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THE OXFO RD HA NDBOOK OF THES ELF Editbeyd SHAUNG ALLAGHER OXFORD UNIVERSITPYR ESS OXFORD UNIVERSITYP RESS GreaCtl arendSotnr eOextf,o rodx 26 DP OxforUdn iverPsrietsiyss a d epartmoefnt th eU niverosfiO txyf ord. Itfu rthetrhseU niversoibtjye'csto ifev xec elliennr cees earscchh,o larship, C ande ducatbiyop nu blishwionrgl dwiidne ON TENTS OxforNde wY ork AucklaCnadp eT ownD are sS alaaHmo ngK ongK arachi KualLau mpurM adriMde lbourMneexi coC itNya irobi NewD elhSih anghTaaii pTeoir onto Witho fficeisn Liosfct o ntributors lX ArgentAiunsat rBiraa zCihli lCez ecRhe publFirca ncGer eece GuatemaHluan garIyt aJlayp aPno lanPdo rtugSailn gapore SoutKho reSaw itzerTlhaanidl aTnudr keUyk raiVniee tnam IntroducAt iDoinv:e rsoifSt eyl ves I Oxforidsa r egistterraedmdea rko fO xforUdn iverPsrietsys SHAUNG ALLAGHER int heU K andi nc ertaoitnh ecro untries Publisihnet dh eU niteSdt ates byO xforUdn iverPsrietsIysn cN.e,w Y ork © Thes evecroanlt rib2u0t1o1r s Them orarli ghotfts h ea uthohrasv bee eans serted I SELF: BEGINNINGS ANBDA SICS Databarsieg Ohxtf orUdn iverPsriets(ysm aker) 1.Hi stoarsPy r ologWuees:t eTrhne orioefts h eS elf 33 Firpsutb lis2h0e1d1 JoHNB ARREASNID R AYMONMDA RTIN Alrli ghrtess ervNeodp .a rotft hipsu blicamtaiyob ner eproduced, storienda r etriseyvsatleo mrt, r ansmiitnta endyf, o romr b ya nym eans, withotuhtep riopre rmissiinwo rni tionfOg x forUdn iverPsrietsys , 2.W hati si tL ikteo b ea N ewborn? 57 oras expresspleyr mitbtyel da wo,r u ndetre rmasg reweidt thh ea ppropriate reprograprhiigchsot rsg anizaEtniqouni.rc ioensc ernrienpgr oduction PHILIPPREo cHTA outsitdhees copoeft hea bovseh oulbdes entto t heR ighDtesp artment, OxforUdn iverPsrietsyas tt, h ea ddreasbso ve 3.S elRfe-cognition 8o Youm ustn otc ircutlhaitbseo oki na nyo thebri ndionrcg o ver GORDONG .G ALLUJPR,J, A MERS. A NDERSON, andy oum usti mposteh es amec onditoinoa nn ya cquirer ANDS TEVEMN. P LATEK BritLiisbhr aCrayt alogiuniP nugb licaDtaitoan Dataav ailable 4·S elifnt heB rain 111 LibraorfCy o ngreCsast alogiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan Dataav ailable KAIV OGELEAYN DS HAUNG ALLAGHER TypesbeytS PIP ublisSheerrv iPcoensd,i cheIrnrdyi,a PrintienGd r eaBtr itain ona cid-frpeaep ebry MPG BookGsr oupB,o dmiann dK ingL'ysn n II BODILY SELVES ISBN9 78-0-19-954801-9 s.T heE mbodied Self 139 3 5 7 1098 6 4 2 QuAsSICMA SSAM 6.B odiAlwya reneasnsdS elf-Consciousness 157 JosL:Em sB ERMlJDEZ 7·T heS ensoefB odyO wnership 180 MANOST SAKIRIS 8.P henomenoloDgiimceanls ioofnB so diSleyl f-Consciousness 204 DOROTHEE LEGRAND OXFORD UNIVERSITYP RESS GreaCtl arendSotnr eOextf,o rodx 26 DP OxforUdn iverPsrietsiyss a d epartmoefnt th eU niverosfiO txyf ord. Itfu rthetrhseU niversoibtjye'csto ifev xec elliennr cees earscchh,o larship, C ande ducatbiyop nu blishwionrgl dwiidne ON TENTS OxforNde wY ork AucklaCnadp eT ownD are sS alaaHmo ngK ongK arachi KualLau mpurM adriMde lbourMneexi coC itNya irobi NewD elhSih anghTaaii pTeoir onto Witho fficeisn Liosfct o ntributors lX ArgentAiunsat rBiraa zCihli lCez ecRhe publFirca ncGer eece GuatemaHluan garIyt aJlayp aPno lanPdo rtugSailn gapore SoutKho reSaw itzerTlhaanidl aTnudr keUyk raiVniee tnam IntroducAt iDoinv:e rsoifSt eyl ves I Oxforidsa r egistterraedmdea rko fO xforUdn iverPsrietsys SHAUNG ALLAGHER int heU K andi nc ertaoitnh ecro untries Publisihnet dh eU niteSdt ates byO xforUdn iverPsrietsIysn cN.e,w Y ork © Thes evecroanlt rib2u0t1o1r s Them orarli ghotfts h ea uthohrasv bee eans serted I SELF: BEGINNINGS ANBDA SICS Databarsieg Ohxtf orUdn iverPsriets(ysm aker) 1.Hi stoarsPy r ologWuees:t eTrhne orioefts h eS elf 33 Firpsutb lis2h0e1d1 JoHNB ARREASNID R AYMONMDA RTIN Alrli ghrtess ervNeodp .a rotft hipsu blicamtaiyob ner eproduced, storienda r etriseyvsatleo mrt, r ansmiitnta endyf, o romr b ya nym eans, withotuhtep riopre rmissiinwo rni tionfOg x forUdn iverPsrietsys , 2.W hati si tL ikteo b ea N ewborn? 57 oras expresspleyr mitbtyel da wo,r u ndetre rmasg reweidt thh ea ppropriate reprograprhiigchsot rsg anizaEtniqouni.rc ioensc ernrienpgr oduction PHILIPPREo cHTA outsitdhees copoeft hea bovseh oulbdes entto t heR ighDtesp artment, OxforUdn iverPsrietsyas tt, h ea ddreasbso ve 3.S elRfe-cognition 8o Youm ustn otc ircutlhaitbseo oki na nyo thebri ndionrcg o ver GORDONG .G ALLUJPR,J, A MERS. A NDERSON, andy oum usti mposteh es amec onditoinoa nn ya cquirer ANDS TEVEMN. P LATEK BritLiisbhr aCrayt alogiuniP nugb licaDtaitoan Dataav ailable 4·S elifnt heB rain 111 LibraorfCy o ngreCsast alogiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan Dataav ailable KAIV OGELEAYN DS HAUNG ALLAGHER TypesbeytS PIP ublisSheerrv iPcoensd,i cheIrnrdyi,a PrintienGd r eaBtr itain ona cid-frpeaep ebry MPG BookGsr oupB,o dmiann dK ingL'ysn n II BODILY SELVES ISBN9 78-0-19-954801-9 s.T heE mbodied Self 139 3 5 7 1098 6 4 2 QuAsSICMA SSAM 6.B odiAlwya reneasnsdS elf-Consciousness 157 JosL:Em sB ERMlJDEZ 7·T heS ensoefB odyO wnership 180 MANOST SAKIRIS 8.P henomenoloDgiimceanls ioofnB so diSleyl f-Consciousness 204 DOROTHEE LEGRAND Vl CONTENTS CONTNETS Vll 9·Wi tnessfrionmgH ereS:e lfw-aArenefrsosm a B odily 1.9S elf-Agency 442 versus EmbPoedrisepde ctive 228 ELISABEPTACHH ERIE AARNo HENRY AND TEHvOAMNP SON 20S.e lf-ConitnAr cotli on ALFRERD. M ELE IIIP HENOMENOLOGY AND 2.1M oraRle sponsiabnidlt ihteSy e lf METAP HYSICS OF SELF DAVID SHOEMAKER 1.0T heM inimaSlu bject 235 w. GALNE STRAWSON VI SELF PATHOLOGIES n. TheN o-SeAllft ernative 279 22T.h eS tructoufSr eel f-ConsciionuS scnheiszso phrenia 521 THOMASM ETZINGER JosEPFA RNAASN DL ourAs. S Ass 1.2B uddhiNsotn -SeTlhfeN: o -OwneMra'nsu al 297 23.M ultipSleel ves 547 MARKS IDERITS JENINFERRA DDNE 13.U nitoyfC onsciousannedts hseP robleomfS elf 24A.u tisamn dt heS elf 571 DANZ AHAVI PETERR. H OBSON 25T.h e Self: IGnrtoewgtrhai,nt dCy o,m inAgp art 592 IV PERSONAL IDENTITYN,A RRATIVE MARCICAA VELL IDENTITY,A ND SELF-KNOWLEDGE 14P.e rsoIndaeln tity 393 JoHNC AMPBELL VII THE SELFI N DIVERSE CONTEXTS 1.5O n Whatw ea re 352 2.6O urG lasEssys enTchee:F allibSleeli fnP ragmatist Thought SYDNESYH OEMAKER RICHARMDE NARY 1.6O n Knowingo ne'Sse lf 327 27T.h eS ociCaoln strucotfiS oenl f 633 JoHNP ERRY KENNETJH.G ERGEN 17.T heN arratSievlef 394 28T.h eD ialogSieclaAfl P: r oceosfPs o sitioinni ng MARYAS CHECHTMAN Spacaen dT ime HUBERJT. M .H ERMANS V ACTION AND THE MORAL 29G.l ass SEemlovteiso:Sn usb,j ectainvdit thye, DIMENSIONS OF THE SELF ResearPcrho cess 681 1.8T heU nimportaonfIc dee ntity 491 ELSPETPHR OBYN DEREKP ARFIT Vl CONTENTS CONTNETS Vll 9·Wi tnessfrionmgH ereS:e lfw-aArenefrsosm a B odily 1.9S elf-Agency 442 versus EmbPoedrisepde ctive 228 ELISABEPTACHH ERIE AARNo HENRY AND TEHvOAMNP SON 20S.e lf-ConitnAr cotli on ALFRERD. M ELE IIIP HENOMENOLOGY AND 2.1M oraRle sponsiabnidlt ihteSy e lf METAP HYSICS OF SELF DAVID SHOEMAKER 1.0T heM inimaSlu bject 235 w. GALNE STRAWSON VI SELF PATHOLOGIES n. TheN o-SeAllft ernative 279 22T.h eS tructoufSr eel f-ConsciionuS scnheiszso phrenia 521 THOMASM ETZINGER JosEPFA RNAASN DL ourAs. S Ass 1.2B uddhiNsotn -SeTlhfeN: o -OwneMra'nsu al 297 23.M ultipSleel ves 547 MARKS IDERITS JENINFERRA DDNE 13.U nitoyfC onsciousannedts hseP robleomfS elf 24A.u tisamn dt heS elf 571 DANZ AHAVI PETERR. H OBSON 25T.h e Self: IGnrtoewgtrhai,nt dCy o,m inAgp art 592 IV PERSONAL IDENTITYN,A RRATIVE MARCICAA VELL IDENTITY,A ND SELF-KNOWLEDGE 14P.e rsoIndaeln tity 393 JoHNC AMPBELL VII THE SELFI N DIVERSE CONTEXTS 1.5O n Whatw ea re 352 2.6O urG lasEssys enTchee:F allibSleeli fnP ragmatist Thought SYDNESYH OEMAKER RICHARMDE NARY 1.6O n Knowingo ne'Sse lf 327 27T.h eS ociCaoln strucotfiS oenl f 633 JoHNP ERRY KENNETJH.G ERGEN 17.T heN arratSievlef 394 28T.h eD ialogSieclaAfl P: r oceosfPs o sitioinni ng MARYAS CHECHTMAN Spacaen dT ime HUBERJT. M .H ERMANS V ACTION AND THE MORAL 29G.l ass SEemlovteiso:Sn usb,j ectainvdit thye, DIMENSIONS OF THE SELF ResearPcrho cess 681 1.8T heU nimportaonfIc dee ntity 491 ELSPETPHR OBYN DEREKP ARFIT VlllC ONTENST 30T.h eP ostmodeSrenlAn f :E ssaoyn A nachronainsdm Powerlessness LEONARLDA WLOR LISOTF C ONTRIBUTORS 31S.e lSfu,b jectainvdit thyeI, n stitSuotceidIa mla ginary LoRRAICNoEn E Index 739 JAMERS. A NDERSON, PsycDheoplaorgtym eUnnti,v ersoifSt tyi rlSicnogt,l and [j1r@ as tiru.ka]c . JOHN BARRESPIs,y choloDgeyp artment, Dalhousie University, Canada [[email protected]] JosE.L ms BERMUDEDZe,a no fL iberAarlt sT,ex asA &M UniversUiStAy , [[email protected]] JOHNC AMPBELDLe,p artmeonfPt h ilosoUpnhiyv,e rsoifCt ayl ifoBrenirak eley, USA [[email protected]] QuASSICMA SSAMD,e partmeonft P hilosopUhnyi,v ersoiftW ya rwicUk,K [q .Cassam@warwuikc]k .ac. MARCICAA VELNLe,w Y orCki tUyS,A [[email protected]] LoRRAINCEo nED,e partmeonft PhilosopYhoyr,k U niversiCtayn,a da [c [email protected]] SHAUN GALALGHERP,h ilosopahnyd Cognitive ScUineinvceerss,oi ft y CentrFallo riUdSaA ;S chooolfH umanitiUensi,v ersity of HeUrKt fordshire, [[email protected]]. GoRDONG . GALLUPJ,R , Departomfe Pnsty cho,l oSgUyNY-AlbaUnSyA, [[email protected]] KENNETHJ .G ERGEND,e partmeonftP sycohlo,g SywarthmoCroel legUeS,A [kgerg@esnwla rthmore.edu] AARONH ENRYP,h ilosoDpehpya rtment, UnoifTv oerrosnitCtoay,n ad[aa aron. [email protected]] HuBERTJ . M. HERMANSP,s ycholoDgeyp artment, RaUdnbiovuedr sity, NijmegTehne,N etherla[nhdhse [email protected]] PETERR . HoBSONT,a vistock aCnldiU nniicv ersCiotlyl eLgoen donU,K [r [email protected] ] LEONARD LAWDLeOpRa,r tmoefnP th ilosoPpehnyn,s ylvSatnaiUtane i versUiStAy , [[email protected]) VlllC ONTENST 30T.h eP ostmodeSrenlAn f :E ssaoyn A nachronainsdm Powerlessness LEONARLDA WLOR LISOTF C ONTRIBUTORS 31S.e lSfu,b jectainvdit thyeI, n stitSuotceidIa mla ginary LoRRAICNoEn E Index 739 JAMERS. A NDERSON, PsycDheoplaorgtym eUnnti,v ersoifSt tyi rlSicnogt,l and [j1r@ as tiru.ka]c . JOHN BARRESPIs,y choloDgeyp artment, Dalhousie University, Canada [[email protected]] JosE.L ms BERMUDEDZe,a no fL iberAarlt sT,ex asA &M UniversUiStAy , [[email protected]] JOHNC AMPBELDLe,p artmeonfPt h ilosoUpnhiyv,e rsoifCt ayl ifoBrenirak eley, USA [[email protected]] QuASSICMA SSAMD,e partmeonft P hilosopUhnyi,v ersoiftW ya rwicUk,K [q .Cassam@warwuikc]k .ac. MARCICAA VELNLe,w Y orCki tUyS,A [[email protected]] LoRRAINCEo nED,e partmeonft PhilosopYhoyr,k U niversiCtayn,a da [c [email protected]] SHAUN GALALGHERP,h ilosopahnyd Cognitive ScUineinvceerss,oi ft y CentrFallo riUdSaA ;S chooolfH umanitiUensi,v ersity of HeUrKt fordshire, [[email protected]]. GoRDONG . GALLUPJ,R , Departomfe Pnsty cho,l oSgUyNY-AlbaUnSyA, [[email protected]] KENNETHJ .G ERGEND,e partmeonftP sycohlo,g SywarthmoCroel legUeS,A [kgerg@esnwla rthmore.edu] AARONH ENRYP,h ilosoDpehpya rtment, UnoifTv oerrosnitCtoay,n ad[aa aron. [email protected]] HuBERTJ . M. HERMANSP,s ycholoDgeyp artment, RaUdnbiovuedr sity, NijmegTehne,N etherla[nhdhse [email protected]] PETERR . HoBSONT,a vistock aCnldiU nniicv ersCiotlyl eLgoen donU,K [r [email protected] ] LEONARD LAWDLeOpRa,r tmoefnP th ilosoPpehnyn,s ylvSatnaiUtane i versUiStAy , [[email protected]) X LISOTF C ONTRBIUTORS LISOTF C ONTRIBUTORxiS DoROTHELEE GRANDC,e ntrdeeR echercehnEe p istemolAopgpilei q(uCeR EA), MARK SIDERIDTeSp,a rtmeonfPt h ilohsyo,Sp eouNla tionUanli ver,s iKtoyrea PariFsr,a nc[de o [email protected]] [m [email protected]]u RAYMONDM ARTINP,h ilosoDpehpya rtmeUnnti,oC no lleUgSeA,[ martnr@union. GALENS TRAWSOPNh,i losopDheyp artmenUtn,i versoift yR eadingU,K edu] [[email protected]] ALFREDR .M ELE,D epartmeonftP hilohsyo,pF loriSdtaa tUen ivetrys,Ui SA EvANT HOMPSOND,e partmeonftP hilohsyo,pU niversoiftT oyr ontoC,a nada [a mele@fesduu.] [eva.tn [email protected]] RicHARMDE NARYP,h ilosoDpehpya rtmeUnnti,v erosfiW toyl longoAnugs,t ralia MANosT sAIKRISD,e partmeonftP sychol,o RgoyyaHlo llow,a Uyniversoift y [r [email protected]] LondonU,K [[email protected]] THOMASM ETZINGEPRh,i losophiSsecmihneasJr o,h annGeust enbeUrngi-versihit, VoGELEDYe,p artmeonfPt s ycihat,rU yniversoifCt oyl ognGee,r man[yk ai. German[my e tzinge@muaniind-ze.] KAvo1g [email protected]] ELISABEPTACHH ERIIEn,s tiJteuatNn i codP,a riFsr,a nc[ep [email protected]] DAN ZAHAVID,a nisNha tionRaels earFcohu ndatiCoenn,t efro rS ubjectivity ResearacnhdD, e partmoefnM te diaC,o gnitainodnC ommunication, University DEREKP ARFIT, SoulCso lleOgxef,o rUdn iveirtsyU,K [derek.parfit@all-souls. All ofC openhagDeenn,m ar[kd [email protected]] ox.ac.uk] JosEPFAR NAMSD , DanisNha tioRneasle arFcohu ndatiCoenn'tsfe orSr u bjectivity ResearUcnhi,v erosfiC toyp enhagaenndP scyhiatCreinct eHrv idovCroep,e nha­ genD,e nmar[kj [email protected]] JoHNP ERRYP,h ilosopDheyp artmenUtn,i versoift yC aliforRniivae rside [[email protected]] STEVEMN. PLATEKP,s ycholDoegpya rtmeGneto,r gGiwai nneCtotl leUgSeA, [s plateke@dgug]c . ELSPETPHR OBYNG,e nde&r C ultuSrtauld iaensdT heH awkeR esearIcnhs titute, TheU niverosfiS toyu tAhu straAluisat,r a[lEilas [email protected]] JENNIFREARD DENP,h ilosoDpehpya rtmeUnnti,v erosfiM tays sachusBeotsttso n, USA [[email protected]] PHILIPPER ocHTA,P syhcologyD epartmenEtm,o ry Univer,s iUtSyA [[email protected]] LourAs. S AssD,e partmeonftC liniPcsacylh olo,g RyutgeUrnsi vetrys,Ui SA [[email protected]] MARYAS cHECHTMADNe,p artmoefnP th ilopshyoU,n iverosfiI tlyl inCohiisc,a go, USA [[email protected]] DAVIWD. S HOEMAKEDRe,p artmoefnP th ilosoapnhdMy u rphIyn stitTuultaen,e Univer,s iUtSy[Ad [email protected]] SYDNEYS HOEMAKESRa,g eS chooolf Philosyo,p ChorneUlln ivrestiy,U SA [s s56@coernl l.edu] X LISOTF C ONTRBIUTORS LISOTF C ONTRIBUTORxiS DoROTHELEE GRANDC,e ntrdeeR echercehnEe p istemolAopgpilei q(uCeR EA), MARK SIDERIDTeSp,a rtmeonfPt h ilohsyo,Sp eouNla tionUanli ver,s iKtoyrea PariFsr,a nc[de o [email protected]] [m [email protected]]u RAYMONDM ARTINP,h ilosoDpehpya rtmeUnnti,oC no lleUgSeA,[ martnr@union. GALENS TRAWSOPNh,i losopDheyp artmenUtn,i versoift yR eadingU,K edu] [[email protected]] ALFREDR .M ELE,D epartmeonftP hilohsyo,pF loriSdtaa tUen ivetrys,Ui SA EvANT HOMPSOND,e partmeonftP hilohsyo,pU niversoiftT oyr ontoC,a nada [a mele@fesduu.] [eva.tn [email protected]] RicHARMDE NARYP,h ilosoDpehpya rtmeUnnti,v erosfiW toyl longoAnugs,t ralia MANosT sAIKRISD,e partmeonftP sychol,o RgoyyaHlo llow,a Uyniversoift y [r [email protected]] LondonU,K [[email protected]] THOMASM ETZINGEPRh,i losophiSsecmihneasJr o,h annGeust enbeUrngi-versihit, VoGELEDYe,p artmeonfPt s ycihat,rU yniversoifCt oyl ognGee,r man[yk ai. German[my e tzinge@muaniind-ze.] KAvo1g [email protected]] ELISABEPTACHH ERIIEn,s tiJteuatNn i codP,a riFsr,a nc[ep [email protected]] DAN ZAHAVID,a nisNha tionRaels earFcohu ndatiCoenn,t efro rS ubjectivity ResearacnhdD, e partmoefnM te diaC,o gnitainodnC ommunication, University DEREKP ARFIT, SoulCso lleOgxef,o rUdn iveirtsyU,K [derek.parfit@all-souls. All ofC openhagDeenn,m ar[kd [email protected]] ox.ac.uk] JosEPFAR NAMSD , DanisNha tioRneasle arFcohu ndatiCoenn'tsfe orSr u bjectivity ResearUcnhi,v erosfiC toyp enhagaenndP scyhiatCreinct eHrv idovCroep,e nha­ genD,e nmar[kj [email protected]] JoHNP ERRYP,h ilosopDheyp artmenUtn,i versoift yC aliforRniivae rside [[email protected]] STEVEMN. PLATEKP,s ycholDoegpya rtmeGneto,r gGiwai nneCtotl leUgSeA, [s plateke@dgug]c . ELSPETPHR OBYNG,e nde&r C ultuSrtauld iaensdT heH awkeR esearIcnhs titute, TheU niverosfiS toyu tAhu straAluisat,r a[lEilas [email protected]] JENNIFREARD DENP,h ilosoDpehpya rtmeUnnti,v erosfiM tays sachusBeotsttso n, USA [[email protected]] PHILIPPER ocHTA,P syhcologyD epartmenEtm,o ry Univer,s iUtSyA [[email protected]] LourAs. S AssD,e partmeonftC liniPcsacylh olo,g RyutgeUrnsi vetrys,Ui SA [[email protected]] MARYAS cHECHTMADNe,p artmoefnP th ilopshyoU,n iverosfiI tlyl inCohiisc,a go, USA [[email protected]] DAVIWD. S HOEMAKEDRe,p artmoefnP th ilosoapnhdMy u rphIyn stitTuultaen,e Univer,s iUtSy[Ad [email protected]] SYDNEYS HOEMAKESRa,g eS chooolf Philosyo,p ChorneUlln ivrestiy,U SA [s s56@coernl l.edu]

Review "an outstanding array of articles ... an excellent, interdisciplinary resource for teaching and research." --John P. Lizza, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews About the Author Shaun Gallagher is Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences, and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Simulation
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