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The origin of certain place names in tlie United States Henry Gannett Google , ^ BulletmNo.268 ^ SeriesF,Geography,45 DEPARTMENTOFTHE INTERIOR 2. UNITED STATES (iKOIXKUCAL SUKVEY CHARLESD.WALCOTT.DWICXOB '/y' ^ ' THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN PLACE NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES (Secouil Ii:ditiou) BY HENEY GAJSiMETT WASHINGTON aOVBKNMSNT PRINTING OFFICB 1906 DigitizedbyGoogle DigitizedbyGoogle ^ I"i -!^ CONTENTS. Page. b'tterof transmittal 5 introduction Z Acknow1txlgmenis 7 Authorities 10 ThenaiiicHandtheirorigin 15 3 » LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of the Interior, United States (tE()L()(}ical Si iney, W<i.s/iiiiyifui^ D, 'JailII(II'll;.^ IDO't, Sir: Itransmit herewith a bulletin on theori«ji?i of ])l;K'e namesin the Tiiited States. This is a second edition of liulh'lin No. 197. The material has been compiled fi-om various sources, printed and manuscript, assetfortii in the introduction. 1 think this workwill beofgreatinterestas embodyingmuchlocalandgeneralhistory. Very respectfuHy, Henry Gannett, Geographer. Hon. Charles D. Wai,c;ott, Director United/States Geological jSurvey^ 6 DigrtizedbyGoogle THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN' PLACE NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. By Henry Gannett. INTKOI>liCT10N. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Piiiiiuj' the compilation of this work a l!ir<^e cornv'^pondence was c'iinii'(i on with Stateami local historical .societies, State,county, and towiishij) olficers, and individuals in all jiarts of the countiy forthe purpose of obtaining information concerning the subject in hand. Thegreatestinterestwasshown andmuch workdone bycorrcs{)ond- ents, who havethuscontributedvery largely tothework. Muchval- uablematerial wascollected in this waywhich otherwisewouldiiave beenunavailable. Amongmy correspondents^special thanksare duetothefollowing personsandorganizations: ThomasM. Owen,DepartmentofArchivesandHistory,Montgom- ery, Alabama, forvaluablereferences. Major Gr. £. Bailey, of San Francisco,California, for extensive informationconcerningtheSpanish nomenclatureof severalhundred townsinCalifornia. C. M. Drake, of Eureka, California, for information concerning namesinMontereyandHumboldtcounties. The Bureau of American Ethnology, to which I am especially indebted, notonlyformuchinformationconcerningIndiannames,but forguidance,advice, andsuggestionsinobtainingsourcesof informa- tion. Indeed, most of the information concerniii«r tiie meaning of hidiannames isderived,eitherdirectlyor indii-cctly, fionithissource, and ull namesof Indian origin have been veritied and corrected by ollicers ofthis Bureau. William K. Byers, of Denver, Colorado, for additions toand cor- rectionsofcountV names. Mrs. J, V. Calver, Washington, District of Columbia, who has furnished valuaf)le and extensiveinformationcoucertiiughuudred^sof place names in all theStutes of the I'nion. Robert C. Rockwell, Pittstield, Massachusetts, for additionstoand correctionsofConnecticutandMassachusettsplacenames. 7 DigitizedbyGopgle 8 PLACE NAMK8 IN THK UNITED STATES. (boll.356. Otis Ashmore,Georgia HistoricalSociety, Savannah,Georgia,for revisinglistofcounties. C. J. Bassett, Secretary of State, Boise, Idaho, for revising and addingtolistofcounties. Charles Evans, Chicago Historical Society, who sent a compre- hensivelistembracingmostof the importantnamesinhisState. WilliiiniK.8andliani,Wyoming,Illinois,superintendentof schools, Stark County, 1882-1898, for much vahmble information concerning the nomenclatureofseveral hundredcitiesand towns,andcorrections ofeount}^ names in the Stateof Illinois. J. 1*. Du!in, Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, for additionstoand corrections ofcounty names. M. W, Davis, State Historical Society, Iowa City, Iowa, formuch valuable information about his State. All of the information con- cerningtown namesinthisStatewas receivedfrom him. George W. Martin, Kansas State Historical Society, formuchval- uablematerial concerning the place namesof his State. Inaddition tothelistofcounties, healsosentagreatdealofniateiinl concerning town names, in which was included information furnished by Mrs. N. K. Calver. Mrs. Jennie C. Morton, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky, foradditionstoandrevisionsofnamesofcounties: WilliamBeer, HowardMemorialLibrary, NewOrleans,Louisiana, forhelpfulreferencesandsuggestions. GraceKing, LouisianaHistoricalSociety,NewOrleans, Louisiana, foradditionstoandcorrectionsofparishnames. FrancisE. Sparks, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Mary- land, forvaluableinformationregardingnamesofcounties. GeorgeFrancisDow,Secretary,TheEssex Institute,Salem,Massa- chusetts,foradditionstoandcorrectionsofMassachusettstownnames. SamuelA. Green, Massachusetts Historical Society,Boston,Massa- chusetts,for references whichprovedofgreatassistanceincompiling information concerningthevState. CliarlesJ. Taylor, Great Btirrinoton, Massachusetts, fornomencla- ture of t-owns and pliysical fcatuies in Massachns(>tts. H. F. Keitli, Mount W:i^hin^Lon, Mas>acliuseits, for information regarding the meaniiigsof iiuims in the Berkshire Hills. George K. Holmes, Departmentof Agriculture, Washington, Dis- trictofCohimbia, for valuable iiifoinuition concerning physical fea- tures in the Berkshires,and additionstoplacenamesinMassachusetts, New York, and Connecticut. C. M. Burton, Michigan Historical Society, Detroit, Michigan, for assistanceincollectinginformation. Mr.Burtonwenttomuchtrouble toget informationconceivingthe namesoftowns in hisState, which resultedinaddingmuchmateiialtothatbranchofthework. DigitizedbyGoogle GANNBTT.J INTRODUCTION. 9 Warren Upham, SecretaryThe Minnesota HistoricalSociety, fora revision of the complete li.stof MinnesoUicount^^ names. Franklin L. Kilov, Mississippi Historieal Society, University, Mis- sissippi, forinformation eoncernii)jrtown names in his State. G. C. Broadhead, Coliuubia, Missouri, for additions to the list of Missouri names. Miss Marjory Dawson, Missouri Historical Society,St. Louis, iMis- souri, fora iarjfeamountof information concerningMissouri names. Mary C. Gardner, Helena Public Library, Helena, Montaoa,for numerousadditionstothe listoftown name^in Montana. Mrs. Laura£. Howey, Montana Historical Library, Helena,Mon- tana, fordataconcerningcountyandtownnamesintheState. Eugene Howell,by A. W. Morris, Deputy, Department of State, Carson,Nevada,forcorrectinglistofnamesofcounties. 0. W. Ernst, Boston, Massachusetts, for information concerning namesinKewEngland. N. F. Carter, New Hampshire Historical Society, for valuable references. William Nelson, NewJersey Historical Society. Paterson,New .Jer- sey, for references, revision of namesof counties, and avaluablelist of town names. J. W. Reynolds, Secretary of New Mexico, for corrections of and additionstolistofcounties. F. J. H. Merrill, Historical and Art Society, Albany, New York, fornamesoftownsin the State. £. Tattle,LongIslandHistoricalSociety,Brooklyn,NewYork,for listoftown names. William Strunk, jr., Ithaca, New York, for corrections of trans- lations. Edwin Baylies,LL.D., Johnstown, New York, for translations of GermanandIndiannamesinNewYork. JuliusSchoonmaker,Kingston,NewYork,forgreatassistancecon- cerningtownnames. RobertH. Kelly,NewYorkHistoricalSociety,foradditionstoand corrections of county names. KempP. Battle, Department of History, University ofNorthCaro- lina, (yhapel Hill,.NorthCarolina, forcomplete listof town names. E. F. Porter,Secretaryof State,Bismarck,NorthDakota, formany additions to list of counties. Nearly al! tlie information concerning county names in thisState wa.s furnished by him. H. C. Hawkins, Cleveland, Ohio,for valuable additions to the list ofOhiocityandtownnames. BishopJ.M.Levering,Pi'esidentMoravianHistoricalSociety,Beth- lehem, Pennsylvania, for muchvaluable information concerning the namesoftownsinPennsylvania. Dig'itjzedby I 10 PLACE NAMES IN THE UNITED STATES. tBiLL.2i>». JohnW. Jordan, Historiciil Societyof Penns\Uiijila, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, for muchvalu5il)Ioaid. Namesofcounties, towns, and natural featureswere.sent hy hiui. A hirtro sunuuntof material has l)een drawn from manuscriptIjooks coni|iil( (i hy Mr. WfitkinR, of Ronvrr, Pennsylvania. ChireuceS. Hritrham, Khode Inland HistoricalISociety,fornumerous referencesconcerning names in hi.sState. A. iS. Saliey, South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, South Carolina, for much material of value in connection with the State names. Completelistsof countyand town namesweresent by him, alsoinformationconcerninghisStatenototherwiseaTailable. DoaneBobinson,DepartmentofHiHtory,SiouxFalls,SouthDakota, fornamesofcountiesandmanytownnames. Charles P. Gan'ison, Texas Historical Society, Austin,Texas, for listoftownnames. Mrs. E. W. Parker,forcountynamesinTexas. Throughhercour- tes}^and kindness were obtained the originsof nearly all thecounty ' namesofthat Sbite. rloseph A. De Hucr, Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Ver- mont., for listofcountyand town niuncs. .lohn M. Comstock, Chelsea, Vermont, for list of town uame^^ in | OrHnL''e (\)iintv. i ViitjfiiiiaHistorical Society, forcorrected listof namesofcounties. ! Edward N. Fuller, WashingtonHistorical Society,Tacoma, Wash- ington, for references andotherassistance. J. P. Hale, Historical and Antiquarian Society, Charleston, West Virginia, for materialintheshape ofcountyandtownlists. | JosephBarry,HarpersFerry,WestVirginia,forinformationrelat- ; ingtotownsinthatState. Hu Maxwell,Treasurer,Trans-AlleghenyHistorical Society, Mor- gantown. WestVirginia, foradditionstolistsofcounties, towns, and naturalfeaturesin WestVirginia. R. G. Thwaites, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, for much material, valuable suggestions, and references, especially in the way of putting me intocommunication with other sourcesof intorniution. In addition to the a)>ove, many courteous and useful letters have been I'eceived from county clerks, treasurers, and other State and county offi(dals, allof wliom haveshown interest and have furnished allthematerialintheirpower. AUTHORITIES. Information was ol)tained fromthe following hooks, two and three authorities being quoted in caseswhereditiering opinions exist con- cerningorigins: DigitizedbyGoogle I

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