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Preview The Open-book Experience: Lessons From Over 100 Companies Who Successfully Transformed Themselves

THE OPEN-BOOK EXPERIENCE AlsboyJ ohCna se Open-BMoaonka gemTehnCeto :m ing BusiRneevsosl ution Frotmh Ger ouUnpdT: h Ree surgence ofA meriEcnatnr epreneurship DigiFtuatlu re UnderstIannfldaitnigo n THE OPEN-BOOK EXPERIENCE Lessons from Over 100 Companies Who Successfully Transformed Themselves JOHN CASE SELBPYU BLILCI BRARY 133tF IRSSTT.R EE T ,.,�A. R..A . •S O'T.F 'AL ·" ..,"1 ',4 �2.3 � . ·:/ ,J Addison-Wesley Reading, Massachusetts Manoyft hdee signuastebidymo annsu facatnusdre eltrlodse i rsst itnhgeuiirs h prodaurccetl sa iamste rda demWahrekrtseh. od sees ignaaptpieioantnr hs i s booakn Add disonw-Waaesws aloerfyea t radecmlaartikhm de,e signations havbee epnr initnie ndic taipaillte atlt ers. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-Diant-aP ublication CasJeo,h 1n9,4 4- Thoep en-ebxopoekr :il eenscsfeornoosmv e1r0c 0o mpawnhioe s succestsrfaunlslftyoh remmes/deJ lovhCenas s e. p.cm. Inclbuidbelsi ogrreafpehraiencnidacn led se x. ISB0N- 201-93349-7 1.O rganizeaftfieocntai2lvM. ea nneasgse.m ent--Employee partici3p.Oa pteino-nmb.ao noakg emIeT.ni tt.l e. HD58.9.1C93987 65.83'152--dc21 97-24360 CIP Copyri1g9h9bt8y©J ohCna se Alrli grhetsse rNvope adro.tft hpiusb limcaaytb iero enp roduceidna, stored retrsiyesvtoaertlm r ,a nsmiiantn ftyoe rodmr,b ya nmye anesl,e ctmreocnhiacn,i ­ caplh,o tocorpeycionrogdro,i t nhge,rw wiitshteoh,pue rt i worri tpteernm iosfs ion thpeu bliPsrhienirtnt.e h Uden iStetdao tfAe mse rica. Addisoni-asWn ei smlperoyifA n dtd iWseosnlL eoyn gmIannc,. Jacdkeestbi ygA nn drNeeww man Texdte sbiygJ no yWcees ton Seitn1 1-pSoaibnbotynR obM auhCaIroP,fC oronado 1 2 3 49 -5M A6- 072 081 009998 Firpsrti nNtoivnegm,1b 9e9r7 Addisonb-oWoeaksrslae ev ya ialtsa pbeldceii saclo fuobnrut lpsku rchiants hees U.bSy.c orporiantsitointsau,nt odit ohonersrg, a nizFaotmrio orinens f.o rma­ tiopnl,e caosnet tahCceot r poGroavteer,n amneSdnp te,cS iaalDlee sp artment atA ddiWseosnlL eoyn gmIanncO,.n J,ea cWoabyR ,e adMiAn0 g1,8 6o7rc, a ll 18-00-238-9682. Finudso nt hWeo rWlidd e aWte:b http://www.aw.com/gb/ THE OPEN-BOOK EXPERIENCE GameOsp:e n-MBaonoakg eimnMe inctr ocosm 14O.vervTiheMewe :a noifGn agm e1s2 9 15S.teTahliG sa me1!3 7 ImplemOepnetni-nMBgao noakg ement 16O.vervTiheCewha :n gPer oc1e5s3s 17I.mplemeinnatS amtaCiloolmn p aTnhyBe:a si1c6s1 18I.mplemeinnatS amtaCiloolmn p any: ThTee n-PSrtoecp1e 7s1s 19I.mplemeinnatL aatrCigooemn p aTnhyBe:a si1c8s3 20I.mplemeinnatL aatrCigooemn p any: ThDeo nneElxlpeeyr i1e9n7ce ConclAuW saiyoo fTn h:i nk2i1n5g Resou2r2c3e s Acknowled2g2m5e nts Inde2x2 9 viii AR evoliunPt rioognr ess Thisb oocka hne lypot ur ansyfoourrm coImctpa ahnne yl.p yomua kiemt o rper ofimtoarcbeol mep,e taintadbi evtept,le arc e tow ork. Im akteh sitsa tewmietsnhut cc ho nfifdoearrn ecaes aonnd, iits tnh'Iat't sm os mart. Herteh'sest oFroytr.h l ea sty efaomruysar ,s socainIadh t aevse beesnt udayt irnueglx yt raogrrdoiounfcpa o rmyp anies--<:ompanies thaartle i teirnavlelnaynt eiwwna goy fr unnaib nugs iTnheessse. comparnaineigsnse i fzreot mi, fn aymilsyh-ortpuodsn i viosfi ons somoeft hweo rld'sc olraprogrTeahstetiay ora nelos lv. et rhe ec o­ nommiacp i:nm anufacbtuusriisnneegrs,vs i cepsr,o deuncetrigoyn , transpoprutbaltiihsoihngit,hne gch,he ,a clatrhe r,e ttaahniedl distriibnudtuishotonrs ipetisypt,,ra olfiessseirovneiavcleae ns , fenwo nprAosfIw i rtiswt.eeh ,a vgea thdeerteadii nlfeodr mation onm orteh a1n0 0a,nw de l eaorfon t heevresdr ay(y t moaon tyo keeuppw ithM!o)so.tft hesmof, a arr,ie nt hUen itSetda tes and CanaBduawt.e 'hveeao rfsd i mbiulsairn iecnso suensat srr eimeost e froomn aen otahsAe urs trBarlaiazani,dl ,Ut nhietK eidn gdom. Thaep protahcechso em paanrideee sv elhoapcsio nmtgeob e knowanso pen-mbaonoakg eImyfoe rune tta.hd bi oso yko,u l'elalr n open-mbaonoakg esmternatfi rgothmhtp e e opwlheoa rdeo ing itY.o us'elhelo wi wto rkwsh,yi stt rengact ohmepnashn oyw, anwdh yib to obsutssi pneersfso rmance. Ins omwea ys-Ia'nbdde tatdemrti htri isga hwtas yi nIc'em thoen weh oo rigicnoailntlehypde h raset-etrohmpe e n-book managedmoeensdnto' tt haep pnreojwau csht ice. ix THEO PEN-BOEOXKP ERIENCE Yeosp,e n-cboomopka dnosi heasf ruefl iln ainncfioarlm ation witthh eeimrp loTyheeesysh .an roejt u csotm panyiwnicdoem e stateamnebdna tlsa snhceebe utbtsu sinePs&sL-sbu,un digte ts, forecaanasdlt tlsho ,et hcerri tdiacttaahls a etn miaonra ghearvse traditkieoplntoa clkulepiyd nt heoifrf i(coiernts h ehiera dSso) . thoep en-mboonoikmk aekrae tls e assotms ee nBsueot.p en-book manageimseanns 'teto t ft echnfioqdrui esss emiinnfaotrimnagt ion; ita's sy steampaptriotcao rc uhn naib nugs inaenisdits n ,v olves far-recahcahniignhne ogswa c ompaonpye rAadtoetpsht.oe p en­ booakp proaanycdoh u f'ilynlod u rdsoeilpnflg a nannibdnu gd get­ inigna n eww ayY.o uh'alvlaew honleewv ieowfh owt ou se finarnecpioaYrlot usf'.il tnlhd ya othu a vteop rovniedwke i nds oft raifnoiyrno gue rm ploaynepder so barbelvyay mopuc ro m­ pensastyisotanesw m e lOlp.e n-mbaonoakg eimasen nytt bhuitn g aq uifcikIx t.a'w sa oyf d oibnugs iannetdsh si,n akbionbugut s i­ nestsh,ra ets haanpe ensto irrgea nization. Buotp en-mbaonoakg epmaeyonsfti f nw aynsoq uifcikx evecra nI.ct hanhgoewps e optlheia nnkad c etv edrayoy n t he joIbct.r eaatnoe rsg aniiznwa htiiecovhne ruynodneer sctaarnedss , abouatnw,do rtkosf urtthhceeor m pabnuys'ison bejsesc tives. Thpee opilnce o nvenctoimopnaanhlio ewsew,ve elprla itdh ey mayb et,y pivciaeltwlh ye msaeshl ivrehesad n Tdhs.et iaris tsko dow hateiivsnte rh ejiodrbe scripwthiaotnet-vhobeeror st se lls thetmod oP.e oipnol pee n-cboomopka hnaivaede si ffveireewn;t thesyet eh emsaesbl uvseisn esWshpaetoetpvhleeejri.od r be scrip­ tiotnh,er ietraa lis tskoh etlhpce o mpasnuyc cUeletdi.m, ia tt'esl y thante wd efinoifwt oiroaknn jdo rbe sponstihbamital kietsi es thdei fference. Myl absoto wka csa lOlpeedn -MBaonoakg emTehnCeto :m ­ inBgu siRneevsosl uItttoi tlohdnse .t oorfty h pihse nomaesin to n waesm ergTihnibgso. oi kds i ffTehrleea nfstet.yw e ahrasva ed ded enormaomuosu tnoto suu rn derstoafon pdeinn-gmb aonoakg e­ menTth.ae p prohaabcseh e and opbtyme adn myo rceo mpanies, ofm andyi ffseirzeoenpste, r aitnmi anngmy o rien dusNtorti es. surpr,ii shtia nesgv loylMvaenda.g aenrbdsu sionwenseshr asv e learhnoewtd oa pptlhybe a siidcei anasw idvea rioefct oyn texts. Thehya vdee veldoopzeeodnfu s s eifmupll emetnotoaTlthsie.o n revoltuhtwaiatocs no mitnhgei insn p rognroe.ws s Thibso orke vitehpwers i ncoifop pleens- mbaonoakg ement, sot henroen 'eset dog ob acaknr de tahdpe r evoinoieuyf so m ui ssed itB.u tth einpt i cukpws h etrhele a bsoto lke offtIf et. x plains X PREFACE open-mbaonoakg eamsaes nyts tIedtme .s crtihibeme psl ementa­ tiopnr ociends est Maaiiln.,il ptyr ovaic doemsp enodfit uomo ls antde chniqueasn-tdte ocohlnsti hqauhtea svb ee edne veloped antde sitnte hdre e waolr alndtd h yaotcu a and aoprbt o rrfoowr youorw nc omp.aT nhyRee soupracgaeetst h bea cokft hbioso k teylolhuso wt og eatd ditiinofnoarlm iantcilouindn,if nogr mation aboguett tiintn ogu wcihto ht hoepre n-cboomopka nies. Iyfo ua'lrree aanod pye n-pbaorotkyi oscuaa nsn,k tihpie n tro­ ductainotdnh fei rcshta p.It yfeo rus'kreep ttihcoaulg,h p-aarn­d ticuilyfao rwulo yn dwehror eanleleyyd esat n otbhoeoarkb oyuett anotmheetrh oofrd e shabpuisnign esss-tpaolrnett ah sneee xt pagaen pdl orwi gohntt h rouTghhei .n trodluacyttsori eo(snIt hopteh)ie d etah ajutbs etc awuesh ea vbee etnh roEuxgche llence anTdQ Ma nrde engianneadel rtliho netg h beurz zwooftr hdlesa st 15y eawresc ,as no mehqouwti hti nakbionhugot wb usinaerses es managTehdfe.i crhsatp etxeprl wahianotsp en-mbaonoakg ement isa nidl lusatf reaowtf te hsme a nmy,a nwya yisnw hiicctha n transafc oormmp any. Frotmh eonni ta'lhslo w-Wthoe.yn o fui ntihsbihos o yko,u shouklndo wwh aotp en-bmoaonka geimasel naltb ouhto,wi t's implemeanntwdeh dai,tlt o olkisik nep racAtincdye o.su h ould havaep regtotoyid d eoafh owi mti gwhotr ikny ouorw nb usi­ nesRsi.gt hhte orfce o,u rsteh-eein nv isioofan nai lntge rnative­ iwsh etrhete r ansfoorfam nacyto imopnah natyso s tart. xi

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