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Preview The Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin, June-August, 1993

Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin Volume XLV, No. 9 Sivan-Elul 5753 Summer, 1993 Tisha B’Av Will Be Observed 111th Annual Congregational Meeting And At Service On July 26 Installation of Officers Thursday, May 20 From sundown, Monday, July 26th to sundown, Tuesday, July 27th, Tisha B’Av (the ninth day Park Avenue Synagogue held its 111th annual Chairman.Les Agisim of be month of Av) is observed by Jews meeting of the congregation on Thursday, May Co-Presidents.A1 Appel & Robert Becker worldwide as a day of remembrance of the 20th at 7 P.M. Preceding the meeting, a buffet Senior Vice President.Dr. David Sekons many tragic events in the Jewish historical past. supper to which the entire congregation was Vice Presidents .Josh Abelson, At Park Avenue Synagogue, a special service in invited was served at 6 P.M. Mike Brenner, Milt Gelman, observance of Tisha B’Av will take place on The Chairman of the Board, Nathaniel H. David Glassberg, Larry Kaufman Monday evening, July 26th beginning at 8:30 Usdan, delivered the Annual Report and Rabbi Herb Nadler, David Parker Treasurer . Steve Kesselman P.M. At this time, the Minhah service will be David H. Lincoln installed into office the newly Recording Secretary.Neal Kaplan recited, followed by the Tisha B’Av service, elected Officers and Trustees of the congrega¬ Corresponding Secretary.Marty Levenson and will be led by Rabbi Melissa F. Crespy and tion, as well as the officers of the various Cantor David Lefkowitz, together with the “arms” of the synagogue. Cantor David Lefkow¬ Parents’ Association synagogue choir. itz conducted the Memorial Service for those Co-Presidents.Gail Gerard & Ellen Harrow members of the congregation who passed away Vomber mood of Tisha B’Av is reflected by Vice Presidents .Susan Beatus, since last year’s annual meeting. , liturgical poetry recited during the service; Maxine Dovere, Judy Katz, Rita Matthews, and the beauty of the haunting kinot (dirges) is Installed into office where the following persons Jean Rosensaft augmented through soul-stirring musical set¬ by organization: Treasurer. Laurie Harris tings. Officers of the Congregation Women’s Evening Group In this service, the lights are dimmed, candles Chairman of the Board.Alan Levine Co-Presidents.Eleanore Geringer, are lit, and the events of the past are recalled President.Robert P. Antler Evelyn Gelman through readings in the Book of Lamentations, Vice President .Eleanor Frommer Vice Presidents.Harriet Feiwel, selections of appropriate poetry, and the singing Vice President.Paul S. Schreiber Karen Frankel, Roseanne Lander, of liturgical music. Vice President.Leon I. Heller Sheila Miller, Lite Sabin, Treasurer.Bernard Goldberg Joan Schefler, Mimi Sunkin It’s Not Too Late Associate Treasurer.Joanne V. Davis Corresponding Secretary .Sandra Meron To Reserve Your Place Secretary.David Parker Recording Secretary .Tina Newman Treasurer. Helen Levine Wednesday Evening, June 9 Trustees Melamed Club . Susan Wasserman Park Avenue Synagogue Dinner Also installed into office were the newly elected Past President.Susan Heller Trustees of the congregation. They are: honoring Couples Club Dorothy Denburg; Andrew Fier; Bernard Gold¬ Barrie Modlin berg; Harrison J. Goldin; Dennis Karr; Joseph Co-Presidents ... Mordecai & Shiela Braunstein Our Executive Director Leff; Alan Levine; Paul S. Schreiber; Meyer Treasurers. Richard & Janet Samuels on behalf of The Jewish Steinberg; Nathaniel H. Usdan; and Honorary Secretaries.Robert & Lucy Becker Theological Seminary of America Trustee, A. Stanley Gluck. Cocktails at 6 P.M. Dinner at 7 P.M. Sisterhood Rabbi Lincoln Publishes Book RSVP to Hollis Dorman at the Seminary President.Matilda G. Goldberg 678-8933 Vice Presidents.Lilyan Appell, We congratulate Rabbi David H. Lincoln Ernestine Bernstein, Shevie Spero, on the publication of his translation of the Dubins At Work Sally Stein book, The Jewish Ministry and Jewish Treasurer.Clara Friedman National Autonomy in Ukraine. An offi¬ Vie 45 years ago, Harry Dubin, a past Corresponding Secretaries.Frances Berger cial book party is being arranged for the /(•man of the Board of Trustees of our and Ethel Kennan fall. ‘VCugregation, bought his adolescent son, New Members Executive Board Sylvia Deutsch Copies of this volume are available in the Ronald, a 35mm camera as a gift. They used to and Mildred Resnick synagogue office. Please call Ms. Helene spend Sunday mornings doing things together Nominating Committee Chair Phyllis Cornell Schneider, Rabbi Lincoln’s secretary, to and one Sunday decided do some photography Men’s Club order your copy. A check for $10.00 in Central Park. This was the beginning of a should be made out to Park Avenue year-long project photographing people en- Presidents Emeritus .Mai Eisenberg & Synagogue. (continued on page 3) Staniey Stern Page 2 Park Avenue Synagogue BULLETIN Summer, 1993 PARK AVENUE SYNAGOGUE Schedule of Religious Services Agudat Yeshanm 50 East 87 Street Friday evening, June 4.6:15 P. M. New York, N. Y. 10128 Committee For The Homeless & Community Outreach Synagogue Office: 369-2600 Shabbat Service & Dinner School before 9 a.m.: 831-8686 Saturday morning, June 5 .9:15 A.M. Affiliated with the Jewish Theological Havurah Service.9:15 A.M. Seminary of America and the Bat Mitzvah of Yipei Rebekah Chen-Josephson United Synagogue of America daughter of Marvin and Tina Josephson Judah Nadich.Rabbi Emeritus Friday evening, June 11 .6:15 P.M. David H. Lincoln.Rabbi Saturday morning, June 12.9:15 A.M. Melissa F. Crespy.Assistant Rabbi Saturday evening, June 12.6:00 P.M. David Lefkowitz.Cantor Bar Mitzvah of Elliot Gerard Ira S. Bigeleisen.Assistant Cantor son of Richard and Gail Gerard Alan Levine.Chairman of Board Robert P. Antler.President Friday evening, June 18.6:15 P. M. Barrie Modlin.Executive Director Park Avenue Synagogue Singles Service & Oneg Shabbat.8:30 P.M. Ann Eisenberg.Editor Saturday morning, June 19.9:15 A.M. Plaza Memorial Chapel Havurah Service.9:15 A.M. Funeral Directors Bar Mitzvah of Andrew Bronstein son of Nancy Bronstein and Richard Bronstein Sunday morning, June 20 .. 9:00 A.M. From The Rabbi’s Desk Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Blank Should a Gentile wish to convert to Judaism son of Stephen Blank and Cassandra Joseph today it is not very difficult. Certainly no Friday evening, June 25.6:15 P. M. obstacle would be put in his or her way by the Saturday morning, June 26. 9:15 A.M. civil authorities. Not so long ago, however, Rabbi David H. Lincoln and Rabbi Melissa F. Crespy will preach and conduct the services such an action could have meant the death together with Cantor David Lefkowitz and Cantor Ira S. Bigeleisen and the synagogue choir, penalty. with Neil Robinson at the organ. Count Potocki was a revered martyr whose life Babysitting is available for children 2 to 5 years of age every Saturday morning from 9:15 and death was an inspiration, especially to the A.M. to 12 Noon. Jews of Vilna. According to the legend, he studied in Paris as a young man and became interested in Judaism. After some time in a Catholic Seminary, he moved to Amsterdam Rabbi Nadich’s Article Appears turgical year when Yizkor is recited, during and became a Jew. Returning to Lithuania, he services on Yom Kippur and the Festivals of in Washington Paper lived as an observant Jew, but was reported to Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot. the authorities. Refusing to recant, he was At the request of the editor of the Washington The publishing deadline for the Book of Re¬ burned at the stake on Shavuot, 1749. His Jewish News, Rabbi Judah Nadich wrote an membrance is a firm one. Therefore, avoid remains were taken by a local Jew to the article entitled, “The American Army and the disappointment. Return the card you will re¬ cemetery and buried. Apparently, a tree grew Jewish Survivors.” The article was published in ceive in the mail promptly. over the grave which became the site of vast the special Holocaust issue of the paper on April pilgrimages. The tree was destroyed, but on a 22, published in connection with the opening of Synagogue Summer Schedule visit to Vilna some years ago I saw that the the United States Holocaust Museum in Wash¬ community had made a model tree over the ington. The article was based on Rabbi Nadich’s Religious Services: Friday evenings at 6:15 grave of this Ger Zedek (righteous proselyte). experiences as advisor on Jewish affairs to P.M.; Saturday mornings at 9:15 A.M.; Satur¬ General Dwight D. Eisenhower in Germany day evenings at 6 P.M. Yet another brave convert of that period was an after the capture of the German concentration Englishman, Lord George Gordon, who lived Daily Minyanim: Sundays and Legal Holidays camps in 1945. from 1757 to 1793. He entered Parliament in at 9 A.M. and 5:45 P.M.; Mondays through 1774 and became famous as president of the Fridays at 7:15 A.M.; Mondays through Thurs¬ Book of Remembrance United Protestant League. The “Gordon Riots” days at 5:45 P.M. are a well known part of British history. These Publishing Tisha B’Av Service: Monday evening, July were instigated by him as a protest against Deadline is June 30 26th at 8:30 P.M. Minhah Service, followed by Catholic Civil Rights. Soon afterwards, he too Tisha B’Av Service. became interested in Judaism, and in spite of Park Avenue Synagogue publishes a Book of being rejected by the London rabbinate, he Remembrance every year, for Yom Kippur, in Synagogue Office: Mondays through Thurs¬ converted either in another city or in Holland. which members of our congregation can list the days 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Fridays 9 A.M. to 3 He became exceedingly observant and, even names of their departed loved ones. The dead¬ P.M. j when imprisoned for libels on the British and line for the inclusion of names to be listed is School Office: Mondays through Thursday* o French governments, he insisted on maintaining Wednesday, June 30, 1993. A.M. to 5 P.M. Registration for all classes will strict Kashrut. He refused to speak to any Jew Since there is no carryover of listings from one take place throughout the summer months. not bearded and held regular Minyanim in year to the next, the names of loved ones must The Edmond de Rothschild Library: Closes prison. He died in prison, the subject of exten¬ be re-submitted each year. for the summer on June 10th. Books may be sive mockery. Names of the departed listed in the Book of returned to the receptionist’s desk. Library — Rabbi David H. Lincoln Remembrance are memorialized during the li¬ reopens on Monday, September 13th at 3 P.M. Sivan-Elul 5753 Park Avenue Synagogue BULLETIN Page 3 Dubins At Work Men’s Club Baseball Outing Appleman Chapel Now Exhibits \mtinued from page 1) Its New Lecturn Cover Let the Men’s Club “take you out to the ball game” at Yankee Stadium to see the N.Y. gaged in some of the typical modes of earning a Dedicated to the memory of their son, the Rudy Yankees play the Boston Red Sox on Monday livelihood in New York City in the late 1940’s. family has donated a lecturn cover to be used in evening, June 14th. The cost is $30 per ticket To make the photos more personal and exciting the Appleman Chapel. Its inscription reads: and will include round-trip bus transportation. (although at times embarrassing), Harry Duhin “Presented by Edward and Edith Rudy in The bus will leave from the synagogue (Madison would persuade a prospective subject to loan memory of their son Lloyd (Lonnie) Rudy." Avenue side) at 6:15 P.M., after the Minyan. him his work uniform or signature “props."’ This lecture cover replaces the one made to Thus, Ron Dubin photographed his father in all All members of the congregation, their relatives honor World War II’s victory in Europe, which sorts of get-ups and situations with unsuspecting and friends are invited. Since a limited number was badly worn and has been retired to Park bystanders — for example, as a hot dog vendor, of tickets are available, act quickly by sending Avenue Synagogue’s archives. a fireman, a Good-Humor man, and even as a your check, made payable to the Men’s Club, to The new lecturn cover, inspired by the chapel's street cleaner. the synagogue, in care of the Men’s Club. Adolph Gottlieb windows, was designed by Reservations will be taken on a first come, first An exhibit of a dozen photos from their 40 print artist Ita Aber, Park Avenue Synagogue’s ad¬ served basis. For additional information, please album collection called “Dubin At Work’’ is junct curator, to complement the Gottlieb win¬ contact Les Agisim at 371-3933. being displayed now through September, 1993 dows. at the Museum of the City of New York located Men’s Club Members’ Ms. Aber-curator, art historian, and artist, at Fifth Avenue and 103rd Street. Closing Event Tuesday, June 29 represented by Noel Fine Arts in Bronxville, Part of an exhibit entitled, “PRESENTS OF N.Y. — is listed in Who’s Who in American Art THE PAST: RECENT GIFTS TO THE MU¬ Come celebrate the 45 th anniversary of the and Who’s Who in the East. She is also the SEUM OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK,” the Men’s Club and toast the outgoing and incom¬ current curator for the Hebrew Home for the museum calls “Dubin At Work” one of its most ing slates of officers at a closing dinner for Aged in Riverdale and has received commis¬ imaginative acquisitions. Men’s Club members only to be held Tuesday sions to execute synagogue textiles in the U. S., evening, June 29th. The dinner will take place Harry is now retired and Ron is the chairman of Canada, Israel, and Chile. at the Taam Hunam Restaurant (kosher Chi¬ Dubin Clark & Co., a private investment firm. In addition, as an author, she has written The nese), West 72nd Street (between Broadway Plan to visit the Museum of the City of New Art of Judaic Needlework (published by Chas. and West End) at 7:30 P.M. The cost is $30 per York one Sunday this summer to see this exhibit Schribner & Sons) and a Textile Study Guide person. “■ aturing our prominent and respected member, (published by Indiana University) as well as Make your reservations by calling Les Agisim iry Dubin. contributed to many museum articles and cata¬ at 371-3933 and send your check, made payable logues and publications on antiques and fine Notes From the Edmond de to the Men’s Club, to the synagogue office, arts. attn. Men’s Club. Rothschild Library Make yourself a mental or written note to see the new lecture cover in the Appleman Chapel The Edmond de Rothschild library will be open A Message From Varda Hubara next time you are in the synagogue for a Minyan during the month of June on the following days Educational Director or some other reason. and times: - Thursday, June 3 — 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. The 1992-1993 academic year has been exceed¬ - Monday, June 7 — 9 A. M. to 12 Noon ingly productive. Curricula throughout the ele¬ Congratulations - Tuesday, June 8 — 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. mentary school have been revised and new The congregation offers a hearty Mazal Tov to: - Wednesday, June 9 — 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. curricula initiated, programs have been ex¬ panded and new events have been introduced. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bennett, upon the birth of The library will be closed for the summer after An important aspect of these changes and their great granddaughter, Cara Bennett. June 9th and will reopen on Monday, Septem¬ additions has been the increased involvement of Carol and Elliot DeBear, upon the birth of their ber 13th at 3 P.M. parents with the programs. daughter, Hannah Nicole, and to brother, Please return all books by June 8th during the “Yom Haatzmaut,” Israel Independence Day, Jesse, upon the birth of his sister. above hours, except for summer loans due on was celebrated by students’ participation in Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Milgrim, upon the September 13th. Israel study activities which included games, — Susan Vogelstein, Librarian engagement of their son, Dr. Laurence films, dancing, singing, art projects, the requi¬ Milgrim, to Ms. Drana Rosenberg. WEG Wine Sale Proceeds site falafel and the traditional blue and white Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Rosoff, upon the cupcakes happily consumed by generations of Donated To Worthy Causes marriage of their daughter, Nancy Beth, to Park Avenue Synagogue students. It was sheer Michael Morrow. This year, the proceeds from the Women’s joy to see students so involved and excited. Evening Group’s annual Passover Wine Sale Mimi Sunkin, upon the birth of her grand¬ Our teachers are enthused and invigorated by have been donated to three very worthy pro¬ daughter, Marley Lauren Deuthman. the growing range of programs. We are all jects, to two within our synagogue — The indebted to them for their extraordinary dedica¬ Committee For The Homeless & Community tion and for maintaining the excellence of the Outreach and the High School Food Pantry school. nWe liosten. We hnelp. jand to one outside of our synagogue, to Once again, a large range of elective courses project Ezra for the Jewish elderly on the was offered in the Judah Nadich High School. Lower East Side. Among the many excellent programs enjoyed k A WEG thanks all members of the congregation Call the was an evening with Solomon Perel, the protag¬ Jewish Information who supported the Passover Wine Sale and onist of the recent film “Europa Europa.” And and Referral Service looks forward to your continuing support next (212) 753-2288 two highly successful retreats contributed im¬ year so that the group can again make donations Nuuu and Suffolk * Wotchtiler mensely to the establishment of a sense of (516)654 9339 & (914)2712121 to deserving projects. community and shared experience. A nervier of I’JA-Federation Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Park Avenue Synagogue, New York, NY https://archive.org/details/parkavenuesynago00uns_1bj Page 4 Park Avenue Synagogue BULLETIN Summer, 1993 Mrs. Charles Blanksteen, in memory of her father, Mr. Joseph Palevsky. in memory of his father. Committee For The Homeless Harry L. Levitan. Harry Palevsky. & Community Outreach Mrs. Joseph Breindel, in memory of her mother, Mr. & Mrs. Morris Pamass, in honor of Ja^ Dina Weissenberg. Yadgaroff’s 80th birthday. Friday Night Service & Dinner Dr. & Mrs. M. Leon Canick, in honor of their new Mrs. Sylvia E. Press, in memory of her husband. June 4 at 6:15 P.M. granddaughter, Lily Rae Spitz. Alexander J. Press. Mrs. Nathan Chazen, in memory of her father, Mrs. Sheila Pruzansky, in memory of her father. in honor of Ignacz Friedman. Jakob Erlich. The Interfaith Assembly Mr. Perry Cohen, in memory of his mother, Betty Judge Simon H. Rifkind, in memory of his wife, For The Homeless Cohen. Adele Rifkind. (Reservations through the synagogue office are Mr. Theodore Cohn, in memory of his mother, Hon. Irving M. Rosen, in memory of his father, required. The cost is S25 per person; Bessie Cohn. Theodore S. Rosen. S10 per child under 8 years of age.) Dr. Simon Dack, in honor of his special birthday. Mrs. Ruth Rosenberg, in memory of her father, Mrs. Anne Duberstein, in honor of her birthday. Saul Finkelstein. Mrs. Betty Emden, in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Ruth Rosenberg, in memory of her husband. Condolences Mrs. Gertrude Fehl, in memory of her mother, Emanuel Rosenberg. Rose Axel Mr. Henry Schneider, in honor of his birthday. Park Avenue Synagogue extends heartfelt sym¬ Mrs. Bernard Feinberg, in memory of her mother, Mrs. Gertrinde Sheft, in memory of her husband, pathy to the bereaved of our congregation and to Frances Salovsky. Benjamin H. Sheft. their families. To: Mr. Emanuel M. Feinstone, in honor of his Mrs. Gertrude Sheft, in memory of her mother, Mr. A. Joshua Balgley, upon the death of his birthday. Sarah Goldberg. father, Morris Balgley. Mrs. Lillian Fuchs, in memory of her father, Mrs. Gertrude Sheft, in memory of her father, Irving Glatter. Isidore Goldberg. Mrs. Diane Belfer, upon the death of her Mrs. Joseph Fuhrman, in memory of the Yahrzeits Major Max L. Shulman, in memory of his brother, husband, Arthur Belfer. of her parents, Abraham & Dora Cohn. Isidore Shulman. Mrs. Florence Craven, upon the death of her Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gellman Mrs. Jaqueline Simmon, in honor of her birthday. sister, Rose Lifflander. Mr. Harold Geringer, in memory of his mother, Mrs. Ida Snell, in honor of her birthday. Betty Geringer. Mrs. Rose Spinner, in memory of her husband, Contributions Brenda Goldman, in memory of her sister, Edith Ignacy Spinner. Renee Paredes. Mrs. Sheila Tenenbuam, in memory of her brother, Synagogue Offerings Dr. & Mrs. James A. Goldman, in honor of their Moshe Schwartz. (Before April 1) wedding anniversary. Mr. & Mrs. Ray L. Treiger, in honor of th-*iT Mr. Jay Vleeschhouwer, in memory of his father, Dr. & Mrs. James A. Goldman, in memory of birthdays. Heiman Vleeschhouwer. their nephew, Howard Ira Joselow. Mrs. Barry Weiner, in memory of her moth^,, Mr. Chaim Wachsberger, in memory of his father, Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goodstein, in honor of their Pari Rabbani. Samuel Wachsberger. wedding anniversary. Mrs. Valerie Weiss Marion L. Weil, in memory of Rhea Ruttenberg. Mr. Richard Guggenheimer, in memory of his Mrs. Ruth Wimpfheimer, in honor of her birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Irving Wiesen, in honor of their mother, Florence Guggenheimer. Betty Wolpert, in honor of Mr. & Mrs. George M. wedding anniversary and her birthday. Mrs. Leon I. Heller, in memory of her mother, Shapiro. Mr. Jeremy Wiesen Bella Windt. Mrs. Harold Yassky, in memory of her father-in- Steven & Joyce Wolitzer David Hurwitz, in memory of Mordekhai Ge- law, Morris Yassky. Mr. Jack Yadgaroff, in memory of his father, birtig. High School Food Pantry Abraham Haim Yadgaroff. David Hurwitz, in memory of Henry Hurwitz, Jr. Ms. Mollie Abrams Mrs. Isidore Yavers, in memory of her father, Mrs. Armand Joffe, in memory of her mother, Mr. Max Barandes Harry Ebb. Elsa Wolf. Dr. Harold Bemanke Mrs. Henry J. Zacharias. in memory of her father, Mr. & Mrs. David Julie, in memory of Tobias and Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Chavkin, in memory of Paul Arthur Zivy. Alice Julie. Michaelson. Arlyne & Jonathan Zeichner, in honor of their Mr. Abraham Katz, in memory of his father, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Chavkin, in memory of Ruth daughter Erica's Bat Mitzvah, and in honor of Alexander Katz. Schnurmacher. their son Joshua's reading the Torah at Erica’s Judy, Mel, Melissa & Jon Katz, in memory of Fay Faytell, in honor of her granddaughter Marika's Bat Mitzvah. Richard Feinberg. birthday. Synagogue Offerings Mrs. Helen Kaufman, in memory of her son, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Gelman, in honor of their (After April 1) Robert Howard Kaufman. wedding anniversary. Mr. Bernard Klein, in memory of his mother, Mrs. Lilyan Appell, in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Isidor Hahn, in memory of her husband. Sophie Klein. Mr. Max Barandes, for Yizkor services. Isidor Hahn. Mrs. Vivienne Koreto, in honor of her birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Beizer Mrs. Isidor Hahn, in memory of her mother. Mrs. Donna Kramer, in memory of her father, Mrs. Philip Bernstein, in memory of her mother, Bertha Hausman, and her sister, Miriam Lew A. Stricof. Pearl Michael son. Sc hi oss. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Leon, in memory of the Maks Bimbach Nancy & Joel Hirschtritt, in honor of their daugh¬ Benjamin and Leon families. ter Alexandra Certilman's Bat Mitzvah. Dr. Ronald Linder, in memory of his father. Dr. Judge & Mrs. Louis I Kaplan, in honor of Mr. & Leon Linder. Mrs. Nathaniel H. Usdan's new grandr Mrs. Linda Mittelman, in memory of her mother, JRene Martha Yunis. Samuel Usdan. Infant thru TEEN Minnie Mittenthal, in honor of Barrie Modlin, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Katz Mrs. Ethel M. Keenan 93rd St. Madison Avc. Jewish Theological Seminary honoree. Upstairs Minnie Mittenthal, in honor of Lillian Bennet's Mr. & Mrs. Gershon Kekst Specialize in PARTYdress milestone birthday. Mrs. Benjamin Levitt, in honor of her husband's Alan & Janet Moss, in memory of Hugo Feingold. birthday. 369-8063 Mrs. Glori Palevsky, in memory of her mother. Mrs. Pearl Levy Sarah Grossman. (continued on page 6) Sivan-Elul 5753 Park Avenue Synagogue BULLETIN Page 5 CALENDAR OF EVENTS for JUNE, 1993 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Candle Lighting Times in July and August 9:15 A M. Shabbat Service July 2. .8:11 P.M. 6:15 P.M. Havurah Service Friday Night Service July 9. .8:09 P.M. Committee For July 16. .8:05 P.M. 1 P.M. The Homeless Bat Mitzah of July 23. .8:00 P.M. Retirees Group & Community Outreach Yipei Rebekah Service & Dinner Chen-Josephson July 30. .7:54 P.M. August 6. .7:46 P.M. Light Candles 6P.M. 8:03 P.M. Afternoon & Evening August 13. .7:37 P.M. Service & Study August 20. .7:27 P.M. August 27. .7:17 P.M. 8 10 11 12 12 Noon Sisterhood Board Meeting 9 A.M. 9:15 A.M. I P.M. Jewish Family/Child 6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service Retirees Group Workshop Friday Night Service 7:15 P.M. 6P.M. WEG Board Meeting 7:30 P.M. 6P.M. Bar Mitzah of Light Candles Elliot Gerard PAS Support Group Seminary Dinner 8:07 P.M. Afternoon & Evening Service & Study 8 P.M. Men's Club Board Meeting 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:15 A M. 6:15 P.M. Shabbat Service Friday Night Service Havurah Service 8P.M. Couples Club I P.M. 7:15 P.M. Board Meeting Retirees Group Melamed Club 8:30 P.M. Bar Mitzah of PASSingles Service & Andrew Bronstein Oneg Shabbat 6P.M. Light Candles Afternoon & Evening 8:10 P.M. Service & Study 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:15 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 9 A M. Shabbat Service Bar Mitzah of I P.M. Friday Night Service Matthew Blank Retirees Group 6P.M. Light Candles Afternoon & Evening 8:11 P.M. Service & Study 27 28 29 30 REMEMBER THE THE EDMOND DAILY MINYANIM DE ROTHSCHILD LIBRARY Monday - Friday 1 P.M. at 7:15 A.M. Will be closed Retirees Group Sundays and Legal Holidays for the summer at 9 A.M. on June 10 Sunday -Thursday Will reopen on at 5:45 P.M. Monday, Sept. 13 Saturday at 6:00 P.M. at 3 P.M. Page 6 Park Avenue Synagogue BULLETIN Summer, 1993 Contributions Mr. & Mrs. Menachem Rosensaft mother, GussieEmpel. Ms. Ruth Rothseid (continued from page 4) Scholarship Fund Dr. & Mrs. Howard Tiszenkel Mrs. Sheila Miller, in memory of her father, Judge & Mrs. Harold Tompkins Mrs. Helen L. Krochmal, in honor of Sonya anu Abraham Maurice Baker. Mrs. Miriam Wallerstein Jennifer Rhodes. Mrs. Lettie Osserman Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wimpfheimer Welfare Fund Mr. Robert Price, in honor of Leo Farbman. Prayer Book Fund Mrs. Ita Aber Mrs. Jack B. Raticoff in memory of Jack B. Doris Moss, in memory of Howard Fremont. Dorothy & Larry Amsten. in honor of Freda Raticoff and Abraham & Dora Cohn. Judge & Mrs. Harold Tompkins, in memory of the Leiter’s 90th birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Menachem Rosensaft, to commemo¬ mother of Herbert Rubin Esq. Mrs. Renee Ascher, in memory of her mother, rate the liberation of Bergen-Belsen. Susan Wasserman, for her Aliyah on Shabbat Betty Adler. Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor of their Hahodesh. Mrs. Belle Baier, in memory of her husband, wedding anniversary. Susan Wasserman, in honor of her Aliyah on Hyman Baier. Mr. & Mrs. David Small Passover. Blanche & Sam Barish, in honor of Suzanne & Margot Steinberg, in honor of the B’not Mitzvah Richard Guggenheimer. of Lauren and Ashley Antler, daughters of Mr. Rita & Alfred L. Rand Fund For Teachers’ Mrs. Clara Hammel, in honor of her birthday. & Mrs. Robert P. Antler. Benefits Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Katz, in memory of their The Passover Fund 1993 Mrs. Hannah P. Mallin, in memory of her hus¬ loved ones. (Additional names since the May issue) band, Edward J. Mallin. Mrs. Freda P. Leiter, in honor of her 90th Mrs. Arlene Orenstein, in memory of her father, birthday. Mrs. Belle Baier Julius Newman. Mr. & Mrs. Menachem Rosensaft, in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Cohen Mr. Sergio Rubinstein, in honor of his birthday. Rabbi David H. Lincoln. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W Eichenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. Finkelstein James P. Robbins Fund Evalyn Yudkoff Memorial Lecture Fund Mr. & Mrs. Milton Gelman Mrs. Barbara Robbins, in honor of Mr. Robbin’s Dr. Irving Yudkoff, in honor of his birthday. Mr.s. Charlotte Goldklang birthday. (Name not listed here will appear in the next Dr. & Mrs. James A. Goldman issue.) Rothenberg Ramah Fund Dr. & Ms. Arthur Gurevitch Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Haber Mrs. Lillian Bennet, in honor of her milestone During the summer months, please Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Katz birthday. think about the Daily Minyanim! Mr. Norman Klein Sylvia & Arthur Fine, in honor of Lillian Bennet’s Cantor & Mrs. David Lefkowitz milestone birthday. They need you! Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosen Mrs. Murray Rothenberg, in memory of her ) - GERIATRIC MEDICAL SERVICES PLAZA MEMORIAL CHAPEL Victor Mayer & Sons Knowledgeable, experienced and caring phy¬ serving the New York Jewish Community EXCLUSIVE CATERERS sician and staff will provide total (or part) 630 Amsterdam Avenue (at 91st St.) comprehensive home management of the New York City to Park Avenue Synagogue Geriatric, Alzheimer’s or Dementia patient. 769-4400 718-723-4600 For further information, call 212-744-1379 Andrew Fier, President Park Non-Profit DATED MAIL . . . Organization PLEASE RUSH! U. S. Postage Avenue PAID New York, NY Permit No. 8526 o\ Synagogue Os L- V E Bulletin E 3 C/1 50 East 87th Street New York, NY 10128

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