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A brillieaxnatm inatioofnm an'sm ostb asic instinct-tdhees irfeo rm utuaali da ndt rust Ifa,s Darwins uggestesv,o lutiroenl entleesnscloyu ragtehse s urvival oft hef ittewshty,a reh umansi mpellteodl ivien c ooperaticvoem,p lex societiTehsi?s f ascinateixnagm inatioofnt her ootosf h umant rust andv irtue retvheear less ulotfsr ecenstt udies stuhgagte stth aste lf­ intereasntd mutuaali da ren ota t ailnlc omptaiblIen.f acto,u r cooperatiinvset inmcatys havee volveads p arotf m ankind'nsa tural selfibsehh avior-bye xchangifnagv orwse canb enefoiutr selvaess welals o thers. Brilliaonrtclhye strattihneng e westf indinogfsg enetistcsi, psychologiasntdsa ,n thropologThies tOsri,g inosfV iurte re-examines thee verydaays sumptionusp on whichw e baseo ura ctiontso wards others, whewteh aerren urturing parseinbtlsi,n ogrst ,r adpea rtners. Witht hew ita ndb rilliaonfTc eh e RQeude enh,i sa cclaimsetdu doyf humana nda nimasle xualiMtayt,t Ridley usshh oowws b reakthroughs inc omputeprr ogramminmgi,c robioloagnyde, c onomitch eorhya ve alpll ayetdh eirro lien p rovidiunsg w itha unique perspeocnt hiovwe andw hy we relatteoe acho ther".S ociethye, r"e marks",wo rknso t becauswee havec onsciouisnlvye ntietdb, u tb ecausieti sa na ncient producotfo ure volvepdr edispositIitio sln ist.e rianlo luyrn ature." 'J','Il"l},+ rf\',," r' A PENGUBOIONK Science ISBN 0-14-026445-0 O 90000> U.K.£ 8.99 CAN.$ 18.99 U.S.$A1.3 .95h t/t/pW Wp\e\' lgul,colmp Lt9, 7l8a0l1l4�02 64456 PENGUINB OOKS THEO RIGINOSF V IRTUE MatRti dlelya'sbsto okT,h eR edQ uee(nP eunignw)a,s shorstt-efldoit rh Reh one-PoPurlifezonerc scbioeonkcse andth Wer iteGrusiA'lw da rfdor n onficHteio obnt.a ined hiDs. Phiinzl o.o lforgoyOm x foUrndi verasniwdto yr,k ed ass cieendcie,tW oasrhingctoornr nedsepnoatn,Ad m erican editfootrrh Eec onsotmA.i r eseaflrelcohow ft hIen stitute ofE conoAmfifca ainrdasT rusotfe eIt nhtee rnaCteino­nal trfeo Lri fheel, i vienNs o rthumbeErnlgalnawdni,dt h,hi s wifaeu ,n iverreseairdat,yn d son. Praifsoer ThOer iogVfii nrst ue "[MaRtitd lmeayn)a gteocs o mbian es cholarly approach witahg redaatsa hn wdi wth,i cphut hsi m waehleloa fdt he fielsdt;i mulaantgdir nefgau t.n " -MaxW ilkinFsionna,nT cmi.eisa l "Ina n ine wrhai bciho losgciiceiancslch ea lletnrgaidnigt ional eth,ih cehs arsa itshedede battoae n ewl evesle roifo usness anidm porctea.n" -JohCno rnwTehlTelmi, e s "Thbeo ok is extremelyt hwseeo lrlt worfi tatneenc ­with dotal adnewdti attih la t fmoalrki ev reelayd eivnegwn h en the maobsstt troapciatcr bsee itnrge a.t"e d -FranBs. M.W adaeNl a,t ure "Imfy S lefhiG senwee rteoh avaev olutmweod evottoe d humanTsh,eO rigoifVn isur eit psr etmtuyc h wIht ahti nk iotu ghtl otoloki ke-.R"i chaDradw kins MatRti dley ORI GINS THE OF I R V T U E Human Inasntdit nhcet s EvoluotfiC oono peration PENGUINBO OKS PENGUINB OOKS Publisbhythee dP enguGirno pu PenguPiuntn amI nc3.7,5H udsoSnt reet, NewY orkN,e wY ork1 001U4.,S .A. PenguBiono kLst d2,7 W righLtsa ne, LondoWn8 51Z,E ngland PenguBiono kAsu strLatldi,a RingwooVdi,c toAruisat,r alia PenguBiono kCsa nadLat d1,0 A lcoArnv enue, ToronOtnot,a rCiaon,a dMa4 V 3B2 PenguBiono k(sN .ZL.t)d 1,8 2-1W9a0i raRuo ad, Auckla1n0dN, e wZ ealand PenguBiono kLst dR,e gistOeffirceeds : HarmondsworMtihd,d lesEenxg,l and Firpsutb lisihnGe rde aBtr itbayiP ne nguBiono kLst d1 996 Firpsutb lisihnte hdUe n itSetda toefAs m eribcyaV ikiPnegn guin, ad ivisoifPo enn guBiono kUsS AI nc1.9 97 PublisihnPe edn guBoionk s1 998 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I j Copyri©g Mhattt R idle1y9,9 6 Alrli ghrtess erved IllustrbaytN iaonncTsyo lford THEL IBRAROYF CONGRESSH ASC ATALOGUEDT HEV IKINGA MERICANE DITIN ASF OLLOWS: RidlMeaytt, . Theo rigoifnv si rthuuem:a inn stianncdtt hsee v olutoifco ono peraIt iaotnRt i dley. p. cm. Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraealnn cdie nsd ex. ISBN0 -670-874(4h9e-.3) ISBN0 1402.6404( 5p bk.) 1.E volut(iBoino log2y.A) l trUis3m.E. t hiEcvso,l utionIa.Tr iyt.l e. QH366.2.R512979 7 303.5-dc209 6-44907 Printienthd e U nitSetda roefAs m erica Seitn S abon Exceipntt hUen ited SotfAa mteersi tcah,ib so oiks s old sutboj ect thceo nditthiaotin ts hanlolt b,yw ayo ft radoreo therwbiesl ee,n t, re-sohlidr,oe udt o,ro therwciisrec ulwaittheodut th peu blisher's pricoorn seinnat n yf oromf b indinogrc oveorth ethra nt haitn whiciht piusb lisahnedwd i thoaus ti milar condition including thicso nditbeiionngi mposoendth es ubsequpeurncth aser. Contents Acknloewdmgeents vii Prologue 1 CHAPTER ONE TheS ocieotfGy e nes 9 CHAPTER TwO TheD ivisoifoL na bour 35 CHAPTER THREE The Prisoner's Di5l1e mma CHAPTER FOUR TelliHnagw ksfr oDmo ves 67 CHAPTER FIVE Dutya ndt heF east 85 CHAPTER SIX PublGioco dasn dP rivGaitfet s1 03 CHAPTER SEVEN TheoroifeM so raSle ntime1n2.5t s , CHAPTER EIGHT TheT ribParli mates 149 CHAPTER NINE TheS ourocfeW ar 171 CHAPTER TEN TheG ainfsr oTmr ade 195 CHAPTER ELEVEN EcoloagsRy e ligion 2.11 CHAPTER TWELVE TheP oweorf P roperty2. 2.7 CHAPTER THIRTEEN Trust 2.47 Souracnde Nso tes 2.67 Index 2.85 Acknowledgements Thew ordisnt hibso oakr een tireolwyn b;mu yt itnhsei agnhdt s idebaesl omnogs ttlooy t hpeero pMlye g.r eadteebsittst ot hose whos hartehdet ihro ugahntdds i scovweirtmihee s so g eneursoly. Somes ubmittleodni gnt toe rroogras teinpotan pse arnsdb ooks, some gmaovreao lrp ractsiucpaplao nrdt someo rcr reiatdi cized drafotfcs h aptIet rhsa.tn hke aml sli ncerely. Theiyn clTuedreAr:n derCshorni,s tBoapdhceorRc okg,eB ra te, y LaurBae tzRiogg,eB ri nghMaomn,i qBuoer gehMouflfd eMra,r k BoycReo,b eBroty dS,a mB ritSttaenp,h Beund ianSstkeyp,h anie CaboEtl,i zaCbaesthhd Naanp,o leCohna gnBornu,c Ceh arlton, DorotChhye neJyer,e Cmhye rfLaesd,a Cosmides, Helena Cronin, LeCer onCkl,i Cvreo oBkr,u Dcaek owsRkiic,h Daarwdk iRnosb,i n DunbaPra,uE lk maWno,l fgFainkge ntRsocbheeFrrrt,a nAkn,t hony GottlDiaveibHd,a ig, Bill Hamilton,G aPreerttte r Hammerstein, HardJionh,Hn a rtuTnogs,h ikHaazsue gaKwrai,sH taewnk eKsi,m HilRlo,b eHritn dMea,r iHkior aiwsae-gHaaDwaav,i Hdi rshleifer, JacHki rsehrlA,en iyfHau rlbMeargtd,a lHeunrat aLdaom,aJ ron es, HillKaarpdl aCnh,a rles KBoebcK kelnetrr,iD degsem,o Knidn g­ HelMee,l K onner, LRaoybteBorrnti, a n MLaerikLt ihl,Tl oam, LloyBdo,b Lboiw M,i chMaceGlu irReo,g eMra stersM,a yJnoahrnd Smith, MGeesnheeG re,o ffMrielyl Gerra,e mMei tchiMsaornt,i n NowaEkl,i nOosrt rWoaml,l Raacvee Pne,tR eirc herAsdoanRm,i d­ ley, RAolgaenPr asu,l RomeRru,n cGiamrMarinyr, a nSdeyam our, StepShheenn nan, Fred SSmmiitLthyh,l,S e t VeeardnmJoaannm ,e s SteeMliec,h aTealy lLoiro,n el JToihgne rT,oR oobbyeT,rr ti vers, ColTiund gRei,c hWaerbdb G,e orWgiel liMaamrsg,Wo i lsaonnd viiiT HE ORIGINOSF V ITRUE RoberWtr ighItth. a sb eena privitloes gee teh esmei andI o nlhyo pIeh avdeo njeu sttioct eh eiidre as. Fort hepiart ieanncdae d vi1cte h,a nmky agenFt si,c iBtryy an I andP eteGri nsbemryg e;d itaonrdse ncouraagtVe irksn gP enguin -RavMii rchandCalnaiAr,le e xanadnedMr a rkS taffaonrdsd e·v eral newspaapnedrm agaziendei twohrosg avmee t hesp act ot royu t somei deaisnp ri-ntC harles Moore,O 'RHeadl moonRn,od s ie BoycoatntdM axW ilkinson. Abovael la,n df oerv erythIti hnagn,mk y wifAen,y aH urlbert. Prologue In whaRi ucshs ainaanr chist -escafrpoemsp rison Iw asi np aitnoc onsitdhemeri sercaobnldei otfit ohnoe l d mana;n nd owm ya lmgsi,v isnogmr ee ldioetfh, almseo. ease ThomaHso bbeesx,p laiwnhiyn g heg avsei xpeton acb ee ggar. Thep risownaesir n a dilemmAash. e p acesdl owly alaocncgu sh­is tomepda thh,es uddenhelayr ad v ioliinnt ,h eo pewni ndoowf a housoev erlootkhipenr gi syoanr Idtw. a sp layianne gx citing Kontski mazurkTah.es ignBaulth! e w asa tt hapto initnh iwsa lkf arthest frotmh ep risgoant Hei.s e scapplea mnu stwo rkt hefi rstti moer nota ta lflo,i rtd epended suupropnr itshiegn uga rds. Now heh adt os hehdi sh eavdyr essing-tguorwannn ,dr un towartdhseo pegna toef t hepr isboenf otrheeg uarcdosu lcda tch himT.h eg atwea so petno r eceai vree gular doeffil rievweoroyd . Onceo utsihdiefs,r iewnodusl wdh ishki ma wayt hroutghhse t reets ofS tP etersibnua cr agr riTahgeep .l anhasd b eecna reflualiladyn, d relayteotd h ep risoinnec ri phienra messahgied deinna watch delivetrohe idmb ya w omanv isiHtiosrf .r iewnedrspe o staeldo ng thes trefeottr w om ileesa,c ghi vian dgi ffesriegnntta olt hen ext thatth es treweetrsce l eoafrt rafTfihce.v iolwianst hse igntahla t thes treweatsc leatrh,ec arriwaagsei np lacteh,eg uaradt t he hospigtaatclel otsoet hcea rriwaagsbe e ienngg agedde eimpni, s lead­ incgo nversbaytt ihopenr isonceorn'fse deornta htseeu bjoefch to w parasaiptpeesua nrd etrh em icrosc(orpees eahracdrh e veatlheadt thegu ardh'osb bwya sm icroscaonpdyt )h,aa tl wla sr eady. Buto nes liapn dh ew oulnde vehra vaen othcehra ncHee.w ould 2. THEOR IGINOSF V IRTUE probabeb lrye turnferdo tmh Set P etersmbiulrigt haorp yi tjaa)ti lo thed arkd,a mpe,n feebgllionogom f t heP etearn dP ulf ortress, wherhee h ada lreasdpye nttw ol oneslcyu,r vy-riedadrSoes n.he mustc hooshei sm omencta refuWloluyl.dt hem azuar continue unthielr eachtehdpe o initnt hpea tnhe artehspetr isoant eW?h en shouhledr un? Witht rembltirnegah dep acebda cakl ontgh ep ath prisgoant Hee. r eachtedh ee ndo ft hpea tahn dt urnteo l ooakt thse entwrhyo w asf ollowhiinmgt: h em anh ads toppfiev ep aces behinTdh.ev iolwianss tipllla yi(nagnw de lhle,th ou t). Now!W itht hetw oq uicmko tiohnesh adp ractistehdo usand timehsefl, u nogf hfi csu mbrous gaanrdmb ernotki en taor unT.h e sentgrayv ceh asflei,n gihnigrs i fl.ef orwatrosd tsr itk epe r isoner downw itthh eb ayonBeutt.d esperalteintothn ep riseors trength andh er eachtehdee n traunncsec athaendda f ewp acese ado fh is pursuTehrr.uo ght heg athee h esitfaotares de coonnds eeitnhga t thec arriwaagsoe c cupbiyea d m ani na militaryo lcdta opt .h e enemyh!et hougBhutt.t hehne n oticetdh es andwyh ik erosf h is frietnhdet, s ariptesras'ospn hayls icainadan s ecrreet l utionary, beneatthhce a ph;e l eaapbto arTdh.ec abs peadw ayi n0 thcei ty, pursbueiitnh ga mperbeyhd i fsr ienwdhso h adh iraeldnl a rbcya bs. Theyd rovteoa b arbesrh'osps ,h avoefdtf h ep risonbeera'ra dn d bye veniwnegr ee nsconicneo dn eo ft hem ostf asi onabolfe StP etersbruersgt'aSu rwahnetrtseh, se e crpeotl iwcoeu lnde veerv en thinokfl ooking. Mutual aid Muchm,u chl atetrh,ep risownoeurl rde membtehre .Cftt hahte owedh ifsr eedotmot he couorfoa tghee trhse: womwa 0nb rought thwea tcthh,we o manw hop laytehdve i oltihnef, r ienhdo d rove thec arriaangdet hep hysicwihaons ati nsiidtea, l le various confedewrhaotk eespt th set receltesoa frt rafwfihci lhee adeg ood hiess capIetw. a sa teaemff ortth astp ,rang himf rojmi ia,n dt he memoryw ast oi gniitnhe i msi nadw holteh eoorfhy u m evolution. PR.OLOGUE 3 PrinPceet Kerro potiksri enm embetroedda iyaf,t a lals,a na narch­ isBtu.th iess cafpreo amt sarpirsitsi on1n 8 67w ast hmeo sdtr amatic andn otabmloem enitn a loncgo,n trovearnsdpi uabll liicfF er.o m ane arlayge thep rinhcaedb eemna rkeodu tf odr istincTthieo n. sono fa d istinguairsihsetdo gcreanteirwcah le,no nleyi gyheta orlsd hew asn oticbeyTd s aNri cholIaa tsa balwlh,e rhee w asa page dressienPd e rsicaons tuamned,o rderteojd o itnh Ceo rposfP ages, Russimao'ssst e lemcitl itaacrayd emIynt. h Ceo rphsee xcelalnedd , wasp ickaesdt hese rgeaa pnto,st th acta rritehdej obo fp ersonal pagteo t het sahri mse(lbfny o wA lexanIdIeA)r .g littmeirliintga ry ord iplomcaatriecle arby e fohriem . ButK ropotkai bnr,i llmiianndit n fectweidt fhr ee-thibnyak ing Frentcuht ohra,do theird eaJso.i ninsgc aan daluonufsalsyh ionable Siberrieagni mehnest p,e nste veyreaalr esx plortihnefg a era stern reachoefSs i berpiiao,n eesreivnegnr eawlr outtehsr outghhme o un­ taiannsdr ivgeorr goefts h alta nadn dd evelohpiiosnw gn p recocious theoraibeosut th eg eoloangyd histoorfty h eA siacno ntinHeen t. returtnoeS dtP etersabg uerogg rapohfne orta en dd,i sgusbtyte hde politpirciasloh nehs a ds eeans ,e crreetv olutiAofntaearr vy i.s tiot Switzerwlhaenrdhe,e f eulln detrh es peolflt hea narchMiiscth ael Bakunhienj ,o inaenud n dergrcoiurnocdfl ae n archiints htResu ssian capitaanldw, o rketdof omentth er evolutSioomne.t ihmeew se nt smi.ifgrhotmd iniantgt heW intePra latcoem eetinwghse rhee couladgi taitned isguaimsoen g wtohrek earnsd p easa,nUtnsd.e r thpes eudonByomr odhienp ,u blisihneflda mmatpoarmyp hlaentds develogpreedra etn owansa fi rebrasnpde aker. Whent hep oliecvee ntucaalulgyuh ptw itBho rodainnd,h ew as reveatloeb den onoet hetrh atnh ree nownPerdi nKcreo potktihne,' tsaarn da lhli cso urwte rseh ockaendd f urioTuhsey. w ere even morea ngrwyh ent,w oy earlsa tehree, s c�pferdo mp risionns o flamboyaan mta nnearn dt ravelled uinndteeotx eiclHteee.l d i ved successiivnEe nlgyl aSnwdi,t zerFlraanndac,ne d e ventuwahlleyn, nowheerles weo ultda khei mi,n E nglaangda iTnh.e rhee t urned graduaflrloaymg itattoim oonr jeu dicpihoiulso sopwhriictaailnn gd speakoinnb ge haolftf h aen arcchaiussta en,di nveighingt haeg ainst rivcarle eodfM arxiswmh,i chhe f elwta si nteonntr einventthien g

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