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The Other Argentina: The Interior And National Development PDF

337 Pages·1998·34.63 MB·English
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The Other Argentina This page intentionally left blank TT The Interior and National Development Wstview Press A Member af Perseus X3002xs, L.L.C. an@& PaMisbd in 1996 in W U~jkedS tag@ of Amd~aby Wmtview kgs, X=., SSF10 Avenue, Baral&r, Co3iarads 80301-2877, md h the Unit& iE;i~g&orbny 'Wesrview Psgs, X2 Hid"$ ap~f: Rod, Cumw Min, Oxford 0x2 9B p. cm, Indu&s bibliopapMd ne?.fefc;:nmm d gadex+ XSBN 0-&133-C)S4brJ 1, Argenkina-&oaodc ~onafi~oas-Re@;janadtl isp~ties 1. Ti$i@* HC175,5335 2B6 330,%824c20 3% pawr aged in this pulblim~en &e q\ti=me&@a f the Amdew Nzarti~dS mdwd for: Pemanenw sf Papr far Wale$ LibqM aehds B9.48-2 9M. Contents List of Maps and Tables Preface Part: One The Faeatkn; f nlerior 1 The Interior and the Argentine Nation 2 A History of the Great Divide 3 Understanding Argentina's Stagnation Part Two The &anodes of" the fnkedor 4 The Northwest Part Three The banamic and Patitial Elackardness of the Intteriar T The Bacbard fnterior and the &errtine Natian 11 The Fiscal @st of the: Interior's Bzbardness Part Five Summary and Gandusions 12 The Other Argentina Gl@ss@y Appdir. The menr of Poverly in the Inte&r W ~ rChite d About tlw Book and Author h d a Maps and Tables Map of Apgentina Tables 8.1 Rate of Emigration from San Juan and San Luis, IW%1*1 8.2 Total and Provincial Paved Roads, 19W1981 8.3 Inhabitants with Aaess to Sewers, 1945-1979 10.1 Deputies Representing Each Province and the Provincial Papulatian, 291k1991 11.1 Redistributional Impaet of Copafiieipation 11.2 Revenue Sharing and National Treasuv antributions, 198&-1W1 I13 Tax Efhrt, 1988 and 1992 21.4 Provincial Government Emplopent and Wages, 2m A-1 Indicators of Poverty, 198&1@1 A2 Indicators af Poverty, 198b1991 This page intentionally left blank Preface This book would not have been possible if The hetican University had not sent me to Argentina to direct its study abroad program there, Bemeen 1987 and 1993, X directed the program for five semesters. Part of the progan consisted of a serics of seminars to which I invited distinguished everts on Argentina. I was thus able to meet an astonishing array of the country's top thinkers, from former economy ministers to parish priests, from the wuntryfs mmost outstanding scholars to journalists and la'bor leaders, Another major segment of the program each semester wa several weeks of travel in the interior of the country. Due in large part to this travel pro- gram, X have visited altl but one af the twenty-three provt'nces of kgentina. At many of our destinations, I arranged seminars, faGtory tours, interviews with politicians, and visits to universities and think tanks, This wars an extraordinary opportunity to see Axgentina up close. Between two of these semester programs, 1 remained in hgentina on a sabbatical leave from the Department of Economics at my university and was able to get a good start on this book, My thinking abut the eeonomic problems of kgentina has been importantly shaped by conversations with hundreds of kgentines, To compile a list of the most infiuential and helpful of the people with whom I spoke would be a rzkrallenge, but such a list would surely inclucle Radf Arlotti, Ezequief Gallo, Ililda Shhato, Jorge Sehvarzer, Alejandro Rofman, Garlos Reborarti, Mberm Porto, Javier Villanueva, large Katz, Esteban Nevares, Carfos Emd6, Rafael Ramos Vertiz, Eduardo anesa, Jas&M rtria Dagnino Pastore, Uki Goiii, Osvaldo Qrtiz, Ernesto Vigitizzo, Raquel E, Mmsamne, and Nidolas Tozer, In addition, Rairl Arlotti was most helphl in obtaining data for me. Arnong other things, Rat3 arjsil;ned the students in his class on agrimlmrat economics to look for data useful to my project, and several of their contri- butions praved to be invaluable. Adolfi, Castro Afmeyra of the Centro de Estudios e Investigaci6n para la Dirigencia Agopewaria was e~raordinarily useful not only in sharing his thinlu'ng about the topics addressed in this book but also in placing me in contact with numerous business leaders associated with the economy of the interior. They gave generously of their time in e~ensivep emnal. interviews and in preparing written respanses to long lists of detailed questions that I had sent to them. I would like to thank

In the early part of this century, Argentina was one of the most affluent nations in the world. Since then, the Argentine economy has experienced long periods of stagnation and recession. Larry Sawers links the country’s economic failure to the backwardness of the interior, which comprises 70 perc
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