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THE PARABLES O F JESUS Herman Hendrickx I -If Studies in the Synoptic Gospels The Parables of Jesus Herman Hendrickx Geoffrey Chapman London tfj Harper & Row, Publishers San Francisco 1817 or The Parables Jesus STUDIES IN THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS by Herman Hendrickx, CICM The Infancy Narratives The Passion Narratives of the Synoptic Gospels The Resurrection Narratives of the Synoptic Gospels The Sermon on the Mount The Parables of Jesus A Geoffrey Chapman book published by Cassell Ltd 1 Vincent Square, London SWIP 2PN Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. 1700 Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94111 First edition copyright 1983 by Society of St Paul (as The Parables of Jesus Then and Now) Revised edition © Geoffrey Chapman, a division of Cassell Ltd 1986 Cum permissu superiorum All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers. This edition first published 1986 ISBN 0 225 66486 0 (Geoffrey Chapman) 0-06-254815-8 (Harper & Row) Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Revised Standard Version Bible (RSV), Catholic Edition, copyrighted © 1965 and 1966 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, and used by permission. The abbreviations JB, :-.lAB and NEB denote, respectively, the Jerusalem Bible, the New American Bible and the New Engl~h Bible. Quotations from the Gospel of Thomas are taken from The Nag Hammadi Library (general editor James M. Robinson; New York: Harper and Row, 1972), and used with permission. British l.ihrary Cataloguing in Publication Data Hendrickx, Herman The parables of Jesus.-Rev. ed. (Studies in the Synoptic Gospels) I. Jesus Christ-Parables I. Title II. The parables of Jesus then and nuw III. Series 226' .806 BT375.2 Cllve~ illustration: The Pharisee and the tax collector. Sixth-century mosaic in S. Apolhnare NUllvo, R;Ivenna. Reproduced by courtesy of the Mansell Collection. Typeset by Scribe Design, Gillingham, Kent Printed lind bound in Great Britain by BiddIes Limited, Guildfnrd Contents Foreword to the first edition ix Preface Xl Note on the revised edition xii 1 And he spoke to them in parables I Jesus the narrator I The parables are taken from ordinary life 3 The materials of the parables 3 Interrogative form 3 Relevance of the parable method 5 Directed towards life 6 Two opposite views 6 Towards a change in behaviour 8 Contemporary life 9 How does a parable function? 10 The three levels of tradition 12 A note on contemporary parable interpretation 13 2 The seed growing secretly (Mk 4:26-29) 16 A first reading of the parable 16 Interpretation of the parable 19 The original meaning of the parable 21 The parable on the level of the gospels 25 Mark 25 Matthew 25 Luke 26 Reflection 27 3 The mustard seed (Mk 4:30-32; Mt13:31-32; Lk 13:18-19) 30 The parable on the level of Jesus' ministry 30 The three canonical versions of the parable 30 Two additional versions 31 Parable or similitude? 32 Contrast or no contrast? 33 The original form of the parable 34 The meaning of this parable 35 vi The Parables ofJ esus The parable on the level of the evangelists 39 Mark 39 40 Luke Matthew 42 Reflection 43 4 The leaven (Mt 13:33; Lk 13:20-21) 45 The parable on the level of the tradition 46 The parable on the level of the evangelists 48 Luke 49 Matthew 49 Reflection 50 5 The parable of the weeds and its interpretation (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43) 52 The texts 52 A first reading of the parable 53 Explanation of the parable 58 On the level of Jesus 58 On the level of the Christian communities 60 On the first community level 60 On the second community level 61 On the level of Matthew 61 The interpretation of the parable of the weeds (Mt 13:36-43) 63 The interpretation on the level of the gospel 64 The meaning of the interpretation on the level of the tradition 71 The meaning of the interpretation on the level of Jesus 71 Reflection : 72 6 The good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) 74 The general context in Luke 74 Lk 10:25-37 75 Lk 10:25-28 75 Lk 10:29-37 76 Lk 10:29 76 Lk 10:30-35 76 Lk 10:36-37 77 AnHlysis of the text 78 Example story or pmablc? 91 Renection 92 7 The rich fool (Lk /2:/3-2/) 96 The general context in Luke 96 COlltellts vii The texts 97 Analysis of the text 97 Parable or example story? 104 Reflection 105 8 The wedding feast/great banquet (Mt22:I-J4; Lk 14:15-24) 108 The texts 108 General context of Lk 14: 15-24 110 Analysis of Lk 14: 15-24 113 GeneralcontextofMt22:1-14 121 AnalysisofMt22:1-14 123 Lk 14:15-24; Mt 22:1-14. and the underlying tradition 130 The parable on the level of Jesus' ministry 133 Reflection 135 9 The three parables of Luke IS 138 Composition and structure of Luke 15 138 Analysis of the text 141 Introduction (Lk 15: 1-3) 141 The parable of the lost sheep (Lk 15:4-7) 142 The parable of the lost coin (Lk 15:8-10) 149 The parable ofthe prodigal son (Lk 15:11-32) 150 The message of Luke 15 160 The parable of the lost sheep 160 The parable on the level of Jesus 160 The early Christian community 161 Matthew 161 ~~ lQ The parable of the lost coin 162 On the level of Jesus' ministry 162 On the level of the pre-Lucan community and of Luke 163 The parable of the prodigal son 163 On the level of Jesus' ministry 163 On the level of Luke's redaction 164 Reflection 166 10 The unjust steward (Lk 16:1-13) 170 General context 170 Divergences in the interpretation of the parable 172 The extent of the parable 172 The interpretation of the parable 173 Analysis of the text 173 Tradition history of the parable 192 The original parable (Lk 16:1-8a) 192 viii The Parables of Jesus Early comment (Lk 16:8b) 193 First application (Lk 16:9) 193 Second application (Lk 16:10-12) 193 Third application (Lk 16: 13) 194 Conclusion 194 Reflection 195 II The rich man and Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31) 198 Similar ancient accounts 198 General context 199 Analysis of the text 199 Jesus or Luke? 210 The meaning of the parable for Luke 210 The parable in the preaching of Jesus 210 Reflection 211 12 The judge and the wiclow (Lk 18:1-8) 215 General context 215 Old and New Testament parallels 216 An Old Testament prototype 216 A Lucan parallel 217 Analysis of the text 218 The message of the parable 229 Jesus 229 The early Christian tradition 230 Luke 230 Reflection 231 13 The Pharisee and the tax collector (Lk J8 :9-14): 234 General context 234 Analysis of the text 235 The message of the parable 243 Jesus 243 The early Christian tradition 244 Luke 244 Reflection 244 Conclusion: I)reaching the parables 248 Notes 251 Further reading 256 Bibliography 258 Fore\vord to the First Edition It is a great honour to introduce the author of this book. He is a profound biblical scholar. a prolific writer of extraordinary gifts, and above all a confrere. A professor at the CICM Maryhill School of Theology V.. 1 ST) and staff member of the East Asian Pastoral Institute. he has lectured in almost all parts of the country and of Asia. He has written many books, among which are: The Story Behind the Gospels (now translated in Pilipino), The Infancy Narrath·es, The Passion ~arrath·es. The Resurrection Narratives, The Bible on Justice and The Sermon on the Mount. He is Fr Herman Hendrickx. CICM. a missionary from Belgium. Fr Hendrickx is not an activist type, but his awareness of contemporary problems and his deep insights on the Holy Scriptures make him one of the few outstanding exegetes we have in the country today. Priests. Sisters. seminarians and pastoral workers, who are immersed in the work with the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized and who are searching for a <leeper and greater understanding of the Word of God in the light of the present world situation. especially in the Philippines today. look up to him. The publication of this book comes out at an opportune time when we CICMs in the Philippines mark our Diamond Jubilee this year: 75 challenging years of missionary presence and service in the Philippine Church. I take pride in my confrere's unique contribution to the People of God in the Philippines through his innumerable and scholarly books and commentaries on God's Word so much in demand in our times. Rev. Ernesto M. Amigleo, CICM Provincial Superior 2 November 1982

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