PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 2 MONTGOMERY STREET, THIRD FLOOR JERSEY CITY, NJ 07302 Date: 1/9/2015 ADDENDUM #1 To prospective bidders on Bid # 40999 for Traffic Signal Maintenance, Inspection and Certification, Installation, Repair and Limited Construction Services at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Due back on January 30, 2015, no later than 11:00AM I. CHANGES/MODIFICATIONS The following changes/modifications are hereby made to the solicitation document: “The PANYNJ specifications included in this addendum are noted in Attachment C and are attached for reference purposes” This communication should be initialed by you and annexed to your bid upon submission. In case any bidder fails to conform to these instructions, its bid will nevertheless be construed as though this communication had been so physically annexed and initialed. THE PORT AUTHORITY OF NY & NJ Kathy Leslie-Whelan, Assistant Director Commodities and Services Assignments BIDDER’S FIRM NAME: ____________________________________ INITIALED: ____________________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS ADDENDUM MAY BE ADDRESSED TO Dinesh Chheda, WHO CAN BE REACHED AT (201) 395-3432 or at [email protected]. PS11All Page 1 of 1 N 02/04/14 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02221 EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING AND FILLING PART 1. GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies requirements for excavation, backfilling and filling. B. Definitions 1. As used herein, excavation shall mean the removal of existing pavement, concrete foundations and all materials other than bedrock (ledge rock) encountered within the limits of excavation that are not specified to be removed under Division 2 Section entitled "CUTTING, PATCHING AND REMOVAL". 2. As used herein, backfilling shall mean the filling of excavations made for construction purposes and shall extend only to existing grades or design grades, whichever are lower. 3. As used herein, filling shall mean the placement of fill material in conformance with requirements of this Section at or above existing grade or design grade, whichever is lower. 4. As used herein, suitable shall mean material conforming to the gradation, compaction, and environmental requirements of this Section. 1.02 REFERENCES The following is a listing of the publications referenced in this Section: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) ASTM C 88 Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate. ASTM C 117 Test Method for Materials Finer than 75 µm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing. ASTM C 131 Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine. ASTM C 136 Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. ASTM D 422 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils. ASTM D 1556 Standard Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. ASTM C 1557 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 or 2,700 kN-m/m3). 02221 - 1 ASTM D 2167 Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. ASTM D 2922 Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). ASTM D 3017 Standard Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). ASTM D 4318 Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils. New Jersey Interagency Engineering Committee (NJIEC) Standard Soil Aggregate Gradations. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Where sheet piling or sheeting is required or is shown on the Contract Drawings, shop drawings and calculations shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State in which the work will be performed, who has a minimum of five years experience in the design of soil retaining structures. 1.04 SITE CONDITIONS A. Protect excavations as follows: 1. Prevent water from entering excavated areas and, if it does, remove it immediately to maintain a dry condition at all times. 2. Dispose of water in a manner not to cause injury to the public health or damage to public or private property. 3. If water enters excavated areas and weakens or disturbs underlying soil, remove the weakened or disturbed soil and replace it in conformance with 3.02 A.5. 4. Where shown on the Contract Drawings or where required for protection of adjacent utilities or structures or where required for performance of the Work, secure the sides of excavations against movement as follows: a. Install sheet piling or sheeting held in place by waling and bracing members. Top of sheeting shall extend at least six inches above ground or as otherwise shown on the Contract Drawings. b. Do not excavate below the bottom of sheet piling or sheeting except as necessary to install sheeting. c. Fill voids behind sheeting immediately with material conforming to I-12 designation defined in 2.01 A or with other material as otherwise approved by the Engineer. d. Comply with all other requirements of the Specifications that may impose additional or stricter requirements. 5. For excavations extending to a depth of 5 feet or more, and where sheeting is not required to conform with 1.04 A.4 above, excavate slopes to a safe angle of repose, or protect trench excavations by use of a portable trench shield. 6. Restore all areas impacted by excavation to their original condition, matching pavement types and sections to meet original pavement grades. 02221 - 2 B. Do not traverse paved areas with tracked vehicles or equipment, such as carry-all scrapers, which may damage such pavement unless protected to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C. Do not place fill or backfill on frozen subgrade. D. Do not perform rolling or other compaction at any time when the ground water level is above a plane two feet below the surface to be compacted. When the ground water level is above such plane, lower it by approved methods and maintain it below such level prior to and during the compaction operations. E. Protect from damage trees and other vegetation that are to remain in place. 1.05 SUBMITTALS See Appendix "A" for submittal requirements. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Fill 1. Unless otherwise shown on the Contract Drawings, fill shall consist of clean sand and gravel containing no organic matter, conforming to the following NJIEC "Standard Soil Aggregate Gradations", except that in lieu of the standard gradation given below, up to 10 percent passing the No. 200 sieve will be acceptable as I-12: Total Percent Passing by Weight NJIEC Designation I-7 I-10 I-12 Sieve Sizes 4 inch 100 100 2 inch 80-100 1 inch 100 3/4 inch 60-100 70-100 1/2 inch 80-100 No. 4 40-100 No. 8 35-100 No. 16 25-90 20-70 No. 50 5-50 5-40 0-75 No. 100 0-8 0-30 No. 200 0-2 0-20 0-5 2. The clean sand and gravel shall not contain more than 0.1% of Wood; 4% of Brick, Mica Schist, or other friable material; or 10% of asphalt concrete. The total of all of these components shall be less than 10%. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a "Certificate of Clean Fill" for all imported fill materials. 02221 - 3 3. Comply with fill designations shown on the Contract Drawings and place designated fill in the locations shown. B. Backfill 1. Unless otherwise shown on the Contract Drawings, material shall conform to the requirements for I-12 designation. C. Sources 1. When fill and backfill material are furnished by the Authority, refer to the Contract Drawings for the location of the existing stockpile, the NJIEC Designation (if applicable), and the estimated quantity of available material. Samples of Authority- furnished material will not be required for testing. 2. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, material excavated at the construction site shall be used only for backfill and shall be used to the extent that it conforms to the requirements specified in 2.01 A and as noted on Contract Drawings. Submit samples for testing by the Engineer for verification of conformance with the requirements of this Section. 3. If sufficient quantities of suitable material are unavailable from sources described in 2.01 C.1 and C.2 above, furnish material from sources off site, as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor will be compensated for the cost of furnishing only (excluding cost of placing and compacting the fill and backfill) such fill or backfill material from sources off site at the "Net Cost" thereof. D. Recycled Concrete Aggregate Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) conforming to the requirements given below and to the gradations specified in 2.01 A.1 may be used as fill or backfill. 1. The RCA shall consist of at least 90 percent, by weight, Portland cement concrete, with the following materials making up the remaining 10 percent: a. Wood: 0.1 percent, maximum. b. Brick, Mica schist, or other friable material: 4 percent, maximum. c. Asphalt Concrete: 10 percent, maximum. 2. Virgin aggregate may be added to meet the 90 percent minimum concrete requirement. 3. The percentage of asphalt concrete and other deleterious material shall be determined by weighing that material retained on the No. 4 sieve, and dividing by the total weight of RCA material retained on the No. 4 sieve. 4. Soundness of Aggregates Loss limitation shall not be more than 10 percent loss by weight, using sodium sulfate for 5-cycle test period, or not more than 15 percent loss by weight, using magnesium sulfate for a 5-cycle test period as determined by ASTM C 88. 5. Resistance to Degradation Percentage loss between the original weight and the final weight of the test sample shall not exceed 45 percent as determined by ASTM C 131. 02221 - 4 6. RCA, if used, shall be from permitted or State registered Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Facilities (C&DDPF). Obtain and submit a copy of the permit or registration to the Engineer. a. In New York, the source of the RCA shall be C&DDPF conforming to 6 NYSRR Part 360-16: Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Facilities. b. In New Jersey, the source of the RCA shall be a Class B C&DDPF conforming to NJAC - Title 7: Environmental Protection; Chapter 26A: Recycling Rules. E. Environmental Compliance 1. Fill material brought on site must meet residential use criteria for the State in which it is used. Sample and analyze all fill material brought on site, according to the following criteria, to characterize potential contaminants and to demonstrate all contaminants are below the State's residential use clean up criteria or remediation standard threshholds. a. Up to 1,000 cubic yards, collect a minimum of two grab samples. b. Greater than 1,000 cubic yards up to 10,000 cubic yards, collect a minimum of one grab sample for every 500 cubic yards. c. For volumes greater than 10,000 cubic yards, follow the sampling frequency specified above and collect one grab sample per each additional 1,000 cubic yards. d. Analyze all samples for all parameters included in the State's residential use clean up criteria or remediation standards. e. Each firm and laboratory performing the sampling and analysis shall be certified and/or licensed to perform such work in the State the fill material will be used. 2. Submit to the Engineer for approval three copies of a Clean Fill Certification Report signed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State in which the fill material will be used. The report shall include the following: a. Quantity of fill material for use and certification that it meets the residential use criteria. b. Location information for each facility supplying the fill material, including State, County, Municipality, address, and Block and Lot numbers. c. A copy of the current State permit for each facility supplying fill material that indicates the material produced will meet residential use criteria and a contact name, title and phone number for the facility representative responsible for permit compliance. d. Name, contact information, and copies of certifications and/or licenses for each entity performing the sampling and laboratory analysis. Include a signed statement by an officer of each laboratory certifying that all sampling and analysis was performed by licensed or certified personnel and in accordance with applicable State regulations, manuals, and guidance documents. e. A sampling plan for the samples collected, including a sample location drawing, and a completed chain of custody for the samples. 02221 - 5 f. A summary data table, in Excel spreadsheet format, of sample analytical results compared to State residential use clean up criteria or remediation standards. The table shall present for each sample the parameters analyzed, analytical method, sample date, sample identification number, results, reporting detection limits, and units. g. A copy of the complete laboratory report in PDF format on "read only" disc signed and sealed by the responsible individual of the laboratory completing the analyses. h. A signed statement from the Professional Engineer certifying that this report, to the best of their knowledge, is accurate and is representative of the fill material specified herein, and that the fill material does not exceed the residential use clean up criteria or remediation standard threshholds for the State in which it will be used. 3. At the Engineer's discretion, the Engineer will perform quality assurance testing of fill material brought to the site to confirm compliance with the specified requirements. Remove and replace, at no additional cost to the Authority, fill material determined by the Engineer to be not in compliance. 4. The allowance of a small percentage of asphalt concrete in fill and RCA materials shall not be construed as a contradiction to the above requirements. If the composition of the asphalt concrete is such that the limits given in the residential use criteria for the State in which it is used are exceeded, submit material from an alternate source. PART 3. EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Clearing and Grubbing Remove trees, clear and grub areas to be excavated or in which construction is to be performed, as follows: 1. Remove trees, stumps, all roots larger than 2 inches in diameter, and all matted root systems. 2. Remove all topsoil, debris, organic matter and any other objectionable material not suitable for use as backfill or fill or for support of structures or pavements. 3. Backfill all holes and other low spots resulting from clearing and grubbing with material conforming to 2.01 B or 2.01 D before proceeding with compaction of fill as specified in 3.03 or with other construction in the area. 3.02 EXCAVATION A. General 1. Excavation shall consist of the removal of materials as defined in 1.01 B.1, and the removed materials shall be segregated by material type (e.g., sand fill, miscellaneous fill, sand, gravel, clay) and stockpiled at the location shown on the Contract Drawings. 02221 - 6 2. When excavation of bedrock (ledge rock) is shown on the Contract Drawings, refer to Division 2 Section entitled "ROCK EXCAVATION" for removal requirements. 3. Excavate to elevations required for installation of permanent construction in such manner as not to disturb the subgrade below such elevations. 4. Where existing foundations or other existing construction are encountered which may cause hard spots, remove them to a minimum of two feet below subgrade for pavement or structures and backfill with material conforming to 2.01 B or 2.01 D. 5. Should the bottom of excavation be weakened or disturbed or carried below required depth: a. Under Footings: Compact bottom as specified in 3.03 below and replace over- excavation with the same concrete as that specified for the footing or foundation. b. Locations other than Under Footings: Compact bottom as approved by the Engineer and refill with material conforming to 2.01 B or 2.01 D. 6. Perform excavation around and adjacent to existing structures, pipes and conduits which are to remain in place, without damage to or movement of existing construction. Use hand excavation to locate and expose near-surface structures, pipes and conduits. When excavation is to be performed under such structures, pipes and conduits, support them in a manner as approved by the Engineer to ensure uninterrupted operation of the supported items. B. Dewatering 1. Where excavations are to extend below the water table, prior to placement of any permanent construction or filling or backfilling any excavated area, lower the water table in such an area to two feet below the elevation of the required subgrade and maintain this condition until the construction or pavement is placed thereon. 2. Dewater in a manner to prevent the loss of ground due to the migration of soil fines into the dewatering system. C. Trenching for Utilities 1. Shape bottom of trench to uniform invert section. 2. When excavating in soft soils which may be subject to lateral movement or bottom heave, conform to requirements shown on the Contract Drawings. D. Disposal of Excavated Material 1. All debris and all material either unsuitable for or in excess of that required for backfill or fill, shall be reused, recycled or disposed of away from the construction site in accordance with Division 1 Section entitled "Recycling of Construction Debris Material". E. Restrictions 1. Do not place backfill until the Engineer has inspected and approved the Work and has indicated where backfill may be placed. 2. Leave all pipe joints exposed until all tests, required by other Sections of the Specifications on such pipe, have been performed. 02221 - 7 3. Remove all temporary structures, sheet piles, sheeting, bracing and forms and all organic materials and debris of every nature, taking care, upon the removal of sheet piling, sheeting and temporary supports, not to cause movement of adjacent ground or structures or create the danger of a slide. 3.03 PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION A. Equipment 1. Steel vibratory rollers shall have provision for regulation of vibration frequency. Submit and obtain Engineer approval of the type and size of compaction, placing and spreading equipment to be used before the start of any compaction efforts. 2. Unless otherwise shown on the Contract Drawings, pneumatic-tired rollers shall have minimum weight of 20 tons and a tire pressure of between 60 and 150 psi. For aircraft pavements, the minimum roller weight shall be 50 tons. 3. When mechanical tampers are used, submit and obtain Engineer approval of the type and size of tamper before compaction efforts begin. B. Subgrade, Excavated and Existing Surfaces Compaction of subgrade, excavated and existing surfaces shall consist of a proofrolling operation performed as follows, unless otherwise shown on the Contract Drawings that proofrolling is not required: 1. Compact surface with a minimum of six passes of an approved vibratory steel roller operated at a speed not to exceed three miles per hour and at the optimum operating frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Overlap passes of roller a minimum of six inches. 2. In areas where surface consists of a fine grained soil, compact with a minimum of six passes of an approved pneumatic-tired roller. Overlap passes of roller a minimum of six inches. 3. In areas where use of a roller is impractical, compact surface while at or near optimum moisture content with mechanical tampers. 4. If, in the sole determination of the Engineer, the proofrolling produces noticeable weaving of the surface, excavation of unsuitable material and replacement with backfill may be required below subgrade, within the limits and to the depth as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor will compensated for any such excavation of unsuitable material below the elevation of subgrade or under footing and subsequent backfilling at the "Net Cost" thereof. C. Backfill and Fill 1. Moisture content of backfill and fill material shall be within a range of plus or minus two percent of optimum, as determined by Procedure C of ASTM D 1557. 2. Backfill and fill shall be compacted to achieve a density of 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by Procedure C of ASTM D 1557, except where alternate density requirements are approved by the Engineer or shown on the Contract Drawings. 02221 - 8 3. Backfill conforming with I-12 gradation, and fill conforming with I-7 and I-12 gradation, shall be placed in 14-inch, loose layers. In areas where a 14-inch layer over existing material is not adequate to support the construction equipment, increase thickness of first lift as approved by the Engineer. 4. When shown on the Contract Drawings, backfill and fill, conforming to I-10 gradation, shall be placed in 12-inch, loose layers. 5. In areas adjacent to structures and utilities as shown on the Contract Drawings, compaction equipment shall be restricted as shown on the Contract Drawings. 6. In areas where use of a roller is impractical, place fill in maximum 8-inch, loose layers and compact with approved mechanical tampers to the specified density. In pipe trenches, each layer of backfill shall be not more than 8 inches in thickness before compaction. Place backfill on both sides of the pipe, simultaneously. 7. The surface of filled or backfilled areas, which are to receive pavement or on which a structure is to be placed, shall be within plus or minus 1/2 inch of the elevations shown on the Contract Drawings and shall be free of depressions or projections greater than 1/2 inch when tested with a 16-foot straight edge. 8. The surface of filled areas at other locations shall be within plus or minus one inch of elevations shown on the Contract Drawings unless a closer tolerance is necessary to meet requirements of other Sections of the Specifications or meet requirements shown on the Contract Drawings. 3.04 QUALITY CONTROL A. Field Inspection and Testing - General 1. The Engineer will test delivered field samples of material submitted from each source, for conformance with 2.01. Gradation will be determined in accordance with ASTM C 117, C 136 and D 422 and maximum density will be determined in accordance with Procedure C of ASTM D 1557. If deemed appropriate by the Engineer, Atterberg Limits will be determined on fine-grained soils in accordance with ASTM D 4318. a. Notify the Engineer when backfill and fill material are on site at least seven days prior to placement to allow sufficient time for testing. b. If the Engineer's maximum density will be used for QC testing, the Contractor must first obtain this laboratory value from the Engineer prior to placement. 2. If the sample from a source is approved, upon the Engineer's request, conduct the Engineer to that source. Additional samples will be selected and tested by the Engineer. 3. The Engineer will notify the Contractor of approval of material source within seven days after receiving samples. Approval of a source of backfill or fill material will be subject to material continuing to meet the requirements of 2.01. 4. Do not deliver any material until the Engineer has reviewed and approved material supplier and source submittal. Delivered material must receive on-site approval prior to use. 5. The Engineer will check conformance to elevations shown on the Contract Drawings and required tolerance for surface straightness. 02221 - 9