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1 Ui * -7%‘ A &■ ' •7 A£ § : v *v;»? ;& y -■a It 1’ 1M 9 j fr? i(Mll i"l ’ I8t®es iall I Infill tl>■ ■ ji 11IHSII IHMi 1,1111,11«5 S s b® I- |sa?«lli i iiistei I |isa^|;..|| Sg88g&Sm835S8®SSS^SS ____________________ The Outstanding Answer On Visiting The Graves Including several appendices containing excerpts from Hafiz Ibn Abdil-Hadi’s refutation of/Is-Subki entitled 'Sanm al-Alunki Translated by All Hassan Khan TTmTnmTTmmfTTTfVTmwnmTTTnm MUfflMMRgmmmHm ■a Hi >JV±kXbli5^l ♦ ♦♦ ^ - ,*s >vrA- >ni Al-Jawab Al-Bahir FT Zuwar Al-Maqabir - The Outstanding Answer On Visiting The Graves - 1st Edition © Umm-ul-Qura Publications 2011 C.E./1432 A.H. ISBN: 978-0-9551261-4-7 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re­ produced, photo-copied, scanned, stored or transmitted in any other shape or form without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Published bv: Umm-ul-Qura Publications Commissioner Road Fattomand Gujranwala Pakistan Website: www.umm-ul-qura.org E-mail: [email protected] Source of translation: ‘Al-Jawab Al-Bahir ‘An Zuwar Al-Maqabir' by Ibn Taymiyah, Tahqiq of Abu Ya’qub Nasha'at bin Kamal al-Misri (ed.). Egypt: Dar Ibn Rajab, 1423 AH/2003 CE Cover design & typesetting: Ihsaan Design - www.ihsaandesign.co.uk t ? rt itA,! I I A t * t. t A I A T A 1 «■§? »• 2« «8- *s [f> ~83f •35- *8$ f»- —83* C8- a•§» •*•?) "SS «3- *£4 t«*- •cc2 if» •*83* ~63S*** * . <2- *$» S- ^ /» (SO* -«f<»- 4rf^— **> Wt >VTA- >MI -®s (f» -m AL-jAWAB AL'BAHIR «t (fs* ~~&u3 fx *£§ ~K> FI zuwarAl-Maqabir g£ *4 •a- -S* 33 tf*- *a- *8 The Outstanding Answer fK3t ~e» tSS- ■*4 (f3t ~<s4 O V T G m n isiting he raves -Sr *ss~ R<—» 1 H3t <©l) By Shaykh al-Islam «$• Ahmad bin Taymiyah & -X «s -ew -—sSS** Mt ~&3* Translation by Ali Hassan Khan «4 -te* *©S set *m-B» Edited by Abu Fatimah Azhar MajothI a~ -s* r*- *■* »» % [Contents] [Contents] 5 [Introduction from the Translator] 11 [The Text] .21 [The Agreement of Shaykh Al-Islam with the Four Imams, the Tabi'un and Sahabah]....................................................................................... .21 [The Error of Some People Regarding This Issue]....................... .23 [The Rulers are the Most Rightful (People) in Championing the Religion].............................................................................................. ,24 [The Religion is Obedience to Allah and Emulation of the Messenger ^] .25 [The Obligation of Following the Prophet 31] .27 [Some Virtues of the Prophet 3s]..................... .28 [Sending Salah and Salam on the Prophet 3s] .28 [Facing the Prophet’s % Grave and Raising the Voice During Salam is an Innovation].................................................................................................... 31 [The Burial of the Prophet 3S in the Chamber of ‘A’ishah).................. .32 [Death of the Totality of Sahabah was Before the Incorporation of A’ishah’s Chamber Into the Masjid]...................................................... .32 [The Description of the Graves of the Prophet 3s and His Two Companions]............................................................................................... 33 [Sending Salam Upon the Prophet 3t Beside his Grave]...................... .34 [Whatever is Between the House of the Prophet 35 and his Minbar is Considered a Garden]................................................................................ 35 [The Virtues of the Al-Masjid Al-Haram and the Prophetic Masjid].....35 [The Prohibition of Taking Graves as Places of Worship]................ 36 [The First Causes of Shirk]..................................................................... 37 [Allah’s Protection of the Grave of His Prophet 3«]............................ 39 [Allah’s Protection of the Ummah of Muhammad 35]........................ .40 Section [The Travel to the Masjid of the Prophet 3§ and Visiting his Grave]......................................................................................................... .41 [Shortening the Prayer During this Travel]........................................... .42 [The Difference Between Travelling to the Prophetic Masjid and Travelling to the Grave]........................................................................... .43 5 [The Difference Between the Legislated Visit and the Innovated Visit) 44 [The Recommendation of Praying in Masjid Quba’]........ .45 [Vowing to Travel to Masjids].............................................. .46 [Vowing to Travel to Other Masjids or Graves]................. .46 [The View of Imam Malik on Travelling to Visit Graves] .47 [The View of the Followers of Ash-ShafTT and Ahmad on Travelling to Visit Graves]......................................................... .47 [The Sahabah Did Not Travel to Visit Graves] ,48 [How the Sahabah Would Send Salam Upon the Prophet 3s at his Grave] .49 [The People of Misguidance and the Polytheists Perform Pilgrimages to Graves] .50 [The Foundation of the Deen (Islam) is: We Worship Allah Alone]......51 [The Difference Between the Visit of the People of TawhTd and the People of Polytheism to Graves]..................... ,54 [Muhammad Si is the Leader of Intercessors] 56 [The Religion is Imitation of the Prophet Si] . 58 [It is Not Lawful to Travel for the Sole Purpose of Visiting Graves].....59 [Some of the Salaf Forbade Visiting Graves Absolutely] ,59 [Among The Unique Virtues of the Prophet Si]............... 60 [The Guidance of the $ahabah in Visiting the Grave of the Prophet SS]-61 [None of the Scholars of Muslims Considered the Travel to Visit Graves as a Recommended Action] ,62 [The Matter of Someone Travelling to Visit a Grave, Should he Reduce his Prayer?]...................................................................................... 63 [Forbiddance of Praying in Masjids Built on Graves]............... .65 [Is it lawful to Swear by the Prophet 3S?]..................................... 66 [Swearing by Other Than Allah is Not Lawful]......................... .67 [It is Compulsory to Make The Religion Entirely for Allah].... ,68 [The Travel to the Three Masjids in Imitation of the Prophets] .69 [The Hajj is From the Religion of Ibrahim and Muhammad, Upon Them Be Peace].................................................................................................... ,70 [From the Particularities of the Masjid of Al-Aqsa and the Prophetic Masjid]......................................................................................................... .70 [Every Ummah Has a Hajj]...................................................................... .71 [The Sanctity of the Ka’bah]................................................................... .74 [The Explanation of the Ayah of Surah An-Najm]............................... .76 [Travelling to Houses of Allah is Not Legislated Except For Three].....80 6 [From The Ignorance And Injustice of The Polytheists is to Assign Daughters Unto Allah]................................................................................. 86 [The Qur’an is Full With The TawhTd of Allah]..................................... 89 [The People of Innovation Perform Hajj to The Places And Graves of Their Leaders]............................................................................................... 91 [The Sacrifice And Hajj for Allah]............................................................. 93 [He Who Allows Travelling For The Purpose of Visiting Graves, he Has Certainly Contradicted The Religion of The Muslims and Their Law]..96 [Islam is The Religion of All Prophets and Messengers]....................... 96 [The Resembling Characteristic Between The Polytheist And The Innovator]........................................................................................................ ,97 [The Sunnah is The Straight Path].............................................................. .98 [Among The Differences Between The Religion of The Muslims And The Religion of The Christians]................................................................. 102 [The Disagreement of The Salaf About Visiting Graves]...................... 104 [The Reason For Forbidding The Visit of Graves in First Place]......... 105 [Difference of The Scholars About The Ruling of Visiting Graves — Continued...]...................................................................................................106 [Reconciling Between The Sayings of The Scholars About Visiting Graves]............................................................................................................108 [Visiting Graves is Divided Into Three Categories]............................... 111 [It is Not Permissible to Make The Chamber Particular For Salah and Salam]............................................................................................................. 119 [Among The Virtues of The Sahabah].......................................................120 [The Need of Some Believers For Karamat (Miracles Performed by Allah For The Righteous People)]............................................................. 126 [The Superiority of The Sahabah Over Others]....................................... 126 [The Sahabah Avoided Any Innovations on Graves]............................. 127 [The Religious Proofs Lead Back to The Prophet 3S]............................. 128 [The Ijtihad of Some Sahabah]................................................................... 129 [The First Category of Salam on The Prophet at].................................... 130 [The Second Category of Salam on The Prophet at].............................. 131 [The Legislated Salam on The Prophet % is More Beneficial Than The Salam Beside His Grave]............................................................................ 132 [The Majority of The Sahabah Would Not Act Similarly to 'Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar In This Issue]..............................................................................133 [Worship Beside The Grave of The Prophet 3§ is Not More Virtuous Than Worship in Other Places]..................................................................134 7 [The Prophet 3§ Transmitted The Risalah (Message), Fulfilled His Trust And Advised The Ummah]...................................................................... 135 [The Masjid of The Prophet 3S And The Masjid of Quba’ Were Both Built Upon Piety]........................................................................................ 139 [The General Salam is Ordered Particularly For The Prophet 3§]...... 141 [The Ruling of Sending Salah on The Prophet 3§ Outside The Invocation in The Prayer]................................................................................................143 [The Ruling of Sending Salah on Other Than The Prophet 3§]............. 144 [The Salam on The Prophet 3* And on Other Than Him]......................146 Chapter:..........................................................................................................151 [The Recommendation of Sending Salam on The Prophet 3! When Entering The Masjid]................................................................................... 151 [The Madhhab of Ibn ‘Umar ^ in Following up The Relics (Athar) of The Prophet 3? is Weak].............................................................................. 153 Chapter:..........................................................................................................155 [The Guidance of ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and Al-WalTd Bin Abdul Malik in Extending The Prophetic Masjid].............................................................. 155 Chapter:..........................................................................................................159 [The Reality of Following The Prophet 31].............................................. 159 [Chapter]........................................................................................................161 ]The Nobility of the Prophetic Masjid was Established Before The Incorporation of His Grave in it]............................................................... 163 [The Reasons for Degrees of Excellence in The Righteous Deeds].....164 Chapter:..........................................................................................................167 [Among The Rights of The Prophet 31]....................................................167 [The Delight of Faith is Not Attained Except by Following The Path of The Prophet 3s]............................................................ 169 [Chapter]...................................................................... 181 [From The Ignorant Beliefs...].................................. 183 [The Causes of Calamities Are Sins]....................... 184 [The Justice of Allah M]............................................ 186 [Only The Actions of a Person Make Him Saintly] 187 [Chapte.r.]......................................19.3................ Appendices (1-7) Appendix (1): The Words of Ibn Taymiyah From his ‘Radd ‘ala Al- Akhna‘1....................................................................................................... 199 8 Appendix (2): The Hadith “He who Performs Hajj and Visits my Grave After my Death, it is as if he Visited me in my Life” 205 Appendix (3): Regarding the Hadith: “There is no Servant who Passes by the Grave of a Person he Knew in the World...” 223 Appendix (4): The narration of Bilal coming from Sham 227 Appendix (5): The Story of Ja’far Al-Mansur and Imam Malik 229 Appendix (6): The story of Al-‘Utbi 233 Appendix (7): The Hadith: “Whoever Performs Hajj to the House and does not visit me, he has indeed harmed me...”. .237 Previous publications in English 241 Appeal 244 9

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