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Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 The oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian Sea during 1995 J.M. Morrison!,*, L.A. Codispoti", Sharon L. Smith#, Karen Wishner$, Charles Flagg%, Wilford D. Gardner&, Steve Gaurin", S.W.A. Naqvi’, Vijayakumar Manghnani!, Linda Prosperie", Jan S. Gundersen& !DepartmentofMarine,EarthandAtmosphericSciences,NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,Raleigh, NC27695-8208,USA "CenterforCoastalPhysicalOceanography,OldDominionUniversity,Norfolk,VA23529,USA #RosentielSchoolofMarineandAtmosphericScience,UniversityofMiami,Miami,FL33149,USA $GraduateSchoolofOceanography,UniversityofRhodeIsland,Narragansett,RI02882,USA %OceanographicandAtmosphericScienceDivision,BrookhavenNationalLaboratory,Upton,NY11973,USA &DepartmentofOceanography,TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation,TX77843-3146,USA ’NationalInstituteofOceanography,Dona-Paula,Goa403004,India Received10October1997;receivedinrevisedform8May1998;accepted15August1998 Abstract Thispaperfocusesonthecharacteristicsoftheoxygenminimumzone(OMZ)asobservedin theArabianSeaoverthecompletemonsooncycleof1995.Dissolvedoxygen,nitrite,nitrateand densityvaluesareusedtodelineatetheOMZ,aswellasidentifyregionswheredenitri"cationis observed.ThesuboxicconditionswithinthenorthernArabianSeaaredocumented,aswellas biologicalandchemicalconsequencesofthisphenomenon.Overall,theconditionsfoundinthe suboxicportionofthewatercolumnintheArabianSeawerenotgreatlydi!erentfromwhat has been reported in the literature with respect to oxygen, nitrate and nitrite distributions. Withinthemainthermocline,portionsoftheOMZwerefoundthatweresuboxic(oxygenless than&4.5lM)andcontainedsecondarynitritemaximawithconcentrationsthatsometimes exceeded6.0lM,suggestingactivenitratereductionanddenitri"cation.Althoughtheremay have been a reduction in the degree of suboxia during the Southwest monsoon, a dramatic seasonalitywasnotobserved,ashasbeensuggestedbysomepreviouswork.Inparticular,there wasnotmuchevidencefortheoccurrenceofsecondarynitritemaximainwaterswithoxygen *Correspondingauthor.Fax:001-919-515-7802. E-mailaddress:john}[email protected](J.M.Morrison) 0967-0645/99/$-seefrontmatter ( 1999ElsevierScienceLtd.Allrightsreserved. PII: S0967-0645(99)00048-X 1904 J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 concentrationsgreaterthan4.5lM.WatersinthenorthernArabianSeaappeartoaccumulate largernitratede"citsduetolongerresidencetimeseventhoughthedenitri"cationratemight be lower, as evident in the reduced nitrite concentrations in the northern part of the basin. Organism distributions showed string relationships to the oxygen pro"les, especially in locations where the OMZ was pronounced, but the biological responses to the OMZ varied with type of organism. The regional extent of intermediate nepheloid layers in our data corresponds well with the region of the secondary nitrite maximum. This is a region of denitri"cation, and the presence and activities of bacteria are assumed to cause the increase in particles. ADCP acoustic backscatter measurementsshow diel vertical migration of plankton or nekton and movement into the OMZ. Daytime acoustic returns from depth were strong, and the dawn sinking and dusk rise of the fauna were obvious. However, at night the biomass remaining in the suboxic zone was so low that no ADCP signal wasdetectableat thesedepths.Thereareat leasttwogroupsoforganisms,onethatstays in theuppermixedlayerandanotherthatmakesdailyexcursions.Asubsurfacezooplanktonpeak inthelowerOMZ(near thelower4.5lMoxycline)wasalsotypicallypresent;these animals occurreddayandnightanddidnotverticallymigrate. ( 1999ElsevierScienceLtd.Allrights reserved. 1. Introduction This paper focuses on the characteristics of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) observed in the Arabian Sea over the complete monsoon cycle of 1995. Dissolved oxygen,nitrate,nitrite and density valuesare usedto delineate the OMZ, as well as identifyregionswhere denitri"cationis observed.The suboxicconditionswithin the northern Arabian Sea are documented, as well as biological and chemical conse- quences of this phenomenon. The oxygen de"cient waters of the oxygen minimum zone(OMZ)areimportantbecauseinextremelylowoxygenenvironments,denitri"- cationis aprominentrespiratoryprocessthatconvertsnitrate,whichis inaformof nitrogen readily available to most plants, into free nitrogen gas, which most plants cannotuse.ThatthisprocessisimportantintheArabianSeaisdemonstratedbythe widespread occurrence of nitrate de"cits (i.e., the di!erence between the nitrate concentrationsexpectedif therewerenodenitri"cationandthesumoftheobserved nitrateandnitriteconcentrations),ameasureoftheamountofinorganicnitrogenthat has been converted into free nitrogen gas (Naqvi, 1994). Richards (1965) showed that several important biogeochemical changes are in- volvedinthechangefrom oxic to anoxic conditions.The"rstoftheseprocessesis ‘ a ‘ a thatduringoxygendepletion,facultativebacteriaswitchovertotheuseofnitrateions foroxidationoforganicmatter.Nitrateisreducedtomolecularnitrogen,withnitrite asoneof severalintermediates.In theocean,themajorend-productisfreenitrogen. This process, called denitri"cation is a major component of the nitrogen cycle (see Naqvi,1994).Onlynitrogen-"xingplantsuse freenitrogen,so denitri"cationrepres- entsa sink forcombinednitrogenvis-a‘-vistherequirementsofmostphytoplankton. ‘ a ThesuboxiczonesintheArabianSeacompriseoneofthethreemajorwatercolumn denitri"cation sites in the world ocean (e.g., Codispoti, 1989) and have an annual J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 1905 denitri"cation rate of 10}30TgNyr~1 (Mantoura et al., 1993; Naqvi et al., 1992). After an almost complete removal of nitrate and nitrite from the ocean, sulfate ions serve as the next preferred reduction substrate, leading to production of hydrogen sul"deortrueanoxicconditions.Thisstageismostoftenreachedinbottomsediments andrarelyisreachedintheopenocean.Regionswhichexperiencedenitri"cationbut no hydrogen sul"de production are referred to as suboxic . ‘ a Strong OMZs have substantialimpacts on abundanceand distributionof pelagic organisms (Vinogradov and Voronina, 1961; Longhurst, 1967; Brinton, 1979; Weikert, 1982; Sameoto, 1986; BoKttger-Schnack, 1996; Saltzman and Wishner, 1997a,b),which,inturn,mayhaveimportantconsequencesforcarboncyclingandthe vertical #ux (Wishner et al., 1990,1995,1998). In the Arabian Sea during the US JGOFSstudy,organismdistributionsshowedstrongrelationshipstooxygenconcen- trations, especially in locations where the OMZ was pronounced; but the bio- logicalresponsestotheOMZvariedwiththetypeoforganism.Also,waterswithhigh nitratede"cits have a reduced potential to support phytoplanktongrowth and N/P ratiosarelowintheArabianSea(Morrisonetal.,1998).Therefore,itisimportantto know the temporal and spatial variability of oxygen de"cient conditions in the Arabian Sea. In this paper, the OMZ structure of the Arabian Sea over a complete annual (monsoonal)cycleispresentedusinganinternallyconsistent,high-qualitydatasetas an aid to the interpretation of the US JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study results. Overall, the conditions found in the suboxic portion of the water column in the ArabianSeawerenotgreatlydi!erentfromwhathas beenreportedintheliterature with respect to oxygen, nitrate and nitrite distributions. The areas where we are con"rmingtheresultsofotherinvestigators,aswellaswhereourresultsdi!erwiththe results of others, are discussed. Finally, some preliminary results on the biological e!ectsoftheOMZarediscussed.Thepresenceofaveryhighbiomassofdielvertical migrators that moved between the surface waters at night and the suboxic waters during the day was a surprising "nding from the US JGOFS sampling. 2. Scienti5c background Thesemi-annualreversalin windstress associatedwiththe monsoon,water mass intrusionsfrommarginalseasandtheotheroceans,andthefactthatthisbasinhasno openingtothenorthandthereforenosubtropicalconvergenceordeepwaterforma- tion, give the upper waters of the Arabian Sea a unique thermohalinestructure and circulation (Wyrtki, 1971; Morrison and Olson, 1992; Morrison et al., 1998). The complex water mass structure is due in part to advection and interleaving of water masses,andinparttoformationofhigh-salinitywatersintheRedSea,PersianGulf andnorthernportionofthebasic(ArabianSeaWater)thatsinktomoderatedepthsin thecentralbasin.Wyrtki(1971)providedanoverallviewofwatermassstructurefor the Indian Ocean. More detailed discussions of the water masses in the northern Arabian Sea are given in Morrison et al. (1998), Morrison and Olson (1992) and in severalofthereferencesmentionedtherein.Withrespecttotheoxygenminimumzone 1906 J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 (OMZ)and,inparticular,thesuboxicportionoftheOMZ,somebasiccharacteristics need to be understood. (1) Theupper boundary of the OMZoften occurs atsigma-theta values(&24.8p ) h thatarecharacteristicofthesalinitymaximumofArabianSeaWater(ASW).This featurehas a maximumdepth of &150min the northernArabianSea. During theNEmonsoon,thiswatermasscanbereplenishedbyconvectiveprocessesin thenorthernArabianSea(Morrisonetal.,1998).Thus,theupperboundaryofthe OMZ receives some direct re-oxygenation as a consequence of evaporative cooling and convection during the NE monsoon. Lower salinity water with p values in the range of ASW reaches the sea surface in coastal upwelling that h occursduringtheSWmonsoonalongthecoastofOman(Morrisonetal.,1998), andconvectivemixingofthesewatersunderthestrongwindsoftheSWmonsoon should also help to re-oxygenate the upper waters of the OMZ. (2) The core of the suboxic layers with elevated nitrite values is more or less ‘ a coincident with the salinity maximum layer of Persian Gulf Water (PGW) that has its core at a density of &26.6p . Pure, high-salinity PGW mixes quickly ‘ a h with ambient waters in the northern Arabian Sea so that the out#ow from the PersianGulfisactuallyonlyaminorcomponentofthiswatermass,butitgivesit asalinitymarkerthatappearstobecloselyassociatedwiththesuboxicportions of the OMZ (Morrison et al., 1998). (3) ThebottomofthesuboxicportionsoftheOMZareroughlycoincidentwiththe characteristic density (&27.2p ) of Red Sea Water (RSW). This high-salinity h out#ow from the Red Sea sinks to depths of &750m and forms a salinity maximuminportionsoftheIndianOcean.Thismaximumisweakorabsentfrom our stations in the northern Arabian Sea, suggesting that RSW mixes quickly with other water masses found at this density within the Arabian Sea, such as IndianCentralWater(YouandTomczak,1993)andNorthIndianIntermediate Water (Kumar and Li, 1996). (4) Warren (1994) reviewed evidence that suggests new production in the Arabian Seaisnotanomalouslylarge,andisthereforenotamajorfactoringeneratingthe suboxic layer. He suggested that physical factors, such as the distance from the oxygensources,wereprobablymoreimportant.Whilehisviewhasmerit,recent results (Smith et al., 1998) may cause upward revision in estimates. (5) Thecombinationofrelativelyweakaeration,presumablyarisingfromacombina- tionoflackofanopeningtothenorth,sub-thermoclinesourcewatersthathave naturallylowdissolvedoxygencontentoriginatingintheSouthernOcean(Swal- low,1984;YouandTomczak,1993;Warren,1981)orBandaSea(Swallow,1984), and relatively high biological productivity combine to create suboxic waters. Fig.1showsthestandardUSJGOFSArabianSeastationsamplinggridinrelation to the zone (shaded area) where the work of Naqvi and colleagues (e.g., Naqvi, 1991,1994) suggests that average secondary nitrite maximum values are *1lM. These features are called secondary nitrite maxima because they normally occur deeperinthewatercolumnthantheprimarynitritemaximathatareatypicalfeature J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 1907 Fig.1. LocationandnamesofthestandardstationpositionfortheUSJGOFSArabianSeaProcessStudy. The shaded region underlying the station grid gives a depiction of the horizontal extent of the quasi- permanentsecondarynitritemaximumregionsdescribedbyNaqvi(1991). near the base of the photic zone and which arise from phytoplankton reduction of nitrate, nitri"cation, or both (Codispoti and Christensen, 1985). Such nitrite concentrations in suboxic water (dissolved oxygen [0.1ml/l or [4.5lM or [4.5lmolkg~1) indicate that denitri"cation is a prominent respiratory process. Naqviet al.(1992)pointoutthat,unlikethedenitri"cationzoneo!Peru(Codispoti andPackard,1980),thezonesof lowest oxygenand highest primaryproductionare geographicallyseparatedintheArabianSea.TheshadedregioninFig.1indicatesthe horizontalextentofthemaindenitri"cationzone,anditisobviousthatitlieso!shore oftheupwellingthatismostintenseadjacenttotheArabianPeninsula.Thissituation has led to speculation about how organic matter is supplied to the denitri"cation zone,andtheassumptionisthathorizontalprocessesareimportantinsupplyingsuch material(Naqviet al.,1992). It also shouldbe notedthat transientsecondarynitrite maxima occur outside of the shaded zone (Morrison et al., 1998). 3. Data and methods Theprimaryplatformforthe USJGOFSArabianSea ProcessStudy (ASPS)was theR/VThomasG.Thompson;hence,thecruisedesignationsappearasTN0XXwhere 1908 J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 Table1 JGOFSArabianSeaprocessstudycrusies Cruise Dates Monsoonperiod TN039 09/17/94}10/07/95 FallIntermonsoon TN043 01/08/95}02/11/95 lateNEmonsoon TN045 03/14/95}04/08/95 SpringIntermonsoon TN049 07/18/95}08/13/95 mid-SWmonsoon TN050 08/14/95}09/13/95 lateSWmonsoon TN053 10/29/95}11/25/95 FallIntermonsoon TN054 11/30/95}12/28/95 earlyNEmonsoon XX represents the cruise number. The ASPS occupied a standard sampling grid (Fig. 1) comprised of a mixture of short, intermediate and long stations. In general, morethanonehydrographiccastwasmadeateverystation,and,atthelongstations, many (often ’10) casts were made with the hydrographic rosette. Sometimes, the ship was allowed to drift during the long stations in order to follow drifting arrays. Most of the casts were within 2}5km of the standard locations. All of the hydro- graphic,dissolvedoxygenandnutrientdatacollected,aswellasthestandardmethods employedtocollectandcalibratethesedata,canbefoundintheUSJGOFSProgram Database at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (http://www1.whoi.edu/ jgofs.html). The ASPS was unique in that it collected areally extensive, high-quality hydrographicdataduringacompleteannualmonsoonalcycle(Table1).Foramore complete description of the hydrographic data see Morrison et al. (1998). With the exception of a few observations taken with larger volume Niskin or Go-FlobottlesduringTN039(theset-upand calibrationcruise),all ofthedissolved oxygen and nutrient data discussed in this paper were taken with a hydrographic rosetteequippedwith2410-lNiskinbottles.Ingeneral,themethodsemployedforthe bottlesalinity,Winklerdissolvedoxygen,andnutrientanalysesdidnotdi!ersigni"- cantlyfromthose described inthe US JGOFSprotocols(SCOR, 1996).Inaddition, azidewasaddedtotheWinkleroxygenpicklingreagentstodestroynitritethatcanbe present in relatively high concentrations in the Arabian Sea. On cruises prior to TN050,oxygenstandardizationswererunusingreagentsthat didnotcontainazide, but discussions and tests suggested that it would be preferable to standardize with azide,despitesomeconfusionintheliteratureonthismatter.Weswitchedprocedures beginning with cruise TN050. Tests suggest that the maximum change in oxygen concentrationsarisingfromthischangewouldoccuratthehighestoxygenconcentra- tions and be &0.5lM or less. Traditionally, the co-occurrence of low Winkler oxygen concentrations and high nitritelevelshavebeenuseddeterminetheextentofoxygende"cientzones.Winkler oxygen methods tend to give high results at low concentrations found in oxygen de"cient zones (e.g., Broenkow and Cline, 1969; Codispoti and Christensen, 1985). During TN039, comparisons were made between the colorimetric dissolved oxygen methodofBroenkowandCline,whichisdesignedtosamplethe0to&25lMrange, J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 1909 Fig.2. ComparisonoftheScrippsInstituteofOceanography/OceanographicDataFacility(SIO/ODF) automated Winkler titration method with the low-concentration colorimetric method developed by BroenkowandCline(1969)duringtheJGOFSArabianSeaset-upandcalibrationcrusise,TN039. and the automated Winkler method developed by personnel of the oceanographic data facility (ODF) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The results of this comparison(Fig.2)suggestthatanybiaswaslessthan&0.05lM.Sea-waterblanks were run in only a few cases, so the oxygen data in this report are (as usual) not correctedforsuchblanks.TheprecisionoftheSIOWinklermethodalsoappearsto be better than &0.05ml/l (&2.3lM) in the low range (Fig. 2). Therefore, we have con"denceintheuseoftheWinklerandnitritedatatostudytheextentanddegreeof oxygende"cientconditionsin the eastern ArabianSea using datafrom all available US JGOFS cruises. These measurementsare precise enough to measure values that are near the threshold values of 1.2}3.8lM required for the onset of denitri"cation (Devol, 1978). Hydrographic pro"les during the JGOFS process cruises generally included a transmissometer and #uorometer interfaced with the CTD to measure beam attenuationduetoparticles(c )andchlorophylla#uorescence.Adetaileddescription 1 ofthemethodsusedandthedistributionofthesetwoparametersintheupper150m 1910 J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 of the Arabian Sea can be found in Gundersen et al. (1998). Beam attenuation is correlated approximately linearly with the mass abundance of particulate matter [20lM, so it is good proxy for the abundance of most small plankton, including bacteriaZ0.5lM (Paket al.,1988;Chung et al.,1996). Zooplanktonwerecollected usingMOCNESStows(seeWishneretal.,1998;andSmithetal.,1998,forprocessing andcalibrationdetails).Anoxygensensor(SeabirdSBE13)wasincludedamongthe suite of instruments on the deep MOCNESS. Backscatter intensity data from the acoustic Doppler current pro"ler (ADCP) were calibrated (Flagg and Smith, 1985; Flagg and Kim, 1998) and corrected for square-law-spreading and attenuation. 4. Results and discussion 4.1. Thickness of the oxygen dexcit zone Fig.3 shows thethickness of the oxygende"cit zone andits position in the water column relative to the sea surface. The 4.5lM suboxic boundary (delineated in ‘ a Fig.3bybars)isanimportantbiologicalboundarywhereoxygenapparentlybecomes physiologicallylimitingtomany bacteria,causingashiftfromoxygenrespirationto nitratereductionanddenitri"cation(Devol,1978).Oxygenbecomeslimitingformany higher organisms at even higher levels, resulting in their exclusion from this zone, exceptfortemporaryresidencebyverticalmigratorsasdiscussedlaterin this paper. Vertical sections of the distribution of temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and nitrite are used in order to investigate the vertical distribution of the OMZ and the resultingareasofdenitri"cation.SectionstakenduringtheheightoftheNEmonsoon andSWmonsoonarepresentedastypicalfortheentiremonsooncycle.Whilethereis considerable variability, no seasonal trend associated with the monsoon is readily observable. This might be expected as the OMZ is located directly below a strong permanentthermocline.Unfortunately,nodataweretakenwithintheGulfofOman or within 100nm of the Indian coast. Therefore, we will be able to discuss the relationshipof thesuboxicanddenitri"cationzoneswith theOmanupwellingzone, but not be able to map the distributions in the entire northeastern Arabian Sea. Temperature,dissolvedoxygen,nitrateandnitritedistributionsalongthenorthern ASPSsectionduringtheNEmonsoon(TN043)andduringtheSWmonsoon(TN050) arepresentedinFigs.4and5,respectively.Typically,aweektoaweekandahalfwas requiredtocompleteasection,whichcouldleadtosomeoftheobservedvariability. The temperature sections display a strong permanent thermocline at approximately 100m. The surface mixed layer is approximately 80}100m thick during the NE monsoon, shoaling to less than 50m in the central basin during the SW monsoon. UpwellingandnomixedlayerwereobservedbetweenstationsN1}N3duringtheSW monsoon. In addition, mixed layer temperatures greater than 253C begin south of stationN8duringtheNEmonsoon,whileseasonalheatingwarmedthemixedlayer during the SW monsoon, so that temperatures in excess of 253C were found as far north as station N2. Below the main thermocline, the isotherms are essentially horizontal during the late NE monsoon, while during the late SW monsoon, the J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 1911 Fig.3. Thicknessofthesuboxic(oxygende"cit)zonesasseenattheASPSstations.This"gureshowsthe depthrangeswherethedissolvedoxygenislessthan4.5lM(0.1ml/l).ThethicknessoftheOMZandthe existenceofrelativeoxygenmaxima(whitespaceinthebar)withinthezonerelativetotheseasurfaceare shown.(+indicatestheseasurfaceand*indicateswherenosuboxiczonewasobserved.) 1 isothermsdecreaseindepththefurtherthestationiso!thecoastofOman,indicating broad southward #ow through this section during the SW Monsoon. The suboxic zone(oxygenconcentrationslessthan&4.5lM)isobservedalongtheentirelength of this section. It varies in thickness from approximately 1000m along the Oman coast to approximately 800m at the southernmost station along this section. In 1912 J.M.Morrisonetal./Deep-SeaResearchII46(1999)1903}1931 Fig.4. Temperature,dissolvedoxygen,nitrateandnitritedistributionsalongthenothernJGOFSsection duringtheNEmonsoon(TN043). addition, along the Oman coast a subsurface tongue of water with slightly higher oxygen content a subsurface tongue of water with slightly higher oxygen content associatedwithout#owfromthePersianGulfisobservedat200}300m.Thenitrate minimumis observed at approximately250m along this section.Nitrate concentra- tionslessthan20lMarefoundasfarnorthasN4duringtheNEmonsoon.During the Intermonsoon and early SW monsoon (not shown here), nitrate concentrations lessthan20lMarefoundonlyasfarnorthasstationN6.BythelateSWmonsoon, concentrationsless than 20lM are once againfound as far north as N4.Secondary nitritemaxima, withconcentrationsinexcessof0.5lMareobservedasfarnorth as station N4 during the entire year. There is considerable variability within this maximum, but in general the largest concentrations, indicating perhaps the highest denitri"cationrates(CodispotiandPackard,1980),areobservedatthesouthernend ofthesection.Thenitrateminimumandnitritemaximumoccuratapproximatelythe same depth, but the two do not coincidelaterally; the highest nitrite concentrations occur near the southern end of the section. Nitrite concentrations re#ect ongoing

the Arabian Sea over the complete monsoon cycle of 1995 feature has a maximum depth of &150 m in the northern Arabian Sea. Mantoura, R.F.C., Law, C.S., Owens, N.J.P., Burkill, P.H., Woodward, E.M.S., Howland, R.J.M.,.
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