MNRAS000,1–7(2017) Preprint27January2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 The olivine-dominated composition of the Eureka family of Mars Trojan asteroids G. Borisov,1,2⋆ A. Christou,1† S. Bagnulo,1 A. Cellino,3 T. Kwiatkowski4, A. Dell’Oro5 1Armagh Observatoryand Planetarium, College Hill, Armagh BT61 9DG, UK 2Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory,72, Tsarigradsko Chauss´ee Blvd., BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria 3INAF - OsservatorioAstrofisico di Torino, viaOsservatorio 20, I-10025 Pino Torinese(TO), Italy 7 4Astronomical Observatory,Adam MickiewiczUniversity,ul. S loneczna 36, PL-60-286 Poznan´, Poland 1 5INAF - OsservatorioAstrofisico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, I-50125, Firenze, Italy 0 2 n a Accepted2016November23.Received206November22;inoriginalform2016October18 J 6 2 ABSTRACT We have used the XSHOOTER echelle spectrograph on the European South Obser- ] vatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) to obtain UVB-VIS-NIR (ultraviolet-blue P (UVB), visible (VIS) and near-infrared(NIR)) reflectance spectra of two members of E theEurekafamilyofL5MarsTrojansinordertotestageneticrelationshiptoEureka. . h In addition to obtaining spectra, we also carried out VRI photometry of one of the p VLT targets using the 2-m telescope at the Bulgarian National Astronomical Obser- - vatory – Rozhen and the two-channel focal reducer. We found that these asteroids o r belong to the olivine-dominated A, or Sa, taxonomic class. As Eureka itself is also an t olivine-dominatedasteroid,itis likelythatall family asteroidsshareacommonorigin s a and composition. We discuss the significance of these results in terms of the origin of [ the martian Trojan population. 1 Key words: planets andsatellites:individual:Mars–minor planets,asteroids:indi- v vidual:Trojanasteroids–techniques:imagingspectroscopy–techniques:photometric 5 2 7 7 0 1 INTRODUCTION oid family are also stable Trojans. For this reason, the dis- 1. covery that asteroid (5261) Eureka belongs to the rare A The so-called Mars Trojans are asteroids located in the L4 0 taxonomicclass(Rivkinet al.2007;Lim et al.2011)isvery orL5Lagrangian pointsofMars. Theyarethoughttohave 7 interesting.ThespectralreflectancepropertiesofA-classas- beentheresincetheveryearly phasesoftheSolarSystem’s 1 teroidshavebeeninterpretedasdiagnosticofanoverallcom- v: hasistoofry2.0T15h,eroefwwehriechnienieghctonwfierrmeeadtMLa5rtainandT1roajtanLs4.inOtcoctua-l position rich in the mineral olivine [(Mg++, Al++)2SiO4], a i magnesium iron silicate thatis aprimarycomponentof the X pants of the Mars Trojan clouds might represent a small Earth’s mantle and – supposedly – of the other terrestrial setofsurvivorsofanearlygenerationofplanetesimalsfrom r planets. The low abundance of olivine-rich objects among a which theinnerSolar System was built.The long-term sta- asteroids is an old conundrum. In particular, the existence bilityof theMarsTrojan cloudshasbeen extensivelyinves- of metal meteorites suggests that during the early phases tigated by Schollet al. (2005). According to these authors, of the Solar System’s history, several planetesimals reached intheL4andL5regionsofMars,therearecombinationsof sizes sufficient for complete thermal differentiation due to orbitaleccentricityandinclinationthatarestableovertime- theheat produced by thedecay of short-lived isotopes, pri- scalescomparabletotheSolarSystem’sage.OftheeightL5 marily26Al.Metalmeteoritesareinterpretedinthisscenario Trojans, seven (including Eureka) form the Eureka family, as fragments of the metal-rich cores of such differentiated whoseexistencehasbeenpointedoutbyChristou(2013)and bodies, exposed after their complete collisional disruption. dela FuenteMarcos & dela FuenteMarcos (2013). Due to In this context, one should expect that olivine-rich mete- itscompactness,thisisprobablyageneticfamilyratherthan orites and asteroids should be common because olivine is arandomgroupingoforbits.Itformedsometimeinthelast a primary component of the mantles of differentiated bod- Gyr (C´uk et al. 2015). The members of the Eureka aster- ies. However, this prediction is not borne out of the ob- servations. Asteroids belonging to the olivine-rich A class, oreventothefairly similar Sa sub-classoftheStaxonomic ⋆ E-mail:[email protected](GB) complex(Bus & Binzel2002;DeMeo et al.2009b),arequite † E-mail:[email protected](AC) ©2017TheAuthors 2 G. Borisov et al. rare.Attheendofthe1990s,severalauthorsproposedthat 2.1 Spectroscopy the original olivine-rich asteroids were ’battered to bits’ by 2.1.1 XSHOOTER collisionsandhadthusdisappearedlongago(Burbineet al. 1996; Chapman 1997). Whatever the cause of such disap- This instrument is an echelle spectrograph with an almost pearance,collisional evolutionor,perhapsmorelikely,mas- fixedspectralsetup.TheobservercanchoosebetweenSLIT sive removal of the original planetesimals accreted in the (andslitwidth)andIFU(integralfieldunit)modes.Herewe mainbelt,aspredictedbytheGrandTackandNicemodels used the SLIT mode. A detailed description of the instru- of early evolution of the Solar System (Walsh et al. 2011, ment is available at Vernetet al. (2011) and ESO’s web- 2012), only a small number of survivors belonging to the page1. This spectrograph has the ability to simultaneously A class can be found among the current asteroid popula- obtain data over the entire 300–2480nm spectral range by tion.Asa consequence,thediscoveryof an A-class asteroid splitting the incoming light from the telescope into three confinedinaspecialdynamicalenvironmentwithintheter- beams,eachsenttoadifferentarm:ultraviolet–blue(UVB), restrialplanetregionsuggeststhattheothermembersofthe visible (VIS), and near-infrared (NIR). Using two dichroic Eurekafamily alsodeserveacarefulinvestigation.Based on filters, the light is first sent to the UVB arm, then to the these considerations, we began an observing campaign to VISarm,and finally theremaininglight arrives at theNIR obtain information on the spectral reflectance properties of arm. The disadvantage of this choice of optical light path these objects. This is a challenging task because, in spite is the high thermal background in the K-region of the NIR of their relative proximity to the Earth, Mars Trojans are spectrum.TheobservationsarepresentedinTable1.Obser- faint. Their observation therefore requires the use of large- vationswere donein noddingmode to facilitate subsequent apertureinstruments. sky signal estimation and subtraction. In our investigation, we used XSHOOTER, the first European South Observatory (ESO) second-generation in- strument developed for the Very Large Telescope (VLT; 2.2 VRI Photometry Vernetet al.2011),whichiscurrentlymountedonVLTUnit 2.2.1 FoReRo2 2 Kueyen. XSHOOTER is a spectrograph capable of ob- tainingspectrafrom 300to2480nminasingleshotathigh The instrument is a two-channel focal reducer that adapts spectralresolution(from3000upto10000).Inthefollowing the imaging elements of the detector to the characteristic sectionswepresentthespectraweobtainedfortwomembers size of the object or the seeing disk. FoReRo2 was built of the Eureka family, and compare them with the available mainly for observations of cometary plasma but has been reflectancespectra for Eurekaitself. proved suitable for many other tasks (Jockers et al. 2000). We also obtained some limited spectrophotometric in- Behind the RC (Cassegrain) focus, the light beam is rec- formation by carrying out multiband VRI photometry. We ollimated by a lens collimator. A dichroic mirror reflects used the two-channel focal reducer – Rozhen (FoReRo2) of the blue part of the spectrum and transmits the red part. the 2m Ritchey-Chr´etien-Coud´e telescope at the Bulgar- Foreachchannel,cameralensesform reducedimages ofthe ian National Astronomical Observatory (BNAO) to obtain Cassegrainfocalplane,whicharerecordedbytwoCCDsys- (V−R) and (V−I) colours of a member of the Eureka fam- tems. Filters are placed into the parallel beam after colour ily,also one of ourtwotargets observed with XSHOOTER. separation. Forthisinvestigation we used VRIstandard fil- Thecolourindiceswerecomparedwiththeresultsobtained ters; therefore, only the red channel of the instrument was by Neese (2010), and with the average values of the colour in operation. Theobservations are presented in Table 2. indices for different asteroid taxonomic classes. This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we 2.2.2 ACAM present our VLT and Rozhen observations. The adopted procedures for data reduction are described in Section 3, TheACAMinstrumentofthe4.2-mWilliamHerschelTele- andtheresultsinSection4,separatelyforspectroscopyand scope(WHT) at theObservatoriodelRoquedelos Mucha- multibandphotometry.Ourmainconclusionsandageneral chos(LaPalma,Spain)wasusedtoobtainSDSSphotometry discussion of our results is given in Section 5. ofasteroid(3819)Robinson.Theobservationsarepresented in Table 3. 2 OBSERVATIONS 3 DATA REDUCTION 3.1 XSHOOTER We used XSHOOTER during two nights, FoReRo2 dur- ing two nights as well and ACAM for 1 night. The ob- To reduce the XSHOOTER spectra we first processed the jects that were observed are as follows: XSHOOTER: data through the ESO esoreflex pipeline version 2.6.8. (385250) 2001 DH47, (311999) 2007 NS2 and spectral All spectra were reduced under the assumption of point- solar analogue star HD 67010; FoReRo2: (385250) 2001 likesourcesandhadtheirinstrumentsignatureremoved,i.e. DH47, (289) Nenetta [an asteroid with olivine-dominated de-biased,flat-fielded,wavelength-calibrated,order-merged, surface (Sanchezet al. 2014)] and Stetson standard field extracted,sky-subtractedand,finally,flux-calibrated. L101; ACAM: (3819) Robinson [an asteroid with olivine- To achieve a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) sufficient for dominated surface (Sanchezet al. 2014)] and Stetson stan- dardfieldL104.Detailsofourobservationsarepresentedin Tables 1–3. 1 MNRAS000,1–7(2017) The composition of Mars Trojan asteroids 3 Table 1.Observations-XSHOOTER@VLT. Apparenet Spectral Exposuretime Object Date UT Airmass magnitude arm (s) 03:04 1.174 UVB 3040 (385250) 2001DH47 2016February02 | | 19.00 VIS 3280 04:07 1.377 NIR 3600 UVB 40 HD67010 2016February02 05:15 1.158 8.69 VIS 30 NIR 100 01:37 1.022 UVB 3040 (311999) 2007NS2 2016March02 | | 19.05 VIS 3280 02:21 1.367 NIR 3600 UVB 40 HD67010 2016March02 03:30 1.168 8.69 VIS 30 NIR 100 Table 2.Observations-FoReRo2@2mRCC. Apparenet Exposuretime Object Date UT Airmass Filter magnitude (s) 2016February06 22:00 1.30 I 10×300 (385250) 2001DH47 | | | 18.55 R 10×300 2016February07 01:00 1.50 V 10×300 20:00 1.15 I 3×300 (289)Nenetta 2016February06 | | 14.13 R 3×300 21:00 1.25 V 3×300 19:50 2.10 12.64 V 3×(5×60) StetsonL101 2016February06 21:30 1.50 | R 3×(5×60) 23:00 1.30 20.64 I 3×(×60) Table 3.Observations-ACAM@WHT. Apparenet Exposuretime Object Date UT Airmass Filter magnitude (s) 06:10 1.94 g' 3×80 (3819)Robinson 2016March11 | 2.02 16.36 r' 3×60 06:25 2.12 i' 3×60 02:30 1.145 12.75 g' (4×5)and(3×15) StetsonL104 2016March11 | r' (4×5)and(3×10) 06:00 1.853 21.12 i' (4×5)and(3×15) scientific analysis the reduced 1D spectra for both the as- 3.2 FoReRo2 teroidandsolaranaloguestandardstarswerethenrebinned in 20nm steps. Subsequently, the spectrum of the asteroid All imaging data had their instrument signature removed was dividedbythesolar analogue spectrum,theresult nor- aswell byde-biasingand flat-fielding.The images in I were malisedtounityat550nmandagainsmoothedusingafloat- de-fringedusingthemedianIimagecombinedfromallIim- ing average with different wavelength steps in the VIS and agesforthenight.Standarddaophotaperturephotometry NIRregions. with aperture size 2×full width at half-maximum (FWHM) Finally, we carried out running sigma clipping of the was performed. Aperture correction, which was measured data with a 20nm window in wavelength and a 3σ crite- through a large aperture using the growth-curve method rion. During this stage we excluded sections of the spectra (Stetson 1990), was applied in order to place the instru- affected by high telluric line contamination in thefollowing mental magnitudes of the observed point source objects, wavelengthintervals:0.90–1.00,1.35–1.50and1.80–1.90µm, whichweremeasuredthroughasmallaperture(2×FWHM), as suggested by Moehler et al. (2014) and Gourgeot et al. on the same system as those of the standard stars. Stetson (2015). standard field L101, observed on three different airmasses, MNRAS000,1–7(2017) 4 G. Borisov et al. was used for obtaining extinction coefficients in each filter. Linearregression fitsformagnitude–magnitudeandcolour– colourcalibration wereperformed aswell. Then,theinstru- mental magnitudes of the asteroid targets were absolutely calibratedusingcoefficientsfromthosefits,and,finally,their true(V−R) and (V−I) colours were computed. 3.3 ACAM All imaging data had their instrument signature removed as well by de-biasing and flat-fielding. The same calibra- tionprocedureastheoneforFoReRo2wasperformedusing Stetson standard field L104. The photometry performed in SDSS-g'r'i'filterswasconvertedtoVRIusingrelationspre- sented byJordi et al. (2006). Figure 1. (Colour online) Reflectance spectrum of the asteroid (385250)2001DH47(blackdotted)comparedwithaveragespec- 4 RESULTS traforA(red),S(green)andSa (purple)taxonomicclasses.The spectrumof(5261)Eurekaisoverplotted inblue. 4.1 Spectroscopy TheresultingXSHOOTERspectraarerepresentedbyblack lines in Figs 1–4. On Figs 1 and 2, we show, apart from the re- flectance spectra of our two targets, a spectrum of (5261) Eureka (blue) obtained on 2015May 19 (Rayneret al. 2003, spectrum available online at - sp41) and aver- age spectra for the A (red), S (green) and Sa (purple) classes in the DeMeo et al. (2009b) taxonomy produced from data available in the PDS data base (EAR-A- VARGBDET-5-BUSDEMEOTAX-V1.0; DeMeo et al. 2009a) as point-by-point means of 6, 144 and 2 asteroids respectively. We find a 1µm absorption feature for both Eureka family members where the reflectance minimum is located slightly longward of 1µm. This is also the case for the A- and Sa-type spectra and a diagnostic feature of an olivine-rich surface. Figure 2. (Colour online) Reflectance spectrum of the asteroid The regions with high telluric lines contamination, ex- (311999) 2007 NS2 (black dotted line) compared with average cluded from our analysis, (see Section 3), do not affect dis- spectraforA(red),S(green)andSa (purple)taxonomicclasses. tinguishing between the S, A and Sa classes, as the 1µm Thespectrumof(5261)Eurekaisoverplotted inblue. feature in S-class spectra is below 0.9µm. We also note the higher and flatterreflectance of theS-class spectrum in the Seeking to strengthen the case for the presence of region of 1.0-1.5µm, which distinguishes it from the other olivine, we compared our spectra with a number of labora- spectra. tory olivinespectra from therelab database. Exposureof Overall, the two asteroid spectra are in better agree- asteroidsurfacestothespaceenvironmentchangestheirop- ment with an Sa than an A taxonomy, both in the visible ticalproperties.Thereforeweappliedasimplespaceweath- andtheinfrared(IR).Eureka,alsoanSa-typeasteroidinthe ering correction tothelaboratory spectra prior tothecom- DeMeo et al.classificationscheme2,appearstobesomewhat parison by dividing the olivine relab spectra with a first more reflective than 311999 and 385250 from ∼0.6 up to at orderpolynomial.Throughvisualinspection,wefoundthat least 1.3µm. Eureka’s 1µm feature is unique among A/Sa- spectra MS-CMP-042-A and MS-CMP-014 (green lines in types.Itistheonlyobjectwiththatparticularbandshape. Figs3and4alteredbyourspace-weatheringcorrection,red Thespectraofthetwonewobjects,whichweclassify asSa, lines) are reasonable matches to the asteroid spectra. The thoughtheyhavealower S/Nratio,appearconsistentwith first laboratory spectrum corresponds to unprocessed pure Eureka’s. At 2µm the reflectivities of the three objects are olivine; the second, also of pure olivine, is altered by laser indistinguishable from each other; although possibly a con- irradiationtosimulatemicrometeoroidimpacts.Althoughit sequence of the lower S/N ratio, we believe it to be a real isdifficulttoobtainagoodmatchovertheentirewavelength feature of thespectrum. interval covered by our spectra, by restricting ourselves to thevisiblepart.andthesimplespaceweatheringmodel,we 2 TheobservedcoincidencebetweentheSa spectrumandthatof find that our best match (red lines) fits the visible part of Eurekais not accidental; this asteroid isone of onlytwo objects ourspectraquitewell,particularlytheminorabsorptionfea- whosespectradefinethistaxonomicclass turesaround0.63and0.8µm.Progressingfurtheralongthis MNRAS000,1–7(2017) The composition of Mars Trojan asteroids 5 10 exposures, acquired in I, R, and V filters with FoReRo2 atBNAO.Assomeimageswereofinferiorquality,onlyeight exposuresineachfilterwereused,fromwhichaveragevalues were computed. Because of the faintness of the asteroid target, we used relatively long exposures of 300s. This resulted in a duty cycle of 318s and extended the observing run to 3h. On 2016 January 8 we carried out photometric ob- servations of (385250) 2001 DH47. A rotation period of P≈4.0±0.8handapeak-to-peakamplitudeof0.6magwere derived (Borisov et al. 2016). The asteroid light variation could potentially introduce systematic effects in the colour indices. We used those parameters to understand the effect of the asteroid lightcurves in determining the colour indices obtained from the Rozhen data. Due to the relatively high Figure3.Reflectancespectrumofasteroid(385250)2001DH47 uncertainty in the rotation period P and a long time in- (black linewith points) compared withtwo olivinespectra from relab(greendashedline)andthesamespectradividedbyaslope terval between the January 8 and February 6 observations, tosimulatespace-weathering(redline). wecouldnotdetermineaccuraterotation phasesforourex- posures. In addition, the January 8 observations were per- formed at the solar phase angle of 30.◦4, while on February 6thephaseanglewas8.◦2.Assumingtheclassicamplitude– phaserelationship withm=0.02magdeg−1 (Guti´errez et al. 2006), we estimated the lightcurve amplitude of (385250) 2001 DH47on February 6 to be0.4mag. A simulated lightcurve of (385250) 2001 DH47, with a simplesinusoidalshape,rotationperiodP=4h,andpeak-to- peakamplitude A=0.4mag, ispresentedin Fig.5,with the relative times of the I, R, and V exposures superimposed on the lightcurve. The rotation phase of the first point is arbitrary, but the intervals between consecutive points re- flect the actual timings of the exposures. In this model, the average brightness in the I, R, and V filters would be 0.084,−0.080, and 0.102, respectively, and thecolour indices would be (V−I)=0.018mag, (V−R)=0.183mag. In reality, the rotation phase of the first point of the observing se- quence is unknown, so we repeated the computations with Figure 4. Reflectance spectrum of the asteroid (311999) 2007 phase shifts from 0.02 to 1 in steps of 0.025. Also, for each NS2 (black line with points) compared with two olivine spectra fromrelab(greendashedline)andthesamespectradividedby phase shift, we computed colour indices while changing the aslopetosimulatespace-weathering(redline). rotation period from 3.2h to 4.8h, in steps of 0.1h. In this way, we obtain 39×17=663 pairs of colour indices (V−I), and(V−R),whichallowedustoestimatethesystematicun- lineofinvestigationprobablyrequiresamorerefinedmodel certainty of the colour indices computed from the Rozhen ofspace-weatheringeffects,whichisbeyondthescopeofthis observationsdueto asteroid brightness variation. paper. To estimate the statistical uncertainties resulting from the random scatter of the measurements we used formal sigma valuesgiven by thedaophot package for each single 4.2 VRI Photometry V,R,Iinstrumentalmagnitude.Thesewerethenpropagated Visiblecolourphotometrycanbeusedasaconsistencycheck to final estimates of the (V−I) and (V−R) colours, result- andalsotoeliminatecandidatespectroscopicclasses.Itsad- ing in sigma values of 0.05 and 0.04mag, respectively. The vantage is that it is generally applicable to fainter objects former is slightly greater than the latter due to the greater than spectroscopy. On the other hand, unambiguous tax- noise of theI-filtermeasurements. onomic classification and mineralogical interpretation typi- Fig. 6 presents the (V−R) and (V−I) colour indices callyrequiresdetailedknowledgeofthereflectanceasafunc- of (385250) 2001 DH47, compared with the average colours tion of wavelength as well as extending observations into of all taxonomic classes in the Tholen (1984) classification theIR.Ourpurposehereistoidentify,throughdirectmea- scheme as given in Dandyet al. (2003) as well as the Sa surements,thedomainthatEureka,itsfamilymembersand andSr classesintheBus & Binzel(2002)classification.The asteroids of a similar mineralogical composition occupy in systematicuncertaintydueto thelightcurveisshown asan colour space with a view to possible future observations of ellipse.Therandommeasurementuncertaintiesofthecolour thefainter Eurekafamily asteroids. indices are represented bytheerror bars. The (V−R) and (V−I) colour indices for one of theob- Sa and Sr classes in the Bus & Binzel (2002) taxon- jects,(385250)2001DH47,werederivedfromthreeseriesof omy – distinct from the classes of the same name in the MNRAS000,1–7(2017) 6 G. Borisov et al. Figure5.Asimulatedlightcurveof(385250)2001DH47withan assumedsinusoidalbrightnessvariation,rotationperiodof4hand apeak-to-peakamplitudeof0.4mag.Whiletherotationphaseof the first point is arbitrary, data intervals reflect actual times of theexposures intheI,R,andVfilters. DeMeo et al.(2009b)taxonomy–areintermediatebetween Figure 6. (V−R)/(V−I) colour diagram of the Eureka family S and A, and S and R, respectively. The visible (0.44– member (385250) 2001 DH47 as well as A-class asteroids (289) 0.92µm) spectra that define these classes have a very steep Nenettaand(3819)Robinson,versusmeancoloursofthedifferent ultraviolet slope shortward of 0.7µm. The 1µm absorp- taxonomicclassesdiscussedinthetext.Thethreeellipsesshown tion feature while deep and clearly visible in Sr, is shallow intheplotrepresentthesystematicuncertaintyinthecoloursof and not well defined in Sa, which shows that it might be (385250)2001DH47duetothelightcurveeffect.Theseareshown shifted above 1µm and can be associated with a presence fortherotationperiodsolution(P=4h;greenline),aswellasfor of olivine. To compute colours representing the Sa and Sr two extreme cases: P=3.2h (blue dotted line) and P=4.8h (red classeswesearchedforasteroidsbelongingtothoseclassesin dashed line). If our measurements were free from the random error,ourestimatedcoloursforthisasteroidshouldbelocatedon theSMASSIIdatabase.SDSScoloursforfiveSa andthree one of the eclipses. Note that the random uncertainties (shown Sr objectsincludedintheSDSSdatabaseofmovingobjects byerrorbars)aresmallerthanthissystematiceffect. (EAR-A-I0035-5-SDSSTAX-V1.1;Carvano et al.2010)were convertedintotheVRIsystemusingthesameprocedureas for theACAM measurements. Trojan cloud – including the previously-observed Eureka – Our colours for the Main Belt asteroids (289) Nenetta exhibit properties that are best interpreted in terms of a and (3819) Robinson are included as well. Both of highsurfaceabundanceofolivine.Objectssharingthesame these asteroids have been mineralogically classified as property,taxonomically classified as members of the A and olivine-dominated [defined as S(I)-type in the Gaffey et al. Sa classes in the DeMeo et al. (2009b) taxonomy, are quite (1993) classification] based on their 0.5–2.5 µm spectra unusualamongtheasteroidpopulation.Asmentionedinthe (Sanchezet al.2014).Basedonvisible(0.44–0.92 µm)spec- Introduction, there are reasons to believe that olivine-rich traalone,Bus& Binzel(2002)classified(289)Nenettaasan bodies were common among planetesimals accreted in the A-typeasteroidand(3819)RobinsonasanSr-typeasteroid. innerregionsoftheSolarSystemduringtheearlyphasesof Interestingly, Eureka was also classified as Sr in their work. planetary formation. The current underabundance of such Our (V−R) colour of (3819) Robinson is lower than that of objectsmaywellindicatethatmostofthosethatwereorig- (289)Nenetta,consistentwiththesomewhatshallowerslope inally present have been lost – so called ”missing mantle shortward of the reflectance peak for that spectral class as problem”(DeMeo et al. 2015). If this interpretation is cor- compared totheA type. rect,thenitisinterestingthatwefindasmallgroupofthese Wethereforeconcludethatthecolourof(385250) 2001 bodiesin oneof theMars Trojan clouds. Duetothepartic- DH47, after taking into account rotation-related photomet- ular dynamical environment that ensures orbital stability ric effects, is consistent with the spectroscopic determina- over long time-scales, the Martian Trojan clouds are one of tion of its taxonomy. Taking into account the asteroids’ ro- the few places where one would expect to find samples of tational brightness changes will be important in our future thefirst generation of planetesimals accreted in thisregion. attempts to constrain the taxonomic class through colour Inotherwords,theseasteroidsmightwellbesamplesofthe photometry. original building blocks that came together to form Mars and of the other terrestrial planets. The common fate of thesebodieselsewhereseemstohavebeenanearlycomplete removal, possibly the result of intense collisional evolution 5 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS (Burbineet al. 1996; Chapman 1997; Sanchezet al. 2014). Our spectroscopic and spectro-photometric data confirm It is also possible that the dynamical excitation of plan- that three members of the Eureka family in the L5 Mars etesimals in the current main belt during an early phase of MNRAS000,1–7(2017) The composition of Mars Trojan asteroids 7 migration of the giant planets (Walsh et al. 2011, 2012) is REFERENCES implicated in thedisappearance of theseobjects. Borisov G., Christou A., Unda-Sanzana E., 2016, Minor Planet The fact that these olivine-rich asteroids belong to a Bulletin,43,216 group (the Eureka family) of objects that may share a Burbine T. H., Meibom A., Binzel R. P., 1996, common origin is also interesting. 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The IRTF is operated by the University of Hawaii under Cooperative Agreement no.NCC5-538withtheNationalAeronauticsandSpaceAd- ministration, Office of Space Science, Planetary Astronomy Program.TheMITcomponentofthisworkissupportedby NASA grant 09-NEOO009-0001, and by the National Sci- enceFoundation underGrantsNos. 0506716 and 0907766. MNRAS000,1–7(2017)