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AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 225WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA 525BStreet,Suite1800,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA 125LondonWall,London,EC2Y5AS,UK TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK Firstedition2015 ©2015ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,oranyinformationstorageand retrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher.Detailsonhowtoseek permission,furtherinformationaboutthePublisher’spermissionspoliciesandour arrangementswithorganizationssuchastheCopyrightClearanceCenterandtheCopyright LicensingAgency,canbefoundatourwebsite:www.elsevier.com/permissions. Thisbookandtheindividualcontributionscontainedinitareprotectedundercopyrightby thePublisher(otherthanasmaybenotedherein). 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ISBN:978-0-12-802269-6 ISSN:0065-3055 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteatstore.elsevier.com CONTRIBUTORS JosephA.B.Abdalla InorganicChemistryLaboratory,Oxford,UnitedKingdom SimonAldridge InorganicChemistryLaboratory,Oxford,UnitedKingdom ElisabeteC.B.A.Alegria CentrodeQu´ımicaEstrutural,InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnico,UniversidadedeLisboa,Av. RoviscoPais,Lisbon,andChemicalEngineeringDepartment,ISEL,R.ConselheiroEm´ıdio Navarro,Lisboa,Portugal MarcoBaron DipartimentodiScienzeChimiche,Universita`diPadova,Padova,Italy AndreaBiffis DipartimentodiScienzeChimiche,Universita`diPadova,Padova,Italy ElenaFerna´ndez DepartamentQu´ımicaF´ısicaiInorga`nica,UniversityRoviraiVirgili,Tarragona,Spain MaximilianN.Kopylovich CentrodeQu´ımicaEstrutural,InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnico,UniversidadedeLisboa, Av.RoviscoPais,Lisbon,Portugal MichaelLimbach CaRLa(CatalysisResearchLaboratory),Heidelberg,andBASFSE,Synthesis& HomogeneousCatalysis,Ludwigshafen,Germany Lu´ısaM.D.R.S.Martins CentrodeQu´ımicaEstrutural,InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnico,UniversidadedeLisboa, Av.RoviscoPais,Lisbon,andChemicalEngineeringDepartment,ISEL,R.Conselheiro Em´ıdioNavarro,Lisboa,Portugal NunoM.R.Martins CentrodeQu´ımicaEstrutural,InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnico,UniversidadedeLisboa, Av.RoviscoPais,Lisbon,Portugal ArmandoJ.L.Pombeiro CentrodeQu´ımicaEstrutural,InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnico,UniversidadedeLisboa, Av.RoviscoPais,Lisbon,Portugal AnaP.C.Ribeiro CentrodeQu´ımicaEstrutural,InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnico,UniversidadedeLisboa, Av.RoviscoPais,Lisbon,Portugal IanM.Riddlestone InorganicChemistryLaboratory,Oxford,UnitedKingdom vii viii Contributors CristinaTubaro DipartimentodiScienzeChimiche,Universita`diPadova,Padova,Italy StephenA.Westcott DepartmentofChemistryandBiochemistry,MountAllisonUniversity,Sackville, NewBrunswick,Canada CHAPTER ONE Coordination and Activation of d 5 E H Bonds (E B, Al, Ga) at Transition Metal Centers Ian M. Riddlestone, Joseph A.B. Abdalla, Simon Aldridge* InorganicChemistryLaboratory,Oxford,UnitedKingdom *Correspondingauthor:e-mailaddress:[email protected] Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Borane(BdH)σ-Complexes 4 2.1 σ-ComplexesFeaturingTetra-CoordinateBoranes 5 2.2 σ-ComplexesFeaturingTri-CoordinateBoranes 9 3. Alane(AldH)σ-Complexes 19 4. Gallane(GadH)σ-Complexes 26 5. Conclusions 31 References 32 ABBREVIATIONS ArCl C H Cl -2,6 6 3 2 Arf C H (CF ) -3,5 6 3 32 cat catecholato,O C H -1,2 2 6 4 Catf O C H -1,2-F-3 2 6 3 cdt 1,5,9-cyclododecatriene cht 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene cod 1,5-cyclooctadiene Cp cyclopentadienyl Cp0 methylcyclopentadienyl Cy cyclohexyl dcype 1,2-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)ethane Dipp 2,6-diisopropylphenyl hppH 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-2H-pyrimido[1,2-a]pyrimidine iBu isobutyl¼CH CH(CH ) 2 32 iPr isopropyl¼CH(CH ) 32 Mes mesityl¼2,4,6-trimethylphenyl NHC N-heterocycliccarbene p-cym para-cymene¼4-iPrC H Me 6 4 AdvancesinOrganometallicChemistry,Volume63 #2015ElsevierInc. 1 ISSN0065-3055 Allrightsreserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/bs.adomc.2015.02.003 2 IanM.Riddlestoneetal. pin pinacolato,OCMe CMe O 2 2 quin quinuclidine¼N(CH CH ) CH 2 23 tbe tertbutylethene(3,3-dimethylbutene),tBuCHCH 2 tBu tertbutyl¼C(CH ) 33 thf tetrahydrofuran Mes Mes Mes Mes Mes Mes Dipp Dipp N N N N N N N N IMes 5-Mes 6-Mes 6-Dipp 1. INTRODUCTION Overthelast20years,significantresearchefforthasbeenexpendedon probing the mode(s) of interaction of group 13 hydrides with transition metalcenters.Aninitialdriverforsuchwork—notwithstandingissuesrelat- ingtochemicalreversibility—waspotentialapplicationsofboron/nitrogen basedmaterialscontainingahighweight%ofhydrogen,ashydrogenstorage materials;morerecentworkhasfocussedonsuchsystemsasbuildingblocks intheconstructionofinorganicpolymers.1Applicationsofalanesinhydro- gen storage media have also received some attention,2 but in general, the hydrides of the heavier group 13 elements have not been in the spotlight, primarily due to their lower percentages by weight of hydrogen and their greater thermal instability.3 Control of dihydrogen release or of polymer formation, for example, means that a significant part of this effort has been directed toward metal- mediated processes; the interaction of EdH bonds with transition metal centers and their potential modes of activation are therefore of key impor- tance.4,5Asaconsequence,thefactorsunderpinningthefundamentalbond- inginteractions(σ-donation,π-acceptance)ofBdH,andtoalesserextent AldH and GadH bonds, with transition metals have been explored (Fig. 1). The resulting data offer comparison with much more widely established families of σ-complex, featuring coordinated HdH, CdH, or SidH bonds.6–8 Even leaving aside complexes containing anionic borohydride-type ligands,9thecoordinationofBdHbondsattransitionmetalcentersiswell precedented, and many BdH σ-complexes featuring three- and four- coordinateboraneshavebeenreported.5Examplesaboundinvolvingeither CoordinationandActivationofEdHBonds 3 ERn ERn LxM LxM H H Donation from filled Back-bonding into EJH EJH σ-bonding orbital σ∗ antibonding orbital ERn LxM ERn LxM H H More (cid:2)side-on(cid:2) alignment allows for greater π back-bonding Figure1 Keyσ-donor/π-acceptorinteractionsinEdHσ-complexes. κ1 or κ2 binding—that is featuring interactions with the metal center through one or two BdH bonds, respectively. Within this sphere, there has been a wealth of investigation into the interaction of the BdH bonds inamine-andaminoboraneswithtransitionmetals,withsuchσ-complexes having been postulated as intermediates in BdN dehydrocoupling reac- tions.1,4 In-depth mechanistic details of such processes are not the focus of this chapter and will not be examined in depth beyond consideration of the modes of ligation of relevant species. Activation of one BdH bond, generally involving oxidative addition at a metal center, is very well established, in part reflecting the implication of such a step in a number of processes leading to the borylation of both saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.10,11 However, activation of two BdH bonds, leading ulti- matelytodehydrogenationandtheformationofasubvalentborylenecom- plex, is much less common.12,13 The related chemistry of the heaver group 13 elements aluminium and gallium is much less developed than that of boron.14,15 The interaction of AldH bonds with transition metal centers is limited to the formation of a relatively small number of σ-complexes featuring bridging MdHdAl motifs, with no reported propensity toward oxidative addition of AldH bondsordehydrogenationatatransitionmetalcenter.16σ-Alanecomplexes themselvesarerare;thefirstexampleofanunsupportedAldHσ-complex, (cdt)Ni[κ1-HAlMe (cid:2)quin], was reported by Po¨rschke and coworkers in 2 1990.14ThereisanevengreaterpaucityofexamplesofGadHcoordination at transition metals, in part due to the much greater thermal fragility of GadHbonds.3Uenoreportedthefirststructurallycharacterizedexamples of GadH σ-complexes, involving coordination of the amine-stabilized gallane quin(cid:2)GaH at [Cp0Mn(CO) ] and [M(CO) ] fragments (M¼Cr, 3 2 5 Mo, W).15 However, with the +1 oxidation state more readily accessible 4 IanM.Riddlestoneetal. for gallium (and the GadH bond being inherently weaker than its lighter congeners),3,17 the potential for novel and interesting chemistry initiated by the dehydrogenation of Ga(III) hydride complexes at transition metal centersisnotonlyforeseeablebutbeginningtoberealizedinpractice.15,18 This chapter will primarily focus on reviewing the coordination and activation of AldH and GadH bonds at transition metal centers, making referencetokeyexamplesofrelatedBdHσ-complexesinordertoputfun- damentalissuesofelectronicstructureandbondingintoappropriatecontext. In the interests of space, and with a view to comparing the intrinsic elec- tronic/geometricpropertiesofthecoordinatedσ-bond,“tethered”systems inwhichthecoordinatedEdHbondformspartofanexistingmetal-bound ligand are not as a rule included. 2. BORANE (BdH) σ-COMPLEXES The long-standing desire to use an organometallic system to selec- tively functionalize CdH bonds,19 and the inherent challenges related to this process, have seen the development of a number of systems to model the CdH bond activation process (involving, for example, silanes and boranes as alkane mimics).5,8 The isoelectronic relationship between CH 4 (cid:3) and [BH ] led to much interest in the formation of transition metal, lan- 4 thanide,andactinideborohydridecomplexesfeaturingκ1,κ2,andκ3coor- dinationmodes(Fig.2).9,20AlthoughisoelectronicwithCH ,theinherent 4 (cid:3) negative charge possessed by the [BH ] anion provides a significant elec- 4 trostatic contribution to bonding.9 Consequently, the coordination chem- istry of neutral boranes is perceived as a better potential model for alkane coordination, and this area has been the subject of significant interest in the recent chemical literature. Two distinct classes of borane coordination complex have emerged, involving three- and four-coordinate boranes, respectively. The formation of Lewis-base adducts of BH is well established, and 3 being charge neutral, L(cid:2)BH systems perhaps more closely resemble 3 alkanes in their potential ligating properties, than does the borohydride H H H H LnM H B LnM B LnM H B H H H H H H Figure2 CoordinationmodesofBH (cid:3) atasingletransitionmetalcenter. 4 CoordinationandActivationofEdHBonds 5 anion. Of key importance in rationalizing the bonding in complexes con- taining L(cid:2)BH ligands is the coordinative saturation of the boron center, 3 andcruciallythepopulationofthevacantboronp -orbitalbytheLewisbase z (L). Consequently, the L(cid:2)BH moiety has a limited role as a π-acceptor, as 3 theBdHσ*-orbital istypicallytoohighinenergytointeractsignificantly withmetal-basedd-orbitals.21Bycontrast,three-coordinateboranes,arche- typally represented by HBcat, possess a formally vacant p -orbital at the z boron center, which is potentially of suitable energy to interact with tran- sition metal d-orbitals allowing for π back-bonding.22,23 2.1 σ-Complexes Featuring Tetra-Coordinate Boranes The isoelectronic relationship between neutral L(cid:2)BH adducts and alkanes 3 meansthattheyoffermodelsystemsforthestudyofCdHactivationparam- eters.Anumberofσ-complexesofsuchadductshavebeenreportedfeatur- ingavarietyofLewisbases,L.κ1-ComplexesboundthroughasingleBdH bond can be formed via the in situ generation of a 16-electron transition metalfragment,forexample,followingphotolyticejectionofaCOligand. Accordingly,thegroupsofShimoiand,morerecently,Braunschweighave synthesized a number of Group 6 metal σ-borane complexes of the type M(CO) (κ1-H B(cid:2)L) via this route (Scheme 1).21,24 5 3 Structural characterization of these systems by single-crystal X-ray dif- fraction shows that in each case, the borane exhibits a significantly more “endon”bindingmotifthanthatseeninσ-silaneanddihydrogensystems.6,8 ThisbindingmotifisconsistentwiththeBdHσ-bondactingprimarilyasa σ-donorwithessentiallynegligibleπ-acceptorcapabilities.Thecoordinated BdHbondthusshowsverylittleactivation,andthecomplexthereforerep- resents minimal progression along the oxidative addition pathway. Rapid L H H B CO hu OC CO L˙BH3 H M OC CO −CO OC CO M CO OC CO CO M = Cr; L = PMe 1, PPh 2, NMe 3, IMe 4 3 3 3 M = W; L = PMe 5, PPh 6, NMe 7, IMe 8 3 3 3 Scheme1 Photolyticgenerationoffour-coordinateboraneσ-complexesofchromium andtungsten.21,24 6 IanM.Riddlestoneetal. exchange of bridging and terminal BdH bonds typically results in a statis- tically averaged 1H NMR chemical shift with the associated fluxional pro- cess unable to be frozen out for 1–8, even at (cid:3)80°C.21 A convenient bonding comparison between L(cid:2)BH and silane 3 σ-complexes can also be drawn from systems featuring the [CpMn(CO) ] 2 fragment, again reported by Shimoi and by Braunschweig (Scheme 2).24,25 The structures of borane complexes 9–11 (determined by X-ray diffraction) are also consistent with the coordinated BdH bond acting almost exclusively as a σ-donor. As such, the measured MdHdB angles[e.g.,142(3)°for9]arewide,andtheMn(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)Bseparationsaresignif- icantlylongerthanthosefoundinrelatedsilanecomplexes[e.g.,2.682(3)A˚ for 9cf.2.391(12)A˚ for Cp0Mn(CO) (H SiPh )].25,26In addition,theori- 2 2 2 entation of the coordinated BdH bond deviates significantly from the close-to-horizontal orientation observed in silane σ-complexes in which back-bonding from the metal-based HOMO is significant (Fig. 3).25 This close-to-vertical orientation of the BdH bonds in 9–11 attests to negligible π-contributions to binding in each case, since the highest-lying orbital of the 16-electron [CpMn(CO) ] fragment of suitable symmetry 2 forπback-bondingliesessentiallycoplanarwiththeCpring.27Asaconse- quence,theinfrared-measuredstretchingfrequenciesfortheCOligandsare hu L˙BH3 H Mn Mn H −CO OC CO OC H B OC OC L L = NMe 9, PMe 10, IMe 11 3 3 Scheme2 PhotolyticgenerationofcomplexesofthetypeCpMn(CO) {κ1-H B(cid:2)L}.24,25 2 3 OC CO ERn Mn Mn Mn H ERn OC CO OC CO H H ERn Figure3 SchematicdiagramshowinglimitingtorsionalalignmentsoftheEdHbondin half-sandwich sigmacomplexes: (left) vertical orientation, (center) horizontal orienta- tion, and (right) overlap of HOMO of a 16-electron [CpM(CO) ] fragment with EdH 2 σ*-orbitalinhorizontalalignment. CoordinationandActivationofEdHBonds 7 significantly lower than those found, for example, in the corresponding complex of the much better π-acceptor H [e.g., 1927/1820, 1918/1839, 2 and 1986/1922cm(cid:3)1 for 9, 10, and CpMn(CO) (H ), respectively].15b,25 2 2 The dominant role of σ-donation implies that complex stability is strongly influenced by the energy match between the BdH σ-bonding orbital and theLUMOofthetransitionmetalfragment.Thus,theelevationofthefor- mer(e.g.,bytheuseofmorestronglyσ-donatingLewisbases,L)and/orthe stabilizationofthelatter(e.g.,bytheuseofacationicmetalcenter)wouldbe expected to lead to higher binding affinities for the L(cid:2)BH ligand. Thus, 3 Shimoiandcoworkershavealsoreportedonuseofthehalf-sandwichruthe- nium chlorides CpRu(PMe ) Cl and Cp*Ru(PMe ) Cl as sources of cat- 3 2 3 2 ionic transition metal centers via halide abstraction, and their ability to coordinateboranesofthetypeMe E(cid:2)BH (E¼PorN)(Scheme3).These 3 3 complexes feature more elongated BdH bonds than the corresponding neutral manganese systems, an observation which is thought to reflect the polarizationoftheBdHbondbroughtaboutbycoordinationtothemore electrophilic positively charged ruthenium center.28 The minor extent of back-bonding is confirmed by relatively long Ru(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)B contacts, with the closer approach of the borane ligand in 13 [d(RudB)¼2.586(5)A˚ vs. 2.648(3)A˚ for 12] presumably reflecting the enhanced donor capabilities of the phosphine (vs. amine) donor at L.28 Stronger binding of the borane ligand might also be envisaged by the adoptionofaκ2modeofbinding,andthereforebyemployingametalfrag- ment with an electron count of 14 (or lower). A number of such systems havebeenreported,primarilyfeaturinggroup9metalfragmentsofthetypes [L M(H) ]+and[L M]+(M¼Rh,Ir;e.g.,16,17,Scheme4).13a,29,30Much 2 2 2 ofthisworkhasfocussedonamineboranecomplexesduetotheirpotential relevance in the catalytic dehydrocoupling of ammonia borane and related amine-containing systems.1 While model complexes featuring tertiary amine boranes (chiefly H B(cid:2)NMe ) have been used to probe issues of 3 3 R R 5 Na[BArf ] 5 H H [BArf4] 4 B Ru Ru −NaCl H EMe Me P Cl Me P 3 3 3 Me P Me P 3 3 R = H; E = N 12, P 13 R = Me; E = N 14, P 15 Scheme3 Formationofcationicκ1-H B(cid:2)Lcomplexesbyhalideabstraction.28 3

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