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The Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Course Chem 302, Spring 2008 PDF

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Preview The Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Course Chem 302, Spring 2008

The Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Course Chem 302, Spring 2008 The experiments in this course have been chosen to illustrate important organic reactions that we will discuss in lecture, and to utilize many of the skills that you learned last semester. Laboratory Safety During this class we will work with a range of solvents, organic materials, acids, and bases which could be harmful if you were to splash them into your eye or onto your skin. For your own protection, we must require you to wear laboratory goggles, which you can purchase at the campus store in Blanchard. Yes, they are ugly and uncomfortable, but they are also very, very important. We also strongly advise you to wear disposable gloves whenever appropriate. You may not wear open sandals, but instead must wear closed–toe shoes. Furthermore, we advise you wear clothing that fully covers your torso. (Shirts with spaghetti straps and bare midriffs might be cute, but burns on your chest and stomach are not). On a related note, these lab handouts clearly indicate which chemicals should be used in the hood because of possible inhalation hazards. Please read the labs carefully and follow the directions. You will find that it is easiest, and safest, to do everything you can in the hood. Finally, it is extremely important to us that we be considerate of the environment. Solvents may not under any circumstances be poured down the sink. Use the appropriate designated waste bottles for halogenated and non–halogenated waste. If you are unsure of which waste container to use, please ask your instructor or TA. Laboratory Reports In place of lengthy laboratory reports, you will be asked to keep a careful record of your work in a laboratory notebook containing carbon–copy duplicate pages (just as you did last semester). The original copy will remain in your notebook for reference later in the course, and the carbon copy will be turned in for grading. Try to make your lab notebook as legible and organized as possible, but don’t worry if you need to cross something out or change it—real science is sometimes, in fact often, messy! Prepare your reports in ink. Your laboratory notebook should include each of the following sections for each and every lab, under clear sub–headings. The first three sections should be completed before you come to lab and turned in to your instructor or teaching assistant as a pre-lab before you begin the experiment. You should work on the last three sections as you go along and finish as much of your write up as possible before you leave. ________________________________________________________________ 1 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) (a) Title, date, and experiment number. Also, the name of your laboratory partner. (b) Reaction: A brief summary of the reaction(s) involved, including the structures of the reactants, intermediates, and products, and a reasonable mechanism. (You will probably have to look at your textbook and your lecture notes and perhaps do some more extensive research). (c) Methods: A brief summary of the process followed in the experiment. It may be in the form of a flow–chart, or schematic outline, or some similarly visually–accessible form. You need not repeat all of the details in the lab handout, but you should make it clear that you have thought about the experiment ahead of time. The intention here is that these additional instructions will serve as an additional guide to your experimental work. (d) Observations and Data: A careful record of what happened as you did the experiment. Did a precipitate form, liquids separate into layers, or the color of a solution change? At what stage of the experiment did this happen? Include measurements, descriptions of the solutions, sketches of chromatographic separations, and all spectra. You should also indicate any changes you made in the experimental procedure. (e) Discussion and Conclusions: Comment here on the overall level of success and the ease (or otherwise) with which success was achieved. Include any conclusions you have drawn about the purity or yield of your material, and discuss what your results may have revealed about the mechanism of the reaction. (f) Answers to Questions: The questions are usually related to practical elements of the experiments. You should look at the questions during the laboratory sessions and talk over your ideas with your instructor or TA. Reports are due at the beginning of the following week’s lab. If you submit a lab report more than a week after the completion of an experiment, the grade you receive will be halved for each week of delay. And, you must complete and submit all 12 lab reports in order to pass this course. ________________________________________________________________ 2 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) Chemistry 302: Organic Chemistry II, Spring 2008 Week of Chapter and Topic Lab Experiment Intro to class, review Diels-Alder Jan 30th None Ch 13 NMR Ch 13 NMR Feb 4th #1 The Diels–Alder Reaction Ch 13 NMR (set up Spectroscopy) Ch 13 NMR Ch 13, 14 NMR, Benzene Feb 11th Ch 14 Reactions of Benzene #2 Spectroscopy Ch 14, 15 Reactions of substituted benzenes Ch 15 Reactions of substituted benzenes Feb 18th Ch 15 Reactions of substituted benzenes #3 Tropylium Ch 16 Reactions of carbonyls Ch 16 Reactions of carbonyls Feb 25th Ch 16 Reactions of carbonyls #4 Nitration of Methyl Benzoate review Mar 3rd Exam #1 Ch 17 Aldehydes and Ketones #5 Banana Oil Ch 17 Aldehydes and Ketones Ch 17 Aldehydes and Ketones Mar 10th #6 Preparation of a Naphthalene Ch 17 Aldehydes and Ketones Diimide Ch 18 Intro to reactions at the alpha carbon ☺ Spring Break!!! Yeah!!! ☺ Ch 18 Substitutions at the alpha carbon Mar 24th Ch 18 Reactions at the alpha and beta carbons #7 The Wittig Reaction Ch 18 Condensations Review of carbonyls Mar 31st reveiw #8 Chemiluminesence Exam #2 Ch 19 Reductions Apr 7th Ch 19 Oxidations #9 The Aldol Reaction Ch 19 Oxidations Ch 20 Amines Apr 14th #10 The Grignard Reaction Ch 20 Amines (set up Ethanol lab) Selected topics in biological chemistry Selected topics in biological chemistry Apr 21st #11 Biosynthesis and Distillation Selected topics in biological chemistry of Ethanol Selected topics in biological chemistry Exam #3 Apr 28th #12 Hydrolysis of Esters Ch 29 Pericyclic Reactions Check-out Ch 29 Pericyclic Reactions May 5th Last day of classes ----------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________ 3 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) #1: Diels–Alder Reaction of Anthracene with Maleic Anhydride Purpose of the experiment You will prepare the Diels–Alder adduct, sometimes called the cycloaddition product, formed from the reaction of anthracene with maleic anhydride. Introduction As you will remember from last semester, the Diels-Alder reaction couples two molecules, a conjugated diene and an alkene nicknamed a “dienophile”, via a concerted [4+2] cycloaddtion reaction. In this reaction, three pi bonds (two on the diene and one on the dienophile) are transformed into two new sigma bonds and a new pi bond. The result is a new 6-membered ring containing a double bond. In the molecular orbital description of this reaction, the HOMO of one molecule reacts with the LUMO of the other in-phase to create the new bonds through what is called a pericyclic reaction. Today you will couple an electrophilic alkene, maleic anhydride, with the aromatic compound anthracene (which will act as the diene) to create a new bridged compound: O O O O O O What you will do This experiment provides a straightforward introduction to organic synthesis. You will prepare and isolate a Diels–Alder addition product by simply heating a mixture of the two components—other than a reaction solvent, no other materials are required. ________________________________________________________________ 4 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) Physical constants for the materials you will use or prepare Material Mol. Wt. (g/mol) Mp (°C) Anthracene 178 216–218 Maleic anhydride 98 54-56 m–Xylene 106 –48 Product 276 261–262 The experiment, step–by–step Care! None of the reagents you will use in this experiment require special precautions but you should get in the habit of handling all chemicals with respect. Wear your laboratory glasses AT ALL TIMES. You will only use small amounts of liquids and solids and these can be weighed and dispensed with little fuss. Disposable gloves are available in the laboratory to use if you wish. Perform this entire experiment in the hood. 1. Weigh out 1.0g of anthracene and 0.5g of maleic anhydride. Transfer both to a clean, dry, 25mL round bottomed flask and add 10mL of m–xylene and a boiling chip. Attach a reflux condenser—it is not necessary to connect water hoses to the condenser for this experiment. 2. Arrange the apparatus on a sand bath for heating. For even heating it is best if the flask is bedded down into the sand to around the same level as the liquid contents. Turn up the controller to around 50% power and watch (patiently) for bubbles to begin to form around the boiling chip—shortly after the first bubbles form gentle refluxing (boiling) should commence. If boiling has not commenced after 10 minutes then turn up the power slowly, and incrementally, until it does so. Once you have reached this point let the reaction boil gently for 30 minutes. 3. Turn off the power and carefully raise the reaction from the sand. Let the mixture cool for at least 10 minutes and watch carefully—the reaction product crystallizes as the mixture cools (avoid the temptation to cool the flask too quickly, the best crystals are always obtained by slow cooling). Place the cooled flask in a beaker of ice–water to complete the cooling and crystallization process. Place 5mL of m-xylene in a small Erlenmeyer flask and cool this on ice also. 4. Arrange the small Hirsch funnel and flask for suction filtration; you will need to clamp the neck of the flask to keep it stable. The vacuum supply (yellow taps on the hood) is quite strong and you will not need to have the tap fully open (your Instructor or TA will show you how to set the vacuum at an appropriate level). Inspect your reaction—if the crystals appear clumped ________________________________________________________________ 5 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) together, or adhere to the sides of the flask, gently poke around in the flask with a clean spatula to free them. Swirl the flask and pour the contents into the Hirsch funnel—try to be bold as otherwise you will simply drain the solvent away and leave the crystals in the flask! Use a little of the extra cold m–xylene to wash any remaining crystals out of the reaction flask, and use the remaining cold m–xylene to wash the collected crystals on the filter funnel. Let the crystals dry with the passage of air for a few minutes. Disconnect the vacuum hose carefully and then shut off the vacuum. Spread the crystals on a filter paper to complete the drying process. 5. Weigh the dried crystals and determine their melting point. Cleaning up Once you have recorded the yield and melting point of the final product you can discard the material in the solid organic waste container. The filtrate from collection of the crystals should be discarded in the non–chlorinated waste solvent container. Rinse all of the glassware you have used with water and then acetone, discarding the acetone washings in the non–chlorinated waste solvent container. Questions 1. The m–xylene reaction solvent, though it is not part of the chemical reaction, plays two crucial roles in this experiment. Identify and explain both. 2. What are the structures of o–xylene, m–xylene and p–xylene? Why would p– xylene have been a poor choice as a solvent for the procedure you followed in this experiment? [Hint: what is the melting point of p–xylene?]. 3. Why, in this particular case, is it not necessary to have cold water flowing through the condenser in order for the solvent to condense and return to the flask? 4. What is the purpose of washing the final product with cold xylene? [Hint: think about the differing solubilities of the reactants and product in both hot and cold xylene]. ________________________________________________________________ 6 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) #2: Identification of an Unknown using Spectroscopy and Spectrometry Purpose of the experiment You will use what you have learned about infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the identity of an unknown compound. Introduction As you have seen in lecture, infrared spectroscopy (IR), mass spectrometry (MS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy each provide valuble information about the structure of a molecule. When considered together they can often be used to determine the structure of a molecule about which little or nothing else is known. Infrared spectroscopy provides information about the types of functional groups present (or absent) in a molecule, though it tells little about the way in which these groups are connected. Mass spectrometry provides information about the mass of a molecule as well as the fragments it forms when ionized. These fragments provide vital clues about the shape of the molecule. Finally, NMR tells you about the chemical environment of all of the hydrogen (1H NMR) or carbon (13C NMR) atoms in a molecule, allowing you to connect the functional groups and fragments postulated from MS and IR properly into a whole molecule. What you will do Each person will select an unknown compound of her own and obtain IR, 13C NMR, 1H NMR, and mass spectra of it, using these to determine its structure. You may work in groups of any size you like, but you must write up all the unknowns for your group. Advice regarding experimental or instrumental aspects NMR: place one to two drops of unknown into an NMR tube and then add solvent (CDCl ) up to the mark that is on the poster in the lab. 3 IR: Place one or two drops onto the sodium chloride cell then place the other cell on top of the first, then run spectrum. Clean cells off with acetone. ________________________________________________________________ 7 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) GC/MS: Place one to two drops into 10 mL of pentane. Mix well before running the spectrum. Please do not forget to clean the syringe when you are done with the spectra. Cleaning up All NMR solvents must go in halogenated waste because of the CDCl . Acetone 3 rinsings from the IR should go in the acetone waste bottle. All GC/MS samples will go in non halogenated waste, UNLESS your GC/MS shows that you have a halogenated compound. Questions When proposing the structure of your unknown(s), include copies of all spectra and discuss the following: IR: What types of functional groups are present, and what band(s) at what wavelength(s) leads you to that conclusion? What types of functional groups are absent, and what band(s) at what wavelength(s) lead you to that conclusion? MS: What is the mass of your whole molecule, and how does that match the chemical formula of your molecule? How many degrees of unsaturation does that correspond to? What fragments are formed, and how does that correpsond to the molecule you have proposed? 1H NMR: How many non-equivalent protons are present on your molecule, and how many peaks are present on your spectrum? Identify each peak on the spectrum and explain how its chemical shift, integration, and splitting are consistent with your proposed structure. 13C NMR: How many non-equivalent carbons are present in your molecule, and how many peaks are present on your spectrum? Are any carbons missing a peak, and if so, which and why? Identify each peak on the spectrum and explain how its chemical shift is consistent with the 1H NMR spectrum and your proposed structure. ________________________________________________________________ 8 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) #3:Preparation of Triphenylmethyl Fluoroborate and Tropylium Iodide Purpose of the experiment To achieve a practical demonstration of the validity of Hückel’s 4n+2, π–electron rule by preparing a non–benzenoid aromatic system. Introduction In this experiment you will prepare two relatively stable organic carbocations. First you will prepare triphenylmethyl (a.k.a. “trityl”) carbocation from triphenylmethanol. The acid protonates the –OH, making it a better leaving group. When the water departs and is “soaked up” by acetic anhydride, what is left behind is a stable tertiary carbon that is stabilized by resonance. In the second step, the trityl carbocation will abstract a hydride from cyclohepatriene, generating a tropylium carbocation (and triphenylmethane). The tropylium carbocation is even more stable than the trityl carbocation and thus can give up a hydride because it is aromatic. The mechanisms for the reactions you will carry out are shown below: What you will do You will prepare sequentially two relatively stable organic carbocations. After preparing the second carbocation you will demonstrate its ionic character by confirming the presence of iodide with aqueous silver nitrate. ________________________________________________________________ 9 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW) Physical constants for the materials you will use or prepare Material Mol. Wt. (g/mol) Mp (°C) Triphenylmethanol 260 160–163 Tetrafluoroboric acid:dimethyl ether complex 88 Cycloheptatriene 92 Tropylium Iodide 218 The experiment, step–by–step Care! Both acetic anhydride and tetrafluoroboric acid are corrosive and will case painful burns if allowed to come into contact with your skin. Wear disposable gloves when dispensing these materials. Work in pairs for this experiment. Perform the entire experiment in the hood. Part I. Preparation of the triphenylmethyl and tropylium carbocations. 1. Place a magnetic stirrer bar into a clean and dry 10ml round bottomed flask. It is essential that the flask is absolutely clean and dry, the reaction will otherwise likely fail. If you have any doubts scrub the flask in detergent and water, rinse with water and then acetone and place in the drying oven for at least 15 minutes. 2. Using the plastic graduated dropper provided transfer 3.5mL of acetic anhydride to the flask and cool it on an ice bath for at least 10 minutes. 3. Using the syringe provided with the reagent transfer 0.25mL of tetrafluoroboric acid:dimethyl ether complex to the flask and stir (gently) with continued cooling. 4. Weigh out 0.39g of triphenylmethanol. Add the triphenylmethanol in one batch to the stirred solution in the flask. Try to avoid having any of this solid material stick to the neck of the flask and ensure that the solid and liquid mix completely by adjusting the stirring rate and agitating the entire flask if necessary. Remove the ice bath and stir for an additional 5 minutes. 5. Arrange a sand bath on top of the magnetic stirrer and bed your flask a little way into the sand. Recommence stirring and heat the reaction very gently (set the rotary temperature controller to around 30% for ten minutes and then at 45% for five minutes) until you obtain a homogeneous red solution. It is better to heat for a shorter time than a longer one so consult your Instructor or TA for advice on when to stop. If you remove your solution from the heat, it should stay the homogenous red color and not get cloudy. If it does, put it back on the heat for a few more minutes. 6. Remove the heat source and allow the mixture to cool for 5 minutes. Using the syringe provided add 0.2mL of cycloheptatriene to the stirred mixture. A precipitate should soon begin to form. Continue to stir the suspension for a ________________________________________________________________ 10 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Experiments, Spring 2008(Nunez, Browne, Hamilton, edited 1/08 JW)

#9: The Aldol Reaction: Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone. Purpose of the experiment. Design and carry out an aldol condensation reaction, analyzing the yield,
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