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The On-line Electric Vehicle: Wireless Electric Ground Transportation Systems PDF

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Nam P. Suh · Dong Ho Cho Editors The On-line Electric Vehicle Wireless Electric Ground Transportation Systems The On-line Electric Vehicle Nam P. Suh Dong Ho Cho (cid:129) Editors The On-line Electric Vehicle Wireless Electric Ground Transportation Systems 123 Editors NamP. Suh Dong HoCho Department ofMechanical Engineering Schoolof Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Korea AdvancedInstitute of Science Cambridge, MA andTechnology USA Daejeon Korea (Republicof) ISBN978-3-319-51182-5 ISBN978-3-319-51183-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-51183-2 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016963660 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland To Moon Soul Chung A. Neil Pappalardo B.J. Park Hock Tan For their generous support of higher education and technology innovation Acknowledgements OLEVandSMFIRreceivedinternationalrecognitionsfrom theWorldEconomicForum(top10EmergingTechnologies of 2013), The TIME (50 Best Inventions of 2010), and the InternationalUnionofRailways(InnovationAwardof2014 given to KRRI). Reuters ranked KAIST as the 6th most InnovativeUniversityintheworld. The ultimate goal of EGTS is to electrify all ground transportation systems using OLEV,SMFIR,andotherrelatedtechnologies.WhenEGTSisadoptedworldwide, itshouldsignificantlyreduceCO emissionworldwide.Thetechnologiesdescribed 2 in this book are a result of dedicated work by many at KAIST, and the financial support and goodwill of many people, worldwide. The OLEV project was the largest R&D project undertaken by KAIST in its 35-year history. From 2009 to 2011, the Korean government provided approxi- mately US$50 million to KAIST for this project. We are most grateful to President M.B. Lee and his senior staff and cabinet members Dr. J.W. Park, J.S. Yoon, and J.K. Choi for their support. The idea for OLEV was germinated at KAIST because we had undertaken the EEWS (energy, environment, water, and sustainability) project in 2007. Prime MinistersD.S.HanandS.S.HanprovidedtheinitialfundingfortheEEWSproject. TheOLEVsystemwasfirstinstalledandcommerciallyusedintheSeoulGrand Park in 2010 to transport people around the 14-mile loop around the park. OLEV buses have been in operation on the KAIST campus since 2011. At the 2012 World’s Expo in Yeosu in Korea, OLEV was used to transport visitors, thanks to the support of Minister D.S. Kang and Vice Minister H.K. Yeo of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. Also Director General J.S. Kim of Frequency Policy in the Korea Communications Commission helped in expediting the com- mercial useof OLEV.In 2013,Gumi,an industrialcity inKorea, adopted the first commercial use of regular OLEV buses in the city. We are grateful to Mayor Y.J.NamofGumiCityandDirectorGeneralK.C.KimofSeoulCitygovernment. vii viii Acknowledgements The work presented in this book was possible because of the outstanding pro- fessors, staff, and students at KAIST, who participated in the OLEV project under theableleadershipofProf.D.H.Cho,vicepresidentinchargeoftheICCCampus. Professor Joseph D.J. Joo, vice president for External Affairs, made invaluable contributions to the success of the project by securing the support of various government agencies and the national assembly. In addition to the authors of various chapters of this book, many other faculty and research staff members contributedtotheproject:Profs.S.J.Jun,J.H.Kim,K.S.Kim,H.K.Lee,B.K.Park, G.W. Moon, and C.T. Rim. Professors N. Kim of Choong-Buk University and Y.M. Kim, of Dan Guk University, also participated in the OLEV project. ManyoutsideorganizationsworkedwithKAISTonthisproject:HyundaiHeavy Industries, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea Electrical Safety Corporation, Korea Rail Network Authority, and Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute.WeareparticularlygratefultoDr.S.M.Hong,presidentofKRRI,forhis exceptionalleadershipinimplementingSMFIRtechnologytotramsandhigh-speed trains. We are also indebted to K.J. Yong, president of Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute; S.K. Lee, president of KESCO and Dr. W.K. Han of KESCO; S.K. Kim, vice chairman of the Korea Rail Network Authority; Chairman Y.J. Cho of Hankuk Fiber Group and Chairman S.H. Baek of DaewooBusCompany;Dr.G.S.Min,chairmanofHyundaiHeavyIndustries;and Dr. S.B. Yoo of Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute. Toeducateandconduct researchonground, air,andoceangreentransportation systems of the twenty-first century, KAIST established the CCS Graduate School for Green Transportation with the generous financial support of chairman and Mrs. C.S. Cho. The first dean of the CCS Graduate School was Prof. D.H. Cho. KAISTgrantedlicensestoDongWonGroupfortheKoreanandAsianmarkets, and the OLEV Technologies, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, for the American mar- kets. Both of these companies have licenses for the European market. The support of Chairman J.C. Kim of Dong Won Group is deeply appreciated. We would also like to acknowledge the support of I.K Park, vice chairman of Dong Won Group. Mr. Y.W. Jung, president, and Mr. T.S. Chung, the former president of Dong Won OLEV Co., led the OLEV effort in Korea. The OLEV Technologies, Inc., based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA., was establishedin2012,becausetwomajorbenefactorsofKAISTandMIT,Dr.A.Neil Pappalardo and Dr. B.J. Park, wanted to see the OLEV technology used in the USA. Dr. and Mrs. Park also donated the B.J. and Chung Park KI Building, thelargestbuildingontheKAISTcampus.Dr.andMrs.Pappalardoestablishedthe PappalardoMedicalCenteratKAIST, oneofthebest universitymedical facilities. The Pappalardos and the Parks also gave major gifts to the MIT Mechanical EngineeringDepartment.BryanWilson,RogerBurns,andDr.HikyuLeeofOLEV Technologies, Inc. have played a pioneering role to commercialize OLEV in the USA. Inpreparingthisbook,ithasbeenourpleasuretoworkwithOliverJackson,the engineering editor of Springer. His guidance and advice in preparing this book are gratefully acknowledged. Dr. Dan Penrice edited parts of the manuscript. We Acknowledgements ix are indebted to Ms. Jin Hui Lee for thoroughly reviewing the final manuscript to make them ready for publication. Finally, we are indebted to Prof. Gang Chen, Head of the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, for supporting this book-writing effort, for providing funds needed to complete this book, and for inviting Prof. D.H. Cho as a visiting professor of MIT during the final stages of preparing the manuscript of this book. September 2016 Nam P. Suh Dong Ho Cho Personal Note of Appreciation by Nam P. Suh In 2006, Dr. W.S. Kim, deputy prime minister of Korea, approached me about joining KAIST as its president. I accepted the kind offer hoping to help KAIST to become one of the leading universities in the world. ThereweremanychallengesintransformingKAISTintoagloballycompetitive top leading university. Changes are difficult to embrace, especially in a strong institution with proud tradition and well-established culture. However, changes were necessary, since the world around us changed. With inputs from the faculty and staff, we developed an ambitious strategic plan for KAIST. A few years later, thanks to the effort of many, Reuter ranked KAIST as one of the top 10 most innovative universities of the world. Auniversitypresidentcannotfunctionwithoutthesupportandleadershipofthe board of trustees. KAIST had an exceptional leader in Dr. Moon Soul Chung, chairman of the Board of Trustees of KAIST. His leadership and support were indispensible to the success of KAIST’s transformation. There were other excep- tional board members: Dr. Young Gil Kim, president of HanDong University; Mr. Dong-Soo Huh of chairman of GS Caltex Corporation; Ms. Y.S. Chang, chair- womanofAekyungGroup;Mr.SoonTakChoofvicechairmanofSKGroup;and Mr. Ju-Myung Hwang of founding partner of HMP, a leading law firm. Their supportwasessentialatKAIST.IamalsoindebtedtoDr.DonaldC.H.Kimforhis advice and counsel. IhadthepleasureofworkingwithexceptionalcolleaguesatKAIST.Duringthe first term of my presidency, the team consisted of Profs. Soon Heung Chang, provost; Ji-Won Yang, VP for external affairs; Sang Soo Kim, VP for research; Kwang Hyung Lee, dean for Academic Affaires; Kyung Wook Paik, dean for Student Affairs; Yong Hoon Lee, dean of Engineering; Young Kyu Do, dean of Science; Do-Kyung Kim, dean of Admissions; and Sang Yup Lee, dean of Biological Science. Their intimate knowledge of KAIST and Korea guided me through complicated pathways. During the second term of my presidency, I had the pleasure of working with trulyoutstandingcolleagues.Icannotnamethemall,butthedreamteamwasledby ProvostYong HoonLee;VicePresidentsJoseph D.J.Joo,KyungWookPaik, and xi xii PersonalNoteofAppreciationbyNamP.Suh Dong Ho Cho; Deputy Vice President Chang Dong Yoo; and Deans Yong Man Han, Seung-Bin Park, Jin Koo Kang, Dong Soo Kim, Hee Kyang Park, Ook Jun Yoo,andTaeEokLee.Wealsohadstrongintellectualleadersasdepartmentheads anddirectorsoftheKIResearchInstitutes.ProfessorSunChangKimmadehisKI CenteronBiologicalSystemsamodelforanoutstandinginterdisciplinaryresearch. Finally, I would like to thank Jurist Sung Hee Lee, an outstanding lawyer, who provided much needed counsel and assistance. Theperiod2006–2013wasauniqueperiodoftransition atKAIST.The faculty size increased from 400 to 625 with the addition of 350 outstanding young pro- fessors.The tenureprocesswasstrengthened.Department headsbecamethemajor decision makers. The seniority system was replaced by a merit-based system. The budget and the research volume were increased by a factor of approximately 2.7. KAISTacceptedstudentsfromordinaryhighschools,whilemaintainingitsspecial relationship with science high schools as conduits to KAIST for exceptionally brightstudents.Weincreasedthenumberofwomenandinternationalstudents.We built 14 new buildings and changed the language of instruction from Korean to English. We initiated major large-scale research projects. We also initiated new ways of educating students by eliminating formal lectures—Education 3.0—under the leadership of Prof. D.H. Cho and Prof. T.O. Lee. The international ranking of KAIST literally shot up the fastest in the world, according to ranking agencies. In 2015,ReuterrankedKAISTastheonlynon-USuniversityinthetop10ofthemost innovative universities of the world. Professor Dong-Ho Cho, one of the most respected professors at KAIST, directed the OLEV project. He assembled an interdisciplinary team of professors, researchers,staff,andgraduatestudents.Heheldstaffmeetingsat10pmeveryday to review the progress made and identify issues to be solved. The leaders of the entire OLEV team met with me once a week for one or two hours to discuss problems that we need to solve. It was a true collaboration of the highest order. InadditiontomanyKAISTprofessorsandstaff,therewereothercontributorsto OLEV project: Dr. Soon Man Hong, president of the Korea Railroad Research Institute, where he developed trams and high-speed trains using the SMFIR tech- nology in collaboration with KAIST. Dr. Byung Kyun Park contributed to the commercialization of OLEV. InadditiontoOLEV,weconcurrentlyinitiatedtheMobileHarbor(MH)project, anequallyambitiouslargeprojecttodealwiththelackoflargeharborsintheworld that can accommodate large containerships. The central idea of MH is to have harborsgoouttotheshipmooredindeepwatersinsteadofhavingtheseshipscome into crowded harbors. The use of these MHs will be much cheaper than enlarging existing harbors or building new harbors, which will harm the environment and damage shore lands. I would like to express my special thanks to Profs. B.M. Kwak, Kyung-Soo Kim, and Soo-Hyun Kim, and many other pro- fessorsandresearchstafffortheircontributions.Theydemonstratedtheviabilityof MobileHarborwitha1/3scaleMH(note:theheightofthemodelwasabout20m) by unloading containers in open sea. In executing the OLEV project as well as

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