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* 3*-- & * SSZ.^ ^;• . .*. *, * 0* ■ #*% ■ ' /f #*A *j p*, ^ ~ •>,T • *jS*f cr.*A «v> \ -, . . g yr_ '/■;,, ... • 4-4.?. w * i 4^*4 . .*'* cm ' *‘k . "' * A^Vj:. ; <& • "?•'■;* Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin f- ^-li^UOnAVt?. JU.NE-jOLyrAlifiUSJ*^ *•: '* ’. * * .... * • * ) . **a • , " *•'■ l >4*£] % iv . PAS ■ *X %v * - Summer •'^^w - ,ir vas ' > 5i— r7-y 7r-7w v\'v ■ » ... |, M V : ,. ~ . 1 ’ . . , ,</, , ^ ^ ... - -'<4fc •> * 4te • -f» *■; ••"* * ^ <. **■ • . . 4fe* % *** Programs §' Sitlf*A v* ■*** * £»J * ‘x a* ‘ *> ^ ^ MB** -"• - ■ list a. . W ;' ■ 4 '§ From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove Welcoming Our New Director of Congregational Education: Rabbi Neil Zuckerman T Coordinating Congregational Education his past year our lay leadership trends in North American Jewish life. Such a engaged in a full review of our person would have to be at ease working with education at Park Avenue Synagogue. our lay leadership and our staff. Such a person While the study began with an would have to be able to present a vision for our eye to our Congregational School, it quickly community that we can not yet imagine. Such expanded its scope to include all of our efforts a person would have to be a trusted confidant from the Toddler Program to Adult Learning and to me as Park Avenue Synagogue takes its next everything in between. Working with outside steps forward. consultants, we surveyed congregants and We have found such a person in Rabbi conducted focus groups, seeking to understand Neil Zuckerman. Neil is, first and foremost, a our strengths and weaknesses and to begin mensch. He is kind, sophisticated and filled the process of charting a vision for the future. with a passion for Jews and Judaism. You can We spoke to other congregations, learning “best practices,” read of his many accomplishments and credentials on page 4. and keeping careful notes as to what we can apply to our own Having known Neil since our days in rabbinical school and community. 1 want to thank all the members of the Education working at Camp Ramah together, 1 can share that he is one of Committee, under the leadership of Susan Silverman - Yasher the most capable, charismatic and creative Jewish educators Koah on a job well done! that I have ever encountered. He has a track record of success in As you can imagine, we discovered a lot - both successes and every community touched by his presence, and I know that his challenges. It was not surprising to learn that all of our educators arrival bodes well for us. I am thrilled at the thought of Rabbi - clergy and department heads alike - work hard day in and day Zuckerman working closely with our staff and lay leadership. out. We discovered an “underserved” demographic - our families As Director of Congregational Education, Neil will oversee the with young children. All of our tot services, young family dinners efforts of all of our educators, both mentoring them towards and weekday programming (beyond what Carol Hendin does individual success and finding points of synergy between them. with our ECC) deserve their own full-time educator; we are now 1 am personally excited at the prospect of working closely with actively looking to fill this new position. such a fine human being towards realizing our synagogue’s We also discovered that while each area of congregational potential. life must be understood on its own terms, there is an immediate While Rabbi Zuckerman doesn’t arrive until July 1, we need to coordinate our efforts as a congregation. Whether it is a are already actively planning the year ahead. There are short¬ single program that draws on multiple demographics, like Purim, term and long-term changes that Rabbi Zuckerman and our lay High Holy Days, or Hanukkah, or the need to coordinate two leadership will direct. I look forward to communicating our path schools, like transitioning CS students into the High School, we forward in the months ahead. need someone who can harness all the good we have in place and Please join me in welcoming Rabbi Neil Zuckerman and his take the reins for the process of what must change. Such a person family. Brukhim ha-ba ’im\ would have to be totally at home in congregational life and larger blbN-lN-nDTl-pt? s Volume 62 I N°. 10 I June-July-August 2010 I Sivan-Tammuz-Av-Elul 5770 t n e t From Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove 2 Shabbat Events 9 n o From Rabbi Steven I. Rein 3 June & July Programs 10 C From Paul Corwin 4 Summer Wednesday Nights at PAS 12 f Profile of Rabbi Neil Zuckerman 4 Contributions 14 o Schedule of Religious Services 5 UJA@PAS 16 e bl Synagogue Family 6 June, July & August Calendars 17 a June Classes & Events 8 A Look Ahead back cover T cover: Photograph by Karen Smul. , While we know you II want to read every’ word in this bulletin please remember to recycle when done! Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin From Rabbi Steven I. Rein Summer Is Here...Take Your Judaism With You T Nourish your Jewish soul throughout the summer. he sun is shining, the mercury is rising, short version. and we are leaving. Many of us will Perhaps you will be traveling somewhere spend at least part of the summer that has a rich Jewish history? Seek out the local away from our homes and away from Jewish community and learn about it. Regardless our synagogue. Whether traveling abroad, going of where you are going, there is room in your to summer camp, relaxing in the Hamptons, or bag to take Judaism with you. simply leaving town, we will be packing our bags: Do not be mistaken, however, and think 0 Sunscreen [0 Polos Sandals that your synagogue is closing up shop for the 0 Judaism...huh? summer. If you will be in the city this summer, How can we pack our Judaism? How can we you can take advantage of all the programs connect to our tradition while enjoying the oasis happening here. Mark Wednesday nights on of our summer residence? your calendar as PAS night; we will be here to For starters, every vacation needs a good book. This year, socialize, learn and have fun. Tuesday nights will be times for make it a Jewish book, whether fiction or nonfiction, a new Torah study. The synagogue will be the destination for programs release or a classic. Stop by the PAS library to borrow a book or including Torah on Tap, book discussions, films, music, and ask our librarian, Marga Hirsch, for a recommendation. weekly classes. Friday afternoons will be a special time for young If you will be away during Shabbat, create for yourself your children to celebrate Shabbat with the clergy and enjoy ice cream own sanctuary in time. Bring a set of travel candlesticks, say on the roof. The synagogue will continue to nourish your Jewish kiddush and motzi, and create a day that is noticeably different soul throughout the summer months. from the rest of the week. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote in The Sabbath that If you are going to the beach this summer, recite the brakhah “Judaism is a religion of time aiming at the sanctification of for seeing the ocean: Barukh atah adonai eloheinu melekh ha- time... Jewish ritual may be characterized as the art of significant olam, sheh-assah etha-yam ha-gadol - Praised are You, Lord our forms in time, as architecture in time” (p. 8). We aim to transform God, King of the universe who has made the great sea. every human action into a means of communicating with God. Whenever you are traveling a great distance, you can recite The essence of Judaism is transforming ordinary moments into tefilat ha-derekh - the Traveler’s Prayer. This prayer asks God to sacred time. This summer, whether you are in New York or “lead us to our desired destination in health and joy and peace, away from your PAS family, how will you sanctify your time? and to bring us home in peace.” Find the full text in a siddur Judaism...0 (page 713 in Sim Shalom), or google tefilat ha-derekh to find a regational Family Trip To Israel - , December 21 31 2010 Who? PAS families with children. Bring the grandparents, too! Why? Introduce your children to Israel and in an age-appropriate, hands-on, eye-opening way. Build new friendships and create community with PAS families. Reinforce our commitment to Israel and our Jewish heritage. Have an enjoyable winter holiday. What? • Celebrate your child's Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Jerusalem. • Visit the Western Wall, its ancient tunnels, and historical highlights of Jerusalem. • Explore the Galilee and the Golan Heights. • Take part in an archeological dig. • Ascend Masada via cable car and explore its ancient ruins. • Experience Tel Aviv. Fly to Israel on El A1 Airlines leaving JFK late Tuesday night, December 21, and leaving Israel in the early morning hours of Friday, December 31. Upon arrival, travel north for two nights in the Galilee. Then spend six nights in Jerusalem at the 5-star Inbal Hotel. Space is limited. Sign up now! (Full refunds are available for cancellations before September.) For more information, and to sign up, contact Rabbi Julia Andelman in the Department of Lifelong Learning at [email protected], 212-369-2600, xl42. www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 June-August 2010 Sivan-Tammuz-Av-Elul 5770 3 Paul Corwin, Vice-President of Programming Reflections with the Rabbi A “Take part in shaping our PAS community.” ll year long, our synagogue offers want everyone who is a part of our synagogue PAS myriad opportunities for members of community to help to define the kind of all ages: adult classes, social get- community we want to be, and to share ideas on togethers, holiday celebrations, social how we can become that community. We want to Summer action projects, Israel trips, lifecycle celebrations, look at our accomplishments and ask how we can High School classes, museum visits, lectures, and # be even better. There is much to discuss about 577 more. The PAS calendar is crowded with cycles our synagogue’s priorities and about how we of Shabbat and holiday observances, punctuated deal with issues that confront the Jewish world. by special, one-time events. It can seem an Programs Among all the topics that we might consider, we overwhelming challenge to balance professional have chosen to begin with our relationship to obligations, synagogue events and family Israel and our commitment to providing multiple commitments. paths for spiritual engagement. Can we engage Summer is an opportunity to change our pace, to slow down more effectively with Israel and Israelis? Beyond sanctuary and reflect. This summer, I invite you to consider what we have services, the Havurah, daily minyanim, musical Kabbalat Shabbat accomplished as a community and to think about our communal services and Iyyun Tefillah, are there ways to create additional priorities. Rabbi Cosgrove will host two evenings of “Reflections points of entry for spiritual seekers while maintaining a cohesive with the Rabbi,” where we will focus on what our community worship community? is doing and what kind of community we want to be. At each Turn to page 10 of this Bulletin & Summer Program Calendar session. Rabbi Cosgrove will introduce the evening’s topic with to see the full variety of programs happening at PAS this summer. one of his sermons (all online at www.pasyn.org). Together I hope you will come to the synagogue frequently to sing, study, we will examine the issue and look at the Rabbi’s proposed worship, view movies, and grow friendships with other PAS suggestions, engaging in dialogue with him, and sharing ideas members. And do join Rabbi Cosgrove for Reflections with the with fellow congregants. Rabbi on Tuesday, June 8 and Tuesday, July 27. Take part in There are many possible outcomes for these evenings. We shaping our PAS community. R Rabbi Neil Zuckerman, Director of Congregational Education abbi Neil Zuckerman is committed at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem in to Jewish education for people of the Center for Rabbinic Enrichment (CRE), an all ages, all interests, and all levels exceptional opportunity to learn with colleagues of Jewish knowledge. As Rabbi of and build relationships across the religious Temple Israel Center in White Plains, where he movements. CRE is a three-year program of served from 1999-2009, he developed programs study for rabbis of all denominations from North for Youth and Families, taught in the Religious America, involving weekly classes via videocon¬ School, the Community Hebrew High School, ference and bi-annual study seminars in Israel. and the congregation’s Adult Education program. In July, Neil will travel to Jerusalem for ten days He was instrumental in bringing the Florence for his final CRE summer seminar and “gradua¬ Melton Adult Mini-School to Westchester County tion” from this prestigious program. and served on the Melton faculty, teaching the first-year Purposes Neil was raised in Harrisburg, PA, and began his Jewish edu¬ course and the second-year Dramas course. At Congregation Har cation at the Conservative synagogue there, Beth El. He earned Shalom in Potomac, Maryland, where Neil has served as Senior his B.A. from the University of Maryland in English. He attended Rabbi for the past year, he continued his active involvement in all the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS), where he facets of education in the synagogue. In addition, Neil has served earned a Masters degree in Jewish Studies and was ordained a as president of the Westchester County Board of Rabbis and has rabbi in 1999. chaired the Israel Committee of the Rabbinical Assembly. Neil looks forward to introducing his wonderful family to the A lifelong learner himself, Neil is currently a rabbinic fellow to the PAS community. 4 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin nan-yr>p Friday, June 4 22 Sivan Friday, July 2 20 Tammuz Friday, August 6 26 Av Candle lighting, 8:05 pm Candle lighting, 8:13 pm Candle lighting, 7:49 pm 6:15 pm I Kabbalat Shabbat service 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Saturday, June 5 23 Sivan Saturday,July 3 21 Tammuz Saturday, August 7 27 Av Parashat Sh'lah L'kha Parashat Pinhas Parashat R'eih 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Charest, son of Wendy & Steven Charest Friday, July 9 27 Tammuz Tuesday, August 10 30 Av Bar Mitzvah of Robert Werner, Candle lighting, 8:11 pm Rosh Hodesh son of Craig Werner and Jodi Ann Green 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service 7:00 am I Morning service with Hallel and Torah Reading 11:15am I Tot Shabbat Saturday, July 10 28 Tammuz Friday, August 13 3 Elul Friday, June 11 29 Sivan Parashat Mattot-Mas'ei 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service Candle lighting, 7:40 pm Candle lighting, 8:09 pm 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service I 6:15 pm Friday Evening Service with Children's Birthday Blessings* Friday, July 16 5 Av for June, July & August and Saturday, August 14 4 Elul Candle lighting, 8:08 pm Pre-Israel Trip Blessing 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Parashat Shof'tim *For information, contact the Rabbis ’ 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service office at 212-369-2600, x!20. Saturday, July 17 6 Av Friday, August 20 10 Elul R Parashat D'varim Saturday, June 12 30 Sivan e 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service Candle lighting, 7:30 pm l Rosh Hodesh I i 6:15 pm Friday Evening Service g Parashat Korah i I Monday, July 19 8 Av o 9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat Service Saturday, August 21 11 Elul u Bar Mitzvah of Brett Silverstein, Erev Tisha B'Av s son of Kim and Paul Silverstein 7:45 pm I Minha service Parashat Ki Tetzei S I Bar Mitzvah of Henry Smul, 8:00 pm I Evening service and reading 9:15 am Sanctuary Shabbat Service e son of Karen & Spencer Smul of Megillat Eikhah, the Book r v of Lamentations Friday, August 27 17 Elul i c Friday, June 18 6 Tammuz 8:23 pm I Fast begins Candle lighting, 7:19 pm e s Candle lighting, 8:12 pm 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Tuesday, July 20 9 Av 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Tisha B'Av Saturday, August 28 8 Elul 7:15 am I Morning service with Torah Saturday, June 19 7 Tammuz Parashat KiTavo reading Parashat Hukkat 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service 5:45 pm I Minha service and Torah 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service reading (No Ma'ariv) 9:00 pm I Fast ends Friday, June 25 13 Tammuz Candle lighting, 8:13 pm Friday, July 23 UJwt 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Candle lighting, 8:03 pm 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Saturday, June 26 14 Tammuz Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove and Rabbi Steven Parashat Balak Saturday, July 24 13 Av I. Rein will preach and conduct the services 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service Parashat Va-ethannan together with Cantor Nancy Abramson and 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service Cantor Elana Rozenfeld, with Neil Robinson Tuesday, June 29 17Tammuz at the organ. Daily minyanim Monday-Friday Fast of the 17th of Tammuz Friday, July 30 19Av at 7:15 am; Sundays and Legal Holidays at 5:45 pm I Minha service w/Torah Candle lighting, 7:56 pm 9:00 am. Minha/Ma’ariv Sunday-Thursday reading at 5:45 pm. Minha on Friday at 6:00 pm. 6:15 pm I Friday Evening Service Shabbat minha 20 minutes after the end of morning services. Any changes are noted Saturday, July 31 20 Av when they occur. Information is subject to Parashat Eikev change. Confirm at www.pasyn.org or with the 9:15 am I Sanctuary Shabbat Service Synagogue office. www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 June-August 2010 Sivan-Tammuz-Av-Elul 5770 5 m^D ’2Q B’nei Mitzvah S Sam Charest I June 5 am began his relationship with Soccer League and swimming at the Asphalt Green Park Avenue Synagogue when be began Aquatic Center. And like most 13-year-old boys, he attending the Congregational School in 2nd loves video games! grade. Sam truly appreciates his family and friends and Sam is currently a 7th grade student at The Com¬ has an extremely upbeat outlook on life. He always munity School where he enjoys all of his studies and seems to approach life with humor, optimism and friends. A true boy of summer, he looks forward to compassion. his summers at Crane Lake Camp and time spent on Sam would like to give his heartfelt thanks to the beach. the clergy and his teachers, especially Cantor Rozenfeld and Sam is a very hard worker who puts his heart into every¬ Aviva Kirchman, for all their support and encouragement in thing that he does. He enjoys playing soccer in the West Side preparing for his Bar Mitzvah. A Robert Werner I June 5 s a survivor of childhood acute the power of philanthropy by taking them through lymphocytic leukemia, Robert a process of collecting donations, studying com¬ appreciates everything life has to offer munity problems, learning about organizations that - family, school, camp, and music. alleviate those problems and then awarding grants He plays trumpet and drums and likes to sing. to organizations they select. In addition to studying his Bar Mitzvah portion, Robert attends Robert F. Wagner Middle School, y l Robert sometimes sang Yiddish songs with Cantor where he plays trumpet in the school, band; he also i m Rozenfeld at the end of his tutoring sessions. plays trumpet in the Manhattan Borough-Wide a Robert is a kind-hearted person who cares about others Band. Robert attended Camp Simcha from age 4 to 8; now he F and loves animals. For his mitzvah project, he participated spends every summer at Tranquillity Camp. e in Penny Harvest, a program that introduces young people to Robert is a gentle older brother to Jeremy and Andrew. u B g o g Brett Silverstein I June 12 a n rett attended PASECC and has Horace Mann’s middle school at the 2010 New y S continued his religious studies in the York State National Geographic geography compe¬ Congregational School. Brett is a tition, where he placed among the top 20 finalists. wonderful son and gives great joy to his Since kindergarten he has studied chess and has parents. He is a devoted, loving and compassionate competed successfully in local, state and national brother to Mitchell. Brett is blessed with three sets of tournaments. Brett is an accomplished skier and grandparents and cherishes the time he spends with enjoys tennis and baseball. them. He is a loyal friend and honorable young man. Brett began his Jewish life with his bris at PAS. Brett is a 7th grader at Horace Mann where he excels in all Now Brett will become a Bar Mitzvah at PAS just like his fa¬ courses. His favorite subjects are History and Science; outside ther did. Brett and his family thank the clergy and his teachers of class, he is passionate about geography. Brett represented for their guidance during his preparation for his Bar Mitzvah. H Henry Smul I June 12 enry began his Jewish education at History, his favorite subjects in school. the PAS Early Childhood Center. As a Henry is a devoted Mets fan despite the stress 7th-grade student at the Dalton School, associated with that passion. Because he loves he competes on the Middle School baseball, he has decided to direct all his bar mitzvah football, basketball and baseball teams. On some gifts to Harlem RBI, an organization that provides winter weekends, Henry gives up team sports to baseball and softball programs and academic en¬ visit his grandparents in Vermont, where he enjoys richment opportunities to underprivileged children snowboarding in the terrain parks. In summer, he living in East Harlem. heads to his other grandparents’ home to relax with extended Henry follows his sisters Abbe and Emily to the bimah and family and to spend time with friends on the beach. When he thanks the clergy for their guidance and enthusiasm in helping is not relaxing or playing sports, Henry is studying Latin and him prepare to become a Bar Mitzvah. 6 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin D’Nin DOllD Welcome Park Avenue Synagogue warmly welcomes these new members to our congregational family: Stephanie & Brian Abrahams Jessica & Scott Chestman Robin & Andrew Halpern Joyce & John Varvatos DDDK orti> D'lpQD Condolences The PAS community mourns the loss of members and extends condolences to members on their losses: John & Susan Hess on the loss of his mother, Norma Hess. Family and friends of Hannah Mallin. Lynn & Martin Halbfinger on the loss of her aunt, Gertrude Mills. Family and friends of Janet Moss. Steven Newman on the loss of his father, Louis Newman. Jason Oppenheimer on the loss of his grandfather, Howard Oppenheimer. S y n 310 btD Mazal Tov a g o Alp and Yael Benadrete on the birth of their daughter Deborah, and to big sister Talya. g u e Gershon Kekst on receiving an honorary doctorate from JTS. F a Marian Levitt on the engagement of her son Scott Levitt to Anna Jasiewicz, and to Scott and Anna. m i l Rabbi David and Susan Lincoln on the birth of a granddaughter, Clementine Scarlett (Zipporah), y and to the baby’s parents, Barbara and Simon Lincoln. Harris M. Nagler, M.D. on being named President of Beth Israel Medical Center. Martin Payson, on being inducted as a Member of the Society of Fellows of JTS, and to his daughter Michele R. Rosenfield on receiving her Masters of Jewish Education from the Davidson School of Education at JTS. Hazzan Azi & Noa Schwartz on the birth of their son Daniel, and to big brother Yonatan. Celebrating a simha? Know someone ill, elderly or homebound? A BIRTHDAY, ANNIVERSARY, The PAS BIKUR CHOLIM CARING COMMITTEE—in loving memory of ENGAGEMENT, WEDDING, Dr. Albert and Phyllis L. Corned—reaches out to those in need NEW GRANDCHILD, through telephone calls, visits, and holiday packages. OR ANYTHING ELSE FOR WHICH YOU ARE GRATEFUL? The Caring Committee's trained volunteers are committed to Sponsor a breakfast kiddush providing confidential hands-on support and companionship any weekday after the morning minyan. to the members of our congregation. For more information, contact Lynn Schneider at To arrange for this mitzvah,please call Rabbi Cosgrove s office 212-369-2600, xl05 or [email protected]. at 212-369-2600, xl20. www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 June-August 2010 Sivan-Tammuz-Av-Elul 5770 7 \ I m I ■ JUNE CLASSES & EVENTS Ail integrated list of opportunities for adult learning and programs at PAS. Classes and events with no sponsor listed are offered by the Department of Lifelong Learning. For complete information about classes and events, including registration information, please refer to the the PAS website, www.pasyn.org. s e Monday Thursday I I s 7:30 pm June 7, 14, 21, 28 ! Shulhan Ivrit C. Elana Rozenfeld 9:15 am June 3, 10, 17 I Melton Adult Mini-School s Keep up your conversational Hebrew over the summer! 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn I PAS Senior Staff a l For intermediate and advanced level speakers. C Friday Tuesday 8:00 am I Talmud Torah R. Rein y I I I 8:00 am June 1,8, 15 Essential Essays R. Cosgrove l k 11:30 am I June 1, 22, 29 I Contemporary Jewish Thought I R. Rein Shabbat/Saturday e 8:45 am I Parashat Hashavua e Wednesday W 6:45 pm June 2, 9, 16 ! Melton Adult Mini-School Caffeine for the Soul: Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Cosgrove Friday, June 4 I 9:15-10:00 am I © Join Rabbi Cosgrove for text study and discussion over coffee. Whether you’re coming from ECC drop-off, going from the gym to work, or making this your first stop of the day, come for y a substantive and engaging learning experience with other members of the PAS community. [email protected]. © RSVPto l h t Reflections with the Rabbi - NEW! Women's Torah Study Group n Tuesday, June 8 7:00 pm Rabbi Cosgrove Tuesday, June 15 I 7:30 pm I Rabbi Julia Andelman I © o During these evenings of interactive discussion. Rabbi Join women in the PAS community for an intimate Cosgrove wants to hear your thoughts about themes he experience of Jewish text. Studying female characters m has developed in his sermons throughout the year. This from the Bible, Talmud, or Midrash informs our time: Creating a Congregational Vision of Engagement exploration of our own role in the Jewish community. i with Israel. Learn more about the ideas that are central Newcomers welcome! No charge. To be added to the B to the Rabbi’s vision for Park Avenue Synagogue and group email list or for more information, contact Rabbi help shape our community’s future. See also page 10. Julia Andelman [email protected] or 212-369-2600, xl42. & Sponsored by WEG © To RSVP email [email protected] or Moonbeams call 212-369-2600, xl40. y Thursday, June 10 7:30 pm I in honor of Rosh Hodesh Tammuz l For location and readings, contact Joann Rosoff at Sponsored by Sisterhood h joannrosoff@aol. com. Lunch/Film/Discussion A Yiddish World t Sponsored by Sisterhood Remembered n Daytime Book Discussion Group Tuesday, June 22 I 1:00 pm Monday, June 14 I 11:00 am I Facilitator: Renee Waldinger All are welcome to view a heart¬ Join us for a stimulating discussion of Twilight of the warming film about Jewish life Superheroes by Deborah Eisenberg. This collection of in Eastern Europe before the 21st-century tales about our contemporaries is the latest Holocaust. This acclaimed documentary - in English - collection of short stories from a gifted Jewish writer paints a loving portrait of the Yiddish-speaking world. who received the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship. A light lunch will be provided. Sponsored by Sisterhood Sholom Aleichem Yiddish Club Tuesday June 15 l 1:00 pm Join our heimish group for Yiddish conversation and culture, coffee and cake. 8 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin 3 'OiPm > Sponsored by WEG 3 Visit to The Jewish Museum Modern Art, Sacred Space: Motherwell, Ferber and Gottlieb 9 ° Thursday, June 3 I 6:15 pm I $ © n Join TJM docent and WEG Vice-President Marilyn Friedman for a tour of this o “small but transcendent exhibition.” (New York Times) In 1951, architect Percival 3 Goodman commissioned three avant-garde artists to decorate his Congregation 3 B’nai Israel synagogue in Millburn, NJ. Robert Motherwell, Adolph Gottlieb, and Herbert Ferber—each of whom went on to become a major figure in the Abstract mam • Expressionist movement—created, respectively, a large-scale lobby mural, a <d velvet Torah curtain, and a monumental exterior sculptural relief. In addition to a> these works, the exhibition includes studies and photographs. Meet in the museum lobby. Because space is limited, this tour is for WEG members only. Cost: $ 18/person. After the tour, we will return to PAS for a light supper and a talk by Pat Davidson about Gottlieb’s stained glass windows. $ © For more information and to RSVP contact Marilyn Friedman at [email protected] or 212-472-0642. 3 Sponsored by Men s Club CD Rooftop Dinner m Thursday, June 17 I 7:00 pm I $ © < Enjoy another get-together with Men’s Club before we’re all on summer schedules. Savor a delicious supper with CD delightful company on our airy roof. $30/person. 3 © RSVP to [email protected]. Shabbat Dinner Special for College Students, High School Upperclassmen, and their Families Israel on the College Campus: Battlefield or Field of Dreams: An Evening with Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller, UCLA Hillel Executive Director Q Friday, June 4 I 7:15 pm, following Friday Evening Services I $© Are American universities seething with anti-Semitism? Are they hotbeds of anti-Israel CT activism? Rabbi Seidler-Feller will examine these questions from the perspective of a campus professional, presenting a nuanced portrait that is both troubling and hopeful. CT This evening is an opportunity for our college student members to learn how to deal with these issues when they return to school, as well as a chance for our new grads and rising seniors (11th & 12th graders) to learn what they may encounter on campus. Q Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller is in his 34th year as director of UCLA Hillel. He loves the constant challenges presented by students who consistently and persistently ask the most interesting questions. For more information about the program, please contact Jason Oppenheimer [email protected] or 212-369-2600, x 141. $ © RSVP by Tuesday, June 1. $35/members, $45 non-members. Email [email protected] with full names of all attendees, ages of any children and authorization to bill your account. Non-members must pay in advance. Babysitting < available on request. Cancellations with refund (or credit toward another dinner) until noon on Thursday, June 3. For questions about dinner, call 212-369-2600, xl40. CD Sponsored by Singles Committee Rooftop Oneg Shabbat Friday, June 18 I After Friday evening services 3 “...call the Shabbat a delight (oneg), the holy day of the honorable God...” [Isaiah 58:13], Join us on the synagogue roof to celebrate the pleasure of a summer Shabbat by enjoying musical entertainment and light refreshments with friends new and old. www.pasyn.org 212-369-2600 June-August 2010 Sivan-Tammuz-Av-Elul 5770 9 MONDAYS TUESDAYS Torah Study July 6 Every Monday except July 5 and 19 Torah on Tap Shulhan Ivrit 7:00 pm I Rabbi Steven Rein I © 7:30 pm I Cantor Elana Rozenfeld Meet on the PAS roof to talk Torah over beer and fine spirits. Keep up your conversational Hebrew over the summer! For intermediate and advanced level speakers. © [email protected]. July 12 July 13 Moonbeams I Translating Text into Textile Women's Torah Study 7:00 pm I © 7:30 pm i Rabbi Julia Andelman I © For Rosh Hodesh Av (and Elul, see page 13), Moonbeams will Join women in the PAS community for an intimate experience of participate in workshops with fiber artist Heather G. Stoltz Jewish text. Studying female characters from the Bible, Talmud, (see page 13). All women in the congregation, of all ages, are or Midrash informs our exploration of our own role in the Jewish welcome to discover a new way of looking at texts as well as community. Newcomers welcome! how to express thoughts in fabric. Using text, speech or prayer © RSVPto [email protected] or 212-369-2600, xl40. as inspiration, each participant will design and create fiber art, finding the power of turning words into a physical creation. July 20 No experience in sewing or quilting is necessary. Attend either Tisha B'Av I No Torah Study session or both. Advance registration is required; no charge. © RSVPto [email protected] or 212-369-2600, xl40 by July 27 Tuesday, July 6. Reflections with the Rabbi 7:00 pm I Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove July 19 This time: Creating Multiple Entries to Spiritual Engagement. Tisha B'Av Evening Study Session (See pages 4 & 8.) 8:00 pm, between Evening Service and Reading of Eikhah Rabbi Neil Zuckerman August 3 Tisha B’Av in the 21st Century: Given the State of Israel, Must Torah on Tap We Still Fast? 7:00 pm Rabbi Steven Rein I © © RSVP [email protected]. 10 Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin

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