1715 Optical Alignment MitchellC.Ruda Ruda&Associates,Inc.,8987-309E.TanqueVerdeRd.,Tucson,AZ,USA Phone:+15205461495;Fax:+15205461481;e-mail:[email protected] Abstract Thephilosophicalapproachtothealignmentofopticalsystemsisdiscussed.Methods ofdiagnosingthealignmenterrorsthroughtheobservationoftheactualimageerrorsin theopticalsystemaresummarized.Someofthetoolsusedinthealignmentofoptical systemsaredescribed.Importanttechniquesarereviewed. Keywords autocollimation;opticalsystems;opticalalignment;misalignmenterrors;aberrations; startest. 1 IntroductionandGeneralComments 1716 1.1 WhenisOpticalAlignmentRequired? 1716 1.2 SomeImportantRecommendations 1717 2 TheOpticalAberrationsofMisalignedOpticalSystems 1718 2.1 FocusError 1718 2.2 SphericalAberration 1719 2.2.1 SphericalAberrationasaDiagnosticToolforMisalignedSystems 1720 2.3 Coma 1721 2.3.1 ComaasaDiagnosticToolforMisalignedSystems 1721 2.3.2 ATechniqueforEliminatingtheMisalignmentthatProducesComa 1722 2.4 Astigmatism 1722 2.4.1 AstigmatismasaDiagnosticToolforMisalignedSystems 1723 3 SomeToolsandTechniquesusedtoAlignOpticalSystems 1723 3.1 Autoreflections 1723 1716 OpticalAlignment 3.2 Retroreflections 1724 3.3 TheAlignmentTelescope 1724 3.4 UseoftheAuto-andRetro-reflectionstoAlignaLens 1725 3.4.1 TheOpticalAxisofaLens 1725 3.5 StarTest 1725 3.6 ThePointSource 1725 3.6.1 TheShackCube 1725 3.7 VisualAlignmentTechniques 1727 Glossary 1727 FurtherReading 1728 1 between alignment and other issues, and IntroductionandGeneralComments (4)a realization that the alignment pro- cedure itself is flawed and will prevent Itisunfortunate,butthehistoryofoptics theopticsfrombeingsuccessfullyaligned. is replete with optical alignment horror Thelistgoesonandon,butsufficeittosay stories.Opticalalignmentisaverypracti- that everyone involved, from the project cal‘‘hands-on’’discipline.Thegoalofthis managertothetechnicianperformingthe chapteristoprovidethereaderwithsome alignment, would greatly benefit from an ofthetoolsneededtosuccessfullyalignop- expandedskillsetinthisfield. ticalsystems.Tothisend,anunderstand- To better recognize this skill set, it ingoftheissuesthatcontributetofailure should be noted that optical alignment andthephilosophicalapproachneededfor techniques draw upon skills learned in successshouldalsobediscussed. many other disciplines, including optical Often, by the time an optical system design, fabrication, testing, interferome- is ready for alignment, the project has try, tolerancing, aberration theory, me- exceeded its budget and is behind sched- chanicaldesign,andothers.Owingtothe ule. With this as a backdrop, the people largenumberoftopicsthatitdrawsupon, assignedtoalignthesystemfeelanenor- practical experience in many of these ar- mouspressuretocompletethetaskrapidly eas is usually a prerequisite for achieving andsuccessfully.Sometimes,despitetheir competencyinthefield. bestefforts,theyarestymiedbecauseitis This chapter will touch briefly on attheopticalalignmentstage,thatsomany some of the important elements of op- alignmentandnonalignmentrelatedprob- tical alignment, general approaches, and lems are first discovered. These typically examples of basic equipment and tech- include the following: (1)errors in the niques. manufactured optics and/or mechanical parts, (2)stresses induced into the optics 1.1 because of poor opto-mechanical mount- WhenisOpticalAlignmentRequired? ing techniques, (3)a lack of suitable di- agnosticstoactuallydeterminethesource For the case of rotationally symmet- of the problem(s) and thus differentiate ric systems, optical alignment ostensibly OpticalAlignment 1717 means minimizing the tilts, decenters, 1.2 and despacings to values such that ac- SomeImportantRecommendations ceptable image quality is obtained across the field-of-view (FOV) of the optical Includetheopticalalignmenttasksaspartof system. thelistofprojectmilestones:Fromthesystem Occasionally,itispossibletotreatoptical requirements, a set of overall specifica- componentslikemechanicalcomponents, tionsaredetermined.Thesespecifications that is, the optics are assigned standard mightincludephysicalconstraints,optical mechanical tolerances just like the me- performance requirements and environ- chanical parts with which they mate. mental operating conditions. During the A typical example would be an off-the- mechanical and optical design stage, an shelf consumer camera lens. In such a alignmentplanshouldbedeveloped.This case, there is usually no optical align- will help to determine the type of equip- mentprocedureperse;thelenses,spacers, ment, tooling, jigs, and fixtures needed. and so on are simply designed to fit Duringthetolerancestage,theaccuracyof correctly into the lens barrel the first thealignmenthardwareisdetermined.Fi- time. This chapter will not discuss such nally, as fabrication ofthe system begins, systems. theactualalignmentproceduretobeused There are, however, many optical sys- bythelaboratorytechniciantosuccessfully tems that do not lend themselves to the aligntheequipmentmaybewritten. aboveapproach.Anexamplewouldbean Learn the difference between an alignment experiment spread out over a large opti- planandanalignmentprocedure:Theplan, cal laboratory table. In such a case, each whichmustbedevelopedintheearlystages component must be brought into align- of the project, outlines the general align- ment separately, usually with respect to ment approach. As an example, assume someestablishedopticalaxis.Thesealign- thegoalistoalignaCassegraintelescope ment scenarios pose unique alignment and the first step is to determine the op- challenges. Sometimes, it is sufficient ticalaxisoftheprimarymirror.Sincetwo to monitor the basic set of alignment points determine a line, the plan might targetssuchastilts,decenters,anddespac- require that the mirror’s center of curva- ings, and adjust them using equipment tureandvertexbelocated.However,since such as an alignment telescope to fall aCassegraintelescopeprimarymirrorhas within specified targets. Often, however, a central hole cored in it, it is imperative it is not sufficient to rely on these mea- that a method is determined and imple- surements and verification can only be mented before this hole is cut! Thus, the accomplished by measuring image per- planforceseveryoneinvolvedintheproject formance. The question arises ‘‘How can todeterminetheimportantaspectsofthe an examination of the image be used as alignment phase while there is still the diagnostic information to determine the opportunity to guide the manufacturing source of the error(s)?’’ This chapter will process.Theprocedureisadocumentthat discuss a few of the pieces of alignment outlinesthestep-by-stepdetailsofhowthe equipment that allow adjustment of the alignmentistobeperformed. optics and will also discuss how to ob- serveandacquiresomeofthisdiagnostic Incorporate enough adjustments to con- information. verge to a solution: There should always 1718 OpticalAlignment be enough adjustments to achieve the alignment requirements, but adding too manyunnecessaryadjustmentscanmake thealignmenttaskconfusing. Comfort: One factor that is rarely dis- cussed is comfort. It is important to be physically comfortable when mak- ing adjustments. Consequently, the er- gonomics–placementofadjustmentsand viewingpositionoftheeye–shouldalways betakenintoaccountwhendesigningthe alignmentstation.Theuseofadigitalcam- era and monitor to comfortably observe imagesisalsorecommended. Fig.1 Theairydisk 2 TheOpticalAberrationsofMisaligned about the wavefront. Unfortunately, most OpticalSystems types of interferometers are vibration sensitiveandthuswillnotyieldwavefront The theory of optical aberrations in prop- data while alignment adjustments are erlyalignedandfabricatedopticalsystems being made. Under these conditions, it is well known. In this section, the effects is frequently advantageous to observe the ofmisalignedopticalcomponentsonthese image of the point source–the so-called aberrationsisbrieflydescribed.Byobserv- startest.Therefore,forthepurposesofthis ingandmeasuringtheseaberrations,itis chapter,wewillconsiderthestarimageas often possible to qualitatively and quanti- theprimarydiagnostictool. tativelydiagnosethemisalignmenterrors The image of a point source, when in the optical system. An excellent re- produced by a misaligned optical sys- viewofthese aberrationscanbe foundin tem, can still be described by the basic the article onOPTICAL ABERRATIONS. The aberration polynomials; the only (but im- nomenclaturewillbethesamehere. portant)differencebeingthatcertainaber- When a point source, located in object rations,especiallycomaandastigmatism, space, is imaged by an optical system, it vary differently across the field-of-view ispossibletoexaminethewavefrontusing (FOV) than they do for symmetric un- an interferometer. It is also possible to perturbedsystems. examine the image of the point source. The basic aberrations are now briefly The image of the point source produced describedandtheirrelevancetomisalign- byaperfectopticalsystemiscalledtheAiry mentsisdiscussed. disk,showninFig.1. The core of the Airy disk contains 84% 2.1 of the energy while 91% of the energy is FocusError containedinthecoreplusthefirstring. Interferometry is an excellent method Focus error (or defocus) is a very com- for obtaining quantitative information mon type of misalignment. It is a 2nd OpticalAlignment 1719 order wavefront aberration, given by (for 2.2 nomenclatureseearticleonOPTICALABER- SphericalAberration RATIONS) Sphericalaberration,a4thorderwavefront W =W H0P2cos0θ =W P2 (1) aberration,canbeexpressedas 020 020 ThelackofdependenceonH,thefield- W =W040H0P4cos0θ =W040P4 (5) of-view(FOV),impliesthatdefocusaffects As in the case of focus error, the lack the entire field uniformly. Consequently, of dependence on the FOV, H, implies an image that is uniformly degraded thatsphericalaberrationaffectstheentire acrosstheFOVmightbeimprovedsimply field uniformly. Consequently, an optical byrefocusing. system that appears to produce an image A very useful equation in optical align- thatisuniformlydegradedacrosstheFOV mentrelatesthewavefronterror,W,tothe could also be suffering from spherical resultingaxialfocalshift,(cid:2)f,bythefollow- aberration. ingequation: Discerning between focus error and (cid:2)f =±8λW (F#)2 (2) spherical aberration as the cause of 020 the image blur is straightforward. If whereλisthewavelengthandF#isthe‘‘f- refocusing does not correct or improve the image quality; then the error is quite number’’oftheopticalsystem.Thefocus shift, (cid:2)f, is also known as the depth of possibly spherical aberration. Another way to discriminate between these two focus(DOF). aberrations is with the use of the star For high-quality diffraction-limited sys- tems, it is usually assumed that W ≈ test described in Sect.3. Figure2 shows 020 λ/4. Consequently, the maximum allow- a ray trace through the focus region of a sphericallyaberratedimage.Thisistheso- ableaxialshiftoftheimageplanefromits calledcausticregion.Samplethrough-focus idealpositionforwhichdiffraction-limited imagesareshowninFig.3. imagequalitycanbemaintainedis As seen in Fig.2, when spherical (cid:2)f =±2λ(F#)2 (3) aberrationispresent,raysdonotconverge to a commonfocus,but ratherthey focus If we further assume that the optical atdifferentplacesalongtheopticalaxisas system is used in the visible wavelength afunctionoftheheightoftheseraysonthe range,then pupil.Inthecaseshown,raysneartheedge λ≈0.5µm andtheexpressionreducesto (cid:2)f =±(F#)2(inµm) (4) As a practical example, a diffraction- limitedf/10opticalsystem,usedatvisible wavelengths, has an allowable depth of Fig.2 Araytraceshowingthethrough-focus focusof±(10)2,orabout±100µm. appearanceofsphericalaberration 1720 OpticalAlignment Fig.3 Asampleofthethrough-focusimagesofspherical aberration ofthemirrorfocusfurtherawaythanrays between any of the optical components it nearthecenterofthemirror.Somewhere will most likely contain spherical aber- between the inner ‘‘marginal focus’’ and ration. Often, it is only at the final theouter‘‘paraxialfocus’’isaregioncalled image plane where the value is minimal the circle of least confusion where the ray orzero. bundlediameterisminimum. The amount and sign of spheri- cal aberration generated by a lens is 2.2.1 SphericalAberrationasaDiagnostic dependent on a number of factors in- ToolforMisalignedSystems cluding,shape(plano-convex,equi-convex, Since spherical aberration is rotationally etc.),power,glassindex,etc.The amount symmetric, it can only be introduced of spherical aberration generated by two by symmetric misalignments. Generally or more lenses is also dependent on the speaking, a lens or mirror will naturally lens spacings. The factors under which generate spherical aberration for all but sphericalaberration is generatedcan also a few special cases of conjugates and be used to diagnose both alignment and shapes. Thus, for most optical systems, othersourcesoferrorinanopticalsystem. when the on-axis wavefront is examined ThesearesummarizedinTable1. Tab.1 Potentialerrorsourcesforresidualsphericalaberration Observation Error Comment Nontrivial(andsometimes Lensaccidentallyinstalled Acommonmistake.Often large)amountof backwardsinthelenscell introduceslargeamountsof residualspherical sphericalaberration. aberrationisobserved. Reassemblelensesmore carefully. Incorrectairgapbetween Atoleranceanalysiswill lensesorlensgroups determinethemostsensitive& likelyairgaps.Checkthickness oflensspacers. Lensesaremanufactured Oneormoreradii,thicknessor incorrectly indexofrefractionisincorrect (lensmustbethoroughly inspected) OpticalAlignment 1721 It is not always possible to estab- common for coma to be introduced by lish, unambiguously, the source of the nonrotationallysymmetricmisalignments unwanted spherical aberration. However, such as tilts and decenters. In this case, large amounts frequently indicate that a comawillbeobservedonaxis(H=0)and lensisinstalledbackwards.Potentialspac- can therefore serve as a diagnostic tool ing errors between lenses is relatively inthealignmentprocess.Theorientation easyto check.Themoredifficult itemsto of the on-axis coma image indicates the verifyareproblemswiththelensesthem- orientationofthemisalignment. selves,especiallyifanincorrectglasstype waschosen. 2.3.1 ComaasaDiagnosticToolfor MisalignedSystems 2.3 Coma is the dominant misalignment Coma aberration when tilts and decenters are present, for the following reason: when- Coma, a 4th order wavefront aberration ever two similar wavefronts are sheared (seeFig.4),canbeexpressedas with respect to each other, the resultant W =W131HP3cosθ (6) wavefront is the derivative of the original wavefront. Shearing spherical aberration, Inanefforttoproducegoodimagequal- which varies as P4, will produce coma, ityoverasuitableFOV,theopticaldesigner whichvariesasP3.Thisshearingisactually attempts to reduce or eliminate coma. Whilethisgoalisoftenrealized,someop- produced when the internal, spherically ticaldesigns, such asthe Cassegraintele- aberrated wavefront impinges on a lens scope,containinherentamountsofcoma. that is tilted and/or decentered. The lens Nevertheless, in a perfectly aligned, rota- itself can be thought of as a generator of tionally symmetric optical system, coma sphericalaberration,whichwhenproperly will always be zero on axis (i.e., H=0) alignedwouldaddtoorsubtractfromthe and if inherent coma is present, it will sphericalaberrationoftheincomingwave- increase linearly out to the edge of the front.However,whenitisshifted,ashear FOV. For reasons discussed below, it is occurs,producingthecoma.Sincespheri- calaberrationissopervasiveinsideoptical systems,thetiltsanddecentersoftheop- ticalcomponentstendtoproducecopious amountsofcoma. Figure5(a) depicts the images of nine pointsourcesacrosstheFOVofanaligned optical system (such as a Cassegrain telescope) that contains inherent coma. Note that (1)there is no coma on axis; (2)the comatic images are all radially symmetric about the center of the FOV, and (3)the image size increases linearly withtheFOV.Figure5(b)depictsatypical coma contribution (not necessarily what Fig.4 Theimageofapointsourcecontaining is observed) to the FOV due to some coma misalignment in the optical system. We 1722 OpticalAlignment + = (a) (b) (c) Fig.5 ImagesofninepointsourcesintheFOV.(a)FOVwith3rdordercoma;(b)misalignment contribution;(c)resultingFOV observeseveraldetails:(1)comaispresent theamountofcomaproducedareroughly onaxis, clearlydue to the departure from linear with respect to the amounts of tilt symmetry caused by the misalignment, anddecenteredintroducedbyoneormore (2)the magnitude and orientation of the of the optical components in the system. coma contribution is roughly constant Ausefultechniqueforremovingthecoma across the FOV, and (3)these comatic is to provide two controls to the optical images are bilaterally symmetric about a system.Thesecouldbethetiltoftwoprop- vertical plane indicating the cause of the erlychosencomponents.Asonecontrolis problem must be a tilt or decenter of a adjusted(saytheverticaltiltofadjustment componentintheverticalplane. #1), the image will move. But the second Whenthecomaduetothemisalignment control (say the vertical tilt of adjustment contributions add to naturally occurring #2)isadjustedsimultaneouslytocorrectthe coma from the optical design, images imagemotion.Onethenobservesthatthe across the FOV depicted by Fig.5(c) can amountofcomaintheimagewillchange often result. Here we observe (1)coma is until the vertical component of come is present on axis and (2)coma is zero at removed. The two horizontal controls are some point in the FOV where H (cid:2)=0. then adjusted to remove the horizontal Usingtheseimages,thenextstepistoim- coma component. This will allow the on- provethealignmentoftheopticalsystem. axis coma to be corrected, but does not guaranteethattheimagesthroughoutthe 2.3.2 ATechniqueforEliminatingthe FOV will be properly aligned. Given the MisalignmentthatProducesComa vast array of optical systems designed Clearly, in order to eliminate the coma, today, some thought must be used in it must be assumed that suitable adjust- choosing which two optical components mentsareincludedintheopto-mechanical willbeprovidedwiththeseadjustments. design to achieve this goal. Generally 2.4 speaking, when an optical component Astigmatism is misaligned (i.e., tilted or decentered) two effects are observed: (1)the image Astigmatism,another4thorderwavefront movesand(2)comaisintroduced.Under aberration,canbeexpressedas manycircumstances,theamountofimage motion(alsoknownasboresighterror)and W =W H2P2cos2θ (7) 222 OpticalAlignment 1723 As in the case of coma, the optical designeralsoattemptstoreduceorelimi- nateastigmatism.Whilethisgoalisoften realized,someopticaldesigns,suchasthe Ritchey-Chre´tientelescope,containinher- entamountsofastigmatism.Nevertheless, in a perfectly aligned, rotationally sym- metric optical system, astigmatism will always be zero on axis (i.e., H=0) and Fig.6 Anastigmaticlineimage if inherent astigmatism is present, it will increase as H2 out to the edge of 3 theFOV. SomeToolsandTechniquesusedtoAlign 2.4.1 AstigmatismasaDiagnosticToolfor OpticalSystems MisalignedSystems 3.1 Astigmatismisalsoassociatedwithnonro- Autoreflections tationally symmetric misalignments (tilts and decenters) but the presence of pure, Auto- and retro-reflections are used, on-axis astigmatism can also indicate especiallyinalignmenttelescopes,toalign other errors such as optics under stress opticalsurfaces.Theprefix‘‘auto’’ means from the mechanical mounts. Astigma- ‘‘self’’.Thus,theterm,‘‘autocollimation’’ tism can also be unintentionally polished refers to a collimated beam within which intotheopticalcomponents.Onemethod each individual ray reflects back upon it- for differentiating between these errors self. This is depicted in Fig.7(a). Here, a and misalignments is to rotate suspected pointsourceiscollimatedbyalenshaving lensesand/orlenscells.Iftheorientation afocallength,f,andreflectsoffofaplane of the astigmatic line image (Fig.6) ro- foldmirror.Ifthefoldmirrorisnormalto tates with the optics, then the optics has the optical axis of the beam, the rays will astigmatism. return on themselves, back to the point (a) (b) (c) Fig.7 Autoreflections:(a)Autocollimation;(b)autoreflectionoffaconcavesurface; (c)autoreflectionoffaconvexsurface 1724 OpticalAlignment source.If the mirroris instead tilted by a is detected. Retroreflections are therefore (small) angle, α, the return image of the notasusefulasautoreflections. point source is displaced by an amount, ε,where 3.3 ε∼=2αf (8) TheAlignmentTelescope As shown in the figure, autocollima- The alignment telescope uses the prin- tion is merely one of several forms of ciple of autoreflections to align optical autoreflections that can be produced off components onto its reference axis. It the concave (Fig.7b) and convex (Fig.7c) consists of an illuminated pattern, usu- surfacesaswell. ally concentric circles that are projected through a beamsplitter, and an optical 3.2 Retroreflections system capable of focusing from close to the front on the instrument out to The condition for a retroreflection occurs infinity (Fig.9). The return (see Fig.7) when the image of the point source is imaged into an eyepiece that contains depictedinFig.8isfocusedonthesurface a crosshair. Adjustments are made un- of an optical component. As the surface til the bull’s eye pattern is centered on is tilted, no motion of the return image thecrosshair. Return from tipped surface Any surface: plano CVX CCV Tipped surface Fig.8 Retroreflections Bull's eye return Eyepiece FOV Beamsplitter Fig.9 Thealignmenttelescope