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Preview The p-adic Kummer-Leopoldt constant - Normalized p-adic regulator

THE p-ADIC KUMMER–LEOPOLDT CONSTANT NORMALIZED p-ADIC REGULATOR by 7 1 Georges Gras 0 2 r p A 3 ] T Abstract. — The p-adic Kummer–Leopoldt constant κK of a number field K is N (assuming the Leopoldt conjecture) the least integer c such that for all n 0, any global unit of K, which is locally a pn+cth power at the p-places, is necess≫arily the . h pnth power of a global unit of K. This constant has been computed by Assim & t Nguyen Quang Do using Iwasawa’s techniques, after intricate studies and calcula- a m tions by many authors. We give an elementary p-adic proof and an improvement of these results, then a class field theory interpretation of κK. We give some ap- [ plications (includinggeneralizations ofKummer’slemma onregular pthcyclotomic 2 fields) and a natural definition of the normalized p-adic regulator for any K and v any p 2. This is done without analytical computations, using only class field ≥ 7 theory and especially the properties of the so-called p-torsion group K of Abelian 5 p-ramification theory over K. T 8 6 0 Résumé. — La constantep-adiquedeKummer–Leopoldt κK d’un corpsdenom- . bres K est (sous la conjecture de Leopoldt) le plus petit entier c tel que pour tout 1 n 0, toute unité globale de K, qui est localement une puissance pn+c-ième en 0 les≫p-places, est nécessairement puissance pn-ième d’une unité globale de K. Cette 7 constante a été calculée par Assim & Nguyen QuangDo en utilisant les techniques 1 d’Iwasawa, aprèsdesétudesetcalculs complexespardiversauteurs. Nousdonnons : v unepreuvep-adiqueélémentaire et unegénéralisation deces résultats, puisunein- i X terprétation corps declasses deκK. Nousdonnonscertaines applications (dont des généralisationsdulemmedeKummersurlesp-corpscyclotomiquesréguliers)etune r a définition naturelle du régulateur p-adique normalisé pour tous K & p 2. Ceci ≥ est fait sans calculs analytiques, en utilisant uniquementle corps de classes et tout spécialement les propriétés du fameux p-groupe de torsion K de la théorie de la T p-ramification Abéliennesur K. 1. Notations Let K be a number field and let p 2 be a prime number; we denote by p p the ≥ | prime ideals of K dividing p. Consider the group E of p-principal global units of K K (i.e., units ε 1(mod p)), so that the index of E in the group of units is ≡ p|p K prime to p. For each p p,Qlet K bethe p-completion of K and pthe corresponding p | prime ideal of the ring of integers of K ; then let p U := u K×, u= 1+x, x p & W := tor (U ), K ∈ p ∈ K Zp K n Lp|p Lp|p o the Z -module of principal local units at p and its torsion subgroup. p 2 NOTATIONS The p-adic logarithm log is defined on 1 + x, x p, by means of the series ∈ Lp|p log(1+x)= ( 1)i+1 xi K . Its kernel in U is W [15, Proposition 5.6]. p K K iP≥1 − i ∈ Lp|p We consider the diagonal embedding E U and its natural extension E K K K −−−→ ⊗ Z U whose image is E , the topological closure of E in U . p K K K K −−−→ In the sequel, these embeddings shall be understood; moreover, we assume in this paper that K satisfies the Leopoldt conjecture at p, which is equivalent to the condition rk (E ) = rk (E ) (see, e.g., [15, §5.5, p.75]). Zp K Z K 2. The Kummer–Leopoldt constant This notion comes from the Kummer lemma (see, e.g., [15, Theorem 5.36]), that is to say, if the odd prime number p is “regular”, the cyclotomic field K = Q(µ ) of p pth roots of unity satisfies the following property stated for the whole group E′ of K global units of K: any ε E′ , congruent to a rational integer modulo p, is a pth power in E′ . ∈ K K In fact, ε a (mod p) with a Z, implies εp−1 ap−1 1 (mod p). So we shall ≡ ∈ ≡ ≡ write the Kummer property with p-principal units in the more suitable equivalent statement: any ε E , congruent to 1 modulo p, is a pth power in E . K K ∈ From [1], [11], [13], [14], [16], [17] one can study this property and its general- izations with various techniques (see the rather intricate history in [2]). Give the following definition from [2]: Definition 2.1. — Let K be a number field satisfying the Leopoldt conjecture at the prime p 2. Let E be the group of p-principal global units of K and let U K K ≥ be the group of principal local units at the p-places. We call Kummer–Leopoldt constant (denoted κ =: κ), the smallest integer c such K that the following condition is fulfilled: pn+c pn for all n 0, any unit ε E , such that ε U , is necessarily in E . ≫ ∈ K ∈ K K Remark 2.1. — The existence of κ comes from various classical characterizations of Leopoldt’s conjecture proved for instance in [5, Theorem III.3.6.2], after [14], [11] and oldest Iwasawa papers. Indeed, if the Leopoldt conjecture is not satisfied, p pm we can find a sequence ε E E such that log(ε ) 0 (i.e., ε U W , n ∈ K \ K n → n ∈ K · K with m as n ); since W is finite, taking a suitable p-power of ε , we K n → ∞ → ∞ see that κ does not exist in that case. We shall prove (Theorem 3.1) that in the above definition, the condition “for all n 0” can be replaced by “for all n 0”, subject to introduce the group of global ≫ ≥ roots of unity of K and a suitable statement. We have the following first p-adic result giving pκ under the Leopoldt conjecture: Theorem 2.1. — Denote by E the group of p-principal global units of K, by K U the Z -module of principal local units at the p-places, and by W its torsion K p K subgroup. Let κ be the Kummer–Leopoldt constant (Definition 2.1). K Then pκK is the exponent of the finite group tor log(U )/log(E ) , where log Zp K K is the p-adic logarithm and E the topological clos(cid:0)ure of E in U (cid:1)(whence the K K K relation log(E )= Z log(E )). K p K 2 3 THE KUMMER–LEOPOLDT CONSTANT Proof. — Let pκ be the exponent of tor log(U )/log(E ) . Zp K K (cid:0) (cid:1) (i) (κ is suitable). Let n 0 and let ε E be such that K ≫ ∈ ε = upn+κ,u U . K ∈ Solog(u)isoffiniteordermodulolog(E )andlog(ε) = pn (pκ log(u)) = pn log(η) K · · · with η E . By definition of E , we can write in U , for all N 0, K K K ∈ ≫ η = η(N) u , η(N) E , u 1 (mod pN); N K N · ∈ ≡ we get log(ε) =pn log(η(N))+pn log(u ) giving in U N K · · ε = η(N)pn upn ξ , ξ W . · N · N N ∈ K But ξ is near 1 (depending on the choice of n 0), whence ξ = 1 for all N, N N and ε = η(N)pn u′ , u′ 1 as N ; so u′≫= ε η(N)−pn is a global unit, · N N → → ∞ N · arbitrary close to 1, hence, because of Leopoldt’s conjecture [5, Theorem III.3.6.2 pn (iii, iv)], of the form ϕ with ϕ E (recall that n is large enough, arbitrary, N N ∈ K but fixed), giving ε = η(N)pn ϕpn Epn. · N ∈ K (ii) (κ is the least solution). Suppose there exists an integer c < κ having the property given in Definition 2.1. Let u U be such that 0 K ∈ log(u ) is of order pκ in tor log(U )/log(E ) ; 0 Zp K K (cid:0) (cid:1) pκ then log(u )= log(ε ), ε E . This is equivalent to 0 0 0 ∈ K upκ = ε ξ = ε(N) u ξ , ε(N) E , u 1 (mod pN), ξ W , 0 0· 0 · N · 0 ∈ K N ≡ 0 ∈ K hence, for any n 0, upn+κ = ε(N)pn upn. Taking N large enough, but fixed, we ≫ 0 · N can suppose that u = vp2κ, v U near 1; because of the above relations, log(v) N K is of finite order modulo log(E ∈), thus log(vpκ) log(E ). This is sufficient, for K K ∈ u′ := u v−pκ, 0 0· to get log(u′) of order pκ modulo log(E ). So we can write: 0 K ε(N)pn = upn+κ u−pn = upn+κ (v−pκ)pn+κ = u′pn+κ Upn+(κ−c)+c, 0 · N 0 · 0 ∈ K but, by assumption on c applied to the global unit ε(N)pn, we obtain ε(N)pn = ηpn+(κ−c), η E ; 0 0 ∈ K thus, the above relation u′pn+κ = ε(N)pn = ηpn+(κ−c) yields: 0 0 pc log(u′) = log(η ) log(E ), · 0 0 ∈ K which is absurd since log(u′) is of order pκ modulo log(E ). 0 K 3. Interpretation of κ – Fundamental exact sequence K The following p-adic result is valid without any assumption on K and p: Lemma 3.1. — We have the exact sequence (from [5, Lemma 4.2.4]): log 1 W tor (E ) tor U E tor log U log(E ) 0. → K Zp K −−−→ Zp K K −−−→ Zp K K → (cid:14) (cid:0) (cid:14) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:14) (cid:1) 3 3 INTERPRETATION OF κ – FUNDAMENTAL EXACT SEQUENCE K Proof. — The surjectivity comes from the fact that if u U is such that K pnlog(u) = log(ε), ε E , then upn = ε ξ for ξ W , hence∈there exists m n K K such that upm E ,∈whence u gives a pr·eimage in∈tor U E . ≥ ∈ K Zp K K (cid:0) (cid:14) (cid:1) If u U is such that log(u) log(E ), then u= ε ξ as above, giving the kernel K K ∈ ∈ · equal to E W /E = W /tor (E ). K · K K K Zp K Corollary 3.1. — Let µ be the group of global roots of unity of p-power order of K K. Then, under the Leopoldt conjecture for p in K, we have tor (E ) = µ ; thus in Zp K K that case W tor (E ) = W /µ . K Zp K K K (cid:14) Proof. — From [5, Corollary III.3.6.3], [9, Définition 2.11, Proposition 2.12]. Put := W /µ & := tor log(U )/log(E ) . WK K K RK Zp K K (cid:0) (cid:1) Then the exact sequence of Lemma 3.1 becomes: log 1 tor U E 0. −→ WK −−−→ Zp K K −−−→RK −→ (cid:0) (cid:14) (cid:1) Consider the following diagram (see [5], §III.2, (c), Fig.2.2), under the Leopoldt conjecture for p in K: K T ′ TK reg pr K KH H H K K K K K ≃R ≃W e e K H H ≃UK/EK K K ∩ e ℓK ≃C K where K is the compositum of the Z -extensions, ℓ the p-class group, H the p- p K K pr C Hilbert class field, H the maximal Abelian p-ramified (i.e., unramified outside p) e K pro-p-extension, of K. These definitions are given in the ordinary sense when p = 2 (so that the real infinite places of K are not complexified (= are unramified) in the class fields under consideration which are “real”). pr By class field theory, Gal(H /H ) U /E in which the image of fixes K K ≃ K K WK reg reg H , the Bertrandias–Payan field, Gal(H /K) beingthentheBertrandias–Payan K K module, except possibly if p = 2 in the “special case” (cf. [2] about the calculation e of κ and the Références in [6] for some history about this module). But givingκ has,apriori,nothingtodowiththedefinitionoftheBertrandias– RK K Payan module associated with pr-cyclic extensions of K, r 1, which are embed- ≥ dable in cyclic p-extensions of K of arbitrary large degree. Then we put ′ := tor (Gal(Hpr/H )) := tor (Gal(Hpr/K)). The group TK Zp K K ⊆ TK Zp K reg is then isomorphic to Gal(H /KH ). Of course, for p p (explicit), = RK K K ≥ 0 WK [H : K H ] = 1, whence = . We shall see in the Section 5 that K ∩ K RK e TK ′ / is closely related to the classical p-adic regulator of K. RK ≃ TeK WK 4 3 INTERPRETATION OF κ – FUNDAMENTAL EXACT SEQUENCE K Corollary 3.2. — Under the Leopoldt conjecture for p in K, the Kummer– reg Leopoldt constant κ of K is 0 if and only if = 1 (i.e., H = KH ). K RK K K Proof. — From Theorem 2.1 usingthenew terminology of the“algeberaic regulator” := tor log(U )/log(E ) whose exponent is pκ. RK Zp K K (cid:0) (cid:1) Corollary 3.3. — If the prime number p is regular, then κ = 0 for the field K K = Q(µ ) of pth roots of unity, and any unit ε E such that ε 1 (mod p) is p K p ∈ ≡ in E (Kummer’s lemma). K Proof. — (i) We first prove that if the real unit ε is congruent to 1 modulo p then it is a pth power in U . Put ε = 1 + α p for a p-integer α K×. Let K K 0 · ∈ be the maximal real subfield of K and let π be an uniformizing parameter of its 0 p-completion. Put α = a + β π with a [0,p 1] and a p-integer β. Since 0 0 0 · ∈ − N (ε) = 1, this yields a = 0, whence ε= 1+β p π . The valuation of p π , K0/Q 0 · · 0 · 0 calculated in K, is p+1, which is sufficient to get ε Up (use [15, Proposition ∈ K 5.7]). (ii) Then we prove that κ = 0. The cyclotomic field K = Q(µ ) is p-regular and p p-rationalinthemeaningof[4,Théorème&Définition2.1],so = 1givingκ= 0. K T In other words, κ = 0 is given by a stronger condition (p-rationality of K) than = 1. K R One may preferably use the general well-known p-rank formula (the p-rank rk (A) p ofafiniteAbeliangroupAistheF -dimensionofA/Ap),validforanyfieldK under p the Leopoldt conjecture, when the group µ of pth roots of unity is nontrivial [5, K Proposition III.4.2.2]: rkp(TK) = rkp(CℓSKKres)+#SK −1, where S is the set of prime ideals of K above p and ℓSKres the S -class group in K C K K the restricted sense (when p = 2) equal to the quotient of the p-class group of K in the restricted sense by the subgroup generated by the classes of ideals of S ; so for K K = Q(µ ), we immediately get rk ( ) = rk ( ℓ ), which is by definition trivial p p TK p C K for regular primes. Theorem 3.1. — Let κ be the Kummer-Leopoldt constant of K (Definition 2.1) K and let pν be the exponent of = W /µ , where W = tor (U ) and µ is WK K K K Zp K K the group of global roots of unity of K of p-power order.(1) The property defining κ can be improved as follows: K (i) If ν 1, for all n 0, any ε E such that ε Upn+κK is necessarily of the form ε=≥ζ ηpn, with ζ≥ µ W∈pn,Kη E . ∈ K · ∈ K ∩ K ∈ K (ii) If ν = 0, for all n 0, any ε E being in Upn+κK is necessarily in Epn. ≥ ∈ K K K Proof. — Let n 0. Supposethat ε = upn+κ, u U . So log(ε) =pn pκ log(u) = K ≥ ∈ · · pn log(η), η E ; thus η = η(N) u , with η(N) E , u 1 (mod pN), for K N K N · ∈ · ∈ ≡ all N 0, and log(ε) = pn log(η(N))+pn log(u ) giving in U N K ≫ · · ε = η(N)pn upn ξ , ξ W , for all N 0. · N · N N ∈ K ≫ Taking N in a suitable infinite subset of N, we can suppose ξ = ξ independent of N N . Then ξ = ε η(N)−pn u−pn tor (E ), whence ξ = ζ µ because → ∞ · · N ∈ Zp K ∈ K of Leopoldt’s conject(cid:0)ure (loc. cit(cid:1). in proof of Corollary 3.1). Then (1)In thecase ν =0, if µK =1, then µKp =1 ∀p∈SK; if µK 6=1, then SK ={p} & µKp =µK. 5 4 INTERPRETATION OF κ – FUNDAMENTAL EXACT SEQUENCE K upn+κ = ε = η(N)pn upn ζ = η(N)pn u′ ζ, u′ ( E ) 1 as N , · N · · N · N ∈ K → → ∞ whence ε of the form η(N)pn ϕpn ζ, ϕ E , for N 0. So ε = ζ ηpn, with η E and ζ = ε η−pn µ · NW·pn, siNnc∈e ε iKs a local p≫nth power. · ∈ K · ∈ K ∩ K If ν = 0, W = µ and ζ µ Wpn = µpn is a pnth power. K K ∈ K ∩ K K 4. Remarks and applications Asabove, weassumetheLeopoldtconjectureforpinthefieldsunderconsideration. (a) The condition ε Upn+κ = Upn+κ, where U := 1+p, may be translated, ∈ K p p Lp|p in the framework of Kummer’s lemma, into a less precise condition of the form ε 1 (mod pmp(n,κ)) for suitable minimal exponents m (n,κ) giving local ≡ p|p p pn+κth powersQ. This was usedby most ofthe cited references with p-adic analytical calculations using the fact that # K is, roughly speaking, a product “class number” T “regulator” fromp-adicL-functions,givinganupperboundforκ(itistheanalytic × way used in [16] and [13] to generalize Kummer’s lemma when p is not regular). (b) If = 1 (in which case κ = 0), the field K is said to be a p-rational field (see K T [5, §IV.3], [4], [10], [12]). Then in any p-primitively ramified p-extension L of K (definition and examples in [5, §IV.3, (b); §IV.3.5.1], after [8, Theorem 1, §II.2]), we get = 1 whence κ = 0. TL L The following examples illustrate this principle: (i) The pm-cyclotomic fields. The above applies for the fields Km := Q(µpm) of pm-roots of unity when the prime p is regular, since we have seen that = 1. TQ(µp) (ii) Some p-rational p-extensions of Q (p = 2 and p = 3). The following fields have a Kummer-Leopoldt constant κ = 0 ([5, Example IV.3.5.1], after [8, §III]): – The real Abelian 2-extensions of Q, subfields of the fields Q(µ2∞)·Q(√ℓ), ℓ ≡ 3 (mod 8), and Q(µ2∞)·Q(cid:18)r√ℓ a−2√ℓ (cid:19), ℓ =a2+4b2 ≡ 5 (mod 8). – The real Abelian 3-extensions of Q, subfields of the fields Q(µ3∞)·kℓ, ℓ ≡ 4, 7 (mod 9), where k is the cyclic cubic field of conductor ℓ. ℓ (c) When µ = 1, the formula giving rk ( ), used in the proof of Kummer’s K p TK lemma (Corollary 3.3), must be replaced by a formula deduced from the “reflection theorem”: let K′ := K(ζ ), where ζ is a primitive pth root of unity; then p p rk ( ) = rk ℓSK′res + δ δ, p TK ω(cid:0)C K′ (cid:1) Pp|p p− which links the p-rank of K tothat of the ω-component of the p-group of SK′-ideal T classes of the field K′, where ω is the Teichmüller character of Gal(K′/K), δ := 1 p or 0 according as the completion K contains ζ or not, δ := 1 or 0 according as p p ζ K or not (so that ω = 1 if and only if ζ K). p p ∈ ∈ (d) Unfortunately, pκ may be less than # K (hence a fortiori less than # K) due R T to the unknown group structure of ; as usual, when K/Q is Galois with Galois K R group G, the study of its G-structure may give more precise information: Indeed, to simplify assume p > 2 unramified in K, so that log(U ) is isomorphic K to O , the direct sum of the rings of integers of the K , p p; if η =:1+p α E K p K | · ∈ generates a sub-G-module of E , of index prime to p (such a unit does exist since K E Q is a monogenic Q[G]-module; cf. [5, Corollary I.3.7.2 & Remark I.3.7.3]), K ⊗ 6 5 REMARKS AND APPLICATIONS the structure of can be easily deduced from the knowledge of P(α) 1log(η) RK ≡ p modulo a suitable power of p, where P(α) is a rational polynomial expression of α generatingasub-G-moduleofO ;thusmanynumerical examplesmaybeobtained. K (e) We have given in [7, §8.6] a conjecture saying that, in any fixed number field K, we have = 1 for all p 0, giving conjecturally κ= 0 for all p 0. K T ≫ ≫ 5. Normalized p-adic regulator of a number field The previous Section 3 shows that the good notion of p-adic regulator comes from the expression of the p-adic finite group associated with the class field theory K reg R interpretation of Gal(H /KH ). K K For this, recall that E is the topological closure, in the Z -module U of principal K e p K local units at p, of the group of p-principal global units of K, and log the p-adic logarithm: Definition 5.1. — Let K be any number field and let p 2 be any prime number. ≥ Under the Leopoldt conjecture for p in K, we call := tor log(U )/log(E ) RK Zp K K (or its order # K) the normalized p-adic regulator of K. (cid:0) (cid:1) R We have in the simplest case of totally real number fields (from Coates’s formula [3, Appendix] and also [5, Remarks III.2.6.5] for p = 2): Proposition 5.1. — For any totally real number field K = Q, we have, under the 6 Leopoldt conjecture for p in K, 1 Zp :log(NK/Q(UK)) RK #RK ∼ 2 · (cid:0) #WK · p|pNp (cid:1) · √DK, Q where means equality up to a p-adic unit factor, where R is the usual p-adic K ∼ regulator [15, §5.5] and D the discriminant of K. 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