fadak and related issues…………………………………..181 Statement on Siddiq (testifier to the truth) and why he was given the title…………………….189 Statement on calling Abubakar successor of the Prophet………………………………………189 On naming Umar as Faruq (one who distinguish the truth from falsehood)…………………...194 4 Statement on the virtues of Aisha………………………………………………………………196 Refuting their allegations against Aisha, the mother of believers……………………………...199 They named only Aisha as mother of believers and they named only Mu‟awiyyah as maternal uncle of believers……………………………………………………………………………….215 On defending Mu‟awiyyah (r.a) from defamations of Rafida and their calumny……………...218 Defending Mu‟awiyyah from Shia Rafida false allegations……………………………………221 Statements of Shia Rafida are self-negation……………………………………………………225 Statement about Khalid Bin Walid, the sword of Allah………………………………………..227 Rafida support apostates against Islam and Muslims…………………………………………230 Disproving and negating Shia view that Mu‟awiyyah is worse than Satan…………………….235 On the leadership of Yazid and the martyrdom of Husain……………………………………..239 Shia censures on those who are not cursing Yazid……………………………………………..245 On that the creed of Shia Rafida is the confluence of misguidance……………………………249 Proofs to prove the Divine appointment of Ali as the leader (Imam)…………………………..254 Hadith of the garment does not prove leadership of Ali………………………………………257 On the verse of giving charity before consulting the prophet in private……………………….258 The verse of providing water for the pilgrims does not prove Imamah of Ali…………………259 On that the hadith of the legatee is a fabricated lie……………………………………………..259 Mentioning the episode in which the prophet carried Ali on his shoulders…………………….260 The hadith of three truthful men do not evince leadership of Ali………………………………261 Words of the prophet to Ali „I am from you and you are from me,‟ does not evince leadership……………………………………………………………………………………….261 Arguments of Rafidi with hadith of „Amr bin Maimoun and its explanation………………….262 The Rafidi mentioned mostly fabricated virtues of Ali………………………………………...264 Responding to the fabricated hadith of the day of consultation………………………………...267 The hadith of ascension is false and a fabricated lie……………………………………………272 5 Explaining the fallacy of the hadith of Shia: „I am the youth‟………………………………….273 Concerning the words ascribed to Abu Dhar on loving Ali…………………………………….274 On the fabricated hadith: love of Ali is a goodness that is not impaired by evil……………….274 Explaining some fabricated hadiths on the virtues of Ali………………………………………276 Responding to Shia Rafida censures against the companions………………………………….277 The Rafidi criticized the humility of Abubakar as-Siddiq……………………………………...280 The Rafidi described vow of allegiance to Abubakar as a mistake…………………………….281 The Rafidi said Abubakar was sorry for the Ansar before his death…………………………...282 The Rafidi attacked Abubakar for his fear of Allah……………………………………………282 The Rafidi claimed that Abubakar fear‟s leadership…………………………………………...283 The Rafidi criticized Abubakar for not going out for campaign under Usama………………...283 The Rafidi claimed that the Prophet never appoint Abubakar to any position of authority………………………………………………………………………………………..284 The Rafidi claimed that Abubakar cut the left hand of a thief………………………………….286 The Rafidi criticized Abubakar for burning Muslims…………………………………………..286 Claims of Rafidi that Abubakar is ignorant of the laws………………………………………...287 On Rafida‟s preference of Ali over Abubakar………………………………………………….288 Explaining the false hadith of Rafidi on the virtues of Ali……………………………………..290 The Rafidi claimed that Abubakar and Umar were overwhelmed by Ali‟s knowledge………291 The Rafidi accused Abubakar for not punishing Khalid bin Walid…………………………….292 The Rafidi criticized Abubakar on inheritance of Fatima and being named as Caliph………294 The Rafidi criticized Umar over what he said when he is about to die………………………...295 Statement on the document the prophet wanted to write while he was terminally ill………….297 The Rafidi slandered Umar on Fatima and accused him of impeding Shari‟ah………………300 On the Shia Rafidi‟s criticism of Umar for changing the law of exile…………………………301 6 The Rafidi claimed that Umar has little knowledge of the laws………………………………..302 On the Shia Rafidi‟s claim that Umar is ignorant………………………………………………303 The Rafidi criticized Umar for reconsidering his opinion on dowry…………………………...304 The Rafidi slandered Umar: he has no knowledge of legal punishment on wine………………305 The Rafidi criticized Umar for a woman who miscarried out of fear…………………………..306 The Rafidi ascribed story of the two women falsely to Umar………………………………….307 The Rafidi mentioned story of the woman to be executed……………………………………..307 The Rafidi criticized Umar on sharing state wealth…………………………………………….308 The Rafidi disparaged Umar for employing opinion…………………………………………...308 The Rafidi disparaged Umar on the issue of consultation to choose the next Caliph………….309 Statements on the Rafidi‟s disparagements against Uthman…………………………………...320 Continued responses to the Rafidi‟s disparagement of Uthman………………………………..326 The Rafidi present the opinions of Shahrastani on disagreements after the Prophet…………...339 Conduct of Rafida among Muslims is aiding unbelievers against them and Islam…………….352 Conduct of Rafida among Muslims and the general principle on dealing with sects and dissents………………………………………………………………………………………….358 The general principle on what the companions are accused or disparaged…………………….361 Chapter Three: proofs of Shia Rafida on the leadership of Ali………………………………...367 Nullifying infallibility of Ali as proof to his leadership………………………………………..367 Critique of Shia textual arguments on Ali‟s leadership………………………………………...383 Critique of Shia Rafidi claim that leadership of Ali is to protect the Islamic law……………...388 Negating Rafida‟s claim on the obligation of appointing an infallible imam…………………..391 Negating Shia argument that Ali is the Imam because he is the best…………………………..393 Negating argument of the Rafidi with the verse of Wilayah on the leadership of Ali…………396 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of Tablig (declaration) is on leadership of Ali……403 7 Negating Rafidi‟s claim that the verse of perfection of religion is on leadership of Ali……….407 Negating argument of the Rafidi with the verse of the star on the leadership of Ali…………..409 Negating arguments of the Rafidi with the verse of cleansing on the leadership of Ali……….411 Negating claim of the Rafidi that leadership of Ali is proved by the verse on House of Allah…………………………………………………………………………………………….415 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of loving for kinship is on the leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………417 Negating the claim of the Rafidi the verse of sacrificing the self for Allah prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………420 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verses of mutual imprecation prove the leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………424 Negation of the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of Adam receiving words from his Lord prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………426 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of leadership proves successorship of Ali………...427 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of bestowing love prove the leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………428 Negating the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of the warner prove leadership of Ali………429 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of questioning proves leadership of Ali…………..431 Negating the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of tone of speech proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………432 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of foremost proves the leadership of Ali…………433 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse those who believe and immigrated proves leadership of Ali……………………………………………………………………………………………434 Negating the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of private consultation prove the leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………435 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of questioning past prophets proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………437 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of keen ear proves leadership of Ali……………...438 Negating claim of the Rafidi that chapter 76 of the Qur‟an prove leadership of Ali…………..439 8 Negating the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of the one who brought the truth proves leadership of Ali……………………………………………………………………………………………443 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of support with help prove leadership of Ali……443 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of Allah suffices you and those who follow you among the believers proves leadership of Ali…………………………………………………..445 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse Allah will love them and they will love him prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………446 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse those are the sincere prove leadership of Ali……449 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of those who spent their wealth proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………451 Explaining ignorance of the Rafidi that Ali is leader of those called believers in the Qur‟an…452 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of asking for blessing proves leadership of Ali…453 Nullifying Batinite exegesis of the Qur‟an of the verse of two seas as advanced by the Rafidi about Ali and others…………………………………………………………………………….454 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of those who have knowledge of the scripture proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………...456 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse on the day in which Allah will not disgrace the prophet prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………...457 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of best of creatures proves leadership of Ali……458 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of making kindred and in-laws proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………460 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse be with those who are true prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………460 Nullifying the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of bowing down to Allah proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………462 Nullifying the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of appointing a helper prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………463 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the verse of brothers facing each other in paradise proves leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………...464 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the verse of testifying prove leadership of Ali…………….468 9 Nullifying the claim of the Rafidi that the verse of Allah is his protector prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………………………469 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the hadith of declaring the message of Allah prove leadership of Ali……………………………………………………………………………………………470 Explaining the falsity of the arguments of the Rafidi with the hadith of Ghadir Khum………473 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the hadith you are unto me as Aaron is to Moses prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………...475 Explaining ignorance of the Rafidi on his claim that Ali continued to rule Madina up to the death of the Prophet…………………………………………………………………………………...479 Explaining lies of the Rafidi concerning hadith of legatee and successorship…………………482 Negating claim of the Rafidi that the hadith of brotherhood prove leadership of Ali………….483 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the hadith of Khaibar prove leadership of Ali……………..485 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the hadith of bird prove leadership of Ali…………………487 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the hadith of calling Ali commander of believers prove his leadership……………………………………………………………………………………….488 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that the hadith of the two weighty things and ark of Noah prove leadership of Ali………………………………………………………………………………...490 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that fabricated hadith on love of Ali prove his leadership……..492 Nullifying argument of the Rafidi that whoever differed with Ali has apostate from Islam…...494 Nullifying disbelieve on those who opposed the Caliphate of Ali……………………………..497 Mentioning the status of Rafidah with regard to hadiths and that they have no sound proof from it in support of their creed………………………………………………………………………499 Nullifying arguments of the Rafidi with asceticism of Ali as proof to his leadership………….501 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that Ali has divorced the world thrice………………………….505 Asceticism does not prove that a person deserved leadership in contrast to the claims of the Rafidi……………………………………………………………………………………………508 Nullifying claim of the Rafidi that acts of worship of Ali proves his leadership………………508 Critique of the claim of the Rafidi that Ali is the most knowledgeable companion……………511 10

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