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Park Avenue TEVET-SHEVAT-ADAR 5761 Congregational Musicale: Men’s Club Investment Forum “Singing the Jewish Year” Led by Maury Harris T Sunday, February 4, 2001 January 9 he flow of the Jewish calendar is mance. The entire musicale will be threaded ‘▼'CT’That is in the ’’economic cards” for the marked by changes in the liturgy and with a narration so that the audience can bet¬ \Y / coming year? Dr. Maury N. Harris, music throughout the year. We are ter further its connection to the music. VV currently managing director and aware of our location in the calendar-year A key element to the enjoyment of this chief North American economist with through the melodies we hear when prayers musicale is a multi-involved audience. So UBS/Warburg will lead the Men’s Club’s third and special songs are recited. Our synagogue come to listen and take in the beauty of the has a glorious history of enhancing each holi¬ music, but also to clap along and even to join day through beautiful music. in singing some of the refrains. While not This year, the theme of the Congrega¬ everyone is a performer, we can all become tional Musicale will be “Singing the Jewish part of an involved audience. Year.” We will present renditions of well- Last year was our first musicale. With the known and some unusual melodies of the hol¬ performance on Sunday, February 4th at 4 idays and festivals that mark the Jewish calen¬ p.m., we are creating a tradition. Please come dar. and join our many congregants and profes¬ Some congregants have already begun sional choristers making music with our can¬ rehearsing as part of our Congregational tors in what promises to be an exciting after¬ Singers. Some of our children will be singing noon of song. in our Youth Chorale. Both of these groups are Refreshments will follow the program. directed by our cantors, David Lefkowitz and Nancy Abramson. A few of you will be shar¬ ing your talents on musical instruments. And THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2001 annual Investment Forum at Park Avenue our Synagogue Choir, under the direction of Synagogue at 7:30 p.m. on January 9, 2001. The Solomon Schechter Neil Robinson, will add depth to this perfor- He, along with a team of experts, will prog¬ Schools of Manhattan nosticate as to the future of both the economy, in general, and the stock market, in particular. “Rinah If tejtlah”: will sponsor a benefit dinner Maury Harris was Paine Webber’s chief “Song and Prayer” at Park Avenue Synagogue economist since 1980. He has been named to A Joyous New the annual Institutional Investor All-American Honoring Research Team for over a decade. He now is Friday Night Service • Herbert A. Friedman, Rabbi, the chief economist for North America at January 19 & February 23 Co-Founder, Wexner Heritage Foundation UBS/Warburg, which recently acquired Paine • Harold 0. Levy, Chancellor, Please join our clergy at a new, partici¬ Webber. patory Friday evening service at 6:15 p m. NYC Board of Education Prior to joining Paine Webber in 1980, Mr. • David H. Lincoln, Senior Rabbi, Harris worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of The service will provide a spiritual bridge Park Avenue Synagogue New York and the Bank for International Set¬ between the hectic pace of the week and the serenity of Shabbat. Come participate in spe¬ tlements. Contact Lynda Kraar He earned his B.A. in economics from the cial songs, dancing, meditation and Hasidic (212) 877-7747, ext. 242 tales. University of Texas and both his M.A. and E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. degrees in economics from Columbia They look forward to greeting Shabbat Let’s help preserve our heritage by University. with you, with exuberant song and prayer. supporting our future. All members of the congregation are The service will be followed by a festive Kid- dush. invited to this annual event free of charge. PAGE 2 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN WINTER, 2001 FROM THE Rabbi's Desk Friday evening, January 5.6:15 p.m. Saturday morning, January 6.9:15 a.m. Hashkama Service.7:30 a.m. Havurah Service.9:30 a.m. Tot Shabbat.11:15 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Charles Mayer Siegel son of Margaret and Paul Siegel Saturday afternoon, January 6.4:45 p.m. Friday evening, January 12.6:15 p.m. Children’s January Birthday Celebration Saturday morning, January 13.9:15 a.m. Hashkama Service. 7:30 a.m. “Windows for Shabbat” Introduction to the Shabbat Morning Service.10:00 a.m. Saturday afternoon, January 13.4:45 p.m. Friday evening, January 19.6:15 p.m. T What is Conservative Halacha? “Ritiah U’teJTlah”: “Song and Prayer” & Bet Grade Shabbat Dinner lhe Conservative movement believes that Saturday morning, January 20.9:15 a.m. Jewish law is binding, on individuals Hashkama Service.7:30 a.m. and on communities, and that this is the Tot Shabbat.:.11:15 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Andrew David Colvin way to ensure Jewish commitment and conti¬ son of Marcia and Geoffrey Colvin nuity, uphold our covenant with God, and Saturday afternoon, January 20.4:45 p.m. increase holiness in our lives. Bar Mitzvah of Charles Benjamin Jacobs While the overwhelming majority of Con¬ son of Barbara and Alan Jacobs servative halacha (law) is identical with the Friday evening, January 26.6:15 p.m. Orthodox, there are several differences in the Saturday morning, January 27.9:15 a.m. overall approach. Six trends appear in recent Hashkama Service. 7:30 a.m. Conservative tshuvot (responsa). Shabbat Hakavod in honor of our children 1. Changes are not made for the sake of Saturday afternoon, January 27.5:00 p.m. change, but only in response to an urgent or acute problem (i.e., includ¬ ing women in a minyan because of the Rabbi David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Kenneth A. Stern and Rabbi Miriam C. Berkowitz will preach offense to human dignity when we are and conduct the services together with Cantor David Lefkowitz and Cantor Nancy Abramson excluded). and the Synagogue Choir, with Neil Robinson at the organ. Nitzanim Services (for children in kindergarten through 2nd grade and their parents) every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 408. Park Avenue Synagogue Baby sitting for children 2 to 5 years of age is available Agudat Yesharim every Saturday morning from 9:15 a.m. to 12 noon. 50 East 87 Street New York, NY 10128 2. When a strict and a lenient precedent when necessary (i.e., bringing a Torah Synagogue Office: 369-2600 School before 9 A.M.: 831-8686 exist, the lenient one is often chosen to a house of mourning for a one-time (i.e., the possibility of nullifying a mar¬ reading). Affiliated with riage when a husband refuses to give 5. Halachic pluralism. The same answer The Jewish Theological Seminary and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism a get, thereby freeing the woman to may not fit everyone (i.e., most termi¬ remarry). nal patients should be told the truth; a Judah Nadich.Rabbi Emeritus 3. It is not only permissible but also desir¬ minority of patients prefer not to David H. Lincoln.Senior Rabbi able to use scientific and archaeologi¬ know. Full Torah reading is preferable; Kenneth A. Stern.Rabbi cal evidence to research a particular triennial cycle can be used). Miriam C. Berkowitz.Assistant Rabbi problem (i.e., researching the potential 6. The moral and ethical mitzvot are David Lefkowitz.Senior Cantor moral problems with genetic engineer¬ stressed just as much as the ritual ones Nancy Abramson.Cantor Geoffrey J. Colvin... ...Chairman of Board ing). (i.e., concepts like “keep far from false¬ Paul S. Schreiber.President 4. The Shulchan Aruch, published in hood,” “honor they father and thy Barrie Modlin.Executive Director 1565, is not the last word in Jewish mother,” and “show deference to the Ann Eisenberg.Editor law. Earlier sources such as the elderly” enter religious dialogue on a Plaza Memorial Chapel Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmud, or regular basis). Funeral Directors later rabbinic views can be applied (continued on page 4) TE V ET- S H E VAT-A DA R 5761 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN PAGE 3 January B’nai Mitzvah SHABBAT HAKAVOD on Saturday Morning January 27, 2001 in honor of our children! A special Shabbat morning ser¬ vice with each grade participating in the service will take place in the Main Sanctuary. A gala kiddush will follow the service. With Pride and Charles Mayer Siegel Andrew David Colvin Charles Benjamin Jacobs Congratulations Charles Mayer Siegel ski vacations with his cousins and grandpar¬ Park Avenue Synagogue extends a hearty January 6, 2001 ents, as well as trips to Israel to visit family and Mazal Tov to: Charles Siegel began his Hebrew educa¬ to Germany, Poland and London with his Arielle Chavkin, daughter of Jeffrey and Kathy tion at the Park Avenue Synagogue Early grandparents to visit their birthplaces. Other Chavkin, granddaughter of Wally and Childhood Center when he was two years old foreign experiences have included visiting Esta Chavkin, who received the Rabbi and has attended its Congregational School Jewish communities in Amsterdam, Budapest, Schnitzer Teen Recognition Award for her since kindergarten. Rome and Venice. work with the Lenox Hill Bikur Cholim at Andrew, like his older brother, Jeremy, Charlie is a seventh grade student at Dal¬ the 13th Annual Conference of Bikur intends to continue his religious studies at the ton. His favorite subjects are social studies, Cholim. Park Avenue Synagogue High School and, math and science. He has a special interest in Evelyn Gelman, upon the birth of her grand¬ having benefited from the high school men¬ the history of World War II and political sci¬ son, Frederick Milton Gelman, son of tored cantillations classes, plans to teach can- ence. Philip and Florencia Gelman, and the tillations to Hay and Vav students next year. At Dalton, Charlie plays on the Middle birth of her granddaughter, Lillian Jes¬ School baseball team . During the summer, he Charles Benjamin Jacobs samine King, daughter of Melissa and attends Camp Taconic in the Berkshires, January 20, 2001 Michael King. where he water skis, sails and participates in Charles Jacobs, better known as “Char¬ many team sports. He is an avid skier and lie,” attends the Park Avenue Synagogue Con¬ skater and enjoys soccer, baseball and golf. gregational Hebrew School and will be con¬ PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE His hobbies include model building and tinuing his Jewish education in its Hebrew Summer Day Camp model railroading. high school. Charlie plans to travel to Israel with his Charlie is a seventh grade student at the for Ages 3.0 — 6.0 Years family to visit his cousins in the near future. Churchill School, which he has attended for An intimate and nurturing environment, the past eight years. His favorite subjects are Andrew David Colvin supervised by a certified staff. art, math and science. January 20, 2001 Charlie has a willingness and curiosity to • Indoor & outdoor Cooperative games On Shabbat Shemoth, Andrew David explore and try new things and is passionate play facilities Shabbat experiences Colvin will become a Bar Mitzvah. A member about many of them. One of his main passions • Fully air-conditioned Science of the Park Avenue Synagogue Congregation¬ is trains, whether he is riding in them or facility Field trips al School since kindergarten, Andrew is a sev¬ adding model pieces to his extensive collec¬ • Swim instruction Theme days enth grade student at the Trinity School, tion. His other interests are coin collecting, • Music & movement Cooking where his favorite subjects are mathematics, especially the new state quarters, all types of • Tennis civics and history. He is a member of Trinity’s Arts & crafts music, tennis, ping-pong and skating. Middle School basketball, tennis and cross¬ JUNE 18 - AUGUST 3 Charlie has an older brother, Eddie, who country teams. Andrew’s other strong interests Programs from 4 to a maximum of 7 weeks graduated recently from the Park Avenue Syn¬ include debating, playing chess and studying agogue High School. TWO PROGRAM SESSIONS: piano. He also has a deep commitment to 9 A.M.— 1 P.M. for ages 3.0— 4.0 years community service and he, along with many Toddler Classes 9 A.M.—3 P.M. for ages 4.0— 6.0 years of his Trinity classmates, volunteers his time at the 92nd Street YM/YWHA, where they teach Have you registered yet for the new, Application forms may be obtained by computer skills to senior adults. expanded HaMishpacha Sheli Toddler Class¬ calling Karen Hatem Andrew and his family have traveled es? If not, call Stacey Erlich, Park Avenue Syn¬ at (212) 360-0153 together extensively. His trips have included agogue family educator, at ext. 136 for details. PAGE 4 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN DECEMBER. 2000 From the Rabbi's Desk SCHEDULE OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES (continued from page 2 ) for FEBRUARY, 2001 These comments are based on the recent¬ Friday evening, February 2.6:15 p.m. ly published pamphlet Responsa in a Moment Gimel Grade Shabbat Dinner by Rabbi David Golinkin, president of Machon Saturday morning, February 3.9:15 a.m. Hashkama Service.7:30 a.m. Schechter, the academic center for Conserva¬ “Windows for Shabbat” tive (Masorti) Judaism in Israel. Introduction to the Shabbat Morning Service.10:00 a.m. - Rabbi Miriam C. Berkowitz Tot Shabbat.11:15 a.m. Young Couples Group Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Andrew Goldstein “Get-Togethers” son of Marcia and Mark Goldstein Saturday afternoon, February 3...5:15 p.m. In addition to its production of “Mom- Friday evening, February 9.6:15 p.m. sense” on Tuesday, February 13th, the next Family Education Shabbaton two “get-togethers” of the Young Couples (Dinner by Advance Reservation Only) Group, for couples between the ages of 25 Daled Grade Shabbat Dinner and 40 years of age, will be held on Wednes¬ Saturday morning, February 10.9:15 a.m. Hashkama Service.7:30 a.m. day evening, January 17th and Thursday Havurah Service.9:30 a.m. evening, March 1st. Postcards will be sent Tot Shabbat.11:15 a.m. with further details. Bar Mitzvah of Harry Levine son of Linda and Marvin Levine Other Upcoming Family Education Shabbaton Men’s Club Events (Luncheon, TuB’Shvat Seder and Seudah Shlishit by Advance Reservation Only) • Thursday, January 11 at 7:30 p.m., bas¬ Saturday afternoon, February 10.5:15 p.m. ketball game at Madison Square Garden: Friday evening, February 16.6:15 p.m. Knicks vs. Houston Rockets. Tickets: Saturday morning, February 17. 9:15 a.m. $50 for members; $60 for non-members. Hashkama Service.7:30 a.m. • Sunday, January 28 at 9:30 a.m. at Park Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Faye Abramovitz Avenue Synagogue: The World-Wide daughter of Debra and Stuart Abramovitz Tefillin Wrap. Saturday afternoon, February 17.5:30 p.m. Friday evening, February 23.6:15 p.m. • Sunday, February 4 at 10 a m., Men’s “Rinah U’tejihih”: “Song and Prayer” Club Brunch with Evan Weiner speaking & Children’s February Birthday Celebration on “Sports: The Business, the Owners and Saturday morning, February 24.9:15 a.m. the Players.” Free to Men’s Club members; Hashkama Service.7:30 a.m. $10 for non-members. Havurah Service.9:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Lance Harris Taubin son of Robin and Michael Taubin Save the Date Saturday afternoon, February 24.5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 13 Rabbi David H. Lincoln, Rabbi Kenneth A. Stern and Rabbi Miriam C. Berkowitz will preach “Momsense” and conduct the services together with Cantor David Lefkowitz and Cantor Nancy Abramson and the Synagogue Choir, with Neil Robinson at the organ. Everyone is welcome to attend the Young Couples Group production of “Momsense” in Nitzanim Services (for children in kindergarten through 2nd grade and their which four talented mothers and one talented parents) every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 408. father will sing and dance to tunes that paro¬ Baby sitting for children 2 to 5 years of age is available dy motherhood. This production, which will every Saturday morning from 9:15 a.m. to 12 noon. take place on Tuesday evening, February 13th, promises to provide an evening of fun and entertainment, socializing and refresh¬ eral times throughout the year. If you have a stu¬ Purim is Coming! ments. Further details about this event and dent relative or friend whom you think would It’s Almost Around invitations to it will be sent out soon. like to receive these gift packages, please con¬ the Corner — The Student Liaison tact Bunny Abraham at 369-2600, ext. 148 with March 8th the student’s name and mailing address. Committee of Check your mail for Mishloah Manot Park Avenue Synagogue WINTER IS HERE! (Purim basket) order forms. Orders are The Park Avenue Synagogue Student Liai¬ THE DAILY MINYANIM shipped nationwide! Or call Stacey Erlich, son Committee sends Jewish holiday gift NEED YOU! Park Avenue Synagogue’s family educator, at packages to college or graduate students sev- ext. 136 for more information. TEVET-SHEVAT-ADAR 5761 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN PAGE 5 February B’nai Mitzvah Winter Events in the Park Avenue Synagogue Jacob Andrew Goldstein - February 3, 2001 Jacob Goldstein has attended the Park Avenue Synagogue Congregational Congregational School School since the Aleph Grade, and has always enjoyed studying Jewish history. The following three events will Jacob is a seventh grade student at the Horace Mann School, which he has take place in the elementary school attended since nursery school. Among his favorite subjects are science, math, during the month of January: history and the arts. At Horace Mann, he participates in Hoops for Hope, an • Friday, January 19, the Bet grade organization that sponsors events to raise money to buy sports equipment for will participate in the Friday night children in South Africa. service in the Main Sanctuary, after Jacob enjoys sports, especially tennis and golf, and has attended tennis and which the students and their par¬ golf camps for the past two summers. Last summer, he also attended a sailing ents will share in a festive Shabbat program at Cornell University. dinner. In addition to improving his sports skills, Jacob looks forward to traveling with his parents, with whom • Saturday, January 20, the Daled he has traveled to many places in North America and Europe, as well as to Israel. He hopes there will be grade students will have their sec¬ peace in Israel soon so that he and his family can make a return trip there in honor of his Bar Mitzvah. ond parent/student “Together” Harry Levine - February 10, 2001 program from 10 a.m. to 12 noon Harry’s close ties to Park Avenue Synagogue began when he entered its Early in room 308. Childhood Center, and he has been a student in its Congregational Hebrew • Saturday, January 27, the whole School for the past six years. school will celebrate “Shabbat Harry is currently in the seventh grade in The Allen-Stevenson Upper School. Hakavod.” At this event, the Park His favorite subjects are math and science. He is also an avid music student and Avenue Synagogue congregation plays drums and timpani in the A-S Upper School Orchestra. honors its children who will take Another of Harry’s interests is aviation. He loves airplanes and speaks of one an active part in the Shabbat morn¬ day flying a military combat plane. Since early childhood, he has had a great deal ing service. of flying experience acting as co-pilot for his dad in their small private plane. The following four events will Together with his family, he has flown coast-to-coast, Bahamas to Newfoundland, in the right seat. take place in the elementary school However, athletics is the area most important to Harry, the one in which he is happiest and distin¬ during the month of February: guishes himself. Regarded as a natural athlete and team player, both at school and at Camp Starlight where • Friday, February 2, the Gimel he has spent the last three summers, he plays on the A-S varsity soccer and basketball teams. But now, he grade will participate in the Friday is looking forward to springtime when he will be doing what he loves most, playing baseball. Today, his night service in the Main Sanctu¬ dream is to play professional baseball. After all, isn’t it time baseball had another Sandy Koufax? ary. At this time, the Gimel stu¬ dents will receive their first Sid- Rachel Faye Abramovitz - February 17, 2001 durim. After the service, the stu¬ Rachel Abramovitz attended the Park Avenue Synagogue Early Childhood dents and their families will have a Center and has been a student in the Park Avenue Synagogue Congregational Shabbat dinner together. Hebrew School for the past eight years. • Saturday, February 3, the Hay She is currently a seventh grade student at the Riverdale Country School, grade will hold a Havdalah service which she has attended since kindergarten. Her academic interests include math¬ led by Rabbi Miriam Berkowitz. ematics and English. However, she also enjoys athletics, including soccer, tennis • Tuesday, February 6, the 7th grade and volleyball. When she is not studying or playing sports, she enjoys spending students will have their second time with her many good friends. parent/student seminar with Dr. Rachel has spent the past three summers at Camp Modin in Belgrade, Maine, Larry Zelnick at 5:30 p.m. in room where she enjoys water skiing and has been a member of the soccer team. She also has traveled exten¬ 408. sively with her family anc has visited both Israel and Europe several times. • Monday, February 26 at 5 p.m., the Lance Harris Taubin - February 24, 2001 second grade will have its second Lance had his first religious experiences at the Park Avenue Synagogue Early parent/student “Together” pro¬ Childhood Center and has attended the Congregational Hebrew School since gram in room 408. then. Winter Events in the He is currently in the seventh grade at The Fieldston School. While he excels Rabbi Judah Nadich at academics, his first love is basketball. He has been on a travel team since the High School third grade, competing throughout the Northeast region. Lance’s other interests include travel and music. He plays both the piano On both Sunday, January 28 and trumpet. His summers are spent at Camp Equinunk, which he looks for¬ and Sunday, February 11, the high ward to every year. He also enjoys spending time with his friends and family. school students will prepare sand¬ Lance’s older brother, Ian, became a Bar Mitzvah at Park Avenue Synagogue three years ago. Lance wiches and will deliver them to the looks forward to having his family and friends share this important occasion with him. homeless. PAGE 6 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN WINTER, 2001 Kol Nidre Appeal 2000/5761 The Officers and Trustees of the Park Avenue Synagogue thank their fellow congregants for their generous response to the Kol Nidre Appeal. Thank you: Mr. Arthur Ainsberg Mrs. Bonnie Englebardt Mr. & Dr. Stephen Kesselman Mr. & Mrs. David Silver Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bab Mrs. Mildred L. Finkel Mr. & Mrs. Joel Klaperman Dr. & Mrs. Philip Snell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Behmoaras Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Spindler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goldberg Mrs. Nancy Levine Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Spinner Mr. & Mrs. Mark Besca Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levy Mrs. Margot Steinberg Mr. & Dr. Edward Blank Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gottschalk Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Lipman Mr. & Dr. Lawrence Stem Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bogdanoff Dr. Linda Grad Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Milston Mrs. Arline Buxbaum Tarte Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bromer Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Edward Munves Jr. Mr. & Dr. Marvin Torker Drs. Manfred Brust Mr. Alan Greenwald Mrs. Rae Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Burack Drs. Paul Grunfeld Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Ringer Mr. & Ms. David Wasserman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cohen Mrs. Leon Hess Mr. & Mrs. A. Stanley Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wasserman Mr. & Dr. Perry Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hodin Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wasserstein Mr. Robert G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Sabin Mrs. Carol Weber Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Colvin Ms. Judith Jankoff Dr. & Mrs. James A. Sasmor Mr. & Mrs. Allen Weingarten Ms. Gabrielle V. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Eugene N. Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Philip Satow Mr. & Mrs. Irving Wiesen Mr. & Mrs. Sam Dressner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Karmel Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Schefler Mrs. Irene Winkelman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dropkin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Karr Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood M. Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. William Wolff Mr. & Mrs. James Druckman Dr. & Mrs. Fred Kastenbaum Mrs. Phyllis Siegel (Donations October 30 through Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Elias Mr. & Ms. David Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Marc Silberberg December 5, 2000) Notes From the Edmond Families Talk About Death” de Rothschild Library New Children’s Books: Park Avenue Synagogue Diner, H.R.: Jews in America Bikur Cholim New Adult Books: Kimmel, E.A.: The Jar of Fools: Eight Atlas, J.: Bellow: A Biography Hanukkah Stories from Chelm Did you know...? Cardin, Rabbi N.B.: The Tapestry of Jewish Manushkin, F.: The Story of Hava Nagila • If you are in hospital, a Park Avenue Syn¬ Time Melmed, L.K.: Moishe’sMiracle: A Hanukkah agogue Bikur Cholim member can visit Diamant, A. & Kushner, K.: How to be a Story you. Jewish Parent Oberman, S.: The Wisdom Bird • If you wish to celebrate Shabbat or Freedman, D.N.: The Nine Commandments: Raichlen, S.: Healthy Jewish Cooking Yomtov while in hospital, Park Avenue Uncovering the Hidden Pattern of Crime Rosen, M.J.: Our Eight Nights of Hanukkah Synagogue Bikur Cholim will supply can¬ and Punishment in the Hebrew Bible Ross, Lillian H.: Daughters of Eve dles and challah. Goldstein, E.: Women’s Torah Commentary The library will display Purim books from • If you just want company in hospital, or Powell, L.N.: Troubled Memory February 25th through Purim, March 10th. while recuperating at home, give us a call! Roiphe, A.: To Rabbit, With Love and Squalor During the months of January and Febru¬ Rosen, J.: The Talmud and the Internet To contact Park Avenue Synagogue ary, the library will be closed on the following Stone, K.: The CongressionalMinyan Bikur Cholim, call Rabbi Lincoln’s secretary dates: December 23 through January 8; Janu¬ Wisse, R. R.: The Modern Jewish Canon at 369-2600, ext. 149. ary 14 and 15; February 18 through 20. Videos: “Generation to Generation: Jewish — liana Abend-David, Librarian Contributions Clara Haminel Memorial Library Fund Anne & Paul Corwin & Family, in honor of Susie Wasserman’s birthday. Dr. Leslie Hammel, in honor of his birthday. Bikur Cholim Fund Rita S. Corwin, in honor of the Corwin family. Dr. Leslie M. Hammel, in memory of his beloved Leon & Juliet Demb, in honor of their wedding Mrs. Ruth Fuhrman, in memory of Lillian Bennet. father, Theodore Hammel. anniversary. Mrs. Dorothy Hoffenberg, with appreciation. Hessed Fund Judge & Mrs. Louis Kaplan Phyllis & Bernie Feinberg, in honor of the birth of Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Antler, in honor of their their grandson to Michael and Justine Feinbeig. Mrs. Barbara Robbins, in honor of her birthday. anniversary. Mrs. Martha Gold, in memory of her son, Leonard M. Sarah I. Gel man Memorial Fund Dr. & Mrs. Jack Oberman, in memory of Fannie Gold. Mrs. Evelyn Gelman, in memory of Hon. David N. Gurevitch, sister of Rabbi Judah Nadich. Mrs. Mimi Goldfinger, in memory of Toni Riesenberg Edelstein. Dr. & Mrs. Jack Oberman, in honor of the birth of a Krieger, wife of Harry Krieger. Mrs. Evelyn Gelman, in memory of Toni Krieger. granddaughter to Leah & Barrie Modlin. Mrs. Helen Hahn, in memory of Toni Riesenberg Mrs. Evelyn Gelman, in memory of Lillian Bennet. Dr. & Mrs. Jack Oberman, in memory of his beloved Krieger. Mr. Harry Krieger, in honor of the birth of Mr. & Mrs. mother, Dora Oberman. Mrs. Dorothy Hall, in memory of her beloved father, Philip Gelman’s son. High School Food Pantry Harry Fine. Mr. Harry Krieger, in honor of the birth of Evelyn Laurie & Maury Harris, in memory of Paul Brown, Cantor Nancy Abramson, in honor of her birthday. Gelman’s grandson. father of Gail Karr. Mr. Robert Ceisler, in memory of his beloved mother, Melanie Schneider, in honor of the birth of Evelyn Laurie & Maury Harris, in honor of Morris M. Elizabeth Ceisler. Gelman’s new grandson, Frederick Milton Gelman. Podolsky, Hatan Torah. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cohen, in honor of their son WEG, in honor of the birth of Evelyn Gelman’ s Reuben reading the Torah on Rosh Hashanah. (continued on page 7) grandson. TEVET-SHEVAT-ADAR 5761 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN PAGE 7 The Park Avenue Synagogue Bereavement Group God gave us the Garden of Eden and made us keepers of the world. Park Avenue Synagogue has formed a How can we take responsibility for the earth’s natural resources as Jews? Bereavement Group for those who have lost What can we do to understand and respect the environment in a Jewish context? loved ones or close friends. It is facilitated by Dr. Sheila Erlich, a licensed psychologist. Participate in a The group will meet at 7:30 p.m. on the CONGREGATION-WIDE INTERGENERATIONAL following three Wednesdays: TU B’SHVAT SHABBATON • January 17, 2001 Celebrating Judaism and the Environment • February 21 and with Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi David Rosenn, • March 14. founder of Avodah, the Jewish Service Corps For additional information about this FEBRUARY 9-10 group, please call Rabbi Kenneth Stern at 369- 2600. Spend Shabbat with your Park Avenue Synagogue Family Condolences Programming for members of all ages Children’s sessions and/or baby sitting parallel to Park Avenue Synagogue extends heartfelt main study sessions for adults and teens sympathy to the bereaved of our congregation and to their families. To: Program Highlights Mr. David Barnard, upon the death of his Friday Night: Saturday: mother, Doreen Barnard. Kabbalat Shabbat Services at 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Luncheon with Tu B’Shvat Seder Mr. Roger Bendelac, upon the death of his Shabbat Dinner with kids meals Applying Jewish Environmental Ethics brother, Daniel Bendelac. The family of the late Anne Gold. Jewish environmentalism through Imagining a Green Synagogue Mrs. Ricky Lauren, upon the death of her storytelling Blessings of the cycles of the moon mother, Margaret Low-Beer. Shabbat Shira sing down Havdalah at 6:15 p.m. The family of the late Helen Levine. Full Shabbaton includes 2 Shabbat meals, a Tu B’Shvat Seder and Seudah Shlishit Mr. David Milich, upon the death of his Prices: Adults - $55; Children 4-11 - $35; Children 3 and under - free father, Adolph Milich. (By Advance Reservation Only) Mr. Martin J. Milston, upon the death of his sister, Carol Convissor. Friday Night Only includes 1 Shabbat dinner Mr. Eugene Zinbarg, upon the death of his Prices: Adults - $40; Children 4-11 - $20; Children 3 and under - free mother, Esther Zinbarg. (By Advance Reservation Only) Saturday Only includes Shabbat Luncheon, a Tu B’Shvat Seder and Seudah Shlishit Contributions (continuedfrom page 6) Prices: Adults - $45; Children 4-11 - $20; Children 3 and under - free Laurie & Maury Harris, in memory oi Harry Krieger’s (By Advance Reservation Only) wife, Toni. Space is limited. To make your reservation, Laurie & Maury Harris, in honor of Kathy K. Grunfeld, Kallah Bereishit. please contact Stacey Erlich at (212) 369-2600, ext 136. Judge & Mrs. Louis Kaplan, in honor of Vicki Wimpfheimer’s birthday. Judge & Mrs. Louis Kaplan, in memory of Paul Brown, father of Gail Karr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller, in honor of their anniversary. Frances Pargman, in memory of Toni Riesenberg Evelyn Karr, in memory of Paul Brown. Mr. & Mrs. Martin Milston, in memory of Paul Brown. Krieger. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Katz PASECC Parents Assoc., in honor of the birth of Arnold L. & Lite Sabin, in honor of Katherina Clarence & Mildred Kellogg, in memory of Paul Jamie’s brother, Matthew, to Nancy Judson and Grunfeld, Kallah Bereishit. Brown. Mrs. Dorothy Lang, in memory of her beloved mother, Steven Tanzer. Melanie Schneider, in memory of Paul Brown, father Ida Kleiman. PASECC Parents Association, in honor of the birth of of Gail Karr. Casey Jane Lutnick to Howard & Allison and big Mrs. Ann Leichtling, in celebration of Vicki brothers Kyle and Brandon. (continued on page 10) Wimpfheimer’s birthday. Usdan Center America’s premier arts day camp 11 eroman an di l^venlhal Music, Art, Drama, Dance, Chess,Writing SheerOptics Ages 6-18 CATERERS, INC. 212-772-6060 or: [email protected] Sheera Gluck Appointed Caterers To 1268 Madison Avenue • New York 10128 Park Avenue Synagogue Usdan Center for the Creative & Performing Arts 50 East 87 Street New York City (212) 987-9898 An agency of UJA-Federation (212) 427-7912 UNIQUE EYEWEAR FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS PAGE 8 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN WINTER. 2001 CALENDAR OF EVENTS for JANUARY2001 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 REMEMBER 7:30 a.m. THE DAILY Hashkama Service MINYANIM 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Service Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. at 7:15 A.M. 8 a.m. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Havurah Service Talmud Tractate Yoma Lunch ‘n“ Learn Session Friday Night Service Sundays and Legal NEW YEARS DAY With Rabbi David Lincoln With Rabbi David Lincoln Light Candles Bar Mitzvah of Charles Mayer Siegel Holidays at 9 A.M. 1 p.m. 4:23 p.m. Retirees Group 11:15 a.m. Sunday - Thursday Tot Shabbat at 5:45 P.M 4:45 p.m. Saturday afternoons Afternoon & Evening Service & Study (See time listings) 7 8 10 11 12 13 *7 8 a.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma 7:30 a.m. With Rabbi David Lincoln Hashkama Service 11 a.m. 9:15 a.m. IntWroidthu 7cRt:i1ao5bn b ptio. m MJ.ui rdiaamis m WiTtha lRmauSbdtbe i&m KM enornee th 7 p.m. LuRnac1bh1b ‘ain .’Dm La. ev-aid r1n L pSi.nmecso.s lino n CFrhidilady6r e:N1n5i’g shp tJ. maSn.e ruvaircye "WiSndhoabw1bs0a ftao .Smre S.r vhiacbe bat” Berkowitz 12 noon Musicale 7:30 p.m. Birthday Celebration Introduction to the Sisterhood Board Rehearsal Men's Club Outing to Shabbat 7:30 p.m. Meeting Madison Square Garden Light Candles Morning Service with WEG Board Meeting 1 p.m. Basketball Game 4:30 p.m. Rabbi Kenneth Stern Retirees Group 4:45 p.m. Afternoon & Evening 7:30 p.m. Men’s Club Service & Study Investment Forum 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7:30 a.m. Hashkama Service 8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma 7 p.m. Shabbat Service With Rabbi David Lincoln Musicale 6:15 p.m. 11 a.m. Rehearsal “Rinah U’tefilah”: Bar Mitzvah of Martin Luther King Day WiTtha lRmauSbdtbe i&m KM eonrnee th PaBrke rAeva7ev:ne3um0e e pSn.myt n.G argoougpu e LunWc1hi1t h‘a LnC.’em Lafk.ne ota-ow1rrn i t pDzS. amevs.is di on &“F SrBiodeant ygG DNarainignddhne te PSrS rheaaryvbeibcr”aet AndrTe1ow1t :S1D5ha avabi.dmb aC. to lvin 1 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Light Candles 4:45 p.m. Retirees Group Young Couples Group 4:38 p.m. Afternoon & Evening 7 p.m. “Get-Together” Service & Study School Board Meeting Bar Mitzvah of Charles Benjamin Jacobs 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. Hashkama Service Talmud Tractate Yoma With Rabbi David Lincoln 9:15 a.m. 7:15 p.m. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Introduction to Judaism 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Lunch ‘n’ Learn Session Friday Night Service Shabbat Hakavod Talmud & More Musicale With Rabbi Miriam With Rabbi Kenneth Rehearsal With Cantor David Light Candles in honor of our Berkowitz Stem Lefkowitz 4:47 p.m. children 5:00 p.m. 1 p.m. Afternoon & Evening Retirees Group Service & Study 28 29 30 31 THE EDMOND 8 a.m. DE ROTHSCHILD LIBRARY 7:15 p.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma Introduction to Judaism with Rabbi David Lincoln 9:30 a.m. With Rabbi Miriam 11 a.m. 7 p.m. New Schedule of Hours: Men’s Club Berkowitz Talmud & More Musicale World-Wide Tefillin Mondays 3:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Wrap 8 p.m. With Rabbi Kenneth Rehearsal Jewish Book Discussion Stem Tuesdays 10:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Group 1 p.m. Wednesdays 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Retirees Group Thursdays 3:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Sundays 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M TEVET-SHEVAT-ADAR 5761 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN PAGE 9 CALENDAR OF EVENTS for FEBRUARY2001 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 7:30 a.m. * Hashkama Service THE EDMOND 9:15 a.m. DE ROTHSCHILD LIBRARY Shabbat Service 10 a.m. 6:15 p.m. “Windows for Shabbat" Introduction to the New Schedule of Hours: Friday Night Service 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Shabbat Mondays 3:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Lunch 'n' Learn Session Gimel Grade Morning Service With Cantor David Service & Dinner With Rabbi Kenneth Tuesdays 10:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Lefkowitz Stern Light Candles Bar Mitzvah of Wednesdays 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. 4:55 p.m. Jacob Andrew Goldstein 11:15 a.m. Thursdays 3:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tot Shabbat Sundays 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. 5:15 p.m. Afternoon & Evening Service & Study 8 1 0 7:30 a.m. Hashkama Service 9:15 a.m. 8 a.m. Shabbat Service 10 a.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma 6:15 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Men’s Club Brunch With Rabbi David Lincoln Friday Night Service Havurah Service TU B’SHEVAT Cong4r epg.mat.i onal IntWroidthu c7Rt:i1ao5bn b ptio. mM J.u irdiaamis m Talm1u1 da &.m M. ore Lun.c1h1 ‘an.’m L. e-a m1 pS.mes.s ion ShFaambbilayt oEnd u&c Datiinonne r BHaar nMyi tLzevvahin eo f Musicale: Berkowitz With Rabbi Kenneth With Cantor David Daled Grade Dinner 11:15 a.m. “Singing the Jewish Stem Lefkowitz Tot Shabbat Light Candles Year” 1 p.m. 5:04 p.m. Family Education Retirees Group Shabbaton 5:15 p.m. Afternoon & Evening Service & Study 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 a.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma 7:30 a.m. With Rabbi David Lincoln Hashkama Service 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 11 a.m. Lunch ‘n’ Leam Session 9:15 a.m. 7:15 p.m. Talmud & More With Cantor David 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Introduction to Judaism With Rabbi Kenneth Lefkowitz Friday Night Service Bat Mitzvah of With Rabbi Miriam Stem 6:15 p.m. Light Candles Rachel Faye Abramovitz Berkowitz 1 p.m. Family Education 5:12 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Retirees Group Committee Afternoon & Evening Meeting 8:00 p.m. Service & Study Young Couples Group Production 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 7:30 a.m. Hashkama Service 8 a.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma 6:15 p.m. 9:15 a.m. With Rabbi David Lincoln Friday Night Service Shabbat Service 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. ‘‘Rinah U’tefilah": 11 a.m. Lunch ‘n’ Leam Session “Song and Prayer” 9:30 a.m. PRESIDENT S DAY Talmud & More With Cantor Nancy & Children’s February Havurah Service With Rabbi Kenneth Abramson Birthday Celebration Bar Mitzvah of Stem Light Candles Lance Harris Taubin 1 p.m. 5:21 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Retirees Group Afternoon & Evening Service & Study 25 26 27 28 REMEMBER THE DAILY MINYANIM 8 a.m. Talmud Tractate Yoma With Rabbi David Lincoln Monday - Friday at 7:15 A.M. Introduction to Judaism With Rabbi Miriam 11 a.m. 6th Grade Tefillin Trip Berkowitz Talmud & More Sundays and Legal Holidays at 9 A.M. With Rabbi Kenneth 8 p.m. Stem Jewish Book Discussion Group 1 p.m. Sunday - Thursday at 5:45 P.M Retirees Group Saturday afternoons (See time listings) PAGE 10 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE BULLETIN WINTER, 2001 Contributions for helping to prepare their son Michael for his father of Dr. Ronald Esordon. (continued from page 8) Bar Mitzvah. Ms. Susan Wasserman, in honor of her birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Sherwood Schwarz Brad & Barbara Simon, in honor of Cantor Lefkowitz Pepi & Albert Weis, in memory of Eric Stiebel. for helping to prepare their son Michael for his Jacqueline & Robert Willens, in memory of Albert Shelly & Ken Shapiro, in memory of Eva Reich, Bar Mitzvah. Gerber. mother of Sandra Gertner. Jennifer & Loren Wimpfheimer, in honor of Hilda Susan & Jeffrey Silverman, in honor of Katherina Nursery School Fund Davidson. Grunfeld, Kallah Bereishit and Morris Podolsky, Joyce & Julius Paige, in honor of their daughter Shelly & Justin Wimpfheimer, in honor of Vicki Hatan Torah. Hannah’s birthday. Wimpfheimer. Brad & Barbara Simon, in honor of Rabbi Lincoln, Sheri & Jimmy Rosenfeld, in honor Larry Cohen’s 45th Shelly & Justin Wimpfheimer, in honor of Hilda Rabbi Stern, & Rabbi Berkowitz for helping to birthday. Davidson. prepare their son Michael for his Bar Mitzvah. Prayer Book Fund David J. Putterman Music Fund Mrs. Tamara Spolan, in honor of Paul and Michael Corwin who exemplify “v ‘shenantam 1’vanecha” Renee & Larry Chaifetz, in honor of Hilda Davidson. Mrs. Babette Balis, in memory of her beloved mother, in teaching and learning. Helen & Murray Charash, in memory of Ephraim Julia Hoexter. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Taub Charash. Elaine, Eric and Elliot Balis in memory of our Nanny Joanne & Morton Davis, in memory of her beloved Julia. Dr. Barbara Weinstein, in memory of her beloved sister, Judith Victorsohn Rosenberg. Mrs. Dorothy Kaufman, in memory of her beloved mother, Rita Weinstein. Dr. James Eisdorfer, Dr. Richard Miller, in memory of sister, Ethel Boriss. Mrs. Vicki Wimpfheimer, in ’ 'Ha Davidson’s Gary Grad. Mrs. Gail P. Rosenkrantz, in memory of David J. 97th birthday. Mrs. Mimi Goldfinger, in memory of her beloved Kalman Selig Boot husband, Jack I. Goldfinger. Mi rantz, in memory of Minnie Mrs. Martha K. Selig, in ichman. 1 Ellen S. Klapper, in memory of Margaret Meisels. Mrs. Martha K. Selig, in n. jmolin. Maribeth & Steven Lerner, in honor of their brother Tikkun v,i*uii Committee For Martha K. Selig, in memory o. . aerfreund. Morris M. Podolsky’s honor as Hatan Torah. Community Outreach Krumholz Memorial Scholarship Fund Andrew & David Lerner, in honor of their uncle Carol & Robert Antler, in honor of Dr.’Katherina Rosalind Sackoff, in memory of Elroy and Terry Morris M. Podolsky’s honor as Hatan Torah. Grunfeld’s being named Kallah Bereishit. Krumholz. Mr. Michael S. Oberman, in memory of his beloved Dr. & Mrs. Jack Oberman, in honor of Hilda father, Hyman Oberman, and in appreciation of library Fund Davidson’s birthday. the daily minyan. Mrs. Tamara Spolan, in honor of her birthday. Welfare Fund Ronnie & David Parker, in honor of Jonathan Mrs. Tamara Spolan, in honor of her daughter, Arielle Bernstein. Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Chavkin Hart Cohen, and her granddaughter, Juliette Rae Mr. & Mrs. Milton Fuchs Ronnie & David Parker, in honor of his birthday. Hart Cohen, on the occasion of their birthdays. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Katz, in memory of their loved Harold & Ruth Podolsky Tobias, in honor of Dr. Liturgical Music Fund Morris M. Podolsky. ones. Brad & Barbara Simon, in honor of Cantor Abramson Judge Harold & Frances Tompkins, in memory of the (Names not listed here will appear in the next issue.) &HUB PLAZA MEMORIAL CHAPEL *HEBg serving the New York Jewish Community j)uxicUca\ GlaAAioi by jboina 630 Amsterdam Avenue (at 91st St.) 212.223.4004 RESIDENTIAL New York City 125 East 85th Street, NYC, NY 10028 COMMERCIAL (212) 722-4271 769-4400 22 east 49st. SEE OUR DISPLAY IN THE LOBBY OF www.shieppers.tom LONG DISTANCE Andrew Fier, President STORAGE THE PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE pdisonbsy uojjodjjoQ ssQjppy VSSISSS 9298 on Jiuuaa AN HJOA msn nu Ay)iJVj aivd aSmsoj sn 9 9 UOIJEZIUE&I0 iy0Jd-U0N LO"* U31NIM

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