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THE ORIGIN OF LIFE FIVE QUESTIONS WORTH ASKING THE ORIGIN OF LIFE FIVE QUESTIONS WORTH ASKING 1 QUESTION How Did Life Begin? PAGE4 2 QUESTION Is Any Form of Life Really Simple? PAGE8 3 QUESTION Where Did the Instructions Come From? PAGE13 4 QUESTION Has All Life Descended From a Common Ancestor? PAGE22 5 QUESTION Is It Reasonable to Believe the Bible? PAGE30 Bibliography PAGE31 Onthecover:AstylizeddepictionofaDNAmolecule Note:Allthree-dimensionalmodelsofmoleculesandofmolecular machinesaresimplifiedschematicsandarenotdrawntoscale. (cid:2)2010 WATCHTOWERBIBLEANDTRACTSOCIETYOFPENNSYLVANIA AllRightsReserved Publishers WATCHTOWERBIBLEANDTRACTSOCIETYOFNEWYORK,INC. Brooklyn,NewYork,U.S.A. 2010Printing Thispublicationisnotforsale.Itisprovidedaspartofaworldwide Bibleeducationalworksupportedbyvoluntarydonations. Unlessotherwiseindicated,Scripturequotationsarefromthemodern-language NewWorldTranslationoftheHolyScriptures—WithReferences Photocredits:Page4:(cid:2)PetitFormat/PhotoResearchers,Inc.;page5:(cid:2)SPL/Photo Researchers,Inc.;page22,treeoflife:ImagecourtesyofBiodiversityHeritageLibrary; page27,skull:(cid:2)Photolibrary/agefotostock;Ida:(cid:2)MartinShields/Alamy;page28,skulls: (cid:2)Medical-on-Line/Alamy;page29,JavaManreconstruction:(cid:2)ThePrintCollector/Alamy TheOriginofLife—FiveQuestionsWorthAsking English(lf-E) MadeintheUnitedStatesofAmerica A STUDENT’S DILEMMA Petershiftsuneasilyinhischair,aknotforminginhisstomach.Histeacher, awomanherespects,hasjustfinisheddescribinghowCharlesDarwinandhis theoryofevolutionadvancedscientificunderstandingandliberatedmankind fromsuperstitiousbeliefs.Nowshehasinvitedherstudentstoexpresstheir opinionsonthistopic. Peterfacesadilemma.HisparentshavetaughthimthatGodcreatedtheearth andalllifeonit.TheysaythattheBible’saccountofcreationistrustworthyand thatevolutionissimplyatheory—onenotsupportedbytheevidence.Peter’s teacherandhisparentsallmeanwell.ButwhomshouldPeterbelieve? Each school year, scenarios like the port the efforts of religious groups who above play out in thousands of class- want to have creation taught in schools. rooms around the globe. What should Thepurposeofthisbrochureistoexam- Peter and students like him do? Would ineclaimsmadebythosewhoteachthat you not agree that they really need to life appeared spontaneously and assert makeuptheirownmindsonthismatter? that the Bible’s account of creation is a They need to examine the evidence for myth. evolution and for creation and then de- Wewillfocus onthe cellbecause that cide for themselves which they will be- isthe most basicunit of life.You will be lieve. able to reviewsome amazing facts about In fact, the Bible warns against blind- howcellsarebuilt.Youwillalsobeasked ly believing what others teach. “Anyone toanalyzetheassumptionsthatunderpin inexperienced puts faith in every word,” thetheoryofevolution. states one Bible writer, “but the shrewd Sooner or later, all of us need to con- one considers his steps.” (Proverbs 14: front the question, Was life created, or 15) The Bible encourages Christians to diditevolve?Youlikelyhavealreadygiv- usetheir“powerofreason”andtoprove en this topic serious thought. This bro- to themselves the things they are taught. chure will present just some of the evi- —Romans12:1,2. dence that has led many to believe that This brochure is not designed to sup- lifewascreated. ASTUDENT’SDILEMMA 3 1 HOW DID LIFE BEGIN? Whenyouwereachild,didyoueverstartleyourparentsbyasking,“Wheredo babiescomefrom?”Ifso,howdidtheyrespond?Dependingonyourageand theirpersonality,yourparentsmighthaveignoredthequestionorgivenyoua hurried,embarrassedanswer.Orperhapstheytoldyousomefancifultalesthat youlaterfoundtobefalse.Ofcourse,ifachildistobeproperlypreparedfor adulthoodandmarriage,heorsheeventuallyneedstolearnaboutthewonders ofsexualreproduction. Justasmanyparentsfeelawkwardaboutdiscussingwherebabiescomefrom, somescientistsseemreluctanttodiscussanevenmorefundamentalquestion —Wheredidlifecomefrom?Receivingacredibleanswertothatquestioncan haveaprofoundeffectonaperson’soutlookonlife.Sohowdidlifebegin? What do many scientists claim? Many who believe in evolution would tell you that billions of years ago, life began on the edge of an ancient tidal pool or deepintheocean.Theyfeelthatinsome such location, chemicals spontaneous- ly assembled into bubblelike structures, formed complex molecules, and began replicating. They believe that all life on earth originated by accident from one or moreofthese“simple”originalcells. Otherequallyrespectedscientistswho also support evolution disagree. They speculate that the first cells or at least theirmajorcomponentsarrivedon earth fromouterspace.Why?Because,despite theirbestefforts,scientistshavebeenun- able to prove that life can spring from nonliving molecules. In 2008, Professor Afertilizedhumaneggcell,shownabout of Biology Alexandre Meinesz highlight- 800timesitsactualsize ed the dilemma. He stated that over the last50years,“noempiricalevidencesup- 4 THEORIGINOFLIFE ports the hypotheses of the spontaneous appearanceoflifeonEarthfromnothing but a molecular soup, and no significant advance in scientific knowledge leads in thisdirection.”1 What does the evidence reveal? The answer to the question, Where do babies come from? is well-documented and un- controversial. Life always comes from preexisting life. However, if we go back farenoughintime,isitreallypossiblethat this fundamental law was broken? Could lifereallyspontaneouslyspringfromnon- living chemicals? What are the chances STANLEYMILLER,1953 thatsuchaneventcouldhappen? Researchers have learned that for a with ease in Miller-type experiments and cell to survive, at least three different werepresentinmeteorites.Thisisnotthe types of complex molecules must work case.”2(cid:2) together—DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), ConsidertheRNAmolecule.Itiscon- RNA (ribonucleic acid), and proteins. structed of smaller molecules called nu- Today, few scientists would assert that a cleotides.Anucleotideisadifferentmol- complete living cell suddenly formed by ecule from an amino acid and is only chance from a mix of inanimate chemi- slightly more complex. Shapiro says that cals.What,though,istheprobabilitythat “nonucleotidesofanykindhavebeenre- RNAorproteinscouldformbychance?(cid:2) portedasproductsofspark-dischargeex- Many scientists feel that life could periments or in studies of meteorites.”3 arisebychancebecauseofanexperiment He further states that the probability of first conducted in 1953. In that year, aself-replicatingRNAmoleculerandom- Stanley L. Miller was able to produce ly assembling from a pool of chemical someaminoacids,thechemicalbuilding building blocks “is so vanishingly small blocks of proteins, by discharging elec- that its happening even once anywhere tricity into a mixture of gases that was in the visible universe would count as a thought to represent the atmosphere of pieceofexceptionalgoodluck.”4 primitive earth. Since then, amino acids What about protein molecules? They have also been found in a meteorite. Do can be made from as few as 50 or as these findings mean that all the basic many as several thousand amino acids buildingblocksoflifecouldeasilybepro- boundtogetherinahighlyspecificorder. ducedbychance? Theaveragefunctionalproteinina“sim- “Some writers,” says Robert Shapiro, ple”cellcontains200aminoacids.Even professor emeritus of chemistry at New YorkUniversity,“havepresumedthatall (cid:2)Professor Shapiro does not believe that life was created.Hebelievesthatlifearosebychanceinsome life’s building blocks could be formed fashionnotyetfullyunderstood.In2009,scientistsat theUniversityofManchester,England,reportedmak- (cid:2)The probability of DNA forming by chance will ing some nucleotides in their lab. However, Shapiro be discussed in section 3, “Where Did the Instruc- states that their recipe “definitely does not meet my tionsComeFrom?” criteriaforaplausiblepathwaytotheRNAworld.” 1 HOWDIDLIFEBEGIN? 5 1 – — RNA isrequiredtomakeproteins ,yet proteinsareinvolvedintheproductionofRNA. Howcouldeitheronearisebychance,letalone ˜ both?Ribosomes willbediscussedin section2. 2 3 in those cells, there are thousands of dif- Administration’s Astrobiology Institute. ferent types of proteins. The probability “Yet,” she continues, “most researchers thatjustoneproteincontainingonly100 seem to assume that if they can make amino acids could ever randomly form sense of the independent production of on earth has been calculated to be about proteinsandRNAundernaturalprimor- onechanceinamillionbillion. dial conditions, the coordination will somehow take care of itself.” Regarding Researcher Hubert P. Yockey, who the current theories of how these build- supports the teaching of evolution, goes ing blocks of life could have arisen by further.Hesays:“Itisimpossiblethatthe chance, she says: “None of them have origin of life was ‘proteins first.’”5 RNA provided us with a very satisfying story isrequiredtomakeproteins,yetproteins abouthowthishappened.”6 are involved in the production of RNA. What if, despite the extremely small Why do these facts matter? Think of odds, both proteins and RNA molecules the challenge facing researchers who did appear by chance in the same place feel that life arose by chance. They have at the same time? How likely would it foundsomeaminoacidsthatalsoappear in living cells. In their laboratories, they have,bymeansofcarefullydesignedand Ifthecreationofcomplexmoleculesinthe laboratoryrequirestheskillofascientist, directed experiments, manufactured oth- couldthefarmorecomplexmoleculesin er more complex molecules. Ultimately, acellreallyarisebychance? they hope to build all the parts needed to construct a “simple” cell. Their situa- be for them to cooperate to form a self- tioncouldbelikenedtothatofascientist replicating, self-sustaining type of life? who takes naturally occurring elements; “The probability of this happening by transforms them into steel, plastic, sili- chance (given a random mixture of pro- cone, and wire; and constructs a robot. teins and RNA) seems astronomically Hethenprogramstherobottobeableto low,”saysDr.CarolCleland(cid:2),amember build copies of itself. By doing so, what will he prove? Atbest, thatan intelligent of the National Aeronautics and Space entity can create an impressive machine. (cid:2)Dr.Clelandisnotacreationist.Shebelievesthat Similarly, if scientists ever did con- lifearosebychanceinsomefashionnotyetfullyun- struct a cell, they would accomplish derstood. 6 THEORIGINOFLIFE somethingtrulyamazing—butwouldthey provethatthecellcouldbemadebyacci- dent? If anything, they would prove the veryopposite,wouldtheynot? What do you think? All scientific evi- dencetodateindicatesthatlifecancome only from previously existing life. To be- lievethatevena“simple”livingcellarose by chance from nonliving chemicals re- quiresahugeleapoffaith. Given the facts, are you willing to makesuch aleap?Beforeansweringthat question, take a closer look at the way a cell is made. Doing so will help you dis- cernwhetherthetheoriessomescientists propoundaboutwherelifecamefromare soundorareasfancifulasthetalessome parents tell about where babies come from. Ifittakesanintelligententitytocreateand programalifelessrobot,whatwouldittake tocreatealivingcell,letaloneahuman? FACTSANDQUESTIONS ˛Fact:Allscientificresearchindicatesthatlife whoperformedtheexperimentrepresent?Does cannotspringfromnonlivingmatter. he or she represent blind chance or an intelli- Question:Whatisthescientificbasisforsaying gententity? thatthefirstcellsprangfromnonlivingchemi- ˛Fact:ProteinandRNAmoleculesmustwork cals? togetherforacelltosurvive.Scientistsadmit ˛Fact:Researchershaverecreatedinthelab- that it is highly unlikely that RNA formed by oratorytheenvironmentalconditionsthatthey chance.Theoddsagainstevenoneproteinform- believe existed early in the earth’s history. In ing by chance are astronomical. It is exceeding- theseexperiments,afewscientistshavemanu- lyimprobablethatRNAandproteinsshouldform facturedsomeofthemoleculesfoundinliving bychanceinthesame placeatthesame time things. andbeabletoworktogether. Question: If the chemicals in the experiment Question:Whattakesgreaterfaith—tobelieve representtheearth’searlyenvironmentandthe thatthemillionsofintricatelycoordinatedparts molecules produced represent the building ofacellarosebychanceortobelievethatthe blocksoflife,whomorwhatdoesthescientist cellistheproductofanintelligentmind? 1 HOWDIDLIFEBEGIN? 7 2 IS ANY FORM OF LIFE REALLY SIMPLE? BRAINCELL Yourbodyisoneofthemostcomplex structuresintheuniverse.Itismadeup ofsome100trilliontinycells—bonecells, bloodcells,braincells,tonameafew.7 Infact,therearemorethan200different typesofcellsinyourbody.8 Despitetheiramazingdiversityinshape EYECELLS andfunction,yourcellsformanintricate, integratednetwork.TheInternet,with itsmillionsofcomputersandhigh-speed datacables,isclumsyincomparison.No humaninventioncancompetewiththe technicalbrillianceevidentineventhe BONECELL mostbasicofcells.Howdidthecellsthat makeupthehumanbodycomeinto existence? Whatdomanyscientistsclaim?Allliv- ing cells fall into two major categories —thosewithanucleusandthosewithout. MUSCLECELLS Human, animal, and plant cells have a nucleus.Bacterialcellsdonot.Cellswith a nucleus are called eukaryotic. Those withouta nucleus are known as prokary- otic.Sinceprokaryoticcellsarerelatively lesscomplexthaneukaryoticcells,many believe that animal and plant cells must haveevolvedfrombacterialcells. REDBLOODCELLS In fact, many teach that for millions Couldthemorethan200different ofyears,some“simple”prokaryotic cells kindsofcellsthatmakeupyour swallowed other cells but did not digest bodyreallyformbyaccident? 8 THEORIGINOFLIFE Couldevena“simple”cellreallyarise fromnonlivingchemicals? them. Instead, the theory goes, unintelli- gent “nature” figured out a way not only to make radical changes in the function of the ingested cells but also to keep the adapted cells inside of the “host” cell whenitreplicated.9(cid:2) What does the Bible say? The Bible THECELL’SPROTECTIVEWALL states that life on earth is the product To tour a prokaryotic cell, you would of an intelligent mind. Note the Bible’s have to shrink to a size that is hundreds clear logic: “Of course, every house is of times smaller than the period at the constructedbysomeone,buthethatcon- end of this sentence. Keeping you out structed all things is God.” (Hebrews of the cell is a tough, flexible membrane 3:4) Another Bible passage says: “How thatactslikeabrickandmortarwallsur- many your works are, O Jehovah! All rounding a factory. It would take some of them in wisdom you have made. The 10,000 layers of this membrane to equal earth is full of your productions. . . . thethicknessofasheetofpaper.Butthe Therearemovingthingswithoutnumber, membraneofacellismuchmoresophis- living creatures, small as well as great.” ticatedthanthebrickwall.Inwhatways? —Psalm104:24,25. Like the wall surrounding a factory, What does the evidence reveal? Ad- the membrane of a cell shields the con- vancesinmicrobiologyhavemadeitpos- tents from a potentially hostile environ- sibletopeerintotheawe-inspiringinteri- ment. However, the membrane is not orofthesimplestlivingprokaryoticcells solid; it allows the cell to “breathe,” per- known. Evolutionary scientists theorize mitting small molecules, such as oxy- thatthefirstlivingcellsmusthavelooked gen,topassinorout.Butthemembrane somethinglikethesecells.10 blocksmorecomplex,potentiallydamag- If the theory of evolution is true, it ing molecules from entering without the should offer a plausible explanation of cell’s permission. The membrane also how the first “simple” cell formed by prevents useful molecules from leaving chance. On the other hand, if life was the cell. How does the membrane man- created, there should be evidence of agesuchfeats? ingenious design even in the smallest Thinkagainofafactory.Itmighthave of creatures. Why not take a tour of a security guards who monitor the prod- prokaryotic cell?Asyou doso, ask your- ucts that enter and leave through the self whether such a cell could arise by doorways in the factory wall. Similarly, chance. the cell membrane has special protein moleculesembeddedinitthatactlikethe (cid:2)No experimental evidence exists to show that doorsandthesecurityguards. suchaneventispossible. 2 ISANYFORMOFLIFEREALLYSIMPLE? 9 3 would see the cell make about 20 differ- 2 ent basic building blocks called amino acids. These building blocks are deliv- ered to the ribosomes (5), which may be likened to automated machines that link 4 the amino acids in a precise order to form a specific protein. Just as the op- erations of a factory might be governed by a central computer program, many of the functions of a cell are governed by a Thecellmembranehas “computer program,” or code, known as “securityguards”thatallow DNA (6). From the DNA, the ribosome 1 onlyspecificsubstancesto passinorout receives a copy of detailed instructions thattellitwhichproteintobuildandhow tobuildit(7). What happens as the protein is made is nothing short of amazing! Each one Someoftheseproteins(1)haveahole folds into a unique three-dimensional through the middle of them that allows shape(8).Itisthisshapethatdetermines only specific types of molecules in and the specialized job that the protein will out of the cell. Other proteins are open do.(cid:2) Picture a production line where en- ononesideofthecellmembrane(2)and ginepartsarebeingassembled.Eachpart closed on the other. They have a dock- needs to be precisely constructed if the ing site (3) shaped to fit a specific sub- stance. When that substance docks, the (cid:2)Enzymes are one example of proteins made by cells.Eachenzymeisfoldedinaspecialwaytoaccel- otherendoftheproteinopensandreleas- erateaparticularchemical reaction.Hundredsof en- es the cargo through the membrane (4). zymescooperatetoregulatethecell’sactivities. All this activity is happening on the sur- faceofeventhesimplestofcells. 6 INSIDETHEFACTORY Imagine that you have been allowed pastthe“securityguard”andarenowin- sidethecell.Theinteriorofaprokaryotic cellisfilledwithawateryfluidthatisrich in nutrients, salts, and other substanc- es.The cell usesthese raw ingredients to manufacture the products it needs. But 7 the process is nothaphazard. Like an ef- ficiently run factory, the cell organizes thousands of chemical reactions so that 8 theytakeplaceinaspecificorderandac- cordingtoasettimetable. A cell spends a lot of its time making proteins. How does it do so? First, you 5 10 THEORIGINOFLIFE

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