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The Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin, October-November, 2017 PDF

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Preview The Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin, October-November, 2017

e b m e v o FROM THE RABBI RABBI NEIL ZUCKERMAN Dreaming he describes a scene where Jews were meaning of modern Israel, Zionism, huddled around radios waiting to and Jewish identity. As Israel prepares about hear the results of the vote. When it to turn seventy, we will consider topics became clear that Herzl’s dream was like nationhood, land, sovereignty, to become a reality, Jews took to the Jerusalem, occupation, and moral red streets in Palestine, hugging, weeping, lines. Israel for dancing, and gathering in synagogues to offer prayers of thanksgiving. The streets of Jerusalem tell stories of our people’s past. One of my favorite 120 Years 2017 is a significant year: it is one streets is Rehov KafTet b’November, hundred years since the Balfour November 29th Street. I often find Declaration, seventy years since the myself there as I wander the streets I UN vote, and fifty years since the Six- of the German Colony. Whenever Day War. 1917.1947.1967. These are I see the sign, I stop in my tracks, n 1897, following the first Zionist all key moments in Jewish history, and consider the blessings and Congress, Theodore Herzl wrote when Zionism offered us opportunities opportunities that are to be found in in his diary: to rethink the meaning of Jewishness the state of Israel. Everything changed for generations to come. As we look to that day in 1947. As a result of the “At Basel I founded the Jewish state. Israel’s future, we need to engage anew vote, we had a home, we became actors If I said this out loud today, I would with our past and explore its meanings in own historical narrative, and we be answered by universal laughter. and consequences. would now control our own destiny. Perhaps in five years, and certainly There are challenges, for sure. But I in fifty, everyone will admit it.” On Sunday morning, November 12, we never lose sight of just how fortunate begin iEngage, a monthly class that we are to live in a moment in history Herzl, while not a prophet, was correct will provide us with opportunities to where there is a sovereign Jewish in his analysis. On November 29, do this (check pasyn.org for all the nation. Join me on November 12 1947, Jewish history was radically dates). Partnering with the Hartman and beyond, as we study, reflect, and transformed. The United Nations Institute in Jerusalem, I will be continue to dream about the future. passed Resolution 181 for the Partition teaching “Israel’s Milestones and Their of Palestine by a vote of 33 in favor, Meanings: The Legacy of the Past and 13 opposed, and 10 abstentions. Challenge of the Future.” Over the See p. 14 for an eyewitness In Daniel Gordis’s book, Israel: A course of the year, we will grapple with account from Tel Aviv of Concise History of a Nation Reborn, the ideas and values that shape the November 29,1947. Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin VOLUME 70 ■ NO. 2 ■ OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2017 • TISHREI/HESHVAN/KISLEV 5778 ■ 1^03\'|')\Dn\>DWTl From the Rabbi.2 Congregational School.16 Dedication of the Eli M. Black Lifelong Learning Center.3 Postcard from Camp.17 Schedule of Religious Services & Shabbat at PAS.4 Youth/RJNHS.17 Simhat Torah Honorees.6 College Connections.19 Synagogue Family.8 PAS 20s & 30s.19 From the Education Team.10 Caring Network.20 Adult Classes & Events.11 Welcome New Staff..20 Gallery, Shapiro Audio Archive & Library .14 Contributions.21 Youth Education & Events.15 Calendars.22 Young Family Education.13 A Look Ahead.Back cover PASECC.13 2 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin ■HMHnMBBBBBSHnfiHiESSS I am grateful that the PAS community has grown significantly enough to require greater learning space. Hopes May this space befitted with joy, education and commitment Here s to a bright to our Jewish faith educational future for the PAS community Dorothy Tapper Goldman and in the Eli M. Black Lifelong Learning Center. Mi-dor Vdor,from generation to generation Dreams —Anonymous T he dedication of the PAS Eli After 136 years we M. Black Lifelong Learning are a thriving community Center is the fulfillment of that is moving ahead with the hopes and dreams of everyone passion, vision, and confidence. in our community. As we reach this I hope we have at least another milestone, please share your personal 136 years of engaging Jews in worship, reflections, hopes, and dreams for education, life cycle events, and Park Avenue Synagogue, your family, community building. Dedicating the the Jewish people, and Israel. Your Eli M. Black Lifelong Learning Center message will appear on the video is an important milestone in the screens at the dedication, on digital history of our community, which screens inside the Eli M. Black will hopefully inspire us all to Lifelong Learning Center and the dive deeper into Judaism and 87th Street building, and in future Jewish education. PAS publications. We encourage every member of our community7 —Art Penn to participate! Please submit your Hopes and Dreams at pasyn.org/ hopesanddr earns. Tours Take a docent-led tour of the new building. Learn about the design, art installations, and innovative technology that make the Eli M. Black Lifelong Learning Center a one-of-a-kind space that will serve this generation and those to come. There are morning, afternoon, and evening tours available on four different dates. Space is limited. First come, first served. Please register at pasyn.org/tours or contact the Development Office at 212-369-2600, X138. Register to attend the Dedication atpasyn.org/DedicationRSVP. www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 Ocfober/November 201 7 Tishrei/Heshvan/Kislev 5778 3 ■ Shabbat at PAS Every 7th day. 52 weeks a year. Since Creation. Schedule of Religious Services For a full listing of Young Family Education (YFE) programs, see p. 15. For Congregational School (CS) Shabbat programs, see p. 16. For Teens, see p. 17-18. Visit pasyn.org for all worship information. Wednesday, October 4 • 14 Tishrei Erev Sukkot 6:30 pm | Festival Evening service 7:00 pm | Dinner in the Sukkah $ RSVP From Friday evening SHAHARIT & PARASHAT HASHAVUA I Thursday, October 5 • 15 Tishrei EVERY SHABBAT through Saturday evening, - An engaging study of the morning's Torah Shabbat at PAS includes Sukkot, Day 1 portion and light Kiddush, ending in time to 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan lively communal worship in join the community in the Sanctuary for the 9:15 am | Festival Morning service the Sanctuary, alternative Torah service. When there is a Havurah, 20 minutes after services | Minha services, parashah study, this service merges with that one. 6:30 pm | Festival Evening service music, dinners, and other 7:00 pm | BYO Dinner in the Sukkah RAMAH MINYAN I OCT 6, NOV 3 programs to refresh your A spirit-filled service for any and all young spirit. See below what is adults, followed by drinks, snacks, and happening each Shabbat. oneg Shabbat. Friday, October 6 • 16 Tishrei Check pasyn.org/shabbat Sukkot, Day 2 PRELUDE TO SHABBAT I NOV 10 and the “This Week at 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan Ease into Shabbat with wine, cheese, PAS” email for each week’s and the choral music of Salamone Rossi, 9:15 am | Festival Morning service programs. presented by Music Director Colin Fowler 11:00 am | Day School Community and performed by the Synagogue Quartet. Family Service DAILY MINYAN 20 minutes after services | Minha Shaharit Monday-Friday at 7:1 5 am. HAVURAH I OCT 7, NOV 11 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat Sundays, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, and A lay-led, child-friendly, informal Torah 7:00 pm | Dinner in the Sukkah (with the day after at 9:00 am. Oct 10 and 1 1 at reading, discussion, and musaf service advance reservation) 7:00 am for Hoi HaMoed Sukkot. for all ages and skill levels. Contact Rabbi 7:15 pm | Ramah Minyan Minha/Ma'ariv Sunday-Thursday at 5:45 Witkovsky at [email protected] or pm, except where noted. Shabbat minha xl 23. 20 minutes after the end of morning Saturday, October 7 • 17 Tishrei services. HEALING SERVICE I OCT 28 Poetry, prayer, and music to heal the body, Shabbat Hoi HaMoed Sukkot KABBALAT SHABBAT AND SANCTUARY soul, and spirit, whether one is praying for 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE 1 EVERY oneself, loved ones, our community, or the 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat SHABBAT world. HaShavua Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove, Rabbi Neil 9:00 am | Havurah Zuckerman, and Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky HAZZAN’S TISCH I NOV 18 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bar preach and conduct the service together Schmooze, snack, sing, say Ma’ariv, and with Cantor Azi Schwartz, Cantor Shira end with Havdalah. RSVP on pasyn.org. Mitzvah of Don Kaplan Lissek, and Cantor Rachel Brook, with Music 11:15 am I YFE Sukkot service Director Colin Fowler and the Synagogue ALL ARE WELCOME I ALWAYS 20 minutes after services | Minha Ensemble: Elisa Singer Strom, soprano; PAS is an inclusive community. To discuss 5:00 pm | Minha with the Bat Mitzvah Yonah Gershator, alto; Alex Guerrero, any accommodations you might need of Sloane Mayman tenor; Tim Krol, bass; Gil Smuskowitz, to make your visits and involvement double bass; Mike Cohen, woodwinds; more comfortable, please contact Rachel Ronen Itzik, percussion. Cantor Eric Wasser Benichak, Membership Manager, at Wednesday, October 11 is our ritual director and Torah reader. [email protected] or xl 95. Hoshana Rabbah, last day of Sukkot HASHKAMAH (EARLY RISERS) MINYAN I Can't make it to the synagogue? 7:00 am | Minyan with Hallel, Torah EVERY SHABBAT AND FESTIVAL Park Avenue Synagogue services are reading, musaf, hoshanot, and beating A service with repetition of the Amidah livestreamed. Visit pasyn.org/webcast. of willows and annual cycle Torah reading, all in Hebrew, at a pace that is comfortable for experienced daveners, and a Kiddush afterwards. 4 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin October/November • 'i^tnxyivmvnon Thursday, October 12 • 22 Tishrei Friday, October 27 • 8 Heshvan Saturday, November 11 • 22 Heshvan Shemini Atzeret 5:30 pm | CS Shabbat Dinner for Hayyei Sarah 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan Families, Gr K-2 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan 9:15 am | Festival service 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat 5:15 pm | Quiet Simhat Torah HaShavua 5:45 pm | Minha 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bar 6:00 pm | Simhat Torah Celebration Saturday, October 28 • 9 Heshvan Mitzvah of Jackson Winthrop 10:00 am | CS Family Shabbat Exper, Lekh L’kha Gr 3-6 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan Friday, October 13 • 23 Tishrei 20 mins after services | Minha 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat 5:00 pm | Minha with Bat Mitzvah of Simhat Torah HaShavua Madeline Kaufman 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bat 9:15 am | Simhat Torah service (p. 6) Mitzvah of Lillyster Lise de Vreeze and 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat Bar Mitzvah of Simon Wolf Schackner Friday, November 17 • 28 Heshvan 10:00 am | CS Shabbat Exper, Gr 3-6 11:00 am | CS Family Shabbat Exper, 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat Saturday, October 14 • 24 Tishrei Gr K—2 7:30 pm | Dinner/Rabbi Mike Uram 20 mins after services I Minha B’reishit 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan Saturday, November 18 • 29 Heshvan 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat Friday, November 3 • 14 Heshvan HaShavua Tol’dot 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bar 5:00 pm | YFE Kabbalat Shabbat (p. 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan Mitzvah of Jack Lipschultz 15) 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat 20 mins after services | Minha 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat HaShavua 4:00 pm | Parent/Teen Shabbat Study 7:15 pm | Ramah Minyan 9:00 am | Window on Israel 5:00 pm | Minha with Bar Mitzvah of 9:45 am | Sanctuary service Ryan Will Berkowitz 10:00 am | CS Shabbat Experience, Saturday, November 4 • 15 Heshvan Gr 3-6 11:00 am | CS Family Shabbat Va-yera Friday, October 20 • 1 Heshvan Experience, Gr K-2 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan Immediately after services | Minha Rosh Hodesh 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat 12:30 pm | Post-Kiddush Learning 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat HaShavua 4:30 pm | Hazzan's Tisch 7:30 pm | Dinner/Marty Baron 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bar 5:00 pm | YFE Havdalah (p. 15) Mitzvah of Gavin Alexander Perkin 10:00 am | CS Shabbat Exper, Gr 3-6 Saturday, October 21 • 2 Fleshvan 20 mins after services | Minha Friday, November 24 • 7 Kislev 5:00 pm | Minha with Bat Mitzvah of Noah Alexa Turteltaub 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat HaShavua Friday, November 10 • 24 Heshvan Saturday, November 25 • 8 Kislev 9:00 am | Window on Israel 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bat 5:30 pm | Prelude to Shabbat Va-yetzei Mitzvah of Julia Gutwillig 6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 am | Hashkamah Minyan 10:00 am | CS Shabbat Exper, Gr 3-6 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat 11:15 am | TotTefillah HaShavua 20 minutes after services I Minha 9:45 am | Sanctuary service with Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Korff 20 mins after services I Minha www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 Ocfober/November 201 7 Tishrei/Heshvan/Kislev 5778 5 Craig raised their children here: daughter the gut renovation of the building that Marissa celebrated her Bat Mitzvah, will be dedicated this month as the Eli Solomon graduated from our high school, and M. Black Lifelong Learning Center. was married by Rabbi Cosgrove and Not one to rest on his laurels, Craig is Cantor Schwartz. She and her husband also overseeing the renovation of the Hatan Jake are now members, too, and they 87th Street building. Construction will look forward to soon welcoming their not begin until late spring of 2018, but first child into the PAS community. design and planning are already well Craig and Diane’s son Evan also underway. Torah attended PAS religious school and became a Bar Mitzvah here. Craig is proud of what PAS has been able to achieve with the Eh M. Black Craig had decided to engage more fully Lifelong Learning Center, and he is Make Me a sanctuary that I may with Jewish philanthropy in general excited to prepare 87th Street for its dwell among them. and with the PAS community, so he transformation. He appreciates having —Exodus 25:8 readily said yes when he was asked to been asked to be a small part of a C assist in evaluating space alternatives once-in-a-generation reimagining of for the congregation nearly five years the PAS campus. raig Solomon has been leading ago. His work on that project led to the expansion of Park Avenue his becoming an Advisory Council Park Avenue Synagogue salutes Craig Synagogue’s campus for close member and then a member of the Solomon, Hatan Torah. to five years, from the moment that it Board of Directors. Trained as a real became apparent that the congregation estate attorney and the co-founder had outgrown its space. and CEO of real estate private equity firm Square Mile Capital, Craig has Members since 1989, Craig and broad expertise in all facets of the real Diane joined Park Avenue Synagogue estate arena. His focus at PAS has as a young couple because they continued to be on the space projects. were looking for a Conservative As co-chair of the Space Committee, congregation similar to the one where he led the purchase of the 89th Street Craig grew up in Massachusetts. They building and then went on to oversee Simhat Torah at PAS • Quiet Simaht Torah | Thu | Oct 12 | 5:15-5:45 pm • Evening Celebration | Thu | Oct 12 | 6:00-7:00 pm • Simhat Torah Morning | Honoring Craig Solomon, Hatan Torah, and Pauline Zablow, Kallat B'i’eishit | Fri | Oct 13 | 9:15 am | Festival Morning Service 6 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin SIMHAT TORAH HONOREE 5778 Pauline his basherte Cory; and the birth of to understand, to remember, and grandson Mason, the joy of her and to retell these stories so they’re not Zablow Milt’s life. forgotten as the last of the survivors reach the end of their lives. Pauline’s Living in California when her Bnei Mitzvah “Pen Ceremony” Kallat children were young, Pauline teaches students the difference volunteered as a shadow for students between having fun and being happy with special needs and served on - learning not what offers short-term the board of The Friendship Circle amusement, but what nourishes their B’reishit (a program which pairs teenage souls. She awards each a special gold volunteers with children who have pen as a reminder of those values. special needs). She also studied Torah weekly, spending thirteen Pauline shadows fourth graders Her mouth is full of wisdom, her years reading from the start of with special needs and engages tongue with kindly teaching. B’reishit to the giving of the Torah at their classmates to befriend them, —Proverbs 31:26 Mount Sinai! to become their pals. That was the forerunner of the Teen Food Pantry P When Pauline and Milt moved back “PALs - Park Avenue Leaders” to NYC, she wanted to volunteer and program, which enables all teens to auline Zablow is devoted to to continue her studies. Friends told participate in Food Pantry. sharing her love for the Jewish her, “take Melton,” which was only people and culture with the next given at PAS. But another Melton Pauline’s desire to be part of an generation and to enabling young Jews 1 class wasn’t starting for a year inclusive Jewish community that to own our sacred heritage. and a half, so Pauline volunteered offers values-based education to all with seniors at another synagogue ages has led her to serve as co-chair Pauline’s first language was Yiddish, and continued her search for a of the PAS Membership Committee and Yiddish still shapes her thoughts. synagogue to call “home.” Then, and to volunteer on the Inclusion Growing up in Washington Heights on the first day of Melton, Pauline Committee and the Education and Brooklyn, she attended both met Rabbi Cosgrove, who also came Committee. She also serves on the Yeshiva Soloveichik and Rambam. from California, and they discovered Advisory Council. She continues to From her parents, both Holocaust that her daughter Shanna was good study in Melton, Women in the Bible, survivors, she absorbed the values of friends with the rabbi’s brother Midtown Lunch & Learn, and many education, tzedakah, and hakhnasat Jason. It was bashertl other classes. orhim (welcoming guests). Now a PAS member for eight years, Park Avenue Synagogue salutes Pauline believes in the Yiddish Pauline volunteers with seventh Pauline Zablow, Kallat B’reishit. concept of “bashert, ” whatever graders in the Congregational happens is meant to be. Her stories School. She launched “Coffee Talk,” of how “bashert” has played out in where students hear the stories of her life include meeting her husband her parents and other Holocaust Milt; having two wonderful children, survivors. She wants the students Shanna and Mark; Mark’s marrying www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 October/November 2017 Tishrei/Heshvan/Kislev 5778 7 m BNEI MITZVAH Don Kaplan Simon Wolf Schackner October 7 | Shabbat Hoi HaMoed Sukkot October 28 | Lekh L’kha Son of Irene & Erik Kaplan Son of Allison Wiener & Jeffrey Schackner Sloane Mayman Gavin Alexander Perkin October 7, minha | Vzot ha-B’rakhah November 4 | Va-yera t Daughter of Alana Serota & David Son of Candace & Jonathan Perkin Mayman Grandson of Joan & William Felder Jack Lipschultz Alexa Turteltaub October 14 | B’reishit November 4, minha | Hayyei Sarah Son of Jennifer & Marc Lipschultz Daughter of Lauren & Adam Turteltaub Ryan Will Berkowitz Jackson Winthrop October 14, minha | Noah November 11 | Hayyei Sarah Son of Meredith & Phil Berkowitz Son of Susan & Marc Winthrop Julia Gutwillig Madeline Kaufman October 21 | Noah November 11, minha | Tol’dot Daughter of Michele Green & Steven Daughter of Samantha & Neal Kaufman Gutwillig Lillyster Lise de Vreeze Samuel Korff October 28 | Lekh L’kha November 25 | Va-yetzei Daughter of Jessica & Menno de Vreeze Son of Nancy & Joshua Korff Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin mu> tnn mazaltov D>N1D DOIID WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Rabbi Charlie Savenor on being selected to Theodora & Robert Dorf participate in Qushiyot, a year-long program Melissa & Andrew Farber connecting elite educators around a comprehensive, Joseph Hury open approach to Israel education. The program is run Patrice & Joseph Jacobs in partnership by The Jewish Education Project in NYC Alexandra & Brett Kasner and Makom, the education lab of the Jewish Agency in Jennifer & Jonathan Lax Israel. Patricia Levey ♦ Phyllis Lusskin Sogol Somekh & Daniel Mesznik on their Stacey Mayrock engagement, and to Daniel’s parents Lynne & Joel Lauren Nadan Mesznik Judith & Lawrence Platkin Rachel & Jesse Podell Logan & Jeffrey Fedder on the birth of a son, Danielle & Evan Rosen Gideon Benjamin Fedder, and to grandparents Elissa & Jill Rosenberg Harry Bromer Howard Rotblatt Allison & Jeffrey Schulman Daniella & Marc Porzecanski on the birth of a Faina Savich & Daniel Schwartzman daughter, Sophia Arielle Porzecanski, and to big sister Nicole & Ariya Waxman Emma Julie & Michael Witkovsky Amy Martin & Yosi Cirlin on the birth of a son, Matan Pe’er Cirlin om> oipnn condolences Audrey Rosinberg on the birth of a son, Ezra Rah Rosinberg Corinne & Ernest Maginsky on the loss of her mother, Annette Zimmerman Stefanie Wool & David Turetsky on the birth of a daughter, Eliza Paule Turetsky Roslyn & Robert Haber on the loss of his mother, Faye Haber Liza Shabetayev & Garrett Smith on the birth of twin daughters, Emily and Daliah Smith, and to older Jody Gorin, Allie Gorin, Matthew Gorin, and Gail & siblings Aaron and Ariella David Furman, on the loss of their husband, father, and brother, William Gorin Alicia & Maurice Horwitz on the birth of a daughter, Annabelle May Horwitz, and to big brother Donna & Yale Fergang on the loss of her father, Warren Julian and grandparents Madalyn & Richard Kravitz Brown Cantor Azi Schwartz on singing at Carnegie Hall Phil Lustbader and Jamie & Loren Easton on the loss with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra on October 25 of Phil’s wife, Jamie’s mother, Randy Lustbader www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 October/November 2017 Tishrei/Heshvan/Kislev 5778 FROM THE EDUCATION TEAM PAMELA B. SCHWARTZ, DIRECTOR OF THE EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Joy, in learning. Gan Aluma principal Eti Our continuing partnership with Schusek and I are familiar with such Gan Aluma offers children of all ages firsthand joy from our frequent communication and their families the opportunity to and sharing. Now we saw this joy learn about Israel by connecting with permeate through everyone in the Israeli children and teachers. Consider room. Many PAS adults later said this yourself invited to visit Gan Aluma on visit was a highlight of the trip for your next trip, and experience the joy he vision of lifelong learning them. firsthand. at Park Avenue Synagogue embraces teaching about Israel beginning in babyhood. To meet the challenge of making a faraway place real for our young students, the ECC has formed a partnership with Gan Aluma on Kibbutz Afek in Israel. During last summer’s Young Family Trip to Israel, we actually visited this kindergarten where we had created bonds of friendship through our yearlong exchange of letters, photos, and gifts. Travelers who did not have an ECC student in their family may have been skeptical about the value of visiting Gan Aluma. But as soon as we arrived and were met by enthusiastic 5-year- olds carrying Israeli flags and proudly showing us their classrooms and the rest of their kibbutz, everyone was on board with hands-on Israel education for preschoolers. Although the Israeli kindergarteners do not speak English, and most of our students do not speak Hebrew, we were invited to dance, sing, and eat together. And the children played! Children all the way up to age 11 reveled in the opportunity to play in the “junkyard” at Gan Aluma. As the children had fun, it was clear that their common ground was joy 10 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin

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