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Preview The Orion - Jan. 29, 2020 - Vol. 84, Issue 1

Chico State remembers 17 years with Coach Hein See A5 ART & ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS OPINION Shakespeare Softball team Budgeting as a student gets set for Blue Room Theatre It’s hard being a student and delivers a morbid, dark upcoming these tips can help you prepare comedy in “Measure for season for budgeting as a student on your Measure.” own. See A3 See A6 See A7 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 // WWW.THEORION.COM Funds Available for Chico Postbaccalaureate Students Grayson Edgemon Staff Writer Chico State Enterprises received a $3 million subsidy to support the university’s post-graduate students over the next five years via a Title V grant from the U.S. Department of Education according to University Communications on January 21. Adelante, a pipeline program which provides graduate and professional opportunities to Hispanic and low- income students, will receive the grant money to establish an organized network of academic support programs dedicated to raising GPAs, graduation rates, improving research and writing skills needed for students to succeed in graduate school. “This plan includes faculty-graduate student mentoring, tutoring and advising in hubs of 10 students, as well as courses and workshops to foster personal and academic growth, leadership skills and financial literacy,” said Sharon Barrios, the grant’s co- principal investigator and CSU, Chico Interim Dean of Graduate Studies. “Other pieces include a faculty- mentored research program and a dedicated writing and research commons where our students can THE ORION | JULIAN MENDOZA learn, work and thrive.” The anti-war campaign took place in downtown Chico, taking the corners of 3rd and Main Street. Chico protesters say ‘No War with Iran’ For undergraduate students, the Adelante program is designed to set up an academic support plan from a student’s sophomore year to the completion of his or her graduate from Chico Saturday Peace Endeavor signs to bring news into the public eye, Kimberly Morales degree. For post baccalaureate students, Vigil, was held at the corner of Third taking their time to speak to anyone Staff Writer the program offers an extensive and Main Street from 12:30 p.m. to who had something to say. outreach plan that connects Hispanic 2:00 p.m. “We don’t know what effect we have On Saturday, members of the city and low-income students with CSU, “60 years ago, we went out to the here, but when we’re not here, we know of Chico became participants in the Chico graduate program faculty and airport to demonstrate against the we have none,” volunteer and veteran other grad students. global, ‘No War with Iran,’ anti-war Titan missiles...it (Chico Saturday Bob VanFleet said, “We have friendly “As we build the pipeline to graduate campaign. Peace Endeavor Vigil) started out discussions and I’ve changed in my school for our students, we’ll also Worldwide, the size of participation like this and has been going on for own life by talking to people about be providing critical support for in the anti-war campaign saw an 60 years,” Linda Furrsaid , “I started these situations.” the retention and success of Latinx increase during the recent weeks coming in 1979 during the Iran Hostage For more information, Chico and low-income undergraduates,” following the killing of Iranian general, says Kate McCarthy, grant co- Crisis, and really, I have been coming Saturday Peace Endeavor Vigil Qassed Soleimani after an ordered principal investigator and Dean of ever since, saying the same thing, ‘No will continue to hold rallies on the United States airstrike. Main subjects Undergraduate Education. “We’re very more War on Iran.’” intersection of Third and Main Street for objection from protestors include excited and eager to get going.” “We need to walk in others’ shoes, see every Saturday from now on, lasting the criticism of unnecessary foreign Chico State University is now able other human beings as human beings, from 12:30 p.m. until 1:30p.m. violence, the failure to lift sanctions in to prepare its students to achieve we cannot continue to make war on more success after graduating with a Iran and the objection of the actions them, overthrow their government, bachelors thanks to the Title V grant. of U.S. President, Donald Trump who we need to respect all of them,” Furr Kimberly Morales can be reached at ordered the airstrike. ended. [email protected] Grayson Edgemon can be reached at Saturday’s rally, hosted by members Demonstrators brought a variety of or @kimberlymnews on Twitter [email protected] Oroville bans flavored tobacco products; CSU students react Courtney Collier “I think it’s ridiculous,” Rector said, “I am not saying (vape) is good for you but I Staff Writer do not believe you should take someone’s rights away. I understand regulating it, Oroville’s City Council met to confirm but banning it all is not the right choice.” a ban taking place in less than a month Rector believes this ban will negatively that will prohibit the sale of flavored impact the economy of the area and that tobacco products. many people who work at smoke shops Council members had two public in the area could lose their jobs. He meetings where each member supported wishes that council members would take the ordinance. into account the interests of local smoke With the new ban, only tobacco shops and how the ban will affect these products that are created from real businesses. tobacco leaf or are flavored like tobacco Rector said that if a similar ban were to will be allowed for sale in Oroville. Fruit, happen in Chico he would like there to be menthol and other flavorings will no more open communication between the longer be sold within the City of Oroville council members and the smoke shops. limits. He has tried to get more information Many individuals are in favor of this about whether Chico City Council plans ban, including Chico State student to ban flavored tobacco, but has been Chance Badger. Badger is against THE ORION | COURTNEY COLLIER unable to get useful information. flavored vape juices and thinks the ban “I do not like the way council members will reduce health issues caused by “Fewer people will have it easily change the number of young adults went about it,” Rector said, “Council flavored tobacco. available so it will most likely be used using tobacco products or even vapes,” members do not realize how it is going to “I am not against the ban and think it is less by young adults in the area,” Badger Deaser said. take a hit on us. It is kind of sad.” smart considering all of the recent issues said. Local smoke shops such as Dragon with health problems that result from However, not all students agree with Tobacco are strongly against Oroville’s vaping,” Badger said. Badger. Chico State student Alex Deaser ban. Manager Josh Rector has worked Courtney Collier can be reached at This issue is highly controversial as understands why the ban is happening at Dragon Tobacco for the past five years [email protected] these products have become popular but thinks it will be ineffective. and feels like this ban will have many or @CourtneyC_News on Twitter with young adults. “I don’t really feel like it is going to negative consequences. Index Weather 63 Corrections A2 News A1 Sports B5 Precipitation: 10% Weather A2 A&E A3 Opinion B7 Humidity: 67% 46 Blotter A2 Wind: 9 mph NEWS OTrheion A2 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 Weather Today Cloudy Thursday Cloudy Friday Cloudy Saturday Cloudy Sunday Cloudy Monday Sunny Tuesday Cloudy See Latest Weather 63 68 67 67 56 56 57 Updates on 46 47 46 48 39 37 37 THEORION.COM Online Exclusive Wolf Parade’s new album ‘Thin Mind’ Review The police blotter combines information reported by the Chico and University police departments University Police Chico Police Call Type: Assault Call Type: Welfare Check Wednesday, Jan. 22 12:58 a.m. 700 W 9th St. Wednesday, Jan. 22 6:17 p.m. O’Connell Friend was jumped across from the market. The caller Male subject has been inside the bathroom for over an was hit in the jaw when trying to defend the friend. No hour in a locked stall. weapons and no theft. Call Type: Burglary Call Type: Vandalism Wednesday, Jan. 22 4:45 p.m. Bell Memorial Union Wednesday, Jan. 22 8:30 p.m. 800 W 5th St. The caller’s locker in the basement was broken into. The Unknown subject tagged the caller’s vehicle with lock was cut and items were taken. satanic imagery. Concerned because the caller works for Uber. Call Type: Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Circumstance Sunday, Jan. 26 2:20 a.m. Konkow Hall Call Type: Drunk in Public The best entertainment is free. Friday, Jan. 24 2:24 a.m. 200 Broadway St. Male transient walking around Konkow, Mechoopda Head Online and listen to and Esken Hall behind the buildings possibly going The Orion Podcasts. Man laying on the sidewalk soiled himself. Did not through the garbage. theorion.com/podcasts appear to need an ambulance. Call Type: Card Access Issue Sunday, Jan. 26 3:06 p.m. Holt Hall Call Type: Transient Problem Saturday, Jan. 25 1:00 a.m. 600 Manzanita Ct. Caller needs access into building so she can feed her fish. Transient wielding a large stick, swinging stick around. Call Type: Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Circumstance Has not harmed or brandished stick at anyone. Monday, Jan. 27 4:01 p.m. Physical Science Building Call Type: Disturbance A professor is chasing someone who stole a hat. They are Saturday, Jan. 25 8:03 p.m. 5000 Cohasset Rd. headed towards Celestino’s. Male subject saying “F U b****, I am going to kill you.” Call Type: Suspicious Person/Vehicle/Circumstance Did not see a female with him. Monday, Jan. 27 8:59 p.m. Laxson Auditorium Call Type: Assault Male subject lying on curved sitting area on the North Sunday, Jan. 26 9:44 a.m. 100 Cohasset Ln. West side of the building making uncomfortable suggestive statements towards the caller. Female transient entered the facility and requested medics. She stated that she was maced with bear spray. Add us on social media! New health center policy does not excuse student absences Facebook.com/TheOrion Twitter.com/TheOrion Emily Neria form of documentation for class. absences in all university classes. Instagram/TheOrion “We were seeing students who were “We are hoping that allowing Staff Writer Youtube.com/TheOrion no longer too sick to be in class and students to miss up to three days didn’t need medical intervention, just without needing an excuse note will The WellCat Health Center has paperwork,” Cannaday said. actually decrease the stress and added adopted a policy that no longer In 2010, The American College burden of obtaining an excuse note,” provides excuse notes for medical Health Association recommended Cannaday said. absences that span three consecutive campuses assume a “no excuse note” The clinic will still provide days or less. policy for this very reason. documentation for students expected According to the WellCat’s Clinic This change to the health center’s to miss more than three consecutive Administrator Jill Cannaday, the policy policy is accompanied by discussion days of class due to a prolonged illness. is intended to streamline access to the between the health center, university health center for students who are in faculty, and Vice President of Academic need of medical assistance. Prior to the Affairs Debra Larson. The goal of these recent change, 20% of students on the Emily Neria can be reached at conversations is to universalize a WellCat schedule had already treated [email protected] tolerance for three days of unexcused their illness at home but needed some or @NeriaEmily on Twitter Corrections Contact | Editorial Contact | Business Phone: 530.898.4386 Phone: 530.898.6919 This space is used to Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] make corrections or Editor-In-Chief Multimedia Editor Website Fax retractions to stories in Rayanne Painter Alex Coba www.theorion.com 530.898.4799 Business Representative previous editions.Please News Editor Copy Chief Natalie Hanson Jessie Imhoff Chloe Curtis email corrections to Adviser A+E Editor Chief Design orionmanagingeditor@ Pate McMichael Angel Ortega Jacob Collier gmail.com. Opinion Editor Lucero Del Rayo-Nava Sports Editor Karina Cope A&E OTrheion A3 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 PHOTO BY | JOE HILSEE The Blue Room Theatre in Chico staged William Shakespeare’s esteemed comedy, “Measure for Measure.” Measure for Measure is a morbid tale of morality Kati Morris America of 2020.” who tries a commoner by the name “Measure for Measure” ultimately For the most part, “Measure for of Claudio for fornication) or will we asks its audience to consider issues Staff Writer Measure” has a dark and cynical tone, challenge it? of morality and how we legislate supplemented with a bit of comic When Claudio (Slupski) is sentenced them. What is revealed is that those Blue Room Theatre hosted the relief. The comedy, however, remains to death, his sister Isabella (Alex in positions of power, like our villain performance of William Shakespeare’s fairly morbid. Some of the most Hilsee) is faced with a difficult Lord Angelo, are not always morally dark comedy “Measure for Measure,” amusing moments during the play decision. Isabella begs Lord Angelo superior. directed by Joe Hilsee, on Saturday. feature a character by the name of to spare her brother and he promises Original music for the play was Although the play takes place in Pompey (Joseph Slupski) and his witty to let Claudio go so long as Isabella composed, recorded, and performed Vienna, Austria in the 15th century, it banter. agrees to sleep with him. by Paraic King. seems to transcend time. According to At its core, “Measure for Measure” Performances by Slupski and the program, “the question of time and is a story about morality. It begs the Hilsee get emotional during a scene place is pretty much the same as any question of how far we, as humans, where Claudio asks Isabella to accept Shakespeare play - it doesn’t matter. It will go to stand up for what we Angelo’s deal. Isabella refuses, telling is past. It is now. We are human and we believe is right. Will we blindly follow Claudio that he must die because Kati Morris can be reached at make mistakes and crave forgiveness, authority (in this case, the play’s allowing her virginity to be lost would [email protected] whether we are in Vienna of 1498 or antagonist Lord Angelo (Rob Wilson) be much more dishonorable. or @neutralsoymlk on Twitter Drinks, dancing and demand Nationally recognized ‘Seraph Brass’ serenades Chico State for abortion access Kirstin Joyce “I’m on the front lines doing the work and seeing the clients, and knowing Staff Writer their struggles and the things that are creating barriers to them every day,” Community members gathered at Adams said. the Women’s Health Specialists clinic Women’s Health Specialists has Friday night to commemorate the 47th served the Chico community for anniversary of landmark Supreme over 40 years and was founded by Court Case, Roe v. Wade. Dido Hasper in 1975. Acting as a This is an annual benefit and is open comprehensive women’s health center, to the public as a celebratory occasion Women’s Health Specialists offers for a woman’s right to choose. different services for reproductive and “I think it’s important to recognize overall health. PHOTOS BY | JULIAN MENDOZA The music group played original performances and their own pieces Elijah Ewing trumpet, Raquel Rodriquez Samayoa on trumpet, Jean Laurenz on trumpet, Staff Writer Velvikis playing the horn, Hana The award-winning quintet, Seraph Beloglavec on the trombone, and Brass, performed at Chico State’s Gretchen Renshaw James playing the Zingg Recital Hall for their first tuba. California tour on Sunday. While each musician on their own Sharing the spotlight, the members has impeccable accomplishments, of Seraph Brass walked in a line to playing as a quintet has won the group the front of the stage without saying prestigious awards such as the 2019 PHOTOS BY | JULIAN MENDOZA a word. The ensemble then filled the American Prize in Chamber Music. The Roe v. Wade group posed together for a group photo near the end of the day. room with music to begin their hour- Founded in 2014, Seraph Brass long performance. came together with the intention abortion access for everyone. We “I think it’s important to the Chico The ensemble didn’t waste any time of showcasing top female brass want to create an environment where community and people in general to during the performance, only taking musicians from around the U.S. someone could walk up to the window hear that there’s other reproductive breaks to introduce the next song or The group also works with female and be able to have access to abortions health facilities that offer great services themselves to the crowd. composers when making new music. without a lot of hoops to jump comparable to Planned Parenthood,” The group played a mix of classic When Seraph Brass finished their through,” clinic coordinator Vanessa member of the clinic’s intake office, songs for other instruments, last song, the crowd erupted with Aragon said, “Reproductive health and sexual health is a human right.” Rosalina Acevedo-Golden said, “It’s revisioned for their ensemble, and applause and a standing ovation. important for people to find choices Attended by Women’s Health original songs. Most songs appear on Before leaving for their next event, and places that they feel comfortable Specialists staff, as well as friends and their new album, “Asteria.” Seraph Brass will be spending time at.” veterans of its programs, activities With each piece bringing its own with Chico State music students In addition to providing health focused on fundraising to support energy and style, the entire concert during a master class, according to services, the clinic also hosts sister the clinic and extend gratitude organization, Adoption Choices of was a rollercoaster of emotion. Some Bowden. for the community’s support. The Northern California, which offers songs were a fast tempo and told a Seraph Brass can be found on benefit featured a silent auction using open adoption programs and manages story of excitement, like one original Facebook and Instagram, and donations from many local businesses, support groups for birth and adoptive song called, “Go,” featuring the group their latest album, “Asteria,” can an open wine bar, complimentary parents. yelling “go.” Other pieces. like their be streamed on Spotify. For more snacks and an awards ceremony. Women’s Health Specialists is open opener “Holberg Suite Prelude,” were information about the Paul and Yasuko After the mixer portion of the night concluded, attendees headed to The Monday through Friday from 8:30 more soothing and melodic. Zingg Recital Hall, including how to a.m. to 5:00 p.m and located at 1469 Maltese for a night of dancing. When Rachel Velvikis, who plays the buy tickets for future events, visit the Humboldt Road in Chico. In regard to the current political horn, introduced the song, “Does The Chico State Box Office website. climate surrounding Roe v. Wade, Day Rain” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, she said, clinic manager Nel Adams noted “When it rains, grab an umbrella,” that while she is not one for making earning a meaningful chuckle from political arguments, she has first-hand Kirstin Joyce can be reached at the crowd. experience of the reality of women’s [email protected] The group was formed by Mary Elijah Ewing can be reached at reproductive health. or @joyce_kirstin on Twitter [email protected] Elizabeth Bowden, who plays the A&E OTrheion A4 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 PHOTO BY | HANA BEATY Just like his classy green outfit Afroman proudly raps away while holding a drink in his hand. AAffrroommaann ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee lliigghhttss uupp CChhiiccoo Kirstin Joyce who weren’t on the dance floor still Afroman was decked out from head often singing directly into glaring sang from their tables, opting to check to toe in green and gold, sporting a phone cameras and clinking cups with Staff Writer out some of the Tackle Box’s renowned custom-made Adidas jogger with a the audience. food and drink menu items before the marijuana leaf symbol and gold chains. He ended his performance with a Iconic rap artist Afroman was the live bands began. Even his cup, which he held onto rendition of his two most popular headliner at Chico’s Tackle Box bar on The show began with some original during the entire show, was covered in songs “Because I got High” and “Crazy Saturday. performances by a few local Chico diamond designs and pop art. Rap (Colt 45 & 2 Zig Zags),” both of The sold-out show was already rappers, including Brad Bridges, Jason The star performed most of the which had lyrics tailored to suit Chico packed by 8 p.m., well before openers Starners, B. Lee and Blaze 1. Afterward, songs from his 2001 album “The Good residents. even took to the stage. The crowd was singer and rapper Lil Sodi introduced Times.” Taking frequent breaks in Tackle Box Chico hosts live shows in good spirits as they waited for the Afroman on the stage. The two have between sets to jam out on his custom every weekend, often featuring local live music to start, passing the time by worked together since 2018 when they double-necked guitar, the audience artists. heading to the dance floor. released their single ‘Bacc to the 80Z.’ was quickly reminded of his musical A live DJ played a mix of pop, rap “I love Chico, it’s great to be bacc in abilities in addition to his lyrical talent. Kirstin Joyce can be reached at and old-school rhythm and blues to California,” Afroman commented on The small venue and low stage allowed [email protected] appeal to a mix of older and younger Instagram while on his way to the venue. him to easily interact with the crowd, or @joyce_kirstin on Twitter groups present in the audience. Those COURTESY BY | UNIVERSAL PICTURES War film ‘1917’ brings viewers to front line Danielle Kessler I will say, the dialogue is surface which is surely one of the most an added sense of realism. Every step level and dull at times, but it serves memorable and beautiful sequences of of the way is like taking a walk back Staff Writer the purpose of illustrating what an the film. into the trenches. average, yet gruesome day was like Although there are rumors that the Linguistically, the film isn’t so With beautiful cinematography, for these soldiers. However, a notable movie was filmed in one take, it was nuanced. The care and attention to the technical work and raw emotion, “1917” performance was from Mackay, as he technically not. However, it is edited visual aspect is what makes the film takes the war movie genre to a new gives a natural and easy performance and filmed in such a way that makes worth watching. level. as much of the cast does. the viewer feel like they are along for I fully expect this film to secure a few The film takes place during World The film shines in its camera work the ride, joining Corporal Schofield Oscar wins and would suggest watching War II and focuses on two British and cinematography. From a technical and Corporal Blake on a heartbreaking this film even after award season if soldiers, Corporal William Schofield level, this film is absolutely gorgeous. and eye-opening journey. For the first you are interested in a gratifying and (George MacKay) and Corporal Tom Cinematographer Roger Deakins does hour, it truly does feel like one long immersive experience. Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman), as an outstanding job playing with light take, which is what gives it a raw, they try to complete the grueling task and shadows to paint what occasionally almost documentary style that makes Rating: 4/5 stars of delivering a message to another looks like biblical and even apocalyptic every wound harder to bear and every troop to call off an attack that could scenes. My favorite moment was a loss more painful. save hundreds of soldiers lives. Danielle Kessler can be reached at Sam Mendes’ film “1917” is one that shot of Schofield running through “1917” is everything you would expect [email protected] deserves praise this award season. the remains of the french city, Écoust, from a World War II style movie with or @resev0irpups on Twitter Infamous Stringdusters play bluegrass for non-bluegrass fans Danielle Kessler Staff Writer Grammy award-winning band, The Infamous Stringdusters, put on a genre-bending show on Wednesday at the Senator Theatre. With songs varying from classic bluegrass to a more contemporary sound, the band played an experimental show for the audience. The band performed a full-length show where they exhibited the different sounds of their progressive bluegrass group. Band members Andy Hall, Andy Falco, Chris Pandolfi, Jeremy Garrett and Travis Book played instruments including guitar, banjo, PHOTOS BY | DANIELLE KESLER and fiddle. Each member was able to prove the band’s level of expertise. at times. For many audience members, The band also performed a few mix of genres throughout the night, so The Infamous Stringdusters started this was a part of the night that made popular covers to songs that seemed much so that the band finished off the playing more traditional bluegrass them get up out of their seats to dance strange at first for a bluegrass band to night by playing an encore. songs, like “It’ll Be Alright” from their and enjoy the musical variation that be covering. However they put their The Infamous Stringdusters gave a 2018 “Live From Telluride” album. The Infamous Stringdusters provided. own twist on songs like Marvin Gaye’s distinct performance that captured the After a few songs, the band There was no short coming of jam “What’s Going On”, The Cure’s “Just audience’s attention and made a full- transitioned into a five-minute solos. As the night progressed, the Like Heaven” and, of course, the classic length show seem short. jam session where every member crowd was in for a treat as the band Grateful Dead’s “Terrapin Station”. The contributed a sound. The band played what sounded like a tribute covers made for an interesting and Danielle Kessler can be reached at transitioned from a country sound, to to the age of disco — with an added never-dull performance. [email protected] something psychedelic and trance-like bluegrass feel to it, of course. The audience responded well to the or @reserv0irpups on Twitter SPORTS OTrheion A5 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 Chico State remembers 17 years with Coach Hein COURTESY BY | CHICO STATE ATHLETICS (Left) Coach Cody Hein during a time out. Women’s Volleyball Tournament Championship Final at the Coussoulis Arena, California State University, San Bernardino on Saturday, Nov 19, 2016. (Middle) Coach Cody Hein pumping his fist in excitement during a volleyball match. (Right) Head women’s volleyball coach of 17 years, Cody Hein. Matthew Wreden and was selected as the 2016 West Management from Barry University in Tommy Gott as the new head coach in Region Coach of the Year. 2003. Jan. 2019. Gott, a Chico local, was an Staff Writer Hein led the Wildcats to six Before being hired at Chico State, assistant on the team for eight years. Karina Cope postseason births, four National Hein was the head volleyball coach at Chico State University will share Sports Editor Collegiate Athletic Association the Florida Institute of Technology. details about Hein’s service as Championship Tournament There, he led the Panthers to a 46- information becomes available. The Chico State’s volleyball coach Cody appearances, 46 postseason conference 44 record over three seasons, broke campus’ flag will be lowered next week Hein died on Friday, Jan. 24 at 47 years awards, 28 All-West Region selections the university’s record for total wins in his honor. old. His passing was due to an ongoing and 12 All-American honors. in a season and ranked in the South Hein is survived by his wife, Dana, heart condition. Hein grew up in the central valley Region’s Top 10. and three sons, Austin, Jackson and Hein coached the Chico State and was diagnosed after birth with a Hein had his last heart surgery Davis. volleyball team for 17 years. With a serious heart condition. He underwent in Oct. 2018. Due to post-surgery total of 265 wins at Chico State, he three major heart surgeries, one in complications, he spent six months Matthew Wreden can be reached at established himself as one of the most which replaced a portion of his heart at Stanford Hospital before returning [email protected] successful volleyball coaches in Chico with a prosthesis, all by the age of 14. home to Chico in March 2019. or @MattWreden70 on Twitter State history. Additionally, Hein had Upon graduating from the University His health challenges included Karina Cope can be reached at earned California Collegiate Athletic of California, Berkeley in 1994, Hein regular dialysis treatments and as [email protected] Association Coach of the Year honors went on to earn his Master of Sports a result, Chico State decided to hire or @KarinalCope on Twitter Women’s basketball star, Maddy Wong, ranks high Matthew Wreden 3.3 three pointers per game. Wong’s most impressive outing came Staff Writer on Jan. 4, as she was able to put up seven Maddy Wong, point guard of the three-pointers against California State Chico State women’s basketball team, University, Dominguez Hills. As the is one of the deadliest three point lone senior on the team, Wong has shooters in the California Collegiate embraced the leadership role. Athletic Association (CCAA). This is “It’s tough because we are so young,” done largely in part by her ability to be Wong said, “I am trying to be the leader, consistently accurate behind the three and being a two guard makes it hard to point line. be a leader from that spot. I just try to According to the NCAA ranking lead by example and be supportive.” summary, this 5 foot 5 inch senior is After graduation, Wong is eager to currently in the Top 20 for three point continue her education and earn her field goals and in the Top 50 for three PhD in chemistry. point percentage. “The plan right now is just to graduate, Before transitioning to point guard but I have been accepted to three at Chico State, Wong was a shooting schools and I have an interview this guard at Elk Grove High School. She following week at UC San Francisco,” considered herself a scoring machine. Wong said. “I’ve always got the green light. I’ve As a bright, talented and motivated COURTESY BY | RYAN CASLAND/ CHICO STATE SPORTS INFORMATION always been a shooter and after coming individual, Wong has helped the Senior guard Maddy Wong being introduced before a game at Acker Gym. here, coach made me point guard,” Wildcats on the road to success this Wong said. This move allowed Wong to focus her has posted a 40.3 three point field season. Upon entering her senior year at Chico ability on scoring from anywhere on goal percentage, ranking second in the Matthew Wreden can be reached at State, head coach Brian Fogel wanted to the court. CCAA. Wong also ranks second in three [email protected] transition her back to shooting guard. Throughout her senior season, Wong point field goals per game, averaging or @MattWreden70 on Twitter Men’s Basketball triumph over CSU Dominguez Hills Nicolas Espino play to tie the game. In addition to second chances, free Staff Writer throws were a crucial factor in Chico Second chances have proven to make State’s win. The Wildcats shot over 78% a difference as junior Malik Duffy led from the stripe, going 15 for 19, while the Chico State men’s basketball team their opponents shot 42% from the to an 85-76 victory over California line, going 8 for 19. The ability to make State University, Dominguez Hills on free throws late in games does not come Thursday night. as a surprise, as this is an area the team Duffy was a strong player and works on continuously throughout the showed skilled from the free throw week. line, scoring 25-points. Duffy showed “We shoot free throws everyday his ability to score at will and led the after practice,” Duffy said,“We shoot way for the Wildcats. He had help from 20 to 25 and we have to make a certain guard, Isaiah Brooks and the team’s percent to be able to move on.” leading scorer of the season, Kevin Defense was another area of Warren. Brooks led the team with discipline that aided the Wildcats. THE ORION | NICOLAS ESPINO seven assists and Warren made huge Duffy, Warren and Brooks mentioned Kevin Warren (11) attacks the Toro defenders and finishes strong. This big three-point play tied up the game plays down the stretch to help pull out that when the team plays well at for the Wildcats and was the turning point in the 85-76 victory over the Torors. the win. the defensive end it makes a large the Wildcats defense stepped up their driving to the paint. The opponent One of the biggest plays of the difference on the outcome of the game. play. Despite trading buckets early on, failed to make the shot as Briggs night came from Warren with less than “That’s (defense) going to be the game they were able to come up with several pinned the driving players ball against five minutes left to play in regulation. changer for the rest of our season,” stops down the stretch. the backboard. With the Wildcats down by three, Duffy said, “We are going to come out One of the defining moments in the players were able to make a stop, get every game, 40 minutes of defense.” game, and perhaps the game winning down the floor and move the ball well Upon returning from the first half of play, came off a big defensive block to find Warren on the wing for a strong play, the Wildcats had a 9-point lead. from forward, Justin Briggs. With a drive and finish. Warren was fouled on However, the Toros were able to tie it little over one minute to play and the Nicolas Espino can be reached at the drive, had his free throw blocked up halfway through the second half. Toros still within reach, Briggs ran [email protected] and then completed the three-point Shortly after the Toros tied the game, down the lane to chase an opponent or @GuyNeeks on Twitter SPORTS OTrheion A6 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 Softball team gets set for upcoming season Arrow VanAbrams Shamblin is coming into the year efforts in 2019 earned her first-team willing to fight through it,” Shamblin with the same laser focus she has had All-California Collegiate Athletic said. Staff Writer for the past 10 seasons. Association (CCAA) honors. A strong start is key and Wildcats The Chico State women’s softball “We know what our ultimate goals Ace junior pitcher, Brooke Larsen, are coming into this season with high team is preparing to hit the diamond are. We want to get to the postseason is ready to get back in the circle after hopes, talent and the commitment this week for opening day. every year, but this time of year we’re putting up competitive numbers in her needed to make a push for the playoffs. The Wildcats will travel to Irvine on just thinking about what we can do to first season at Chico State. Larsen went The Wildcats are making their Friday to compete in the Concordia get better today,” Shamblin said. 20-8 with a 1.84 ERA in 2019, earning home debut on Friday, Feb. 7 against Invitational Kickoff Classic. Here, they Chico State is coming into the season her First Team All-CCAA honors along California State University, Monterey will play out of conference opponents with plenty of firepower to handle with being named as the conference’s Bay. in this three-day tournament. their opponents both offensively and Most Valuable Pitcher. Angel Shamblin is heading into her defensively. Many players and coaches are aiming 11th season as head coach. She has led The Wildcats are also coming off a to set this year apart from past years. the Wildcats to the National Collegiate 2019 campaign where three players “We have battled through a lot of Athletic Association Championship hit over .320. One of the three includes adversity within our team. We have Arrow VanAbrams can be reached at Tournament six years in a row and 8 senior shortstop, Kristin Worley, a group of committed kids that have [email protected] out of 10 total seasons. who hit a .378. Worley’s outstanding really stuck with it and have been or @Arrow__3 on Twitter Toros push to rally over Wildcats Wildcats claim ninth straight victory Alex Martin Staff Writer Chico State men’s basketball put on a show on Saturday night in Acker Gymnasium as they beat the California State University Los Angeles Golden Eagles by a score of 89-62. This led the Wildcats to their ninth straight victory. Junior Malik Duffy was the leading scorer for Chico State as he scored 21 points in the game against the Golden Eagles. “I came out super aggressive,” Duffy said, “Last time I wasn’t as aggressive and it showed on the statistics sheet. My rebounding, scoring and assists weren’t there. I tried to start rolling early and the momentum kept picking up from there.” Along with Duffy, Calvin Geraci was another major scorer in Saturday night’s win. As stellar teammates and friends, the camaraderie and teamwork was evident. “Malik and I are best friends on and off the court,” Geraci said, “We’re just two weirdos. We get along with each other. That translates to the court well.” The Wildcats now have 10 regular season games left. The road to playoffs will not be an easy one. Senior Justin Briggs discussed what he feels his team needs to do in order to be at their best throughout these final 10 games. “We have teams in the upper percentile of our league,” Briggs said, “We get fired up for those games. We have to keep taking steps forward. COURTESY BY |MISHAL IBRAHIM OF UNSPLASH When we get to the postseason, I’m sure we’ll be peaking. Every single Matthew Wreden throw line. Ison was responsible for 14 Toros game plan switched and they game is just as important as the last.” first-quarter points, all coming from utilized 6 foot 3 inch senior center, Staff Writer With Briggs being a senior and the soft spot in the zone. Ahlisha Henderson. closing in on graduation, he spoke on “I like that shot,” Ison said, “I try to “Personally I’ve been a post my whole Haley Ison’s 24 points were not his basketball related plans after his shoot that shot a lot at practice so it is life so I have been guarding bigger girls, enough Thursday night as California time at Chico State. just natural for me.” so I am used to it,” Washington said, State University, Dominguez “I’m going to try and play professional On Jan. 4, the Wildcats were able “It’s definitely a challenge when they completed a second half comeback basketball when I’m done. I love to do to cruise past the Toros 81-64. Senior have the weight and the height on you.” over the Chico State Wildcats to win it,” Briggs said. guard Maddy Wong was lethal from The Wildcats needed more help from 63-69 at Acker Gym. Next, the Wildcats will face California the 3-point line going 7 for 10 from their team if they wanted to come out State University, East Bay on Jan. 30 behind the arc. Tonight, the Toros had on top. They only had two players score “ This is like the and hope to continue their winning her number and limited her to only 4 in double digits and they allowed 12 streak. second round points on 1 for 8 shooting. offensive rebounds, most of which According to Geraci, this will not be “This is like the second round of were courtesy of Henderson. of playing these an easy matchup. playing these teams again,” Wong said, After trying to foul their way back “We play California State University, teams again. I’ve “I’ve been marked since the first game into the game late, the Toros completed East Bay who absolutely hates us for I played. Teams are face guarding me the comeback and left Acker gym been marked since what we’ve done to them previously,” and trying to not let me get open.” splitting the series. Geraci said, “It’s going to be a really the first game I played. The Toros second quarter The Chico State Women’s basketball tough game. We’re going to be on our performance was what kept them in team has another home game on Teams are face guarding A-game. We just have to keep it rolling.” the game. They limited the Wildcats to Saturday at 5:30 p.m. in Acker Gym to me and trying to not let 11 points and were able to put up 15 to take on California State University, Los only be down by four entering the half. Angeles. me get open.” “In the second half we did not take MADDY WONG | Student advantage of the momentum we had because we did not close in the second Matthew Wreden can be reached at The Wildcats (10-6) aggressively [email protected] Alex Martin can be reached at quarter,” Hannah Washington said. played the Toros’ 2-3 zone finding or @MattWreden70 on Twitter [email protected] buckets right at the elbow and free- Once the second half started, the or @amjournalism130 on Twitter OPINION OTrheion A7 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 Adulting on a budget: college student edition Alexis Harvey Staff Writer College is already hard enough. Challenging classes, picking a major, and basically forcing young adults to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives. This is their first time on their own and for many students, their first time paying to attend school. There are a select amount of students that are fortunate enough to attend college without having to pay for it while some students aren’t as lucky. Whatever the situation might be, most college students are struggling to budget their money properly. Coming to college is such an exciting experience and most students want to experience everything possible, but with the fun comes a cost. Whether it’s going out to eat with friends on a daily basis or buying a concert ticket, most students don’t realize how much money they’re spending until it’s gone. One minute you’re celebrating life as a brand new adult, and the next your rent is due and you have $12 in your bank account. That’s when it hits you: adulting is a lot harder than anyone could have anticipated. Budgeting is something everyone has to learn. Take these things into consideration when learning how to budget as a college student: PRIORITIZE! PRIORITIZE! PRIORITIZE! This is probably one of the most important rules when it comes to budgeting. College students have a lot of expenses. Whether it’s paying for tuition, rent, food, bills, or other expenses, the average college student is often struggling to pay for these basic needs. Yes, we all want to spend our hard- earned money on things we want, but paying for heating in the middle of winter should be a top priority. Learn how to put money aside for these necessities. Put aside extra spending money ILLUSTRATION BY | MELISSA JOSEPH After paying off every bill and A lot of students in college have something everyone should follow, expenses three ways: Spending 50% buying essentials some students feel jobs. Whether or not they pay for especially college students. on needs, 20% on wants and putting like they’re left with nothing. education, a job in college is always a Popularized by Senator Elizabeth away 30% to savings. This rule is an This is where budgeting comes good idea. Warren in her book “All Your Worth: intuitive and simple plan to help in. When learning how to budget Not only does it provide extra The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan,” students reach their financial goals. properly, make sure not to forget spending money, but it also teaches she explains how following this rule about treating yourself from time to important life skills. is the ultimate way to learn how to time. Alexis Harvey can be reached at The “50/20/30 budget rule” budget money. [email protected] Consider getting a job. The 50/20/30 budget rule is This basic rule is to divide up Not anymore, not working Times are changing, so should your educational institution Erin Holve Organization during the 2015-2016 academic year, showed that nearly Staff Writer 83% of first-time students who were enrolled full-time received some form At the age of 30 I entered my first of financial aid. four-year college course. I lived most This seems like a Band-Aid for a of my 20s as the working poor. I went gaping and festering wound called to dig myself out of economic poverty, America’s educational economic but there was one little problem. system. How am I supposed to navigate a About 40% of students worked at college structure that isn’t conducive least 30 hours per week while also to my lifestyle as an adult in society? taking a full load of classes. According I have a job and rely on it heavily in to a 2015 report, 25% of college order to pay off bills and debt. students worked full-time while also I am lucky enough to have a family attending school full-time. that can economically support me if We’re seeing an increase in college I fall short on a payment for a bill or expenses and debt along with other financial issue. increasing rates of financial aid. What if I didn’t have this privilege? Wouldn’t this imply that something While contemplating this is fundamentally wrong with question I stumbled onto ILLUSTRATION BY | MELISSA JOSEPH our school structure? the bigger quandary; retaining the information? why do we still use We haven’t changed Erin Holve Online courses require high levels a school system the system, we have Staff Writer of motivation, self-regulation, and that was meant only altered who is organization that I personally often for upper-class, allowed to enroll. We’ve all done it, signed into lack. white males? The Atlantic has Blackboard, and seen the “Not Taxin explained that when sororities Statistics are an article titled Anymore” training required to start have harassment training they have to showing that “17 Questions classes and you say, “Oh god, not this be completely involved in the training. more women Every College again!” “We were made to put our phones and minorities Should Be Then you think what a horrible way away, kind of unplug, and feel like are enrolling Asking,” by a to think about a serious topic, sexual humans, especially in our generation and graduating U.S. Senator harassment. The big issue comes from at this school, we would have such a from four-year from Nebraska, how we choose to implement this type short attention span if it was an online universities than Ben Sasse. of training. course,” Taxin said. “I highly, highly the white men who “As just one “That’s what I did. That’s what doubt people would take it as seriously created it. example, it is everyone does. I’m checking emails, as when you have professional people The National Center increasingly clear what playing it (Not Anymore) in the standing in front of you for two hours for Education Statistics purpose a four-year degree background, muting it,” sorority telling you, showing you images, calculated the overall college should serve when technology is member Mia Taxin said. watching videos, doing examples, enrollment rate from 2000 to 2017 changing the nature of work,” Sasse This type of training is extremely giving you feedback. It’s way more with a growth of 30%. said, “These tidal economic and important because sexual harassment interactive and personal, face-to-face, From 2000 to 2017, college enrollment cultural changes should be prompting is especially prevalent on college so I think it is a lot more effective.” rates of young adults increased by serious soul-searching in every campuses. Research by the National So how do we fix this problem? 5% for Black demographics, 14% for board and faculty meeting, but most Sexual Violence Resource Center “Obviously we are paying them to Hispanic demographics and 9% for universities are deliberating with the has shown nearly two-thirds of be here and when we give them our Asian demographics. urgency of 1951 becoming 1952.” college students experience sexual money, this is a weird way of saying it, Between 2000 and 2017, overall Our college system is moving at a harassment, a large number of victims we’re putting our safety in their hands college enrollment rates increased for snail’s pace for social, economic, and being women. to be educated,” Taxin said, “I think young adult females by 6%. political change within our educational “... literally every time I go to a when you buy a product, no matter We are seeing more diversity on our structure and the ones’ it affects the fraternity party on the weekends,” what it is, you want to know all the college campuses than ever before. most are the students. Taxin said, “I’m always getting touched information about it.” Our students have intersectional lives. in places I don’t want to be touched, These are our educational They come from different cultural getting cat-called down the street or a institutions and their job is to educate backgrounds with varying religious, guy hugs you and he puts his hands in people, so why aren’t they providing an social and economic situations. unwanted places.” effective product? According to Forbes magazine, Experiences like this demonstrate DIGITAL ART BY | CHASE FALK student loan debt was at nearly $1.5 that harassment education is Erin Holve can be reached at trillion in 2019. Erin Holve can be reached at valuable, but we have to ask ourselves [email protected] A study done by the Education Data [email protected] are students actually learning and ADS OTrheion A8 WEDNESDAY JAN. 29, 2020 | WWW.THEORION.COM | VOL. 84, ISSUE 1 Most people infected have no symptoms.

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