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The Origins and Development of Emigrant Languages: Proceedings from the Second Rasmus Rask Colloquium, Odense University, November 1994 PDF

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The Origins and Development of Emigrant Languages The Origins and Development of Emigrant Languages Proceedings from the Second Rasmus Rask Colloquium, Odense University, November 1994 Edited by Hans F. Nielsen and Lene Sch0sler ODENSE UNIVERSITY PRES S 199 6 isbn 978 87 7838 226 9 (Pb ; alk. paper) isbn 978 90 272 7279 9 (Eb) © 2012 – John Benjamins B.V. Published 1996 by Odense University Press No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher. John Benjamins Publishing Co. · P.O. Box 36224 · 1020 me Amsterdam · The Netherlands John Benjamins North America · P.O. Box 27519 · Philadelphia pa 19118-0519 · usa CONTENTS Preface vi i List of Delegates i x Emigrant Languages and Acculturation: The Case of Anglo-French. By Douglas A. Kibbee 1 Language Contact and Lexicography: The Case of Anglo-Norman. By DA. Trotter 2 1 Adding Insult to Injury: The English who Curse in Borrowed French. By W. Rothwell 4 1 Anglo-French in the 13th and 14th Centuries: Continental or Insular Dialect. By Thera de Jong 5 5 Afrikaans, a Daughter of Dutch. By Pieter van Reenen & Anna Coetzee 7 1 On the Interplay of Inherited and Non-Inherited Features in Afrikaans Derivational Morphology. By J. van Marie 10 3 The Origins and Development of Emigrant Englishes. By Manfred Görlach 11 7 The Language of the Anglo-Saxon Settlers. By David Parsons 14 1 The Folkehøjskolesang as Site for Contact between Danish and American Languages and Cultures. By Marianne Stolen 15 7 v CONTENTS The Origin, Development and Decline of Orkney and Shetland Norn. By Michael Barnes 16 9 'The Henpecked Farmer': Fragments of an Old Jocular Ballad in Shedand Norn. By Laurits Rendboe 20 1 Scandinavian Loanwords in Old English. By Alfred Wollmann 21 5 The Origin and Development of the Pronunciation of French in Québec. By Yves-Charles Morin 243 Latin in Spain: Early Ibero-Romance. By Roger Wright 27 7 L'Espagnol du Chili et la Thèse Indigéniste de Rodolphe Lenz. Par Juan Hernando Cárdenas 299 vi PREFACE The presen t boo k i s the proceeding s o f The Secon d Rasmu s Ras k Colloquium organize d b y Th e Institut e o f Languag e an d Com - munication, which was held on 3-4 November 199 4 at Odense Uni - versity as a successor to the 199 2 conference (o n 'Form and Functio n in Language') which initiated the series. The topi c o f th e Secon d Rasmu s Ras k Colloquiu m wa s 'Th e Origins an d Development o f Emigrant Languages' . The papers pub- lished i n thi s volume al l deal with Europea n language s which wer e introduced i n countrie s an d area s wher e the y wer e no t autoch - thonous. Thi s applie s t o th e introductio n o f Latin i n Spai n an d t o the exportation of Germanic to Britain as discussed by Roger Wrigh t and Davi d Parson s i n thei r article s on , respectively , earl y Ibero- Romance and th e language of the Anglo-Saxon settlers . Later (bu t stil l early ) example s o f emigran t language s wer e th e spread o f Scandinavian t o th e Britis h Isle s and th e introductio n o f French in England after 1066 . Three contributions are devoted to the former topic : Alfred Wollmann i s concerned with Scandinavian loan - words in Old English, and Michael Barnes and Laurits Rendboe with the Nor n o f Orkne y an d Shetland . N o les s tha n fou r scholar s - Douglas A. Kibbee, Thera de Jong, D.A. Trotter an d W. Rothwel l - deal wit h variou s aspect s o f French influenc e i n Englan d afte r th e coming o f the Normans. After th e er a o f th e grea t navigator s an d discoverers , Europea n languages wer e exporte d t o far-of f continent s (Nort h an d Sout h America, Africa , Asi a an d Australia) . Manfre d Görlach's paper discusses th e origin s an d developmen t o f emigran t Englishes , th e papers by Pieter van Reenen & Anna Coetze and J. van Marie focu s on Dutc h transplante d t o souther n Afric a (Afrikaans) , whil e Yves - Charles Morin' s an d Juan Hernand o Cárdenas's articles ar e about , respectively, French in Quebéc and Spanish in Chile. Finally, contac t between Danis h an d America n languag e an d cultur e i n th e Unite d States is the topic of Marianne Stølen's contribution . An importan t ai m o f th e Colloquiu m wa s t o creat e a dialogu e between scholar s workin g o n prehistori c emigran t language s an d vii PREFACE those workin g o n mrr e eecen t an d bttee r documente d colnnia l dialects and eventually to provide answers, however tentaiive, to some of the questions that are raised when the origins and development o f early emigrant language s ar e unde r discussion : Wha t wer e th e dia - lectal affiliation s o f such languages , an d wha t wa s th e relationshi p between dialecta l iink s an d th e geographical origin s o f the settlers ? And wha t ca n b e extrapolate d methddologicall y rro m mor e recen t colonial language s whos e setllemen t hsttor y an d dialecaa l dat a ar e attested i n muc h mrr e detai l (cf . Afrikaans , Ameriaa n Egglish , Canadian French) ? Some of these questions along with a number o f other issues were taken up for debate during the Plenary Discussion at the close of the conference. The papers of this volume have been arranged more or less in the order i n which the y were presented at the Colloquium. Fo r a variety of reasons the following lectures have not been included i n the pro- ceedings: Michael Benski n (Oslo) , 'Th e Engiis h Languag e i n Medi - eval and Early Modern Ireland' ; Gunnel Melchers (Stockholm) , 'Th e Scandinavian, Dutc h an d Low German Element i n Engiish Dialects : the SED Evidence'; Rogier Neeuweboe r (Groningn)) , 'Mennnnit e Plautdiitsch i n Siberia'; and Laura Wright (Hertfordshir)) , 'Th e Rol e of Macaroni c Businss s Witiin g i n th e Standardizaiio n o f English' . The pape r prepared b y W. Rothwell (Manchester) , 'Adding insult t o injury: the English who curse in borrowed French', was read by D.A. Trotter (Aberystwyth) . Many individull s an d insittution s helpe d t o mak e Th e Secon d Rasmus Ras k Colloquium a success. It is our pleasant duty to than k especially Han s Bbsbel l Odse)e) , Gillia n Fellows-Jeese n (Copenhagen), Michae l Helslun d CCopenhagen) , eeo Hyy e (Odense), Riccard o Rizz a (Pisa ) an d Knu d Soeense n (Ârhus) for serving a s sessio n charrmen ; Flemmin g G . Andesse n (Odense ) fo r opening th e Colloquium ; Joh n Hnee s (Cardiff ) oo r chairin g th e Plenary Dsscussion ; Li s Fischer Nielse n an d Pete r Stewar t fo r thei r secretarial asststance ; nn d hh e Initutut e o f Languag e nn d Communication fo r thei r financial an d mora l support . Las t but no t least we would like to thank Kirsten Albjerg for th e painstaking car e she has taken in preparing the camera-ready typescript of this volume. Hans F. Nielsen Lene Sch0sler Vlli LIST OF DELEGATES Flemming G . Andessen , Institut for Spro g o g Kommunikation , Odense Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M. Michael Barnes , Departmen t o f Scandinavia n Studies , Universtt y College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Hans Basb0ll, Institu t for Spoo g o g Kommunikation , Odens e Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M. Michael Benskin , Inttitut t oo r Britisk e o g Amerikansk e Studerr , Universitetet i Oslo, Postboks 1003, Blindern, N-0315 Oslo. Niels Paulsen Bonde, Regner Lodbrogsvej 8, DK-5200 Odense V. Juan Hernand o Cárdenas, José Pedro Alessandri 774, Universidad Metropolitana, Department of Education, Santiago, Chile. Jan Dugaarrd , Institu t for Spro g o g Kommunikation , Odens e Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M. John M. ~ Dienhart, Insíiíu t for Sprog og Kommunikation, Odens e Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M. Gillian Fellow--Jensen , Institut for Navneforsknigg , Kobenhavn s Universitet, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S. Kirsten Gregersen , Insítíuí for Spro g og Kommunikation, Odens e Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M. Manfred Görlach, Englische s Seminar, Universiráí z u Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Plafz, D-5092 3 Köln. Hans Göizsche, Insíiíuí for Kommunikation , Aalbor g Universtiet , Langagervej 8, DK-9220 Aalborg 0. Anne Haavaldsen , Humanisiss k Daassenter , H . Hårfagresgat e 31 , N-5007 Bergen. Helle Hansen, Orstedsgade 17, DK-5900 Rudk0bing. Michael Herslund, Handelshøjskolen i København, Dalgas Have 15, DK-2000 Frederiksberg. John Hines, School of English, University of Wales Cardiff, P O Box 94, Cardiff, GB-CF1 3XB Wales. Arnstein Hjelde, Nordisk Institutt, Unit-AVH, N-7055 Dragvoll. ix

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