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The palace under the Alps : and over 200 other unusual, unspoiled, and infrequently visited spots in 16 European countries PDF

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Preview The palace under the Alps : and over 200 other unusual, unspoiled, and infrequently visited spots in 16 European countries

THE PALACE UNDER THEA LPS AndO ver2 00Ot her UnusuaUln,s poilaendd, InfrequeVnitsliyt Sepdo ts in1 6E uropeCaonu ntries WILLIABMR YSON • CONGDON & WEED,IN C. NEW YoRK To CYNTHIA Copyri©g h1t9 85b yW illiBamr yson LibraorfyC ongreCsast alogiinPn ugb licatiDoant a BrysoWni,l liam. Thep alaucned etrh eA lps. Includiensd ex. 1.E urope-Descripatnidto rna vel-1971--Guide- books.I .T itle. D909.B791 985 914.'40 558 84-27458 ISBN0 -86553-144-7 ISBN0- 312-9263(5S-tM9.a rtinP'rse ss) PublishbeydC ongdo&n W eedI,n c. 298F iftAhve nueN,e w YorkN,. Y.100 01 DistribbuytS etdM. a rtinP'rse ss 175F iftAhv enuNee,w YorkN,. Y.1 0010 Publisshiemdu ltaneino uCsalnya dbay M ethuenP ublications 233M0i dlanAdv enuAeg,i ncouOrntt,ar iMo IS 1P7 DesignbeydI rviPnegr kins Mapsb yD aviLdi ndroth AllRi ghtRse served Printientd h eU niteSdt atoefsA merica FirsEtd ition CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Vll AUSTRIA 1 BELGIUM 11 DENMARK 19 FINLAND 29 FRANCE 37 WEST GERMANY 61 GREAT BRITAIN 83 GREECE 125 IRELAND 141 ITALY 157 LIECHTENSTEIN 175 LUXEMBOURG 179 THE NETHEJU.ANDS 183 NORWAY 195 PORTIJGAL 203 SPAIN 209 SWEDEN 217 SWITZERLAND 227 Appendix A:A TTRACTIONS BY SUBJECT 233 AppendD B:U SEFUL ADDRESSES 239 INDEX 245 INTRODUCTION Thiissa b oofko pre opwlheo w anmto rfer oamt ritpoE uropet han justtos eet heE iffTeolw erB,u ckinghPaaml acteh,eC olosseautm Rome, 2a5n0,d0 0J apanese tourisntosr .e aAslotnhpeaorbuslgoehn wouledv esru ggetshtay to us kitph essei gh(twse lylo,um ighgitv e theJ apanetsoeu rias mtiss sy)o,u trr iwpi lble infini tely morer e­ wardiifn ygo uc ano ccasiosnlaiolpfl ffyr otmh et hronagnsds trike outo ny ouorw nT.h ef ollowpiangged se scrsiobmee2 00s ightthsa t mostt ravenleevressr e e-little-mkusneouwmns , unstpooilwends and villoaugte-so,f -three-swoaraytn sdu, n usuaatlt ractions-where onec ane xperiEeunrcoep elainfif res tharnadt htehra fnr otmh bea ck ofa c rowAdJ.t houagf he wa rfea irrleym ote-ltihkneeo rthernmost golcfo urins et hew orladtB odenS,w edeann,d t heA ranI slanidns Ireland-mloissetl ighotflfty h e mationu rirsotut es. booTkh is offeorpst ioannsdb rideeft ourresw,a rdpilnagc teoes x ploinr aed ­ dititoonr, a thtehra n inosftt,eh aemd a into urciesntt ers. Obviouysoluyc ane'xtpe ctto h avmea nyo ft hespel aceenst irely toy oursEeulrfo.pe i sa,f taelral d ,e nseployp ulactoendt inwehnotse resideanrtees n thusitarsatvieclI ed rosn.'s tu pposyeo u'elvle hra ve tofi ghyto uwra yt hroucgrho wdtsose e theG ermanN atioBnraeald Museuamt U lmo rt heS wediMsaht cMhu seuma tJ onkoping. But if youh eafdo arc oasrteaslo irnJt u loyr A ugust-howeovbesrc ure itm aya ppeaorn t hem ap,h owevfeorr mideai btml aybe tog etto ­ youw ilflm dc rowds. Thes implweasytt o a voitdh iisst ov isoiutto fs eason.I 'mamazed thasot fewpe opldeo t hiUsn.l eysosu a raeb soludteetleyrmin ed to retuhronm ew itah deepM editerrasnuenant amny, a dviisc et o INTRODUCTION viii travine slp ringo rear ly summero rf alElv.ne in thed eptohsfw inter mosto fE uropee njoaygr sa tifygilntye mperactlei ma(taen ind Brit­ ain, I can telylo uf romp ainfuelx periceen,t hereo'fst elni tttol e choose betweenF ebruarayn dA ugustO)f.fs easyono u'fllnld t he pricecsh eapert,h epe oplem oreh ospilteaa,bn dt heh otelireerss­, taurateaunrdms u,se um keepearlsm ost lfoonrye oluycr o mpany. Thef ollowing attrabceteicnoh onsse tnho ha evleyp o ua voiodt her tourists, wthhaeset asoenv,ey re tt hiiss nt'hte oinrl mye ritth:e ayr e alsgoood funA. fewo,f c oursaer,eo fp uerlsype cialiiznetde rest­ thew orldl'asr gensutd icsot lonaytC apd 'A gdei nF rances pnrgis instanttlomy i nd-bueta chi sh istoorrif cac sinatoinrbg ea utiful (and oaflttleh nr eTeh)a.t thhaevyme a nagew de scatpheae t tentions ofm ost travealnie nrcsi diesbn etnaelf it-aanne dn druinogv ersight forw hichw e shoulbdeg raeftul. Att hiposi ntm anyt ravbeolo ktsr ootu t a sotfrd iinsgc laimers, sayintgh at whilec aerhveae srb ye ent aketno e nsurteh aptri ces, openintgi measn,d o thesru cdhe taiwlesr ea ccruataet t het imoef goingt op restsh,i nmgasy havec hangesdi ncteh eann dy our eally oughtto c hectkh emT.h es ameg oesf ort hibso oko,f c ousre.B ut herteh ew arniinsgp articulhaeralfnyd tI.t 'osn et hintgos troflolu r blockasn dfi nd tBhrei tiMsuhs eumc losoenda Sundayw henth e guideboockl earslayit dh aittw aso peno n Sunda,y sbut infinitely morep ainftuotl r avheall fwaacyr oss a ctoons toimneoe bnst cure (burte wardimnugs)e umo rm onumenotn ltyo fi ndt hatth eh ead personi,n a momentof w himsyh,a sd ecidteodc losteh ep lacfeor thew holoef J ulyS.o be sure toc hecwki thlo catlo uriofsfitc es, particulafrolrt yh osaet atcrotnis that requitroet rayvoseuol m e distancebe.a rAi nndm indt haptr icgeisv ehne raer ei ntendoendl y asr ougghu ideliYnoeus'.vli eve d witihn flaltoinoegnn ougthok now thatth ecya nr arebleym oret hainn spiersetdi mates. Iw oulldi kteot hanakll t hosweh oh elped wtihtihbs o okm,o st notably Sandraa nCdLh eoarG oonr donm,y colleagLuiensd say BrayA,l aHno weP,e teErl man, BobD ysonA,l leKni ngsl,aP nedter Blacklock, CaDrooulbilnTeeo, n yS ikkimaan,dB obB allantyne, anda,bo veal l,m y wifeC,y nthia. AUSTIRA Vieu•a salzburg • •H allstatt !' •Obcn tdorf • • eStans Werfen KleWialnse rtal •Innsbruck St'.e it r •an rGian\ • KJap a.furt ( J ,r 100 Km Austria"'Ls ost" ValleyK,l eiWna lsertal Thec ompaacntdt idvya lolefKy l eWianl seirsst oamle ticmaelsl ed Austrioan'lcsyo loAnlyt.h oiutgc'hls e airnAl uys tra hioar,s eshoe­ shapewdal lo fm ountaciuntissto fffr otmh ree sotft hceo untry. Them outfha coeusti ntGoe rmanTyh.eo nloyt hweary i nf rom Austirsio anf oott hroutghhie n timidRaotcihnaagJn pdG emstel passaensa ,r duosulsob ge sstu itfeopdrr ofescsliiomnbaTelhr es . onloyt hweary i ni st ol eaAvues trdirait,vh er ouGgehr maannyd, entoenrt hreo afdr oOmb erstTdhoursfa,.l thotuhgAehu strian villoafSg ceh rociksoe nnlf yo umri laewsa ayst hcer oflwi etsog, e t thebryec arre quiajr oeusr onfea yb o1u1t0m ilaensda p assport. Thisc urigoeuosg rahpaghsiy vtehnse e ven-mivlael-lalenodyn g itfso ur vial sloamgeewsh at sacihrTiz.ho eci idt izaernlero yy al Austrians bgyAo uvsetrnrelidaa bwnu tth epya yi mpodrutt ies on Austrgioodasn a ndn onoen t horsreo Gme rmantyh;epo ilri caer e Austrbiuatn theiro fcfuisactriGoeaem lrssm atnh;ep iors tsatgaem ps arAeu strbiuaptna ifdo wri tGhe rmamno newyhi lteh emiari ils delivbeyGr eerdm vaann Tso.t oipat l tlh,e pseeo pwlheoo, r iginally camef roSmw itzerslpaenaadkd , i altehcaitts e quailnlcyo mpre­ hensitbotl heGe e rmaAnuss,t riaanndSs w,i ss. Quitaep afrrto tmh epseec uliaKrlietWiianel ss,e irsst paelc iaL Itsse ttinogff armlatnodwse,rm ionugn taainndvs i,l liasag seg sl o­ rioausas n iny three giaonnid,n fmilteetslrsya mmeled. Guesthouses arceo mparacthievaetplh,ype e opalrefe r ienadnldty h,e reex'cse l­ lenwta lkianlgot nhgpe a tlhesa doifntfgh mea irno aJdu.s dto n't tryt og etth efrreo Amu stria. DetaiKlsl:e Wianl seirsit naV lo ralabnedcr ogn tafionuvsri llages: RiezlHeirrns,c hBeagagda,,n dM ittelIbtle irjegus.sn to rotfht he mairno abde tweLeine chteannsdtI eninns brauncdik sa pproxi­ mate3l0my i lweess otfL akCeo nstaYnocue'n.le lea dg oomda pt o findi tT.h eo nlayp proiastc hhr outghhWe e sGte rmatno wonf Oberst(diotrasfnea ltft rarcetsiovarebt o)2u,h t o uarns1d 5 m inutes southowfeM sutn ibcyht rain. 2

Overview: The Palace Under the Alps, and Over 200 Other Unusual, Unspoiled, and Infrequently Visited Spots in 16 European Countries
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